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Paul Mason for Stretford and Urmston

I'm a journalist, lifelong Labour activist and NUJ member - and I’m
asking for your support to become Stretford and Urmston CLP’s
candidate in the next election.

MY LABOUR STORY: I was born in Leigh, to a SOCIAL JUSTICE: I will focus on the policies I
family that had been weavers and miners for fought for alongside Keir Starmer in his
generations. The post-war Labour governments leadership campaign - including
allowed my parents to dream of a better future Repeal the Trade Union Act.
for their children, and make it happen. Today I Abolish Universal Credit and the cruel
want to revive that Labour dream for millions of sanctions regime.
people who’ve been told that nothing can ever Scrap student tuition fees.
change End the detention and deportation of asylum
seekers. (See my Facebook page for more
REAL CHANGE: The next election will be
critical. We don't just need to win. We have to GREEN NEW DEAL: I’ll campaign for a Green
inspire people to make big changes New Deal, so that Labour's £28 billion a year
Raise real wages to match the soaring cost of investment plan delivers well-paid jobs and
living; cheaper energy to people in the North West. To
Devolve power, to give people control over achieve zero net carbon within a decade we
the decisions that affect their lives; need public ownership of the energy system
Create millions of good, green jobs as we
decarbonise the energy system to save the QUALITY OF LIFE: I’ll lead a determined ght
plane against the crime, high housing costs and rip-off
Shut down offshore tax havens, netting tens transport prices that blight the lives of working
of billions a year to spend on schools, class communities. I'll ght for local democratic
healthcare, councils, policing and our armed control over the big development projects
force planned along the Manchester Ship Canal
Repair the damage to our trade, industry and
national security caused by the Tories’ hard FIGHT RACISM: From the Anti-Nazi League in
Brexit the 1970s to Black Lives Matter today, I’ve
always stood alongside the struggles of black,
STORY OF HOPE: I've spent my life reporting Asian and minority ethnic people. I want to
the struggles of people ghting injustice: from restore Freedom of Movement with the EU, a
slum-dwellers in Manila, to workers in China’s fair migration system, an end to the detention
sweatshops, to people in Leigh where I grew up. and deportation of refugees
What I learned is: you only start winning when
you tell people a story of hope STRONG ON DEFENCE: I want the UK to build
the strongest possible ties with our NATO allies.
TAKE CONTROL: The problem facing Britain? I’ve worked with Labour’s shadow defence team
Working people can't earn enough money to live during the Ukraine crisis, where our party has
a decent life, and don't have enough power to been ahead of the Tories and got the big calls
make things better - while, for the rich, the right. Unshakeable solidarity with our
avenues to prosperity, security and respect are democratic allies, and support for our armed
always open. Our aim is to deliver prosperity, force are Labour traditions to be proud of
security and respect for all
WHAT NEXT?: Please ask your branch, union
ACTIVIST MOVEMENT: Our party exists to or af liated society to nominate me. And get in
bring about a fundamental and irreversible shift touch
in wealth and power to working people. To get
there we're going to need a mobilised trade FIND OUT MORE
union movement, grassroots community Email: Submitted to CL
organising and a united Labour Party. As your WhatsApp: Submitted to CL
candidate, I will use my organising and Twitter: @paulmasonnew
communications skills to make this happen Facebook:





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