720.2020.SF - III Dt.05.07.2021

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Rc. No. 7201202015E-lll O/o the Prl. Chief Gonservator of Forests

Dated: 05.07.2021 Aranya Bhavan, HYDERABAD
Smt. R. Sobha,IFS,
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
& Head of Forest Force,
Sub: TSFD - Maintenance of Urban Forest Parks APO 2021-22-
Information called for - Regarding.

Ref: l) G.O. Rt. No. 107, EFS&T (For.l) Dept., Dt.02.09.2020

2) G.O.Ms.No. 8, EFS&T (For.ll) Dept., Dt.02.08.2014

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It is to inform that, Government vide reference l't cited have constituted a Urban Forest
Park Management Committee as follows -
Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests & HoFF. Chairperson
TS, Hyderabad
PCCF / APCCF / CCF dealing with the Member Convenor
subiect of Urban Forest Parks
PCCF/APCCF/CCF dealing with CAMPA, Members
FCA, Working Plan
Concerned Conservator of Forests Member

The said committee is supposed to discharge the following functions duly following
guidelines already issued vide reference 2nd cited -
i) Approve annual action plan for the maintenance of the parks.
ii) Monitor the functioning of the parks and issue instructions to ensure smooth
management of the parks.
iii) Carryout any other responsibility as delegated to it for the betterment of the parks.
ir) Place all policy issues before the Governing board of ZAPAT and submit progress
repofts regularly.
In view of the above the District Forest Officers/ Forest Divisional Officers are
requested to submit the Annual Plan of Operation (APO) for maintenance of urban parks fbr the
year 2021-22 in lhe Annexure - I & II as detailed below for each park separately .

Annexure - I ( APO for Maintenance of Urban Forest Parks for the year 2021-22\
Circle: Division:
District Name of the park & RF Block:
Unit APO2021 -22
S.No. Name of the component Cost Financial (Rs. in
(Rs.) Lakhs)
1 2 J 4 5

. Name of the Bank : Account No:

Annexure - II - Details of Funds available and Anticipated Revenue for Maintenance of Urban
Forest Parks During the year 2021-22
Rs. in Lakhs
Amount Expected
available in Anticipated
Name of the concerned Revenue
S.No. Circle District Division proposed for
the park Bank account during the
APO 2021-
as on year 2027-
31.03.2021 22
1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8


The Annual Plan of Operation (APO) should contain all the items for the maintenance
and upkeeping of the Urban Forest Parks and the expenditure shall be met from the revenue
generated by the parks through Gate fee, cycling, walking, adventurous sports and other
activities taken up inside the parks. The items proposed must be in accordance with the revenue
expected for that particular year.

Prl. Chief Conservator of Forests
& Head of Forest Force
All the District Forest Officers & Forest Divisional Officers in the state.
Copy to all the Circle Heads for information and necessary action in the matter.


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