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Tutorial Problem Sheet 1

1. A transmission line has the following per unit length parameters: L = 0.2 µH/m, C = 300 pF/m, R = 5Ω/m and G = 0.01 S/m.
Calculate the propagation constant and the characteristic impedance of this line at 500 MHz. Recalculate these quantities in the
absence of loss.
2. A voltage wave at 1 GHz is travelling on a transmission line in +x direction. The primary constants of the line are R = 0.5 Ω/m,
L = 0.2 µH/m, G = 0.1 S/m, C = 100pF/m. The wave has 30̊ phase at t=0 and x=0. Find the phase of the wave at x=50 cm and
3. For the wave in Prob. 2, calculate the attenuation and phase constants. If the voltage of the forward travelling wave at t=0 and
x=0 is 8.66 V, find the voltage at x=1m at time t=100nsec. What is the peak voltage at x=1m.
4. A lossless transmission line of electrical length l = 0.3λ is terminated with a complex load impedance as shown below. Find the
reflection coefficient at the load, the SWR on the line and reflection coefficient at the input of the line. Also find out the input
impedance of the line.

5. A lossless transmission line is terminated with a 100 Ω load. If the SWR on the line is 1.5, find the two possible values of the
characteristic impedance of the line.
6. At some location on a transmission line, the impedance is 100+j75 Ω. Find the impedance at 50 cm on either side of this location.
The transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω and γ=0.1+j20/m.
7. Let ZSC be the input impedance of a length of coaxial line when one end is short circuited and let ZOC be the input impedance of
the line when one end is open circuited. Derive an expression for the characteristic impedance of the cable in terms of ZSC and
8. A radio transmitter is connected to an antenna having impedance 80+j40 Ω with a 50 Ω coaxial cable. If the 50 Ω transmitter can
deliver 30 W when connected to a 50 Ω load, how much power is delivered to the antenna?
9. A 75 Ω coaxial transmission line has a length of 2 cm and is terminated with a load impedance of 37.5+j75 Ω. If the dielectric
constant of the line is 2.56 and the frequency of operation is 3 GHz, find the input impedance to the line, the reflection
coefficient at the load, the reflection coefficient at the input and the SWR on the line.
10. A lossless transmission line has 75 Ω characteristic impedance. The line is terminated in a load impedance of 50-j100 Ω. The
maximum voltage measured on the line is 100 V. Find the maximum and minimum current, and the minimum voltage on the
line. At what distance from the load the voltage and current are maximum?
11. A voltage source with Vg = 15V rms, Zg = 75 Ω is connected to a two wire transmission line having characteristic impedance of
75 Ω. The transmission line is terminated with a load ZL=60-j40 Ω and the length of the line is l=0.7λ. Compute the power
delivered to the load.
12. Consider the transmission line circuit shown below. Compute the incident power, the reflected power and power transmitted
into the infinite 75 Ω line. Show that the power conservation is satisfied.

13. Use the smith chart to find out the following quantities for the transmission line circuit shown below.
(a) The SWR on the line
(b) The reflection coefficient at the load
(c) The load admittance
(d) The input impedance of the line
(e) The distance from the load to first voltage maximum
(f) The distance from the load to first voltage minimum

14. Repeat the problem 15 for ZL=40-j30 Ω.

15. A slotted line experiment is performed with the following results: distance between successive minima =2.1 cm, distance of first
voltage minimum from the load =0.9 cm, SWR on the line = 2.5. If Z0=50 Ω, find the load impedance using Smith chart.
16. A load impedance ZL=100+j80 Ω is to be matched to a 75 Ω line using a single shunt stub tuner. Find two solutions using open
circuited stubs. Repeat the same problem using short circuited stubs. (Use Smith Chart)
17. Design a double stub tuner with short circuited stubs and a 3λ/8 spacing to match a normalized load admittance yl=0.4+j1.2.
(Use Smith Chart)

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