Percentage: 100% 1 50% 25% Similarly, 12.5% 33 % 66 % 16 % 75% 33 66 133 166

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Per-cent: Representation of a quality or quantity with respect to one hundred.

Anything individual can be 100%.

If a group of things considered as one unit, then it can be 100%.
When comparison takes place, base or reference can be 100%.

100 1 1 100 = 33 1
100% → =1 33 % =
100 3 3 3 3

50 1 2 2 200 = 66 2
50% → = 66 % =
100 2 3 3 3 3

25 1 2 1 400 = 133 1
25% → = 16 % =
100 4 3 6 3 3
Similarly, 3 500 = 166 2
75% =
4 3 3
12.5% →

** A% of B = B % of A is always true

1. 3.2% of 200 + 2.4% of 150 =?

a) 6 b) 10 c) 12 d) 8

2. 24 is what percent of 300?

a) 10% b) 7% c) 4% d) 8%

3. What percent of a kg is 180 grams?

a) 14% b) 12% c) 18% d) 36%

4. What is 25% of 30% of 800?

a) 40 b) 70 c) 80 d) 60

5. If 40% of P is 150, then 120% of P is?

a) 450 b) 360 c) 400 d) 500

6. In a school 54% of students are boys. If there are 92 girls in that school, find the total number of
a) 200 b) 300 c) 100 d) 400

7. 1200 is how much percent greater than that of 900?

a) 25% b) 30% c) 50% d) 33.33%

8. 900 is how much percent less than that of 1200?

a) 25% b) 30% c) 50% d) 52%

9. Two numbers are respectively 60% and 20% more than that of third number. Second number is what
percent of first number?
a) 47% b) 50% c) 25% d) 75%

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10. Two numbers are 40% and 50% less than that of third number respectively. By how much percent is
second number less than that of the first number?
2 2 1 2
a) 16 % b) 13 % c) 33 % d) 66 %
3 3 3 3

11. The number which exceeds 16% of it by 42 is?

a) 50 b) 40 c) 60 d) 45

12. If 15% of 40 is greater than 25% of a number by 2, then unknown number is?
a) 10 b) 14 c) 16 d) 12

13. If 240 is 20% of a number, then what percent of 240 is that number?
a) 500% b) 400% c) 300% d) 200%

14. If 75% of a number is added to 75, the result is number itself, find the 150% of the number?
a) 435 b) 450 c) 360 d) 410

15. When 25% of a number is subtracted from a second number, second number reduces to its five-sixth.
What is the ratio of the first number to the second number?
a) 2:3 b) 5:7 c) 3:5 d) 1:3

16. A water pipe is cut into two pieces. The longer pipe is 70% of the length of the original pipe. By how
much percent the longer pipe is longer than the shorter pipe?
2 1 1 2
a) 16 % b) 33 % c) 133 % d) 66 %
3 3 3 3

17. A's salary is 20% less than the B's salary. How much percent is B's salary greater than that of the A?
a) 60% b) 50% c) 30% d) 25%

18. Lakshmi spends 25% of her monthly income on household expenses the annual income is ₹4.32 lakhs.
What is the total amount that spends by Lakshmi on house hold expenses in 8 months together?
a) ₹68,000 b) ₹72,000 c) ₹80,000 d) ₹76,000

19. The salary of an employee is increasing every month by 4%. If his salary in the month of August was
₹6300. Then what would be the approximate salary of the employee in the month of October in the same
a) ₹6924 b) ₹6814 c) ₹6722 d) ₹5432

20. In an exam 25% students are failed in history and 20% students are failed in geography. If 5% students
are failed in both the subjects then find the percentage of students who passed in both the subjects?
a) 60% b) 30% c) 40% d) 50%

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Profit and Loss
Cost price: The investment
Selling price: The return
Marked price: Initial fixed price
Discount: The reduction on MP
Profit: The extra value than CP in SP
Lose: The lesser value than CP in SP

Profit or Lose can be observed with difference of CP and SP

If CP of two articles is same, one sold at x% profit and another sold at x% loss, in overall
there is no profit or lose.
If SP of two articles is same one sold at x% profit and another sold at x% loss, there will be
always loss = ( )x 2

1. A shop keeper bought an article for ₹400 and sold it for ₹500. Find his profit percentage?
a) 40% b) 30% c) 25% d) 50%

2. A shopkeeper bought foxtail millet at ₹50/kg and sold at ₹150 per 2kg. Find his profit percent?
a) 30% b) 25% c) 40% d) 50%

3. A farmer bought cono weeder for ₹1800 and spends ₹200 on its repair. After that he sold it for ₹1800.
Find His gain or lose percent?
a) 10% loss b) 12% profit c) 8% loss d) 5% loss

4. 3 toys are sold at cost price of 4 toys. Find the gain or loss percent?
a) 16⅔ % loss b) 133⅓% gain c) 66⅔% gain d) 33⅓% gain

5. A trade man marked is good 10% above its cost price. If he allows 10% discount on marked price, what
will be the result?
a) 1% loss b) 2% profit c) 5% profit d) 5% profit

6. A person sold an article for ₹3600 and got profit 20%. Had he sold article for ₹3150. How much % profit
would he have got?
a) 3% b) 4% c) 6% d) 5%

7. By selling a radio at ₹850 a man lost 15%. What percent shall he gain if it were sold for ₹1040?
a) 8% b) 4% c) 3% d) 5%

8. A man bought 20 dozen of eggs for ₹720. What should be the selling price of each egg, if he wants profit
of 20%?
a) 3.6 b) 4.2 c) 3 d) 3.2

9. 7 oranges were bought for ₹3. At what rate per 100 must sold for the profit of 33%?
a) 57 b) 46 c) 51 d) 60

10. A shop keeper sold eggs at 20 per a rupee and gained 30%. How many eggs did he bought for a rupee?
a) 26 b) 23 c) 32 d) 40

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11. The difference between cost price and selling price is ₹240. If the profit is 20% find the selling price?
a) 1300 b) 1080 c) 1440 d) 1270

12. A man sold an article for ₹322, gained of investment. Find cost price of article?
a) 243 b) 276 c) 266 d) 316

13. The cost price of an item is of its selling price. What is the gain or loss percentage?
a) 20% loss b) 10% gain c) 50% gain d) 40% gain

14. The profit earned after selling a dress for ₹2033 is same as the loss incurred after selling the same dress
for ₹1063. Find cost price?
a) ₹1624 b) ₹1548 c) ₹1504 d) ₹1600

15. A sold a watch to B at 40% profit, B sold it to C at a loss of 20%. If C bought the watch for ₹784, at what
price did A purchased it?
a) ₹800 b) ₹700 c) ₹600 d) ₹640

16. By selling an umbrella at marked price of ₹30 a man gained 20%. If man allows a discount of 10%, what
will be the result?
a) 8% profit b) 10% profit c) 12% profit d) 4% loss

17. The cost of a packet of coffee powder and a liter of milk is ₹20 and ₹30 respectively. 10 cups of coffee
can made with one packet of coffee powder and for each cup 200ml of milk is required. If coffee sold at
25% profit, find the selling price of each cup of coffee?
a) ₹10 b) ₹15 c) ₹20 d) ₹40

18. A person purchased two articles each at ₹1200 and sold one at 5% loss and another at 10% profit. Find
his net gain or loss percent?
a) 2.5% gain b) 5% gain c) 10% gain d) 7% loss

19. A man purchased an article for ₹7500 and sold it for 24% profit, with that amount he purchased
another article and sold that at 20% loss. Find his net gain or loss percent?
a) 0.8% loss b) 0.8% profit c) 1.6% profit d) 1.6% loss

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Ratio and Proportion
Ratio: Comparison of two or more qualities or quantities.

Proportion: Equality of two or more ratios.     

Type-1 Type-2

= =
A-1st proportion A-1st proportion
B-2nd proportion B-2nd proportion / Mean proportion
C-3rd proportion C-3rd proportion
D-4th proportion

m- Initial quantity

[ ]
R R-Replacing quantity
* Remaining Quantity of initial liquid = m 1− ;
m n- Number of times done

1. A:B= 2:5; B:C= 3:4; A: B: C = ?

a) 4:7:11 b) 15:20:31 c) 8:16:21 d) 6:15:20

2. A:B = 4:5; B:C = 3:4; C:D = 1:3; A:B:C:D=?

a) 60:12:15:20 b) 12:15: 20:60 c) 15:8:7:12 d) 4:5:6:9

3. 2A = 3B = 4C; A:B:C=?
a) 4:3:2 b) 6:4:3 c) 1:2:3 d) 5:4:3

1 1 1
4. A = ; B = ; C= ; A:B:C=?
4 6 8
a) 10:9:5 b) 2:4: 7 c) 6:9:13 d) 6:4:3

5. A: B= 2:5; B: C= 10:3; C:D = 6:5; A:D=?

a) 8:5 b) 6:5 c) 7:9 d) 4:9

3 3
6. x:y= 3:1; x -y³ : x³+ y = ?
a) 17:15 b) 12:7 c) 4:7 d) 13:14

2 1 2 5 7 3
7. a:b = : ; b:c= : ; d:c= : ; a:b:c:d=?
9 3 7 14 10 5
a) 110:53:12:91 b) 49:72:84:63 c) 15:30:45:61 d) 16:24:30:35

8. A: B: C = 2:3:4; : : =?
a) 4:12:15 b) 13:12:20 c)8:9:24 d)6:10:21

9. 4 3.5:25 = ?
a) 4:1 b) 2:1 c) 1:2 d) 1:4

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10. X:Y=2:3 ; 2:X=4:8 ; Y=?
a) 8 b) 6 c) 4 d) 9

11. ₹94 is dividing among two persons such that the 5th part of first person and 8th part of second person
are in the ratio 3:4. Find the first person share?
a) ₹30 b) ₹40 c) ₹50 d) ₹60

12. In a school, the ratio of boys and girls is 4:5. When 100 girls leave the school, the ratio becomes 6:7.
How many boys are there in the school?
a) 1000 b) 900 c) 960 d) 1200

13. Among 132 examinees, the ratio of pass to fail is 9:2. Had 4 more Students passed, then the ratio of
pass to fail will be?
a) 20:7 b) 14:9 c) 30:11 d) 28:5

14. The ratio of number of boys and girls is 7:5 and total students are 720 in a school. How many more girls
should be admitted to make the ratio 1:1?
a) 60 b) 120 c) 90 d) 80

15. In a school the ratio of boys to girls is 4:3 and ratio of girls to teacher is 8:1. Find the ratio of students to
a) 48:9 b) 72:7 c) 56:3 d) 63:22

16. Find the 4th proportion to 3, 12 and 4?

a) 24 b) 16 c) 18 d) 10

17. Find the third proportion to 16 and 4?

a) 5 b) 4 c) 1 d) 2

18. Find the mean proportion to 25 and 36?

a) 30 b) 50 c) 40 d) 20

19. What should be subtracted from 15, 28, 20 and 38 so that obtained numbers may be in proportion?
a) 6 b) 2 c) 8 d) 4

20. If three numbers are in the ratio 3:2:5 and sum of their squares is equal to 1862, then find the middle
a) 15 b) 16 c) 17 d) 14

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Profit = Investment x Time

Sleeping Partner :
Investment √
working ×
Active Partner:

1. A and B invested ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 in a business. Find the share of B in the annual profit of ₹84000?
a) ₹40,000 b) ₹52.000 c) ₹60,000 d) ₹71,000

2. A, B and C invested ₹25,000, ₹50,000 and ₹75,000 respectively. Annual profit is ₹30,000. Find the share
of C that exceeds A?
a) ₹10,000 b) ₹12,000 c) ₹15,000 d) ₹18,000

3. X, Y and Z are three partners in a business. X invested ₹7000 for 10 months and Y invested ₹5000 for 8
months and Z invested ₹9000 for 5 months. What is the share of Y in the annual profit of ₹24,800?
a) ₹5200 b) ₹4800 c) ₹6,400 d) ₹7100

4. M and N are Partners in a business with ₹10,000 and ₹25,000 investment. After 4 months M invested
₹5,000 more and N withdraws ₹10,000. Find the share of M in the annual profit of ₹95,000?
a) ₹36,000 b) ₹48,000 c) ₹52000 d) ₹40000

5. A invested ₹45,000 for one year. How much B should invest so that profits after one year may be
distributed in the ratio 3:4?
a) ₹36000 b) ₹50000 c) ₹60000 d) ₹40000

2 7
6. of Aakanksa's investment is equal to Bhanu's investment and of Bhanu’s investment is equal to
5 9
chandu's investment. Sum of investments of all of them is ₹770000. Find Bhanu's investment?
a) ₹1,20,000 b) ₹1,44,000 c) ₹2,00,000 d) ₹1,80,000

7. A and B are entered into a partnership with ₹25000and ₹45000. B was sleeping partner. At the end of
year they receive ₹25000 and ₹18000 respectively from their profit. Find the monthly salary of A?
a) ₹1200 b) ₹1250 c) ₹960 d) ₹1000

8. B is a sleeping partner, A working. A invested ₹15,000 and B invested ₹20,000. A received 20% of the
profit for maintenance and rest is divide in their investment ratio. Find the share of A in ₹7000?
a) ₹3800 b) ₹3000 c) ₹4200 d) ₹4600

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9. A and B investment ratio in a business is 4:7 and their annual profits are in the ratio 1:2. If A invested for
7 months, B invested for?
a) 8 months b) 4 months c) 6 months d) 12 months

 The age difference between two persons never changes with respect to time.
 Average =
∑ of observation => Sum of observations = Average × number of observation
number of observations

1. The sum of ages of P and Q is 80 years. If the ratio of their ages is 9:7, find Q‘s age ?
a) 42 years b) 48 years c) 35 years d) 28 years

2. Three years ago the average age of A, B and C is 33 years. Present their ages are in the ratio 2:3:4. Find
the age of C at present?
a)56 years b) 42 years c) 36 years d) 48 years

3. A boy age after 15 years will be 5 times his age 5 years back. Find his present age?
a) 15 Years b) 18years c) 20 years d) 10 years

4. Sum of present ages of M and N is 100 years. 18 years ago the ratio of their ages was 3:5. Find the
present age of M?
a) 42 years b) 30 years c) 56 years d) 34 years

5. 8 years hence the ratio of ages of x and y will be 7:9. Sum of their present ages is 80 years. Find the age
of x after 15 years?
a) 49 years b) 58 years c) 40 years d) 38 years

6. The ratio of ages of two persons is 3:5. The difference between their ages is 24 years. Find the ratio of
their ages after 5 years?
a) 34:51 b) 41:65 c) 32:73 d) 41:67

7. The present ages of Chintu and Bantu is differs by 15 years. 8years ago Chintu was 4 times the age of
Bantu at that time. Find the present age of Chintu?
a) 28 years b) 20 years c) 18 years d) 34 years

8. The ratio of ages of A and B is 2:5, after 8 years their ages will be 3:7. Find the difference between their
a) 82 years b) 106 years c) 96 years d) 86 years

9. A man’s age is such that, 250% of what it was 8 years ago and 150% of what it will be after 8 years what
is his present age?
a) 32 years b) 41 years c) 48 years d) 26 years

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10. The ratio of A and B ages was 1:3 8 years ago. In 8 years their ages ratio will be 3:7. Find the present
age of A?
a) 40 years b) 32 years c) 16 years d) 48 years

11. The ratio of ages of A and B is 4:7. After 5 years B will be at the age of 33 years. What is A’s present
a) 20 years b) 32 years c) 16 years d) 48 years

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