Dilg Reports Resources 2017324 - 8733c1d501

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FLOW CHART — RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROMOTION PROCESS PROCEDURE TITLE | Recruitment, Selection and Promotion (RSP) for 1" and 2” Level Personnel “This process starts from the receipt and evaluation of personnel Requisition Form (PRF) to posting aoe ‘of the lst of newly hired/ promoted employees. “To define the process of Recruitment, Selection end Promotion (RSP) for 1* and 2° Level Personnel except for confidential postions (co-terminus) and to hire and/or promote the most qualified and ore competent candidate for the position; and ‘To establish a customized Recruitment, Selection ané Placement procedures. step. Nc? | Responsible Personnel | PROCESS/ACTIVITY Details References 1 | (ANIA. APOSTOL Receive request for |» Prepare and post natice of |» Notice of Vacancy posting and communicate | vacancy thru + Letter-Request the vacancy for Web-Posting 2, Web posting on DILG Spe Raieen websitefor aperiodof |. Memorandum to | ten (10) days thru na Letter-request to the information ystems and Technology Management Service {1STMS) to be signed by the AS-PO Head; . Paper posting in three | (3) conspicuous places in the office for a period cof ten{10} days; and Memorandum to Regional Offices (ROs) if requested by concerned S5B/office. ‘applications. 2 | REVLBARRIENTOS | Receive job applications | Rec PD RECEIVING CLERK Check completeness of job application requirements. ‘+ Forward job application requirements to PD Action Officer for initial review. + Ifthere are no received applications recommunicate the vacanoy (Step 2) Z 3 | WAZELE,BELAMIDE | Intlalreviewofjo | » Perform initial review onjob | + Job Application (SPB SSECRETARIAT applications application requirements ensuringthat the QS ismet, | + Position and that the position applied | Description forisstil vacant. ual (09) Form (Poa. + Hasismet, prepare {S-P0-01}; and/or Indorsement Letter signed | CSC-approved a by AS-PO Head and forward | Menval to concerned Sub-Selection FLOW CHART — RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROMOTION PROCESS Sie? | Responsible Personnel | PROCESS/ACTIVITY Details References | Board 558) together with» Indorsement the Application Documents. | Letter and Application + Hasisnot met, sendregret | Oocuments letter tothe aplicant/s + Regret Letterto applicant, if 05 _| _notmet | @ | SSBSECRETARIAT OF | Receive and evalustejob | + Validate the folowing + Sub-Selection CONCERNED applications Information Boord Validation oFFice/uNIT a. Educational records; and Evaluation |b. Employment records; Form|FM-QP-AS- Proof of Eigiblity (eg P0.01-06) Centticatesficenses, | « Postion etch | Relevac trainings Description Qualification + Evaluate applicant against | (PDO) Form (POG the OS and Functional 5-70-01] and/or Requirements using the Gwil Service Position Description and Commission Quaiification (PDQ) and/or | (CSCHapproved Ci Service Commission 5 Manual (€5C}approved 5 Marval + POE Request +H a5 and Functional Form [FM-OP-AS Requirements are met and | 70-01-07] information are validated “correc, indorse quaified | 4 gegret letter or applicants ttake POE (for |” eerie applicants who aid not take POE yet + Ese, inform applicants that they did not meet minimum requirements of the postion by letter, copy furished the £5.20 Head; or by eral, copy furnished 139.digco@yahoo.com, + applicant, already took and | passed the Pre-Qualitying | Examination (POE) within the valisity period, proceed to Step, 3 | RRISTINAB. LABORTE | Conduct Pre Qualifying | * PD Action Officer Receive | Designated Department's Psychometrician/ Examiner Examination(PQE) Indorsementof qualified applicants to take POE. PQE Request from office/region concerned PAE Notification PQE Result Letter FLOW CHART — RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROMOTION PROCESS step ‘Nar | Responsible Personnel | PROCESS/ACTIVITY Details References = Accomplish POE ‘SSB SECRETARIAT OF Request/Confirmation Slip ‘CONCERNEDOFFICE/ providing information on the REGION/UNIT testing date, time, and venue to be noted by the PD Examiner and to be approved by AS-PD Head; and return the form to the requesting Office. ‘© S8B secretariat: Notify applicants of the testing date, time, and venue and record accordingly. ‘+ PD Examiner: Conduct POE pursuant to DILG Circular No 2011.17. * PD Examiner: Communicate the POE results to concerned office through a letter. © | SSBSECRETARIATOF | Notify applicants end | * Inform applicants who + SSB Interview CONCERNED qualified next in-rank passed the POE regarding Notification orriceuntt | personnel regarding S58 | the date, time, and venue of interview; and summarize | $SBinterview and record | « Notice of applicants’ OS accorcigly | interview to i Quelified Next In- «© Letallqualfied nestinrank | Rank Personnel personnel or applicants for promotion submit + Potential application documents; Assessment Form inform them ofthe date, time, and venue of the SSB | « ComparativeAsse interview through a notice of |” ssment Mati interview; and request the immediate supervisor ofthe applicant to accomplish the Potential Assessment Form. © Summarize qualified applicants’ qualifications as follows: a. Performance based on PPES/IPCR (for | promotion); | |b. Education; | | _ Experience; | a. Training: Potential for promotio FLOW CHART — RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROMOTION PROCESS ‘Ke | Responsible Personnel | PROCESS/ACTIVITY Details References 1 Oastanding Accomplishments (f any). 7 | SSBOF CONCERNED —|~Condctinteriew and | » Conduct panelintenvew and | © Interview OFFICE/REGION/UNIT deliberation deliberation ‘Assessment Form together with | appicaion | Documents + comparative Assessment Matric @| SSBSECRETARIAT OF | Consolidate nterview |» Include the Interview rests | » Interview CONCERNED results, conduct tothe comparative Assessment Form: orriceyunrt — | background information | Assessment Mates. check + comparatvensse + Prepare andindorse minutes | ssment Matric ofthe meeting, along wth | [FMP-AS-PO- short sted applicants on-12} (maximum of three (3) per poston) othe CSP + ssB minutes of the Meeting + conduct background andor Resolution information (B!) check for the recommended applicants. | » Background Information Form «submit $88 minutes ofthe ‘meeting and resolution | » CSPBInterview together withthe resuts of | Notification the Bl check to the Sheet secretariat of the CSPB. + confirminterview schedule with CSPB, and notify applicants 3 ore ‘Aesessthe overall |» Conduct ponelinervew. |» Interview competence ofthe Assessment Form applicants for selection | Review assessment |] together with submitted by the concerned | —_Appleation Regional/Bureau/Service | Documents ssrB. + SSB Minutes of + Select applicant forthe the Meeting postion anor Resolution + comparativensse ssmentMatix TO] WAZELE BELAMIDE | —Consolidote Inerview | + — Consolidate terview > Interview SPB SECRETARIAT results results. Assessment Form; FLOW CHART — RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROMOTION PROCESS ‘NP | Responsible Personnel | PROCESS/ACTIITY Details References Prepare andindorse minutes | + ComparativeAsse ofthe meeting an ist of ssmentMatix recommended applicants to fs. SPB Minutes of the Meeting and/or Resolution 3 | LAMIAAPOSTOL | Prepare appointments | » Prepare appointments based |» SPB Minutes of PD ACTION OFFICER on ¢SPB recommendations. | the Meeting and/or Resolution Transmit appointment papers for approval bythe | «CSC Appointment 2ppointing authority. Form[CSC Form No. 33 (Revised 1998))_ 12 | APPOINTING | Approve appotntments | » Sign andeturm SP8 Minutes of ‘AUTHORITY appointments backtoAS-PO | the Meetne/ for notiteaton of appointee. | Resolution, together with IFappointment isnot Comparativensse approved, return toAS-PO | ssmentMat with instructions/comments for appropriate action, CSC Appointment Form {€SC Form NOTE: Pursuant to se No. 33 (Reveed Resolution No. 051057, no | 1998) appointments sued nine(S) months from the CSC Resolution date of publication the aS- | "No. 051057 PD shal e-communicat the i Notice of Vacancy. aa | tania aPosro Receive approved Prepare Indorserenteter | » Indorserent PDACTION OFFICER | appointments and notify | signed byAS-PD Head and. | Letter, Approved appointee forward approved SC Appointment appointments toconcemed | Form {esc Form offices. No. 33 (Revised 1998); Chechse, SB SECRETARIAT OF Informappointeetoreportto | of Requirements CONCERNED head ofconcerned oficeto. | for Newly Hied/ orrice/unit receive appointment and Promoted/ checks of requirements for | Transferred newly hired promoted) Employees [FM transferred employees OF-05-70-0115) tf appointee declines RE LogsheetiFM- appointment the concerned |” ap-AS-P0:01-02] unit will submit a request for cancellation of appointment t0 AS-PD for appropriate action, FLOW CHART — RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROMOTION PROCESS Pe Rea | Sea ca pea 74 | APPOW TEE Tazumption to duty Tssume duty/repon to afce | » Oath of Office within they (20) days upon |” [CSC Form No 32] | issuance of appointment. Certicate of Take oath before ‘Assumption to appropriate administering | Duty author | checist of Submit equirements. Requirements for | Newly Hired | Promoted) Transferred Employees 15 | WANA. APOSTOL | Submitistof appointees | » Submit Repon of CSC Resolution PDACTIONOFFICER | toCSCforattestation |” Appointments issued (RA) |” No. 973681 to €5C onor before the 15th day ofthe succeeding month | « CSC Appointment with the folowing Processing attachments Checklist Form; 2.-Appointment Processing | with attachments Checklist Form; b. CSC Appointment Form; (SC Form No, 212(P05) Orin authentcatedCertficate sof Eighty, or other proof ofeigibity (ee, Certfiates, cence, etc) If appointment is invalidated, take appropriate ation, Ese, proceed othe nex step. 16 | VERONICAS For new employee, Orient new employee on Checklist of MACABATE/KRISTINA | conduc intial orientation | relevant personnel Requirements for 8, LABORTE Qn Personnel matters | transactions and services NewiyHired/ PO ACTION OFFICER Promoted) Transferred Employees 7 | EDMUND. | Post List of Newiy Hired] | » —Postist of newly hired] Ustof Newly MAGALLANES OR REY | Promoted Employees |” promoted employees in Hired Promotes 1 BARRIENTOS three (3) conspicuous places PD ACTION STAFE inthe office for at east fitteen (15) days, within thirty (30) days fom issuance of appointment. i¢ | EDMUND. Maintain Records Update the data bare ofthe MAGALLANES 201 fes FLOW CHART — RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PROMOTION PROCESS [ step No. Responsible Personnel | PROCESS/ACTIVITY Details References P02 Controlof Records Maintain records in > accordance with the Control ‘of Records procedure and the MasterList of Records. |e Master List of Records Legal References: DILG Circular No. 2014-01 dated 4 February 2014, titled Plan(MsPP)" DILG Circular No, 2011-17(Policy in the Conduct of PQE) CSC Resolution No. 051057 CSC Resolution No. 973681 Pony WAZEL E, BELAMIDE lee MACABATE “Enhanced Merit Selection and Promotion Tn ASEC. ESTER A. ALDANA, CESO i (CSPB SECRETARIAT ‘CSPB SECRETARIAT ‘Otc PERSONNEL DIVISION (CSPB CHAIRPERSON

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