Name:Carolina C. Gorres Year& Section: BSED - FIL - EVE - 1-4

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Name:Carolina C.

Gorres Year& Section: BSED_FIL_EVE_1-4

1. One definition of Special Education

Special Education is defined as an 'education designed to facilitate the learning of
individuals who, for a wide variety of reasons, require additional support and adaptive
pedagogical methods in order to participate and meet learning objectives in an
educational programme' (UIS-UNESCO, n.d.).
2. What does the acronym IDEA stands for and give short information
about it.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), is a federal law that supports
special education and related services programming for children and youth with
disabilities. It guarantees that all children with disabilities have access to a free,
adequate public education that meets their individual needs and prepares them for
learning abilities, occupation, and assisted living.
3. List down the 13 categories of disabilities that are served by IDEA.

1. Autism
2. Deaf-Blindness
3. Deafness
4. Emotional Disturbance
5. Hearing Impairments
6. Intellectual Disabilities
7. Multiple Disabilities
8. Orthopaedic Impairments
9. Other Health Impairments
10. Specific Learning Disabilities
11. Speech or Language Impairments
12. Traumatic Brain Injury
13. Visual Impairments Including Blindness

4. Share one experience when you encountered a person with a disability

(tell the type of disability) before you know about special education.
My first unforgettable experience about encountering person with a disability
before you know about special education was on my elementary years. She was living
in our neighbourhood, namely Maria and everyone tease her as “Maria Boang”. I
honesty embarrassed every time I saw her, like whenever I met her I immediately run
and make fun of her ugly messy face. I don’t have any idea what happen to her or why
she act that stupidity in front of many. I am not aware that she been through a lot and
the reason behind of her deeds. She has a mental illness due to the genetics reason or
an inheritance from her family.

5. Share one experience when you encountered a person with a disability

(tell the type of disability) after you know about special education.

I have a cousin who is a special child and high school classmate who have
orthopaedic impairments of his upper legs due to basketball injury. After I know about
special education, I learn to show them respect and I am already aware what’s going
on with them and how to let them feel that they are just like a normal human being. I let
them feel loved and respected. I treat them fairly, avoid expressing pity, and remain
calm if something went wrong.

6. Give your reflection on your 2 experiences shared. (5-10 sentences)

Reflecting on those experiences, being aware and knowing about special

education truly plays a vital role in our interaction and treatment of those individuals
who have disabilities. It gives enlightenments on how we should respond in their
situations in different aspects. I've known and continue to encounter incredibly special
people with a variety of disabilities as I aged and even today in my daily life. Before
knowing about special education I honestly say that I’m scared and uncomfortable
meeting someone who has special needs. I feel pity for them yet I don’t have any idea
how to sympathize without saying any words and what I did was run away from them.
On the other side, after being educated about it I am fully aware and I learn a lot about
how to treat them equally and show respect for their differences. Indeed, it taught me
to appreciate everyone I met, which came in handy when I met people who were
different from me, we are all made of the same skin and bones. We are all here for a

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