Specifications: Documentation Iii 1 Revision 2021

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DOCUMENTATION III 1st Revision 2021


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DOCUMENTATION III 1st Revision 2021

2. What is specification?

It is detailed description of an item and describes its features and


In civil engineering works, it is a detailed description of:

• materials to be used
• standards of workmanship to be maintained
• performance of works when completed
• method of testing to check compliance
• manner in which payment will be made

It amplifies the drawings and schedules of quantities and is therefore

read in conjunction with them.

2.1 General principles

Specifications should be:

• clear and without ambiguity

• complete – fully descriptive of all requirements
• arranged in the logical order of carrying out of work
• fair and reasonable
• Understating requirements and expecting more on the job is
unfair and dishonest.
• Overstating requirements leads to unnecessarily high tendered
• as brief as possible
• avoid repetition
• use customary abbreviations eg. SABS, MPa, etc.
• use tables and lists under headings as these take less space
and are easier to read

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2.2 Requirements of a specification w riter

• good command of the language
• ability to express requirements clearly and briefly
• good technical vocabulary
• good understanding of construction methods and procedures
• sound understanding of legal terminology in contracts
• sound knowledge of construction materials
• knowledge of test procedures and techniques
• knowledge of material and labor costs
• knowledge of government policies and practices
• knowledge of latest technical, construction and materials

2.3 Schedule of Quantities

• Purpose of a schedule of quantities

• To provide a complete list of all the items (and hence by
implication, the materials and labor) necessary for the completion
of any project and to enable a person to compile an estimate of
the cost of the project.
• It provides a common basis on which all tenderers will base their
prices. It also avoids the expense to each tenderer of working up
his own schedule for tendering.

2.4 Method of compiling and arranging a specification

There are various alternative methods of describing materials and any

one or any combination of these methods may be used.
• A full description of the material component is given together with
its different characteristics which are considered desirable or
undesirable. Appropriate test requirements can also be stated.
• The Standard Specification (eg. SABS ) reference applicable to
the material can be stated, together with further reference to the

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class or type that will be required where further differentiation is

• The name of the manufacturer or the brand of the material or the
source of supply can be stated.
• A short description of the required material can be given together
with a prime cost amount, which amount will include the article
plus any delivery cost to site (such as railage, shipping, cartage,
etc.), packing cost and customs duty (if any).

2.5 Sources of information

W hen compiling a specification, the specification writer will use

information available from various sources as follows:
• Previous specifications – Use a specification from a previous job .
Remember to update to the latest techniques and add or delete
items as necessary to suite the particular job.
• Contract drawings – The draft/ preliminary construction drawings
are usually available before the specification is written and these
show the character and extent of the work. W ork through the
drawings and extract all the details.
• Employer requirements – Any employer or client requirements
must be incorporated into the specification e.g. program to
complete a section first, avoid using or interfering with a certain
area of the site, etc. These could affect the pricing of the works.
• Site investigating – Information such a s oil conditions, ground
water table, etc. should be included. The contractor should have
the fullest information possible to avoid uncertainties in his
• Codes of practice – Reference can be made to Code of Practice
that will result in a good standard without lengthy descriptions.
• Trade catalogues – W here specific articles are being used,
details can be obtained from the supplier or manufacturer.

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2.6 Project Specification- Sample

Should any requirement of the project specification conflict with an y
requirement of any other relevant specification, the requirement of
the project specification shall prevail.

Portion 1: The W orks

PS1. General description

This contract covers the site works for the Department of W ater
Affairs new bulk W ater Supply Depot near Howick in the KwaZulu-
Natal Midlands.

Description of the site and Access
The site is situated approximately 7km west of Howick on the main
trunck road to Bulwer. Access to the site is off the main trunck road.
The sit formerly cultivated land is flat with a gentle slope towards
the trunck road.

PS3 Character of the strata and materials on site.

Four trial holes were excavated on the site. The position and logs of
these holes is shown on Drawing 1246/001. It is anticipated that not
all the material excavated on the site for the roads, pipe trenches or
foundations will be suitable for use a pipe bedding material and that
some selected material for backfill and road construction material
will have to be imported. (see also PS.9)

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PS4 Details of the contract

The contract includes the following construction work:

• Sewer, storm-water and reticulation, fire mains and electrical

ducting to the extent shown on Drawing No. 1246/010.
• Two 1,2 MI concrete reservoirs and a pump house including
inter connecting pipe-work, but excluding pumps which are to
be supplied by others,
• A road culvert at the entrance to the site and associated
access roads (Drawing no’s 1246/011-018)

PS5 Construction program

It is envisaged that the works will be completed for full hand-over
of the site on or before 31 October 2020.
PS6 Site facilities available

PS7 Site facilities required

PS8 Features requiring special attention

PS9 Source of material for the road

The contractor will be held responsible for locating sources of

pipe bedding and road construction materials.

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Applicable standardized and particular specifications

The following standardized specifications shall form part of the
contract document:

SANS 1200 1986 General

SANS 1200 1980(amended 1982) Site clearance
SANS 1200 1982 Earthworks (pipe trenches)

In addition, the following particular specifications that are bound

in the document shall apply:
Specification PA W aterproofing
Specification PB Outlet works

Portion 2: Variations to requirements of specifications listed in


PSG Concrete structural

PSG1 Materials
PSG1.1 sand (clause 3.4) Sand from the Impendle
River is not acceptable.
PSG1.2 Admixtures (clause 3.5) No admixtures will be
PSG2 Construction
PSG2.1 Casting of concrete in excavations (clause 5.5.5)
Structural concrete shall not be cast directly against the side
of any excavation without the use of any shuttering unless prior
approval has been obtained in writing from the Engineer.
Mass concrete may be cast against the side of any excavation.

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2.7 Schedule of Quantities

Purpose of a schedule of quantities

To provide a complete list of all the items (and hence by implication,
the materials and labor) necessary for the completion of any project
and to enable a person to compile an estimate of the cost of the
IT provides a common basis on which all tenderers will base their
prices. It also avoids the expense to each tenderer of working up his
own schedule for tendering.

2.8 Types of items in the Schedule of Quantities

Main schedule

Item Pay clause Unit Quantity Quantity

no Description Rate

 Prime cost (PC) items

 Provisional sum
 Temporary work
 Constructional plant
 Day-work

Steps in preparing a schedule

 List items
 Record relevant dimensions
 Calculate quantities
 Collect similar items
 Transfer to final schedule
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2.9 Taking off

Principles of ‘taking off’:

Definitions and terms
Standard measurement paper
Use of measurement paper
Number and sequence of dimensions
Simplification of basic shapes and dimensions
Simplification of complex and irregular sections
Simplification by omitting minor quantities
2.10 Use of Measurement Paper

Column 1

For cross reference to item in BOQ (in class, cross reference to

measurement list)

Column 2

Multiplier (Factor) – the number of units to be quantified

Column 3

Dimensions of the item in order (see below)

Column 4

The product – also called squaring (product of dimensions in col 3 &

multiplying factor in column 2

Column 5

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Description of the item – also use this column for calculations and
sketches (to calc/indicate dimensions not in the drawing)

Column 6

The relevant units (m 2 , m 3 , ton, No)

Column 7

The Quantity carried from Column 4

Column 8

This column is reserved for items that are rate based as it may be
difficult and in some cases impossible to quantify.

Column 9

This column indicates the financial value as quote for by the tendering

The following serves as guides and best practice methods for the
duration of this course.

I. Head and number each page

II. Describe each entry adequately, use sketches or quote drawing
III. Show all workings
IV. Leave ample space between items so allow insertions without
V. Enter dimensions in column 3 one below the other.
VI. W ork to the following practical accuracies i.e.

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a. 2.475 tons, m 2 or m 3 rounds off to 2.48

b. 5.136 pockets of cement rounds off to 6
c. 3.005 sets of tyres rounds off to 4 sets.

VII. Due to the nature of the tendering process w here tenders are
adjudicated dow n to the last cent, we w ill for the purposes of
this course strictly adhere to the above accuracies.

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