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Fabrication on hand workshop

Module # ( )
Trainee Name: Date:

Trainee ID # : Level:

Skill # Period:

Assessment #: Course:

All parts of task complete: yes no

Signed: Date:

This assessment covers the following:

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

A.01 Understand Basic concepts
A.02 Explain and draw circuit diagrams
A.03 Demonstrate HSE requirements
A.04 Describe the need for, and know relevant procedures (Range: work permits / site arrangements / live work
permits / SEC forms related to metering / Issuing / receiving SEC documentation)
A.05 Understand the use of different measurement tools and equipment
Cognitive Skills
B.01- Be able to apply SEC construction standards pertaining to meters
B.02- Complete a job safety and needs analysis.
B.03- Be able to install and remove components and wire.
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
C.01 Develop a teamwork attitude as a responsible member of the team in the finding the solution for mini project.
C.02 Demonstrate the capacity for self-directed learning such as being able to conduct independent internet usage,
iPad use and research.
Communication, IT and Numerical Skills
D.01 Conduct online research on a variety of electrical engineering topics.
D.02 Upload files to online store.
D.03 Name files using a defined convention.
D.04 Correspond with instructors and peers via email and discussion boards.
Psychomotor Skills
Task 1 Record the Event in the (Written Section):

Task 2 Health and Safety Worksheet:

Task 3 Draw wiring Diagrams

Task 4 Conclusion

Practical Assessment Task Instructions:



1-Record of Event (Written Section):

Practical Assessment Task:


List and explain any tools, hazards, risks, and personal protective equipment (PPE)
that you identified in order to complete the practical assessment task:


2-Health and Safety Worksheet:

Trainee to complete this worksheet before beginning the practical assessment task:

Identify Hazards
Tick the potential hazards for this workshop activity
 Slips, trips, and falls  Heavy items that  Sharp objects or  Electrical equipment
could fall tools
 Gas equipment  Machinery (moving  Machinery (sparks)  Hand tools
 Toxic fumes and dust  Poisonous chemicals  Flammable substances  Excessive noise

 Ladders (heights)  Temperature  Fatigue  Flames

Hazard Control
Write what you will do to eliminate, isolate, or minimize each hazard

Identify Risks

Identify Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Tick the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to carry out this workshop activity:

 Footwear  Coveralls  Safety glasses  Safety gloves

 Welding mask  Earmuffs / Earplugs  Hard hat  Hi-Vis vest

List any other personal protective equipment (PPE) required:

Show how you plan to complete this practical assessment exercise. Refer to page number of pictures within
this document where necessary:

Same as Instructions given to trainee (don’t complete this)

3. Draw wiring Diagrams


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