DR Subhas Sarkar

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[.Regd. Certificate No. 5/8940 of 1967-68 W.B.]
Registered Office : 6ll, Vivekananda Road, Durgapur'713204
PAX : 45455, P&T: 0343-2745455, E-mail lD : oadspguest@gmail.com

Tamal Bhattacharjee Sanjay Arya

President GeneralSecretary

No. OA-05/l (516) Date:03106/2022

P. K. Somaddar
Hon'ble Dr. Subhas Sarkar,
S. P. Behera MoS , (Education)
D.G.S Government of India
Subhashis Bhattacharya
New Delhi

Treasurer Sub: Request for Long Due Pay Fixation ofJO-2008 & 2010 batch.
Tapas Kumar Mandal
Respected Sir,
Sec. (Admn.)
Ramanuj Deb OADSP welcomes you on your arrival at Durgapur, The Steel City Of West Bengal. Durgapur
Steel Plant, a unit of SAIL is playing an importapt role in the economy of West Bengal. The employees
Sec. (Technical) of DSP , both Executives and Non- executives along with contract workers are toiling hard to sustain the
Nirupam Nath profitability and production of the plant which in tum is providing support to the MSMEs and industrial
growth of West Bengal.
Sec. (W &G) In spite of a good pay revision, there is still a peculiar anomaly which is dragging for the last
Subrata Kumar Dawn 10 yrs and whose solution seems still far. SAIL has a policy of promoting Non-executives through
vigorous test to the grade ofExecutives. These frontline executives are the pillars ofthe organisation.
Sec. (Publication) But due to pay revision of Non-executives in 2012, the non-executives promoted to executive cadre in
Gopal Roy 2008 and 2010 are getting less salary as compared to their peer non executives and even less than the
promoted executives of 2018. These executives didn't get the benefit of pay revision of 2007(for
executives) as well as ofthe pay revision ofnon-executives in 2012.
OADSP has keenly raised the issue and ambiguity of previous orders and vague interpretation
by different units but in vain. We have reiterated about the pay disparity of JO 2008 & 2010 batch with
their peer junior employees and its implication in various platforms. SAIL management has accepted the
problem and partially resolved it in Dec-2015. It is needless to say that due to this disparity Junior
Officers have borne huge financial losses in all kind ofmonetary benefits related to Basic pay like Perks,
P.R.P., HRA, CPF, SAIL pension Corpus and Gratuity.
ln-spite of many assurances & time lines given by management the matter is yet to be resolved.
The assurance given by highest authorities of management have been deferred many times, which has
caused deep unrest not only among the sufferer executives but also among other offrcers as they can see
the injustice being meted out to their peers and the juniors reporting to them.
Sir, these events has cropped deep sense ofunrest amongst the Junior Officers batch of2008 &
2010. We are finding it very difficult to build bridge of confidence between these executives &
Dear Sir, this has created the third sect of employees (JO 2008 & 2010) who are in executive
cadre but getting lesser monetary benefits then their peer non-executives. Again these batches of J0
2008-10 are having anomalies with their junior peers due to the violation of DPE guidelines and these
are the pillars on which daily production of the plant depends.
OADSP *ould like to request you to kindly support the legitimate and natural justice request
so that the Junior Officers should get the much delayed justice.

With warm regards,

(Tamal Bhattatfiariee)
President, OADSP GS, OADSP

Affiliated to Steel Executlves' Federation of lndia (SEFI)

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