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Rome: the Republic

Romulus & Remus

According to legend, Romulus& Remus were orphans raised by a wolf.

As they grew older, each wanted to be king, but could not agree which should rule.

As they began to build their settlements, theybegan to fight.

Romulus killed his brother in a fit of rage witha rock.

That s how Rome started . . . .

Perfect Location

Italy is mountainous

Has one of the longest coastlines in Europe

Forms a sort of land bridge between Western Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia

Rome (city) is situated on the middle of the western coast

Surrounding hills provided protection from invaders and floods


As Rome grew in size, there were those outside its borders wanting to take it over

600 BCE: Etruscans invaded from the north

Took over much of the Italian Peninsula

Taught the Romans to build:


Stronger/better weapons


Romans hated their Etruscans rulers

509 BCE: the Etruscan king, Tarquin, was assassinated by one of his own people

Romans decided to rebel

Eventually forced the Etruscans to leave Rome

Romans decide they do not want a king

King becomes almost an unspoken word . . . more on that later

Roman Social Structure


wealthiest citizens (10 % of population)

Able to hold an elected office in government such as:




Plebeians (Plebs)

farmers, professional soldiers, merchants and everyone else (90 % of population)

Could not hold elected office (at first)

Eventually, could be a Tribune . . . more on that later

Roman Government

Rome was a Republic.

Elected representatives from Roman citizens

Served in the Senate

Must be a Roman citizen in order to serve

Roman Citizens

Those who were citizens:



Could not vote or hold public office

Could own property and testify in court

Those who were not:


Most foreign born people

If you had money, you might be considered a citizen

There were two consuls were elected each year.

Only Patricians could be consul

Managed the army and the government

Kind of like a president

In times of an emergency, a dictator could benamed.

Dictator would lead until the crisis was over

Does not have the negative connotation associated with the word now

The Senate

Senate was comprised of elected Patricians

Similar to U.S. Senate

Created laws

Collected taxes

Provided services to the people


Plebs feel left out in thegovernment

No police of fire department

Unfair that 10% of population were in charge

Wanted greater rights

Major problem: Patricians begin buying up the land and charging high rents Plebs cannot afford this

Plebs threaten to stop serving in the army

Senate created a new position: Tribunes

Job was to protect the rights of the Plebs in the Senate

Could make demands for the Plebs

Could stop any action in the Senate

Only 2 at first, but eventually grows to 10

Patricians still have more power

Daily Life

Both boys and girls attended school

Wealthy children were taught at home by Greekslaves

Some families owned pets (dogs & cats)

Wore togas (women wore two layers of tunics)

Main meal was consumed in the afternoon

Diet consisted of fish, birds, olive oil with herbs, dates and pork (Patricians)

Plebs ate wheat, barley, bread, olives and meat scraps

Punic Wars

In 264BCE: Punic Wars begin

Series of wars between Rome and Carthage

Last nearly 120 years (not straight through)

Overall, Rome won them all

First Punic War

Sicily was attacked

Called both Rome and Carthage for assistance

Rome said no at first; Carthage said yes

Rome changes its mind and sent assistance

Lead by a General named Scipio

Carthage was lead by Hamilcar Barca

Rome fights Carthage for 23 years and wins

Carthage returned home, but was still angry

Second Punic War

This time Carthage was lead byHannibal Barca, son of Hamilcar

Hamilcar was assassinated

Hannibal wanted to avenge father s defeat byRomans

Planned to attack from the north and march south

Crossed the Alps with several thousand soldiers and a few WAR ELEPHANTS!

Rome looked to Scipio (2) to lead them to victory

Scipio decided to attach the city of Carthage directly rather than confront Hannibal

Hannibal is trapped

Had to retreat back the way he came to save Carthage

Rushed back to Carthage but was too late

Rome wins . . . again

Third Punic War

Fifty years after the SecondPunic War, Carthage prepared for another fight.

Rome is tired of fighting Carthage

Too expensive:



Rome calls on another Scipio

Senate says finish this permanently

Scipio leads his troops to Carthage

After a short period of fighting, the city is surrounded

People are told to get out or die

Anyone or anything left will be destroyed

City is burned for 10 days

Captured soldiers converted into slaves

Rome wins the three-peet but the slaves presented a new problem for Rome

Civil War

As Rome conquered new lands,disagreements arose over how to govern these lands

Over 50 years of civil war broke out

82BCE: Sulla named dictator

Remained dictator for 3 years

Retired in 79BCE

Power returned to the consuls

More problems

Romans wanted to make friends of their former enemies

Some captured territories were granted citizenship

Other territories were allowed to govern themselves but had to pay taxes to Rome

Romans tried to improve the conquered lands

Built aqueducts, roads and new buildings in conquered territories

Might feel patriotic toward Rome

Patricians continue to increase their wealth as a result of the new territories

Average Roman citizen felt no change or even lost money

Increased number of slaves take jobs away fromPlebs

Cheaper to purchase slave than it is to pay Plebs

Rival leaders begin to fight with each other

Julius Caesar

One way to gain power & wealth in Rome was to lead conquests of the army

Best example of this was Julius Caesar

Conquered much of present day France, British Isles, Belgium, Germany and Spain

He was born a Patrician, but wanted more

Realized money could buy power

Made unpopular political allies => he was hated

Began career in the army as a military assistant

Julius Caesar slowly bribed hisway up the political ladder

Made laws that were popular with the Plebs

First Triumvirate

As Caesar s popularity grew with the people, the Patricians grew to hate him

Joined Crassus and Pompey to form a Triumvirate

Caesar was the politician

Crassus had the money

Pompey was the military leader

With their support, he became consul

Long story short . . . The Triumvirate fell apart

Caesar was named dictator

Caesar the Dictator

Caesar was named dictator

Worked to control slave population

Increased jobs

Patrician grew worried

Feared destruction of the Republic

Caesar was named dictator forlife

Worried he would become a king

44BCE: Caesar is assassinated in the Senate

Only five month after being named dictator for life

Civil War breaks out

The Republic has ended . . . but that is just the beginning of the story

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