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How can we break down barriers between groups?

I don’t know what kind of groups this question says. Is their relationship hostile or
cooperatives? Are they states and states, conservatives and reformists,
departments within the same enterprise, or the old and the young?

Whatever relationship they are in, the most important thing is ‘trying to know
each other’. It should be profound dialogue based on courtesy to each other
rather than just ‘knowing’ each other. We can respect each other although we
cannot understand it, and vice versa. At least one of the two must be done to
break down the barriers between groups.
Therefore, the solution I think is to support making contents about 'Peaceful
Communication' under constant control(directly or indirectly), share it online and
help it to be circulated smoothly(Sharing is very important.).
If we make a place for two groups which has barriers between them to interact
directly without proper regulation and advance preparaion, there may be many
problems and conflicts hard to mediate and it will fail to break down barriers.
I recently saw a video on youtube, the social online network, which shows a
dialogue between a fan who follow her favorite kpop idols to take a picture and a
bodyguard who has to protect idols from fans. If you know anything about kpop
idol, you would probably know that their relationship is not that good and there
are always conflicts between bodyguards fans who take a photo while idols’
concert or formal schedule. So I was bit worried about their talk, but both of
them They spoke very carefully and politely, asking each other questions and
sometimes expressing one's position firmly. The comments on the video were also
very favorable to the creation and progress of such content. Although they end up
the video saying "We were friends today, but tomorrow enemies.", it could be an
answer to the question, “How can we break down barriers between groups?”
Of course there are differences between barriers of Individuals versus Individuals
and Groups versus Groups, and And things can be difeerent case by case. But
what I want to say is that we need to let society know that there is a place for
polite communication between each other and that such a situation can be
created. The ‘hottest potato’ doesn’t have to be dealt from the beginning. Experts
say sharing of arts and culture between to community is the most ideal way of
exchange. The cultural exchange between South and North Korea exemplifies it.

Today's infrastructure to share content is well established, so has a good medium

for sharing content, like the YouTube video just said. Therefore, We should invite
some of the two groups, help them have a conversation about each other politely,
should be invited to have a conversation, and let the content be widely circulated
so that people who did not participate directly in the conversation can gradually
change their perception through it. By doing so, the perception of each other
between the two groups will be eased, and one day the barriers between the two
will be broken down.

한글 요약본.

질문이 어떤 상황의 그룹을 지칭하는 것인지는 잘 모르겠지만, 그 그룹들이 어떤 관계에 있든

지 ‘서로에 대한 앎’이 가장 중요하다. 심도 깊고 예의를 기반으로 한 대화를 통해 존중 또는
이해를 갖추어야 ‘벽’이 무너질 가능성이 열린다.
따라서, 내가 생각한 방법은 직간접적으로 일정한 통제 하에서 ‘평화로운 대화의 장’을 만들
수 있도록 지원하고, 그 내용을 매체를 통해 공유하는 것이다. 외부 압력에 의해 통제되지 않
고 특정한 상황 가운데에 놓여 있지 않은 이상 직접적인 대화의 장을 처음부터 마련한다면 자
칫 갈등이 더 심화될 수도 있다.
최근 소셜 네트워크의 장인 유튜브에서 한 영상을 보았다. 그것은 아이돌의 스케줄을 따라다
니며 사진을 찍는 팬과, 아이돌을 보호하는 경호원이 함께 밥을 먹으며 이야기를 나누는 영상
이었다. 대체로 매우 적대적인 두 집단의 사이와 달리 둘은 매우 조심스럽게, 예의를 지키며
대화를 나누었고, 댓글 또한 이러한 콘텐츠에 매우 긍정적인 반응이었다. 이러한 방식이 이
영상이 지금 우리가 마주한 질문의 답이 아닐까 한다.
물론 상황에 따라 달라지겠지만, 콘텐츠를 공유할 수 있는 매체가 잘 마련되어 있음을 이용해
서 양 집단의 협조적인 일부를 초청하여 대화를 할 수 있게 하고, 그 내용을 널리 유통하여
대화에 직접적으로 참여하지 않은 사람들도 그것을 통해 인식이 조금이나마 변화할 수 있게
해야 한다. 그렇게 함으로서 두 집단 간의 서로에 대한 인식이 더 좋아지고, 언젠가는 둘 사
이의 벽이 무너지게 될 것이다.

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