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Life Process Respiration

BREATHING inspiration
[intake of air or Food+Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide +Water +Energy
of air or
The process (remOval
expiralion The process of
called breathing.
No enzymes are respiration which releases energy
is takes place inside the cells of the
carbondioxide body. So, It is also
involvedin this
process. known as cellular respiration.

RESPIRATION involves taking in oxygen

of respiration The process of cellular respiration is common to all
The process it for releasing energy
into the cells, uSing the living organisms. It provides energy to the cells
(of air) then eliminating
the waste
food and Respiration is actually a biochemical process which
dioxide and water)
from the body.
(carbon occurs in stages and requires many enzymes.
products can be written in the form
of respiration
The process
ofa word
equation as

Differences between Breathing and Respir tion

Breathing Res piration

form CO,.H:O and
an intake of oxygen and It is an oxidation of food to
It is simply
0removal of CO; cnergy.
It is an intracell ular process.
(ii) ltis an extra cellular molecules.
energy is
released Energy is released in the form of ATP
in) No
Enzymes are involvcd.
iv) No enzymes areinvolved.
Now try to answer the following questions:
Activity: in more time?
To study the release of carbon dioxide during Why does the first test tube turn milky
turn milky in lesser
exhalation. (i) Why does the second test tube
of carbon
time? lt happens because more amount
Method: Take two test tubes, each containing frcshly
dioxidc is exhaled during breathing. This large
first test tube, pass 8ir
prepared lime water. In the of carbon dioxide releases turns
the fresh lime water

with the help of a syringe or pichkari. In the second

test tube, blow someair. This set up is shown in figure. milky according to the following equation:
Ca(OH), + CO, CaCO +H.O
Lime water Calcium
Syringe Carbonate (milky)
Rulher ui
Types of Respiration:
takes in the absence of oxygen'as
Process v Respiration
exhalanon of oxygen. In
another words it
y us
well as in the presence
acrobic or (B) anaerobic
is of two types. (A)
Lime alet. respiration.

(A) Aerobic Respiration:

This respiration uses oxygen.
Test tube .

a) passing of air into the

ime water willh In this process glucose
(food) is completely
(6) Blowing of air
into lime waler
carbon dioxide & water
Note the broken down into
following observations: with release of more energy
and stored in
much time is taken in
the first test tube to turm the
lime water milky? the form ofATP molecules.
ow well as mitochondria of
long it takes for the lime It takes place in cytoplasm as
water to turn milky iin
second test tube? the cell.
Lite Process-Respiration

the process of glycolysis

In aerobic respiration, during
molecules of
one molecule
of glucose gives two Glas tube
In second stage of
pyruvic acid or pyruvate. Cork
is converted into CO, & H,O
respiration. pyruvic acid
mitochondria by Kreb's
in presence of oxygen in Testtbes
The above whole
cycle and Electron transport system.molecules.
process 38 energy rich ATP
CH0,+60 6 CO, +6 H.0 686 zYeast Ume wele
(B) Anaerobic Respiration:
This respiration does not use oxygen. Test tube ted wn cor and bent glaas
Tu freshlyofwhich is imm
prepared lime water
In this proccss microorganisms like ycast breaks down
glucose into ethyl alcohol & CO, with release of In both types of respiration (aerohis
amount of energy and stored in the form of ATTP as
anacrobic), complex chemical reactions
molecules. that
the cells biologically useful fom
It takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell. that is, ATP molecules could be forme
This respiration also conmpletes in two stages. In first reactions can be divided into three
stage glucose converts into two molecules of pyruvic namely
major phe
acid in cytoplasm. This stage is known as glycolysis. I. Glycolysis
Pyruvic acid gets converted into ethyl alcohol. CO, 2. Kreb's cycle
with release of 2 ATP molecules in the micro 3. Terminal oxidation
organisms but into the lactic acid in the muscle tissue
of the human beings. 1. Glycolysis or break down of glucose (6C
CH0 2CHOH +2 CO, +56 pyruvic acid (3C) during which oxygen is not reas
Anaerobic respiration is also called fermentation. and hence anaerobic phase.
Breakdown of Glucose by Various Pathways l t always occurs in the cytoplasm.

without oxyge Ethanol CO I t occurs during both aerobic and anaer

in yeast respiration.
Glucose +Energy
n /wthout oxVgEnLactic ac1d This is the first step of respiration
(6-carbon Cvtoplasm PyTvain occuring
molecule) (3- carbon muscle celS Energ the living organisms.
molecule)\Presence of Further conversion of pyruvate
Oxygen in C0,+H,O depends on
mitochondria * Energy
presence or absence of oxygen.

(Aerobic and anaerobic respiration)

Activity: To study fermentation. (1) In the presence of oxygen,
pyruvate enters
Method: The method, to be followed is shown in the mitochondria for the occurrence of
figure. and broken down into carbon dioxide and wat
1ake some orange juice or any other fruit juice or
(11) In the absener of oxYgen, pyruvate is broken de
sugar solution in a test tube. Add some yeast powder
in it so that the yeast can start growing in it.
ethyl alcahol {twO carbon molecule) during ye
fermentation or
Put airtight cork over the test tube. The cork should
lactic acid (three carbon molecule) during he
be having a
hole in it. Fit the cork with a bent glass
muscular exereisc
tube and seal the same with wax to make it
2. Kreb's Cycle or break iorn of three carbon pyruu
Immerse the free end of the glass tube into atest tube
molecule into carbon dioxide and water during wh
containing freshly prepared lime water.
After some time, it will be Oxygen is required and henee aerobic phase.
seen that the lime water
turmsmilky. It could havehappened becausesomeof I t does not take place during anaerobic respirali
thecarbondioxidereleasedby thegrowingyeast might I t occurs in the mitochondria only.
have passed into the freshly prepared lime water.
Life Process-Respiration

Terminal Oridation or release of ATP molecules. It

3. Photosynthesis
occurs during both aerobic as wel as anaerobic 6 CO, -6 H.O
CH,O, +6 O0
The ATP produced is used to provide energy to all hotosynthesis is a build-up or anabolic process that
the cellular activities of any living organis1m. forms organic substances from inorganic materials
with the heip of light energy. It is, therefore, an
. I t is this ATP molecule with the help of which life
could become cndergonic process.
possible in all the living organisnms. Respiration is exactly opposite of photosynthesis. It
is a breakdown or catabolic process in which a
Glucose Pyruvate (pyruvic acid) r et, respiratory substrate is broken down to release encrgy.
Carbon dioxide + Water+ Energy (ATP
It is, therefore, an exergonic process.
CHO,+60, Amh,r , 6CO, +6H,0+ 38(ATP) Photosynthesis occurs during daytime. However, its
rate is several times the rate of respiration so that
Respiration in Plants: during daytime there is net absorption of carbon
dioxide and net release of oxygen by photosynthetic
In plant exchange of gases takes place from leaves.
cells. Respiration continues in all the cells and at all the
stems and roots individually. times, even in photosynthetic cells. At compensation
Transfer of respiratory gases from one part to another point, the rate of photosynthesis just cqual the rate of
Is very less. respiration so that there is no net exchange of gases. It
occurs at low light intensity as well as low CO,
Exchange of gases in plants oceurs by simple diffusion.
(0) Respiration in roots:-
In young roots, the epidemmal cells are extended to form Characters Photosynth esis Respiration
root hair. These root hair remain in direct contact with
Site It takes placc in It takes p lace
the air present in between the soil particles. The oxygen gren cells of in all living
from this air enters into the root hairs by simple diffusion plants. be mgs.
and reaches to other cells of root for respiration.
Tme It occurs during lt occurs
In older roots a protective layer of dead cells is present day ime throughout
which have tiny openings called as lenticles. Diffusion the lifeofan
of oxygen takes place through these pores and carbon organism
Energy Stored Released
dioxide is released out through the same.
CO: and H:0 Used p Relcascd
(i) Respiration in stem:
In herbaceous plants, stem have small openings in their Food and Produced Used up

epidermal cells called as stomata. the oxygen from air OXVgen

Dry weight Inereased Decreased
enters through stomata and carbon dioxide is released
from the same. Metabolism Anabolie process Catabolic
In hard and woody stems of big plants and trees,
lenticels are present in place ofstomata through which
exchange of gases takes place. RESPIRATONINANIMALS
Different organisms need oxygen from surroundings
(ii) Respiration in leaves: to release energy and CO, Living organisms are
Surface of leaves possess numerous tiny pores called nainly eassified into aquatic and terrestrial
as stomata in their epidermal cells. exchange of gases Orgasu
1akes place through stomata and when CO,
(A) Aquatie organisms: Depend on oxygen dissolved
concentration in cell increases stomata opens and CO,
in water, quantity of which is fairly low. Therefore,
is released out.
aquatic organisms have to respire at much faster rate
than land animals.
Respiration and photosynthesis:
They are complementary as well as antagonistic Amocba and a few other protozoans like Euglena.
processes where the end products of one process Paramaecium and a few algae like Chlamydomonas
function as raw materials for the other process. respire through the body surface by the process of
Lite Process-Respiration

Most of the aquatic animals

like prawns, Iishes and
Respiration in m.
tadpoles use gills as the respiratory organs.
The major passage of
cavity. pharynx,human
Respiration through gills is known as branchial
the nasal
respiration. the lungs. the laryn

bronchioles and finally branchaches

Terrestrial organism: Absorb atmospheric oxygen External nostrils pulmonary
with the help of different organs in diferent
animals, Larynx TracheaBronchiNasal cavity
cg. carthwom.
Earthworms respire through skin
Alveolar sacs.
Air tubes or trachea,
cockroach, housefly).
as in insect
(grasshopper, ORGANSOFRESPI
Lungs as in land animals like frog. lizard, the nasal
passages of
humans. birds, rat, and cavity, pharynx, respinton spiralory y
the lungs. the larynx and t
Frog respires through trachea
skin as well as
lungs (being bronchioles and finally branches:into
Types of respiratory system in animals: Extemalnostrils pulmNasalonarycavialvepity
Plasma membrane: Larynx Trachea Brn
Extemal respiration in the
protists occurs Bronchioles Alveolar sacs Sronch
by diffusion of oxygen principally
dissolved in water and
opposite directions through CO, in
Protozoans. plasma membranc. Eg. Pharynx
Body wall: Irachea
porifcrans, Coclenterates,
Bronchus Glouis Frielotis
aquatic animals, Platyhelminthes,
and small Annelids Pulmonary shapol
artery carulageno
occurs by diffusion
respiratory gas exchange AlveolusA rings
gases across the
Surface. general body Bronchioles
Right lungs -Pulmonarn
lett lung
In more Ribs
complex aquatic animals with Hean
Circulatory system, respiration often takes - Diaphruym

place with the help of gills. Respiratory systenm in man

Gills are
that have thin walls projections the body
and are
vascularizcd. highly rachea
-Shaped cartilagenous rings
Aquatic animals like prawns, fishes Bronchus
tadpoles respire in water with
gills. Bronchioles
Insects and most other
arthropods possess Capilary nerwork
respiratory system consisting of network atund alvelus
tubes called trachea. of air filled

Booklungs are respiratory Alveoli
organs in
spider scorpion and

Lungs: Diagram showing organs involved

1.e., alvcoli and
exchange of gases
Lungs, found in all
vertebrates except the fishes,
network of
specialized organs for breathing air.
The structure and
functions of various parts of nua
respiratory system are given in
following table
Life Process-Respiration

Organ or region
Location Structure and function
Two external nostrils help in intake of oxygen
Lined by ciliated and sensory epithelial cells which help in
Above the mouth filtering of air (by hair) and warming or cooling of the inhaled
Nasal cavity air
cavity Mucous secreted by them prevent dust particles form entry
Two internal nostrils act as the end of this cavity from which
the air enters into pharynx
Posteriorly it has two openings: dorsal opening or gullet
Behind the nasal (lcading to oesophagus) and ventral opening or glottis
Pharynx cavity leading into the (aperture of trachea).
trachea A cartilaginous flap (epiglottis) guards the glottis to prevent
theentry of food intothetrachea
A pair of membranes (called vocal cords) stretched in the
Larynx or voice
box or adam's
at the back
of theinternal cavity. Partially close the airpassage.
Theses membranes can be relaxed or stretched. When the air
passes overthevocal cords, they vibrate and produce sounds
Tube running through | Its walls are supported by C-shaped cartilages to prevent it
Trachea or
the neck in front of from collapsing. It divides into two bronchi (singular
Wind pipe
oesophagus bronchus) which enterthe respectiveright and the left lung
Surrounded by two pleural membranes containing a fluid in
between to reduce friction.
Spongy organ formed by the sub-divisions of the bronchus
called bronchioles
Lungs Present in the thoracCiCEach bronchiole ends in a structure like bunch o1 grapes or
balloon-like structures called alveoli or air sacs. Alveoli
provide the surface for the exchange of gases.
Eachalveolus issurrounded by a network of blood capillaries.
The downward and upward movement of the
Do you know? diaphragm which increase and decrease the diameter
Carbon monoxide has very high affinity with of the theracic cavity respectively
haemoglobin. Therefore in presence of CO.
The cievation and depression of the ribs due to
haemoglobin binds with C0 without leaving
contvaction and relaxation of intercostal muscles
haemoglobin for the transport of oxygen and person
iengilens and shortens the thoracic cavity.
dies because of lack of oxygen.

Thoracic cavity expands by the upward and outward
Physiology: movement of the ribs. It is followed by flattening ofthe
(A) Breathing: diaphragm, brought about by the contraction of the
Breathing is the process of inhaling of fresh air and muscles of the diaphragm. With an inerease in the
exhaling of foul air with the help of two types of volume of the thoracic cavity. the pressure here
respiratory muscles: Internal intercostal muscles & becomes lower than the outside atmospherie air which
External intercostal muscles.
forces air into the lungs through the nose and trachea.
It involves two steps: Inspiration and expiration
Mechanism of breathing |Pulmonary ventilationl: Expiration:
It means the inflow (insipiration) and outflow Expiration is mainly a passive process. Relaxation of

(expiration) ofair between atmosphere and the alveoli muscles of diaphragm and inter costal muscles moves
of the lungs. During inspiration lungs are expanded the ribs and throacie wall inward and downward, which
and during expiration lungs are contracted. There are deereases the volume of thoracic cavity and increase
mainly two processes by which the lungs are expanded pressure in thoracic cavity causes air to be expelled

and contracted. out

Contraction of

e P r o c e tResirptio

Increases in volume of thorav

Characters (exhalation)
Process of
Process of Expansion of the lungs
cxhaling of
Definiton inhaling of
foul air out i.e. lungs inflate
fresh air in
f lung
the lung
alveoli alveoli Decrease in pressure
inth Jungs

Intcr costa
musclcs) Moves Inhalation
Outward inward Mechanism of inhalation
Moves Moves
forward backward
Towards Away from
abdominal abdominal Passage of ar
diaphraem cavity cavity Itercostal
Shape of Flat Dome Windpipe
diaphragm shap Contract
Sizc of Increases Decreases Ribs mne
thoracic ,ungs up and out

cavty Rih c The volure

Lungs DecompressiCompression of the ches
Diaphragm caviy
on DiaplY4l
Pressure 01 Decreasecs Increasces and incre3ses

air in lungs move dew

Front view of chest ide view of chest


amosphere Relaxation of Relaxation of

Movement From From lungs
of air atmosphere to
diaphragm intercostal muscles
to lungs
accreases in voiume of thorax

Air Decrease in size of the

lungs deflate
Lungs ( Breathing
Inercases in pressure

(in Ditfusion of in the lungs

gases between
lungs and blood
Machanism of exhalation
Blood vessels (in Transport of
gases in blood Passauc oI air

CO, Windpipe Iniercoi


(i) Exchange of Ribs move

Lungs up and o l

CO O2 gases at
tissue level
Tissue cell Rib cage ne

(Tissue Diaphragm
respiration contracts
Summary of human Diaphragn dnd

respiratory mechanism Frant view nl chrst


Life Process-Respiration

(B)Respiration:- This CO, is released into the blood by the cells. This
) Gaseous exchange in lungs (External is also a part of internal respiration.
respiration) Carbon dioxide is highly soluble in water and
Exchange of gases in the lungs mainly take place by therefore is mainly transported as bicarbonates.
the process of diffusion.
The concentration of oxygen
is higher in the inhaled CO,+H,O H,C0,
air than in the venous blood
present in the
Disease related with respiratory system:
alveolar capillaries. Carbon monoxide has very high affinity with
Therefore, oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the haemoglobin. Therefore in presence of cO, haemoglobin
blood in the capillaries. binds with CO without leaving haemoglobin for the
Similarly. concentration of CO, is more in the transport of oxygen and person dies because of lack of
capillaries surrounding alveoli. Oxygen.
As a result CO, from capillaries diffuse from the Emphysema:
blood vessels into the alveoli. Emphysema isabnormal condition of the

This is how exchange of gases take pulmonary system, characterised by over inflation
place in human
beings. and destructive changes of alveolar walis., resulting
Respiratory pigment haemoglobin present in red in a loss of lung elasticity and decreased gases.
blood cells helps in transporting oxygen to each and
every cell of the body. The pigment has very high Asthma is a disorder in which breathlessness and
affinity for oxygen and can readily combine with it wheezing are aggravated by certain stimuli, which
form oxyhaemoglobin
cause the bronchi (which conduct air to the lungs) to
become constricted. Bronchial asthma may be
Haemoglobin+0, 0xyhaemoglobin
stimulated by a wide range of condtions and
substances: it may be an allergic reaction.
Capillar Fron
pulmonaryy Mountain sickness:-
Oxygen eniers
Red blood
Mountain sickness is also known as altitude sickness.
red biood celis
At sea level the concentration of oxygen is about 2 1%
and the barometric pressure averages 760 mm Hg. As
usion of oxye altinude increases. the concentration remains the same
but the number of oxygen molecules per breath is
Film of reduced. At 12,000 feet the barometric pressure is only
483 mm Hg. so there are roughly 40% fewer oxygen
of alv eolu
Carbon diexide. meiecules per breath. In order to oxygenate the body
ascapes in efiectively. breathing rate (even while at rest) has to
ali colus To pulnon:ary
Cease.This extra ventilation increases the oxygen
Exchange of gases in alveolus rontent in the blood, but not to sea level concentration.
The fall in oxygenation of blood produces the
Tissue eells symptoms of mountain sickness. These symptoms
include breathlessness, headache, dizziness, nausea,
Haemoglobin (Hb) CO vomiting, mental fatigue and a bluish tinge on the skin,
HbCO Plasma nails and lips.
Hbo Hb 40
0 Pleuristy is due to inflammation of the pleura. There
RBC are two layers of pleura; one covering the lung and
TISsues taking oxygen from the blood the other covering the inner wall of the chest. These
Iwo layers are lubricated by pleural fluid. Pleuristy is
(i) Cellular respiration (Internal respiration) frequently associated with a pleural effusion (the
In this, there is uptake of oxygen by the cells from
accumulation of extra fluid in the space between the
the blood where oxidation of food takes place and
two layers of pleura).
CO,is released.
ife Process-Respiration

Bronchitis: acute
infection of alveoli of the
the lung
It is an
Tt is the inflammation of the bronchi caused by cigarette
mainly by bacteria streptOcOCcus
smoking and exposure of air
pollutants like CO. The times other bacteria, fungi, rotozoans, vinis
typical symptom ofbronchitis is regular coughing, with cause pneumonia. In thism
mycoplasma may
thick greenish yellow sputum. alveoli fluid and
is filled with
space of the dear
Tuberculosis (Pulmonary):
It is commonly called as TB and is caused by
blood corpuscles limiting gas exchange in alva
blood oxygen may be drastically reduced, Ans
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It most often affects the infections.
are used to treat bacterial
lungs and the pleura. The bacteria destory parts
lung tissue and causes the reduction in diffusion of Occupational lung disease:

gases. Its symptoms include fatigue. weight loss, a low These are caused by the harmful substance.

grace fever. night sweats, cough and chest pain. gas fumes or dusts present in the environmen=
Tuberculosis bacteria are spread by inhalation. It is a person works. Silicosis and asbestosis are co
safer to inoculate BCG vaccine in carly stages examples which occur due to chronic expo
childhood to develop immunity to the disease. silica and absbestos dust in mining industry.
diseases cause the inflammation of upper parto
Lolo ProCeS*-Rospiu ation
Q.12 Which of the following is the source
sOurce ot Tespit
Breathing, Respiration, Types of respiration (1) Stored food (2) Fats
Q. In which of the following process CO, is released?
(1) Glycolysis (2) Photosynthesis (3) Glucose (4) Proteins
(3) Alcohol fermentation (4) Lactic acid fermentation
Q.13 The form of energy used in respiration i
Q.2 From a catabolic reaction energy obtained by a cell is (1)Chemical energy (2) Electrical energy
stored immediately in the form of (3) Mechanical energy (4) Radiant energv
() Pyruvic acid (2) Glucose
(3)ATP (4) ADP Q.14 Which one is anabolic process?
()Respiration (2) Digestion
03 Respiration is (3) Photosynthesis (4) Ascent of sap
(1) Biochemical process (2) Physico-chemical process
(3) Physical process (4)Oxidation process Q.15 A catabolic process is -
(1)Absorption of minerals
Q.4 The common phase between aerobic and anaerobic (2) Ascent of sap
respiration is called (3) Respiration
() glycolysis (4) Assimilation
(2) Kreb's cycle
(3) tricarboxylic acid cycle Respiration in plants
(4) none of these Gascous exchange and
Q.16 water loss take place in-
through -
Q.5 The end product of anaerobic respiration is -
(1)CO ()Guardcell (2) Stomata
(2)H,O (3) Mesophyll (4) Lentical
(3) ethyl alcohol (4) A and C both
Q.17 Exchange o gasses Occurs through
Q.6 Anaerobic respiration is likely to occur in
(0)Stoma (2) Lenticels
(1)Ants (2) Earthworms (33 Ro ttre (4) All the above
(3) Echinoderms (4) Tapeworms
Q.7 In anacrobic respiratior
Q.18 Exchange of gasses invloves
(1)0, is given out (2) CO, is given out
(1)Osmosis (2) Diffusion
(3) Imbibition (4) Suction pressure
(3) CO, is taken in (4)0, is taken in
Q.8 Kreb's cyele takes place in: Q.19 They part1icipate in respiration
() mitochondria (2) chloroplast )Colourless cells (2)Colouredcells
(3) Only green cells (4) All living cells
(3) ribosome (4) endoplasmic reticulum
Q.9 Respiration takes place: Q.20 Inanacr 01 n plants
(1) in green parts of the plant only (2,0, is given out
(2) in all the living ells of the plants (3CU.isae 4CO,is given out
(3) in living and dead eells of plants
(4) in those parts of the plant which Q.21 Stomata open during day time because the guard
are above the soil
() are thin walled
Q.10 Evolution of CO, is more than in take of (2) are bean shaped
(1) fats are respired oxygen when: (3) have to help in gaseous
(2) glucose is respired exchange
(3) sucrose is respired 4) organic acids are (4) photosynthesize and produce osmotically
respired sugars or organic acids.
is the link between Respiratory organs in animals, respiratory system
Q.11 Which one of the
following mechanisms of respiration in humans
glycolysis and Kreb's cycle?
() Phosphoenolpyruvic acid Q.22 Inspiration occurs when
(2) Fumaric acid () Diaphragm is lowered
(3) Citric acid (2) Diaphragm is elevated
(4) Acetyl Co-A (3) Ribs are elevated
(4) Both (1) and
36 (3)
Life Process-Respiration

Oxygen is needed by the body Abhirami her class room, as the school bell
Q.23 Q.36 runs to
(1) To transfer food materials rate of breathing in her
rang. What will be the probable
(2) To pump the blood in vessels
lungs due to this vigorous act?
(3) To aereate lungs (1)15 to 18 times perminute
(4) To produce ATP (2) 16 to 20times per minute
(3) 18 to 25 times per minute
Which of the following structures is a common passage
Q.24 (4) 20 to 25 times per minute
for air and food?
(1) Pharynx (2) Larynx (3) Trachea (4) Oesophagus Glottis is a passage for
(2) air
Q.25 First branching of trachea is called as (1)food
(2) Bronchioles (3) both of these (4) none of these
(3) Bronchi (4) Lungs
Q.38 Amount of which of the following components in air
The chest cavity is separated from the abdominal does not change in process of respiration
cavity by (1)Oxygen (2) Carbon di- oxide
(2) Ribs (3) Nitrogen (4) Water Vapour
(1) Diaphragm
(3) Peritoneum (4) Pleural membrane
Respiration is controlled by

into trachea.
Q.27 Structure that prevents food to enter
(1)cerebrum (2) cerebellum
(2) Larynx lobe
(1) Pharynx (3) Medulla oblongata (4) olfactory
(3) Epiglottis (4) Oesophagus
Respiration by lungs is
as -

Functional units of lungs Q.40

Q.28 (2) Bronchi
(1)pulmonary respiration
(1) Trachea (2) cutical respiration
(3) Bronchioles (4) Alveoli
(3) bronchial respiration
with (4) cutaneous respiration
Q.29 Respiratory tract is lined
(1) Squamous epithelim (2)Columnar becomes
(4) Cuboidal epithelium Q.41 During expiration, the diaphragm
(3) Ciliated epithelium (2) normal
(1) oblique
one molecule of haemoglobin (4) dome- shaped
Q.30 In oxygenated blood, (3) flattened
molecules of oxygen?
carry how many purified in
3)8 (4)1 n hunman body, blood is oxygenated and
(1)2 (2)4 Q.42
ofthe lungs takes (2) kidneys (3) heart (4) lungs
Q.31 The exchange of gases in the alveoli liver
place by into thoracic
(2) Simple diffiusion
n manmals the body cavity is partitioned
(1)Osmosis 4
(4) Active transport and sbdominal parts by
(3) Passive transport (3) ribs (4) diaphragm
(1)fiver (2) lungs
beings there is
function is not performed by
Q.32 At high altitude, in Q.44 Which
(1) Decrease in
number of RBCs )Elimination of carbon dioxide
number of RBCs
(2) Increase in (2) Provision ofoxygen
number of WBCs
(3) Decrease in (3) Purification of blood
number of WBC's waste
(4) Increase in (4) removal ofnitrogenous
opening of
guards the(2) In humans lungs. the lobes
Q.33 The epiglottis Eustachian tubes Q.45 lungs
(1)2 in lefi and 3 right
(1) Ocsophagus
(4) Pharynx 2 in right lungs
(3) Larynx (2)3 in left and
(3) 3 in cach lung
between alveolar
air and
(4)2 in cach lung
Q.34 Exchange of gasses occurs
capillaries occurs by following animals, respiration
(2) Diffusion In which of the
(1) Osmosis Q.46 without respiratory organ?
(3) Active transport (4) All the (2) Fish
(1) Frog (4) Earthworm
the (3) Cockroach
of takes place through
Q.35 Exchange gases
is directly
affected by -

and blood capillaries Rate of respiration

(1) Wall oftrachea Q.47 (2)0, in
and blood capillaries

(2) Wall ofalveoli ()co, Diaphragm expansion

Concentration of O, (4)
and diaphragm (3)
(3) Wall of pleura bronchioles 37
ofalveoli and
(4) Wall
Lifte Process-Respiration

The maximum bonding of haemoglobin is with Control and diseases

related to humann

(1)Carbon monoxide (2)Carbondionide

system. condition where
3)Oxygen (4) Ammonia Emphysema
is a
Q.63 n lung
Most of the carbondioxIde is carried in the blood as- (DFluid
Q.49 have little

() Bicarbonates (2)Carbon monoxide (2) Lungs centre is inhibited

3) Carbonic acid (4) Carbonates bronchioles obstructed
Q.50 The exchange of gases between the external air and
man is controiled hu
the blood occurs in the Breathing
rate in by a pe
(1) bronchus Q.64
(2) bronchiole brain called

(3) trachea (2) hypothalamus

(4) alveoli () thalamus

Q.51 Mammalian lungs are- (3)medulla oblongata
()Hollow (2) Solid and spongy EXERCISE-III
(3) Spongy (4) None
Respiration is:
Q.52 Haemolgobin is - Q.1 of
down complex organic substan
(1)Vitamin ( Skin pigment () breaking
simple substances

(3) Blood carier (4) Respiratory pigment potential energy into

transformation ot
Q.53 If CO. coneentration increases in blood then energy
breathing will (3) liberation ofenergv
(1) Increases (2) Decreases (4) all ofthe
(3) Stop (4) Remain unchanged
What is wrong about respiration
Q.2 occur in cell
Q.54 The structure which prevent the entry of food into (1) h does not
(2) Oxidation occurs Without the use ofenzyn
Tespriatory tracts is -

(3) Energy is released in one step quickly

(1) Pharynx (2) Larynx (3) Glottis (4) Epiglotis
Q.55 In fever breathing rate - (4) All the above
(1) increase (2) Decrease
Q.3 Respiration is the process in which -

(3) Sto (4) None

() energy is stored in the form of ADP
Q.56 The exchayc ofgases (0, and CO.) in a mammal take (2) energy is released and stored in the form of
placein (3) energy is not released at all
( ) Trachea (2) Bronchi
(3) Bronchioles (4) Alveoli (4) energy is used up
Q.4 Ifthe rate of respiration becomes more than thera
Q.57 During inspiration muscles of diaphragm-
(1) Contracts (2) Expands photosynthesis. plant will
(3) No effect (4) Coiled ike string () Continue to live. but will not able to store foo«
(2) Be killed instantly
Q.58 Respiratory structures in the insects ar
(1) Gills (2) Skin (3)Lungs (4)Trachea (3) Grow more vigory hecause more
energy wa
Q.59 The narrowest and most numerous tubes of (4) Stop grow ing
termed as-
lungs are
anitky are die of starvat»
(1) Bronchus (2) Bronchioles
(3) Alveoli Q.5 Select the wrong
(4) None of these onets)it respiration.
() Itconsists breathing. oxidation
Q.60 A normal man respires in a minute of food and ena
(1) 10-15 times storage in the form of ATP.
(3) 20-25 times (2)14-18times ()Cytoplasm and mitochondria are
(4)25-30 times completion of aerobic respiration. necessary

Q.61 Find the odd one out: (l) Complete oxidation

(1) Trachea of food into
(2) Bronchus acids. ethanol or e
(3) Alveolus CO, and few molecules of ATP
(4) Diaphragm anaerobic respiration. are se
Q.62 Find the odd one (V) In the older
(1) Epiglottis out: portions of woody plants. gaso
3) Malpighian 2) Trachea exchange takes place
corpuscles (4) Alveoli
The through stomatal apertu
totally wrong statements
38 (1)1 and II 2)ll
and IIl (3)
given in
Iand IV (4) 1 and
Life Process-Respiration

Gills are acting as the respiratory organ in Consider the following statements I-IV.
Q.6 Q.14
(1) Aquatic animals like fish, prawns and mussels.
(2) Aquatic annelids, cnidarians and echinoderms. IEpiglottis is the catilaginous flap of skin which
regulates the flow of air into the trachea.
(3) Aquatic cnustaccans, molluscs and sponges II Pleura is the ultimate region where in which the
(4) Amphibians, aquatic fishes, prawns and mussels. diffusion of air between the lungs and blood takes
Given below are some statements. place.
() The oxygen dependent respiration is called acrobic I. Larynx is the voice box, which is the enlarged part
respiration. of trachea.
(11) The requirement of water for photosynthesis is V "Adam's apple" is the protruding cartilage of the
not essential.
voice box of male humans.
(111) Gymnosperms such as pines are the vascular The correct and wrong statements are given in
plants which produce seeds but no fruits.
(1)I and II are correct; while IlI and IV are wrong.
(IV) Root hairs provide increased surface area for gas (2) II and Ill are correct; while A and IV are wrong.
Cxchange and absorption of water in plants.
(3) Ill and IV are correct: while I and II are wrong.
Which one of the following alternatives is correct?
()listrue. ll is false (2) l istrue. I is false (4)I and IV are correct; while II and IlI are wrong.
(3) 11 is true, Il is false (4) IV is true, l is false
Q.15 Oxygen is transported in vertebrates as

Q.8 Which of the following group of animals can breath (1) dissolved in plasma
means of skin? (2) combined with Haemoglobin
(1) Frogs. salamander and watersnakes (3) dissolved in cytoplasm of erythrocytes
2) Earth worm, alligators and frog (4) absorbed over the RBC
(3) Frog, snail and leech
(4) Earth worm and frog Q.16 In respiration, air passes through
(1) Pharynx. Nasal cavity, Larynx. Trachea. Bronchi,
Q.9 In respiration. air passes through
Bronchiole, Lungs
(1) Pharynx. nasal cavity, larynx, rachea, bronchi, (2) Nasal cavity. Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi,
bronchiole, lungs
Bronchiole, Lungs
(2) Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi,
3) Lamyx. Nasal cavity. Pharynx, Trachea. Lungs
br onchioles, lungs
(3) Larynx. nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, lungs 4) Larynx, Pharynx. Trachea, Lungs
(4) Larynx. pharynx, trachea, lungs Q.17 Expiration involves-
Which of the following traps the foreign particles (1) Relaxation ofdiaphragm and intercostal muscles
entering the nasal passagc? (2) Contraction of diaphragm and intercostal muscles
(1) Hair inside nostrils (3) Contraction of diaphragm muscles
(2) Mucous in the nasal cavity (4) Contraction of intercostal muscles
(3) Ciliated epithelium in the nasal cavity and trachca
(4) All the above
Q.11 The passage ofexhaled air in human beings is
(1)Trachea > lungs larynx pharynx -aiveit
(2)Nose larynx > pharynx > bronchus-+>alveoth
Fitneion of Lenticels in plant is .
(3) Alveoli -> bronchioles > bronchi > traciea- Andhra Pradesh 2015-161
larynx pharynx > Nostrils () Photosynthesis (2) Excretion
(4) Nose mouth > lungs (3) Respiration (4) Coordination

Q.12 Lungs have a large number ofalveolifor Q.2 The end product of respiration in plants are
) Maintaining a spongy texture and proper shape Punjab 2015-16]
(2) More surface area for diffusion of gases (1)Co, H,O and energy (2) Starchand Oxygen
3) More nerve supply (3) Sugar and Oxygen (4)H,O and energy
4) More space to increase volume of inspired air
Q.3 Which one of the following is known as energy
Q.13 Rate of breathing in an aquatic organism currency of a cell
(1) Is much slower than that seen in terrestrial organism
Punjab 2015-16]
1)ATP (2)ADP
(2) In much faster than that seen in terrestrial organism
(3) Breathing does not occur (3) Pyruvate (4) Glucose
(4) Equals to that seen in terrestrial organism

Life Process-Respiration

Q.4 , particle or oxysome are present in Q.13 Cramps in the legs muscles after
after runninga long
running a
are because of
Punjab 2015-16
(1) build up of lacticacid
Uttar Pradesh 20
()Endoplasmic reticulm (2)Chloroplast
3) Mitochondria (4) Golgi complex (2) build up ofacticacid
(3) build up of oxalic acid
One molcculc of glucose on complete oxidation yiclds: (4) build up of pyruvic acid
Tamil Nadu 2015-16
(1)38ATP (2)36ATP (3)83 ATP (4) 35 ATP Q.14 By which cell the process of opening and ch
stomata is controlled?
Q.6 Kreb's Cyele takes place
in (1)Epidemal Cell (2) Guard Cel IGujarat 20
Madhaya Pradesh 2015-16 (3) Accessory Cell 4) LeafCell
(Cytoplasm (2) Mitochondria
(3) Nucleus (4) Ribosome Q.15 Which of the following does respire by the t
Q.7 How many carbon is
present in Acctyl COA? (1) Mollusca (2) Arthropoda
[Odisha 2015
West Bengal 2015-161 (3) Annelida (4) Nematohelminthes
(1)Four 2)One (3) Three (4) Two Q.16 Which one of the
Q.8 Break down of
pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water
following is not a fact
and energy takes
place in IChandigarh 2016-17 (1)Oxygen (2) Carbondioxide
Odisha 201
(1) Cytoplasm (2) Mitochondria 3) Water (4) Nitrogen
(3) Chloroplast (4) Nucleus
Q.9 Which of the Q.17 Among carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and
following statements are TRUE about relative energy yicld ATP
respiration? in kcal/g is best represente
Andhra Pradesh 2016-171
) Hemoglobin has greater affinity for
i) The gaseous CO, O than (1) Lipids>{atokydrates> ATP|Haryana 201
exchange takes place in the alveoli (2) ATP LipteTrotcins
(ii) During inhalation ribs
move inward and (3) Lipi:is artohydrates
is raised diaphragm
4) LipidsPrutcts> ATP
(iv) Hemoglobin has
greater affinity for 0, than
( i and iv (2)i and ii (3) i CO Q.18 Where is the
and ii (4) i and i gaseous exchange takes
Q.10 How many ATP is formed respiration in human being ? place c
due Gujarat 20
of I molecule of
completed oxidation (1)Alveoli
glucose? 2) Pharynx
Jharkhand 2016-17 (3) Bronchi
(2)36 (3) 38 (4) Trachea
(4) None
Q.11 The breakdown of glucose to Q.19 Which among the
pyruvate takes place in following is not
humans? |Goa componen

Delhi 2016-171 respiratory system in

(d) Mitochondria (2) Nucleus (iphary ns 2017-18|
(3) Lungs (2 larynx
(4) cytoplasm (3hypabaierms (4) trachea
Q.12 Study the diagram below and sclect the
labeling. Q.20 When A1s anverted
into ADP, iu
Karnataka 2016-17 West Bengal 2017-
()Homone (2 Secretion
(3)Enzyme (4) Energy
B- Q.21 Arrange the following parts of the
-D Respiratory S"
Tamil Nadu 201
(1) trachea
(11) nose
(1)(A) Epidermal cells (B) Stoma (C) ii) alveoli
Guard cell (D) (iv) bronchi
(2)(A) Guard cel (B) Stoma (C) Chloroplast (V) nasal cavity
Epidermal cells(D) Chloroplast (vi) bronchiole
(3) (A) Stoma (B) (1Cii) (vi) (v) (i) G)(iv)
Epidermal cells (C)
(4) (A) Chloroplast (B) Stoma (C) Chloroplast (D) Guard cell 2i)(v)(iv) vi) (üi) o)
Epidermal cells (D) Guard cell (3) (i) (v)6)(iv) (vi)
40 (ii)
4) ()) () (vi) iv)
Lfe Process-Respiration

The thick stem oftrees respire through: in the throat

Q.22 Q.29 Rings of cartilage are prescnt
Chhattisgarh 2017-181 IChandigarh 2018-19
(1) Trachea (2) Stomata (1)To keep the throat crect
(3) Lenticel (4) Gills (2) To produce the voice
from infection
0.23 One gram mole of Glucose on completc oxidation to (3) To prevent the air passage
(4) To prevent air passage from collapse
CO, and H,0 producesabout..
ITelangana 2017-181 Q.30 Brcathing rate in human is controlled by:
(1)6.86,000Cal (2)6,860 Cal Delhi 2018-19
(3)68,600 Cal (4)68.60,000 Cal ()Thalamus (2) Hypothalamus
(3) Cercbellum (4) Medulla oblongata
The brcakdown of pyruvate lo give carbon dioxide,
water and energy takes place in :- |Bihar, Goa 2017-18|
Breakdown of pyruvate to yield CO,,H,O and energy
(1)Cytoplasm (2) Mitochondria Q.31
takes place in IGoa 2018-19]
(3) Chloroplast (4) Nucleus
(2) mitochondrion
(4) nucleus
Which is NOT TRUE about lactic acid fermentation? (3) chloroplast
(1)Glycolysis is the initial phase IKerala 2017-18
Which of the following is not a component of
(2) Glucose is broken down incompletely Q.32
humans? IGoa 2018-191
(3) Only two ATP molecules are generated respiratory system in
(1)pharynx (2) larynx
(4) Carbon dioxide is liberated (4) trachea
(3) hypothalamus
What happens to the inhaled air as it passes through
Q.26 Q.33 Which animals in the animal kingdom require the
thenasal cavity? Andhra Pradesh 2018-19
maximum amount of energy'? IGujarat 2018-19
(1) Warmed to the body temperature
(1)Fishes Amphibians
(2) Moistened by mucus (2) Amphibians Reptiles
(3) Filered in the nasal cavity
(3) Mammals Reptiles
(4) All ofthese (4 Birds-mammals
of the following
Q.27 During the process of respiration, all respire through lungs IGujarat 2018-191
processes release CO, except-|Bihar2018-19 (2) lizard (3) Sepia (4) Prawns
(1 Crabs
(1) Conversion of pyruvate to ethanol.
Conversion ofpyruvic acid to
lactic acid
(2) Anaerobic respiration takes place only in
(3) Tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Gujarat 2018-19
(4) Conversion of pyruvic
acid to Acetyl CoA (2) Glands
1 Mitochondria
(3) Lungs (4) Cytoplasm
human occurs in-
Q.36 Exchange of gases in

Haryana 2018-19
() Trachea (2) Pleura
(3) Bronchi (4) Alveoli

When ATP is converted in to ADP

it releascs
Q.37 Madhya Pradesh 2018-191
5 10 15 20
(2) Secretions
Above graph show's amount of CO, produced by plant (3) Energy
(4) Homones
cells at various levels at atmospheric O,
below 1% level
In respiration at atmospheric oxygen
This i s . 3 8 Glycolysis takes place in
released is relatively high. Madhya Pradesh 2018-19
the amount of CO, Bihar 2018-19
due to (1) Mitochondria

(1) TCA cycle is hyper active. (2) Cytoplasm

(2) There is insufficient amount of CO-enzyme (3) Nucleus

(3) Alcoholic fermentation is occuring (4) Chloroplast

(4) Pyruvic acid oxidation is
incomplcte. 41
ol c n e i g y

e Proces $enirnlion


(1) Cerebrum
p r o d u c t i o n r o m

IMaharashtrn 2018-19
c a r b o h y d r a t e s

acid - (3) Mcdula oblongata (4) Pons
> tenergy

Krebs acid ->
Pyruvic acid
Pyruvic Q.49 he correctse
The correct scquence ofaerobic resni
CoA> CO,

Acetyl CoA
cycleAcetyl >
Krebs >

(1)Glucose Cytoplsm Pyruvate

Pynuvic acid-Krebs
Glycolysis -> Acetyl CoA CO+Water+ Energy
Carbohydrates +HO +energy
(4) Pyruvic acid-C0, (2) Glucose yoplas Pyruvate
Ethanol+C0,+ Encrgy
of Pyruvate to give carbon dioxide,
The breakdown (3) Glucose Cytolasm
Q.40 takes place in Pyruvate
watcrand energy
Punjab 2018-19 Lactic Acid+ Encrgy
(2) Mitochondria
(I)Cytoplasm (4) Glucose Cyoplas Pyruvate
(4) Nucleus
3) Chloroplast
What is the breath rate
in human beings ?
Q.41 2018-19
Telangana 18-1 Q.50 Assertion (A): During the day plants do n
(1)5-6times'minute (2)15-18times/minute.
(4) 70-80 times/minute. CO
(3)40-45times/minute Reason (R): CO, generated during respiraio
Which is the key intermediate compound linking
for photosynthesis. Karnataka
Q42 (1)'A° is true and 'R° is false
glycolysis to Kreb's cycle ? Telangana 2018-191 (2)A isfalse and 'R' is true
() Mallic acid (2) Acetyl-CoA
(3) Pyruvic acid (4) Citric acid (3) Both 'A and R is true and 'R'explains'a
(4) Both'A' and "R is true but R'doesn'tep
Q.43 During the cellular respiration, one molecule of Glucose
isfirst broken down into twomolecules of. Q.51 Adenosine triplhate (ATP)produces
Telangana 2018-19 in tv rganisms and also
(1) Acetic acid (2) Pyruvic acid Punjab20
in pla:
(3) Lactic acid (4) Sulphuric acid
(1) Photosyithe:ts. bsorption
(2) Respiration, Nur tion
Q.44 In muscle cells the break down of pyruvate in absence
(3) Photosynthesis. Respiration
of oxygen produces - Assam 2019-201
(4) Respiration, Photosynthesis
(1)Ethanol-CO,+ Energy
(2) Lactic acid + Energy
(3)CO,+Water+ Energy Q.52 Ifyou think chest cavity is a room, in this the
(4)CO may be Andhra Pradesh
() Windows(2)Walls (3) Roof
Q.45 Which of the following reactions take place during break
down ofmolecules in the respiration in our body? rbon «
Q.53 The breakdown of pyruvate to give car
Delhi2019-20 water and energy. This process takes place
(1)Oxidation (2) Reduction JUttarakhand201
(3)Oxidation - reduction (4) Photo-Oxidation
Q46 Lactic acid is produced when pyruvate is broken down (2) Mitochondria
(3) Chloroplast
Delhi 2019-201
(1) In presence of oxygen in mitochondria (4) Nucleus
(2) In absence of oxygen in mitochondria
(3) In presence of oxygen in muscle cells
(4) In absence of oxygen in muscle cells
Q.54 Air sacs in birds help in |West Bengal 20
(1) Double respiration
Q.47 Name the process by which cellular (2) Increase of body weight
waste product like
CO, gets transported out of the cell. IGoa 2019-201 (3) Storage of more food
()Osmosis (2) Diffusion (4) Loss in lung functions
(3) Pressure 4) Flow
Life Process-Respiration

NTSE STAGE-2 (1) Glycogen is more compact and more hydrophilic.

PREVIOUS YEAR'S (2) Storage of glucose in free form will consume more
The phenomenon of normal breathing in a human being
compriscs INTSE 2015 (3) Glucose in the free form creates more osmotic
(1)an act1ve inspiratory and a passive expiratory phase. pressure.
(2) a passive inspiratory and an active expiratory phase. (4) Glucose is highly reactive molecule hence storing
3) both active inspiratory and expiratory
phases in the free form can result in unwanted reactions in
(4) both passive inspiratory and expiratory phases the eells.

Q.2 Suppose a mutant of a photosynthetic alga has

dysfunctional mitochondria. it would affect its ability Q.6 The figure given below is designed to show yeast
to perfom respiration. In one of the tubes. there is yeast
INTSE 2016
()glycolysis (2) anaerobic respiration suspension in glucose solution. This solution was
(3) acrobic respiration 4) photosynthesis boiled before ycast was added to it. Which one of the
following is the possible reason for boiling of sugar
Q.3 Under which condition stated below, the six carbon solution? INTSE-20191
glucose molecule is broken down into three carbon
molecules pyruvate and lactic acid? NTSE 2018
(1) acrobic condition in musclecells
(2) anaerobic condition in ycast ells
(3) acrobic condition in mitochondria
(4) anaerobic condition in muscle cells

Q4 A student was performing an experiment to understand

the enzyme-substrate reaction. The student measured
the formation of coloured product using a colorimeter. Oil-
The student plotted the graph below which shows the
reaction rate versus the substrate concentration. Glucose Bicarbonate
********************************************************** indicator
(1) To ensure aerobie fermentation.
(2) To provide the initial wamth for the yeast to become
(3) To remove the dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide
from the solution
Substrate concentration
Following interpretations were drawn by the student. (4) To remove dissolved carbon dioxide and trap the
A. The higher concentration of substrate acts as an Oxygen from the atmosphere.
enzyme inhibitor. NTSE-2019
B. It is a sigmoidal curve with sharp transition from Q.7 which ne oi the following organisms has a cellular
low to high reaction rates over the increasing substrate Tespiralory pigncnt dissoBved in plasma and is also a
concentration. predaceous carnivore and shows matriphagy?
C. The curve reaches a plateau and does not further
increase with increasing substrate concentrations due
) Scorpion 2) Cockroach
to saturation of enzyme with the substrale.
(3) Earthwom (4) Sea cucumber
Choose which of the interpretations of the graph are
(1)Aand B (2)A and C (3) B only (4) B and C

Q.5 Glucose is the prime source of energy in our body.

However, it is stored in the form of glycogen in the
muscle and liver of animals and in the form of starch in
plants. As a result. every time a cell requires glucose,
it must hydrolyze glycogen which is an energy
consuming process. Why does the cell store glycogen
instead of glucose in free form? INTSE-2019]
Life Process-Respiration
Q.1 (3)
Q.2(3) Q.3 (1)
Q.11 (4) Q.4 (1) Q.5(4) Q.6(4) Q.7(2) Q.8(1) Q.9 (2)
Q.21 (4)
Q.12(1) Q.13 (1) Q.14 (3) Q.10(4)
Q.22 (4) Q.23(4) Q.15 (3) Q.16(2) Q.17(4) Q.18(2) Q.19(4)
Q.31 (2) Q32(2) Q.24 (1) Q.25 (3) Q.26(1) Q.27 (3)
Q.20 (4)
Q.28(4) Q.29 (3)
Q.41 (4) Q.42(4) Q.33 (3) Q.34(2) Q35(2) Q.36 (4)
Q.30 (2
Q.37 (2) Q.38 (3) Q.39(3) Q40(1)
Q.51 (2) Q.52(4) Q.43 (4) Q.44 (4) Q.45 (1) Q46 (4) Q.47 (1) Q.48(1) Q.49 (1) Q.50(4
Q.61 (4) Q.62(3) Q.53(1) Q.54(4)
Q.54 (4) Q.55 (1) Q.56 (4)
Q.63 (4) Q.57 (1) Q.58(4) Q.59(2)
Q.64 (3) Q.60(2
Q.1 (4)
Q.2(4) Q.3(2) Q4 (4)
Q.11 (3) Q.12(2) Q.5(4) Q.6(1)
Q.13(2) Q.14(3) Q.7(1) Q.8(4)
Q.15 (2) Q.16(2) Q.9(2)
Q.17(1) Q.10(4)
Q.1 (3) 0.2(0)
Q.11 (4) Q.3(1) Q4 (3)
Q.12 (2) Q.13(1) Q.5(1) Q.6(2)
Q.21 (3) Q.22(3) Q.23(1) Q.14 (2) Q.15(2) Q.7(4)
Q.31 (2) Q.24 (2) Q.16(4) Q.8(2) Q.9(1)
Q.41 (2)
Q.32(3) Q.33(4) Q.34 (2)
Q.25 (4) Q.26(4) Q.17(1,4) Q.18(1) Q.10 (3
Q42(2) Q43 (2) Q.35(4) Q.36(4) Q.27 (2) Q.28 (3)
Q.19 (3) Q.20 4
Q.51 (4) Q.52(4) Q.53 (2) Q.44 (2) Q.45 (3) Q.37 (3) Q.29 (4)
Q.54 (1) Q.46 (4) Q.38 (2) Q.3 (4)
Q.47 (2) Q48 (3) Q.39 (1)
NTSE STAGE-2 Q.49 (2)
Q.49 (1) Q.50(3)
Q.1 (1) Q.2 (3) Q.3 (4) Q.4 (2) Q.5 (3) Q.6 (3)
Life Process Circulatory System -

and Transportation in Plant 3

Red blood cells are abscent.
Transport of difterent materials and gases are
Red blood cells are present.
essential both in plants and animals. In animals, the Blood flows slowly under low pressure
transport is brought about by a well- defined organ Blood lows rapidly under high pressure.
system called the cireulatory system. In higher plants C.g: Arthropoda. Echinodermata
transport of nutrients is brought about by a well- c.g.: Annelida, some mollusca.
defined vascular system comprising of the
conduction tissues, xylem and phloem. TRANSPORTATION IN HUMAN BEINGS
Transportation is the movement of materials form In humans, transportation of oxygen, nutrients,
one part to another, usually from the region of their hormone and other substances to tissue. CO, to the
availability to the region of their use, storage or lungs and waste products to the kidneys is carried
elimination. Transportation occurs in all organisms, out by a well-defined Circulatory System. In lower
from microscopic ones to large sized trees and organisms material is transported by diffusion.
animals. Circulatory System:
It comprises of the heart, blood vessels. blood,
CIRCULATION lymphatic vessels and lymph, which together serve
The process of transporting the absorbed food. water to transport materials, throughout the body.
and waste products from one place to another in the Components of the circulatory system in higher
bodyis called circulation. animals are-
There are two types of circulation system found in
the animals. 2.Pumping organ heart
(i) Open Circulation System 3.System of blood vessels for distribution and
(ii) Closed Circulation System collection of blood - consisting of arteries, veins
and eapillaries.
Differences between open and closed circnlatory
i s 2 viscous lluid connective tissue consisting
system f a fiuid (mairix-plasma) containing blood
(i) Open Circulatory System: co:puscles. Its volume is 6 litres (approx.)
blood circulates
In this type of circulatory system, the
and vesselsand in
partially in some part of the body
the open space of Blood
its remaining parts it disperses in
in direct with cells.
tissues, so that it comes
Unio, etc.
E.g.: Cockroach, Paleomon, Pila.
(ii) Closed Cireulatory System:
the blood remains Serum Protein Blood cells
In this type of circulatory system
carried to various organs
only in the vessels and
through vessels and capillaries; W.B.C Platelets
Frog. Human beings etc. (Red blood corpuscles)
e.g. Earthworm. Fish.
Closed C.S.:
Difference between open &
channel and sinus
Blood is filled in coelomie
in closed vessels is Agranulocytes
coelome Blood circulates Granulocytes
called haemolymph.
called haemocoel and fluid is
Eosinophils Lymphocytes Monocytes
with circulating fluid.
Tissues arein direct contact Neutrophils Basophils
contact with circulating
Tissues are not in direct
Process-Circulatory System and Transportation in Plant
Liquid part- matrix -plasma 55% Also known as
Solid part- Blood
corpuscles-45 They are smallerThrombocytes.
than red and
(RBC, WBC and Platelets) and less than RBC in white
Process of blood formation
Nucleus is absent in them. Bloo, ..

PLASMA They are minute, contractile and

It formes 55% of blood and is Pale
It is pale yellow in colour due to
ycllow. Their main function 15
cloting of blond
The plasma has 90-92%
urobilinogen (Billinbin). Questions: lood.
water and remaining 8%-10% 1. What is meant
are other materials. by circulatory
2. What are the svstema
Albumin: Smallest plasma protein. components of blood
system in humans?
Globulin: Transport or carry substance in
body. 3. Name the mineral,
Destroy bacteria, virus and toxic substances. helps i
Fibrinogen: Largest plasma protein. 4. Name the blood ormation
Helps in blood clotting. vessel, which
lung to the heart? cariec t
Prothrombin: Helps in blood clotting. 5. Give other name for
6. What is
blood platelets
FUNCTIONSs OF PLASMA protective layer of heart
() Transportation of nutrients, FUNCTIONS OF BLOOD knowna
excretion of wastes and hormones ofrespiratory gases, Transportation of nutrients.
endocrine glands.
() It helps in temperature
regulation. Transportation of respiratory gases.
(ii) Prothrombin and Transportation of excretory
in blood clotting at
fibrinogen plasma proteins help Transportation of hormones.products.
injuries. Regulation of body temperature.
(iv) Globulins of blood
plasma act as antibodies and Maintenance of pH.
provide immunity (disease resistance).
(v) Blood proteins also help in transportation Transportation
Water balance.
of metabolic
minerals like iron, copper etc. Protection from diseases.
(vi) It helps in keeping the
body temperature constant. Clotting of blood.
Support: e.g. Erection of penis, nipples
Blood Corpuscles HEART (EXTERNAL and clitc-
(a) Red Blood Corpusecles
It is situated in
These are minute. circular
(RBC) or Erythrocytes: thoracic cavity, between the
biconcave discs having no slightly on the ventral surface.
nucleus. They look red due to the Its triangular,
coloured pigment, presence of red superior-broad portion is tilted
towards right (dorsal) side, its s
life span of about 120
Red blood cells have tiled towards left side. lower narrow por-
bone marrow number
days. They are produced in Heart is enclosed from all
is 4.5-5.5 millon/ the sides by an envel-
Function: two membranes called
The namow pericardial membrane.
Haemoglobin transports oxygen from lungs to space in between these two membr
tissues. body called pericardini
ta re.
A serous hid
psent in this
(b) WBC or White Blood Cells or pericardial herirt.he human heart iscavity, it is
These are large, nucleated Corpuscles: chambers.Fhe upr vo chambers are
colourless cells and are the lower 1wo
less numerous than are called Ventricl
erythrocytes. There are about 5000
W.B.C per mililitre of blood.
between the aurcis and
ventricles. a clear gro-
present which is known
Ihis Coronary sulcus.

WBC are groove is more tow ards auricles. by

mainly of two
Types W.B.C this the auricular the e
surface is smaller than ventici
WBC Auricular part of heart is smaller and
walls are is divided of dark col=
into right and left
by fissure called Interauricular sulcus, which au 15 >
Granulocytes shghtly towards left. Right auricular surface is
They have a granular Their than left auricle.
Ventricular part is broad, muscui
cytoplasm and
eytoplasm does of light
colour. Ventricles have thicker wall than au
not contain
nucleus. granules lobed The grooves which divide the two ventricles are t
but a single
large as
Inter-ventricular groove or sulcus; it is obl-
spherical nucleus. tilted toward right.
in Plant
Circulatory System
Life P r o c e s s

structure of the human heart is described WORKING OF THE HEARTT

Internal works like a pump.
The heart of the human contact
below: do not come in
As the two lateral parts of hcart both
. The hcart is surrounded by a tough fibrous heart works as
two pumps
membrane called the pericardium. with cach other thus
independently and
the parts work
. The heart is a four-chambered double pump. It enters the left
auricle from lungs
consists of upper right and left atria that pulse Pure oxygenaled blood
through pulmonary veins.
lower right and left ventricles that of the body
together, and blood from various part
Since ventricles have to The deoxygenated
also contract together. veins and capillaries.
enters right auricle through
pump blood
to various parts of the body, they have contract
so the
The two auricles
thicker muscular walls as compared to the atria.
to left
from lefi auricle
auricles. 0xygenated blood
The atria (singular atrium) are also called blood from right
auricle is pumped
The walls of these, chambers are made ofa special and deoxygenated
into right ventricle.
muscle called myocardium, which contracts ventricles contract
simultaneously so
continuously and rhythmically (recurring at regular Now both the valve
created on the
blood and the
the pressure is
intervals) to pump blood. ventricle close and
the blood does
between auricle and
The atria are separated the thin, muscular
by auricle.
not go back into the blood
interatrial septum, while the
ventricles are
aorta valve opens and
Due to this pressure, different
muscular interventricular
separated by the thick, comes in aorta, from here, blood is sent

various arteries.
septum. body with the help of
valves (AV valves), the parts of the reaches
Two atrioventricular ventricle, blood
By the contraction of right
located between the arteries where it gets
bicuspid and tricuspid, are the lungs through pulmonary
semilunar valves are
chambers of the heart, and
present at the
bases of the two large vessels (the
leaves the
pulmonary trunk and the aorta) that
meant for preventing the
heart. The valves are
backward flow of blood when
the atria or ventricles


Interatrial septum
To lungs Aorta

Pulmonary veins
Pulmonary artery-
Pulmonary trunk-

vena cava

Superior Lett atruin

Semilunar values
Bicuspid value

Tnferior v e a cava-

Tricuspid value -
Interventricular septum

Left ventricle
Right venricle

Figure: Intermal structure of Human heart

Life Process -Circulatory System and Transportation in Plant
() Systemic circulation: In
The arteries, veins and
capillaries are divided into circulation from left vent this, k
blood co
systemie and pulmonary circulation. Ae to
the body organs
The systemic circulation carries oxygenated blood
from the heart to all the tissues in
i) Pulmonary circulation: In auriele
the lungs and returns
the body except itscirculation from right ventriclethis, hi
to le
blood the lungs.
camying waste products,
back to the heart.
such as carbon dioxide, aunce
The pulmonary circulation
Double Circuit
carries this spent blood LUNGS
from the heart to the
lungs. In the
relcases its carbon dioxide and lungs, blood
the Smaller Circuit
absorbs oxygen. (1) Pulmonary circuit 0
oxygenated blood then returns to the heart 1 co
before transferring to the
The blood circulates systemic circulation.
within blood vessels in the
following order: RALA
(a) heart RV
pulmonary artery lungs
pulmonary veins hcart (Pulmonary) Greater Circuit
(b)heart aorta -> arteries
(2) Systemic Circuit
veins >
heart (Systemic) Co.
Together (a) and (b) make up a double circulation.
n. Si Single Circuit: - HEART
Sinerior Vicna Laia\
Rigni Afw Righ: Venmcle co
boac da Bia Inienar Vena Caa
Denry.hiii Body Parts

mun.n-Pulmonn Example ^Fishes

Osy biooounxd ey. Artemc
Dewxy Biuad Deongenaed Biad (i) In this. the blood
Oxy. Bioud {sygerated Blood passes through
onee the h
sueiy nce to the body.
(ii is tund in îisihes which have
oXe surie
31 one ventricle. venous and br=
rear:e hcart receives
Bod,yans a Hear Hear Lungs only deoxygenated
whici is firsi pumped to the gills for oxyge
and then
oxygenated blood is supplied to
iean body parts by various arteries.
Self Practice Problems
(1 The sino-atrial node
Deoxygenated blood is carried by which blood vessel? (S.A node) found in the w
(2) Oxygenated blood is carried by which blood vessel ? the right atrium. is
(3) What do you mean
responsible to initiate and me
the heart beat by their
by pulmonary circulation ? rhythmie and sponta-
(4) What are heart sounds? coniractiaS.
(5) What do you mean
by systole and diastole? SA noe s aso known as "Pacemaker"
(6) Name the valves
present in the heart.
Heart beat mitas, 72
times in one minute.
(7) Name the major blood vessels
in the heart.
(8) What is the difference between present
AV valve and semilu- Questions
nar valve? . What is double circulation?
2. Name the groove, which demarcates two ven
In double circulation, the blood
3. Name the thickest
passes twice through artery.
the heart supply once to the body. e.g. Birds,
to 4. Name the blood vessel that brings oxygc
Mammals and some reptiles (crocodile and blood to the heart chamber.
Double circulation involves alligator).
two circulations: 5. Name the arteries, which
supply blood to neu
(i) Systemic circulation(1) Pulmonary circulation 6. Give other term for
48 bicuspid valve.
Life Proeens.Circulatory System and Tranaportation in Plant

Blood pressure is the diastolic pressure is 80 mn of Hg. It is expressed as

pressure against the walls of
the blood vessels the ratio of the systolic pressure over the diastolic
(arteries). It is produced by the
discharge of blood into the blood vessels during pressure or 120/80 mmblg.
Hypertension : A persistent increase in blood
contractions of the leit ventricle. The pressure in the
arteries ises with cach contraction of the pressure is called hypertension or high blood pressure.
heart and It is caused by narrowing ofarterial lumen and reduced
fallsduring relaxation of the heart. The
temporary rise
in blood pressure during contraction of the heart is
clasticity of arterial walls in old age. It can cause
rupturing ofan artery or capillaries and hence interrmal
called systolic pressure. The temporary fall in blood
bleeding. It is a silent killer as it has almost no noticeable
pressure during relaxation of the heart is known as
diastolie pressure. symptoms.
Blood pressure generally measured by
the millimetres of mereury (Hg)
determining Hypotension is abnormally low blood pressure.
displaced in a especially in the arteries of the systemic circulation.
pressure gauge caled sphygmomanometer. The
nomal systolie pressure is about 120 mm of Hg and
It is best understood as a physiologic state, rather than
a discase.
pressure 120/80
(120 systoltc.
80 diastolic)
(to be measurrd) 'Tessur Pressure Pressure
n cufl in cuff
above 120 below 80
below 120

Rubber cufl -120 120

with air 80


Sounds Sounds
audible in stop

Self Practice Problems

9) Which instument is used in the measurement of blood pressure ?

(10) Give a note on systolic and distolic pressure.
(11) What is a normal average value of blood pressure in adults ?
(12) Define hypertension.
(13) Define hypotension.
DiHferences betweensystolicpressure and dhastolicpressure e r s mmaarrnunen

CharacterTs Systolicbload pressure Diastolic blood pressure

Definition Blood pressure at the time ofmax imum Blood pressure at the time of maximum
contraction of veniis relaxation of ventricles
Value 120mm ig 80 mm Hg

Self Practice Problems Name the instrument used to measure blood vessel.
(22) Name the instrument used to hear heart sounds.
(14) What' is function of values in circulatory systc (23) What is the range of normal systolic and diastolic blood
(15) Which chambers of heart reccives blood?
(16) Which chambers of heart pump blood"
(17) Name the vein bring blood to left atrium from lungs.
The pulse is felt in the radial artery present in the wrist
(18) Name the major veins which pour into right atrium.
of a man, it is also felt in the artery of neck region the
(19) What is systole?
graph of pulse of an artery is marked by an instrument
(20) What is diastole?
that is called sphygmomanometer, and graph is called
sphygmo graph.
Life Process
-Circulatory System and Transportation in Plant

BLOOD VESSELS 2. Veins: They collect the blood

lh human, three types of blood vessels are present. of the body and pour it into
the heart diffe
i)Arteries (ii) Veins (ii) Capillaries 3. Capillaries: The thin art,
1. Arteries: The vessels which carry blood from heart
branches of the
to various, organ of the body are called arteries.
are called capillaries. blood

The major differences between various blood vessels have been

given in Table
S. N._ Featurcs_ Arteries Veins
1 Lumen Narrow ide Very smal
|Present all along the length|
|Absent to prevent back flow
Take bloodthe
blood away
Dircction |Bring the blooa
blood flow from to
diffcrent |the hcart from 10waru|Blood
various flows from artestio
parts of body body parts. (capillaries) to venules.
4 Blood pressure Pressure is high.
|Pressure is low. Pressure is extremely low.
5 Blood flow Blood flows rapidly| Blood flows
with jerks smoothly Blood flows smoothly withe
without ierks. lierks.
6 Kind of blood
Oxygenated blood,
Cxccpt in pulmonary Deoxygenated blood Blood
artery except in pulmonary vein. changes
7 |Location
0xygenated to
Mostly dcep scated Mostly superficial Form network all over

body and in organs

T.Meda TExtema
Capilaries T.Medie

Intemal Elestk Lamina Capllary system discovered T.Interna
by marcello malpighi

DULL Prolonged (0.16 sec) Shzarp. Stxorter tined (0.15 sec)
Systolic Sound Diastolic Souxd
Caused by closer of AV valesCased by closer
of Semilurar valves
(i) These "Lubb" and "Dup" sounds of the heart Lymphatic system:
lt consists of
be heard with the lymph, lymph vessels, Lymp
can help of an instrument called Capillaries and lymph nodes or Lymph glands
(1i) The graph which is marked by the machine due
to the voltage difference is termed as the "E.C.G
When blood flows into thin
or Electro Cardio Gram" and this process is
of plasma filters out
capaillaries some
termed as" Electro Cardiography." of thin capillaries. This
called interstitial fluid or tissue fluid or
in Plant
and Trannportation
ire Proce9-Cireutatory Syaterm

in it destroy harmful pathogers

Lymphocytes present
It draims excess tissue fluid from intercellular spaces
back into the hlood It carries lymphocytes
antibodies from lymph nodes to the blood
it trom
infection and prevent
Lymph nodes localize the
3 Tha
spreading to other body parts
Tissue fluidLymphatic capillaries

Heart-eins- Lymph vessels

that ot
The composition of is very similar to
lacks plasma proteins
blood plasma. except that it
which the capillary walls are not permeable.

Lymphatic circulation in
human body
colourless fluid connective
tissue carrying
Lymph is a
out following functions:

(i) It returns tissue fluid from the interstitial spaces

into the blood
villi called lacteals
(i) Lymph capillaries ofintestinal
from the intestine and
Lymph is also called extra cellular fluid. I is colourless hclp in absorption of fats
and contains lymphocyte cclls. Unlike blood. lymph conducting these to the blood circulation.
products and
does not contain red blood corpuscles. platelets and (ii) It collects carbon dioxide. waste
metabolites from tissues via tissue fluid.
plasma protein. Lymph flows only in one direction that the lymph
is from tissues to heart. (iv) With the help of lymphocytes (WBCs).
The functions of lymph are as under: provides immunity to the body and fights against
It transports fatty acids and glycerols from small the invading organisms.
intestine to blood.
TABLE: Differences between Blood and Lymph

S.No. Features Bood Lymph

Colou It is red in cokur due to the presence of It is colourless or light yellow in colour
hacmogdobin in RBCs. and does not contain RBCs and

The blood always consists of blood It contains blood plasma without blood
plasma and blood cels (Red blood cels proteins and some WBCs.
white blood ce!ls and bkood platelets)
lt carnes ORYEn n the body.. It does not carry oxygen
3 Carner
Part of It is part of ciosei cTC iawry system It is part of open circulatory syssem
tube ike
passng ithrcigr i l a n
Structirs (A:4 EsSels)
t car ris a iors ot ie It contains specal cells called
5. Functions
ymphocytes that help to develop
mmunity of the body.
Self Practice Problems
(4) Arteriosclerosis: Hardening of arteries. Due to

(24) Lymph contains all the blood cells except calcium deposition.
What do you understand by tissue fluid ?
(B) Atherosclerosis This disease of the coronary
(25) arteries, with fatty deposits in their inner wall is
(26) Enlargement oflymph nodes suggest
called Atheroselerosis
(27) Role of lymph in immunity of the body. chest
What is the difference in circulation of blood vessel
(C) Angina pectoris: (Angina-pain. pectoris
(28) region) Severe but temporary heart pain which is
and lymph. usually felt in the front of the chest and may pass
nto the arms.
LIfe Process-Circulatory System and Transportatlon in Plant

i) It is the soil in which the water a

(D) Myocardial Infraction (HeartAttack): Death ofa ater and minerals
present and hence couldd be
section of heart muscle due to lack ofblood supply
following blockade of coronary artery. theabsorption
of these materials oceu easit
E) Polyeythemia: This disorderisharmful because part ofthe plant which is in direct com.
the viscosity of blood is greatly increased due to soil, that is, roots. ontact
the extra R.B.C contributing to thrombosis (ii) For higher distances between roots (soil
() Anaemia: Reduced number of RBC. part) and (chlorophyll contimiConi
(G) Leucopenia : Reduced number of WBC. meant for manufacturing food). dit
processes could not be sufficient for
(H) Leukaemia: Increased number of WBC or blood pro
raw materials in leaves and energy in
cancer To
processes could have been sufficient in
Plant transport system moves encrgy stored from (ii) The plants never move and they contain a
leaves and raw materials from roots. These two amount of dead cells in their body. Hence
pathway are constructed as conducting tubes xylem, need lesser amount of energy as compared
which moves water, minerals obtained from the soil; animals due to their locomotion nature. Asa
and phloem which transports products of the plants need a slow transport system.
photosynthesis from the leaves where they are

synthesised to other parts of the plant. Because of the above reasons, the plants devele
Both plants and animals have transport systems to proper system of transportation.
transport materials from one part of the body to Nitrogen is an essential element for all the plar-
another. The plants have two modes of transport to its requirement for the synthesis of protein
systems, namely, other compounds. It is taken up by the plants t
) Toabsorb and transport water and minerals from any of the two modes:
the roots to the leaves: The plants carry a special (a) From soil where it is occuring in the fom ofn
tissue for this function, that is. xylem. or nitrites

(i) To distribute food manufactured in the leaves to all (b) As organic compounds prepared by atnos

To perform this function. the nitrogen fixing bacteria which remain asso
parts of the plant:
plants have a tissue known as phioem. with the plant itself.
The transportation system is necessary n plants

because of the following reasons

Difference between Xylem and Phloem

Xylem Phloem
Tissue. Xylem is water or sap conducing plant It is food condiucting plant ussue.
Living Cels. Xylem has only one type of living
Dead Cels. Xylem has threc types of dead Phoe:n hN iMe of dead cells. i.e... phbem
cells-fibres, trachcidsand essel elements.
Conducting Elements. There are nwo types of There e of conducting elements, i.e.
conducting elements, racheids ad vessels. Sievetiabes
Septa. Vessels do not possess sepa. SICve tubCs nae porous septa called sieve plates.

Metabolic Inhibitors. Conduction is not

6. influenced by metabolic inhibitors like heat, Coduction is inhibted by heat, cold and poison.
cold or poison.
ressure. T ransport occ urs due to presence o f | Transport takes place due to presence of posiuv
negative pressure. L pressure.


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