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I Tech Mahindra

Our Diversity and Inclusion Philosophy

We are an ‘Intentionally Diverse and Globally inclusive’ Organization because we believe that if you
do not intentionally include, you unintentionally exclude. Being 'intentionally diverse’, which
essentially means that we ensure we practice inclusiveness in all aspects of diversity – right from
gender and sexuality to generation and ideation. Being ‘globally inclusive’ refers to our workforce
consisting of individuals from over 100 counties as we prioritize local talent. We appreciate
differences based on age, ethnicity, race, lifestyle, and social status and have designed a series of
programs, policies, and initiatives to promote cultural diversity.
We believe that Diversity and Inclusivity (D&I) at the workplace is an instrument for growth and we
value and celebrate the uniqueness of every individual by fostering an environment of inclusion and
empowerment. Our policies and practices are gender agnostic. However many of our policies are
tactically directed towards women and LGBTQ+.
Diversity of thoughts is at the core of our strategy, which helps us empathize with our customers and
society, helping us always deliver par excellence solutions. We have a gamut of policies to meet the
needs of all - the parents, the kids, the LGBTQ+ community, new mothers, people of different
nationalities, age, sexes, specially-abled people, underprivileged communities, etc.
All of Our D&I Programs and Practices align with the three pillars of Rise. At Tech M D&I enables
‘diversity of thoughts’ which empowers all our stakeholders to Rise.
Our Cultural Diversity builds on Alternate Thinking with the concept of ‘Do more with less’,
leveraging local talent which is faster, and low cost in delivering services to our customers.
Our Diversity of Abilities is based on the Accepting No Limits as we believe people with different
abilities have more focused output when aligned with jobs that allow them to bring the best out of
Our Diversity of Gender, Generations, and Sexual Preferences are aligned to driving positive change
by building innovative products and services for all our customers, who serve our end customers, a
heterogeneous group of individuals with diverse backgrounds.
Diversity Focus Areas
At Tech Mahindra, we encourage every TechMighty to be what they are and be loved for that.
Because, there is more, always. We foster five dimensions of Diversity at Tech Mahindra.

We believe that optimizing the capabilities and leveraging the strengths of women will serve as a
strategic differentiator. We have a heightened focus on ensuring programs targeted at hiring and
retaining women, giving them a safe and secure working environment, and providing them platforms
learning, development and leadership platforms. Focused initiatives that help us attract and retain
talented women professionals include flexi-time practices, safe traveling, zero Tolerance on Sexual
Harassment, and other support geared to facilitate smooth onboarding / re-absorption of women after
career breaks.

Equal Hiring
Tech Mahindra is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate for or against any gender
during the staffing exercise, or at any other time during their employment with us. We hire a
minimum of 50% women from across campuses in India and a minimum of 30% of our lateral hiring
consists of women.
Equal Career Development
We have programs like COLORS, Mentoring Tables, Role Model Series, fAIM, Women Leaders
program, etc. to give women opportunities to develop their careers.
Flexible Policies
We have several progressive policies ranging from flexible work arrangements to work-life programs
for new mothers. Through the Junior TechMighty program, we send personalized gifts to new
Physical & Financial Well Being
We facilitate self-defense sessions as well as financial planning workshops to provide women a
secured future.

In an organization where the youngest members are in their early twenties and the oldest ones in late
fifties, the need for inclusion of generations is not only important but also natural. TechMighties
globally belong to diverse generations concerning not just age, but also knowledge, skills, and
experience. Tech Mahindra has differentiated practices and programs that cater to the general and
specific needs of associates belonging to these categories.
Reverse Mentoring
We pair experienced associates with GenZ and allows them to learn from each other about how
businesses work and how new ways of thinking can improve them.
Young CEO
The Young CEO program brings out our true spirit as a company of entrepreneurs by grooming high-
potential talent for leadership roles.
1000 Leaders
Creating a future pipeline of leaders by giving employees diverse opportunities to learn, grow and
lead in multiple roles of their choice, competency, and interest
Global Leadership Cadre (GLC)
We put management students from tier one schools with 4-5 years of work experience on a fast-track
career growth path

Enable equal opportunities for differently-abled professionals (also known as Persons with
Disabilities) with initiatives aimed at an inclusive approach and ensuring equal opportunity. Our
belief around differently-abled people is that the said disability is just a part of that person, not the
whole person. We look at people with disabilities as people beyond disabilities. We see them as
individuals who bring more than just those tags to Tech Mahindra. In them, we find brilliant coders,
salespersons, and program managers. Yes, their inclusion is our bias for action and so is their
enablement within Tech Mahindra, when they are on board with us.

Tech Mahindra’s EnAble initiative is designed to enable equal opportunities for people with all kinds
of abilities. One of the key objectives of the initiative is to ensure that the quality of organizational
diversity and collaborative work environment at Tech Mahindra is developed and maintained at all
Tech Mahindra’s flagship tools, technologies, and in-house products (like the sZensEYE: sight-
enabling googles for people with blindness) enable disability-free experiences for people with
disabilities with far superior human connects. Tech Mahindra actively develops and contributes to
development of these aids (audio books, for example) which make everyday lives of people with
disabilities far easier.
Learning and development
Tech Mahindra imparts need-based training to people with disabilities both within the organization
(through the learning and development teams) as well as outside (through Tech Mahindra
Foundation’s ARISE+ and SMART+ initiatives).
Celebrating differently
Celebrating each moment is one of the key aspects of the Tech Mahindra culture. The International
Day for People with Disabilities is a festival in itself at Tech Mahindra globally. It is celebrated with
positive energy, respect, and cheer for people with disabilities – a day that brings us together as one
TechM, as we participate together in joint activities, which would otherwise often be the barrier for a
certain group’s participation in them.

Tech Mahindra’s initiatives in including cultures at the workplace sum up to one thing: taking the best
from every culture of the world to build an internal behaviour that drives Tech Mahindra’s culture of
driving positive change, celebrating each moment, and empowering all to Rise. We have several
programs, policies and initiatives to promote cultural acclimatization of associates & inclusion across
all countries through localization of talent, policies, and learning interventions on cultural integration.

Talent localization
With a deep belief in the philosophy of ‘think global, act local’, Tech Mahindra works on the
localization of talent in the countries where we operate in, by hiring locally.
Localization of policies
Steering away from the ‘one size fits all’ philosophy and understanding the specific needs of every
culture, we have localized general policies for every region.
Cross-cultural learning and integration interventions
We run cross-cultural awareness and learning workshops for both associates and customers to
sensitize them on cultural differences and remove any cultural barriers to communication. Other
initiatives in this area include cultural clubs and special introduction, sensitization, and inclusion
sessions with people from different cultures.
Celebrating differently
Celebrating each moment is one of the key aspects of the Tech Mahindra culture. The International
Day for People with Disabilities is a festival in itself at Tech Mahindra globally. It is celebrated with
positive energy, respect, and cheer for people with disabilities – a day that brings us together as one
TechM, as we participate together in joint activities, which would otherwise often be the barrier for a
certain group’s participation in them.

We are inclusive and supportive of colleagues across the broad spectrum of sexuality and gender
identity. All kinds of people make our world. We make our world kind for all people. The idea of
having Gender Diversity at workplace gives us opportunities to build an internal world where
different genders are open to their differences, where they can coexist and learn from each other, and
together contribute to Tech Mahindra’s (and the Mahindra Group’s) larger vision of enabling people
to Rise.

LGBTQ+ committees have been formed in Philippines & Brazil. These groups share stories of their
community members to the larger audience to create cultural assimilation and sensitize people.
Sexual Reassignment Surgery Policy
Employees planning to undergo SRS are helped by Tech Mahindra at every step. 30 calendar days of
paid time-off is granted to them. The company ensures a smooth transition and accommodates any
request for change of location, name, work, etc. To help our employees financially, we reimburse
sexual reassignment surgery to help our employees up-to 5 Lakhs. We also make sure that they are
given access to gender-neutral washrooms, the right to comply with any dress code in a way that
reflects their gender identity as well as the option to change gender status in company records.

Same Sex Partner Insurance

We understand the need for insurance for our loved ones. Extending it to same-sex partners, we now
ensure all our employees insure their partners against any untoward accidents. Usage metrics cannot
be disclosed due to confidentiality reasons.
Gender Neutral Infrastructure
All large campuses at TechM have male & female washrooms, medical rooms, gymnasiums, and
indoor games facilities for use by associates. We have also created gender-neutral washrooms at all
our TechM offices across India to cater to our LGBTQ+ and/or Transgender associates. We have also
introduced an‘others’ category under ‘Sex’ in all our digital employee records.

Diversity and Inclusion at Hindustan

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is committed to becoming a truly diverse and inclusive
company. At HUL, diversity and inclusion are about embracing differences, creating
possibilities and progressing together to build a sustainable business. HUL has always been a
leader in driving change, breaking down barriers to inclusion, through purpose-driven brands,
inclusive talent practices and livelihood generating community outreach programmes.

Building this belief and commitment further, the D&I Leadership Team of HUL, led by
Sandeep Kohli, Executive Director – Beauty & Personal Care – HUL and constituting senior
leaders from across all functions, have crafted a compelling vision and expanded its D&I
charter to focus on inclusion of LGBTQ and persons with disabilities.

LGBT Inclusion and Pride Celebrations

On the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on
17th May this year, HUL is taking a proactive step to launch a host of inclusive policies and
benefits. HUL will now cover same-sex partners for all spousal benefits, extend gender
transition support and invest in All Gender Restrooms across its offices in a phased manner.

HUL has already begun tapping the LGBT talent pool and this is accompanied by a two-
month long pride campaign in May and June to educate and sensitise employees on LGBTQ
inclusion in the workplace. Besides a virtual campaign, there will be theatre-based
interventions and Unstereotype conversations with LGBTQ role models.

The Pride campaign is the start of a journey to create a better understanding about the
community, address challenges to inclusion and nudge the organisation’s culture even further
by breaking down stereotypes about homophobia and transphobia that inhibit the expression
of true identity.

Persons with Disabilities

Unilever’s Consumer Engagement Centre India continuously collaborates with non-profit
organisations to hire individuals who are persons with disabilities (PwD). CEC India is an
initiative under the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan that aims to enhance livelihoods by
creating employment opportunities for both persons with disabilities and socioeconomically
underprivileged people. Today, CEC India has 5% PwD individuals and 31% from
socioeconomically underprivileged backgrounds. HUL is also working on a project to enable
employment for persons with disabilities through its brand Kwality Walls.
Gender Balance
HUL is proud of its journey on gender balance, with more than 40% of managers being
women, a significant achievement from 26% in 2012. In 2018, HUL shifted its cultural
conversation through the launch of the Unstereotype Campaign during International
Women’s Day and the activation of a forum for emerging women leaders.

Career by Choice continues to be HUL’s flagship ‘back to work’ programme for women
returning from a career break giving them the platform to transition back to mainstream work
by working on live projects while also allowing for flexibility.

Agile working policies, on-site daycare facilities at Mumbai Head Office & near office tie-
ups in Bangalore, career break policy and excellent parental support programmes are
essential enablers for gender inclusion in the workplace. All of these policies are gender-
neutral in their approach and are applicable for all genders.

Prayer Room
HUL launched two multi-faith prayer rooms at 99 East, its Learning Centre at the Mumbai
Head Office earlier this month. These prayer rooms are an essential initiative for inclusion of
employees from multiple faiths, providing them with a place to pray or indulge in quiet
reflection, in a serene and distraction-free space.

HUL continues to consistently and meaningfully drive diversity and inclusion at the very
highest level. The organisation believes in valuing people for who they are and thus, create
high-performing teams that value different perspectives to build a sustainable business.

As a proud father of two daughters, I have always wished for them to grow up in an
environment that would help them bring out their best and succeed both professionally and

However, I am brought back to reality by the shocking fact that despite improved access to
education, only 23.3% of the working-age women in India are actively employed in
mainstream work. Due to barriers to inclusion and growth, and myriad opportunities to ‘opt
out’ rather than ‘lean in’, a very small percentage of women make it to senior leadership
positions. While progressive laws are radically paving the path for inclusion, India Inc. still
has a long way to go when it comes to addressing ‘the emotional tax’ paid by women, and
other under-represented groups. It is high time, that we put our current talent practices
through a litmus test and invest in building an inclusive workplace, where individuals can
grow, while bringing their whole selves to work.

I am proud of the fact that Hindustan Unilever is committed to driving diversity and
inclusion, not only in the immediate workplace, but also in the extended value chain and
communities which are impacted by our business. The programme is driven centrally by the
Diversity and Inclusion Team, a team of passionate senior business leaders from key
functions of the organisation.

Areas of Focus for the D&I Leadership Team at HUL:

Accessing Diverse Talent Pools: We are committed towards affirmative hiring from
under-represented groups, by ensuring a diverse portfolio of candidates for interview,
addressing recruitment bias and actively partnering with consultants/NGOs in the space of

Through a clear commitment to improving gender balance, we have increased the number of
women managers from 18% in 2010 to 40% today and we are determined to become a parity
organization in the next few years. We have an all women operated factory in Haridwar and
the fact that 4 of our factories are now led by women leaders, has helped us break a strong
male bastion in manufacturing.

We were amongst the first few companies in India to launch a second career programme for
women in 2011. Our Career by Choice Programme is unique in the sense that it allows
women to gradually transition back to mainstream work, by working on high impact projects,
while retaining the flexibility to choose their work hours.

One of the key goals under our sustainability initiatives, is to improve the lives of women in
the communities we reach. Our community outreach programmes like Project Shakti, Project
Prabhat, Fair and Lovely Academy and Rin Career Ready Academy have upskilled more than
100,000 women micro entrepreneurs and thousands of aspiring girl students, equipping them
with the means to build a better future.

Inclusive Talent Practices: Our Respect, Dignity and Fair Treatment Code provides
for equal opportunities and fair treatment of all individuals working with the company. We
are committed to providing accessible infrastructure/technology to persons with disabilities
and have All Gender Restrooms in our main offices in Mumbai and Bangalore. In May this
year, we extended spousal and parental benefits to same sex partners and gender transition
support to transitioning employees.  

Always following a gender-neutral approach to providing flexible working options, we have

a holistic parental support programme which has helped us retain 97% of the women who
proceeded on maternity break in the last two years. Our Mumbai head office houses a 5000
sq. ft state of the art day care centre for children aged 6 months to 6 years. The preschool
learning programme in the facility has been recognized as one of the best in Mumbai.

Unstereotyping the Culture:

We have been challenging hard wired stereotypes in the workplace through carefully curated
culture campaigns throughout the year. Some of the key campaigns this year have been
an Inclusion Nudges campaign during the International Women’s Day, our first Pride
Campaign in May and June and the Round table Conference on Disability Inclusion on the
24th of July this year. These campaigns have been instrumental in ensuring ongoing
conversation on inclusion with employees and external influencers.

The commitment to Unstereotype is also deeply rooted in our brands. As India’s largest
FMCG company, we believe that it is our responsibility to play an active role in ensuring that
our brands make a positive impact by continuously challenging limiting stereotypes.

I believe that instead of viewing D&I as a one-off programme, we should invest in driving it
seamlessly through our offerings, practices and active thought leadership. Only with holistic
and sustained efforts, will we see real impact in the direction of building a truly equitable
society that we live in.


May 26, 2021

One year ago, the murder of George Floyd and the senseless deaths of other Black Americans
created an awakening and an extraordinary opportunity to address society’s longstanding and
deeply rooted issues of racism and injustice.
In response to those disturbing events, Honda expressed our concern over the systemic racism
and injustices within our society. Guided by Honda’s values and Fundamental Beliefs, which
are grounded in human respect, we committed to action that will strengthen our commitment
to fairness, justice and racial equality in the workplace and in our relationship with society. 
We began by reflecting on our existing efforts based on our commitment to diversity and
inclusion, which includes:

 Over three decades of support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCUs), and strong relationships with the National Urban League and the Thurgood
Marshall College Fund, where we are not only supporters, but have Honda executives
serving as board members.
 In 2007, we established the Honda Office of Inclusion & Diversity to maximize the
strength of diversity and create more inclusivity within Honda. This team, within our
Regional Operations organization, provides ongoing guidance and support in the areas
of employment, procurement, advertising and marketing, financial services,
communications, dealer representation and philanthropy.
 A commitment to increase inclusion within our North American supplier network. We
hold an annual conference aimed at encouraging our Tier 1 suppliers to develop their
own Supplier Diversity Programs with specific spending targets for minority business.
This effort has pushed our annual purchases from women and minority-owned
businesses to over $3.2 billion annually.

Following the tragic events that gave rise to the social justice movement last summer, we
recognized that we need to do more. So, in the effort to accelerate change, we established a
social justice task force to work with the company’s North American Diversity Steering
Committee, and mobilized a diverse group of associates from across the company to act with
urgency on our commitment.
Driven by recommendations from this task force, over the past year, Honda has taken a
number of actions to advance our own inclusiveness while also supporting organizations and
initiatives advancing social justice in society. These actions include:

 As a result of our commitment to increase diverse representation at every level in our

organization particularly in leadership, we improved our HR hiring and promotion
processes. This included an enhanced focus on diverse candidate slates and interview
panels, while also expanding the job posting process, with a view toward ensuring
that our workforce reflects all of society.
 We are now working to advance our longstanding partnerships with the National
Urban League and HBCUs in the effort to access new talent pools of recruits as part
of our national workforce development initiative. 
 We asked leaders throughout our company to hold meaningful discussions with
associates and supported this request with resources to help facilitate these honest
conversations about race among our associates.  This included a leadership check-in
conversation guide and manager resource guide, as well as a Social Justice Resource
Guide and dedicated Intranet page for Honda associates
 We standardized the observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a company holiday
across all of our U.S. operations.
 We updated our North American social media communications policy, which enables
us to take action when anyone affiliated with Honda posts racist and discriminatory
 We met with leaders of Honda’s African-American Business Resource Groups
(BRGs) to gain their perspectives and input on the actions we can take as a company. 
We also included representatives from these BRGs on the social justice task force. 
 We redirected significant funds earmarked for the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge
to communities surrounding 55 HBCUs hit hard by the pandemic.  Our relationship
with HBCUs began with this academic competition in 1989, but we were unable to
hold this event in 2020 due to COVID-19.
 We designated the Thurgood Marshall College Fund as the beneficiary of a highly
successful online fundraising event for serial plate 001 of the 2021 Honda Civic Type
R Limited Edition.

Last summer, we also took a stand against hate speech and racism on Facebook by becoming
the first automaker to join the advertising boycott of the platform and suspending all paid
advertising. And earlier this year, with the rise in hate crimes against people of Asian descent,
we made clear that we stand with Asian American and Pacific Islanders consistent with our
effort to promote inclusion and social justice across Honda's North American operations.
Along with other members of Honda’s senior leadership team, we also participated in the
company’s first-ever anti-racism and allyship training called Racial Injustice Stops with Me.
This thought-provoking training session, which is available to all associates, was a deeply
emotional experience and reinforced our belief that lasting change is the responsibility of
each one of us.  
So, one year after the heightened attention toward issues of social injustice, we want to make
clear that we remain steadfast in the commitments we made a year ago and are fully aware
that more work remains. We will continue to take deliberate action to advance diversity and
inclusion within Honda and to support efforts in society to achieve justice and equality for all
Together we can and will make a difference.


Context & background
One of the most prominent aspects of creating aspiring workplaces is building, nurturing & leveraging
strengths of diversity & inclusion of workforce members in holistic manner. Organization’s which are
able to inculcate D&I as part of their work culture are able to develop commitment & trust of
workforce members more than others. Such entities provide equitable space to every member to use
their ingenuities and abilities in best interest of organization. These guidelines are part of broader
framework of Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd (APSEZ). It reflects organization’s zero
tolerance for ascribing stigma and / or discrimination of any kind because of differences of any type to
any member of society.
Diversity and inclusion are two closely related concepts. Diversity entails overall representation or the
make-up of an entity. Inclusion refers to how well perspectives and contributions of varied groups of
people are valued and integrated in an environment. An organization consists of people coming with
varied thoughts, capabilities, personality, and talent which they bring to work. Workplace diversity
translates to variety of differences among people in an organization. It is about being aware that
individuals are unique in their own way so that every individual feels respected and included. APSEZ
welcomes and assimilates people with differences including but not limited to nationality, geography,
gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religious beliefs, family status,
perspectives or other ideologies.
APSEZ (and its entities) is committed to provide equality of access towards employment,
advancement and retention within organization, recognizing that it is in organization's interest to
recruit and maintain a diverse and skilled workforce that is representative of diverse nature of society.
Organization is committed towards continuously developing a workplace culture based on fair
practices, which safeguards rights of employees so that they are treated with respect and dignity and
enjoy equal rights, terms and conditions of employment.
Every member of APSEZ workforce is expected to contribute in creating and sustaining an inclusive
workplace culture.
APSEZ is an equal opportunity employer and extends right of equal opportunity for differently abled
candidates. Organization would continue to provide necessary facilities, amenities and training for
enabling them to effectively discharge their duties for which they are employed. APSEZ is committed
to recruiting, retaining and promoting highly talented individuals to further group’s strategic goals.
APSEZ is committed to provide an environment of equality and respect for all employees and
associates. APSEZ does not discriminate against any individuals on the basis of their gender, age,
disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family status and religious beliefs. APSEZ realizes that
achieving and sustaining an environment based on D&I principles will need a balanced and concerted
effort across the organization.
Guidelines and Operative Provisions:
1. APSEZ’s D&I vision is to create a sustainable workplace culture where teams of mixed ethnicity,
regional affiliations, physical ability, age, education and domicile are representative of a variety of
perspectives and experiences. Organization has a culture where everyone feels included and
2. Diversity and Inclusion Council of APSEZ owns and implements D&I initiatives. The role of
council is to place thrust and momentum across the organization to progress the imperatives.
3. Senior leaders support the cause of diversity at various forums, through participation and by leading
from front on diversity and inclusion related events.
4. Efforts are made to identify critical and capable employees from amongst differently abled set of
resources for mentoring and their career development. Based on demonstrated contribution and
potential, employees are provided with opportunities of growth and learning
5. Training Need Identification (TNI) process for employees is carried in consideration of their special
requirements & context. Fulfillment of their generic, special or unique needs is through nomination to
a program meant to address these requirements.
6. Success of D&I is ensured by leaders so that diverse employees are actively engaged in work
environment without any biases. APSEZ continuously works towards fostering an environment where
employees of diverse background are nurtured, mentored and coached to develop their potential as
future leaders.
7. Sensitization: APSEZ organizes sessions for management cadre to help them leverage the potential
of a diverse workplace and employ an inclusive approach in their business dealings.
8. Focused efforts are made towards onboarding & assimilation of employees into the organization in
minimum possible time. In depth customized modules are imparted to every new entrant to enable
cultural assimilation and eco system acceptability.
9. APSEZ carries out series of sessions on Diversity Intelligence aimed at covering people managers
across organization with an objective to improve diversity management capabilities. These sessions
reinforce how diversity, personality, and cultural differences play out in the workplace. Increasing
awareness, and thereby removing barriers, enables employees to contribute their best and fosters team
spirit to value each member’s contribution.
10. A conscious effort is made to attract applicants from different diversity dimension groups to
achieve and maintain a workforce that reflects diversity across levels and functions. High potential
talent from different backgrounds is provided with developmental opportunities.
11. Equal Employment Opportunity: To achieve our business objectives, APSEZ is committed to a
merit-based appointment process. APSEZ has guidelines and practices in place which provide access
to all opportunities available with the organization to all capable and diverse employees, in a fair and
equitable manner. Careers Within program of the organization provides information, access and
opportunities to internal talent against all vacancies within the organization on equal platform.
12. APSEZ is committed to eliminating all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, bullying
and victimization of persons at its workplaces. The organization maintains a workplace where all
employees and associates work without fear of unacceptable workplace conduct impacting them.
13. APSEZ is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace to all its employees and
14. APSEZ takes utmost care in ensuring that job design and classification are unbiased. Organization
reviews job requirements, classifications, and compensation systematically. Job requirements and
descriptions are clear and don’t include nonjob-related aspects. Remuneration is as per performance
and merit.
15. To inculcate a sense of true equality, pride and self-esteem, no special dispensation is used in
Performance Management System (PMS). All efforts are directed to ensure that performance &
contributions are measured at par and relativity is as per general norms of the guidelines in this
Equitability in condition of employment
APSEZ recognizes the importance of protecting rights of employees with differences are at parity
with others. This includes
a. Rights of just and favorable conditions of employment
b. Healthy and safe working conditions
c. Protection from harassment
d. Ensuring redressal of grievances.
Employees are not discriminated against at any point in employment cycle. This concerns all matters
related to recruitment, selection, appointment, career guidance and development, performance
evaluations, learning opportunities, transfers, promotions, retention in employment and return to
work. Any deviations from these principles are addressed in line with principles of natural justice.
Protection of Confidentiality of information
APSEZ respects confidentiality of any information provided by a staff member or job applicant.
Utmost care is exercised by concerned officials of the company to ensure that data & information is
used for limited purpose of identified objectives and is shared on ‘need to know’ basis.
Amendments & Overall ownership
Head of HR of APSEZ is overall owner of deployment. Periodic reviews will be carried by Head –
HR, APSEZ to ensure implementation. Any amendment or modification to these guidelines will
require approval of CEO-APSEZ.


Deloitte Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We are all unique. Each one of us is different from anyone and everyone else. All
those differences that make each of the individuals working at the Deloitte network
unique represent many dimensions of diversity—and we are building a place where
all of us can thrive.
Women Empowerment Program
We support our female professionals from start to finish. We have women's programs in more than 50
countries around the globe, and it pays off. Here are a few examples.

Deloitte women's leadership launch

We attract top talent though initiatives like the Deloitte women's leadership launch, a 2-day program at
Deloitte University in Texas where select first-year, female MBA/Masters students have the chance to
network with peers, Deloitte Consulting LLP practitioners, industry experts, and successful alumni to
discuss the importance of becoming a leader in today’s working world. 

Return-to-work programme

We support women who have taken time off work for life-events through programs like the UK's 20
week Return-to-work programme for those who have been out of the professional services workforce for
more than two years. Many of the senior female professionals who participated went on to transition into
permanent or contract roles at the firm.

Board-ready women program

We support women who want to grow through programs like the recently launched Board-ready women
program in Singapore, which aims to encourage more female representation in corporate boardrooms and
does so by preparing talented women executives for board service, and laying the ground work for future
placements on public and private company boards of directors.

Inspiring women program

Another prime example of a program preparing women for executive roles is the Deloitte
Australia Inspiring Women program, which led to Australia’s first Big Four female CEO, Cindy Hook.
Deloitte’s Australia's leadership team has been very clear that Inspiring Women is not about experimenting
with the latest fad, but recognising that gender equality requires a long term view and commitment to
remain focussed on driving change.

Wellbeing: A place where people are healthy and happy

We aim to build a better working enviroment for all our professionals, which has led to a multitude of
work-life balance programs around the world. Here are some examples.
Total Rewards program

On top of parental leave for birth or adoption, Deloitte US' Total Rewards program offers family leave,
flexible schedules and gym membership to keep mind as well as body in perfect condition. Deloitte US
also offers two sabbatical programs: an unpaid one-month sabbatical that can be taken for any reason; and
a three- to six-month sabbatical that can be taken to pursue personal or professional growth opportunities
in the areas of career development or volunteerism. While on a three- to six-month sabbatical,
professionals continue to receive 40 percent of their pre-sabbatical base salary.

Workagility Framework

Deloitte UK's Workagility Framework provides a platform for professionals which helps them to manage
the balance between demanding personal and professional priorities. They have received awards for a
small network of trained mental health champions at Partner level, who employees can approach
confidentially, outside of line management structures, if they have a mental health problem or concern. 

Deloitte Networks: A place where everyone feels at home

Many Member Firms have Deloitte Communities supporting our diverse professionals. Here are some
examples of Communities around the world.


GLOBE, Deloitte's LGBT+ network which is active in the UK, US, Netherlands and Australia, makes an
ongoing material contribution through a number of key initiatives. One of these is the launch of the
Deloitte LGBT+ Allies Programme, which enables non-LGBT+ professionals to make an open and lasting
declaration of support for their LGBT+ colleagues. Other countries have their own initiatives like
Canada's LEAD network.


Deloitte Dads was created in Deloitte Canada to help fathers achieve work-life balance at work. The
network connects expectant, new and veteran fathers to share their experiences on fatherhood. They also
help dads establish a work-life balance philosophy that translates into a happier life at work and at home. 


Many countries also have networks aimed at making minorities feel more at home, like the Cultural
Diversity Network in The Netherlands, and many award-winning programs in Canada and the US aimed
at nonnative professionals, veterans, and other minorities.

At Deloitte, we welcome and support everyone.

A place where we research and share our expertise on Diversity &
The Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion , a manifestation of our commitment to inclusion,
is where we will gather to engage with our people, clients and thought leaders to redefine inclusion in the
21st century workplace.

The establishment of a center such as this recognizes the promise of diversity: with clients, who are
themselves increasingly more diverse, and in the marketplace, where no single point of view or way of
seeing the world prevails.

HCL-IWD Partnership
We are proud to announce HCL’s partnership with International Women’s Day for the third
consecutive year. We are leveraging the strengths of both organizations to help forge a
gender equal world. We believe that such a world is possible — and it begins with each and
every one of us.
In keeping with our vision for a gender-equal future, we are collaborating with IWD to drive
awareness in three focus areas :
Women in Technology
We enable strong career development for women by leveraging programs designed to
enhance women's careers at varying stages of their professional journeys. We celebrate
digital skills advancement and champion the women forging innovation through technology.
The HCL Foundation, the corporate social responsibility arm of HCL, extends our vision to
reach women beyond HCL. It is a gold standard not-for-profit organization that brings about
lasting positive impact in the lives of people through long term sustainable programs
implemented in full engagement with HCL's own employees and partners. Programs are
‘gender-equal’ and include holistic community development, youth education and success
programs, investments in IT centers, and training in technology and life skills.
Women in Leadership
HCL believes in an empowered world where women have an equal place, position, and
power in organizations and elsewhere. As an industry leader engaged with a vast network of
corporate organizations, we stand in a unique position to bring about industry-wide change.
We drive various mentorship programs, identify and recognize high-performing women, and
conduct sessions to help guide aspiring women leaders
Women in Sports
Sport offers a platform for all to forge physical and mental benefits through better
behaviours, habits, mindsets and skillsets. However, even now young girls and women do not
find sport to be a level playing field – with barriers to recreational and professional
participation across unequal opportunities, sponsorship, pay, and visibility. HCL is
specifically committed to driving conversations, raising awareness, highlighting successes,
and celebrating achievements towards the IWD 2021 mission of Women in Sport.

A Gender-Equal World
We have made large strides in recognizing the professional and personal contributions of
women in building families, communities, enterprises, institutions, nations, and the world at
large. We drive focused initiatives aimed at the LGBTQ+ community and people with
disabilities to create an ‘inclusive ecosystem’ focused on cultural diversity and inclusion. But
it is incumbent upon us to periodically pause and evaluate if what we are doing is creating the
balance that we are aiming to achieve. We must reflect on the progress we’ve made, take
further action to enable equal opportunities, and celebrate the acts of courage and
determination taken by women and men to further this vital cause.
International Women’s Day, March 8, 2021, stands for much more than just an international
day of celebration. It is about driving progress forward.
This year, the UN Women’s theme is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a
COVID-19 world.” Together with IWD and in concert with the UN Women’s cause, HCL is
issuing a call to action to #ChooseToChallenge stereotypes and bias, to encourage
organizations to implement progressive policies, and to promote the importance of having an
inclusive work culture. HCL diligently works with the IWD organization to drive progress in
these critical areas, and we must each take part.
This International Women's Day, let us choose to challenge ourselves, our goals, and our
limitations, especially when faced with inequality and bias. We look forward to continuing
this journey with you as we reinforce our commitment to making the right choices for a
gender-equal world today, every day.
#ChooseToChallenge and make 2021 count for women and girls everywhere.

Diversity Differentiator
Making a dynamic shift from integration to inclusion
HCL celebrates diversity—be it the diversity in beliefs, behaviours, ideas, ethnicity or skills
within our organization. Our workforce represents a spectrum of 140+ nationalities coming
from many of the countries we do business in—who all work together to build a culture that
respects inclusion.
HCL's Diversity and Inclusion strategy focuses on talent attraction, talent retention, and talent
growth. These three strategies work in tandem to ensure a unified experience in promoting
gender diversity, cultural diversity, and inclusivity across the enterprise.
With the aim of enabling the women of HCL to reach further and achieve better, we have key
development programs that help them in whichever stage they are at in their career.
 Senior women managers: The program focuses on career progression into their
aspired role. Key learning elements such as one-to-one mentoring and coaching by
senior leaders, peer coaching for domain and technical skills enhancement, and
blended learning in the form of videos, case studies, and webinars from globally
acclaimed learning partners are integrated into the program. The program has been
recognized by Brandon Hall as 'Best Advance in Women Leadership Development' –
Gold Award (2017) and the 'Best Diversity and Inclusion Strategy' – Silver Award
(2018). HCL has also been the recipient of NASSCOM's Award for Excellence in
Gender Diversity (2019).
 Mid-level women leaders: The program provides mentorship to high-performing
women preparing them for their 'next level roles'. It creates a ready pool of talent for
existing open positions within the organization. Focusing on 'upward conversations',
the program leverages a structured space, time, and content for an engaging
interaction between the employee and her Reporting / Skip-level Manager.
 Senior women new hires: This is an exclusive program that enables senior women
new hires to settle into the ecosystem of the organization seamlessly.
We have taken steps to create an 'inclusive ecosystem' through focused initiatives aimed at
the LGBTQ+ community and people with disabilities. HCL's Employee Resource Group,
Pride@HCL, supports the needs and aspirations of the LGBTQ+ community through the
mechanism of 'Advocate, Build, Collaborate, and Develop' for employees in India and the
USA. HCL has also created a charter for People with Disabilities (PwD) that focuses on
enabling an inclusive and accessible work environment through the four tenets of 'Employ,
Enable, Engage, and Empower'.
The significance of diversity for HCL’s growth is evident from the focus it receives from
leaders and employees alike. HCL believes that diversity will increasingly be a driving force
of competitive advantage, now and into the foreseeable future.

Key Diversity Initiatives

At HCL, we are committed to driving organization-wide initiatives to enable a larger social
environment that facilitates gender-equal workspaces:

 Women Connect Chapters in the USA and Europe enable HCL employees in
these geographies to network more effectively with their leaders and peers. The
development programs are aimed at advocating a gender-neutral work environment.
This group coaches and counsels aspiring young women professionals.

 Women Lead in Australia and Nordics empowers capable women leaders of HCL
through mentorship. The unique design leverages a network of industry leaders
mentoring aspiring senior women executives to guide and support them as they drive
to reach the top of the corporate ladder.

 ASCEND caters to developing women leaders of tomorrow at HCL through a

comprehensive peer coaching and consultancy model. It is designed to address their
career aspirations through a self-sourced area of interest pertaining to new

 Cultural Empathy and Dexterity is a comprehensive program to enhance the

cultural dexterity of HCL's people working at all levels within the organization. An
increased cultural empathy helps HCL forge highly collaborative partnerships and
allows HCLites to engage across the world with their peers with cultural awareness.

 SheInspires captures the life stories of women who have blazed a trail in the
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields to inspire the next
generation of women leaders to choose an education/career in these fields.

Accelerating Gender and Racial Equality in Technology

Since its founding, HP has embraced the power of diversity to fuel innovation and has
recognized progress starts from the top. That’s why HP intentionally created one of the most
diverse board of directors in the technology industry. It also remains one of the top
technology companies with women in executive positions. More than 30 percent of HP’s
leaders are women, nearly doubling the industry’s benchmark of 16 percent of women in
senior positions.

Given that Covid-19 has disproportionately impacted many women, with one in four
considering to leave the workplace or downshifting their careers, according to a recent Lean
In and McKinsey study, HP is making a concerted effort to support women’s career
advancement. The company aims to achieve 50/50 gender equality in HP leadership by 2030.
HP also commits to achieving greater than 30 percent technical women and women in
engineering roles by 2030.

In addition to championing gender equality, HP has a rich history in advancing racial equality
and social justice. As a founding member of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCU) Business Deans Roundtable, HP has a long-lasting relationship with HBCUs and
hosts an annual business challenge to help Black students kickstart a career in technology.
HP’s Supplier Diversity Program in the U.S. had an overall economic impact of
approximately US$1 billion last year.
Earlier this year, HP publicly launched its Racial Equality and Social Justice Task Force with
a comprehensive set of goals that will accelerate the strategies, practices and policies around
pipeline, retention and promotion for Black and  African American talent; leverage its
industry spending power to influence its ecosystem, including HP’s partners, vendors and
suppliers; and advocate for Black and African Americans through public policy, civic action
and clear corporate positions on local and national issues. HP is also a founding member
of OneTen, a coalition of businesses who are coming together to upskill, hire and advance
one million Black individuals in America over the next 10 years into family-sustaining jobs.

As part of today’s announcement, HP aims to have its racial/ethnic representation meet or

exceed market availability in the U.S. by 2030.

“The Covid-19 pandemic, combined with the murder of George Floyd and so many others
whose lives were needlessly cut short, sparked a long-overdue reckoning with the systemic
inequities that afflict our communities,” said Lesley Slaton Brown, chief diversity officer at
HP Inc. “We’re committed to turning the tragedies and challenges of the past year into a
force for meaningful change. We will not turn a blind eye to the forces of racism,
discrimination and inequity that hold so many back from reaching their potential, and we will
not rest until everyone, everywhere has access to the opportunities they deserve.”

Upholding a Powerful Culture of Inclusion and Belonging

HP has a strong foundation in place to build a workplace where all employees can belong,
innovate and grow. It has more than 125 employee resource groups across 32 countries,
Belong @ HP trainings, leadership development programs for underrepresented groups and
other resources that have consistently helped the company achieve a high inclusion index
rating internally.

Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, HP found innovative ways to help employees
stay connected virtually and maintain their health and wellbeing that have contributed to an
increase in employee engagement and resulted in positive perception of HP as a great place to
work.3 In 2020 alone, HP received more than 150 recognitions related to being a best place to
work and advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and sustainability.

Moving forward, HP commits to maintaining a higher than 90 percent rating on its internal
inclusion index for all employee demographics annually. It also seeks to be universally
ranked as employer of choice for underrepresented groups in the technology industry by

Doubling Down on Worker Empowerment

HP understands how we do things is just as important as what we do. Respecting human

rights is a priority for the business, and HP has an unwavering commitment to find ways to
support its supply chain workers. To drive transparency, HP published its inaugural Human
Rights Progress Report last year.

Scaling current efforts, HP will create a visible and resilient supply chain with the goal to
assure respect for labor-related human rights for 100 percent of its key contracted
manufacturing suppliers and higher risk next tier suppliers by 2030.4 HP also aims to reach
one million workers by 2030 through worker empowerment programs.

Workers in the industry’s supply chain can often be vulnerable and face challenges they are
not equipped to address. HP’s programs will go above and beyond the typical risk
management approach to seek positive changes through training and personal development.
Feedback opportunities will also be expanded to enable employers to hear workers’ views
and respond to their input. Finally, HP’s programs will ensure participants have a solid
understanding of their rights in the workplace, and through their participation HP will strive
to help them develop the ability to positively influence working conditions such as those that
lead to harassment and discrimination.
Our commitment to fair and equitable pay

We believe people should be paid for what they do and how they do it, regardless of their
gender, race, or other personal characteristics.

To deliver on that commitment, we benchmark and set pay ranges based on market data, and
consider factors such as an employee’s role and experience, the location of their job, and their

We also regularly review our compensation practices, both in terms of our overall workforce
and individual employees, to ensure our pay is fair and equitable.

In addition, HP has ongoing employee development programs on topics such as growth

mindset, unconscious bias, and leadership. These programs are designed to eliminate bias in
performance and compensation decisions and further develop our managers and leaders.

Respecting each other’ is a fundamental tenet of the Infosys Code of Conduct
and Ethics and informs our inclusion efforts, thus ensuring an equal opportunity
workplace free of discrimination or harassment. Celebrating diversity and
fostering inclusion helps build a balanced and inspired workforce.
Celebrating gender diversity
Infosys is a signatory to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP).Our
efforts on gender diversity in the organization emphasize the participation of
‘women in technology and management’. Our workplace policies and investments
in the development of specific interventions for women as they navigate different
stages of their personal and professional lives, are key.
Infosys is partnering with NASSCOM in a unique initiative Women Wizards Rule
Technology  (W2RT) that is designed to skill 10,000 women in the new and

emerging technologies for Indian industry.

Including people with disabilities and the LGBTQIA+ community
To integrate people with disability into our workforce, we have taken focused
initiatives around hiring, retention and accessibility of our physical and virtual
infrastructure. As a signatory to the UN Standards of Conduct for Business on
Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI people, Infosys has committed to fostering
an inclusive workplace for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Empowered Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) play an important role in
changing the organizational mindset. Apart from helping create a broad-based
understanding of diverse groups, they help organizations craft inclusive workplace
policies and practices, enabling everyone to bring their ‘best selves’ to work and
participate fully. ERGs also reflect local and geo specific diversity dimensions.
Some ERGs that span Infosys globally include

 iPRIDE for LGBTQIA+ employees and their allies

 InfyAbility for employees with disabilities and their allies
 Infosys Women’s Inclusivity Network (IWIN) for women and their allies
 Multicultural ERG to celebrate a multicultural workforce
 Family Matters for employees and their families

Some of our regional ERGs include

 YEN - Young Employee Network for the Young & Young at Heart
 iBELIEVE (infosys black employee, Leading in Excellence, Vision and Equity)
 Infy Vets (Military Veterans and allies)


Of Infosys’ employees are women.

Nationalities are represented in our workforce.

Of the non-executive independent Board are women.
Employees with disability are a part of our workforce.

Ambition 2030


Everyone deserves to live free of oppression and racism. We must use this moment to take a
stand, to speak up on inclusion and to advocate for equity.

Over the last week, my leadership team and I kicked off a listening tour to hear the stories,
experiences, and feedback from our black and African American team members to help
inform our near-term actions. I am incredibly grateful for the candor and transparency of
these team members, who shared very personal stories and anecdotes that expanded our
understanding of the challenges we need to address.  We also hosted an All Team Member
meeting today and heard from colleagues representing other dimensions of diversity. Our
team members subscribe to our company’s belief in unconditional inclusion and they are my
inspiration to be better, to do more. Based on our initial conversations, we have identified
four main areas of focus:

1. Inclusion: We must improve in building an inclusive environment at HPE. One

important element is helping our managers become more inclusive leaders and get
more comfortable having conversations around race and discrimination.

2. Equity: As we strive to create and foster a corporate environment that provides equal
opportunities for all of our team members, we need to ensure equity in all our people
processes and programs.

3. Advocacy: We all must be advocates for change. We must continually listen and
learn so we can be the best allies possible for our black and African American
colleagues and for all of our team members whose voices are underrepresented.

4. Community: We must ensure we’re giving our time and resources to diverse
communities to help advance education, as well as to address issues of racism that
continue to plague our society. 

As we continue to gather feedback to design a long-term action plan, we know that the worst
possible response is inaction.  So we’ve made commitments that will serve as the beginning
of real and impactful change:

 We will launch a global HPE Inclusion and Diversity Council. The council will
include team members from across our businesses and functions representing all
facets of diversity, and I will chair this council. The council will oversee the
development of a detailed plan and ensure we’re all collectively held accountable to
meet our goals.

 Building on our commitment to transparency, next week we will publish our Living

Progress Report, in which we will share our diversity representation figures. While
we are doing better than most in our industry, I know we have work to do in
increasing representation at all levels.  Since FY19, we’ve had diversity goals in place
for our SVPs that are tied to compensation.  The council will review our goals and
make recommendations on how we expand them for all people leaders.  We will also
begin sharing progress on diversity numbers each quarter at our All Team Member

 We are initiating an integrated Advocacy Program. We will invite all team members

to join the program and pledge their commitment to be an advocate.

 Last year we rolled out a facilitator-led Inclusive Leadership training. We are

bolstering this program by adding more classes and mandating that all people leaders
complete the training by the end of our fiscal year.
Beyond these commitments, I am also very proud that we will very specifically address the
underrepresentation and injustices facing our black communities:

 HPE has committed to supporting student scholars at historically black colleges

and universities over the next five years. We hope these students can become future
HPE leaders.

 The HPE Foundation made a grant to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational
Fund, which uses litigation, advocacy, and public education to expand democracy,
eliminate disparities, and work toward racial justice.

 We have also established a giving fund for our team members to contribute to the
Equal Justice Initiative and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund or a
relevant organization of their choice, and HPE will match their contributions.
I know there’s more that must be done, and I am fully committed to taking action. We won’t
be able to solve everything at once, but we will press forward together to create impactful and
meaningful change. The time is now. And it starts with us.

There’s no denying it—2020 was a tough year for our employees and our society at
large. Adobe For All — our vision of making everyone feel included, respected, and valued
— was tested and fueled in ways that we could not have imagined. While we were faced with
enormous challenges with the pandemic and racial injustices globally, we also experienced
meaningful growth and gained important lessons that we’ll take forward.

Below are a few key insights from the report:

Employee Demographic Metrics

Relative to the diverse makeup of our workforce, we experienced slower progress in 2020
than we did in 2019. Our diversity representation metrics remained relatively flat, which we
attribute to a slower pace of hiring and low attrition during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Gender Representation. Globally, women represented 33.5% of our employees, 26.1% of

our leadership roles*, and 37.7% of our new hires at the end of FY2020.

With this Year in Review report, we have also shared the gender mix by region:

 Americas: 36.9% Women

 Asia Pacific and Japan: 37.2% Women
 Europe, the Middle East, and Africa: 29.6% Women
 India: 27.7% Women

This data helps illustrate the varied dynamics we are addressing as a global company, with
only about half of our total employee base in the United States.

US underrepresented minorities representation. At the end of FY2020, US

underrepresented minority (URM) employees (i.e., those who identify as Black/African
American, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American, Pacific Islander, and/or two or more races)
comprised 10.8% of our U.S. employee base, an increase of 0.6% from FY2019. From the
end of FY2016 to FY2020, URM representation increased by 2.3%.

Additional data points we have shared in this report include:

 6.6% of US URM employees were in leadership* roles

 53.1% of US URM employees were in technical** roles, and US URM employees
comprised 8.9% of Adobe’s US technical workforce
 17.6% of US new hires were a member of an URM race/ethnicity
Adobe’s investment in recruitment events for underrepresented communities and engagement
with university partners and student associations contributed to the positive shifts for
representation with new hires and in technical roles. And we are increasing our focus and
investment to grow a pipeline of more diverse talent into senior levels of leadership.

Aspirational goals. To help improve employee representation, in September 2020 we

articulated aspirational goals for overall representation and representation at leadership
levels. We’re committed to continuing to increase global diversity and inclusion to reflect the
world around us. Because we believe that leadership role models can create a virtuous cycle
of growth, development, and advancement, we want to increase representation of women in
leadership positions to 30% globally by 2025, and double representation of US URM in
leadership positions by 2025. In alignment with our FY2020 launch of the Taking Action
Initiative to accelerate the representation, development, and success of Adobe’s Black
employees, we also want to double Black representation as a percentage of US employees by

Enhancing the employee experience

As our employees struggled with feelings of isolation, fear, and grief during the challenging
year, we found new ways to support and empower them while continuing our efforts to make
Adobe a more inclusive place to work.

Fighting for racial justice and economic equality. The death of George Floyd on May 25,
2020 shocked us all and was a galvanizing moment for advancing racial justice and economic
equality. In response, we developed the Taking Action Initiative (TAI), to accelerate the
representation, development, and success of Adobe’s Black employees while working to
change the broader landscape of social injustice and economic inequality. Led by members of
the Black Employee Network and subject matter owners from across the company, TAI’s five
task forces cover community, hiring and recruiting, growth and advancement, responsibility
and advocacy, and transparency and governance. This structure has been invaluable in
helping us move faster on key initiatives from our investments in Historically Black Colleges
and Universities (HBCUs) to growth and development programs, and many others.

Caring for employees during the COVID-19 outbreak. In March 2020, the global
pandemic led us to close our offices and make a quick pivot to remote work. We quickly
transitioned our in-person workflows to the virtual world and introduced new programs and
benefits to sustain employee safety and wellbeing. To maintain connections and camaraderie
among our employees, we hosted virtual Adobe For All Coffee Break sessions, where leaders
and guest speakers shared their personal experiences. We brought together D&I champions
from around the world during our Adobe For All Week event. And we strengthened empathy
through the power of employee storytelling throughout the year.

Employee network growth. As we shifted to a virtual environment in 2020, our seven

employee resource groups (ERGs) – which we call employee networks – played an
instrumental role connecting our employees globally. Where they had previously hosted in-
person, site-based events to celebrate cultural moments, they realized they could now engage
employees in every location to join virtual gatherings and strengthen our global community
and increase employee network membership.

 At the end of FY2020, 31% of employees were members of one or more employee
networks, up from 22% in FY2019.
 This represented a 46% increase in the total number of members year-over-year.

Employee parity progress

As part of our commitment to Adobe For All, we want every employee to feel they have fair
compensation and opportunity. We’ve continued to invest in analysis and transparency to
demonstrate that commitment.

Pay Parity. One of the most important ways to show our employees we value them is by
paying them fairly. In September FY2020 we reaffirmed global gender pay parity, marking
three consecutive years that we have attained gender pay parity. And in September 2020 we
announced we are at pay parity among URM employees and non-URM employees in the US.
We had previously disclosed that non-white employees were paid as much as white

Opportunity Parity. In February 2019 we introduced an initiative we call opportunity parity,

examining fairness in internal promotions and horizontal movement across demographic
groups. We began sharing global gender and US race/ethnicity rates that same year and we
updated the metrics in FY2020.

 Our fiscal 2020 promotion rate was 18.6% for women and 17.5% for men.
 Our fiscal 2019 US promotion rate was 16.1% for US URM employees and 16.3% for
non-URM employees.

In FY2020, we continued our data and transparency journey and shared for the first time
global gender horizontal movement metrics and internal movement metrics. Additionally,
we shared opportunity parity metrics across major geographic regions and for major job

Participating in organizations dedicated to driving change

To benchmark our commitment to foster an inclusive and supportive environment, we

continued to participate in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index and Human Rights
Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index. And in FY2020, Adobe was included
in Disability:IN’s Disability Equality Index for the first time.
Given all that we accomplished to strengthen inclusion at Adobe over the last year, we are
pleased to be recognized today by Forbes as one of America’s Best Employers for Diversity

We are proud of the way our employees demonstrated their resilience this year and invested
in building an inclusive community, while we also worked toward broader change (see
our FY2020 Corporate Social Responsibility report, also released today). As we move
forward, we’re reflecting on lessons learned in FY2020 and we’re using those lessons to
strengthen Adobe’s culture and achieve our Adobe For All vision.

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