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-1- WHY C.I.R.H.U :

At the end of this millennium man suffers from the limitations of his condition,
he feels threatened by the deterioration of the earth caused by his own
uncontrolled ‘excesses and questions himself with a sense of inquietude on the
incertitude of his future.

We are confronted with the effects of an evolutionary crisis which forces us to

realize that behind this apparent chaos works a dynamic process of a universal
force which propels us irreversibly towards a change of consciousness.

This thrust demands from us a change of behavior outside of all tradition, of all
dogma and of all forms of sectarianism whether of religion or of politics. A
feeling of urgency emerges throughout the world which aspires towards this
radical reversal. CIRHU is a major project that aims at this “Great Sense” that
reorients the compass and sets the course towards a new horizon.

The time has come, in fact, to build an organization that could help us to get out
of our suffocation and accelerate the means of progress at the scale of the earth,
which is only one big village throbbing to the same rhythm.


CIRHU will be built in Auroville situated not far from Pondicherry in the state of
Tamil Nadu.

This choice becomes possible because of the political independence and capacity
of tolerance of India and because of her millennial knowledge of spirituality
which has always stayed alive. All these reasons provide the frame and the
unique conditions for its realization.

Auroville is a universal city, that has been developing for 26 years, supported by
UNESCO and a foundation recognized by the Indian Parliament. In its stage it
will receive 50,000 volunteers of all nationalities. This will constitute a human
laboratory, which will have as part of its daily life, a collective experience whose
aim is a research into the means of accelerating Human Unity according to the
thought of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who defined thus the ideals of the city:

“Earth needs a place where men can live away from all national rivalries, social
conventions, self-contradictory moralities and contending religions.

A place where human beings freed from all slavery to the past, can devote
themselves wholly to the discovery and practice of the Divine Consciousness that
is seeking to manifest. Auroville wants to be this place and offers itself to all who
aspire to live the truth of tomorrow.”

Auroville is composed of 4 zones: Residential


The International Zone integrates the pavilions of the countries that participate
in the experience and that are regrouped by continents, and constitutes a sort of
“Cultural embassy”. They represent symbolically the soul of each nation and
function as reception centers for the nationals who come to participate
occasionally in the research of CIRHU.

The Cultural Zone is constituted notably of 4 faculties which are reserved for
the inhabitants of Auroville. They have the same fundamental themes of research
as CIRHU. Their particularity is to have, as their field of experience, the human
laboratory represented by the city in its totality.

CIRHU wants to be an international project supported by the India Government

Vis a Vis international bodies. In connection with CIRHU, there will be created
throughout the world, centers which will be antennae which collaborate with it in
the research in its globality. They will have nevertheless their own field of
activity and application. The management of this organization must be free of all
forms of pressure so as to be at the sole service of the progress of humanity. This
independence is necessary so that there is an acknowledgement of its right to
propose programmes of action that compel recognition.

The specificity of CIRHU is to be a body whose material and spiritual research is

directed towards a transformation of the human condition.

From a global analysis of the totality of the planetary problems its role is to
define programmes of action conductive to preparing and accelerating the process
of human unity.

Properly said the organization of CIRHU will be created around 2 main


A section “analysis and action”

A section “research and experimentation”

These two sections are complimentary and work in permanent communication

with a coordinating body.

Section Analysis and Action

A place of multi-disciplines, this section receives all the information of relevant

world events. All the problems posed are analyzed according to specific
parameters, and their consequences are studied in a short or long term general
Programmes are therefore studied by experts to implement appropriate action.
Section Research and Experimentation

It consists of 4 departments which represents the 4 directions of the basic

programme. These are defined by the planes that constitute human nature
according to Sri Aurobindo. From these departments emerge a certain number of
study centers that further sub-divide into laboratories that have their own research

1-Department of the Physical Research into the frontiers of the material world.

Study Centers: - Physical sciences

- Perfection of the body
- The body of the earth
- The consciousness of the cells

2- Departments of the vital: Research into the mechanisms of the forces of life.

Study Centers: - analysis of the interaction between the individual and

mass behavior
- Discovery of the subtle physical senses
- Mastering of life energy
- The vital force as a vehicle of action.

3-Departments of the mental: Research into the different levels of knowledge

Study Centers: - Synthesis of religions and study of their role in human

- Discovery of superior faculties
- Fundamental unity between spiritually and science
- The ideal of human unity

4- Department of the psychic: Research on the method of the inner discovery

Study Centers: - Discovery of the Joy of oneness

- Knowledge by identity
- Evolution of consciousness
CIRHU presents itself as a center of work of exchange and of permanent
meetings. All the participants of the concerned countries and of the NGO’s will
meet regularly on the occasion of different symposia or conferences and the
annual plenary meetings.

The totality of the construction is foreseen as being composed in the following


- A conference room to seat 2,500 persons.

- 2 multi-purpose conference rooms of 300 seats each
- An exhibition space
- A library and a center of documentation
- A workshop room for the section “analysis and action”
- 4 rooms for the section “research and experimentation” with spaces
reserved for the study centers and their laboratories.
- A coordination space
- A cafeteria
- A hotel for 100 person
- An administrative quarter
- Technical service and parking


This revolution of the species which knocks at the doors of our inner barriers is
already in process. In front of the breadth of the upheavals that we foresee, we
need a new breath, a new dimension to be discovered, but also the means to bring
into play a better future. CIRHU could be the instrument and Auroville the
place which gives it life, as Mother says:

“For millennia we have developed outer means, outer instruments, outer

techniques of life and eventually these means and these techniques are crushing
us. The sign of the new humanity is the reversal of perspective and the
understanding that the inner means, the inner knowledge and the inner technique
can change the world and master it without crushing it.

Auroville is the place where this new way of life is being worked our, it is a
center of accelerated evolution where man has to start changing his world by the
power of the inner spirit.”

Translated from the French – February 95

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