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Meeting: Discussion of experiences in handling seminars

Date and Time: March 18, 2022, Friday, 1:00 – 2:08 o’ clock in the afternoon
Location : Facebook/Messenger Chat Room

Biol, Jelyza Jade Omar, Ehsani

Decampong, Samsia Rago, Nehal
Dilinugon, Rainisah Saidali, Shahanie
Gubat, Haifa Salainto, Halia
Guliman,Jenepe G Sanggoyod, Najeha
Menor, Fatma

Call to Order:

Ms. Nehal Rago, one of the group members, called to order the meeting for the discussion
of the group members’ experiences in conducting a seminar via Facebook Room at 1:00 o’ clock
in the afternoon.


• To discuss and share the individual experiences of group one members in planning and
conducting a seminar/workshop

Result of the Meeting

During the discussion, the group one members have discussed the following:

1. The facilitators will set a meeting for the seminar. They should have time-management skills.
2. One facilitator should remind other facilitators who will be assigned to the following:

• Presenter for the Agenda Meeting

• Secretary for the Minutes Writing and Recording
• Photo documentations

3. During planning, the facilitator should explain the importance of the meeting and elaborate
clearly the agenda objectives of the meeting including:
• Purpose and Relevance
• Selection of Seminar Topics (e.g., Online Sexual Exploitation for Children)
• Activities
• Evaluation Part
• Assigning Committees

4. After that, the facilitator must breakdown all the agenda objectives in order to be clear and
5. After explaining the purpose and relevance, the selection of topics. In order to practice healthy
group, everyone should play their part in contributing suggestions. Brain storming will be the point
of entry in planning. The selected topic should be properly communicated and agreed by the whole
6. After selecting topic, the group can already formulate the following:

• Objectives
• Target Participants
• Date and Time
• Venue
• Target Resource Speakers
• Activities both Pre and Post Tests, Ice breakers

7. Learn to plan and develop some alternatives and contingency planning.

8. Next will be the assigning committees for preparation steps, in this respect, the group should
communicate and assign themselves in accordance with their strength.
• Program Committee
• Secretariat Committee
• Marketing Committee
• Food Committee
• Hall Prep Design Committee

8. A Good Planner must ask suggestions from other facilitators.

9. The Secretary must present recap about the planning meeting to the other members for
clarifications and additional suggestion of the plan.


The group 1 members shared their experiences during the preparation for conducting a
seminar/workshops. The members have shared the following experiences and learnings in
conducting a seminar:

• In terms of facilitation in seminar, the facilitator must ensure that all the materials needed
for the seminar are already prepared as well as the venue. To demonstrate Ms. Biol and
Ms. Guliman have shared that in their experience in preparing for the seminar, they have
learned that along with the preparation of necessary materials is also the budgeting skills
and being attentive to every details especially to tangible materials needed for decorating
the venue and materials needed for the activities to be conducted with the participants and
the resource speaker.
• Some of the members have also shared that in preparing for the seminar, the facilitator or
organizer must learn the importance of time management. The facilitator should use their
time effectively not just in preparing for the venue and deliverables but they should also
prepare themselves. Just as how the resource speaker and participants prepared themselves
before entering the seminar, the facilitator should also allot time to prepare himself/herself
physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The members have learned from their
experience of being a facilitator in a seminar that the preparedness of an organizer or
facilitator also contributes to the success of the seminar and the attainment of its goal.
• In preparing for the seminar, all members have also shared their practicum experiences
wherein they have learned the importance of being resourceful. They have experienced
having major expenses during seminars wherein they have to contribute for the materials,
foods, tokens and certificates. With this, the group one members have learned that being
resourceful will help lessen the expenses of the group. They have learned to seek assistance
from the agency.
• Delegation of responsibilities is also one of the important parts of the preparation. The
facilitators of the seminars should have their respective responsibilities in order to have a
smooth flow of the program. The members have shared that one of the contributors to the
success of the seminars that they have conducted before is the effectivity of the delegation
of the responsibilities to the members because delegation enables a certain facilitator to
his/her focus her full attention to her/his assigned responsibility without being confused.
Delegation also avoids overlapping of responsibilities or tasks.


During meeting that was conducted by Group 1, the members have discussed and shared
their experiences in conducting/organizing seminars, meetings and trainings during their field
practicum. This sharing of their experiences in the field is relevant in realizing the upcoming
seminar this month of May which will require a lot of planning and preparations. Thus, everyone
did their part in sharing their experiences that might help the group in handling seminars in the

The following are some of the experiences shared by the members:

1. There should be at least 1 or 2 of the members who will be assigned to recheck all the
materials needed before going to the event.
2. Make sure that everyone will be early in the venue, especially the emcee.
3. The facilitators should already discuss about the assigned task and immediately did their part
when they arrive in the venue
4. One of the facilitators will be assigned for the attendance of the attendees
5. One of the facilitators will be assigned to prepare and distribute the snacks
6. One of the facilitators will be assigned to check the time, like when will be the snack time, the
evaluation part, ice breaker part and the likes
7. One of the facilitators will guide the attendees where to sit, or assist the elderly and pregnant
8. One of the facilitators will be assigned for documentation
9. One of the facilitators will be assigned to the technical stuffs chuchu (mic, speaker, laptop, ppt
10. The other members will be assigned for giving of certificates and token
11. The emcee will be responsible in making the crowd attentive, and participative, thus, they
should be engaging and with sense of humor. Throwing jokes from time to time is a good thing.
12. Lastly,at the end of the program, everyone should help in cleaning the area.

Approval of the Minutes:

Ms. Nehal Rago, a group member recapitulated the gist of the meeting and have incorporated into
bullets summary to what was the brainstorming all about and ask for any clarifications and any
additional suggestion of the main agenda. The medium of discussion is thru a virtual meeting with
the use of Messenger room. The group members have set a motion to approve the meeting.


The meeting ended at 2:08 pm in the afternoon.


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