FINAL - Word Bank

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1 field pitch, ground, area , meadow, pasture, grassland
2 big large, huge, vast
3 puffed panting, wheezing, breathless

4 animal creature, beast, brute

5 more new, additional, extra, added
6 burst break, open
7 bang hit, knock, thump
8 end finish, conclusion, stop
9 wise intelligent, clever, sensible
10 see notice, watch, observe, spot
11 foolish silly, unwise


1 court forum, bench
2 child kid, youngster, baby
3 quarrel argument, fight
4 unripe incomplete, half-grown, unready
5 colour hue, shade, tint
6 argue fight, quarrel, dispute, row, disagree
7 naughty disobedient, mischievous
8 best finest, most excellent, top
9 lake pool, lagoon
10 happy glad, joyful, cheerful, pleased, content
1 declare proclaim, announce, communicate, state,
announce, affirm, assert
2 rules system, policy, regulations
3 cheat deceive, con, swindle ,trick
4 team group, panel, bunch
5 center middle, core, midpoint
6 upright vertical, straight, erect
7 throw toss, bowl, fling , hurl
8 hard firm, solid, strong
9 score result, outcome, rating, gain ,attain achieve
10 apart away, separate, distant
11 high tall, big, towering, lofty
12 match game, contest, competition.
13 several many, numerous , some
14 across over, beyond
15 follow observe, monitor, trail, chase


1 kind generous, amiable, tender, caring, loving
2 allow permit, authorize, let
3 freezing icy, chilly, cold
4 space room, gap, interval
5 push press, thrust, shove
6 master ruler, owner, keeper
7 please request, appeal, satisfy
8 bear survive, sustain, withstand, tolerate, stand
9 certainly surely, positively, definitely
10 little small, compact, tiny


1 raise lift, elevate, hoist
2 narrate tell, describe , relate, recount
3 basket cane container, holder, case, bin
4 paws feet, pads
5 climb ascend, mount, rise
6 chased followed, pursued, hunted, hounded, trailed
7 behind beyond, following, after, last
8 tired exhausted, sleepy, drained, weary
9 asleep sleeping, napping
10 soon shortly, rapidly, quickly, presently


1 identity personality, uniqueness, individuality
2 finish end, complete, accomplish, stop, close, conclude
3 whisper speak softly, low voice, murmur
4 streamer ribbon, bunting
5 unable powerless, incapable
6 bits pieces, portion, segment, section, part
7 waste scrap, useless
8 organise arrange, form, manage
9 wonderful magnificent, amazing, fantastic
10 pretty beautiful, attractive
11 quickly fast, swiftly ,rapidly
12 squash crush, squeeze, ,press, mash, compress
13 surprise unexpected, astonishing
14 forget overlook ,disregard, omit
15 laugh chuckle, giggle, cackle, snicker


1 rhyme poem, jingle, song, verse, poetry
2 similar same, alike
3 published issue ,produce, print
4 poet writer , elegist, lyricist
5 twinkle gleam , sparkle, shine, glimmer, glow

6 score a set of 20 ,achieve, attain, gain

7 together mutually, jointly
8 famous popular , eminent, famed, celebrated, renowned
9 great special, important, grand, huge, immense,
10 place location, position, put
11 interesting Impressive , fascinating


1 rumbling deep, echoing
2 petal leaflet
3 parade procession, pageant, spectacle
4 governor ruler, chief, leader, administrator, director
5 military army, forces, services
6 marching protesting, rallying, striding
7 noise sound, blast, din, racket
8 smoke flame, vapour, smoulder
9 leader pioneer, head, chief, boss
10 showered sprayed, drizzled, washed, bathed
11 carry take, bear, hold


Lesson-1 A song of Love

1 buzz murmur, whisper, hum
2 gather assemble, collect, meet, get together
3 dangerous risky, alarming, deadly, unsafe
4 strange abnormal, rare, unusual, odd
5 trap capture, trick, scam ,shut in
6 hum/humming croon, mumble, sing
7 together jointly, collectively
8 shook disturbed, rocked, swayed
9 evening twilight, dusk
10 morning dawn, sunrise , daybreak

Lesson-2 Brave Hans

1 surround envelop, encircle, enclose
2 dyke barrier, dams
3 gurgle babble, burble, splash , ripple , murmur
4 wonder astonishment, awe, admiration, doubt
5 trickle drip, flow drop, ooze
6 flood outpouring, overflow, submerge, deluge
7 shout scream, howl, cry
8 thrust shove, push
9 numb Senseless, without sensation, unfeeling
10 shiver quiver, tremble, shake
11 faint vague, unclear, weak, dim
12 rush hurry dash, hasten , speed, charge
13 serious grave , solemn, somber, stern
14 repair mend, restore, fix
15 remember recall, recollect
Lesson-3 Plants and Fruits
1 wild undomesticated, untamed
2 stem stalk, cane, shoot

3 fields meadow, ground, grassland

4 underground covered, basement

5 contain accommodate, enclose, hold, restrain
6 flavour Essence, taste
7 except excluding, apart from, but
8 rind skin, peel, crust
9 pod shell, case
10 root source, origin

1 Lesson-4 The most Difficult Task

3 wise intelligent, clever, sage
4 kingdom domain, nation, empire
5 courtier attendant, companion
6 majesty dignity, glory, royalty
7 laughter giggling, chuckling, amusement
8 permission consent, sanction
9 grant allow, permit, accord, funding, scholarship
10 frighten scare, terrify, petrify
11 pacify mollify, soothe, calm, appease
12 whisper murmur, mumble
Babu’s Dream
2 asleep sleeping, napping
3 helmet hard hat, headdress
4 sail cruise, float
5 astonish amaze, surprise
6 scrabble grope, scratch, clutch, fumble
7 chomp chew, munch
8 dream delusion, imagination, trance
9 suddenly quickly, abruptly unexpectedly
10 terrible horrifying, dreadful
11 collect gather, compile, assemble
Lesson-6 The Porcupine and the Snakes
1 horrid horrible, dreadful, disgusting nasty
2 difficult hard, tough, not easy
3 vexation agitation, irritation annoyance, anger,
4 shelter home, house, dwelling, cover, refuge ,sanctuary
5 prickly spiky, thorny
6 miserable pathetic, tragic, sad, unhappy
7 amidst amongst, between
8 thorns prickle, spike
9 spout nozzle, gush ,spurt, emit
10 storm gale, tornado,

Lesson-7 Fairy Tales

2 dwarfs goblin, gnome, imp, elf
3 narrate tell, unfold, recount, relate
4 faraway distant, far-off,
5 different unlike, dissimilar
6 characters personality, nature
7 wicked evil, mischievous
8 cruel brutal, barbarous, atrocious, unkind, mean
9 enchant captivate, charm, fascinate
10 collection assemblage, compilation
11 version sort, kind, type, account
12 appear occur, emerge, show
13 intelligent brilliant, knowledgeable, clever, bright
14 popular famous , well-liked
15 visitor caller, guest
16 bump jolt, collision, crash

Lesson-8 Save these Animals

1 twister Cyclone, whirlwind, windstorm
2 passenger traveler, commuter
3 blubber fat, flab, weep, cry
4 verge edge, border, margin
5 endanger imperil, risk
6 protect save, preserve, secure, defend, guard
7 exist endure, live, survive
8 extinct vanish, lost, dead, destroyed, wiped out
9 scratch abrade, scrape, graze, cut
10 quiver tremble, shake, shiver


Sl.No. Word Synonyms
1 jungle forest, bush , woodland , plantations
2 suddenly quickly, rapidly , swiftly abruptly
3 tramped walked, marched, stomp
4 sighed breathed, moaned, exhaled,
5 trumpeted boasted, announced roar, yell
6 grinned smiled, laughed
7 shrink contract ,shrivel minimize
8 hungry starved, voracious, famished
9 snarling roaring, grumbling scowling, growling
10 wrinkled crumpled, lined crinkled creased
11 perfect flawless, seamless ideal
12 happy joyful, glad pleased content, cheerful
13 grinned smiled, laughed
14 destroy abolish, finish , end wreck, ruin
15 baggy loose , shapeless

L 2 The Tamarind Tree Word Synonyms

1 sprawling extensive, expansive
2 duel fight, battle, clash contest
3 demon devil, wizard
4 challenge test, trial dare confront, defy
5 suffered hurt, grieved
6 serious stern, severe grave, solemn, somber
7 wound cut, injury
8 vanished gone, missing , disappeared
9 chasing racing, pursuing, following
10 nervously anxiously, timidly
11 rustled rushed, swirled
12 taste flavor ,sensitivity, perception
13 leaves plants, trees, foliage, vegetation
14 pieces bits, fragments ,parts, portion
15 noticed seen , observed, noted
L3 Little Roby Word Synonyms

1 bought purchased, got
2 present gift, instant, exist
3 answered replied, responded
4 matter material, substance, topic ,issue
5 friendly welcoming, open
6 curtains drapes, hangings blinds
7 breakfast supper, mealtime
8 visit call, appointment, stay
9 morning dawn , sunrise daybreak
10 night dark, sunset
11 grandfather granddad, grandpa
12 lovely beautiful , attractive, pretty
13 party gathering, celebration, event
14 dream (class 2 ) vision, trance
15 motionless ,immobile, still blocked
L4 How Books Are Made Word Synonyms

1 novelists writers, authors
2 automatic reflex, habitual, routine .involuntary
3 advent start, arrival, beginning
4 prepared ready, set, arranged
5 flair talent, skill, aptitude, style
6 process method, manner, course
7 pictures images, photograph
8 subjects issues, matter, topics, theme,
9 storytellers narrators, relaters, liars
10 scientists experts researchers, technologists
11 arranging placing, organizing, positioning
12 special (class IV –twice) unusual, distinct remarkable, unique , extraordinary
13 disjointedly, discretely distinctly, independently,
separately individually
14 directly straight, openly
speed rapidly, hurry , swiftly

L5 Dr. Nasruddin Word Synonyms

1 surprised (class 5) astonished, amazed
2 discover notice, see, realize
3 complained grumbled, criticized, protested
4 ache pain, agony, pang, throb, hurt
5 acquaintance, workmate, companion, pal,
friend(class IV) buddy
6 answered replied, responded, reacted
7 clever crafty, cunning, shrewd
8 pushed shoved thrust
9 cause reason , source, origin
10 illness disease, infection, sickness
11 acute severe, serious, critical
12 opened unlock ,undone ,undid
13 lying dishonest, deceitful, untruthful
14 pile heap, stack, mound
15 house community, family
1 operation action, process, business
2 rescue release, relief, recovery, save, free
3 frightened afraid, alarmed, fearful, scared, terrified
4 construction creation, formation, building
5 drown sink, soak, dip, drench
6 drug pill, tonic, medicine, tablet
7 dangerous risky, terrible, unsafe
8 business job, career, trade, industry
9 mission aim, goal, purpose, task, job, work, duty
10 destruction loss, ruin, end, damage
11 dam wall, barrier, dike, barrage
12 person somebody, human, being, someone
13 imagine frame, invent, plan, dream, visualise
14 serum potion, tonic, dose
15 atop aloft, over, above


1 anecdote episode, tale, fantasy, story, yarn
2 popular famous, liked, trendy
3 event ceremony, function, happening
4 distinct clear, specific, decided, separate, dissimilar
5 ordinary common, general, regular, usual
6 mischievous playful, naughty, risky
7 audience spectators, viewers, listeners
8 illustration image, design, sketch
9 fable story, fiction, myth, tale, parable
10 realistic real, reasonable, sober, sensible, practical
11 art skill, craft, creativity, painting, drawing
12 comedy fun, humour, jesting, wit, joke
13 character role, part, personality
14 important vital, necessary, valuable, significant
15 section category, fraction, segment
1 signboard sign, notice, banner
2 quicksand marsh, mud, swamp
3 puff blow, breathe, heave, gasp
4 shopping buying, spending, purchasing
5 firewood twigs, wood, lightwood
6 quickly rapidly, swift, briskly, fast, speedily
7 mutter grumble, whisper, murmur, mumble
8 merry festive, cheerful, pleasant
9 master owner, chief, ruler
10 heavy big, bulky, chunky, serious, grave
11 market outlet, mart, shop, bazaar
12 tired weary, exhausted, drowsy
13 share divide, part, participate
14 matter concern, issue, topic
15 hopping leaping, bounce/bouncing, skipping




1 peeping glancing, peering, peeking
2 brightly brilliantly, glowingly, radiantly
3 excited enthusiastic, eager, thrilled
4 shrieked screamed, screeched, roared
5 circling revolving, rotating, whirling/ revolving, turning, spinning.
6 swinging vacillating, undulating, wavering, swaying
7 wobbly unsteady, shaky, unstable
8 fluttering vibrating, shaking, dancing
9 whispered murmured, muttered, mumbled
10 bleated cried, called, complained
11 grumbled moaned, groaned, protested
12 fuss commotion, confusion, bother
13 gathered collected, met, assembled
14 followed shadowed, pursued, chased
15 crossly angrily, gloomily, impatiently, furiously
16 forming organizing, beginning, ,devising, establishing, creating, launching
17 shouted yelled, cried, roared
18 led guided, showed, conducted



1 mortal perishable, fatal, earthly, worldly, human

2 arrogant haughty, conceited, proud, egotistical
3 boasted bragged, gloated
4 quarrelling Arguing, fighting, squabbling, disagreeing
5 lend loan, bestow, confer, provide
6 immediately instantly, promptly
7 splendid magnificent, grand, impressive, marvellous, wonderful, fabulous
8 laurels honours, awards, rewards, praise, success, glory, distinction
9 studded decorated, dotted, sprinkled
10 precious valuable, costly, expensive
11 huge enormous, vast, immense, massive, gigantic, colossal,
12 courage bravery, valour, fearlessness
13 seized grabbed, grasped, snatched
14 reins check, curb, constrain, control
15 regret remorse, repent, sorrow, lament
16 hiss fizz, whistle, jeer, mock, ridicule
17 headlong diving, brash, daring
18 vintage classic, mature, prime
19 struggling competing, battling, clashing



1 victorious triumphant, successful
2 historian chronicler, archivist, annalist
3 responsibilities accountability, answerability, duties, tasks
4 battalions regiments, brigade, contingent
5 rebelled revolted, opposed, resisted
6 disbanded demobilized, dissolved, dispersed,
parted, separated
7 archives library, records, files, documentation,
8 dummies figurine, mannequin, effigy
9 enraged angered, infuriated, livid
10 bayonet blade, sword, machete, spear
11 commander captain, chief, skipper, leader
12 courtyard patio, yard, enclosure
13 amused entertained, delighted, pleased
14 advisers executives, consultants, jury, counsellors
15 crowned coronate, commissioned



1 swoop dive, descend, drop, pounce

2 merrily happily, gaily, joyously, cheerfully
3 colourful vibrant, multi-coloured, hued
4 breeze airflow, gust, draft
5 trembling shaking, twitching, quivering
6 aloft upwards, high, overhead, up, uphill
7 squeal screech, scream, shriek
8 entwine twist, entangle, weave
9 indicated denoted, determined, marked
10 snapped broke, split, cracked
11 examined inspected, investigated, tested
12 groans whines, murmurs, cries
13 fetch bring, collect, obtain, get, carry
14 skillfully precise, dexterity, deftly, expertly
15 trouble problem, difficulty, commotion


1 longingly earnestly, cravingly, fervently, thoughtfully

2 howl moan, growl, groan
3 hungry starving ,famished,
4 staring gazing, glaring, gaping
5 happy cheerful, joyful, delighted
6 laughed chuckled, giggled
7 piece chunk, slice, fragment, part, portion, section
8 incident event, occurrence, episode, happening
9 Thin lean, slim, slender, skinny, bony
10 began commenced, originated, initiated, started,
11 kindly warmly, compassionately, tenderly, gently
12 pain agony, suffering, misery, ache, hurt, soreness
13 watching observing, peering, surveillance
14 corner nook, bend, cranny
15 lesson message, moral, class, lecture, session
16 curiosity inquisitiveness, nosiness, prying
17 vacation holiday, break, trip


S. No. Word Synonyms

1. feathers plume, quill
2. characters persona, persons
3. beautiful pretty, good-looking, attractive
4. handsome attractive, stunning
5. proudly boastfully, haughtily
6. friends buddies, companions, pals
7. struts flaunts, swaggers
8. around throughout, everywhere
9. leave depart, exit
10. strange unusual, odd
11. wonder ponder, reflect, speculate, doubt
12. dressed attired, clothed
13. perhaps maybe, possibly
14. clumsily awkwardly, ineptly
15. angrily annoyingly, irritably, crossly
16. borrowed took, rented, loaned
17. weeps cries, sobs
18. lonely alone, isolated
19. miserable sad, unhappy, depressed
20. rude blunt, impolite, offensive
21. learnt grasped, mastered
22. lesson class, session
23. pretend act, bluff, imagine
24. homely cozily, hospitably
25. special unique, extraordinary, remarkable


S.No. Word Synonyms

1. usually regularly, frequently, habitually, generally
2. humorous comical, hilarious
3. pattern arrangement, form, mould
4. scheme structure, method, plan
5. traced found, discovered
6. generally usually, commonly
7. vulgar bad-mannered, unrefined, harsh, offensive
8. seriously gravely, solemnly, earnestly
9. encouraged motivated, inspired
10. compose create, write
11. published printed, available
12. indecent rude, impolite
13. suggests recommends, proposes
14. popular famous, widespread
15. favourite chosen, desired, preferred
16. especially particularly, mainly
17. accompanied attended, supplemented, escorted
18. absurd illogical, irrational, ridiculous, silly
19. illustrations pictures, drawings
20. amusing hilarious, witty, entertaining


S.No. Word Synonyms

1. community group, society
2. greeting welcome, addressing
3. healthy strong, fit
4. peace serenity, harmony, calm
5. custom tradition, ritual, practice
6. equally similarly, uniformly, evenly
7. polite courteous, respectful
8. translated interpreted, explained
9. honour respect, integrity, tribute
10. entering arriving, coming in, incoming
11. warning caution, indication
12. veil shroud, cloak
13. rank position, status, grade, level
14. respect regard, admire
15. salute gesture, greeting, acknowledgement
16. affectionately warmly, caringly, lovingly
17. kneel bend, stoop
18. stationed situated, located
19. embracing hugging, cuddling, accepting
20. moment instant, jiffy, second


L-1 Monacella and Her Little Lambs

Se.No. Word Synonyms

1 entertain amuse, regale, enliven
2 wound injury, lesion, anguish, gash
3 marriage wedding, alliance, matrimony, nuptials
4 powerful mighty, influential, potent
5 treasure wealth, abundance, richness
6 prisoner captive, hostage
7 capture seize, arrest, abduct, imprison, detain
8 lonely isolated, solitary, secluded
9 quiet peaceful, silent, noiseless
10 frightened scared, terrified, panicky
11 sniff inhale, respire, detect, smell , sob
12 rustle crackle, stir
13 sanctuary reserve, refuge, asylum
14 trot gallop, jog, sprint
15 shepherd caretaker, protector, herdsman
16 scamper scurry, dash, dart
L-2 Legs and Eyes

1 crawl creep, slither, slide

2 strict severe, firm, stern
3 alphabetical sequential, arranged, ordered
4 receive accept, obtain, acquire
5 glance glimpse, peep, peek
6 eagerly keenly, enthusiastically, excitedly
7 tired weary, exhausted, fatigued
8 unaccustomed unfamiliar, unusual, different
9 exercise drill, activity, exertion
10 rest break, respite, relaxation
11 discover learn, determine, realise
12 comfortable contended, relaxed, calm
13 disappointed upset, dissatisfied, frustrated
14 propose suggest, offer, recommend
15 readily gladly, willingly, voluntarily, eagerly
16 exchange barter, interchange, bargain, swap
17 embarrassment shame, humiliation, discomfiture
L-3 Herman Hollerith

1 modern contemporary, advanced, latest

2 industry business, trade
3 elementary basic, simple, uncomplicated
4 promise assure, guarantee, swear
5 mechanics technicalities, procedure
6 devise plan ,invent, develop
7 revolutionary innovative, ground-breaking
8 accurate precise, correct, exact
9 transfer transport, relocate, shift
10 circuit route, course, trail
11 population inhabitants, residents, populace
12 believe consider, suppose, deem
13 complain protest,criticize,grumble
14 fortune wealth,riches,affluence
15 slipshod careless, shoddy, slack
L-4 A Successful Ghost!

1 yell shout, scream, shriek

2 mumble mutter, murmur
3 groan moan, whimper, grunt
4 bristly coarse, thick, rough
5 fussy picky,finicky,choosy
6 boast brag,show off, swank
7 intently closely, fixedly, attentively
8 uneasy anxious,nervous, uncomfortable
9 reside live, inhabit, dwell
10 sternly severely, strictly, harshly
11 innocent blameless, guiltless, naïve, childlike
S.N. Words Synonyms CHAPTER 5-The Magic Bat
1 musty smelly, stuffy, mouldy, stale
2 twinkling sparkling, shimmering, shining
3 eminent distinguished, renowned, noteworthy
4 confidence conviction, fortitude, boldness, poise, assurance
5 restore reinstate, bring back, rehabilitate
6 aimed focussed, directed, trained
7 old -fashioned outdated, outmoded, traditional, conservative, conventional
8 chuckled chortled, giggled, laughed
9 disappeared vanished, faded
10 paradise heaven, bliss, utopia, wonderland
11 explore tour, travel
12 thrill delight, amusement, pleasure, joy, excitement
13 preside manage, administer, govern , control, supervise
14 practice implement, application, execute, follow, perform
15 magical supernatural, occult, mystical
16 flushed glowing, blushing

12 terrible awful, dreadful, appalling

13 shudder shake,tremble,quiver
14 artistically creatively,imaginatively,inventively
15 alarmed worried, anxious, shocked
16 promptly quickly, rapidly, swiftly punctually

S.No Words Synonyms CHAPTER-6 The First Patient

11 latest fresh, current, newest
2 furious inflamed, fuming, seething, enraged
3 awkward uncomfortable, embarrassed
4 screeching shrieking, squealing, howling
5 silently quietly, inaudibly, soundlessly
6 weeping crying, lamenting, whimpering
7 force effort, exertion, vigour
8 treatment therapy, surgery, medication
9 remember recall, recollect,

10 pain agony, torture, lament

11 metallic tinny, grating, jarring
12 equipment apparatus, paraphernalia, appliances, tools
13 moan groan, wail, whimper
14 nonsense rubbish, gibberish, baloney
15 awful disgusting, nasty, terrible
16 reduce lessen, diminish, minimize
17 joking jesting, joshing, bantering , teasing
18 irritated annoyed, vexed, exasperated

S.No Words Synonyms CHAPTER7-Haiku

1 originated derived, begun ,started
2 introduced established, launched, initiated
3 decay decompose, rot, perish
4 infatuation fixation, obsession, adoration
5 distributed allocated, allotted, assigned
6 theme subject, concept, gist, topic
7 ancient primitive, bygone, prehistoric, earliest
8 associate connect, identify, link, relate
9 descriptive Illustrated, expressive, graphic
10 required essential, necessary, mandatory
11 achieve attain, realize, accomplish
12 effort endeavour, attempt, strive
13 generally normally, mainly, conventionally ,usually
14 muddy dirty, mucky, grubby
15 jealous envy, grudge,
16 image likeness, portrayal, depiction ,picture, illustration
warmth comfort, mellowness, homeliness, affection, tenderness
18 bitter acid, sour, harsh

S.No Words Synonyms CHAPTER 8 -To the South Pole

1 courageous brave, daring, bold, gutsy
2 expedition voyage, journey, mission
3 rigorous painstaking, exhaustive, laborious ,thorough ,precise, strict
4 exploratory investigative, probing, experimental
5 haul heave, drag, trail
6 frozen chill, numb, iced
7 upwards rising, skyward, uphill
8 tough resilient, stalwart, severe, rough, hard, harsh ,strong
9 determination resolution, will power, persistence
10 memorable unforgettable, momentous, timeless
11 survive sustain, remain, endure
12 thanksgiving grace, gratitude, acknowledgement
13 information particulars, guidance, directions
14 organize assemble, arrange, systematize, classify
15 battle combat, withstand, struggle
16 entire complete, whole, absolute
17 research scrutiny, analysis, investigation
18 unfold evolve, occur, progress



1 Ambiguous Unclear, vague Unambiguous, The students are unable to understand
Root – ambi clear the ambiguous concepts in the
2. Omnipotent Almighty, supreme weak God is omnipotent.
Root -Omni -
3. Antecedent Ancestors , forefathers descendents Antecedents are ones family
Root -Ante - members, who lived a long time ago.
4. Congregate Gather, assemble Disperse, scatter
Root – Con- The alumni congregated at the school
united annual meet in the evening.

5. Bi-lateral Two sided Unilateral The USA and India share good
Root- bilateral relations.
6 Audible Distinct,recognizable(sound) Inaudible , faint The speaker’s voice was not audible
to the audience.
7 Chime tinkle, ring The chiming of bells in the church
indicated that it was time for prayers.
8. Clamour Uproar, noise silence I couldn’t hear anything above the
clamour of the crowd.

9. bellow Scream, yell(when angry) whisper The coach bellowed instructions to

the players on the field.

10. loquacious Talkative, garrulous Quiet The loquacious student qualified for
the TV talk show.
11 Articulate Communicative, eloquent hesitant The audience applauded his articulate

12 Avid Keen, eager apathetic He is an avid reader.

13 Candid Frank, outspoken Secretive His candid nature helps him win
friends everywhere.
14 Atrocious Brutal, cruel Gentle
There is a steep rise in the number of
atrocious crimes in Delhi.

15. Benevolent Kind- hearted, generous Unkind, Mother Teresa had a benevolent
unsympathetic, attitude towards the poor and needy.

16. Abate Decrease, lessen Increase,intensified The relief measures have abated the
misery of the flood victims.

17. Accolade Award, honour Condemnation, A Nobel prize is the top accolade a
criticism scientist can receive.

18. Bashful Shy, reserved Bold, confident The bashful child refused to pose for
the class photograph.

19. Uncanny weird , mysterious ordinary, normal Rahul had an uncanny feeling when
he entered the attic.

20 Acquit Discharge, release Accused, charged The court has acquitted the accused
of the offence.

21 Affirmative Approving, consenting Dissenting His affirmative nature has won him
many followers.

22 Chaste pure, virtuous Immoral He is admired everywhere for his

chaste conduct.
23. Buoyant floatable, light Heavy Ship sails on water due to buoyancy.
24. Bizarre Strange, peculiar Ordinary, normal Some of the scenes in the movie were

25. Chivalrous Gentlemanly, gracious Rude, He behaves in a chivalrous manner

unmannerly towards women.
1. Explicit Understandable, clear, Vague, implicit The question paper has explicit
Root – ex precise instructions for the students.

2. Forthcoming Approaching, expected Distant, bygone A list of forthcoming activities has

Root – forth been provided to all the students.
Meaning -
3. Extravagant Spendthrift, lavish Thrifty, frugal He is unable to save money due to his
Root – extra extravagant way of life.
Meaning – in
addition to
4. Equitable Fair, just unjust, unfair He adopts an equitable approach
(Root – equi – towards his students while solving
equal, their problems.
5. Facilitate assist, aid Hinder, obstruct The teacher facilitated the research
(Root -facile – based activity in the classroom.
easy, simple)
6. Earnest Serious, sincere Frivolous, The boss always praises Rahul as he is
insincere an earnest employee.

7. Dictatorial authoritarian, dominating Democratic, He wants to quit this job as he is

liberal unable to tackle his dictatorial boss.
8. Flamboyant Glamorous, dazzling dull, simple She is fond of wearing flamboyant
clothes at all occasions.

9. Diffident Shy, bashful confident, He is too diffident to speak on stage.


10 Diligent Industrious, meticulous Lazy, careless The teachers appreciate the diligent
efforts of Rahul in the class.

11 Embark Board, begin disembark The passengers are embarking on the


12 Feeble Weak, frail Robust, forceful He became too feeble after his
prolonged illness.
13 Dingy Gloomy, sombre Bright, well –lit The child can’t read properly in this
dingy room.

14. Dissipate Disperse, scatter Assemble, The crowd dissipated after the police
congergate arrived.

15. Endure tolerate, bear fail The lost soldiers endured their thirst in
the desert.
16. Enthrall captivate, enchant bore The performance of the tiny tots
enthralled the audience.

17. Fervent Passionate, ardent unemotional, Mrs. Gupta’s fervent prayer was
apathetic instrumental in her son’s miraculous
18. Flawless Faultless, perfect Imperfect, She has flawless complexion.

19. Distinguished Famous, eminent Unknown Dr. C.V. Raman was a distinguished

20. Dubious Doubtful, uncertain definite She was not liked by anyone because
of her dubious character.

21 Fidelity Faithfulness, loyalty Disloyalty, All relationships bloom when fidelity

treachery abounds.

22 Flimsy Weak, delicate Sturdy The box broke as it was made up of

flimsy material.

23. Futile Vain, useless Useful, fruitful All his efforts to search for the lost
notebook were futile.
24. Exempt Excused , released He has been exempted from attending
Accountable the games period due to his sprained
25 Devout Pious, religious Impious Antony is a devout Christian
2 Gibberish Rubbish, Sense The magician spoke gibberish to
(Root-Gibber: talk nonsense cast a magic spell.
3 Impertinent Irreverent, Pertinent, The impertinent remarks of the
(Root-Pertinent: immaterial, respectful employee infuriated his boss.
suitable) impolite

4 Indefatigable: Tireless, , Tiring The indefatigable workers were

(Root-fatigue: unwearied paid well by the master.
5 Gullible vulnerable Suspicious The little girl is so gullible that she
(Root-Gull: cheat) believes that the moon is actually
made of cheese.
6 Hostility Animosity, Sympathy The minister had suffered much
(Root-Hostile: bitterness public hostility due to his corrupt
feeling hatred) behaviour.

7 Hustle rush , hurry Linger The railway station was a scene of

hustle and bustle.
8 Hypocrisy Insincerity Sincerity He preaches to be honest and
sincere but his hypocrisy became
evident when he was caught
accepting bribe.
9 Indecisive Wavering, Decisive The judge was indecisive of who
Hesitating the culprit was .

10 Ingenuity Creativity, Inanity Her ingenuity in presenting the

originality, theme of child welfare, won her the
first prize in an Art Competition.
11 Grandeur Greatness, Insignificant The grandeur of the palace attracts
magnificence tourists from all over the world.
1 Laudable Admirable, Blameworthy The teacher complimented the child for his
(Laud-praise) Praiseworthy laudable speech.
12 Lonesome isolated , lonely, Populated I felt a bit lonesome after my friends left early for
(Lone: alone ) solitary
Delighted, elated Miserable home. was jubilant to know that he had cracked
14 the IIT JEE.
15 Jargon dialect standard
gentleman Legal Jargon can be very confusing for the layman.
16 sound)vernacular,
22 Lamenting Crying, grieving, Rejoicing The relatives lamented the loss of their loved ones
mourning to the natural disaster.
4 Posthumous Post-mortem, - He was honoured with a bravery award
23 Languid
( post: after ) Spiritless, lethargic,
post-obituary Vigorous After a day of hard labour I lay languid on the
5 Justifiable Lawfullifeless unjust couch.
The judge asked the lawyer to give justifiable
24 Lure
(just: unbiased) Tempt
Defensible deter Tom lured
reasons forBen into whitewashing the fence by
his defence
pretending to enjoy his work.
25 Jaunt excursion, outing, He got the idea of writing a story during a jaunt
short trip around the countryside.
26 Kindle Ignite, light Extinguish They quickly kindled a fire and started cooking
before it was dark.
27 Knack
Limpid Skilfulness, talent,
Clear, transparent inability
Obscure She has aclear
However knack forlimpid
and playing
thethe guitar.
stream may look, I
flair, aptitude never forget that its source is the murky marshlands.
18 Jostle Nudge Leave alone At the bus stop people were trying to jostle and
barge into the queue.

19 Jagged Craggy Smooth, Jagged peaks stand in stark contrast to the wide
rounded, views of the coastal landscape.
20 Jocund jovial, mirthful, Dour, stern, I never feel lonely in his jocund company.
gleeful gloomy
21 Lullaby Cradle song The mother sang a sweet lullaby to make the child


1. Pretentious-root Flamboyant, Moderate, They lived in an
pretend - feign exaggerated modest ordinary house
with nothing
pretentious about
2. Relentless- root – Determined, Yielding, irresolude The relentless
relent- to give in unflinching pursuit of
excellence will
lead to success.
3. roughly, rudely politely They dumped his
Unceremoniously: belongings
Root-ceremony- on the floor.
any formal
4. Sacrosanct- root- Revered, venerated Impure.blasphemous John works till late
sacred- holy in the evening , but
his weekends are
5. Ambivalent: clashing, certain , clear Tina feels
root-ambi- contradictory ambivalent towards
referring to both her new job.
of two

6. Hawker, street - Many pedlars can

Pedlar seller be seen in the local
market selling their
7. Compliance assent dissent Safety rules were
followed in
compliance with
the regulations.
8. Demeanour conduct, disposition - One should
9. rampant Unchecked, wide Controlled, Dengue spread
spread, flourishing restrained rampantly last year.
10. Ineptitude inadequacy efficiency The police showed
ineptitude in
handling the
11. passe outdated, outmoded modern , updated Grammar rules are
passe in English
language these
12. Groggy Dazed, unsteady stable John felt groggy
after his sickness.
13. Pervade permeate Drain, deplete The entire house
was pervaded with
sadness after his

14. philanthropic humanitarian , miserly Mrs. Gupta

charitable, actively
benevolent participates in
15. picturesque Scenic, panoramic drab,ugly I went to a
picturesque locale
16. Paramount foremost unimportant Safety is
paramount when
17. Conjure appear - The magician
could conjure coins
from behind
people’s ears.
18. truce Accord, agreement disagreement, The two armies
argument called for a truce
after months of
19. quell overpower, provoke, aggravate The British army
crush quelled the
Pakistani army
20. quiescent dormant active, lively The bats were
latent quiescent during
the day, so we
slowly entered the
21. Brusque blunt,gruff Polite, kind The doctor
spoke in a brusque
22. rancid over ripe, stale fresh, sweet I had to throw
away the fruits
because they had
turned rancid.
23. Connive Collude, conspire - The management
was accused of
conniving with the
24. rapt captivated, Disinterested, I listened to the
engrossed nonchalant poem in rapt
25. Regimen Process, regime - The oppressive and
brutal regime was
overthrown by the
S.No Word Synonym Antonym Usage
1 Neurology: study of - I want to study
Root-neur- nerve nervous system neurology when I grow
2 Ill will, spite good will, Rita is very malicious
Malice: friendliness by nature.
Root-mal- bad,
3 Orthodox: conservative, Un Aman’s granny is an
Root-ortho- traditional conventional, orthodox lady.
standard modern
4 Grandiose: Root- Magnificent, Moderate, Everyone discussed the
grand- big showy modest grandiose wedding of
the business tycoon’s

5 Agreement, Discord,
Concord-Root- consensus disharmony It is best to live in
cord concord with other

6 necessitous poor ,needy rich, affluent This building provides

shelter to the
necessitous people of
this town
7 juvenile adolescent Adult The government
invested a lot of money
for the rehabilitation of
8 migrate(v) emigrate Immigrate, Various birds migrate
move Stay, remain to India during the
winter season.
9 exalted glorified humiliate She was well known
for moving in exalted
10 dawdle Laze, loiter Hurry The boys dawdled
about all day long.
11 circumvent Avoid, bypass face Due to traffic
blockages the cars had
to circumvent their way
12 tout Herald, acclaim hide She is being touted as
the next leader of the
13 smirk Grin, sneer, She had a self satisfied
smug smirk on her face.
14 parley Discussion, silence The political parties
conference, held parleys to resolve
huddle the crisis.
15 parsimonious Frugal, stingy, Generous, The businessman’s
mean lavish, liberal parsimonious attitude
was not looked upon
happily by his staff.
16 manifestation Demonstration, Vague, The riots are a clear
indication, conceal manifestation of the
display, show people’s discontent.
17 nincompoop foolish person, intelligent, I do not like it when
simpleton wise she calls me a
18 notorious disgraceful, Celebrated, He has a notorious
infamous famous reputation.
19 novice amateur, naive professional, I am still a novice in
experienced my field of work.
20 embolden Spur, boost, Discourage, The new found
invigorate depressed, majority emboldened
dissuade the government to form
new tax policies.
21 docile compliant, unyielding Rahul gets along with
obedient everyone because of his
docile behaviour.
22 oblivious unaware, observant, He is oblivious to his
ignorant aware surroundings as he is in
a state of coma.
23 obstinate stubborn, cooperative, Since Ram gets a
adamant willing scolding everyday he
has become obstinate.
24 occlude Obstruct, Continue, The goons occluded
block ,barricade clear our way and demanded
25 obsolete Outdated, Trendy, We do not use these
outmoded Modern, books any more, they
fashionable are obsolete.


1. Secede: Root separate, join, fuse The Southern states seceded
cede – to yield break from the Federal Union
2. Secluded: Root isolated exposed, There is a secluded garden
clude – to close prominent behind the high walls.
3. Stellar: Root excellent, inferior He was appreciated for his
stell – star superb stellar performance.
4. Vacuous: Root expressionless, expressive He had a vacuous
vac – empty vacant expression on his face.
5. vista :Root view - There is a marvellous vista
vis – sight from the hotel balcony.
6. salient important unimportant He noted down the salient
points of the speech.
7. Elude Dodge, Evade, Abet, assist, The correct answer eluded
Outwit support the class.
8. scintillating sparkling, dull, drab She performed a
brilliant scintillating dance.
9. Embezzle Misuse, pilfer, Reimburse, The manager was charged
loot return with embezzlement of
10. salubrious healthy, beneficial unhealthy, He moved into a house
morbid located in a salubrious area.
11. salvation deliverance, downfall, The priest prayed for the
redemption damnation salvation of sinners.
12. sanguine optimistic, pessimistic, We are sanguine about our
positive hopeless chances of success.
13. Cajole Entice, tempt, lure Repulse, He was coaxed and cajoled
discourage, into accepting a new
dissuade posting.
14. Gumption Acumen, Ignorance, It took a lot of gumption for
ability,shrewdness stupidity the circus artists to perform
the act.
15. Sardonic Biting, Caustic, Mild, Kind, He had a sardonic smile on
Nasty Nice his face at all times.
16. tranquil calm, serene disturbed, He wants to lead a tranquil
bothered life in the hills.
17. Satirical Caricature, Serious The satirical article of the
Parody, Mocking reporter exposed the folly of
the Government’s new
18. umbrage offence pleasure He took umbrage at my
straightforward remarks.

19. undaunted fearless, brave, afraid Despite the storm, the crew
unafraid remained undaunted.
20. Unobtrusive retiring, assertive He was so quiet and
uninterfering unobtrusive that you would
hardly know he was there.
21. Vantage Authority, Disadvantage, The vantage point from
Supremacy, weakness which the sighting could
ascendency take place, had costly
22. venerable respected disreputable He is a venerable scholar.
23. veracious truthful, honest dishonest The witness gave a
veracious statement in the
24. Rough- shod Browbeat, Help, boost The police should not
overbear, terrorize ride rough-shod over the
rights of ordinary people .
25. vivacious animated, spirited dull She gave a vivacious laugh.


1. Actuate: Root activate, operate impede The sprinkler system was
act – take action actuated by the fire.
2. Affirmation: Root assertion, denial, refusal The story ended with an
affirm – assert declaration affirmation of human values.
3. Transcend: Root surpass, excel Inferior All political parties passed
trans – across , the resolution transcending
beyond groupism, for the common
good of the country.
4. Xenophobia: Root prejudice, tolerance, There must be no room for
xeno - stranger intolerance acceptance xenophobia in today’s world.
5. disparage :Root belittle, denigrate praise, laud We should not disparage the
dis – negative achievements of others
6. waive forgo, claim, impose They decided to waive the
relinquish age limit for the applicants.
7. Doyen Authority, senior, His understanding of child
guide psychology quickly made
him the doyen of children’s
8. zany absurd, mad sensible, The film has a zany plot.
9. whet sharpen, blunt, pacify He whetted his knife on a
hone stone.
10. Complicity Collaboration, Innocence, He was proven guilty of
Collusion, Ignorance complicity in human rights
Involvement abuse in Afghanistan.
11. Tactical Diplomatic, - His tactical plans lacked
Calculated,Well strategy but were effective.
12. wane decrease, ebb increase, The support for the strike
waxing was waning.
13. warp bend, straighten The hot sun had warped the
distorted tender leaves of the rose
14. wary cautious, alert inattentive, As a soldier, he was trained
careless to be wary of sudden
15. Wince Cringe, Flinch, Face, meet I still wince at some of the
Recoil naïve mistakes I have made.
16. Deference Obeisance, Disregard, Deference in society as a
Submission Impoliteness whole is going down.
17. willowy slender, svelte fat, bulky The willowy young girl
appeared as delicate as a
18. wily cunning, sly naïve, He was outwitted by his wily
simpleton opponent.
19. Emancipate Liberate, Loosen, Detain, hold The Regents felt that the
Release citizens were
too emancipated and proud.
20. wobbly rickety, shaky, stable, steady Don’t sit on this chair as it is
unsteady wobbly.
21. woebegone crestfallen, cheerful, happy He consoled the woebegone
forlorn child abandoned on the
22. Ensnare Entangle, Embroil Exclude, free, The gullible easily get
disentangle ensnared by the powerful.
23. zenith pinnacle, top nadir, bottom The king was at the zenith of
his power.
24. zest eagerness, apathy, non- She had a great zest for life.
exuberance chalant
25. Fretful restless, Edgy Calm, Cheerful No one befriended him
because of his fretful nature.



1 ambiguous ambivalent, clear, sure My letter is ambiguous and cannot be
(ambi = both) unclear understood easily.
2 benefactor protector, patron grantee The king was a gracious and caring
(bene = good) benefactor of the National Cricket team.
3 holocaust annihilation, miracle The holocaust led to the mass killing of
(caust = to burn) catastrophe Jews.
4 clamour agitation, uproar silence, quiet Clamour for justice and peace was ignored
by the government once again.
(clam = shout)
5 credulous gullible, naive skeptical His credulous nature often lands him in
(cred = believe) financial losses.
Some Other Words
6 epilogue afterword prologue The epilogue of the book must be read to
appreciate the story.
7 commemorate acclaim, relive denounce, On Republic Day, we commemorate and
disgrace look back at the goals and objectives of our
8 coalition alliance, disassociation The two party leaders have to cooperate in
association a coalition government, despite their
political differences.
9 exasperate aggravate, soothe, comfort She was thoroughly exasperated with her
infuriate friend’s attitude.
10 beneficiary heir, grantee donor A child is a beneficiary of his parents’
11 conviction belief, distrust, Let us begin writing this paragraph with
confidence uncertainty conviction and strength.
12 atrocious hideous, alluring, We should turn our attention towards the
appalling desirable victims of these atrocious crimes and
ensure they get the help they need.
13 timorous hesitant, bold The government becomes timorous when it
apprehensive comes to enforcing corporal laws against
14 proscribe banish, expel admit Certain activities are proscribed by law.
15 flabbergasted astounded, expected, He was flabbergasted to know the cost of
astonished unaffected the newly launched Audi.
16 periphery brink, verge centre The city has indeed pushed the homeless to
the city’s less visible periphery.
17 ebb decline flow The ebb waters washed the boats into the
middle of the sea.
18 ostensibly apparently improbably Ostensibly, the restrictions are designed to
control illegal logging.
19 novice amateur expert One of the most important equipment that a
novice scuba diver will purchase is a scuba
20 blithe cheerful, jocund serious, morose The skylark is known for its blithe.
21 appease pacify aggravate The shopkeeper tried to appease the
customer by offering him a discount
22 bestow accord, grant deprive The generous man bestowed the poor little
boy with gifts on Diwali.
23 deride scorn, scruff revere Some people may deride the game of
baseball for being too slow in such modern
24 grievance complaint compliment The Central Government has just launched
a website where we can report all our
25 tranquility repose, serenity turbulence People travel to the mountains in search of
fresh air and tranquility.


Root Words

1 Cryptogram Code, Cypher Understanding There were cryptograms in

(crypt = cellar) decipher four letters, andeach were meant
to offer different clues to the treasure.

2 Fraternize Associate, Avoid No sooner were

(frater=comrade) Socialise our soldiers inside the lines than
the two armies began to fraternize.

3 Culpable Guilty Innocent I am culpable for stealing your money.

(Culp= Guilt)
4 Assimilate Incorporate Reject He found it impossible to quickly assimilate the
(Simil=similar) information.

5 Ecstasy Trance, joy Agony As a teenager, he went hunting purely for the
(Stasis= ecstasy of the kill.

Some Other Words

6 Sentimental Forgetful Going through photo albums is always a

Nostalgic Reminiscent nostalgic experience.

7 Pitiable Cheerful The beggar’s child was in a pathetic condition

8 Biting Kind, nice People who didn’t like him said he was very
Sarcastic Taunting sarcastic

9 Practical, Assumed, There is no empirical evidence to support his

Empirical actual theoretical theory.

10 Official Dismiss, The judge issued the decree after the hearing
Decree order,command request



11 Reconciliation re- Alienation It was good that they brought about a

establishment reconciliation between the two sides.

12 Adulterate Contaminate Purify The doctor took all precautions to ensure that
the blood sample was not adulterated.

13 Intimation Clue, Forgetful The king was too proud to give an intimation
Indication that his treasury was empty.
14 Reiterate Restate, repeat -------- An effective speaker reiterates important
15 Opulent Rich,lavish poor The tour guide showed us the opulent living
quarters of the royal family
16 Procrastination Delay advance My repeated procrastinations left me with a lot
of work to be completed on the last day.

17 Trauma severe shock relief I have been through the trauma of losing my

18 Inevitable Unavoidable avoidable Death is an inevitable reality of life

19 Obsolete outdated current We should not read obsolete editions of
current-affairs books.

20 Vulnerable Defenceless invulnerable The poor leadership in the army made the
troops vulnerable to attacks.

21 Approve Condemn His driving license has been endorsed by the

22 Vain Futile modest My vain attempt to enter the foot ball team was
23 Abate Decrease Rise The agony may have begun to abate but there
no hint yet of ecstasy.
24 Perturbed Troubled Relaxed Since they were not perturbed by the
music, he decided to keep the group going late
into the evening.


1. cryptic vague, clear Cryptic message has appeare
(crypto= hidden) ambiguous the trading board of the New
Stock Exchange.

2. Philanthropy benevolent, malevolent Giving money to poor and needy

(phil=loving) generous act of philanthropy

3. gullible naïve, shrewd Paula was so gullible that she sim

(gull=to swallow) credulous believed Ralph when he told her h
could teach her how to fly.
4. Proclamation announcement secret The proclamation of Independenc
(pro= forward) declaration made by the President of the natio
5. Incessant persistent, sporadic The dog’s incessant barking kept
(cess=to cease) ceaseless girl awake all night.
6. Brevity briefness, length The brevity of this book was
shortness appreciated
7. Capricious impulsive predictable The capricious behaviour of the g
unpredictable caused confusion in the auditoriu

8. Pristine unspoiled, pure soiled The groom in his sherwani looked

9. Sanguine optimistic, doubtful, uncertain Peter was sanguine about his cha
hopeful of winning the first prize in the c
10. Cognizant aware, mindful unaware Ali was cognizant of the consequ
of cheating, yet he tried and even
11. Ardent passionate, indifferent He was an ardent admirer of the q
12. Daunt deter, encourage The steepness of the mountain did
discourage daunt the amateur climbers.
13. Impeccable flawless, imperfect Her behaviour in class is impecca
14. Indolent Idle, sluggish industrious The indolent grasshopper did not
gather food for the winter.
15. Opulent wealthy, lavish impoverished, insolvent The Minister gave an opulent par
his daughter’s wedding.
16. Petulant irritable, huffy delighted The bank teller was very petulant
17. Exasperate frustrate, please The student’s continuous misbeha
annoy exasperated the teacher.
18. Transient temporary, permanent The transient shower provided so
momentary relief from the summer heat.
19. Venerate honour, respect scorn Cricket fans all over the world ve
Sachin Tendulkar.
20. Relinquish surrender, retain He relinquished all hope that his w
renounce had survived the floods.
21. Tenacious obstinate, irresolute The foreign student’s tenacious e
persistent to learn English won him the
admiration of all the teachers at o
22. Oblivious forgetfulness, awareness The workmen stomped in and out
unconsciousne- the room, but the happy child, pla
ss on the floor, was oblivious of all
23. Tardy late, delayed prompt The Municipal authority of the ci
penalized for their tardiness in
completing the project.
24. Wistful thoughtful, cheerful Danny was in a wistful mood whe
pensive saw his half yearly report card.
25. Gregarious sociable, shy Anna isn’t a very gregarious pers
extrovert she spends most of the time at ho
1 abjure Renounce, abandon, Accept The king abjured the worldly
(ab= off, away, from) forsake pleasures. and became a

2 belligerent Quarrelsome, Concord His belligerent attitude

(bel=war) aggressive consistently gets him into

3 euphonious Melodious, sonorous Cacophonous The bird’s song was

(eu+phone= euphonious.
Good +Sound )

4 defeatist pessimist optimist A defeatist is convinced that

( de= separation) he will never win.

5 impious irreverent reverent Given his total disinterest in

(im=Without) religion, his behavior in the
church was quite impious.

Some Other Words


6 acme Height,pinnacle Depth Rolls Royce is considered the

acme of automotive
7 abet Help, stimulate Hinder To abet the kidnappers was a
serious offence.

8 bizarre Fantastic, Common Today, we have bizarre art

unconventional forms.
9 callow Juvenile, immature Adult A callow youth is an
inexperienced one.

10 ephemeral Short-lived, transitory permanent Ephemeral summer flowers

looked beautiful in the
11 concord accord discord The UN strives to achieve
concord among nations.
12 cryptic Hidden, obscure clear A cryptic message was
hidden in a maze of
undecipherable prose.
13 brusque Curt, unfriendly friendly The doctor is a kind but
brusque man.

14 cavalier Arrogant, haughty Courteous, humble He treated women in a

cavalier fashion.

15 despondency (n) Dejection, depression cheerfulness She was despondentas she

had lost her diamond

16 hackneyed Stereotype, timeworn original ‘Haste makes waste’ is a

hackneyed expression.

17 harry Annoy, bother comfort The big boys always harry

the smaller ones.

18 hidebound bigoted ,narrow minded progressive He is too hidebound to accept

new ideas even when they are

19 hovel shack palace The poverty stricken farmers

lived in hovels.
20 incarcerate Imprison,confine release He was incarcerated in the
castle dungeon for years.

21 inept Inefficient, unfit Capable, adept Rajesh is an inept cook.

22 jocose Jocular, playful serious No one bothered to listen to

Ajay because of his jocose

23 opportune Appropriate,suitable inappropriate The time of your arrival

during the event was most

24 ostentatious Showy modest His gold plated watch

seemed unduly ostentatious.

25 pallid Pale,ashen ruddy After the surgery my mother

had a pallid complexion.



Root Words

1 Ambiguity(noun) Doubtful Definite Our train reservation for

Root: ambi Vague Clarity
Meaning:uncertain Kashmir is waitlisted so our
plans are still ambiguous

2 Amiable Agreeable Disagreeable You are very lucky to have a

(adj.) Cordial Irritable friend who is so amiable and
Root: ami joyful
Meaning: love
3 Malevolent Malicious Kind Apparently, his nature had an
(adj.) Evil Amiable even deeper,
Root: mal more malevolent side.
4 Holocaust(noun) Annihilation Creation The ghastly prospect of nuclear
Root: hol Mass murder Blessing, holocaust looms larger every
Meaning: destroy year

5 Invincible(adj.)
Root: vinc Unconquerable, Beatable,
Meaning: conquer Undefeatable Conquerable She has an invincible belief in
Some Other Words

6 Aberrant (adj.) Abnormal Normal, John’s aberrant behaviour is

Inconsistent Usual
going to get him in a lot of
trouble one of these days

7 Abominable(adj.) Awful, Wonderful, Cheating and stealing are

Obnoxious Appealing, abominable qualities.

8 Bereft (adj.) Devoid, Happy, After I cleaned my room it was

Without Full bereft of any trash my mother
could point out.



9 Bauble (noun) Trinket Plainness The Christmas tree was

Wreath decorated with a lot of
colourful baubles.

10 Cacophony Discord, Accord, Consonance With every shopkeeper calling

(adj.) Noise customers at the top of their
voice, my ears just could not
tolerate the cacophony there.
11 Cherish Appreciate Crib, Cherish each moment of your
(verb) Enjoy Renounce life.

12 Chuckle (verb) Laugh, Cry, She chuckled as she read the

Giggle Sad funny story.
13 Delectation Pleasure Displeasure All this was for the delectation
(verb) Happiness Unhappiness of a birthday bash of my

14 Dollop Glob Mass On a serving plate, place a

(noun) generous dollop of the crushed

15 Ecstasy Delight, Sorrow, I looked at the lottery ticket

(verb) Exuberance Gloom and for a brief moment I was in
sheer ecstasy as my numbers

16 Enigma (noun) Problem, Known Cancer disease is an enigma

Bewilderment Understood that medical science is solving

17 Facetious Amusing Formal She kept making facetious

(adj.) Funny Serious remarks.
(Usually derog.)

18 Flapdoodle Absurdity, Logical, The speech was a lot

(noun) Irrational Sensible
of flapdoodle about the

19 Gumption wisdom, Cowardice, With his gumption

(adj.) Astuteness Naivety he'll make a success of himself.



20 Hubris Audacity, Humility, Since Cynthia won the beauty

(noun) Pompousness Modesty
pageant, she has allowed her
hubris to turn into arrogance.

21 Impervious (adj.) Sealed, Porous, I have impervious gloves to

Impermeable Penetrable protect against freeze burns.
22 Insatiable (adj.) Unquenchable, Contented, Children have an insatiable
Gluttonous Fulfilled desire to play.

23 Jocularity (verb) Gleefulness, Tragedy, The funny acts of circus actors

Merriment Depression brought about a jocularity in
the atmosphere and everyone
started laughing
24 Ambient (noun) Surroundings, Indoor, The tape recorder picked
Atmosphere Internal up too many ambient noises.

25 Masticate Crush Abstain While eating one must

(verb) Knead masticate every morsel well for
good digestion



1. Egocentric Conceited , egoist Humble , meek An egocentric person sees

(centr – center) everything in relation to
himself, not everyone around
2. Clamour Commotion, discord Quiet The clamour of the crowd grew
(clam – shout) louder.
3. Connoisseur (con – critic ,gourmet Amateur, novice The connoisseur of fine foods
with, together) knew exactly what condiments
to use.
4. Credence Belief , certainty Distrust He does not give credence to
(cred – believe) rumours.
5. Euphoric elated, enthusiastic, unenthusiastic, She was still in a euphoric
(Eu-good) excited sullen mood hours after her victory.
6. Abominate Abhor, loathe, detest Like, admire I abominate the behavior of
people who cause hurt to

7. belligerent Quarrelsome, hostile - His belligerent attitude

consistently gets him into
8. Cogent Forceful, convincing Weak, ineffective There was a cogent argument at
the border for calling a cease
9. Deprecate Criticize, deplore Praise, compliment He deprecated the proposal to
build a new highway.

10. reminiscent Reflective, nostalgic oblivious The way he laughed was

strangely reminiscent of his

11. Exuberant(adj) Cheerful, vivacious Depressed, His exuberance towards the

unenthusiastic activity surprised everyone.
12. Colloquial (adj) Conversational, Formal, standard Teenagers often
idiomatic use colloquial language with
each other, but this should be
avoided in all formal
13. Jeopardy (noun) Hazard, vulnerable Safety, protection He would never do anything to
jeopardise his career.
14. Aberration(noun) Strangeness, Normality, His outburst of anger was
eccentricity regularity an aberration in his usually
calm demeanor.
15. Audacious (adj) Courageous, bold Humble, meek Commanders were audacious,
knowing well that they could
depend on their well-
disciplined troops.

16. Beguile (v) Dupe, bluff Prevent, dissuade She beguiled them into
believing her version of events.
17. Benevolent (adj) Generous, charitable Greedy, spiteful The King’s benevolent nature
made him popular among the
18. Colossal(adj) Gigantic, titanic Small, tiny The singer earns a colossal
amount of money from his
19. Complacent(adj) Smug, conceited Dissatisfied, He had become complacent
discontent after years of success.
20. Disheveled(adj) Untidy, unkempt Tidy He looked tired and disheveled
after a long day’s work.
21. Destitute(adj) Impoverished, Prosperous, rich When he died, his family was
penniless left completely destitute.
22. Emaciated(adj) Thin, anorexic Overweight, plump He was thirty, but looked fifty,
with pale skin, hopeless eyes
and an emaciated body, covered
with sores.
23. Elucidate(v) Clarify, explain Vague, ambiguous The aim of the report is to
elucidate the main points of the
new regulation.
24. Circumvent bypass, to check _ I had to circumvent the rock
that was blocking my path.
25. Flabbergasted(v) Astound, amaze Expect, presume She was too flabbergasted to
speak, when she was declared a


1. Antedate Precede, preexist Follow, postdate This event antedates the
(ante – before) discovery of America by
several years.
2. Bellicose Warlike, quarrelsome Friendly, amicable Throughout our talk I could not
(bell – war) escape the impression that at
least some of his more bellicose
threats were mere acting
3. Coalesce Blend, unite Separate, A number of small businesses
(esce – becoming) disassociated coalesced into a large
4. Expedite hasten, accelerate Delay, procrastinate He will have to expedite his
(ped – foot) application for the job as the
last date is 10th.
5. Implacable Unforgiving, relentless Lenient, forgiving Mohammed Ghori was an
(plac – to please) implacable enemy of India.

6. hau·teur Arrogance, Meekless, modesty She looked at him with

haughtiness the hauteur of someone who is
accustomed to being instantly
7. flam·boy·ant Ostentatious, Modest, dull Flamboyant hairstyles prevailed
Ornate during the reign of Louis XIV.

8. e·qua·nim·i·ty Calmness, serenity Agitation, distrust He accepted the bad news with
9. doc·ile Obedient, submissive Willful, obstinate Rohan is as docile as a lamb.

10. ces·sa·tion Pause, interruption Continuation, There was a cessation in the

renewal discussion due to the lunch
11. Jocose Jocular, playful Serious, solemn His jocose personality is liked
by one and all.
12. Ignoramus Dolt, dope Genius, prodigy He is such an ignoramus that he
does not know that China is in
13. Hackneyed Stereotyped, common Original, fresh “Haste makes waste” is a
hackneyed expression.
14. Germane Pertinent, appropriate Irrelevant, alien His comments are not germane
to this argument.
15. Furtive Stealthy, concealed Apparent, forthright There was a furtive look about
her that made me immediately
16. Effusive Profuse, exuberant Restrained, reserved He was embarrassed by her
effusive introduction.
17. Disparage Underrate, discredit Praise, extol A good teacher does not
disparage the efforts of her
18. Congeal Harden, solidify Melt, soften The custard congealed after
being refrigerated.
19. Blatant Obviously, obtrusive, discreet, subdued Some young people show a
shameless blatant contempt for traditions.
20. Austerity Strictness, harshness Indulgence, pleasure During war people must be
ready to bear any austerity.
21. Benediction Approval, sanction Curse, denunciation He received the priest’s
benediction before he went
22. Cognizant Aware, informed Unaware, ignorant Although cognizant of his
weaknesses he was sure he
could get the job.
23. Dissuade Deter, prevent Encourage, persuade The policeman tried to dissuade
him from jumping off the
24. Exasperate Aggravate, infuriate Please, soothe Her constant whining and
complaining finally exasperated
25. Immaculate Spotless, stainless Dirty, stained Most students from that school
speak immaculate English.


1. Idiosyncrasy Peculiarity, eccentricity Normality Ram’s idiosyncrasy of using a
(id – one’s own) sundial instead of a clock makes
him different.
2. Grandiose (grand – Majestic, pompous Moderate, Sometimes the visions of my
big) unpretentious future seemed grandiose, and
therefore I judged them to be
3. Assuage (sua – Pacify, alleviate Exacerbate, upset The cold spring water assuaged
smooth) his thirst.
4. Expatriate (patr – Expel, banish Allow, welcome Hemingway was an expatriate
father, support) for years.
5. Appendage Addition, accessory --- He treats his wife like a mere
(pend– to hang) appendage.

6. abysmal Immeasurable, limitless Bounded, limited She was moved to tears by the
abysmal wretchedness of the

7. Beleaguer Besiege, worried Unbothered, The town was beleaguered by

relaxed the enemy troops for two weeks
before help arrived.
8. Complaisant Agreeable, compliant Stubborn, flexible He was lucky to find a
complaisant housekeeper.
9. Despicable Mean, wicked Admirable, There are many terrorists in the
wonderful world today and some of them
are guilty of some truly
despicable crimes.
10. Erudite Learned, scholarly Ignorant The erudite professor of English
was nominated for the Booker

11. Berserk Crazy, mad Calm, tranquil The wounded beast went
berserk after it was shot in the
12. Capricious Whimsical, fickle Thoughtful, The actions of diplomats must
reasoned never be capricious.
13. Clandestine Secret, furtive Open, candid The clandestine meeting
between the two leaders was
caught on camera by the news
14. Demeanor Disposition, presence --- I was extremely nervous for my
first lesson but the students’
calm demeanor immediately put
me at ease.
15. Divulge Disclose, reveal Conceal, hide I will not divulge your email
address to anyone
16. Enervate Weaken, drain Energize, The long walk in the hot sun
invigorate enervated him.
17. Felicitous Apt, pertinent Unfortunate, inept Her choice of music is
18. Flagrant Gross, glaring Mild, venial Mrs. Rath’s flagrant misuse of
the language became legendary
to her peers
19. Gargantuan Huge, colossal Small, scant The gargantuan stretches of
Antarctica are covered with
snow during winters.
20. Guile Deceit, slyness Honesty Rohan seemed honest but was
full of guile.
21. Holocaust Devastation, ruin Preservation Japanese are preoccupied with
the threat of a nuclear holocaust
22. Imperturbable Calm, unshaken Emotional, She remained imperturbable
hysterical even in the face of disaster.
23. Incongruous Inappropriate, Apt, harmonious He appeared at the formal
contradictory dinner in an absurdly
incongruous cowboy outfit.
24. Jubilation Delight, elation Unhappiness, Jubilation of crown reached the
depression feverish pitch.
25. Acquiescent Compliant, agreeable Opposed, adverse The teacher was acquiescent to
the request for less homework
since there was a function that

S.N Word Synonym Antonym Usage


1. Dejection, Delight, joy The film’s tragic ending put us

Melancholy sadness all in a melancholy mood.
2. Relinquish surrender retain After the defeat the king had to
(re-back) relinquish his hold on the
3. Malevolent Spiteful, baleful Amiable, benign Failure made him malevolent
(mal/e-bad) towards those who were
4. Resentment Anger, malice Equanimity There is a strong resentment
(re-again) among the workers against the
5. Procrastinate Delay, adjourn Advance, expedite They don’t procrastinate; on the
(pro-before) contrary they practice the “do it
now”, habit.
6. Rhythm, rise and Drone Her voice had a soft welsh lilt
Lilt fall to it.
7. Quavering Vibrating, stable The old man had a quavering
quivering voice.
8. Mumble stammer, enunciate The man fell on the floor and
maunder mumbled incoherently.
9. Squabble Bicker, spat Agreement, The two men squabbled over
concurrence the ownership of the dog.
10. Kneel Bow, courtesy Upright I had to kneel down to get
under the kitchen sink, but I
still couldn't find the source of
the leak.
11. Kindle Ignite, inflame Douse, extinguish Little chips of wood were used
to kindlethe fire.
12. Knavish Dishonest, Honest, noble The knavish system of the
deceitful political world led to a lot of
resentment among people.
13. Rebellious Maverick, Traditionalist, It took courage and daring to
eccentric conventionalist print the theory discovered by
the rebellious scientist.
14. Laconic Terse, brief Rambling, verbose The commander was laconic
and preciseabout the planned
15. Mercenary Greedy, Benevolent, His reasons were mercenary
avaricious generous and not charitable.
16. Mercurial Lively, erratic, Consistent, Her mercurial temperament
volatile constant made her difficult to live with.
17. levity Frivolity, gravity We should avoid levity at our
flippancy workplace.
18. Listless Inattentive, Spirited, energetic The loss of his mother left him
indolent listless.
19. Loathe Dislike, Appreciation, She will loathe the idea the
abhorrent approval moment she is apprised of it.
20. Lavish Plentiful, Frugal,meagre He stole antique jewellery and
abundant paintings to adopt a lavish
21 Penitence Remorse, regret Callous He cried in penitence over the
missed opportunity.
22. Languid lazy, slack Active, alive The boy laylanguid due to the
impact of the drink.
23. Raucous Rough, harsh Mellifluous The father scolded the son in a
raucous voice.
24. Lurid Sensational Breezy, mild The witness gave lurid details
graphic about the murder.
25. Latent Hidden, Apparent, Rising air cools and eventually
concealed conspicuous condenses releasing latent heat.
S.N Word Synonym Antonym Usage

1. mitigate appease, less aggravate, You can mitigate risks but you
(mit-let go) severe enhance cannot eliminate them.
2. nondescript ordinary, dull distinctive, The celebrity’s van was
(non-no) memorable nondescript from the outside.
3. pernickety careful, exacting careless Scientists are pernickety about
(per-through) their experiments.
4. novice amateur, ace, expert Most of us are a novice on the
(non-no) apprentice computer.
5. pandemonium uproar, confusion calm, hush After the stunning
(pan-all) announcement there was
absolute pandemoniumin the
6. rustle whisper, swish There was a rustle of leaves
- outside the window.
7. mundane ordinary, not exciting Listening to music makes
interesting mundane tasks more bearable
8. murmur babble, buzz shout The sea was calm but with a
slight murmur of surf on the
9. mutter grumble, mumble - The old man muttered
something and left the house.
10. nostalgia reminiscence, - His nostalgia is touching but it
yearning should not affect his judgement.
11. nonchalance casual, airy anxious, caring Despite everyone’s apparent
nonchalance the air cracked with
nervous energy.
12. morose sullen, cross amiable, blithe She was reclusive and morose.
13. naïve gullible, sly, sophisticated Apparently naïve questions can
credulous often be the start of quite
profound exploration.
14. nefarious wicked, abominal admirable, good The police quelled thenefarious
activities in two months.
15. newfangled contemporary, obsolete, Everyday there are newfangled
fashionable antiquated technologies coming up.
16. ostentatious pretentious, conservative, The ostentatious display of
boastful modest wealth was considered in bad
17. palatable delicious, bland, flat Many pet owners also argue that
delectable their dogs find organic food
more palatable.
18. noxious harmful innocuous, safe Noxious gas spread after the
19. parochial limited, narrow broad, Recession encourages parochial
cosmopolitan feelings in a country.
20. partisan supporter, adversary, critic The partisans voted for the
adherent motion.
21. penurious mean, poverty benevolent Although intelligent he was a
stricken generous penurious person.
22. notional speculative, factual, actual Notional savings may lead to
conceptual sudden gains or losses.
23. petulant sulky, bad- affable, cheerful To the noise of the radio was the
tempered added confusion of crying,
petulant children.
24. phlegmatic apathetic, active, alert He was phlegmatic in
sluggish conversation, but on stage he
was transformed.
25. plebeian common, coarse aristocratic, For thousands of years in India
cultivated the vehicle of choice for
plebeian class was the bullock

S.NO Word Synonym Antonym Usage

1. Persevere Continue, persist Irresolute, falter We admire people who look into
(per-through) the eye of adversity and
persevere no matter what.
2. Rejuvenate Exhilarate, Destroy, kill The ingredients in organic bath
(re-again) refresh salts rejuvenate your skin.

3. Obdurate Stubborn, Amenable, “the child's misery would move

(ob-against) adamant compliant even the most obdurate heart”
4. Presumptuous Arrogant, Bashful, humble He is a presumptuous and a
(pre-before) audacious superficial person.
5. Pugnacious Quarrelsome, docile The pugnacious nature of the
(pugn-to fight) aggressive senator resulted in his fall.
6. Predicament Fix, Quagmire solution Hearing of your predicament , I
feel sorry for you.
7. Flagrant Outrageous, Unobtrusive, The boys were punished
disgraceful slight severely for the flagrant
violation of the law of the land.
8. Rendezvous Meeting, The rendezvous with friends
appointment brought back fond memories.
9. Renounce Abdicate, abjure Allow, approve The priest renounced his faith
and became an atheist.
10. Kaleidoscopic Multicolored, monochrome Deciduous forests create a
colourful kaleidoscopic palette of crimson
and saffron.
11. Prodigious Huge, colossal Small, tiny The legal cost involved in this
case would be prodigious.
12. Offender Convict, criminal Defender Offenders should be allowed to
continue their education if
13. Panorama Scene, horizon Other ethnic traditions are also
finding their place in the
panorama of contemporary
14. Plausible Reasonable, Unlikely, They have failed to find a
believable unreasonable plausible explanation for its
15. Poignant Affecting, Calm, numb Anne Frank’s Diary is a
moving poignant story of the victims of
Nazi atrocities.
16. Pragmatic Practical, Idealistic, The leaders of today are
realistic theoretical extremely pragmatic.
17. Obfuscate Confuse, befog Clear, The purpose of writing is to
transparent communicate and not obfuscate.
18. Obliterate Destroy, Build, construct We need to obliterate memories
annihilate of how things were, in order to
make a fresh beginning.
19. Obsolescent Ageing, Current, modern Many public facilities are either
declining ageing or obsolescent.
20. Obstreperous Boisterous, Calm, controlled It took the teacher some time to
disorderly settle the obstreperous children.
21. Perceptible Apparent, Concealed, The muscles of the scalp are so
appreciate hidden thin that the outline of the bone
is perceptible beneath them.
22. Peril Danger, exposure Certainty, safety Predicting the future is always
fraught with perils.
23. Precarious Doubtful, Certain, They are managing to survive
uncertain dependable despite their precarious position.
24. Prevaricate Evade, deceive Blunt, The official report was full of
straightforward lies and prevarications.
25. Ponderous Dull, dreary Handy, light While the speaker delivered his
ponderous speech many in the
audience snored away.

S.No Word Synonyms Antonyms Usage

1. Scrawl Scribble calligraphy People should not scrawl words
(scr-write) Scratch on a public building.
2 Unceasing Continual Intermittent, Scientists’ labor is unceasing,
(un-opposite) Ceaseless Sporadic towards solving the problem of
the origin of memory.
3 Unflinching Determined Faltering, Big companies offer long term
(un-not) Constant Wavering security in return for unflinching
4 Sedulous Diligent languid, The sedulous gardener refused
(se-apart) conscientious lazy to leave until his work was
done, even though it was raining
5 Uproarious Hilarious Mournful, The comedian’s remarks were
(up-more) Noisy Quiet received with uproarious
6. Sacrosanct Divine immoral The right to liberty is something
Sacred sacrilegious that would be described as
7 Sanctimonious Hypocritical humble, true Somehow holiness has a rather
False modest sanctimonious feel to it.
8 Taciturn Mute Garrulous He is normally a taciturn man,
reticent loquacious but today he just won't stop
9 Titular Honorary Actual Junior Soprano became the
nominal functioning titular head of the family when
his father died.
10 Topple Collapse Balanced The strong winds toppled many
top·ple Tumble trees.
11 sullen Morose Cheerful The boy has been acting sullen
Unfriendly Happy ever since his mom took his
video games away.
12 Screech Scream Noiseless The car produced a loud screech
shriek quiet when the driver applied the
brake suddenly.
13 Sallow Pale Healthy She appeared healthy, but even
sickly Bloated in the early morning light it was
apparent that she was a little
14 Sublime Majestic Lowly The homeless man sadly
(sub) grand pondered over his former wealth
and once sublime existence.
15 Savant accomplished inexperienced, Savant skills appear very early
aesthetic unsophisticated in life, creating the appearance
of genius or prodigy.
16 Savoury Appetizing bland I like trying savoury flavors of
aromatic unappetizing international cuisines
17 Scepticism Doubt credence Many people view George
Cynicism faith Bush's justifications for the
invasion of Iraq with scepticism.
18 scurrilous Abusive, Foul Decent, The rival party made a
Coarse polite scurrilous remark about the
19 Scurry Hurry drag The mouse scurried across the
whisk hang floor under the bed.
20 sedate Calm Agitated I admire Mr. Gomes for being
dignified nervous sedate even through he is going
through the toughest of times.
21 Murky Dark, Unclear Bright, clear My pond is small and full of
illuminated algae and murky water.
22 snobbish Superior Humble The boy is very snobbish
arrogant unassuming because he is rich and has a big

23 Spatter Splash cleanse The dog jumped into the pool

smudge and spattered us with water.
24 Tepid Lukewarm Enthusiastic The mother tested the tepid
unenthusiastic zealous waters before lowering her baby
into the bath.

25 Tattle Gossip reticence She claims to have picked up

chatter some tattle about her neighbour. word synonym antonym usage

1 Thickset Bulky Angular They have robust bodies,
(thick-big) sturdy bony, short stubby tails and stout
thickset legs
2 Vacuous blank, unintelligent Bright, clever The professor never lost
/ patience with the vacuous
(vac-empty) questions from his students.
3 Equanimity Serenity, poise Discomposure, Her equanimity is striking,
Equ- equal panic although her job presumably
is exhausting.

4 Vociferous clamorous, Hushed, muted The council's decision was

(voc-voice) uproarious met by vociferous complaints
from the assembled residents
5 Wisecrack Barb, jest quiet, silence Host Jon Stewart began his
(wise-clever)) monologue with a wisecrack
about the 100-day strike that
threw thousands in
Hollywood out of work
6 Waggle Shake, quiver remain, stay The flagpole waggled in the
heavy wind.

7 Thwack Smack, bash guard, help After six trials and six
failures, he struck twelve
with a resounding thwack.

8 Tête-à-tête Conversation, chat We would often meet in the

intimately restroom for a short tete-a-
9 Vassalage slavery, Freedom, autonomy India was under vassalage for
dependence over two thousand years.

10 Pugnacious Irritable, Pacific, amicable Because of their highly

quarrelsome pugnacious nature they are
one of the easiest fish to
11 Treason Disloyalty, , Allegiance, fidelity Seventy opposition leaders
mutiny, were charged with treason
12 Tribulation Adversity, burden Blessing, ease There is no saint whose
virtue is not exercised by
13 Trifling frivolous, trivial Considerable, Five hundred years later,
crucial, surgery seems as trifling as
tooth extraction

14 Turpitude Wickedness, righteousness, The convict was guilty of

immorality virtue. many acts of moral turpitude.

15 Whiff Smell, scent permeation, stench A whiff of spring has brought

city residents to their local
16 Tranquility Calmness, serenity commotion, turmoil The tranquility of the lake
had a calming effect on her.
17 Vehement ardent, zealous Apathetic, The vehement actions of the
dispassionate suspect required that he be
18 Twitch flutter, squirm Calm, relax Whenever he got nervous his
right eye began to twitch .
19 Wanton vicious, rash Cautious, prudent He threw the lighter fluid
directly into the campfire
with wanton disregard for the
safety of the other campers
sitting nearby
20 enervated weary, fatigued Energetic, The enervated farm workers
invigorated wandered off to bed at the
end of another long day
21 Bemoan Lament, complain, Bliss, rejoice We will not achieve anything
woe if we bemoan the loss of
biodiversity or crying out
against climate change.
22 Zealot Fanatic, fiend, Dabbler, The religious zealot read his
extremist nonmilitant. bible everyday and would
read no other books
23 Yokel Peasant, boor sophisticate, Everybody laughed at her
metropolitan yokel accent but soon she
learnt to overcome it

24 Circumvent Escape, elude Encounter, face When you meet danger, you
never think of anything
except how to circumvent it.
25 Whoop scream, shriek Reticence The boys gave a whoop of
joy after winning the match.




1. Clamor Commotion, discord Quiet The clamor that the

(clam – shout) girls make when they
see Robert Pattison is
2. Commemorate Celebrate , admire Dishonor On Memorial day, we
(com – together) commemorate those
who have died in war.
3. Excavate Delve, hollow Fill To fix the water pipe,
(ex – out) the workers had to
excavate the
4. Immutable Constant , enduring Flexible, mutable The supremacy of the
(Mut – change) USA as a nation is
5. Antipathy Animosity, aversion Admiration I have a
(anti – against, path marked antipathy for
– feeling/emotion) people who are too
lazy to do their own

6. Repudiate(v) Renounce , disapprove Confirm , admit The Prime Minister

has repudiated racist
remarks made by the
opposition party.
7. Restitution (n) Reimbursement , Forfeiture , penalty The victims of the
remuneration rail accident are
demanding full
8. Strident (Adj) Boisterous, clamorous Mild, moderate As the flames grew
higher, we heard a
strident call for help
9. Humdrum(adj) Arid,mundane , dreary , Eventful , exciting The use of computers
monotonous to perform humdrum
tasks is very common
these days
1o. Gibberish(n) Nonsense,babble Sensible His words sounded
gibberish to me.

11. Unkempt(adj) Disarranged Tidy, trim Her unruly and

unkempt appearance
made a bad
impression on the

12. Complacent(adj) Smug, conceited Dissatisfied, discontent We must not become

complacent about
13. Disheveled(adj) Untidy,unkempt Tidy He looked tired and
14. Inundate (verb) Deluge , engulf Dry, parch The land adjoining
the river was
inundated with flood
15 Intransigent(adj) Inflexible , obdurate Flexible , submissive The government was
restraining itself from
using force on the
intransigent rebels.
16. Inveigh(v) Protest, criticize Praise , flatter He inveighed against
the philosophy of the
previous speaker.
17. Impalpable(adj) Intangible, unapparent Tangible, perceptible There was almost an
impalpable tremor in
her legs as she
walked onto the stage
to collect her award.
18. Mendacious(adj) Deceitful, insincere Honest , truthful Some of these
statements are
misleading and some
19. Gargantuan(Adj) Colossal, mammoth Miniscule, tiny The gargantuan
wrestler was terrified
of mice.
20. Disputatious(Adj) Cantankerous, Calm, peaceful She is a very
quarrelsome disputatious person
by nature and falls for
any bait.
21. Disquietude(n) Uneasiness, anxiety Calm There was a strong
sense of disquietude
in the air.
22. Dissonance(n) Animosity, antipathy Concord, harmony The dissonance at the
meetingarose on the
issue of wages.
23. Gregarious(Adj) Affable, sociable Introvert , unfriendly Gregarious people are
better at work
situations that involve
group activities.
24. Retribution(n) Vengeance, retaliation Forgiveness He didn’t want any
further involvement
for fear of retribution.
25. Sacrilegious(adj) Blasphemous , profane Reverence , piety Leading clerics
condemned the book
as a sacrilegious
attack on their faith.

S.No Word Synonym Antonym Usage

1 cataclysm (n) catastrophe, disaster, boon, fortune An earthquake or a
(cata-against) calamity flood causes a

2 embezzle (v) steal, thieve, pillage, reimburse, return He was found guilty of
(em- into, cause) pilfer embezzling $150000
from public funds.

3 Cognoscente (n) connoisseur, expert ignoramus Only the cognoscente

(sci-know) can judge and
appreciate the beauty of
this painting.
4 lassitude (n) sluggishness, liveliness, vigour As she strolled through
(tude- state of or weariness the hot summer sun, she
condition of ) was overcome with
lassitude and had to
find a place to sit and
5 idiosyncrasy (n) peculiarity, uniformity, All people have at least
(idio- peculiar) eccentricity similarity one idiosyncrasy that
sets them apart from

6 adversary (n) opponent, foe friend He was looking for an

adversary who could
give him a good
7 limpid (adj) vague, obscure Mr John’s limpid
clear, comprehensible writing style greatly
pleased the readers.
8 arbitrary (adj) whimsical, rational, The choice of players
discretionary reasonable for the team seemed
completely arbitrary.

9 rectitude (n) honesty, morality dishonesty, She was a model of

infamy rectitude for all when
she returned the bag to
its owner.
10 precarious (adj) Risky, dangerous Safe, secure Many borrowers find
themselves caught in a
precarious financial
11 heathen (n) atheist, irreligious godly, religious The Pagans were
regarded as
unenlightened, raw and
rustic heathens.
12 hoodwink (v) cheat, dupe, deceive honest She had been
hoodwinked into
buying a worthless
13 impersonate (v) mimic, pretend original, differ The duo did a pretty
good job of
impersonating Laurel
and Hardy.
14 infirmary (n) clinic, sickroom He was sent to the
college infirmary when
he started feeling dizzy.
15 livery (n) uniform, attire, The coachmen were
clothing wearing their distinctive
livery of red and gold.
16 mortify (v) abase, humiliate compliment, The accused was
praise mortified during the
identification process.
17 nadir (n) bottom, rock-bottom peak, summit Company losses
reached their nadir in
18 ordain (v) appoint, decree cancel, void He was ordained as a
priest last year.
19 panache (n) charisma, style dullness, We solve customer
ineptitude problems with brilliant
simplicity,style and
20 panacea (n) elixir, remedy disease, injury Today the beetroot is
still acknowledged as a
universal panacea.

21 pernicious (adj) destructive, harmful Harmless, Violence on television

innocuous can have a pernicious
influence on children
22 rove (v) wander, meander, A quarter of a million
roam refugees roved around
the country.

23 surly (adj) unfriendly, rude, sullen pleasant, gentle We were shocked at the
behavior of the surly
24 thwart (v) frustrate, foil, prevent, encourage, She was thwarted in her
stop support attempt to take control
of the party.
25 vagary (n) fancy, whim certainty The agriculture of our
country depends on the
vagaries of the weather. WORD SYNONYM ANTONYM USAGE

1. 6Expound (v) Explain, Obscure, A recent article in the newspaper
.(Pound-Place, set) describe restrict expounds the virtues of a healthy diet.
2. 7Diffident (adj) reticent, Bold, A poor vocabulary made Jai diffident in
(Di-Lacking) hesitant confident expression.
3. 8Placate (v) Appease, Upset, agitate The young mother consolingly tried to
.(Plac-Please) pacify placate the whimpering infant.
4. 9Intercede (v) Intervene, overlook The social leaders interceded with the
.(Ced-Go) mediate government on behalf of the protestors at
JantarMantar this afternoon.
5. querulous (adj) Whining, amiable He became increasingly dissatisfied and
(quer-complain) complaining querulous in his old age.

6. 1Ubiquitous (adj) universal rare, scarce Leather is very much in fashion as is the
. ubiquitous denim.
7. 2Opulent (adj) lavish, poor, The opulent lifestyle of the rajahs of
. extravagant destitute India is still evident in the existing
8. 3enmesh (v) Involve, exclude Attractive advertisements are shown on
. ensnare television to enmesh prospective buyers.
9. 4Reprisal (n) Revenge, Forgiveness, The Indian army shot back in reprisal for
. vengeance kindness beheading soldiers.
10. 5Elude (v) Escape, flee Confront, He managed to elude the police after a
. Encounter high speed car chase.

11. SMacabre (adj) ghastly, Lively A series of macabre explosions shook the
L horrible city.
12. 7Erudition Knowledge, ignorance The scholar’s erudition impressed the
.(n) learning audience.
13. 8Contumacious (adj) stubborn, obedient, Rita’scontumacious attitude led to her
. disobedient submissive detention for an hour after the school.
14. 3Boisterous (adj) unruly, noisy calm, The students are often boisterous when
. restrained there is no teacher in the class.
15. 4Ambiguous (Adj) dubious, firm, certain The last stanza of the poem ‘The Road
. uncertain not taken’ is ambiguous.
16. 5Corroborate (v) Verify, contradict The evidence was corroborated by two
. confirm independent witnesses.
17. 1Acquiesce (v) submit, agree dissent, resist He readily acquiesced to the plans.
18. 1Vociferous (adj) Noisy, Silent, quiet The opposition party was so vociferous in
5 clamorous pursuing the agenda that the LokSabha
. had to be adjourned for a day.
19. Veteran (n) Experience, Novice, The 20 year veteran of technology was
expert inexperience nominated for the post of director.
20. 1Exalted (v) Elevated, Condemned, This young lady, in her exalted position,
8 honoured humiliated ought to have powerful connections.
21. 1Veracious (adj) Honest, Untrue, false The Jury’s job is to determine whether or
9 ethical not the claim of the defendant is
. veracious.
22. Placid (adj) Calm, mild Agitated The water was uncharacteristically placid
before the storm, one could barely see a
ripple across its surface.
23. 2Erroneous (Adj) Mistaken, Correct Her erroneous report was not accepted by
2 inaccurate the committee, so she has to improve her
. accuracy this year.
24. 2Smug (adj) Satisfied, anxious The new boss was acting very smug
3 content, when he told us how successful he was.
. complacent
25. 2Elicit (v) Extract, Cover, hide My attempt to elicit some information
4 obtain from the call center was met with
. irrelevant responses.


1 Culpable (adj) Censurable Blameless , inculpable The committee may
,blameworthy not be liable for the
(Culp – guilt) rise in corn prices,
but they are certainly
culpable for
subsidizing the use of
corn for ethanol.
2. Philanthropy (n) Humanitarianism, egoism The rich Indians are
altruism known for their
(Phil – love/friend) Philanthropy.
3. Metamorphosis (n) Transmutation Stagnation I underwent a
,Transformation real metamorphosis
(morph –form, in my teenage years
structure) from a weak boy to a
strong young man.
4. Schizophrenic (adj) Deranged , Frenzied Sane , balanced , Some people who
(schizo – split , ,paranoid , lunatic rational already suffer from
division) mental illness can
5. Sophomoric (adj) brash, foolish Intelligent The director of a
(soph – wisdom) consumer group says
the sales man is
sleazy and

6. Plausibility (n) Credibility , Falseness Anita’s story sounded

Verisimilitude perfectly plausible.
7. Vestige (n) Indication , hint Misinformation There is not a vestige
of truth in the
8. Tutelage(n) Guardianship , _ Under his tutelage,
apprenticeship she started reading
widely again.
9. Furbish (v) Renovate , Renew Tarnish The old temple is
being furbished for
the forthcoming
10. Pugnacity (n) Fight, Truculence , consideration She became very
pugnacious as a result
of being bullied at

11. Depravity (n) Degradation, Exaltation, goodness When he spoke , I

debasement could hear the
depravity in his
12. Condescending Supercilious (Adj) Humble , modest She is disliked by all
haughty because of her
13. Surreptitious (adj) Clandestine , covert Candid , overt He made a
surreptitious entrance
to the club through
the little door in the
brick wall.
14. Subterfuge (n) Deception , artifice Candor , honesty Most people can see
right through that
type of subterfuge.
15 Recumbent (adj) Supine , Prostrate Upright He stooped
cautiously over the
recumbent figure
before him.
16. Raconteur (n) Narrator , storyteller - He spoke eight
languages and was a
noted raconteur.
17. malleable Soft, easily trained rigid Aluminum is
malleable enough to
be beaten into sheets.
18. Quagmire (n) Quandary , imbroglio, Tranquility , ease His people had fallen
dilemma further and further
into a quagmire of
19. Prophylactic (adj) Precautionary , Diseased , Unsanitary Vaccination and other
anticipatory prophylactic
measures should be
carried out on
20. Maladroit(Adj) Clumsy , awkward Skillful , adroit Some of his initial
interviews with the
press were rather
21. Gluttonous (Adj) Voracious , covetous , Benevolent , generous His gluttonous
insatiable , ravenous behavior at the
banquet surprised
22. Fatalistic (adj) Bleak , cynical , Optimistic , confident There was a point of
pessimistic , resigned time when she
became fatalistic but
a few kind words
from well-wishers put
her back on her feet.
23. Extenuating (adj) Palliating , mitigating , Intensify , expand The accused broke
justifying , condoning down and pleaded
‘guilty’ but asked the
jury to consider the
24. Esoteric (adj) Abstruse , cabalistic , Familiar , common Discourses made to
inscrutable common people
should not be
25. contemptuous dislike, derisive , Commending Your loud behavior at
opprobrious (adj) ,flattering the reception was
1. Amiable Friendly, pleasant, Unpleasant, Radha is appreciated by all for her
( ami – love) lovable rude amiable nature.
2. Bellicose Warlike, hostile, Calm, The president is not interested in
( bell – war) rebel peaceful bellicose rhetoric, he is focused on

3. Deride Mock, ridicule Praise, The people of the country derided

( rid – appreciate
laugh) his grandiose schemes.
4. Equanimity Calm, even Fickle In old age, he could look upon the
(equ – tempered foolishness of the world with
equal) equanimity and humour.

5. Exuberant Animated, bubbly, Austere , We asked the exuberant designer to

(ex – out) excited reticent share his creative vision.

Straggle Loiter, loose, Organized, The pet dog was allowed to straggle
(vb.) scattered, stray orderly on the road once in a while.
Stra - gel ,ramble
6. Ardent Eager, apathetic My mother is an ardent follower of the
enthusiastic, local saint.
7. Arduous Difficult, easy The mountaineer undertook the arduous
exhausting, journey to Mt. Everest.
8. Abstemious Austere, frugal, Self- It was expected that he follows an
ascetic indulgent abstemious diet as he lived a monk’s life.

9. Bluster Angry, defiant, modest He blusters out revenge but does nothing.
10. Morbid Gloomy, cheerful A perfectionist is always in morbid fear
ghoulish, grim of having things less than perfect.

11. Priggish Prudish, rigid, Broad- The mother is priggish about sending
puritanical minded her daughter abroad for studies.
12. Ruthless Brutal, callous, Merciful Aurangzeb was well known for his
cruel, fierce ruthless nature.

13. Slovenly Careless, Careful, I am tired of my roommate’s slovenly

disorganized, organized, behavior.
messy methodical
14. Spasmodic Erratic, irregular, Continuous, He did not realize his right arm had
jerky regular begun to twitch spasmodically.

15. Stodgy Heavy, solid, Lively, light, The junk food she had for lunch made
turgid, filling interesting her feel stodgy.
16. Unscrupulou Amoral, corrupt, Scrupulous Mr. Mehra was jailed because he used
s dishonest unscrupulous means in his business.

17. Veteran Experienced, Novice, The veteran soldier was rewarded for his
mature , old inexperience gallantry on Republic Day.

18. Reprobate Immoral, principled, John was detested for his reprobate
unprincipled ethical behaviour.

19. Reticent Taciturn ,reserved Garrulous, I was reticent about revealing the source
talkative, of my information.
20. Embryonic Early, immature, mature The scientific research on stem cell
rudimentary therapy is in its embryonic stage.

21. coalesce Blend, unite divide The puddles had coalesced into shallow
22. palaver Fuss, discussion silence We palavered about how the country has
transformed post independence.
23. quotidian Daily, ordinary Exciting, Olivia's quotidian looks and shy
unusual demeanor were no match for Zoe's
breathtaking beauty and charismatic
24. insouciant carefree; hassle The stresses of adult life made Carrie
nonchalant long for the insouciant days of her
25. innocuous 1. harmless offensive he advertising team thought the billboard
2. inoffensive was innocuous, but it turns out many
people want it to be taken down.


1. Intercept(v) Interrupt, Obstruct Abet, forward We intercepted the
(cept-take,hold) enemy’s battle plan.
2. Incredible(Adj.) Astonishing, Ordinary , normal We have put an
(cred-believe) Unbelievable incredible amount of
Preposterous work in this project.
3. Egoistic(Adj.) Self centred Altruistic Rama is considered
(ego-self) egoistic as she is pre
occupied with her own
4. Fragile(Adj.) Delicate, Tenuous Sturdy , tough The two countries have
(frag-break) formed a fragile
5. Juvenile(Adj./n) Youth, Childish Mellow , Geriatric The juvenile living
next door displays
Juven-young signs of strong
antisocial behavior.
6 Assiduous(Adj.) Diligent, Lethargic, Slothful She was assiduous in
Persevering pointing out every
7 Effusive(Adj.) Demonstrative, Phlegmatic, Inhibited Everyone in the
Enthusiastic department was
effusive with praise
when the book came
8. Plagiarism(n) Piracy, Ingenious, Veritable He was fined $6,000
Infringement for plagiarizing a song
composed by another

9. Fulminate(v) Remonstrate, Commend, Applaud Rita fulminated against

Objurgate the girl who broke the
10 Conflagration(n) Holocaust, Peace The conflagration
wildfire spread rapidly through
the wooden buildings.

11. Ominous(Adj.) menacing, Auspicious, There were ominous

Threatening Opportune dark clouds gathering
Fortunate overhead.
12. Arid(Adj.) Scorched, Barren Fructuous, Productive Birds native to forests
or to arid regions show
less climate
13. Reverberating Vibrant, Sonorous Strident, Jarring He read aloud in a
(adv/adj.) reverberating and
musical tone.
14. Swagger(v/n) Strut, Brag Bashfulness, The guide strolled
Humility around the camp with
an exaggerated
15. Beatific(Adj.) Ecstatic, Euphoric Gloomy He was beaming a
beatific smile.
16. Garrulous(Adj.) Verbose, Aloof, Guarded He was a garrulous old
Jabbering man who chattered like
a magpie.
17. Repartee(n) Wit, facetiousness Humdrum, Trite An evening with
friends is generally
filled with hilarious
repartee and humor
verbal collisions.
18. Congenial Cordial, Venomous, Terminal He adopted a congenial
Benign(Adj.) role with his staff.
19. Meticulous(Adj.) Conscientious, Foolhardy, Remiss His meticulous
Fastidious attention to details
irked many of his
20. Unfetter(v) Emancipate, Oppress, Subjugate The government
Unshackle unfettered hundred
21. Vindicate(v) Acquit, Absolve Incriminate, Implicate The government
vindicated the criminal
as the charges against
him were futile.
22. Irascible(Adj.) Irritable, Snappish Phlegmatic, Placid He became irascible
after he was constantly
23. Notorious(Adj.) Villainous, Legendary, Righteous The country’s most
Disreputable notorious drug
trafficker was nabbed
by the Delhi Police last
24. Tenacity(n) Perseverance, Dithering, The tenacity with
Steadfastness Ambivalence which he stuck to his
story was remarkable.
25. Intrepid(Adj.) Audacious, Brave Timorous, meek The intrepid man
Courageous braved a precipitous
mountain track.



1. Derelict(adj)(de- Neglected, abandoned Diligent, inhabited The canal has been

from, down, away, derelict for many
against) years since the
owners settled

2. Equivocal (equ- Ambiguous, obscure Certain, obvious She gave an

equal) equivocal answer,
typical of a politician.
3. Exasperate (ex - Agitate, irritate Calm, comfort He shook his head in
apart, above, away, exasperation, at the
out) incredulous excuses
the student was
4. Antediluvian (ante - Ancient, obsolete, Modern, young With the
before, in front) antiquated introduction of
the i-Pod some
would think it
rather absurd to
go back to an
walkman cassette
5. Interstice (noun) (in Aperture, fissure Closing, closure Once the rabbit
– in ,into) slipped through the
interstice in the fence,
it headed straight for
the vegetables.
6 Oblation Sacrifice, gift Loss, penalty The king made an
oblation of cloth and
gold weighing one
7 Bigot(noun) Fanatic, racist Liberal, humanitarian The person who
stands proclaiming to
know the truth is
often called a bigot.
8 Caprice(noun) ] Changeable, whim Constancy, She joined salsa
dependability classes without any
reason , it was a mere
9 Torpid (adj) Sluggish, dormant Active, awake After helping my
sister move her
belongings to her new
house I felt so torpid
that I had no energy
left to do my chores
at home.
10 Magnanimous (adj) Generous, selfless Selfish His magnanimous
gesture was a boon
for the organization.
11 Maul (verb) injure, bruise Guard, protect Rahul was mauled by
the fierce dog but
luckily he was
12 Lurid (adj) Hideous, offensive Sober, modest The designs which
simply looked bright
and cheerful on T.V
looked fairly lurid on
13 Kudos (noun) Credit, fame Blame, criticism Peter received some
well-deserved kudos
for coming first in his
14. Obscure (adj) Abstruse, hidden Apparent, clear He was born around
1650 but his origins
remain obscure
15. Opine (verb) Express, suggest Keep quiet, refrain He opined that
Prague was the most
beautiful city in
16. Peremptory (adj) Absolute, imperious Easy- going, moderate The letter was
peremptory in tone
and left no room for
17. Pretentious (adj) Affected, extravagant Humble, modest It was just an
ordinary house –
nothing pretentious.
18. Rapt (adj) Engrossed, blissful Disenchanted, She listened to the
distracted dynamic speaker with
rapt attention.
19. Rasp (verb) Irritate, scratch Soothe, modulate He rasped out some
20. Salvage (verb) Redeem , regain Endanger, confinement Fred and Ethel told
their counselor that
they would do
whatever it took to
salvage their
21. Grapple wrestle, struggle Loose , release The educators have
already grappled with
the challenge of
introducing third
language at the
middle school level.
22. Waft (verb) Drift - The sound of their
voices wafted across
the lake.
23. Trammel (verb) Curb, restrict, limit Assist, support He found himself
trammeled by the
customs and
traditions of an
orthodox society.
24 resplendent glittering, luminous Dull, dreary She looked
resplendent in her
new sparkly dress.
25 pithy Forceful, terse Weak, verbose His letters.
always pithy and
forceful, appeared
regularly in many
newspapers and



1. Pandemic global, checked, He is

(Pan-All) comprehensive, controlled, limited, working to stop th
widespread restrained e next global
pandemic before
it starts.
2. Besmirch blot, defile, honour, purify, It pains me to see
(Be- discolor, dishonour sanctify his reputation
Thoroughly) so besmirched.
3. Circumlocution diffuseness, conciseness, His habit of
(circum-around) discursiveness, directness circumlocution
indirectness acts as a
hindrance while
expressing his
4. Belligerent battling, bellicose, Cooperative, His mood turned
(bell-war) cantankerous, helpful, nice increasingly
combative, belligerent and
contentious, the conversation
turned into a
heated argument.
5. break, combat, aid, allow, approve Nature is always
Contravene counteract consistent but
(contra-against) sometimes it
contravenes its
own laws.

6 loquacious Talkative, Taciturn There is a

http://dictionary. garrulous loquacious girl who sits behind
lp/luna/Spell_pro me in my class
n_key.html and always gets
me into trouble
7. Blithe buoyant, carefree, morose, sad, Everyone liked
cheerful sorrowful her blithe and
vivacious nature.
8. egregious flagrant, glaring, inconspicuous There are
gross, rank invisible,minor egregious errors
in the new text
book which need
to be rectified at
the earliest.
9 escape, avoidance directness, facing, He remains under
evasion meeting investigation on
various other
charges, including
tax evasion .
10. Exacerbate aggravate, annoy aid, calm, comfort, The hurricane
help, soothe could well exacer
bate the
tensions that lurk
in the
11. parsimonious Thrifty, stingy Generous, The management
extravagant is parsimonious in
spending money
on the
decoration of the
12. Ameliorate Worsen I'm very glad to
alleviate, amend, see someone
help, improve working to help
ameliorate that
13. wanton immoderate, careful, observant, He showed a
outrageous thoughtful wanton lack of
concern for the
suffering of
14. Taciturn uncommunicative, chatty, garrulous, He was taciturn,
reticent loquacious, but also
talkative apparently a good

15. Acrimonious angry, belligerent, kind, kindly, His acrimonious

bitter peaceful argument with his
senior landed him
in great trouble.
16. Cacophony(n) discord, harshness, accord, We were
noise consonance, greeted by a
harmony, cacophony of
peacefulness, voices as we
resonance entered the
hall, where
the students

17. opulent (adj) wealthy , gilded, Poor I've tried not to

grand, luxurious live the kind of
life where I’m
only going to
parties or living a
very opulent
18. Hallowed (adj) blessed, desecrated, No pens, bags or
consecrated, irreligious, profane cameras are
dedicated, divine, allowed inside the
sacrosanct hallowed reading

19. relegate (v) transfer, removed assume, hold, She was relegated
keep to the role of an
20 Parochial (adj) Narrow minded, Cosmopolitan, They need to be
provincial Open minded better informed
and less parochial
in their thinking
in order to excel.
21 abstruse (adj) incomprehensible, clear, The specific
unfathomable uncomplicated, details of the
simple budget
seem abstruse to
the layman.
22 Squander(v) consume, dissipate, hoard, save He squandered all
lavish his money on
gambling and
now he is
23 Innocuous (adj) unobjectionable, baneful, deadly, It seemed a
unoffending, pernicious, perfectly
harmless pestilent innocuous
24 Lax (adj) slack; Hard, strict, rigid In retrospect, we
careless; can indeed debate
casual whether the levels
agreed were too
strict or too lax.
25 Amenable (adj) agreeable, biddable, uncooperative, I was happy to
docile unwilling note that they
seemed most
amenable to my



1 Putrid Contaminated Sweet , fresh , The drains were
(putrese-to rot) , rotting Perfumed overflowing with garbage
and the putrid stench was
almost unbearable.
2 Palatable Delicious, Tasteless, insipid The food served in the party
( palate-roof of delectable was palatable.
3 Infidelity Disloyalty Loyalty, The infidelity of her
(infidelitatem- Betrayal Faithful husband broke her heart.

4 Eloquent Expressive, Inexpressive, The leader spoke so

(eloqui-to speak Articulate Dull eloquently that he made a
out) deep impact on the
5 Ancillary additional, main, necessary The volunteers provided
auxiliary, ancillary support to the
subsidiary earthquake victims.
relating to maid

6 Tantalize Tempting ____ The gold bangle on the

Attractive counter tantalized the thief
and he stealthily slipped it
into his pocket.
7 Anomalous Unusual, congruous, normal For years this anomalous
Strange behaviour of turtles has
baffled scientists
8 Compendium Summary Unabridged A Compendium of all the 6
Abridged books is now available in
the market.
9 Bonhomie Friendliness, Hostility, Bonhomie between nations
goodwill Enmity can lead to a united world.
10 Boulevard Street, ___ Driving through the
avenue boulevard, she admired the
blossoms on the trees
growing alongside.
11 Obnoxious disgusting , delightful, agreeable The crime was termed as the
Hateful, most odious and was
odious criticized by the media.
12 Detract Diminish Increase Thomas was determined not
Deplete Accentuate to let anything detract from
his enjoyment of the trip.
13 Unbridled Uncontrollabl Obedient The unbridled conduct of
e restrained the adolescent gave his
unrestrained mother sleepless nights.
14 Obfuscate Obscure, clear Dense fog obfuscated the
Transparent path creating fear in the
Mystify hearts of the hunters.
15 Refractory Obdurate , Obedient He was a refractory priest
recalcitrant , who refused to side with the
disobedient King.
16 Opulence Wealth Poverty The opulence of her life
Richness penury style made her friends
17 Prodigal Extravagant Miser Prodigal habits can turn
wasteful thrifty people into paupers.

18 Artifice Deception Truthful His remorse is just an

Pretense Genuine artifice to gain sympathy.
19 Reprehensible Culpable , Creditable Mr. Cramer said that the
Objectionable violence by anti-government
protestors was
20 Affable Friendly Hostile Her affable behavior makes
Amiable Aggressive her very popular among
21 Impeccable Perfect Imperfect His impeccable behavior
flawless Flawed makes him a gentleman.
22 Impervious Unaffected Concerned The political system has
impenetrable penetrable been impervious to all
suggestions of change.
23 Incite Instigate Discourage The leader incited the mob
Encourage to resort to violence.
24 Inexorable Inescapable Discontinue The inexorable rise of crime
relentless Avoidable has horrified the capital.
25 Denounce Criticize Praise The leaders denounced
Condemn Support violence and appealed for


1 Equanimity Calmness Turmoil My younger sister has
(equa – even) Peacefulness Turbulent always taken punishment
from me, deserved or
undeserved, with perfect
2 Rapture Ecstasy Dejected He listened to music with an
(Rapt- carried Overjoyed Depressed expression of pure rapture
away) on his face.
3 Certitude Confidence, Diffidence The certitude of the
(cert – sure) certainty Nervous candidate, impressed the
interview board
4 Malevolent Evil Benevolent The army officers instantly
(mal – ill) Malicious Generous sensed the malevolent plan
of the terrorists.
5 Innocuous Safe Harmful The mushrooms looked
(in – not) Harmless Dangerous innocuous, but were in fact
6 Sangfroid Composure , Vikram’s sangfroid was
calm admirable in the face of the
great crisis.
7 Meretricious Worthless, Genuine The convict presented a
Glib meretricious argument to
prove her innocence.
8 Repudiate Reject, Approve, The leader urged the people
Disagree Support to repudiate the violence, by
participating in the protest
9 Induction Introduction Expulsion His induction into the army
Initiation Rejection was celebrated by his
10 Sanguine Cheerful , Depressed , gloomy Rahul tends to make a
buoyant sanguine view of the
problems involved.
11 Exacerbate Worsen, Improve Overpopulation exacerbates
Spoil the problem of poverty
12 Spasmodic Sporadic , Uninterrupted Riya managed to stifle the
Periodic spasmodic sobs of panic
rising in her throat.
13 Deprecate Criticize Praise The trainer trusted his team,
Condemn Appreciate so didn’t deprecate the
14 Deprave Corrupt Enable, The incorrect use of the
Debasement Improve, ennoble internet could deprave the
youth leading to immoral
15 Dither Hesitate Confident Even after a friendship of
vacillate fourteen years, they were
dithering over the issue of
16 Belligerent hostile Friendly The politically rooted
Aggressive hospitable divisiveness and belligerent
attitude of the nation has led
to separation of two
17 Specious Deceptive , Accurate , correct It is unlikely that the Duke
spurious was convinced by such
specious arguments.
18 Dilapidated Decrepit Neat Every morning my
Decaying grandmother would thump
the sagging skins of the
dilapidated drum and sing
19 Influx Infiltrate Emigration The problems arising due to
Immigration Outflow the influx of refugees, is
making matters very
20 Plagiarize Copy Genuine The editor of the magazine
Cheat Original discovered that the article
was not original but was
plagiarized from a book.
21 Unimpeded Uninterrupted Nature has leisure to work
Smoothly her way unimpeded.
22 Gyrate Circulate Static The gyrations in the money
Dance Restful market point towards the
need for tougher controls.
23 Fraudulent Deceitful Honest All five of his apartments
Dishonest Truthful have been fraudulently
24 Honorific Respect Dishonor The honorific title of
Honour Insult “National Chairman” was
bestowed upon him.

25 Resilient Strong Delicate In terms of durability,

Durable Fragile polyester is more resilient
than cotton.


1 Estimable worthy, unappreciable I would never doubt the worthy intentions
(esteem - able) respectable of that estimable gentleman.

2 Fallacious deceiving, fishy true It is a fallacious belief that one can

(fall - see) separate moral issues from economic

3 Inimical antagonistic, Hospitable The climate here seems inimical to health.

(inimic - enemy) contrary
4 Pomposity conceit, humility, The magazine is not an easy read and, at
(pompa - display) arrogance modesty times, verges on a type of
academic pomposity, which I find

5 Querulous disapproving Agree He complained in a querulous voice about

(quer – to complain) believe having been woken up.
6 Expurgate bleep out, dirty The editors expurgated hateful references
cleanse to the government in the author’s book.
7 Ennui Apathy, Sympathy We came out of the theatre feeling a
dejection tremendous sense of ennui.
8 Annihilate Destroy, mend I wished to annihilate the tedious days but
Conquer felt helpless.
9 Amorphous irregular, distinct A dark, strange amorphous shadow filled
shapeless the room.


10 Gargantuan massive, conceal The gargantuan wrestler was terrified of

enormous mice.
11 talkative, Reticent A loquacious sales girl convinced the man
garrulous to buy the scarf.
12 Attenuate weaken, abate Sharpen The engineer has to attenuate the
magnetic field in order to get the desired
13 Resurrect revive, Kill It is very difficult to resurrect an
resuscitate economically unviable project.
14 Corroborate verify, validate contradict Judges corroborated with the
circumstantial evidence and came to a
15 Censure criticism, scorn Approval The policeman was censured for his
16 Farcical amusing, grave, sad The playwright’s farcical comedy had the
comical audience laughing hysterically.
17 Desultory aimless, erratic organized I wandered about in a desultory fashion.

18 Adroit adept, artful unskilled Proverbs aim to show a person how to

become adroit at the greatest skill of all,
the skill of living.

19 Dissimulate Hide, Reveal The stranger made no attempt to

Conceal dissimulate his identity and answered all
the questions.
20 Lurch Wobble, Stable The man lurched across the yard, kicking
Tottering off his boots at the back door.
21 Fortuitous chance, planned It was fortuitous, that we met in the
accidental cinema hall.
22 Penury poverty, luxury I cannot see children in penury; therefore
destitution I donate in cash regularly to orphanages.
23 Imperturbable Calm, Excited, Despite adversities in his life, the
Composed Restless professor remained imperturbable.
24 Diurnal daytime, nocturnal There is a steep diurnal variation of
circadian temperature in the desert.
25 Luscious Delicious Tasteless We were served luscious strawberries as
inappropriate dessert.


1 Deportment carriage, Her deportment during
(de-carry) manner the bitter divorce was a
model of self-restraint
and class.
2 Recidivism relapse, fall rise, improve Numerous studies have
(re-again) shown a correspondence
between educational
programs and reduced
recidivism rates.
3 Tempestuous turbulent, non-violent The weather was
(tempestas-storm, passionate tempestuous, so they
commotion) were forced to remain
4 Progeny offspring, forefather The rancher carefully
(pro-for) descendent examined the progeny of
the new breed of cattle.
5 Ostentation pretention, modesty Ostentation is a
(Ostentat -to affectation pretentious display meant
display, exhibit) to impress others.
6 Incriminate allege, attack withdraw A secret report
incriminating the
company was leaked last
7 Gazetteer directory, His memoirs are a
archive veritable gazetteer of
natural history for the
8 Emolument pay, profit loss As discussed, paying the
actual salary amount to
the workers might
involve a shortfall in the
9 Abstemious moderate, greedy She is a spendthrift
temperate whilst he is abstemious.
10 Pertinent related, irrelevant, There are indeed cases
appropriate unfitting where the situation is
highly pertinent.

11 Effulgence radiance, dull Soon its rays will shine

splendour forth in all their
former effulgence and
12 Encomium praise, criticism Even the most severe
accolade critics showered
encomium on the young
13 Diaphanous delicate, thin opaque Be certain that the fruits
are all packed in a
diaphanous plastic bag.

14 Soporific drowsy, stimulant This medication is

opiate soporific in nature, so do
not drive after having it.

15 Refulgent luminous, Matt was positively

radiant glowing with refulgent
16 Rescind repeal, retract permit In spite of the
problematic timing, the
British did
not rescind their

17 Germane applicable, immaterial My personal opinion isn't

relevant germane to our
discussion of the facts for
the case.
18 Heckle jeer, interrupt cheer My friend was heckling
over a trivial issue which
made no sense to me.
19 Effrontery arrogance, modesty, Despite himself, the
audacity humility professor smiled at the
young boy’s
effrontery before him.

20 Timorous hesitant, shy brazen, bold The timorous little boy

was hiding under the bed
when the thief broke in.
21 Emaciate weaken, develop, Those young emaciated
diminish enlarge refugees need food right

22 Dissipate dissolve assemble The clouds soon

,scatter dissipated and the sun
shone brightly.
23 Tenacious insistent, non adhesive The company has a
patient tenacious hold on the
24 Efficacy effectiveness, inefficiency They questioned the
worth efficacy of the alarms in
preventing auto theft.
25 Implacable relentless, kind, He is known for his
ruthless merciful implacable


1 Subterfuge deception, honesty, frankness Most people can see right
(subter – beneath cheat through that type of
, below) subterfuge.

2 Anachronistic archaic, current The presence of a portable

(Ana – against , ancient computer in the history film
Chrono – is a definite anachronism.
Something out of
harmony with
the present)
3 Anodized foil, extra essential Anodized aluminum gave a
(Anodos – way layer brilliant sheen to the car.
up , up)

4 Raconteur storyteller When the raconteur began

his story, everyone in the
(Racont – to tell)
room stopped to listen.

5 Acrimony bitterness, harmony If there is less acrimony

(Acri – sharp , discord among friends, the better
sour) they can cope with during
testing times.

6 Prorogue defer, delay advance The ministry has to

prorogue the meeting to
some other day.

7 Desiccate dehydrate moisten My mom baked a delicious

cake using desiccated
coconut frosting.
8 Ameliorate improve deteriorate Under the constant
supervision of the minister,
the condition of the poor has
been ameliorated.
9 Propitiate appease offense We all should propitiate the
deity, for a bountiful
10 Canonical approved, unacceptable Going to the church on
lawful Sabbath is canonical

11 Mollify diminish provoke I tried to mollify my mother

by washing the dishes when
she was angry with me.

12 Precarious uncertain, stable The fossil fuel economy is

unstable becoming ever more

13 Rarefy diminish strengthen Finally the dark clouds have

started to rarefy and they
will now have sunny days

14 Traipse roam, go directly Thankfully, the weather had

wander held, so the wedding guests
traipsed outside for the first
batch of photos.
15 Reconnaissance scan, survey stingy The helicopter was returning
from a reconnaissance

16 Rapacious greedy, satisfied Rapacious power in history

ferocious is rampant.

17 Unitarian (people who monotheist Unitarian women and men

believe that reflect on the relationship
God is one between humans and the
person) natural world.

18 Traduce defame, flatter, honor The media should remain

malign objective and not traduce
people no matter what the
situation is.

19 Probity sincerity, dishonor Although they were

morality accusing the man of several
heinous crimes, he answered
all of their questions with
total probity.

20 Buttress to reinforce, weaken The recent amendments in

support the law buttress equality of
21 Impregnable Invincible, breakable Napoleon was the master of
firm his continent and his troops
were impregnable.

22 Laconic brief, terse long The laconic reply failed to

satisfy the teachers.
23 Telluric Terrestrial, aquatic They need a better
earthbound theoretical understanding of
the processes that
generate telluric waves.
24 Brusque offhand, civil, courteous Brusque approach to things
abrupt can land a person into more
trouble than one can ever

25 Deride scorn approve The recent change in the

policy was derided by the


1 Exculpate absolve, dismiss accuse, blame The lawyer, in his recent
(Culpa – blame) case, was quite eager to
exculpate his client.
2 Incongruous illogical, compatible, fitting Wearing a rain jacket in
(Con – improper sunny weather is quite
assimilation) incongruous.

3 Quiescence inactivity, motion, activity An uneasy calm prevailed

(Quies – at rest, stillness on the quiescence of the
quiet) strikers.

4 Exanimate lifeless living, current As the last breath of life left

(anim – life, her body, her face became
spirit) exanimate.

5 Sycophant flatterer, honest worker He was frightened to tell the

(Phan – to show) freeloader dictator what he might not
like, as the dictator was
surrounded by sycophants.

6 Circuitous devious, direct, straight They took a circuitous route

circular to avoid the accident site.

7 Sardonic mocking, praise, compliment The sardonic nature of the

scornful opponents was evident.

8 Inure habituate, neglect, soften Too many years in the coal

harden mines inured the men to the
discomforts of dirt and
9 Pedantic academic Imprecise There seems to hang about
didactic him a slight air of the comic
10 Perspicacity Perceptiveness The surgeon displayed
discernment commendable perspicacity
in dealing with the patient.
11 Avuncular advising, dissuade His interest in them is
counseling supposed to be avuncular
and pure.

12 Corroborate confirm, verify contradict Your strong claims are not

corroborated by any
concrete evidence.
13 Chicanery dishonesty, openness, truthful Everyone knew the
fraud politician was up to some
chicanery in his actions
during the election.

14 Temerity daring, boldness affinity, sympathy They surprised everyone

with their temerity.
15 Pecuniary budgeting, withhold In order to justify policy
monetary intervention, these concerns
must be about either about
pecuniary or technological.

16 Puissance might, power Incapacity The commander’s puissance

in the battle gained him
great renown.
17 Culpability guilty, innocent The attempts to prove the
blameworthines criminal nature of the
s regime seemed to declare all
Germans equally culpable.

18 Diffident shy, lacking confident Language can still be a

confidence tricky area and can make
people feel diffident in their

19 Unfettered free, bound Patients should have

unrestrained unfettered access to their
own medical information
and to clinical knowledge.

20 Stygian clouded hopeful The stygian blackness of the

cave brought the
mountaineers to a halt.

21 Aggrandize acclaim praise degrade Julius Caesar worked hard

during his reign to
aggrandize the Roman
22 Sagacious clever, astute foolish The teacher was well liked
by the children for her
sagacious disposition.
23 Bodacious bold, spunky cowardly Polar bears wake up from
their winter hibernation with
a bodacious appetite.
24 Propensity tendency, dislike, antipathy Widening differentials in the
inclination vehicle excise duty system
could increase the
propensity to purchase very
low emission vehicles.

25 Pellucid bright, plain murky Click on the area you want

to know about, and all the
information is revealed - in
a remarkably pellucid


1 Transgression Infringement , Obedience , The boy’s
(Trans: Violation submission transgressions
across,beyond, included breaking
change) into houses and
2 Intercede Arbitrate, Ignore, Paul needed Marcia
(Inter: mediate obstruct to intercede on his
between,among) behalf, but she
wouldn't because she
knew he was lying.
3 Congregate assemble Divide, scatter The crowds
(Con: with, congregated at India
together) Gate to express their
anger against crimes.
4 Ambidextrous versatile, maladroit Occasionally a
(Ambi: both) facile teacher will come
across a child who
abilities when taught
to write.
5 Antipathy Aversion Approval, I have a
(Anti: animosity sympathy marked antipathy for
against,opposite) people who are too
lazy to do their
own work.
6 Suave urbane; crude; clumsy; Though Vikram is
sophisticated; oafish; loutish anything but suave or
polished sophisticated, he is a
joy to be with.
7 Remonstrate protest, object, accept They remonstrated
disapprove with the official over
his decision to stop
traffic on the road.
8 Many tyrannous
Whip , flog , rulers have
lash flagellated the slaves
under them.
9 Recreancy cowardice Bravery, Therecreancyof the
courage enemy soldiers who
surrendered without
firing a shot was held
in contempt by the
10 Recalcitrant Unruly cooperative; Although the rider
,obstinate compliant, tried everything she
obedient knew, the horse
recalcitrant and
refused to jump the
11 Prescient Discerning , Ignorant, He had
farsighted unaware the prescience to
realize a
confrontation would
be deadly
12 Dour harsh, stern, cheery, happy, Dickens's Mr.
unyielding, genial Gradgrind in ''Hard
times' is an example
of a character with a
dour and sullen

13 Truculent hostile, savage, Mild, meek, Pasha, the camel had

belligerent gentle at first been truculent
and unruly.
14 Temerity recklessness; Care, caution, The student had the
effrontery hesitation temerity to tell her
teacher that his
conclusions were
15 Garrulity Talkativeness Somber His garrulity makes
garrulousness him unpopular
amongst his friends.
16 Obstreperous Clamorous, Quiet The obstreperous
boisterous, restrained crowd shouted
unruly slogans against the
corrupt official.
17 Sonorous Resounding soft My father's
reverberating sonorousvoice
captivated the
18 Clairvoyant Insightful, shortsighted To be clairvoyant is
discerning, to have the power to
uncanny sense what's to come
before it happens.
19 Stultify Smother, stifle, Arouse, Oppressive heat may
negate stimulate, stultify the mind and
inspire spirit as well as the
20 Vociferous Clamorous, soft-spoken, The school board
blustering muted, quiet met to discuss the
expansion of the
gymnasium, but the
superintendent was a
vociferous opponent
of the idea .
21 Commodious Capacious, cramped; The commodious
ample, uncomfortable wash room in the
comfortable hotel is quite untidy.
22 Acquiesce Comply, Resist, protest The helpless girl had
accede, yield no choice but to
acquiesce to the
robber's orders
23 Insuperable Invincible, Surmountable, I do not think we can
insurmountable attainable yet say with any
assurance whether
these difficulties are
or are not
24 Compunction Scruple, qualm, Insouciance, Robin Hood had no
contrition nonchalance compunction about
robbing greedy
25 Conflagration Holocaust, The conflagration
wildfire consumed the entire
house and left
everything charred
and black.

SNO WORDS Synonym Antonym Usage

1. Animosity Hatred, Malice Benevolence , The judge wanted to see the
(animus- spirit, hostility Kindness divorcing couple sit down to
temper) mediate the dispute, but the
animosity was so great between
them that you could feel it in the
2. Immaculate Neat Messy Our neighbours love to keep their
(im- not) house immaculate.
3. Obdurate Stubborn, adamant gentle He was very argumentative and
(deru- to be firm) was obdurate throughout the
4. Euphoria Excitement Despair The man was filled with euphoria
(eu-good) when he found out that she was
blessed with a child .
5. Unimpeachable flawless Blameful Famous people are known for
(un- not) their unimpeachable reputation.
6. Quintessential Ideal Worst She found her teacher the
quintessential mother in her life.

7. Indemnity Compensation , Penalty The government was asked by the

Repayment court to pay a hefty indemnity to
the family of the dead passenger.
8. Parsimonious Miserly, niggardly Lavish, Mr. Scrooge is so parsimonious
generous that he did not contribute even a
penny to the Christmas Charity
9. Forlorn Sad , dreary Cheerful The beautiful garden tried to hide
the forlorn look of the castle.

10 Succulent Luscious , Unappetizing The guests thoroughly enjoyed

delicious the succulent meal of juicy shrimp
and creamy pasta.
11. Ludicrous Absurd, ridiculous Logical, It's ludicrous to think that you will
rational get the correct answer to every
question you ask.
12. Obliterate Destroy, eradicate Sustain The conservationists try to save
the endangered species from
being obliterated.
13. Itinerant Nomadic, Settled He led the life of an itinerant
vagabond writer moving from one place to
another in his caravan.
14. Oblivion Forgetfulness, Aware The old man went into a state of
unaware oblivion.

15. Punctilious Attentive, Sloppy When the teacher was teaching

particular the students behaved in a
punctilious manner.
16. Effervescent Ebullient, buoyant Dull , inactive The effervescent teenager laughed
, lively , heartily and everyone around in
entertaining the restaurant smiled amusedly.
17. Efficacious Efficient, effective Useless The medicine is efficacious in
stopping a cough.
18. Lacerate Tear, wound, gash Aid, heal The sword lacerated his skin at a
number of places.
19. Fledgling Apprentice , Expert The fledgling diplomat did not
inexperienced realize the internal politics in the
institution and kept fighting for
his cause.
20. Flagrant Atrocious, Concealed There was a flagrant violation of
conspicuous rules in the examination hall.
21. Conscientious Meticulous, Careless The conscientious girl would
sincere submit her homework without
22. Eulogise Commend , exalt , Censure , The pop artist eulogized Bette
acclaim blame Davis in his song.
24. Pernicious Harmful Harmless She had always believed that her
daughter’s new friend had a
pernicious influence on her.
25. Raucous Disruptive , Mild , quiet When the football team ran out
discordant onto the field the fans became
quite raucous.
25. Delinquent Criminal Law-abiding Lately many juveniles have been
culpable caught for their delinquent

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