Packing 1

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Packaging refers to the container or wrapper that holds a product or group of products.

It is the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution,
storage, sale, and use. It can also be described as a coordinated system of preparing
goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging contains,
protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells.
The first packages used the natural materials available at the time:
Baskets of reeds, Wineskins (Bota bags),              Wooden boxes, Pottery vases, Ceramic
amphorae, Wooden barrels, Woven bags, etc.
Packaging has several objectives, some of these are:
 Physical Protection Information Transmission Marketing Convenience
 Primary packaging is the material that first envelops the product and holds it. This usually
is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact with
the contents.
 Secondary packaging is outside the primary packaging, perhaps used to group primary
packages together.
 Tertiary packaging is used for bulk handling, warehouse storage and transport shipping.
The most common form is a palletized unit load that packs tightly into containers.
Package development involves considerations for sustainability, environmental
responsibility, and applicable environmental and recycling regulations.
The traditional “three R’s” of reduce, reuse, and recycle are part of a waste hierarchy
which may be considered in product and package development.
Product packaging has undergone significant change over the years. Now-a-days
packaging is more than a just a container with a label stuck on it. It has become a vital
opportunity to build  new brands or reinforce and add value to a positive experience of an
existing  product or brand.
Proper Packaging can prolong the storage life of fresh fruits and vegetables by preventing
moisture loss thereby wilting. The rate of moisture loss varies with the product and water
vapour permeability of the packaging film.
Wooden Pallets To Corregulated Plastic Pallets, Corregulated Fiberboard Pallets, Plastic
Crates, Expanded Polysrtyrene Packaging were being used from time to time for
packaging of fruits and vegetables.
Until the mid 1880s milk was dipped from large cans into the consumer’s own containers.
The glass milk bottle was invented in 1884 and became the main container of retail
distribution until World War II, when wax-coated paper containers were introduced.
Plastic-coated paper followed and became the predominate container. Today more than
75 percent of retail sales are in translucent plastic jugs. Glass bottles make up less than
0.5 percent of the business and are used mostly at dairy stores and for home delivery
Cardboard packaging is one of the most common types of product packaging used, and
its uses are only limited by the imagination. Everything from the simplest of products to
the most expensive often come protected in cardboard. In addition to the benefits it offers
consumers, this type of packaging can also have a positive impact on the environment.
Plastic bags are typically made from oil, a non-renewable resource. Plastics are a by-
product of the oil-refining process, accounting for about four percent of oil production
around the globe.
Packaging costs are also paid by consumers. If the product is expensive and so does the
packaging that comes with it, consumers of premium brand are more often than not willing
to pay the price.
Packaging trends and innovations can influence whether the product will ever get onto the
stores shelf.
The packaging should be manufactured from the right materials, ensuring that the product
inside is not damaged. Potential customers today expect packaging to be environmentally
friendly. Consequently, the use of sustainable, recyclable and bio-degradable materials is
Packaging is thus considered an important part of business environment. It has changed
various forms during the years. The role of packaging has also changed over the years. In
old days it was used just for protection purpose but now it is used as a promotional tool
and  has become an important part of the products.
With time, manufacturers have looked into three aspects of packaging, viz. weight and
thickness of the packaging material, the effect on the environment of the packaging
material and the cost of packaging.
As transportation cost goes up, manufacturers are making the weight of packed material
lower per unit, hence cardboard cartons are replacing wooden crates. One other reason is
cardboard boxes are made from waste or recycled paper; on the other hand, trees have to
be felled for making wooden crates.
Tetra packs are not breakable like glass, they are also an aseptic form of packaging that
can store milk for longer periods of time without getting spoilt. Vending machines store
plenty of milk, which can cater to a lot of people; installation of these machines has also
removed the packaging cost altogether.
Plastic doors and windows are lighter and last long, unlike wooden ones which get spoilt
due to sun and rain. Use of plastic for making doors and windows also does away with
wanton felling of trees for wood.
Cardboard is made from recycled paper and extensive use of this material for packaging
helps save use of other non bio-degradable material; compared to heavier material like
wood or metal, cardboard is a lot lighter.
Pyramid packaging replacing square or rectangular shaped packaging helps in storing
more packages in any given space.
Customers today are asked to pay the cost of plastic carry bags to dissuade them from
using such bags which affect the environment as they are not bio-degradable. 
Earlier brown paper bags were used as packaging material. To make things attractive
plastic bags were introduced. But, as civilisation became conscious of the ill effects of
plastic, items like cloth was introduced for packaging or carrying material.
Advertisers use packaging very intelligently and aesthetically, so that the product attracts
the attention of prospective customers over other products in the same category. The
packaging material, the written words, the shape and size etc are all micromanaged at the
time of launching a new product. 

Adding value to the product

The packaging industry is going through the most substantial transformation in many
years. From milk, ice creams, coconut water to wines and spirits everything is available in
paper-based packaging. Companies have realised that packaging needs to add value to
the product in order to stand out among competition.
There has been a gradual change in the mode of packaging for last years.For instance,
earlier fruits and vegetables were used to be transported in wooden boxes but today
cardboard crates are used .This is mainly to reduce the cost. Obviously,a cardboard crate
would cost less than wooden crate. Moreover,using cardboard crates is more eco friendly
than cutting trees and making wooden boxes and supporting an environmental cause
helps firms improve their goodwill and eventually their sales.
 Similarly,selling of milk,first in glass bottles,then in packets ,then tetra packs and vending
machines is all to reduce costs or improve their goodwill by innovating the mode of
packaging. Tetra pack keeps the milk safe for months and is made of paper and can be
recycled. Plastic packets incur lesser costs and vending machines in itself have no
packaging cost.
So,companies use new and unique mode of packaging to ,one,reduce their costs,two,to
promote the product.

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