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Course: Business Acumen

Assignment No: Final Exam: Project at Work (MPAW) – Individual Paper

Deadline: Presentation of MMPAW company names and short 1-2 line proposal via Blackboard by
28th August 2021 1300HRS and final MPAW submission by 6 th September, 2021 2300 HRS

Assignment Name: Project at Work (MPAW)

Assignment Instructions:

 Imagine you are called by the Chairman of the Board of a firm who needs help in guiding the
CEO of the firm in Business Acumen.
 Using the lessons learnt in the course, each student will submit a presentation on lessons
learnt and some analysis of a real life company you have encountered or researched as part
of their final paper in lieu of the Final Exam.
 The company picked can be from any industry and any geography but cannot be the same as
the student’s current company or any company from the class. Please note that this will
have to be presented and approved in the Final Session and submitted via Blackboard as well
(Session 12).
 Presentation should not exceed more than 20 slides and a suggested format is included
below. Suggested outline of the presentation.
o Description of the Company Business (Name, Industry, Segment, Geography,
Products, Public or Privately Held) – 4 Slides
o Business Strategy followed by the Company (Historical description) –
 Online Only
 Influencer Marketing
 O2O
 Unique Positioning - Aspirational Yet Affordable
 Community
o Business Acumen Analysis (your analysis using any framework)
 White Spaces
 Wearables – Power Curve
 Indian Model – Indian Celebs Youth
o Your Point of View on What went Wrong or What was Done right or both
o Specific Recommendations you will give to the Board of Directors of this Business for
Improving the Business Acumen or Augmenting the existing good Business Acument
of the CEO and the Management team.
o Resources needed to support the recommendation ($ Budget, Personnel or External
Agencies need, Technology, etc.)
 Presentation must be in PPTX format with notes in the notes section, else students will lose
marks. Also all diagrams and sources must be cited.

Note: Your work will be checked for plagiarism via TurnItIn. Please make sure to write the
assignment in your own words so that Turnitin is not a high percentage. Please make sure to cite all
sources and diagrams as well as put any notes in the notes section of the slides.

Name of the Subject: Business Acumen

EMBA August 2021
MPAW proposal submission: 28th
August 1300HRS
MPAW Date of Submission: 6th
September 2021, 2300 HRS
Measurement Score ( 1- 10) Comments if any
“10” being highest score and “0”
being the lowest
Use of a relevant framework (If no
framework from class is suitable,
students are welcome to propose a
suitable framework in their response)
Use of relevant data/research
Citing of relevant and competent
sources in the presentation including
diagrams, pictures, text, videos
Quality of content (visual appeal of
slides, extent of scholarly research and
relevance to the topic and free of
spelling/grammar mistakes)
Quality of recommendation (numbers,
specificity, feasibility and impact it will
Total / Average score

Student Name:

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