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Full-stack Bootcamp
Web & Mobile Development

Learn programming
best practices with:
A curriculum tailored to
industry needs.

Project-based training.

Work placement opportunity.

Instructors with 10+ years of

experience in their field.

Wisma Barito Pacific

Lantai 1 A Blok G,
Jln. Letjend S.Parman Kav 62-63,
Slipi, Palmerah Jakarta @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp
Web & Mobile Development

Web and Mobile Development Full-stack Bootcamp Program

Course Code: BCWM2201

Estimated Total Duration: 16 Weeks
Backend Program Duration: 8 Weeks
Frontend Program Duration: 8 Weeks
Course Level: Non-degree
Delivery Mode: This program is delivered in two different learning methodology options:
• Online Webinar (Synchronous) and Face-to-face on G2Academy learning center.
Online Webinar Course Schedule:
• Monday, Wednesday, Friday : 19.00-22.00 WIB
• Saturday: 09.00-16.00 WIB
Face-to-face Course Schedule:
• Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 18.00-21.00 WIB
• Saturday: 09.00-16.00 WIB

In this course, the objectives are divided based on the backend and frontend course topics. In
backend course program, you will learn the basics of Java programming and be introduced to
Object Oriented Programming (OOP), variables, and data types. You will also learn to create
conditional statements, functions, and loops to process information and solve problems. There is
also a lesson of how to use the Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that professional
developers use to build, structure and debug your code.

In frontend course program, you will learn the fundamentals of React and React Native. You will
build a real-world application along the way in plain React. It covers real world features like
pagination, client-side caching and interactions such as searching and sorting. Additionally, you will
transition from JavaScript ES5 to JavaScript ES6 along the way. Beside React, you will also go
through a detailed understanding of the basics of React Native, edit and apply it in real-time and
learn how to connect firebase to our application. @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp
Web & Mobile Development

Entry Requirements

In order to attend G2Academy Web and Mobile Development Full-stack Bootcamp Program, the
students must:

• Be at least 17 years old and/or have completed 3rd grade of Senior High School.
• Pass the fundamental logic and pseudocode tests.
• Be computer literate and tech-savvy.
• Have English language proficiency level equivalent to IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL
Paper-based 550 or TOEFL Internet-based 78. [for International Bootcamp Program]

Possible employment opportunities available for students

completing this bootcamp program are:

Full-stack Developer

Backend Developer

Frontend Developer

Course Cost

for further details @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp

Back end Module

Week Day Topic Materials Description

"What is SDLC?
1 SDLC SDLC Phases
SDLC Models"
"What is UML?
2 UML Goals of UML
UML Diagrams"

OOP, "What is an Object?

Classes, What is a Class?
1 Obj. & Intro How to write Java Code
to Java App Java Technologies"

"Identifiers & what of it?

Types of Identifier
Flow of Identifier when Creating Learn the step on
Identifiers &
4 Object how Software is made
Passing Arguments through the Software
Variables & Scope Development Lifecycle
Types of Variables" (SDLC), knowing OOP
"What is Control Flow? Concepts and hands on
Conditional Statements (If-then, creating Simple Java
5 Control Flow If-then-else & switch) Programs
Loop Statements (while-do, do-while
& for)"
"What is Method?
Create and Calling Method
6 Methods Method Overloading
Command Line Arguments
This Keyword"

"What is Array?
7 Arrays Creating Primitive & Reference Array
Multidimensional Array"

8 EXAM 01 @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp

Back end Module

Week Day Topic Materials Description

"What is Collections?
Java ArrayList
9 Search &
Java LinkedList
Searching & Sorting Collections"

"Knowing Java I/O

10 IO Streams
Java Writer & Reader"
"Anything about Inheritance
Method Overriding
11 OOP in Deep
Anything about Polymorphism
Anything about Encapsulation" Learn about
Data Structures
"What is Abstraction? Programming, making
Abstract Class use of Regex for String
12 Abstraction
Abstract Method Format Authenticate,
Mini Exam" Multi Threading for
parallel processing and
Regex & "Java Regular Expressions
more deep complex
13 Exception Types of Exception
Handler about OOP
Exception Handling Keywords"
"Process & Thread-based
14 Multithread What is a Thread?
4 Lifecycle of a Thread
How to create a Thread"
"Background of why using
15 Threadpool
What is Threadpool?
Tuning Threadpool"

16 EXAM 02 @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp

Back end Module

Week Day Topic Materials Description

"What is Interface?
Declaring, Implementing &
Interfaces &
17 Extending Interface
What is Packages? Learn what is Interface,
Why we make Packages" how and when to
"Java Networking use it, how to use
5 18 Networking
Java Socket Programming" Java Networking to
communicate between
"Java FTP File Upload
Networking Java Program
19 Java FTP File Download
Java Advanced FTP Command"
20 EXAM 03
"JSON Introduction
Learn the popular JSON
Encoding & Decoding JSON in Java"
Format and how to
"What is Data? Encode and Decode
Database What is Database? it in Java, learn how to
6 22
(MySQL) What is DBMS manage a Database
MySQL and all about it" and using that
"Components of ER Diagram Database to store Data
Manipulating Database with JDBC" in Java
24 EXAM 04
"Java Design Pattern
Design Inversion of Control
25 Pattern & Dependency Inversion Principle
IoC Learn the concept of
Dependency Injection
Design Pattern and
IoC Container"
their advantage in
"Background why using Spring Boot Programming, hands
Spring Boot
7 26 Create a simple Spring Boot Project on creating REST API
Spring Boot REST API" Spring Boot Application
27 Spring JDBC "Spring Boot JDBC overview and how to store Data
Connection Pooling to Database using
Spring Boot JDBC Example" Spring Boot JDBC

28 EXAM 05 @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp

Back end Module

Week Day Topic Materials Description

"Introduction to Java Persistence API

29 Spring JPA What is Java ORM
Spring Boot JPA Example"

"What is JWT? Learn another way on

Workflow & Structure of JWT storing data by using
30 Spring JWT Spring Boot Security & JWT Example Spring Boot JPA and
Spring Boot Security, JWT & JPA applying Security
8 Example" using Javasript Web
Token (JWT) and
knowing different type
"What is Redis?
of Database a No SQL
Installing Redis
31 Redis Database (Redis)
Redis Java Example
Spring Boot & Redis"

32 FINAL EXAM @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp

Front end Module

Week Day Topic Description

1 Intro to Web App, HTML & CSS

"Learn about basic HTML
Javascript Basic Part I (Variables, Type
2 and CSS and Javascript as
Data Primitive and Condition)
Programming Language one
1 of the core technologies of web
Javascript Basic Part II (Type Data Non-
Primitive and Iteration) development.
Javascript Basic Part III (Function) and
4 Learn about Library/Framework
Basic DOM
for Frontend (React JS) that can
5 Class in ES6 help us to build dynamic and
6 Intro to React interactive web apps with ease.
2 It’s fast, scalable, flexible and
7 Data Flow in React
8 Atomic Design

9 Component Lifecycle

10 Fetch and Post Data in React

11 UI Frameworks & Conditional Rendering
Learn about Component and
12 React Router
Lifecycle in React JS. Also learn
13 State Management with Redux how to manage data flow and
state in Component
14 Redux Middleware
15 Review + Exam (Take Home)

16 Review + Check Point Final Project

17 Intro to React Native "Learn React Native as
18 Styling Javascript Framework that help
19 Data Flow us to natively rendering/build
mobile applications for iOS and/
or Android.
20 Lifecycle Methods
Learn Firebase Database to
storing data for mobile apps" @G2AcademyIndonesia
Full-stack Bootcamp

Front end Module

Week Day Topic Description

21 Fetch and Post Data in React Native

22 Layout Animation & Gesture Animation

6 “Learn React Native as
23 React Navigation Javascript Framework that help
us to natively rendering/build
24 Redux mobile applications for iOS and/
or Android.
25 Storage
Learn Firebase Database to
26 Firebase storing data for mobile apps”

27 Open Source App React Native Apps @G2AcademyIndonesia
Wisma Barito Pacific
Lantai 1 A Blok G,
Jln. Letjend S.Parman Kav 62-63,
Slipi, Palmerah Jakarta @G2AcademyIndonesia

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