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Difference Between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing: Traditional marketing is the old way of marketing

Technique. It refers kind of promotion, advertisement, includes flyers, billboards,
TV ads, radio ads, print advertisements, newspaper ads, etc. in which companies
are used in the early period to market their product. 
The four phases of Traditional Marketing are Interest, Awareness, Desire, and

Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing is modern way of marketing Technique.In

which we promoting, selling products and services by online marketing. It also
refers to the Marketing of any kind of business through digital media and devices
such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, youtube..etc. 
The four phases of Digital Marketing are Planning, Conversation, Content, and

Below is a table of differences between Traditional Marketing and Digital

Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

The promotion of product and services through TV, The promotion of product and services
Telephone, Banner, Broadcast, Door to Door, through digital media or electronic medium
Sponsorship, etc. like seo, sem, PPC, etc..

Traditional Marketing is not cost effective. Digital Marketing is more cost effective.

It is not so good for Brand building. It is efficient and fast for brand building.

Digital Marketing is easy to Measure with the

Traditional Marketing is difficult to Measure.
help of analytics tools.

Digital Marketing includes.. 

traditional Marketing includes.. 
 Search engine optimization (SEO)
 T.V.advertisement  Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
 Radio.  Web design.
 Banner Ads..  Content marketing.
 Broadcast.  Social media marketing.
 Sponsorship.  Email market
 print Ads..  

Process of digital marketing

Following is a 5 Step Digital Marketing Process, that can be used for
marketing anything on Digital Media.

Step 1: Research

Step 2: Create

Step 3: Promote

Step 4: Analyze

Step 5: Optimize

Detailed Step By Step

Digital Marketing Process

Step 1: Research

At this stage, you will collect all the information that will be required for
decision making in the next stages. Information collected during the
research will become your raw material to strategize & create your digital
marketing campaign. This stage can also be called as Digital Marketing
Research. At this stage, you will research 4 sets of information:

1. About Business
2. About Your Target Customers
3. About The Product That You Want To Market
4. About Online Competition
Each set is unique & equally important. You will require multiple sources to
collect the information.
Step 2: Create

Once you collect information at the research stage, you can now start

1 – Digital Marketing Objectives / Goals: These are the ultimate goals that
you want to achieve through your Digital Marketing Campaign. Every
business is unique, therefore their goals will also be unique. Campaigns
without clear goals will end up spending money without the assurance of
achieving goals. What goals you should set, can be answered after looking
at information collected at the Digital Marketing Research stage.  Learn
more about Digital Marketing Objectives / Goals.

2 – Digital Marketing Strategy: After you set the goals, it’s time to create a
strategy to achieve those goals. Your Digital Marketing Strategy will include
Positioning Strategy, Branding Strategy, Content Strategy, Digital Marketing
Channels Strategy. What strategy should be adapted/created, will be
answered from the information collected at the Digital Marketing Research

3 – Digital Marketing Plan: At this stage, you will lay down a documented
plan that will include all your detailed Digital Marketing activities with

4 – Creating Primary Digital Identities: The 3 primary Digital Identities of

business are Website, Blog & App. These are like your online office, shops,
or showrooms. These are the places where you want your target customer
to reach & ultimately buy your products & services. Before you move on to
the next stage, i.e promote, your primary digital identities must be fully
ready. For businesses that want to sell their products through major E-
Commerce portals, creating digital identities can be optional. But, it’s better
to at least have a website for establishing some credibility of your
Step 3: Promote

After your primary digital identities are fully ready, you will start promoting
them. That means you want relevant people to start coming to your primary
digital identities. This is also called as generating relevant traffic. Relevant
traffic is an important word here.

The more you get relevant traffic to your website, the more the conversion
you can expect. Your options to promote your website/blog / app will be:

1. Search Engines
2. Display Network
3. Ecommerce Portals
4. Social Media
5. Email
6. Messaging
7. Affiliate
The above are also known as Digital Marketing Channels, which you need
to promote your Primary Digital Identities (Website / Blog / App). There are
sub-channels & networks within some of the channels mentioned above.

Which channels, subchannels, networks to go for & whether to do organic

or inorganic promotions, these questions will already be answered at the
Digital Marketing Strategy creation stage.

Step 4: Analyze

Once you create your primary digital identities & start promoting them
through various digital marketing channels, it’s time to start monitoring
your performance. Analyzing is like looking at the outcome of your digital
marketing work. You will receive analytics for your primary digital identities,
as well as the channels through which you have done the promotions.

The most important & ultimate analytics for any business is the analytics of
your website/blog / app. Google Analytics is widely popular to generate
analytics of your primary digital identities. The 4 major sections of Google
Analytics are:

1. Audiences
2. Acquisition
3. Behavior
4. Conversion

Step 5: Optimize

This stage, based on analysis & observations, you start making changes (fine-tuning). The changes
could be in your primary digital identities or digital marketing channels. Changes are also referred to
as content & design of your identities & promotional communication.

Digital revolution

The Digital Revolution refers to the advancement of technology from analog electronic and
mechanical devices to the digital technology available today. The era started to during the 1980s and
is ongoing. The Digital Revolution also marks the beginning of the Information Era.

The Digital Revolution is sometimes also called the Third Industrial Revolution.

Digital Revolution
The development and advancement of digital technologies started with one fundamental idea:
The Internet. Here is a brief timeline of how the Digital Revolution progressed:
 1947-1979 - The transistor, which was introduced in 1947, paved the way for the
development of advanced digital computers. The government, military and other
organizations made use of computer systems during the 1950s and 1960s. This research
eventually led to the creation of the World Wide Web.
 1980s - The computer became a familiar machine and by the end of the decade, being able
to use one became a necessity for many jobs. The first cellphone was also introduced during
this decade.
 1990s - By 1992, the World Wide Web had been introduced, and by 1996 the Internet
became a normal part of most business operations. By the late 1990s, the Internet became a
part of everyday life for almost half of the American population.
 2000s - By this decade, the Digital Revolution had begun to spread all over the developing
world; mobile phones were commonly seen, the number of Internet users continued to
grow, and the television started to transition from using analog to digital signals.
 2010 and beyond - By this decade, Internet makes up more than 25 percent of the world's
population. Mobile communication has also become very important, as nearly 70 percent of
the world's population owns a mobile phone. The connection between Internet websites
and mobile gadgets has become a standard in communication. It is predicted that by 2015,
the innovation of tablet computers will far surpass personal computers with the use of the
Internet and the promise of cloud computing services. This will allow users to consume
media and use business applications on their mobile devices, applications that would would
otherwise be too much for such devices to handle.
What is a Digital Transformation Framework?
Before we define a digital transformation framework, we should first establish what digital
transformation is. Digital transformation uses the latest technologies to improve and enhance
current processes and provide new, improved products and services. Digital transformation creates
value by altering how a business operates and delivers value to its customers.

Digital transformation also represents a shift in business culture, requiring businesses to experiment
often, challenge the established way of doing things, and accept occasional failure. This change in
philosophy includes shedding procedures that have been around forever because “we’ve always
done it that way.”

Digital transformation is a critical process for any company or organization regardless of size or
industry (e.g., utilities, manufacturing, retail, banking).

Okay, so with that definition in mind, what’s a digital transformation framework? Simply put, it is a
system of rules, a long-term strategy used to guide businesses through the tricky landscape of digital
transformation. It’s a tool used chiefly by organizational leaders and consultants to analyze a
company to help it reposition itself in today’s digital economy.

These frameworks provide a blueprint, a formal plan that includes checklists, benchmarks, and
standardized sequences to help a business become a more digital-friendly entity and continuously
grow and evolve.

Why is a Digital Transformation Framework Important?

Digital transformation frameworks are essential for today’s businesses because it provides a strategy
to help companies survive disruption by adapting to current technologies. Disruption refers to the
rise of external developments that risk changing the way industries work. For instance, the advent of
the automobile resulted in serious disruption of the horse and buggy industry, the development of
long-haul trucks disrupted the railroad industry, and streaming video has disrupted the movie
theater industry.
In other words, these are the go-to resource for protecting businesses from digital disruption.
What Makes a Good Digital Transformation Framework?
Digital transformation frameworks provide significant benefits for businesses functioning in the 21 st
century (or trying to catch up to it!).
Digitization’s proliferation rate is exceeding the speed at which industries can change. This disparity
leaves leadership struggling to find ways of keeping up.
Consumers love new technology and seem keenly aware of new developments, things that they
expect their favorite businesses to incorporate as soon as possible. If a business doesn’t adapt to the
latest and greatest tech features, customers will find a company that will!
Many organizations don’t have a standardized digital transformation strategy. Businesses that do
have them gain a significant competitive advantage (harkening back to the second point).
Digital advances aren’t just for the customers’ sake. New digital solutions stand to benefit businesses
by helping them become more cost-effective, efficient, and secure.
Digital transformation frameworks facilitate digital adoption, which helps businesses deal with IT-
related issues such as cloud computing, massive data flows, and diverse endpoints (e.g., tablets,
smartphones, laptops, older desktops).
Digital transformation frameworks are reusable. Rather than spending time, effort, and expense
formulating a transformation strategy every time a new form of technology happens, leadership only
needs to refer to the established framework. The framework is a “one size fits all” tool, suitable for
incorporating any innovations that present themselves.
What Are the Features of a Good Digital Transformation Framework?
A good digital transformation framework provides these benefits.
Provides efficiency and consistency by enhancing performance
Improves business process
Increases employees’ productivity
Facilitates constant communication across all the business departments
Meets the customers’ expectations.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic,
editorial, or natural search results on the search engines. Simply put, it’s the name given to the
activity that attempts to improve search engine rankings. In many respects, it’s simply quality control
for websites.

SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, and
news search engines. Employing a sound SEO strategy will help you position your website properly
to be found at the most critical points in the buying process or when people need your site.

Search Engine Crawlers

The leading search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!, use crawlers to find the pages for their
algorithmic search results. Pages that are linked from other search engine indexed pages do not
need to be submitted because they are found automatically.

Search engine crawlers may look at a number of different factors when crawling a site. Not every
page is indexed by the search engines. Distance of pages from the root directory of a site may also
be a factor in whether or not pages get crawled.

What is the role of SEO in a company?

The role of SEO to increase exposure of your company to potential customers on search engines. A
person who is responsible for your company’s SEO efforts will analyze and implement different
website strategies in order to improve your ranking for certain topics or keywords.
When customers are searching for specific services online through Google or other search engines,
you want to ensure that your company is listed in the search engine results pages (SERPs), so that
they can find you.

If you’re on page 70 of the SERPs, then a potential customer likely won’t be able to find your
company and click through to your website.

For example, Kara wants to find a car insurance quote, so she types this into Google. If your
insurance company is not on the first or second page of SERPs then she won’t find you. She will likely
click on one of the top-ranking companies, browse their options and purchase an insurance policy
from them.

That’s why it’s important for your company to invest in SEO, so that more customers can find you
and get in touch. This will help to increase sales for your business, because if they can’t find you,
they can’t purchase from you.

What are the benefits of SEO?

The benefits of SEO are plentiful. Since Google ranks sites that provide the best content to users, a
lot of tactics and strategies that improve SEO, also makes your website a more effective place for

Establish brand awareness

When you focus on SEO efforts, you get more visitor traffic to your website. This increases your
brand awareness, to encourage more people to purchase your products/services.

Improves website user experience

Google has announced that the user experience of your website, will help you rank higher by search
engines. They want their users to discover high-quality content, so they give priority to sites that
create content and web pages with this goal in mind.

Increase sales through inbound leads

People are already searching for that product/service on search engines when they find you. They
are the ones who discover you which means you have less work to do to close the sale. Unlike
outbound sales, which requires calling, emailing, etc.

Makes your website mobile-friendly

Google shared that you should focus on the user experience of those that visit your website through
their mobile device. If the experience on a mobile device is poor for visitors, they will be less likely to
stay on your website to explore more content.

Increases website speed time

The page load speed of your website helps users see your content faster. If the page loads slowly
then a user is more likely to bounce from that page without seeing the content. SEO makes you
prioritize page load speed, to ensure it’s faster.

How many types of SEO are there?

There are three types of SEO that you should implement in order to give your website the best
chance of improving its position on the SERPs. These types include:

On-page SEO- This involves keyword research and using keywords in high-quality content on
different webpages on your site.

Off-page SEO- Helps to strengthen the relationship your website has with other websites. This
particularly focuses on building backlinks, which are getting a large number of websites to link back
to your website.

Technical SEO- This involves things like site speed, indexing, crawlability, mobile friendliness, site
architecture, structured data, security.

What are SEO tools?

There are plenty of paid tools that you can use to do SEO analysis and inform your strategy
implementation such as Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs and more. However, there are also some free tools
that you can use to aid your SEO strategy as well:

Google Search Console – a suite of tools to monitor number of indexed pages, security issues, and
more to help you rank your pages better.
 Google Keyword Planner – to find keywords to target in your website content and rank for the
keyword topics, use this tool.

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