Week 8: Smartphones and Happiness - ARG Instructions

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Jerico V.


Week 8: Smartphones and Happiness - ARG

Read the article below. Then, answer the questions that follow. (25 points)
1. Do you agree with the data presented by the author? Why?
I agree with the author's presentation of data. Technically, there exist
grounds for evidence that fit the study's criteria. He discusses a study conducted
by the University of Georgia and San Diego University that is linked by the precise
quantity of data from the surveys, and in their study, he focused on the effects of
technology on the mental health of teenagers, specifically 8th, 10th, and 12th
graders. On the other hand, I agree that teenagers who spend the majority of their
time on their phones and computers are more likely to develop this type of
condition if they become addicted to it. And, teenagers who spend less time on
screens have a greater chance of becoming happier than anyone else since they
spend more time in the real world and enjoying life as a teenager rather than on
nonsense things.

2. What are the effects of prolonged screen time to the respondents of the
According to the study, the effects of excessive screen time on respondents
include that technology fundamentally changes the simple upbringing and
conventional life of teenagers. Individuals who spend an excessive amount of time
on screens have a negative effect on their mental health and style of thinking.
Another factor is that happy teenagers are those who spend the majority of their
time engaging with one another and participating in group activities such as sports
and other recreational activities. In this sense, individuals must be more practical
in their approach to life. As a result of their smartphone use, people's self-
satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-confidence decrease as a teenager.

3. What conclusion did you form after reading and analyzing the article?
Support your answer with pieces of evidence.
As a teenager in a modern society, we must Disconnect and Reconnect.
Disconnecting from inappropriate use and addiction via technology may appear to
be a beneficial platform, but it also changes us as a whole. Reconnect with the
aspects of life that are primarily focused on growth and comprehensive
development through verbal communication. There is much more, ways in which
technology may assist us in growing. While technology makes life easier and more
comfortable, the reality is that people create the world in which they live. Attitude
is the defining factor of how much time is spent on screen devices. If a person is
to be successful, he or she must first master the art of temptation management. It
is not simple, but it is possible. Together, we may influence things on others to
encourage them to invest more time in social integration and interaction.

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