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First Phase Project Report on


Submitted to Department of Industrial Engineering & Management
In partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering & Management


Under the Guidance of




JANUARY – 2022

Department of Industrial Engineering & Management

Bengaluru – 560019

This is to certify that the Project Work Phase 1 (21IM7DCPW1) Entitled


Has been successfully completed by


As a part of 7th semester curriculum in Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and

Management, B.M.S. College of Engineering, an autonomous College under VTU during the
Academic year 2021 - 2022

Guided by:

Dr. G SHASHIKUMAR Dr. B. Ramesh Nayak

Professor IEM Head of department

Semester End Examinations:

Name Signature with date

Examiner 1:

Examiner 2:

“Disease Detection in Vegetables (Tomato) Using Deep Learning” is the project of combined efforts
from the team. The satisfaction that accompanies the success would be incomplete without thanking
persons who made it.

We are thankful to Dr. B V Ravishankar, principle BMS College of Engineering who encouraged us to
come with new and innovative ideas and for providing the environment with all facilities for completion
of the project.

We are grateful to Prof. Dr. G Shashikumar, Professor. IEM, BMS College of Engineering for his
valuable guidance and extended support during our project development. This directed us to do a lot of
research and expand our knowledge.

We render solicit thanks to our project guide Prof. Dr. G Shashikumar, dept. of IEM, BMS College of
Engineering. We thank for his time-to-time guidance, which undoubtedly aided us in completing this
project with dedicating and enthusiasm.

We are grateful to Prof. V N Shailaja, dept. of IEM, BMS College of Engineering and Project Co-
Ordinator for her valuable guidance and support for our project development.

We are thankful to the non-teaching staff to provide us with all the information needed.

Crop planting play a important role in agricultural sector. Currently, food loss is mainly caused by
infected plants, which reduces productivity. Early detection of diseases yet tested. A major challenge is
to reduce the use of pesticides in the agricultural sector and to increase the level of production. It require
great deal of work, expertise in plant diseases, and requires a lot of time to process. Therefore, image
processing is used for the diagnosis of plant diseases. Diagnosis involves steps such as image detection,
image classification, features removal and segmentation.

This project aims to provide affordable and real-time solutions for vegetable diseases. Here image
processing is used to diagnose plant diseases using their vegetable images. The CNN algorithm is used
for detection and segmentation.

This easy-to-use program uses the concept of in-depth reading that provides results with greater
accuracy. This therefore triggers disease prognosis so that necessary steps can be taken to treat it.


Content Page No.

Abstract IV
List of figures VI

Chapter 1 – Introduction 1

1.1 Project Approach 2

1.2 Motivation. 3
1.3 Objective and Scope 4

Chapter 2 - Literature Survey 5

Chapter 3 – Problem Definition 16

Chapter 4 - Methodology 18

4.1 Flow Diagram 19

4.1.1 Image Acquisition. 22
4.1.2 Image Pre-processing 23
4.1.3 Image Segmentation. 24
4.1.4 Feature Extractions. 25
4.1.5 Classification. 26
4.1.6 Verification. 26
Chapter 5 - Progress of the project 27

Chapter 6 – Conclusion 28

5.1 Summary 29

5.2 Future Work 30

References 31

List of Figures

SL NO Description Page
Figure 1.1 Production of Fruits and Vegetables in India 3
Figure 2.1 Mask R-CNN Model Architecture 6
Figure 2.2 Convergence curve of loss function 6
Figure 2.3 Framework of the proposed approach 7
Figure 2.4 Basic procedure for the software approach 8
Figure 2.5 Activating the response to various convolutional layers saves us 12
Figure 2.6 Neural network approach 13
Figure 2.7 SVM Classification Techniques 14
Figure 3.1 Proposed Flow Chart 19
Figure 3.2 Sample Images from Dataset 20
Figure 3.3 Diseased vegetable (tomato) 22
Figure 3.4 Image Pre-processing 23
Figure 3.5 Image Segmentation Results 24



There is a lack of usage of modern technology in the agricultural sector in India. This project aims to
introduce in its own dimension in India. A lot of yield is unnecessarily destroyed due to the lack of early
detection of diseases in crops. Existing technologies are less inaccurate in detecting the diseases; hence
this project uses Deep Learning in which the accuracy would be more. Vegetables such as tomatoes,
onions, potatoes etc. It brings large profits to farmers in our country. Hence disease detection in
vegetables will help the farmer in significant way in the disease in the vegetables. Hence help the farmer
in procuring a profit.

In India there has been a steady increase in the production of vegetables by farmers. Hence there is a
need to use image processing techniques to increase the actual yield in vegetables, that is to decrease the
wastage due to diseases caused by pathogens and pests. The graph in the Fig
1.1 below shows the steady increase in the production of vegetables in India.

Fig 1.1 Production of Fruits and Vegetables in India

The diagnosis of vegetable diseases is very important as it helps the farmer to get a good harvest. The
project focuses on speeding up the identification of diseases in vegetables and therefore enhancing the
farmer's existing measures to protect his product. The use of modern agricultural technology the main
purpose of this project and the implementation of Image processing using Deep Learning helps to obtain
accurate results or acquisitions.

Even today the situation is same, with almost the entire economy being stabilized agriculture. It
contribute 16 per of total results in employment for about 52% of the population of India. Rapid
agricultural growth is important not only for self-reliance but also for important earnings. It is envisaged
by providing and adequate i/p such as pesticides and the provision of affordable agricultural credit, Indian
farmers will ensure food security and nutritional security for the nation. So the discovery of vegetable
diseases is an important factor in increasing vegetable yields. By detecting the vegetable disease, the
farmer can take safety measures that increase the yield of vegetables leading to the growth of the country's



Hongjun wang, Qisong Mou, Youjun Yue, Hui Zhao: “Research on Detection Technology of various
R-CNN Mask Fruit Disease Areas”, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin China, 2016

This paper discusses the use of a special CNN form called Mask RCNN to increase the accuracy of
spotting and rot on apples, pears, oranges and pears. Mask R-CNN is an advanced targeted acquisition
algorithm based on Faster R- CNN. Although the proposed acquisition model in the high acquisition
accuracy, acquisition speed is slow.

Fig 2.1 Mask R-CNN Model Architecture

Fig 2.2 Convergence curve of loss function


Shiv Ram Dubey, A.S Jalal: “Detection and Classification of Apple Fruit Diseases Using Complete
Local Binary Pattern”, December 2012.

In this paper, image processing is used to diagnose diseases in apples. Processing is divided into two steps-
1.K-means method of integration (used for separation) 2. Some modern features are extracted from the
image and divided into different categories using Multi class support vector equipment. The accuracy of
the proposed solution stages is reached at 90%. The K-Means merging method is image separation. Picture
are divided into 4 groups where 1 collection a large portion of disease images. K mean to combine
algorithm that divide objects into K class numbers. Separation is done by reducing the total number of
distances between the objects and collection, the square is use to add K-mean.

Fig 2.3 Framework of the proposed approach

Nivedita. R Kakade, Dnyaneswar.D. Ahire: “Real Time Grape Leaf Disease Detection”, International
Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol-1 Issue-4, 2015.

Here they developed a system for automatic disease detection in grape leaves. Here the system is tested
on 5 diseases which effect on plant. In this approach the leaf images used are captured using a high-
resolution camera. The image color conversion, histogram, histogram equalization techniques are applied
on the images to improve quality and clarity before feature extraction. Later the images are segmented
using canny edge detection methods. The Grey co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method is finally the back
propagation nc is use to classify images for different diseases. This approach consumes more time because
of complex computations in canny edge detection, hence it fails in real time response.

Fig 2.4 Basic procedure for the software approach


Kulkarni Anand H, Ashwin Patil RK: "Using image processing techniques to detect plant diseases".
Int J Mod Eng Res, 2012

This paper introduces the method of diagnosing plant diseases early and accurately, using ANN and
various imaging techniques. Method is configuration filter and the filter to extract the feature, it provides
better results with a recognition rate of up to 91%. The ANN-based category classifies different plant
diseases and uses a combination of methods, colors and characteristics to identify those diseases. This
paper introduces an image classification algorithm used for the detection and classification of plant leaf
diseases. It also includes surveys on a variety of disease-specific methods that can be used to diagnose
plant diseases. Image classification, which is an important part of the diagnosis of plant-borne diseases, is
done using genetic algorithms.


Sue Han Lee, Chee Seng Chan, Paul Wilkin, Paolo Remagnino: “Deep-plant: plant identification with
cnn”, 2015

Here they use the convolutional neural network (CNN) to study versions of unregulated traits of forty four
different plant species, collected at the Royal Gardens in England. To broaden the view of selected features
in the CNN model, a de-convolutional network (DN) network-based visualization method was used. The
test results of these cnn features with a no. of dividers show reliability and height compared to
mythological solutions that rely heavily on handmade features. In order to develop an accurate image
classification system for plant disease detection.


Halil Durmu, Ece Olcay Güne, Murvet Kirci: “Disease Detection on the Leaves of Tomato Plants by
Using Deep Learning”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 52, no. 2, 2012.

In this paper the authors use in-depth study to identify various diseases in the leaves of tomato plants. The
purpose of this activity is to use an in-depth learning algorithm in real-time robots. Therefore, robot will
detect plant diseases roaming manually independently in a field greenhouse. Diseases tested in mutations
in the tomato plant. These leaf change can be observed with RGB device. Choosing an in-depth study of
architecture was a key issue in its application. Two different in-depth study network structures were first
explored. In both of these in-depth learning networks the training and validation is done on the NVidia
Jetson TX1. Pictures of a tomato leaf from the Plant Village database were used in trainings. 10 different
class, pictures, are used. Training links are being tested for online image.


Sachin D. Khirade and A. B. Patil: “Diagnosis of plant diseases using imaging analysis,” in Computing
Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), 2015 International Conference on, IEEE, 2015.

In this paper the author has developed a system for diagnosing plant diseases using imaging techniques.
The various functions used in plant photography include pre-processing to remove noise from the image
or other removal, photo cutting. Image smoothness is done using a smooth filter. Image enhancement is
intended to increase brightness. Later processed images are classified using K-means and Otsu threshold
algorithms. An infected leaf shows signs of disease by changing the color of the leaf. Leaf greens can
therefore be used to detect the infected part of the leaf. Parts R, G and B are drawn in the picture. The
threshold is calculated using the Otsu method. Then the green pixels are hidden and removed if the green
pixel intensity is below the calculated limit.


S. B. Llagaddi and S. Viswanadha Raju: “Disease Detection in Mango Crop Using Transforming
Kernel Transformation Features”. 2017 International.

Here they use a Modify Rotation Kernel Transformation on a program guide to remove a problem-solving
feature that occurs due to other deceptive factors during plant disease detection. The MRKT-based system
is used to calculate the directional feature and histogram in plant components such as fruit. The histogram
and the guiding factor set using the ann lead to better identification of disease which occur in the form of
black spot on the fruit and leaf of the plant.


Jamil Ahmad, Bilal Jan, Haleem Farman, Wakeel Ahmad, and Atta Ullah: "The diagnosis of Plum
is based on the Convolutional Neural Network under real-world conditions".

In this journal paper, they proposed a effective neural network diagnostic work for plum for real-world
field conditions for compressed devices. In contrast to the available data sets, the images used this study
were the field considering the imp parameters of the imaging devices such as shape and natural conditions,
in addition, broad. Data extension were used to expand its database and make it challenging to have solid
practice. The variation in scale, shape, and shape of the objects of interest in the pictures makes the guesses
right. One of the most widely used methods is to augment data. It is a process of producing many images
from existing ones using similarity -saving conversions.

Fig 2.5 Activation response of various convolutional layers to lesio

Zalak R. Barot1, Narendrasinh Limbad2: How to Diagnose and Classify Fruit Diseases: Survey-December-

In this paper the classification, extraction features and methods of distinguishing plant diseases using their leaf
or fruit. Each process has its cons and pros. Based on needs we should use the method of that. Here we have
seen the different ways of distinguishing between right and wrong. There is no such sorting method that works
for all images so use any method that is appropriate for our app. Different classification strategies and their
merits and disadvantages were also identified. Between different categories ANN and SVM provide better
accuracy than other categories.

Fig 2.6 Neural network approach

K. Elangovan, S. Nalini: Plant Disease Classification Using Image Segmentation and SVM Techniques-

This paper discusses various ways to differentiate part of a plant disease. This paper discusses the separation
methods to extract the characteristics of an infected leaves and the classification of plant diseases to throw the
svm phase

Fig2.7 SVM Classification Techniques


Jean Marc, Eric Francis: Diseases and Pests Associated to Tomato Cultivation in the Locality of Daloa-

In the paper they noted that the tomato crop in the Daloa area is prone to diseases and pests that reduce its
quality and reduce its yield. The health status of the tomato plant highlights the ubiquitous presence of root-
knot and nematodes, pathogens, pathogens and numerous fungal diseases. The main insects observed are
Helicoverpa armigera, Dysdercus sp., Bemisia tabaci and Zonocerus variegatus. This study provides a clue
where further studies can be done to map the most important diseases in the region to better monitor and
protect tomato planting.


Mr. V Suresh, D Gopinath: Plant Disease Diagnosis using Image Processing-March-2020

In this paper they have developed an application for the identification of diseased plants and healthy plants
and his proposed work focuses on accuracy levels during real-time field conditions, and this work is done by
having several photographs of plant diseases. All in all, in this paper the work is done from scratch and
produces good accuracy. The future task is to increase the no of image available on pre-defined website and
to modify the properties in accordance with the database to achieve better accuracy.


Nilay Ganatra, Atul Patel: Disease Diagnosis and Agricultural Product Planning using Graphic Processing
and Mechanization -Jan-2018

In this paper we present the studies on the diagnosis of various diseases of agricultural products and the
classification using different imaging techniques and machine learning methods. They highlight a summary
of the distinctive feature of color and texture based on the pros and cons. In addition, we have discussed the
different methods of classification for its advantages and disadvantages. Also, a summary of the different
classification strategies and their merits and disadvantages discussed briefly in the paper.


Faye Mohameth, Chen Bingcai, Kane Amath Sada: “Plant Disease Diagnosis through In-Depth Study and
Disclosure through Plant Village” June 2020.

In this research paper, they used Deep feature extraction and In-depth reading strategies in a plant-based data
set to diagnose plant diseases. They explored three (03) in-depth reading model Google Net and Res Net.
Selection on network did just happen. The most widely used network are the state of craft. They 1st extracted
the features using the SVM and the KNN, and then conducted the transfer learning using fine tuning. Results
were compared using percentage accuracy and performance time. According to the behavior of the models,
they can say that from a computer perspective, extracting features is a much more effective method than
conveying with the use of best classifiers, it produces accuracy and performance time is shorter learning.



As you can see the figure, the tomato is affected by disease. The farmer takes a picture of the
tomato, and the application helps the farmer in detecting if the tomato has contracted a disease or









Final Model Development

Evaluation Of Result

Fig 3.1 Proposed Flow Chart







Fig 3.2 Sample Images from Dataset

3.1.2 Image acquisition
Image acquisition is the 1st way to process digital photo and it is defined as digital photography by
digital camera and stored in digital media for continuous operation. In our work, we have collected
pictures of vegetables (Tomatoes) for processing. The common purpose of image capture is to convert
the physical image into a series of data that can be subsequently converted to a computer, before any
video or image can be taken with a camera and converted to a computer. A manageable business.

Fig 3.3 Diseased vegetable (tomato)

Other common diseases of tomato paste are tomato peel, tomato rot, Tomato blotch and Bacterial
spot as shown in Fig. 3. Gray tomato peel or spots. Tomato rots are diseases produce dull circles that
may be covered by a reddish halos.

3.1.3 Image pre-processing

The main purpose of image processing is to improve image data contained in unwanted distortions or to
improve certain image features for further processing. The pre-processing method uses various techniques
such as resizing and resizing the image, sound filtering, image modification, image enhancement and image
stabilization. In this project, we used Python code to resize images and RGB to grayscale conversion.

3.1.4 Image Segmentations

Image splitting is a technique of converting digital images into many segment and render an image to
something, for easy analysis. Pic classification is used to find object the binding that image. In classification,
we used the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm to classify images into segments where at least
one component contains an image that contains a large portion of the infected part. The CNN algorithm is
used to divide items into 2 categories namely, sick or healthy vegetables.


Fig 3.4 Image Segmentation Results (A) before segmentation (B) after segmentation

3.1.5 Classification

Separation of images is a complex problem in field of system vision. An indepth learning algorithm is a
computer model that mimics the functions of the human brain. Intensive learning model training is an
expensive process in machine and time resources.

Separation is the process of identifying, understanding, and combining ideas and objects into fixed
categories or “small numbers.” Using pre-divided training data sets, machine learning systems use
various algorithms to classify future data sets into categories.

3.1.6 Verification

Verification is the process of testing whether a software system meets the specifications and that it is
fulfilling its intended purpose. Performance measurement measures such as sensitive, specific, accuracy,
accuracy, and loss values are used to determine which category gets the disease more accurately.

Chapter 4

Phase 1 project result

Progress of the project

 After selecting the title of the project, later we collected the journals and the models that dealt
with Disease Detection in fruits/vegitables using Nurel network & deep learning. On evaluating
the journals, we considered CNN and Deep Learning concepts as a main tools for our project.

 The problem was identified and a problem statement was described.

 The required information/steps/methods for our project have been collected.

The Progress of the project is shown below used Lean tool called Gantt chart

Gantt Chart

Team Formation
Guide Selection
Initiation and Searching of Topic
Finalizing Topic
First Presentation
Literature Review
Second Presentation
Problem Analysis
Data Collection
Phase 1 Report
Phase 1 Presentation

Start date No of days to complete

Chapter 5


5.1 Summary

The project utilizes new methods of diagnosing vegetable diseases and also exemplifies the use of
modern agricultural technology, the project also aims at the full implementation of Digital Image
Processing techniques. The disease is diagnosed cheaply and quickly and measures can be taken to
prevent the spread of the disease.

By using this concept, disease identification is done for all kinds of vegetables, the person who is
using our software can rectify the problem very easily and with less cost. Here we use the concept of
Deep learning, this gives the results with more accuracy, hence that helps to take the early precautions.
In the present world, profit maximization is the key to building a strong sector and institutions even when
it comes to the agricultural sector. The maximization of profit is dependent on a lot of factors but the
most important are supply chains. Supply Chains are in turn dependent on two important factors –
processing speed and optimization of transport mechanisms. Our project focuses on faster processing,
that is our project can be used for the very fast processing of Tomato where thousands of tomatoes can
be classified as fresh or diseased in just few hours this is a giant leap as compared to today’s vegetable
processing in India which takes a few days and hence where proper infrastructure is not available the
vegetables get destroyed and this leads to a lot of loss. With this increased processing speed, many large
private companies which use this technology will be able to easily export many tones of vegetables in
optimum time.

5.2 Futures work
There is a lot of scope for further improvement on our project. Some of the various features of this project
that can be improved are accuracy, detection speed and making the software compatible with various different
camera technologies used and also the systems which have different software and which will have to interact
with our Disease Detection Software.

Accuracy can be increased by using more complex neural layers which can be trained very efficiently and
using different filters and pattern extraction layers which can be arranged in a proper manner one after the
other in order to extract only those features that are the most important for disease detection in the tomato. The
accuracy can also be increased with a more focused study on the diseases affecting the vegetables and what
are the most important and significant features of that particular disease and then integrating all the above
factors, the accuracy can be significantly increased.

The speed of disease detection can be increased easily by using dedicated high-speed processors that are
used in high-speed cameras. In this way thousands of tomatoes can be processed on a conveyor belt in just a
few minutes, further increasing the processing speed and other processes that follow vegetable processing such
as packing and transport.

These are the two main ways in which future work on our project can be implemented in a very efficient
manner and its impact is also long lasting and very important as far as the implementation of modern
technology in the agricultural sector is concern


1 Hongjun wang, Qisong Mou, Youjun Yue, Hui Zhao: “Research on Detection Technology of
various Fruit Disease Spots Based on Mask R-CNN”, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin
China, 2016

2 Shiv Ram Dubey, A.S Jalal: “Detection and Classification of Apple Fruit Diseases Using
Complete Local Binary Pattern”, December 2012.

3 Nivedita.R. Kakade, Dnyaneswar.D. Ahire. Ahire: “Real Time Grape Leaf Disease Detection”,
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol-1 Issue-4,

4 Kulkarni Anand H, Ashwin Patil RK: “Applying image processing technique to detect plant
diseases”. Int J Mod Eng Res, 2012

5 Sue Han Lee, Chee Seng Chan, Paul Wilkin, Paolo Remagnino: “Deep-plant: plant identification
with Convolutional neural networks”, rearXiv, 2015

6 Halil Durmu, Ece Olcay Güne, Murvet Kirci: “Disease Detection on the Leaves of Tomato Plants
by Using Deep Learning”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 52, no. 2, 2012.

7 Sachin D. Khirade and A. B. Patil: “Plant disease detection using image processing,” in
Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), 2015 International
Conference on, IEEE, 2015

8 S. B. Ullagaddi and S. Viswanadha Raju: “Disease Recognition in Mango Crop Using Modified
Rotational Kernel Transform Features”. 2017 Internationals

9 Jamil Ahmad, Bilal Jan, Haleem Farman, Wakeel Ahmad, and Atta Ullah: “Disease Detection in
Plum using Convolutional Neural Network under true field conditions”.28 September 2020.

10 Zalak R. Barot1, Narendrasinh Limbad: “An Approach for Detection and Classification of Fruit
Disease: A Survey” December 2020

11 K. Elangovan, S. Nalini: “Plant Disease Classification Using Image Segmentation and SVM
Techniques” 2018

12 Jean Marc, Eric Francis: “Diseases and Pests Associated to Tomato Cultivation in The Locality
of Daloa” December-2018

13 Mr. V Suresh, D Gopinath: “Plant Disease Detection using Image Processing” March-2020

14 Nilay Ganatra, Atul Patel: “A Survey on Diseases Detection and Classification of Agriculture
Products using Image Processing and Machine Learning” Jan-2018

15 Faye Mohameth, Chen Bingcai, Kane Amath Sada: “Plant Disease Detection with Deep Learning
and Feature Extraction Using Plant Village” June 2020


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