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Review Article

When Is Enlargement of the Subarachnoid

Spaces Not Benign? A Genetic Perspective
Alex R. Paciorkowski, MD* and Robert M. Greenstein, MD*†

Enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces is occasion- neurologic disease. There are, however, genetic conditions
ally encountered during neuroimaging of children. that should be considered when a patient manifests en-
This enlargement is generally regarded as a nonpatho- largement of the subarachnoid spaces (Table 1). These
logic process that resolves uneventfully. However, include several of the mucopolysaccharidoses, achondro-
there are several genetic disorders in which enlarge- plasia, Sotos syndrome, and the inborn error of metabo-
ment of the subarachnoid spaces can be an early sign, lism glutaric aciduria type I. Enlargement of the subarach-
or the feature of an associated syndrome, that may aid noid spaces, when seen in the context of one of these
in the underlying diagnosis. Recognizing subarachnoid disorders, may appear identical radiographically to the
space enlargement in these circumstances requires an benign form. Therefore, some knowledge of the physio-
understanding of the normal physiology of the sub- logic development of the subarachnoid spaces is necessary
arachnoid space at different time points in a child’s to evaluate the images appropriately. The purpose of this
neurodevelopment. This article reviews the events review is to assist pediatricians, child neurologists, and
shaping the subarachnoid space, both during normal medical geneticists in distinguishing the isolated, benign
physiologic maturation and in specific genetic disor- form of enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces from that
ders. © 2007 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. associated with genetic syndromes.
Paciorkowski AR and Greenstein RM. When is enlarge-
ment of the subarachnoid spaces not benign? A genetic History of the Terminology
perspective. Pediatr Neurol 2007;37:1-7.
Multiple terms have been employed over the years to
describe dilatation of the subarachnoid spaces, making it
Introduction difficult to compare case series, and even more trouble-
some for the practitioner to decide what to do about such
Enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces is character- dilatation from a patient-management standpoint. The
ized radiologically by increased cerebrospinal fluid in the difficulty with nomenclature may be attributed in part to
subarachnoid spaces, usually bifrontal, with a widened improvements in imaging techniques, but also may reflect
interhemispheric fissure and normal to slightly increased the fact that debate exists in the medical community over
ventricular size (Fig 1) [1]. It is an occasional finding in the significance of the finding of enlargement of the
the neuroimaging of children with macrocephaly [2]. The subarachnoid spaces. In 1918, Dandy described infants
overall incidence of enlargement of the subarachnoid with increased intracranial pressure and dilatated sub-
spaces is difficult to estimate. A retrospective review of 88 arachnoid spaces, and stated skeptically that “no separate
children with macrocephaly and no neurologic abnormal- subdivision has been made into internal and external
ities found that 77.5% had this finding on neuroimaging hydrocephalus. It is a question as to whether external
[3], but to our knowledge, a larger prospective study has hydrocephalus ever really exists as a primary condition”
not been performed. [4]. Nevertheless, “external hydrocephalus” remains a
Enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces is usually synonym for enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces, and
benign and not associated with developmental delay or appears in major textbooks on child neurology [5].

From the *Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Communications should be addressed to:
Division of Human Genetics, University of Connecticut Health Center, Dr. Paciorkowski; Division of Human Genetics; University of
West Hartford, Connecticut and †Department of Pediatrics, University Connecticut Health Partners; 65 Kane St.; West Hartford, CT 06119.
of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut. E-mail:
Received December 13, 2006; accepted April 13, 2007.

© 2007 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Paciorkowski and Greenstein: Enlargement of Subarachnoid Spaces 1
doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2007.04.001 ● 0887-8994/07/$—see front matter
basal cisterns, entering the subarachnoid space over the
surface of the cortex (Fig 2) [9]. The secretory epithelium
of the choroid plexus is formed by 6 weeks of gestation
[10]. It remains unclear when the onset of cerebrospinal
fluid production begins, but by 2 months of gestation,
circulation is established from the ventricles to the sub-
arachnoid space [5].
The subarachnoid space is formed by the separation of
the arachnoid membrane from the primitive dura mater,
and spreads from the ventral portion of the mes- and
rhombencephalon caudally to the spinal cord, and crani-
ally to the prosencephalon [11]. Cerebrospinal fluid is
absorbed into the cerebral venous system from the sub-
arachnoid space through herniations of the arachnoid
membrane into the dural venous sinuses [12,13]. These
microtubular invaginations of the subarachnoid space into
the lumen of the dural venous sinuses first form micro-
scopic arachnoid villi in utero [9]. This development
probably correlates with the decrease in size of the arachnoid
space after 32 weeks of gestation, as seen on fetal magnetic
resonance imaging studies [14]. Arachnoid villi can be found
in the fetus and newborn, and the granulations develop
between 6 and 18 months of age [15,16].
There appears to be a spectrum of functional maturity of
Figure 1. T2-weighted magnetic resonance image (TR/TE ⫽ 3500/ the arachnoid villi in infants, whereby absorption may not
119.4 ms) of the brain of a 3-month-old boy with macrocephaly keep pace with cerebrospinal fluid production for a period
demonstrates increased cerebrospinal fluid in the bifrontal subarachnoid
space (star), with a widened interhemispheric fissure (solid arrow) and of time. Indeed, it was shown that normal children under
normal ventricular size (dashed arrow), i.e., findings characteristic of the age of 2 years have slow cerebrospinal fluid flow over
enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces.
the cerebral surface, as demonstrated by early ventricular
entry of radioisotope during cisternography [17]. Until the
Barkovich [1] emphasized that “benign enlargement of sutures of the skull close, cerebrospinal fluid accumulates
the subarachnoid spaces” was the appropriate term when preferentially in the subarachnoid space, leaving the ven-
describing otherwise normal infants with macrocephaly tricles largely undilatated, because the bulk of cerebrospi-
and the radiologic features under discussion here. The nal fluid absorption occurs through the subarachnoid
conclusion that an infant with enlargement of the sub- channels that cover the cerebral hemispheres [18].
arachnoid spaces is “otherwise normal” should rest, how- After 2 years of age, the capacity for cerebrospinal fluid
ever, on an understanding of the normal physiologic drainage can attain two to four times the normal rate of
development of cerebrospinal fluid circulation and the production [5]. Further growth of the arachnoid villi and
subarachnoid spaces, coupled to serial clinical observa- granulations leads to the formation of macroscopic Pac-
tions over time. chionian bodies, i.e., dilatations of the subarachnoid space
Macrocephaly has been traditionally defined as an in the pedicle of the mature arachnoid villus that are
occipito-frontal head circumference greater than two stan- increasingly visible by 3 years of age [9]. This capacity for
dard deviations above the population mean, or above the cerebrospinal fluid absorption follows a progressive, but
98th percentile [6]. Definitions of enlargement of the variable, timeline (Fig 3), and it is therefore not surprising
subarachnoid spaces have included abnormally large head that variability has been observed in the size of the
size as a required feature, because this feature helps subarachnoid spaces in normal children [19]. This progres-
distinguish it from cortical atrophy, which also results in sive, but variable, enlargement appears to provide the
an increase in subarachnoid cerebrospinal fluid space [7]. physiologic basis for benign enlargement of the subarach-
noid spaces.
Normal Development of the Subarachnoid Spaces
Establishing the Diagnosis of Enlargement of the
Cerebrospinal fluid not only serves to mechanically Subarachnoid Spaces
support the brain, but also provides for the delivery of
nutrients, removal of metabolites, and circulation of neu- The decision to obtain neuroimaging in a child with
rotransmitters from different areas of the central nervous macrocephaly is usually based on the presence of other
system [8]. The majority of cerebrospinal fluid is produced neurologic abnormalities, such as seizures, abnormal tone,
in four choroid plexuses in the ventricles, and exits into the or developmental delay or regression. Rapidly increasing


Table 1. Genetic conditions associated with enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces

Condition Inheritance Other Clinical Findings Other Neuroimaging Findings Diagnostic Studies

MPS Enzyme studies for:

I (Hurler) AR Varying degrees of developmental Cribriform changes, increased ␣-l-iduronidase
arrest, coarse features, white matter signal,
hirsutism, hernias, dysostosis ventriculomegaly, cortical
multiplex atrophy
II (Hunter) X-linked Iduronate-2-sulfatase
III (Sanfilippo) AR IIIA: glucosamine-N-sulfatase
Types A-D IIIB: ␣-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase
IIIC: Acetyl-coenzyme A:
IIID: N-acetyl-glucosamine-6-sulfatase
Achondroplasia AD Rhizomelic dwarfism, Foramen magnum stenosis, Skeletal survey
characteristic radiographic cervicomedullary compression FGFR3 studies
Sotos syndrome AD Skeletal overgrowth, characteristic Delayed maturation, abnormalities NSD1 sequence analysis, chromosome
facies, learning disability of corpus callosum, prominent analysis for 5q35 microdeletion
trigone, occipital horns,
Glutaric aciduria AR Hypotonia, encephalopathy, Symmetric widening of the Sylvian Newborn screening, urine organic acid
type I stroke-like episodes fissures, failure of operculation, analysis, glutaryl-coenzyme
basal ganglia injury, striatal A-dehydrogenase deficiency in
necrosis fibroblasts or leukocytes

AD ⫽ Autosomal dominant
AR ⫽ Autosomal recessive
MPS ⫽ Mucopolysaccharidosis

head size (i.e., head circumference measurements that Cranial ultrasound is often performed on infants with an
cross at least two percentile lines on standard growth open anterior fontanel because it is a quick procedure,
curves over several months or shorter timeframe) is also does not require sedation, and does not expose the patient
an indication for neuroimaging. to ionizing radiation. The technique provides adequate
views of supratentorial anatomy, but is less useful in
visualizing the posterior fossa where important causes of
obstructive hydrocephalus may be present. The limited
diagnostic accuracy of anterior fontanel cranial ultrasound
can be improved somewhat through supplemental poste-
rior fontanel and mastoid windows [20], but the potential
for diagnostic error remains [21]. Computed tomography,
while offering a more thorough examination of neuroanat-
omy, carries with it the risk of ionizing radiation. This risk
for a 1-year-old child was estimated as a 0.07% increase in
the lifetime cancer mortality rate per computed tomogra-
phy of the head, with a cumulative increase if multiple
studies are performed [22,23]. For most cases of stable
macrocephaly (i.e., not exhibiting a rapid increase in head
circumference) with abnormal neurologic signs or altered
development, magnetic resonance imaging is the modality
of choice, because it maximizes the details of the brain
structures under examination, while minimizing the risk to
the patient, provided that sedation can be safely managed.
Although normal values for the frontal subarachnoid
space in infancy were published (0-4 mm) [24,25], many
neuroradiologists adopt a more qualitative approach that
Figure 2. Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. (Reprinted may occasionally lead to over- or undercalling of the
from Neuroscience, Vol 129, Brown et al, ⬙Molecular mechanisms of phenomenon. Caution must be exercised in interpreting
cerebrospinal fluid production,⬙ 957-70, 2004, with permission from
Elsevier.) enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces, because it can be

Paciorkowski and Greenstein: Enlargement of Subarachnoid Spaces 3

Figure 3. Timeline of development of cerebro-
spinal fluid circulation and the subarachnoid
space. The structures of cerebrospinal fluid
absorption mature in a progressive fashion, and
by 18-24 months of age, production is typically
equaled by absorption. CSF ⫽ cerebrospinal
fluid; mos ⫽ months; wks ⫽ weeks; yrs ⫽ years.

caused by many nongenetic factors. These include corti- first-degree relatives should be obtained, and familial
cotropin and steroid therapy, dehydration, malnutrition, macrocephaly (inherited in an autosomal dominant man-
total parenteral nutrition, cancer chemotherapy [1], and ner) should be expected. The diagnosis of benign enlarge-
hypomagnesemia [26]. In addition, the presence of cere- ment of the subarachnoid spaces requires following the
bral atrophy must be considered. In a study of patients child for a period of years to confirm normal develop-
with enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces compared ment. Evidence of a neurodevelopmental plateau or
with patients with cerebral atrophy, it was noted that in decline should be sought during serial evaluations.
cases of cerebral atrophy, the sulci were prominent Ultimately, the parents can be reassured that their child
throughout the entire cerebrum, and the ventricles were should “grow into the increased head size,” and gener-
dilatated in proportion to the rest of the subarachnoid ally no long-term ill effects are anticipated. Table 2 lists
spaces [7]. Occasionally, the differentiation of enlarge- the cardinal features of benign enlargement of the
ment of the subarachnoid spaces from subdural hygroma subarachnoid spaces that should be fulfilled for the
after head trauma may pose a diagnostic dilemma, because diagnosis to be applied.
subdural fluid collections can be difficult to distinguish
from subarachnoid fluid [27]. The Mucopolysaccharidoses

Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Enlargement of the The mucopolysaccharidoses are a diverse group of
Subarachnoid Spaces lysosomal storage diseases, each caused by the deficiency
of a specific enzyme whose task in the lysosomal com-
In many infants with enlargement of the subarachnoid partment is to degrade glycosaminoglycans [33]. The
spaces, the head size is so alarming that neuroimaging is treatment of mucopolysaccharidoses I, II, and VI was
obtained, despite a negative review of organ systems, a affected dramatically by the introduction of peripheral
normal neurologic examination, and a normal develop- enzyme-replacement therapies [34-37], and patients with
mental history. The child continues to meet normal devel- many forms of mucopolysaccharidosis have undergone
opmental milestones, until head growth reaches a plateau bone marrow and stem-cell transplantation with increas-
somewhere above the 95th percentile, and repeat imaging, ingly positive results [38-40]. Therefore, it is important to
if obtained, is normal [28,29]. Occasionally, transient diagnose these diseases in a timely fashion before signif-
gross motor delay is observed, and this delay is usually icant, irreversible organ damage has occurred.
attributed to the added head weight of the macrocephalic
infant [29,30]. Importantly, there is often a family history Table 2. Characteristics of benign enlargement of the
of macrocephaly [30]. subarachnoid spaces of infancy that should be fulfilled for the
diagnosis to be accurately applied
The variability of terms in the literature makes it
difficult to catalogue what, if any, neurologic signs other History ● Family history of macrocephaly
than macrocephaly are associated with enlargement of the Neurodevelopment ● Normal attainment of
subarachnoid spaces. Some reports included surprising developmental milestones at least
through 18-24 months of age
numbers of children with significant motor delay [31], ● No neurologic disease
while others were probably describing children with cor- Radiographic (magnetic ● Bifrontal enlargement of the
tical atrophy, because they included microcephalic and resonance imaging) subarachnoid space
● Widened interhemispheric fissure
normocephalic children in their discussion of enlarged
● Normal or near-normal lateral
subarachnoid spaces [32]. ventricles
The infant with apparently benign enlargement of the ● Resolution on repeated imaging
subarachnoid spaces must still be approached with suspi- (if obtained) after 18-24 months
cion. The head circumferences of the parents and other of age


Pathology reports in patients with mucopolysaccharido- Sotos Syndrome
ses have found thickening of the leptomeninges, with
increased deposition of glycosaminoglycans in the con- Sotos syndrome is characterized by pre- and postnatal
nective tissue lining the brain [41,42]. This thickening overgrowth, macrocephaly, hypotonia, learning disability,
may lead to dysfunction of the arachnoid granulations that and distinctive facial features that include frontal bossing,
carry out cerebrospinal fluid absorption [43]. Leptomen- high anterior hairline, downward-slanting palpebral fis-
ingeal glycosaminoglycan deposition appeared to be more sures, prominent mandible, and pointed chin [49]. More
prominent in mucopolysaccharidoses I and II than in III than 80% of cases of Sotos syndrome are caused by
[44]. Nevertheless, isolated enlargement of the subarach- mutations in NSD1, with a further 10% attributable to
noid spaces is a feature observed in patients with muco- 5q35 microdeletions [50-52]. Most cases of Sotos syn-
polysaccharidoses IIIA and IIIB [45]. A recent study of 18 drome have been sporadic, but autosomal dominant inher-
patients (age range, 6-20 years) with mild forms of itance has been described [53,54].
mucopolysaccharidosis I or II found that enlargement of Up to 70% of imaged Sotos syndrome patients were found
the subarachnoid spaces was also associated with moder- to have enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces, with the
ate to severe ventriculomegaly [43]. According to the rather unsatisfying explanation that the finding may be a
normal timeline of the development of cerebrospinal fluid secondary effect of accelerated growth of the skull, because
absorption, increased fluid in the subarachnoid spaces these children have a normal brain volume [55]. Another
should resolve by 24 months. Instead, there appears to be possible explanation is related to other structural findings
a progression in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis from consistent with delayed maturation of the central nervous
enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces to ventriculo- system, such as abnormalities of the corpus callosum, and
megaly and communicating hydrocephalus. We have en- prominence of the trigone of the lateral ventricles [51,55,56].
countered enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces in It seems reasonable to postulate that because maturational
patients with mucopolysaccharidoses who are under 2 abnormalities are present in neuronal development, there may
years of age, and we suggest that enlargement of the be a coexistent delay in maturation of the arachnoid absorp-
subarachnoid spaces may be an early finding in infants tion of cerebrospinal fluid.
with this family of lysosomal disease.
Glutaric Aciduria Type I

Achondroplasia Glutaric aciduria type I is a rare inborn error in

the metabolism of lysine and tryptophan, caused by autoso-
Achondroplasia is inherited in an autosomal dominant mal recessive deficiency of the enzyme glutaryl-coenzyme
fashion, but 90% of cases arise de novo [46]. Enlargement A-dehydrogenase [57]. Affected infants may develop mac-
of the subarachnoid spaces has long been observed in rocephaly in the first weeks after birth, followed by acute
patients with achondroplasia [47]. Enlargement of the encephalopathy associated with an intercurrent febrile illness,
subarachnoid spaces may be part of a spectrum of findings with the potential for the neurologic symptoms of seizures
related to a small foramen magnum and resultant intracra- and dystonia, and less commonly spastic quadriplegia and
nial venous hypertension [48]. By this mechanism, in- choreoathetosis [57-59].
creased pressure on the venous flow out of the cranium Patients with glutaric aciduria type I often have expan-
results in congestion of the dural venous sinuses. This sion of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces anterior to the
congestion impedes cerebrospinal fluid absorption, lead- temporal and frontal lobes, in a pattern that has been
ing to enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces in infancy, variously labeled “external hydrocephalus” or “subdural
and then to communicating hydrocephalus after the su- collections” [60,61]. The etiology of the enlargement of
tures fuse. It is not known whether there is a direct effect the subarachnoid spaces in glutaric aciduria type I is not
of the causative FGFR3 mutation on the fine structure of clear. Although mitochondrial impairment from elevated
the arachnoid villi. 3-hydroxyglutaric acid levels was proposed as an etiology
The finding of enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces for the striatal necrosis associated with the disease [62],
may be an important early sign in an infant with achon- there is no evidence to attribute enlargement of the
droplasia. Infants with a de novo mutation in FGFR3, and subarachnoid spaces to this metabolic dysfunction.
therefore no family history of achondroplasia, often
present to the nongeneticist with macrocephaly and small Conclusion
stature, and the outward manifestations of classic skeletal
dysplasia may not be detectable to the untrained eye. Enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces has been consid-
The identification of enlargement of the subarachnoid ered a benign entity associated with developmentally normal
spaces in an infant who also has small stature, and in infants with macrocephaly. The literature on the topic is
particular shortness of the proximal limbs, should complicated by varying terminology. We favor the use of the
therefore trigger a more thorough evaluation, including term “benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces of
a skeletal survey. infancy” for those children with proven normal development.

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