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Presented by the student : Merlin Lotengo OTEMAKUMI

Lecturer: Dr. Öğr. Yes. ASLI ÖKTEN

Done in Girne, on 25/05/2022


1. Definition
2. Generalities
3. The purpose
4. Advantages and disadvantages
5. Characteristics of an advertisement
6. How to design a good advertisement
7. Conclusion
1. Definition

- The act of exerting a psychological action on the public for commercial purposes, especially to make a
product known and to induce them to acquire it.

- Advertising is a form of mass communication, the purpose of which is to fix the attention of a target
audience (consumer, user, voter, etc.) in order to induce them to adopt a desired behavior: purchase of a
product, election of a political figure, encouragement to save energy, etc.

2. General
2.1. History

The history of advertising begins in 1000 years before Jesus Christ

According to specialists, the history of advertising began in antiquity, around 1000 years before Jesus Christ. The first
advertisements appeared in frescoes celebrating gladiators, fighters and leaders.
At the end of the XVᵉ century, Gutenberg developed printing and the first advertising posters were pasted on the
walls of cities. Advertising posters will evolve a lot in the twentieth century with the participation of great artists in
the realization of visuals (Chéret, Toulouse-Lautrec, Hopper...).
2.2. The places where the advertisements are presented

On television, radio, in the street by posters, online, on our smartphones by sms, in our mailboxes, etc..
In short: everywhere and anytime. Advertising is omnipresent in our daily lives.

2.3. The inventor of advertising

June 16, 1836 marks the beginning of the history of advertising in the media. Emile de Girardin had the idea of
inserting the first commercial ads in his newspaper "La Presse".

3. The purpose of an advertisement

The purpose of any advertising operation or campaign is to attract the customer's attention to the product or brand
and to familiarize him with it in order to optimize and facilitate the act of purchase.
4. The advantages and disadvantages of an advertisement
4.1. The advantages

The advertisement passes important messages to try to make the population react on the protection of the
environment, the road prevention, warns against drugs, diseases like cancer or AIDS.
It is not limited to consumer goods or services, it can also promote men or women, praise a tourist place, a
governmental organization as well as sports or cultural events. Advertising can be aimed at changing behavior or
promoting values that are considered positive or beneficial to society.
Advertising is almost always useful to the marketer because it allows him or her to sell more, and it attracts

4.2. The disadvantages

The price of TV commercials is very high, people tend to zap during commercials or are less attentive (they get up
from their couch), they are not very creative...
It seeks by all possible means to attract the favorable attention of the potential buyer on a product, to awaken the
desire to get it, to transform it into an irresistible need and above all to create confidence.
Consumers buy the advertised products, this operation increases the consumer's purchasing power and pushes him
to spend. TV commercials are like brainwashing for children.
5. The characteristics of an advertisement

In fact, an effective advertisement must combine 4 main characteristics: impact, memorization, positioning and
 Let the visual dominate! ...
 Less is more. ...
 Colors and readability ...
 Positioning and understanding.


First of all, you should know that each advertisement, each page of a document or a website is perceived as an image.
In order for this image to be balanced, the rule of thirds must be applied, which consists of dividing the space into 3
equal parts.
Several variations are possible and when this rule is respected and controlled, it guarantees a graphic design in
harmony that will capture attention. By the same token, make sure that the visual dominates in your advertising; it
creates impact and delivers its message in the blink of an eye. Choose a photo rather than a drawing, since it is more
credible and therefore more effective.
Use your logo to quickly identify your company. This will increase your chances of attracting the reader and, above
all, of having them remember your ad.


In this case, the famous expression "Less is more" simply means to favor a simple and airy layout. Clarity will make
the reader want to consult your ad, but an overloaded layout will repel him. Go to the essential: your logo, a visual, a
title or slogan, your contact information and your services.
On the other hand, be brief in listing your services, it is better to put a few of your key services rather than all your
services which will only clutter the space. If the reader wants more information on your services, he can always go to
your website.


The choice of colors and contrasts are very important factors, because they attract the attention of twice as many
readers and make the message more striking. Tone on tone is much less visible, but some contrasts can cause a visual
effect that disturbs the eye.
The best option before deciding on the colors you want to use is to do some tests to see the effect they produce.
Did you know that each color also has a hidden meaning that influences us unconsciously? For example, yellow is
synonymous with cheerfulness, creativity and optimism, green invites calm and relaxation and blue expresses
confidence, freshness and loyalty.
The choice of font, style and size are equally important as they greatly influence readability. Script and italics should
be avoided, but favor the sans serif type; they are more readable than serifs, which tend to overlap (source). Some
typefaces bring a masculine, modern or prestigious feel while others will offer a more artistic or whimsical feel.


The positioning and format of your ad are elements that should not be neglected. For example, it is recognized that an
advertisement printed in a newspaper with a format of a quarter of a page, on the right-hand page, will have a much
better chance of capturing attention than an advertisement with a format of a business card on the left-hand page.
In the case of a web ad, your ally is your search engine positioning; if your ad is on the first page, you will reach your
target audience more easily than if you were on the third page.
Have you captured the reader's attention? That's already a mini victory in this advertising battle. Now you have to
get the reader to act. To do this, your ad must be well understood and push to action. It must meet a need that will
make the potential customer think and act by buying your product and not another one.
6. How to design an advertisement

- Identify your target audience. Your product or service can be targeted to different types of consumers,
but you need to identify your target audience more precisely if you want your ad to be effective. Your
message will never be relevant to the entire population.

- Describe your target consumer. How old is he or she? Is it a man or a woman? Do they live in the city or
the country? What is their salary? What product do they use or like?

- Identify the relationship your consumer will have with your product. Now you need to imagine how they
will want to interact with your product, how often they will want to use it, whether they will be able to
recognize the benefits immediately or if you will have to help them.

- Identify your competition. Do other brands offer your product? You've usually designed your product
with your competition in mind, but now you need to come up with an advertisement that highlights your
uniqueness and anticipates how your competition will react to your strategy.

- Analyze the market. How many products are positioned in your market segment (and are they young or
old)? How can you stand out and do your consumers already know (and trust) your brand?
- Develop a strategy. Based on the information you have, you can now design your marketing strategy. You
need to consider the 3 C's: your Company, your Consumers (your core target) and your Competition.

7. Conclusion

To conclude, during our analysis, we could see that advertising has a very defined composition, which shows us that
it is a design made closely. Its primary purpose is to attract the attention of a potential consumer. And also to create a
certain need that the product will meet.
We could see that it includes music, actors and slogans that today are more and more known, and present in our daily
So we can ask ourselves if advertising has a great future ahead of it.
Let's be sure and believe in ourselves, all of us here will be great marketers.
Thank you


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