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Julio Bohigas Couto
Giovanni Sparaco
Konrad Trzeciak
Turliu Ioan
Simis Lefteris
Braouzis Panagiotis
▪ Our history has gone through many difficult stages that have
furrowed deep the cheek of the past, but also the souls of those who FROM THE
fought with all the obstinacy for freedom, love and abundance.
Many of the forefathers who longed for them were always aware that FĂGĂRAȘ
they would not enjoy these basic things of a life full of rights, but
they continued to fight with future generations in mind. The same MOUNTAINS
happened in the case of one of the most striking moments of the
communist period.
▪ Boys/Bandits from Făgăraș Mountains

▪ The communist period was a real black spot on life and quiet,
hateless, divisive living of the Transylvanian region, the Fagaras area
to be precise. The "Land of Fagaras", as it was called when it was
part of the outstanding districts of Romania, faltered to the depths of
the mountains that surround it when the dictatorial regime took over
this territory. Over five decades of communist subjugation came not
only with the erasure of a page from the history of the place, the
communists intervening in the map of the land boundaries of the
villages, nor with the establishment of absurd and bizarre rules
meant to restrict freedom, but they also profoundly affected the
dignity of the inhabitants of this land full of faith and love for their
neighbor. The greatest proof of the veracity of these attributes was
put on the wallpaper a little later... When a handful of hardworking
Romanians and country lovers decided to oppose the way in which
their fellows were persecuted. Thus, with gun in hand and with God
in mind they went to the mountains to live freely and to fight in
secret for those close to them.
Internal exile has a long history of use by Greek
rulers and in the early twentieth century was used
for opponents of Venizelism, such as monarchists,
conservatives or communists. During the National
Schism and after the rise of Venizelos to power, in
the summer of 1917, many political opponents
(such as the former Prime Minister Spyridon
Lambros) were internally exiled. The exile was
preferred to the mainland prison because the
mainland prisons were overcrowded and the exile
facilitated the monitoring of detainees'
correspondence and limited their political
influence. The Naming Act of 1929 criminalized
subversive ideas as well as actions, leading to an
increase in the number of prisoners. The island of
Ai Strati was used from 1929 and closed until 1974.
Until 1943 there were no camps and the exiles
rented houses from the locals.
▪ Solidarity is a Polish trade union founded in August 1980 at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk, Poland. It
was the first independent trade union in a Warsaw Pact country to berecognised by the state. The
union's membership peaked at 10 million in September 1981, representing one-third of the country's
working-age population. Solidarity's leader Lech Wałęsa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983
and the union is widely recognised as having played a central role in the end of Communist rule in
▪ In the 1980s, Solidarity was a broad anti-authoritarian social movement, using methods of civil
resistance to advance the causes of workers' rights and social change. Government attempts in the
early 1980s to destroy the union through the imposition of martial law in Poland and the use of political
repression failed. Operating underground, with significant financial support from the Vatican and
the United States,] the union survived and by the later 1980s had entered into negotiations with the

▪ The 1989 round table talks between the government and the Solidarity-led opposition produced
agreement for the 1989 legislative elections, the country's first pluralistic election since 1947. By the
end of August, a Solidarity-led coalition government was formed and in December 1990, Wałęsa was
elected President of Poland
The anti-Francoism referes to the opposition to the
political and social movements of Francoism or the
dictatorship of Francisco Franco from the end of the
Spanish civil war (1939) until the first democratic
elections (1977) .

The main groups that opposed the Franco regime




▪ The Italian Resistance was the set of political and military movements that in Italy,
after the armistice of Cassabile, opposed Nazi-fascism in the context of the Italian
liberation war. It was characterized by the joint commitment of multiple political
movements, most of them gathered in the National Liberation Committee. The
period of development was the armistice of 8 September 1943

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