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Drona Series Practice Pdf 1

Reading Comprehension-:

Picture yourself as a big shot from an unpopular country – leader of an

oil-rich bit of the Middle East, say, or a tycoon from a grungy bit of the
former Communist world. You wish your family could shop, invest,
socialise and study in the richest and nicest parts of the world (and flee
there if needs be). But you don’t deserve it and won’t earn it: you will not
stop torture, allow criticism, obey the law, or keep your fingers out of the
public purse. Luckily, respectability is on sale. You just have to know how
to buy it. The place to start is London. Among its advantages are strict
libel laws, which mean nosy journalists risk long, costly legal battles. And
helpful banks, law firms, accountants and public relations people abound.
Laws on money-laundering have irritating requirements about scrutiny of
new customers. This used to be merely an exercise in ticking boxes, but
has got a bit tougher. Still, a well-connected and unscrupulous bankers
will be your best friend, for a fee. You cut him in on some lucrative
transactions with your country or company. In return he will pilot you
through the first stages, arming you with a lawyer (to scare rivals and
critics) and an
accountant (to keep your books opaque but legal). Next comes a virtuous
circle of socialising and do-gooding. Start with the cash-strapped upper
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reaches of the cultural world; a big art gallery, an opera house, or
something to do with young musicians. Donations there will get you
known and liked. Or try funding a prize at UNESCO or some other
international do-gooding outfit. Support causes involving war veterans or
sick children. Sponsorship of sport works too. Send your children to posh
English schools. Shower hospitality on their friends; they will be
important one day. But invite the parents too; they are influential now. A
discreet payment will tempt hard up celebrities to come to your parties.
Minor royals are an even bigger draw. British for choice, but continental
will do. Even sensible people go weak at the knees at the thought of
meeting a princeling, however charmless or dim-witted. Armed with
social and cultural clout, you can approach money-hungry academia and
think-tanks. A good combination is a Washington D.C. think-tank and a
London-based university (Oxford and Cambridge, being richer, are also
choosier about whom they take money from).The package deal should
involve a centre (perhaps with a professional chair) and a suitable title; it
should include words like global, sustainable, strategic and ethical.
You are now in a position to approach politics. Most rich countries make
it hard (or illegal) for foreigners to give money to politicians or parties.
But you can oil the wheels. A non-
executive directorship can be a mind-changing experience. Invite retired
politicians and officials for lucrative speaking engagements and
consultancy work; word will soon get

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around and the soon-to-retire will bear your interests in mind. Even
better, set up an advisory council stuffed with influential foreigners. You
need tell them nothing about what
you do. Nor do you have to heed their advice. Your progress from villain
to hero will not always go smoothy, especially if you have to start killing
your opponents. But when the alarm is raised, your allies will rally to your
defence. A tame academic can write an opinion piece; a newspaper
grateful for your advertising will publish it. Your fans can always say that
someone else is much worse and that you are at
least a reforming, if not fully reformed, character.

Which of the following statements about the credentials of the person
being addressed CANNOT be inferred from the passage?

A The person being addressed is unscrupulous and opportunistic.

B The person being addressed leads an opulent lifestyle.
C The person being addressed is welcome in elite social circles.
D The person being addressed does not have altruism as an agenda.
E. None of these

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2.In the passage, the phrase "respectability is on sale" refers to

A Integrity being irrelevant to one's acceptability in high society

B Respectability being available to tyrants at the right price.
C London being a convenient choice to launch oneself into genteel
D Media publicity being available to the highest bidder
E None of these.

3. What does the author mean by "include words like global, sustainable,
strategic and ethical"?

A The person being addressed must ensure that the catchphrases of the
times are used to best effect.
B The person being addressed must show genuine interest in
contemporary issues.
C The person being addressed must fund scholarships that promote
world peace and prosperity.
D The person being addressed must ensure that the scholars wooed do
play to the gallery.
E None of these.
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4. Which of the following is a reason for the author to suggest London as
the “place to start”?

A The money hungry academia in London-based universities can help in

projecting a philanthropic image.
B The minor British Royals are more likely to attend parties in London
than in other cities.
C One's dubious dealings in London will probably not come to light
because of the strict libel laws there.
D All of the above.
E None of these.

5. In this passage, the author has focussed on how a big shot from an
unpopular country.......

A can become a political leader in a rich country.

B can gain acceptance, for his family and himself, in the better parts of
the developed world.
C can keep earning money through unethical means without tarnishing
his reputation.
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D can get rid of all his opponents without losing his social, political and
cultural clout.
E None of these.

6. The idiom “oil the wheels” in the penultimate paragraph can be best
replaced by which of the following phrases/idioms?

A pour oil on troubled waters

B oil someone's palm
C keep your fingers out of the public purse
D grease the wheel that squeaks
E bet that the wheel of fortune comes a full circle
F hope to put your shoulder to the wheel

Directions: In each of the following sentences, part/s of the sentence

is/are left blank. Choose the best alternative from among the five options

7. The comedian referred to his wife as the ____________ that

prevented him from being with his dream girl.
a) Supporter
b) Mediator
c) Shackle
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d) Beloved
e) Beauty

8. They were not ______________ as much as they were happy—in a

grownup, made-peace-with-it-all way.
a) Ostentatious
b) Sad
c) Eager
d) Angry
e) Furious

9. The finest cutting machine unintelligently operated will _________

the best efforts of the printing plant.
a) Suffocate
b) Add
c) Beautify
d) Cancel
e) Stultify

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10. After spending years trying unsuccessfully to lose weight, it
became _________ to Chris that the only option remaining was
a) Conscious
b) Apparent
c) Confusing
d) Concern
e) True

11. But there are so many good reasons to believe that plants are
____________, too.
a) Attentive
b) Orthodox
c) Sentient
d) Wise
e) Experienced

12. Although I am not a cookie lover, I am intrigued enough by

the__________ of the black and white icing to try a Half-Moon

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a) Taste
b) Affixation
c) Juxtaposition
d) Connection
e) Fact

13. The hotel’s expensive rates are viewed as the __________ that
keeps the lower classes out of the fine establishment.
a) Bulwark
b) Fragility
c) Fancy
d) Cover
e) Cream

14. Unsure as to whether or not she could face the __________of

being demoted, Karen quit her job.
a) Anger
b) Ignominy
c) Depression
d) Happiness
e) Fear

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15. Rather than admit their real weight, many women have the
__________ to fib about their actual sizes.
a) Courage
b) Eagerness
c) Propensity
d) Antipathy
e) Honesty

16. Although her apology to the teacher sounded __________, but

she was really sorry for her actions.
a) Serious
b) Flippant
c) Funny
d) Sincere
e) Convincing

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
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5. B
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. E
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B

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Answer- C
The author talks about a "big shoot from an unpopular
country-leader of an oil rich bit of the Middle East, say, or a
tycoon from a grungy bit of the former Communist world."
Option A: The author states that you don't deserve it and
won't earn it.... out of the public purse". We can infer from
this that the author believes that the person is unscrupulous
and opportunistic (because he states that the big shot does
not deserve a life in the richest and nicest part of the world).
Option B: Since the author is talking about a big shot we can
infer that he leads an opulent lifestyle.
Option C: From the first and second paragraph, we can
understand that the big shot buys respectability. We can
infer from this that the author will most probably not be
welcomed in elite social circles. Therefore, this is the correct
Option D: Consider the statements "Next comes a virtuous
circle of socializing and do-gooding", "Donation there will get
you known and killed". From the tone of the author, we can
infer that the addressee is not concerned about altruism.

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Hence, the correct answer is option C. It should be pointed
out that the present tense running from the middle of the
third para to the penultimate para is not to talk of how things
are in the present, but what could hypothetically be. (Let's
take the situation as it could be.)
The phrase means that dubious tycoons can buy foreign
respectability by ingratiating themselves into influential
social circles with the help of their ill-gotten wealth.
Option A: While we can infer from the passage that integrity
is irrelevant for one's acceptability in high society, the phrase
in the question does not refer to one's integrity.
Option B: The given phrase means that big shots can buy
respectability. Therefor we can say that respectability is
available to tyrants at the right price.
Option C: The author does not refer to London in particular
when he says that "Respectability is on sale".
Option D; While media does play a part for a big shot to buy
respectability, the phrase does not imply this.
Hence, the correct is option B.

3. Solution:

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The said words (global, sustainable, strategic and ethical) are
catchy platitudes that assure academic respectability.
Option A: The addressee wants to use these catchphrases
(which are popular) to gain recognition in elite circles. Hence,
this is the correct answer.
Option B: The author does not suggest that the addressee
shows genuine interest in contemporary issues. he only
suggests that the addressee should choose a subject which
sound popular.
Option C: The author does not specify any subjects that the
addressee should focus on.
Option D: The addressee is not interested in 'playing to the
gallery' (winning popularity with the common man) but
gaining recognition in elites circles. Hence, this is not the
correct answer.
Therefor the correct answer is option A.

The author mentions that London is the "place to start"
because London provides some advantages for anyone trying
to get respectability. The advantages that London provide for
a big shot starting out are the "strict libel laws" and the
"helpful banks, law firms accountants..."
Option A: The author mentions the money hungry academia

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in London based universities but the addressee does not
have to start the process in London to get their help.
Option B: The author advocates inviting British royals but
does not talk about their preference for attending parties in
Option C: The strict libel laws is one of reasons why the
author suggests London as the place to start. The strict libel
laws mean that "nosy journalists risk long, costly legal
Hence,the answer is option C.

The author mentions at the beginning of the passage that the
big shot from the unpopular country wishes his family "could
shop, invest, socialize and study in the richest and nicest
parts of the world".
Option A: The author outlines a plan for the big shot to
become respectable. One of the steps in this plan is to
become a politician. However, this is only a means to an end
and not the end in itself.
Option B: The author mentions that this big shot (the
addressee) wants to provide a better (and respectable) life
for his family (shop, invest, socialize and study in the richest
and nicest part in the world").

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Option C: The author does not provide ways for earning
money without tarnishing the addressee's reputation. He in
fact, provides ways in which the big shot can spend his
money to buy respectability.
Option D: This is also a means to an end as this is not the
primary question that is being answered in the passage.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Most rich countries make it hard (or illegal) for foreigners to
give money to politicians or parties. But you can oil the
wheels. A non-executive directorship can be a mind changing
experience. The idioms "oil the wheels" means to make it
easier for something to happen.
1: Pour oil on troubled waters means to do or say something
in order to make people stop arguing and become calmer. (1)
is not the meaning of the idiom "oil the wheels".
2: "oil someone's palm or hand" means to do something or to
give someone money in exchange for a favor; also, bribe
someone. This would come closest to the idiom "oil the
wheels" in the penultimate paragraph. Hence, (2) is the
3: "Keep your fingers out of the public purse" appears in the
first paragraph of the passage. It means not to divert or

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siphon off or utilize public money for your own benefit. (3) is
not the meaning of the idiom "oil the wheels".
4: "Squeaky wheel the gets the grease" is inapplicable in the
given context. It means that the loudest complaints get the
most attention. (4) is not correct.
5: "The wheel has come full circle" is an idiom that means
that the situation or circumstance has returned to its original
or a similar state. (5) is not the answer.
6: "Put one's shoulder to the wheel" means to work hard,
make a strenuous effort. (6) does not apply

S7. Ans.(c)
Answer: Shackle
Explanation: Shackle means hindrance and the wife is the
hindrance that prevented him being with his
dream girl. Supporter supports and mediator brings to an

S8. Ans.(a)
Answer: Ostentatious
Explanation: Ostentatious means showy display or
pretentious, so they were not pretentious but
genuinely happy. If they will be sad they cannot be happy
and same goes with angry. Eager means keen

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for something, but they were already happy so there is no
eagerness for any result.
S9. Ans.(e)
Answer: Stultify
Explanation: Stultify means cause to appear absurd and if the
machine is operated unintelligently then
the best efforts will appear absurd. If operated unintelligently
then it cannot Add or Beautify the result,
so those two words cannot be the answer. Suffocate means
cause to feel trapped or inability to breathe,
so results cannot be suffocated.

S10. Ans.(b)
Answer: Apparent
Explanation: Apparent means obvious, so when there is “only
option remaining” then it is obvious to
Chris. Since “only “option is mentioned, therefore it cannot
be confusing or concern. Conscious cannot
be the correct answer as one is conscious of something or
aware and conscious to Chris will be wrong

S11. Ans.(c)
Answer: Sentient

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Explanation: Sentient means able to perceive or feel things so
the use of the word indicates that plant
can feel too. Attentive means alert and orthodox means
conservative, so plants cannot be attentive or
orthodox. And wise means having or showing good
judgement which plants doesn’t have.
S12. Ans.(c)
Answer: Juxtaposition
Explanation: Juxtaposition means two things placed together
with contrasting effect. So, here black &
white icing is placed together and have contrasting effect.
Since the person is yet to taste so taste can be eliminated.
There is a placement of black and white icing
and not any ‘Connection’. Affixation means the act of
attaching something so this will also be not the
right answer.
S13. Ans.(a)
Answer: Bulwark

Explanation: Bulwark means a defensive wall, so expensive

rates are viewed as the defensive wall to
keep lower class out. Fragility means which can be easily
broken or damaged so this word rules out.
Fancy means feel a desire or liking for so expensive rates
cannot be viewed as fancy in this sentence.

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Cover means hiding or wrapping.
S14. Ans.(b)
Answer: Ignominy
Explanation: Ignominy means public shame or disgrace and
demotion is the matter of shame so the
correct answer is Ignominy. A person can herself be angry or
depressed she doesn’t need to face that
with demotion so these two are ruled out. Happiness is the
state of being happy and demotion is not
the matter of happiness.
S15. Ans.(c)
Answer: Propensity
Explanation: Propensity means an inclination or natural
tendency to behave in a particular way and
Women have a natural tendency to fib about their actual
weight. Courage means bravery and one
doesn’t need bravery to fib about the actual size. Eagerness
means keenness so this can also be ruled
out. Antipathy means aversion so this is also not the correct
S16. Ans.( b)
Answer: Flippant
Explanation: Flippant means not showing a respectful
attitude. So, we can see the continuity of the

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subject that she was really sorry although her apology was
rude or Flippant. If the apology is already
Serious or Sincere then the subject won’t be in agreement
with the predicate that she was really sorry.
Again funny means humorous so this also cannot be the
correct word. Convincing means leaving no
margin of doubt.

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Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences
(A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the
questions given below them.

A. This DiD is your identifier for all further app

B. When you come in contact with someone, it is this
DiD that is sent to his or her device, not your name and
phone number.
C. All personally identifiable information submitted at
registration—your name, age, sex, telephone
number—is securely uploaded to its server and hashed
with a unique, randomly generated device ID number
D. Aarogya setu app dissociates you from your data
very early on during the on-boarding process.

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E. It is only when your risk of infection is so high that
the government needs to tell you to get tested that the
DiD is reconnected to your personal information.
F. When the app needs to calculate your probability of
being infected, it is this DiD that is uploaded to the
server along with your contact history.

Q1. Which of the following should be the fifth

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q2. Which of the following should be the third

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) D
(c) B
(d) E

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(e) F

Q3. Which of the following should be the fourth

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) C
(e) E

Q4. Which of the following should be the last

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) C

Q5. Which of the following should be the second

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B

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(d) F
(e) C

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following

sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper
sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then
answer the questions given below them.

A. High GST rates are a problem because such indirect

taxes are regressive.
B. The complicated rate structure limits efficiency
C. It is good that the GST Council has been trying in its
recent meetings to address these problems.
D. There are four rates—plus many items are exempt
from the tax; there is a special rate for gold; key

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products such as petroleum, electricity and real estate
are not under the GST regime; and there is also a cess.
E. The World Bank has quite rightly criticized the
complicated goods and services tax (GST) introduced in
F. The top GST slab in India is the second highest in the
Q6. Which of the following should be the fifth
sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q7. Which of the following should be the third

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) D
(c) B

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(d) E
(e) F

Q8. Which of the following should be the fourth

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) C
(e) A

Q9. Which of the following should be the last

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) C

Q10. Which of the following should be the second

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A

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(c) B
(d) F
(e) C

Directions (11-15): Rearrange the following

sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper
sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then
answer the questions given below them
A. Spent months ensuring their servers could handle
this volume of traffic.
B. Entry into the tournament would be free—all you
needed was a mobile device and an internet
connection—but 30,000 winners would walk away with
some part of the total prize pool, exceeding ₹11 lakh.
C. They hired Viswanathan Anand as brand ambassador
to promote the tournament and promised the winner a
prize money of ₹5 lakh.

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D. Over 300,000 players registered, and over 12 hours,
1.2 million chess games were played. That’s 17,000
chess games concluded every minute.
E. Mobile Premier League (MPL), the real-money
gaming service that hosted the tournament,

F. In the middle of 2019, a six-month-old Indian startup

hosted the largest chess tournament the country had
ever seen.
Q11. Which of the following should be the fifth
sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q12. Which of the following should be the third

sentence after rearrangement?

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(a) A
(b) D
(c) B
(d) E
(e) F

Q13. Which of the following should be the fourth

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) C
(e) A

Q14. Which of the following should be the last

sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) C

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Q15. Which of the following should be the second
sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) F
(e) C

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. E
6. A
7. E
8. E
9. E
10. A
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11. E
12. D
13. E
14. D
15. A

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S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct sequence of the given parajumble is
DCABFE. Sentence D is the first statement because it
is introducing the topic on which the discussion is
made further. C will be the second statement because
DiD which is a generated device ID number is
introduced here as a key identifier for the app and
which further forms the basis of discussion. Statement
A will be the 3rd statement because the function of DiD
is further explained here. Statement B is the 4th
statement because the working of DiD is explained
here and FE further continues the process.

S2. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct sequence of the given parajumble is
DCABFE. Sentence D is the first statement because it
is introducing the topic on which the discussion is
made further. C will be the second statement because
DiD which is a generated device ID number is

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introduced here as a key identifier for the app and
which further forms the basis of discussion. Statement
A will be the 3rd statement because the function of DiD
is further explained here. Statement B is the 4th
statement because the working of DiD is explained
here and FE further continues the process.

S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct sequence of the given parajumble is
DCABFE. Sentence D is the first statement because it
is introducing the topic on which the discussion is
made further. C will be the second statement because
DiD which is a generated device ID number is
introduced here as a key identifier for the app and
which further forms the basis of discussion. Statement
A will be the 3rd statement because the function of DiD
is further explained here. Statement B is the 4th

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statement because the working of DiD is explained
here and FE further continues the process.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. The correct sequence of the given parajumble is
DCABFE. Sentence D is the first statement because it
is introducing the topic on which the discussion is
made further. C will be the second statement because
DiD which is a generated device ID number is
introduced here as a key identifier for the app and
which further forms the basis of discussion. Statement
A will be the 3rd statement because the function of DiD
is further explained here. Statement B is the 4th
statement because the working of DiD is explained
here and FE further continues the process.

S5. Ans.(e)
Sol. The correct sequence of the given parajumble is
DCABFE. Sentence D is the first statement because it

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is introducing the topic on which the discussion is
made further. C will be the second statement because
DiD which is a generated device ID number is
introduced here as a key identifier for the app and
which further forms the basis of discussion. Statement
A will be the 3rd statement because the function of DiD
is further explained here. Statement B is the 4th
statement because the working of DiD is explained
here and FE further continues the process.

S6. Ans.(a)
The correct sequence is EDFABC. E is the first
statement because the topic of criticism by world bank
for (GST) is introduced here. GST rates are explained in
D, therefore, it is the second statement. F introduces
the problems which is the high rate therefore, it is the
third statement. A further explains the problem due to
higher GST rates therefore it is the fourth statement

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which is continued in B. Thus C is the last statement as
it is concluding the paragraph properly by making a
statement about the world banks’ decision to criticize.

S7. Ans.(e)
The correct sequence is EDFABC. E is the first
statement because the topic of criticism by world bank
for (GST) is introduced here. GST rates are explained in
D, therefore, it is the second statement. F introduces
the problems which is the high rate therefore, it is the
third statement. A further explains the problem due to
higher GST rates therefore it is the fourth statement
which is continued in B. Thus C is the last statement as
it is concluding the paragraph properly by making a
statement about the world banks’ decision to criticize.

S8. Ans.(e)

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The correct sequence is EDFABC. E is the first
statement because the topic of criticism by world bank
for (GST) is introduced here. GST rates are explained in
D, therefore, it is the second statement. F introduces
the problems which is the high rate therefore, it is the
third statement. A further explains the problem due to
higher GST rates therefore it is the fourth statement
which is continued in B. Thus C is the last statement as
it is concluding the paragraph properly by making a
statement about the world banks’ decision to criticize.

S9. Ans.(e)
The correct sequence is EDFABC. E is the first
statement because the topic of criticism by world bank
for (GST) is introduced here. GST rates are explained in
D, therefore, it is the second statement. F introduces
the problems which is the high rate therefore, it is the

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third statement. A further explains the problem due to
higher GST rates therefore it is the fourth statement
which is continued in B. Thus C is the last statement as
it is concluding the paragraph properly by making a
statement about the world banks’ decision to criticize.

S10. Ans.(a)
The correct sequence is EDFABC. E is the first
statement because the topic of criticism by world bank
for (GST) is introduced here. GST rates are explained in
D, therefore, it is the second statement. F introduces
the problems which is the high rate therefore, it is the
third statement. A further explains the problem due to
higher GST rates therefore it is the fourth statement
which is continued in B. Thus C is the last statement as
it is concluding the paragraph properly by making a
statement about the world banks’ decision to criticize.

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S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. The correct sequence is FDEACB. Here F is the first
statement because it introduces a topic of discussion
which is a tournament. D is second because it
continues the topic by giving information regarding the
participants. E then introduces the organizers,
discussing of whom forms the basis of the next few
sentences. AC then is the next in sequence as these
sentences are then discussing the efforts of the service
for prompting. B thus is the last statement due to the
elimination method.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct sequence is FDEACB. Here F is the first
statement because it introduces a topic of discussion
which is a tournament. D is second because it
continues the topic by giving information regarding the

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participants. E then introduces the organizers,
discussing of whom forms the basis of the next few
sentences. AC then is the next in sequence as these
sentences are then discussing the efforts of the service
for prompting. B thus is the last statement due to the
elimination method.

S13. Ans.(e)
Sol. The correct sequence is FDEACB. Here F is the first
statement because it introduces a topic of discussion
which is a tournament. D is second because it
continues the topic by giving information regarding the
participants. E then introduces the organizers,
discussing of whom forms the basis of the next few
sentences. AC then is the next in sequence as these
sentences are then discussing the efforts of the service
for prompting. B thus is the last statement due to the
elimination method.

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S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct sequence is FDEACB. Here F is the first
statement because it introduces a topic of discussion
which is a tournament. D is second because it
continues the topic by giving information regarding the
participants. E then introduces the organizers,
discussing of whom forms the basis of the next few
sentences. AC then is the next in sequence as these
sentences are then discussing the efforts of the service
for prompting. B thus is the last statement due to the
elimination method.

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct sequence is FDEACB. Here F is the first
statement because it introduces a topic of discussion
which is a tournament. D is second because it
continues the topic by giving information regarding the
participants. E then introduces the organizers,

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discussing of whom forms the basis of the next few
sentences. AC then is the next in sequence as these
sentences are then discussing the efforts of the service
for prompting. B thus is the last statement due to the
elimination method.

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Reading Comprehension

Directions (1-8): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below. Certain
words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them.

Radically changing monsoon patterns, reduction in the winter rice harvest and a quantum increase in
respiratory diseases are all part of the environmental doomsday scenario which is reportedly playing out
in South Asia. According to a United Nations Environment Program Report, a deadly three-kilometer deep
blanket of pollution comprising a fearsome cocktail of ash, acids, aerosols and other particles has
developed in this region. For India, already struggling to cope with a drought, the implication of this are
devastating and further crop failure will amount to a life and death question for many Indians. The
increase in premature deaths will have adverse social and economic consequences and the rise in
morbidities will place an unbearable burden on our crumbling health system. And there is no one to blame
but ourselves. Both official and corporate India has always been allergic to any mention of clean
technology. Most mechanical roll off the assembly line without proper pollution control system. Little
effort is made for R&D on simple technologies, which could make a vital difference to people’s lives and
the environment.

However, while there is no denying that South Asia must clean up its act, skeptics might question the
timing of the haze report. The Kyoto meet on climate change is just two weeks away and the stage is set
for the usual battle between the developing world and the West, particularly the United States of America.
President Mr. Bush has adamantly refused to sign any protocol, which would mean a change in American
consumption level. U.N. Environment report will likely find a place in the US arsenal as it plants an accusing
finger towards controls like India and China. Yet the USA can hardly deny its own dubious role in the
matter of erasing trading quotas. Richer countries can simply buy up excess credits from poorer countries
and continue to pollute. Rather than try to get the better of developing countries, who undoubtedly have
taken up environmental shortcuts in their bid to catch up with the West, the USA should take a look at
the environmental profligacy, which is going on within. From opening up virgin territories for oil
exploration to relaxing the standards for drinking water, Mr. Bush’s policies are not exactly beneficial, not
even to America’s interests. We realize that we are all in this together and that pollution anywhere should
be a global concern otherwise there will only be more tunnels at the end of the tunnel.

Q1. If the rate of premature deaths increases it will

(a) exert an added burden on our crumbling economy
(b) have adverse social and economic consequences
(c) make a positive effect on our efforts to control population
(d) have less job aspirants in the society

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(e) have a healthy effect on our economy

Q2. What could be the reason behind the timing of the haze report just before the Johannesburg meet
as indicated in the passage?
(a) The United Nations is working hand in glove with the US.
(b) Organisers of the forthcoming meet want to teach a lesson to the US.
(c) Drawing attention of the world towards devastating effects of environmental degradation.
(d) The US wants to use it as a handle against the developing countries in the forthcoming meet.
(e) The meet is a part of political agenda of the UN.

Q3. Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the word ‘allergic’ as used in the passage.
(a) liking
(b) passionate
(c) possessive
(d) crumbling
(e) repugnant

Q4. What must we realise, according to the passage?

(a) No country should show superiority over other countries.
(b) The UN is putting in hard efforts in the direction of pollution control.
(c) All countries must join hands in fighting pollution.
(d) Nobody should travel through a tunnel to avoid health hazards.
(e) We all must strive hard to increase agricultural production.

Q5. Which of the following finds place in the United Nations Environment Programme Report?
(a) Changing monsoon patterns
(b) Substantial increase in respiratory diseases
(c) A serious cover of pollution over the region
(d) Reduction in winter rice harvest
(e) None of these

Q6. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
(a) UN environment report blames countries like India and China.
(b) Developing countries have taken environment shortcuts in their bid to catch up with the West.

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(c) US is also to be blamed for environmental degradation and pollution.
(d) Indians cannot afford to have any further crop failure.
(e) US has tightened safety standards for drinking water.

Q7. According to the passage. Johannesburg meet is going to witness

(a) calm and dispassionate thinking on the issue of pollution control
(b) a blame game between developed and developing countries
(c) refusal of UN to work as the arbitrator
(d) the US agreeing to look at the issue of lowering its consumption
(e) countries agreeing for higher monetary allocation to R&D

Q8. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word ‘morbidity’ as used in the
(a) powerfulness
(b) healthiness
(c) softness
(d) acuteness
(e) purposeful

Directions (9-23): In the following questions two columns are given containing three sentences/phrases
each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column the sentences/phrases
are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another
sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence.
Each question has five options which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be
joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Choose the pair(s) which make(s) a
grammatically meaningful sentence.

Column (1)
(A) High GST rates are a problem because
(B) The complicated rate structure is
(C) Many major indices have either broken their short-term uptrend

Column (2)
(D) Such indirect taxes are regressive.

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(E) Has huge global demand in the aromatic industry.
(F) In India is the second highest in the world.

(a) C-F
(b) B-F
(c) A-D
(d) C-E
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) The cities that saw maximum retail growth
(B) They grew complacent about
(C) India must focus on what

Column (2)
(D) in recent decades increasingly for pleasure too
(E) The threat from global terrorism.
(F) Or struggled to go past their most recent highs.

Column (1)
(A) All sections must feel protected and
(B) Without a large enthusiastic voter turnout,
(C) The mayor was concerned about

Column (2)
(D) as the overwhelming favourite of the party establishment
(E) against adding fuel to the fire of communalism.
(F) the lack of support for light rail schemes.

(a) C-F
(b) B-F & C-F
(c) A-F
(d) C-E
(e) None of these

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Column (1)
(A) The rate of inflation in China has
(B) Consumer inflation last month grew at the slowest pace
(C) The parameters are process-oriented, and are meant to evolve as

Column (2)
(D) Dropped from an eight-year high.
(E) Since October, according to NBS data.
(F) To double farmers income by 2022

(a) B-F
(b) B-E & A-D
(c) A-F
(d) C-E
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) A significant fall in consumer demand
(B) This is lower than the forecast of a 4.9 percent
(C) Weak oil prices and suppressed demand due

Column (2)
(D) to continue repaying banks and other borrowers.
(E) to understand the sentimental significance of the home
(F) drastic coronavirus measures meant

(a) C-F
(b) B-D
(c) A-D
(d) C-E
(e) None of these

Column (1)

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(A) The coronavirus pandemic is a “severe demand shock”
(B) A fall in the optimism levels amid heightened
(C) The virtual meeting of the finance ministers comes

Column (2)
(D) supporting the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic.
(E) within a fortnight of their last meeting
(F) follows the Extraordinary Energy Ministers meeting of the G-20 countries on Friday.
(a) C-E
(b) B-D
(c) A-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) Man-made fibre textile segment is
(B) SRTEPC has submitted a memorandum to the government
(C) After discovering a priceless artifact in her backyard

Column (2)
(D) ) Or regime over another is unwise in the longer term
(E) seeking aid and relief.
(F) one of the worst hit in this pandemic.
(a) A-F
(b) B-E
(c) A-F & B-E
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) At a time when the Centre is pressed for resource
(B) The strategy highlights the urgency
(C) Asakawa commended the Indian government’s decisive

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Column (2)
(D) Its economic stimulus programmes.
(E) Is what matters more to citizens
(F) Plan is over in India and commercial passenger

(a) A-F
(b) B-E
(c) A-F & B-E
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) If there is no moratorium on bank debt
(B) A liquidity cover of less than one time indicates
(C) Non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) are likely

Column (2)
(D) to face liquidity challenges due to lack of clarity
(E) have extended a loan moratorium to their customers
(F) to a report by rating agency Crisil

(a) B-E
(b) B-D
(c) A-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) The US Federal Reserve will be buying junk bonds
(B) Junk bond prices rally
(C) Fed Chair Jerome Powell said the

Column (2)
(D) U.S. high-yield bond exchange-traded funds
(E) in order to inject fresh money into the economy.

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(F) after Fed offers lifeline to riskier credits

(a) A-E & B-F

(b) B-D
(c) A-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) I'll have him come in next week to sit down with you
(B) None of them had been able to convince her to wait
(C) Given India’s fast-growing economic disparities

Column (2)
(D) And discuss the project.
(E) The image of a train slowly chugging into a station
(F) Until the estate was settled.

(a) A-D
(b) B-E
(c) A-D & B-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) She tried hard to convince herself
(B) Anything that would indicate
(C) Despite an improvement in social indices

Column (2)
(D) the money she had put into the ranch
(E) where his next strike would fall.
(F) have accused him of being a quiet misogynist

(a) A-E & B-F

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(b) B-D
(c) C-F
(d) B-E
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) The parameters are process-oriented, and are meant to evolve as
(B) The book goes on to tell the history of some dishes
(C) We have too large informal sector in our economy

Column (2)
(D) Because these countries provide higher tax benefits
(E) was total and shutters of almost all banks were down
(F) Where workers have no social security.

(a) B-F
(b) B-D
(c) C-F
(d) A-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) Zoom suddenly found itself facing flak
(B) Many major indices have either broken their short-term uptrend
(C) Fair pricing of news products

Column (2)
(D) Over its security and privacy.
(E) Does indeed have end-to-end encryption
(F) Alone can sustain independent media

(a) A-D
(b) B-E
(c) A-D & C-F

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(d) C-D
(e) None of these

Column (1)
(A) The government is in the process of applying
(B) There is tremendous pressure from industry bodies to opt for
(C) Economists are unanimous that there is

Column (2)
(D) bringing on a second round of an economic relief package
(E) between saving lives and ensuring livelihoods.
(F) forego tax revenues to protect livelihoods during lockdown

(a) C-E
(b) B-D
(c) A-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

1. (b)
2. (d)
3. (e)
4. (c)
5. (c)
6. (e)
7. (b)
8. (b)
9. (c)
10. (b)
11. (a)
12. (b)
13. (e)
14. (a)

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15. (c)
16. (e)
17. (d)
18. (a)
19. (c)
20. (d)
21 (c)
22. (c)
23. (a)

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1. (b)
Sol. Refer 1st paragraph 4th sentence “the increase……………………… but ourselves”

2. (d)
Sol. In the 4th sentence of 2nd paragraph it is mentioned that UN environment report is likely to find a
place in the US arsenal so as to point an accusing finger towards countries like India and China.

3. (e)
Sol. Allergic means caused by or relating to an allergy (a strong dislike).

4. (c)
Sol. Refer the 2nd last sentence of the 2nd paragraph “we release……………… concern”

5. (c)
Sol. Refer the 2nd sentence of the 1st paragraph, “according to………………..enveloped this region”

6. (e)
Sol. Refer 3rd last sentence of the passage “From opening ……………….American interests”

7. (b)
Sol. The 2nd sentence of the 2nd paragraph Illustrates that the Johannesburg meet is set for the usual
battle between the developing World and the west.

8. (b)
Sol. “Morbidity” means the condition of being diseased hence healthiness is the word most opposite in

9. (c)
A-D is the correct sentence combination due to the use of the word ‘because’ in A as in the sentence D
the reason is given for the problem of GST. All the other sentences are not making any combinations.
The correct sentence is –
High GST rates are a problem because such indirect taxes are regressive.

10. (b)

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B-D is the correct sentence combination. In B the word ‘complacent’ is used which here means
unconcerned therefore the sentence D after the combination with B makes a meaningful sentence
because what ‘they’ were complacent about is mentioned in D.

11. (a)
C-F is the correct combination all the other sentences are not combining grammatically or contextually
to make a meaningful sentence.
The mayor was concerned about the lack of support for light rail schemes.

12. (b)
A-D & B-E are the correct combinations of the given sentences as they are making meaningful and
grammatically correct sentences.
The rate of inflation in China has dropped from an eight-year high.
Consumer inflation last month grew at the slowest pace since October, according to NBS data.

13. (e)
None of the combinations is correct. C-D is incorrect grammatically.

14. (a)
C-E is the correct combination all the other sentences are not combining grammatically or contextually
to make a meaningful sentence.

C-E: The virtual meeting of the finance ministers comes within a fortnight of their last meeting

15. (c)
A-F & B-E are the correct combinations of the given sentences as they are making meaningful and
grammatically correct sentences.

A-F : Man-made fibre textile segment is one of the worst hit in this pandemic.
B-E : SRTEPC has submitted a memorandum to the government seeking aid and relief.

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16. (e)
None of the combinations make a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.

17. (d)
C-D is the correct combination all the other sentences are not combining grammatically or contextually
to make a meaningful sentence.
C-D : Non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) are likely to face liquidity challenges due to lack of clarity

18. (a)
A-E & B-F are the correct combinations of the given sentences as they are making meaningful and
grammatically correct sentences.

A-E: Junk bond prices rally after Fed offers lifeline to riskier credits
B-F: The US Federal Reserve will be buying junk bonds in order to inject fresh money into the economy.

19. (c)
A-D & B-F are the correct combinations of the given sentences as they are making meaningful and
grammatically correct sentences.
A-D: I'll have him come in next week to sit down with you and discuss the project.
B-F : None of them had been able to convince her to wait until the estate was settled.

20. (d)
B-E is the correct combination all the other sentences are not combining grammatically or contextually
to make a meaningful sentence.
B-E: Anything that would indicate where his next strike would fall.

21. (c)
C-F is the correct combination all the other sentences are not combining grammatically or contextually
to make a meaningful sentence.
C-F : We have too large informal sector in our economy where workers have no social security.

22. (c)
A-D & C-F are the correct combinations of the given sentences as they are making meaningful and
grammatically correct sentences.
A-D: Zoom suddenly found itself facing flak over its security and privacy.
C-F: Fair pricing of news products alone can sustain independent media

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23. (a)
C-E is the correct combination all the other sentences are not combining grammatically or contextually
to make a meaningful sentence.
C-E: The virtual meeting of the finance ministers comes within a fortnight of their last meeting

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Reading Comprehension

Directions (1-5): The passage given below is followed by a set of five questions. Choose the best
answer to each question.

All maps are biased toward their creator's subjective view of the world. As Lewis Carroll famously
pointed out, a perfectly objective and faithful representation of the world would literally have to be the
same size as the place it depicted. Therefore, mapmakers must make sensible design decisions in order
to compress the physical world into a much smaller, flatter depiction. Those decisions inevitably
introduce personal biases, however, such as our tendency to place ourselves at the center of the world.
“We always want to put ourselves on the map,” says Jerry Brotton, a professor of renaissance studies at
Queen Mary University London. “Maps address an existential question as much as one that's about
orientation and coordinates.
“We want to find ourselves on the map, but at the same time, we are also outside of the map, rising
above the world and looking down as if we were god,” he continues. “It's a transcendental experience.”
Which is why, he says, the first thing most new Google Earth users do is to look up their own address.
Modern technology enables this exercise in ego, but the tendency itself is nothing new. It dates back to
the oldest known world map, a 2,500-year-old cuneiform tablet discovered near Baghdad that puts
Babylon at its centre. Mapmakers throughout history adopted a similar bias toward their own
homeland, and little seems to have changed since then. Today, American maps still tend to centre on
America and Japanese maps on Japan. It's such an ego-centric approach that the United Nations sought
to avoid it when they created their emblem – a map of the world neutrally centred on the North Pole.
Similarly, maps can overestimate their creators' geographic worth, or reveal bias against certain places.
Africa's true size, for example, has been chronically downplayed throughout the history of mapmaking,
and even now, non-Africans tend to underestimate the size of that truly massive continent – which is
large enough to cover China, the US and much of Europe.
Religious, political and economic agendas also come into play, adulterating a map's objectivity. The
maps of World War II, for example, were incredibly propagandist, depicting “dreadful red bears and red
perils,” Brotton says. “The maps were distorted to tell a political message.
“A map,” he continues, “will always have an agenda, an argument, a proposal about what the world
looks like from a particular perspective.”
Even digital maps skew toward the things that their users deem most important. Those areas that the
majority sees as unworthy of attention – poor neighbourhoods like the Orangi shanty town in Karachi,
Pakistan, or the Neza-Chalco-Itza slum in Mexico City – as well as those places that mapmakers do not
often go – war-torn regions, North Korea – remain grossly undermapped.
This neglect means maps of remote regions can contain errors that go unnoticed for years. Scientists
paying a visit to Sandy Island, a speck of land in the Coral Sea near New Caledonia, recently discovered

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that the island simply did not exist. The “phantom island” had found its way onto Australian maps and
Google Earth at least a decade ago, probably due to human error.

1. According to the author, why should a faithful representation of the world “be the same size as the
place it depicted”?

A. Because it makes it easier to peruse the map.

B. Because the compression that goes into a map is usually reflective of the mapmaker's subjectivity.
C. Because mapmakers are prone to make absurd design decisions to compress the map.
D. Because mapmakers tend to place their homes at the centre of the map
E. None of these.

2. When the author states that “the tendency itself is nothing new", the tendency refers to

A. new Google Earth users looking up their own address.

B. the mapmakers distorting the maps because of personal biases
C. the mapmakers trying to find the errors in the previous maps
D. people using modern technology to feel important.
E. none of these.

3. Which of the following statements is true according to Brotton?

A. Maps of remote regions will always contain errors.

B. Maps will never be objective and will always carry the personal biases of the mapmaker
C. Most modern maps do not incorporate any biases of the mapmaker.
D. Only during times of war, maps were distorted to convey political messages.
E. None of these.

4. According to the passage, which of the following is not true about digital maps?

A. Only the places which are deemed important by the mapmakers are properly mapped
B. The places that the mapmakers do not visit often remain inadequately mapped.
C. Digital maps always carry the subjectivity of the mapmakers.
D. Digital map requires no correction.
E None of these.

5. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the introduction of biases in a map?

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A. The importance of an area according to the mapmaker
B. Religious agenda of the mapmaker.
C. Political agenda of the mapmaker.
D. Difficulty in verifying the veracity of a map.
E. None of these.

Direction (6-15): Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which can be
used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.

(I) Kamla Harris & Rahul Gandhi are separated by thousands of miles
(II) They are trying to find workable solutions to economic problems affecting millions of people

(i) Although separated by…..

(ii) Despite of separated by…..
(iii) Provided that they are trying to

(a) Only (i)

(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(e) All of these

(I)Vaccines are the most effective tools we have to protect people’s health.
(II)Public confidence in vaccines is under threat as never before.

(i) Since Vaccines are the most effective….

(ii) Inspite of being among the……
(iii) The reason why the public confidence……..

(a) Only (i)

(b) Only (ii)
(c) Only (iii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)

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(e) All of these

(I) scientists search through outer instrumentation
(II) Spiritual scientists focus on higher levels of consciousness.

(i) While scientists search through….

(ii) Focusing on higher levels…..
(iii) Searching through outer……………
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(e) All of these

(I) The planet has got its oxygen back
(II) Our Planet is able to recover from the critical state that human beings had created for long.

(i) Recovering from the critical state………

(ii) Being able to recover………
(iii) The planet has got………….
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(e) All of these

(I) Spirituality should be inculcated in each stage of the hierarchy.
(II)This will lead one to live a balanced life.

(i) Living a balanced life would lead…………

(ii) The hierarchy would lead……..

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(iii) Inculcating spirituality in each stage……….
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(e) All of these

(I) Ramesh is a comedian
(II) The episode is peppered with jokes and sarcastic humor

(i) Even though Ramesh is………

(ii) Owing to the fact that ………..
(iii) Peppering with jokes and sarcastic humor…….
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)
(d) Only (ii)
(e) All of these

(I) Fans Still Want Louis C.K.
(II) the critics want Him Gone for Good

(i) Despite of critics……….

(ii) Wanting him gone for ………..
(iii) Even though the critics………
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)
(d) Only (ii)
(e) All of these


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(I) Huge dams and walls are constructed by the Nations.
(II) To protect themselves from natural calamities.

(i) Nations have constructed huge…..

(ii)In order protect themselves from…….
(iii) Although huge dams and walls………….
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (ii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(e) All of these

(I) Rules for comedians about what they can and cannot joke about
(II) Take away their ability to be a comedian.

(i) To give comedians rules………

(ii) Taking away their ability……….
(iii) What they can and can not…………….
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (i) and (ii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(e) All of these

(I) They were all dressed up
(II) She assumed they were going to church together

(i) Since they were all……..

(ii) The reason they were dressed………
(iii) Even after they……………….
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (iii)

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(c) Both (i) and (ii)
(d) Both (ii) and (iii)
(e) All of these


1. (B)
2. (B)
3. (B)
4. (D)
5. (D)
6. (a)
7. (b)
8. (a)
9. (b)
10. (b)
11. (d)
12. (b)
13. (c)
14. (a)
15. (a)

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1. (B)
The passage mentions that according to Lewis Carroll, "a perfectly objective and faithful representations
of the world would literally have to be the same size as the place it depicted".
Option A: he passage does not talk about the ease of using a map which is the same size as the place it
depicted (Further, a world map the size of the world will be more difficult to use than a smaller map ).
Hence, this option is incorrect.
Option B: he passage mentions that "mapmakers must make sensible design decisions in order to
compress the physically world into a much smaller, flatter depiction" and this introduces subjectively
into the maps. Hence, a faithful representation must be the same size as the place it depicted.
Therefore, this is the correct answer.
Option C: The author does not state that mapmakers make absurd decisions to compress the map. He
states that the "must make sensible design decision" which will "inevitably introduce personal biases.
Hence, this option is incorrect.
Option D: The author does not mention that this is the reason why a map must be the same size as the
place it depicted. He mentions this only as one of the man biases in mapmaking. Hence, this is not the
correct answer.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

2. (B)
The third paragraph of the passage mentions that "the first thing most new Google Earth users do is to
look up their own address". Jerry Brotton explains the reason for this in the preceding paragraph.
Option A: The passage does not talk about Google Earth users verifying whether their region has been
accurately represented in the map. Hence, this option is incorrect.
Option B: According to Brotton, "We want to find ourselves on the map but the same time, we are also
outside of the map, but at the same time, we are also outside of the map, rising above the world and
looking down as if we were god". Hence, new Google Earth users look up their own address to look
down on the world and feel like god.
Therefore, this is the correct answer.
Option C: It is incorrect because many errors still persist and also this is not the tendency of the
Option D: The passage does not talk about new Google Earth users looking at their address to know
about their surroundings. Hence, this option is incorrect

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Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

3. (B)
Brotton talks about various types of biases that will be introduced in maps because of the subjectivity of
the mapmaker.
Option A: The last paragraph of the passage mentions that "maps of remote regions can contain errors
that go unnoticed for ears". However, we cannot determine whether this is a view of Brotton. Further,
we also cannot say that maps of the remote regions will always contain errors. Hence, this option is the
correct answer.
Option C: Brotton does not differentiate between ancient maps and modern maps in the passage.
Hence, this option is also incorrect.
Option D: Brotton talks about how maps were used for furthering political ideology during World War II.
However, we cannot imply from this that during times of war, maps were distorted to convey political
messages. Hence, this option is incorrect.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

4. (D)
The author mentions various skews that are present in maps, in general and in digital maps, in
Option A: The author mentions that "Even digital maps skew toward the things that their users deem
most important". Further, he also states that "areas unworthy of attention" are "grossly under
mapped". Hence, this is a skew of digital maps.
Option B: The passage also mentions that the "places the mapmakers do not often go to" also remain
undermapped. Hence, this is also a skew mentioned in the passage.
Option C: The author mentions in the first paragraph that while making an map, personal biases are
inevitably introduced. He does not differentiate between digital maps and non-digital maps. Further,
Brotton states that "A map will always have an agenda, an argument, a proposal about what the world
looks like from a particular perspective". Hence, we can infer that this
distortion will be present in all maps, digital maps included. Therefore, this is also a drawback of digital
Option D: The passage mentions one instance in which a "phanom island" was discovered after some
years in Google Earth. Hence, this is not true.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

5. (D)

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The author mentions various reasons why maps are biased.
Option A: The author mentions that "maps can overestimate their creators' geographic worth" and also
states that "Even digital map skew toward the things that their users deem most important". Hence, this
factor contributes to distortions in maps.
Option B: The author mentions that "Religious, political and economics agendas also come into play
adulterating a map's objectivity." Hence, this is also mentioned in the passage.
Option C: The author mentions that the political agenda of the mapmaker will distort the map. Hence,
this choice has also been mentioned in the passage.
Option D: The author mentions that "maps of remote regions can contain errors that go
unnoticed for years" and gives an example of Sand Islands. This difficulty in accessing certain areas
makes verifying the accuracy of maps difficult. Because of this difficulty in verification, the errors remain
"unnoticed for years". However this does not contribute to the introduction of biases. Hence this is the
right answer.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

6. (a)
Explanation: Only (i) is correct. (ii) is incorrect because we don’t use ‘of’ with despite.
(i)- Although separated by thousands of miles, both Kamla Harris & Rahul Gandhi are trying to find
workable solutions to economic problems affecting millions of people

7. (b)
Explanation: (ii) is correct because in 1st sentence the effectiveness of vaccines is given while in 2nd
sentence it is given the confidence of public is under threat which signifies there is a contrast and in
spite of produces contrast.
(ii)-- In spite of being among the most effective tools we have to protect people’s health, public
confidence in vaccines is under threat as never before.

8. (a)
Explanation:: Only (i) is correct as through this starter the sentences can be connected to make a
meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
(i)::While scientists search through outer instrumentation, spiritual scientists focus on higher levels of

9. (b)

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Explanation: Only (iii) is correct as through this starter the sentences can be connected to make a
meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
(iii)-The planet has got its oxygen back and is able to recover from the critical state that human beings
had created for long.

10. (b)
Explanation: Only (iii) is correct as through this starter the sentences can be connected to make a
meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
(iii)- Inculcating spirituality in each stage of the hierarchy would lead one to live a balanced life

11. (d)
Explanation: Only (ii) is correct. ‘Even though’ here is incorrect because the contrast is not produced in
the two sentences.
(ii)-Owing to the fact that Ramesh is a comedian, the episode is peppered with jokes and sarcastic

12. (b)
Explanation:: Only (iii) is correct as through this starter the sentences can be connected to make a
meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
(iii)-Even though the critics want Him Gone for Good, Fans Still Want Louis C.K.

13. (c)
Explanation: Both (i) & (ii) are correct.
(i)- Nations have constructed huge dams and walls to protect themselves from natural calamaties
(ii) -- In order protect themselves from natural calamaties, huge dams and walls are constructed by the

14. (a)
Explanation:: Only (i) is correct as through this starter the sentences can be connected to make a
meaningful and grammatically correct sentence.
(i)- To give comedians rules about what they can and cannot joke about is to take away their ability to be
a comedian.

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15. (a)
Explanation:: ‘Since’ in (i) has the meaning of because.
(i)- Since they were all dressed up, she assumed they were going to church together

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Reading Comprehension

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the Questions given below it.
Certain words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the

Almost everything has implications for the poor, whether it is education, health, family planning,
employment, or the environment, or the environment: they are all fields where current performance
hurts the poor in particular. Policies that enhance economic growth, and agriculture growth, will favour
reduction of poverty. The lives of poor people are most threatened by potential shortages of water and
low water quality, and by air pollution; pressures on common pool resources also bear most heavily on
the poor, and on women in particular.

Since half of India's poor are in the persistent category, the country's anti-poverty programmes can at
best, have only a limited impact. They are excessively scattered and unrelated to basic processes in the
economy. They focus on regions with particular problems, such as drought prone areas; subsidy
programmes such as the Targeted Public Distribution System for food; a number of employment-related
schemes, and social security measures for the very poor. Most of them have been shown to be
inefficient in terms of the proportion of expenditure actually reaching the poor, and in terms of
their lasting effects.

But greater impacts on poverty could be made by improved performance in the social sectors and the
environment generally, concentrating on the states with the greatest backlogs. Better health and
nutrition and better education for all, and clean air and water are the best anti-poverty programmes. To
these must be added reproductive health services and family planning, again most needed in the
poorest states : they too are pro poor measures in themselves for high fertility households. The majority
of the poor remain in rural areas, and measures to redress poverty must concentrate on enhancing both
agricultural growth and non-farm employment. Yet India, for all its anti-poverty commitment, has not
seen the increases in the key investments--irrigation, rural roads, and agriculture research-- that would
help to achieve this.

Anti-poverty strategies all over the world rightly give an important place to the empowerment of the
poor, and their involvement in the design and management of schemes intended for their benefit. India
has made considerable strides in these directions : in water, moving to farmer managed watershed
development; in a range of activities devolving budgets and management to panchayats and pushing
decentralization. Much of this experience has been positive; but much has not. Instead of empowering
the poor, it has empowered local-vested interests. Like, markets, devolution and decentralization cannot

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be guaranteed to help the poor. There is an indispensable role for the state. But frequently public action
by state institutions has not delivered either.

Policies to redress poverty require the positive engagement of central and state governments as well as
NGOs, local communities, and group of beneficiaries. With greater account ability and transparency
India's own resources will be adequate to overcome poverty. Accountability is needed most particularly
in public services that affect the poor : health, education and the police perhaps more than any other, as
well as the general working of bureaucracy. If resources are not invested or distributed where they are
needed, and policies are not framed to benefit the poor or to ensure that the poor receive the benefits
meant for them, this projection of slow poverty decline could become a reality. It is ultimately down to
politics. If more of India's politicians see electoral promise in genuinely addressing the needs of the
poor, poverty can and will decline much faster.

1. Irrigation, rural roads and agriculture research will help to achieve

(A) watershed development by vested interest

(B) empowering state government to plan the budget
(C) reduction of food subsidy
(D) agricultural growth
(E) None of these

2. In rural areas anti poverty commitments should pay attention to

(A) reproductive health-services and family planning.
(B) good nutrition and education for all.
(C) farm based and non-farm based employment.

(A) Only (C)

(B) Only (A) and (B)
(C) Only (A)
(D) Only (A) and (C)
(E) Only (B)

3. Which of the following porgrammes provides relief to the poor?

(A) Targeted Public Distribution System
(B) Anti-poverty strategies
(C) Reproductive health-service and family-size management

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(A) Only (A)
(B) Only (B)
(C) Only (C)
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(E) None of these

4. What kind of policies will help curtail poverty?

(A) Water conservation and pollution control measures
(B)Economic development and agricultural growth programmes.
(C) Employment schemes and social security.
(A) Only (C)
(B) Only (A) and (B)
(C) Only (A)
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)
(E) Only (B)

5. According to the passage what is 'down to politics'?

(A) Social security measures

(B) Considering strides in education
(C)Framing anti-poor policies
(D) Projection of slow poverty decline
(E) None of these

6. Which has to play an important role in promoting decentralisation?

(A) State through the implementation of competent and effective policies

(B) Centre by reserving common pool resources
(C) Politician's promised made during elections
(D) Management by imitating policies of other countries
(E) None of these

7. Why do anti-poverty programmes have only a limited impact?

(A) They are unrelated to basic economic processes.

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(B) Their focus is on general problem and broader issues.
(C) They are balanced in terms of expenditure and benefit

(A) Only (C)

(B) Both (B) and (C)
(C) Only (A)
(D) Both (A) and (C)
(E) None of these

8. According to the passage what should be the fundamental role of the state?

(A) Monitoring working of bureaucracy

(B) Implementation of anti-poverty strategies
(C) Reducing role of panchayats
(D) Empowering local-vested interest
(E) None of these

9. How will India's own resources and systems be helpful to diminish poverty?

(A) Positive engagement of central and state government

(B) With higher accountability and transparency
(C) General working of bureaucracy
(D) Devolving budgets and managements to panchayats
(E) None of these

10. Choose the word/phrase which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as
used in the passage.

(A) impacts
(B) advantages
(C) production
(D) expenses
(E) significance

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Directions (11-20): In the question given below two statements are given. Connect them by choosing
the word given in options in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning

11. I. When I was young, I admired clever people.

II. I am old, I admire kind people.
1. because
2. due to
3. Not only
4. scarcely
5. now that
12. I. The US has a moral obligation of not abandoning war-torn areas.
II. There’s stability and peace in those regions
1. hardly
2. unless
3. furthermore
4. as long as
5. While
13. I. The situation is such that we are bound to incur nature’s wrath.
II. We start adopting strict control measures henceforth.
1. instead
2. hardly
3. even if
4. wherever
5. no longer
14. I. She has to check her son’s extravagance.
II. He might turn out to be the proverbial ‘prodigal son’.
1. consequently
2. whether
3. otherwise
4. if and when
5. provided
15. (I) Everyone now knows that the debate on education had been postponed.
(II) The government can discuss the latest crisis.
1) But
2) So that

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3) So as to
4) Provided to
5) Furthermore
16. (I) The Government seems serious.
(II) The country’s relations with its neighbors.
1) Although
2) Provided that
3) when
4) With reference to
5) So long as
17. (I) The city people stayed fearlessly.
(II) Rumors of terrorist attack in the area.
1) Inspite of
2) In the event of
3) Despite of
4) In case of
5) However
18. (I) In the view of financial crisis the company does not have any choice.
(II) To close down the factory.
1) Unless
2) Until
3) Else
4) But
5) Than
19. (I) Had I stepped out of my house.
(II) I saw some policeman coming towards my house.
1) On the other hand
2) Immediately
3) Hardly ….when
4) Despite
5) Suddenly
20. (I) Do children have fewer chances of surviving.
(II) They also lack educational opportunities.
1) Not only
2) Instead of
3) Moreover

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4) Though
5) But


1. D
2. B
3. E
4. D
5. D
6. E
7. C
8. B
9. B

10. E
13. (3)


20. (1)

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1. D
Last 4 lines of the 3rd paragraph reveals that irrigation, rural roads and agriculture research will help to
achieve agriculture growth and non-farm employment.

2. B
The 4th line of the 3rd para mentions (B) and the 5th line of the 3rd para mentions (A) . So, In rural
areas anti poverty commitments should pay attention to only (A) and (B).

3. E
According to the paragraph, all of the given options are true as all of the given strategies provide relief
to the poor (mentioned in 2nd, 3rd and 4th para).

4. D
According to 1st, 2nd and 3rd para of the passage, all the given policies help to curtail poverty.

5. D
According to the 4th line from the bottom of the last paragraph, Projection of slow poverty decline is
'down to politics'.

6. E
4th line of the 4th paragraph states that "India has made considerable strides in these directions : in
water, moving to farmer managed watershed development; in a range of activities devolving budgets
and management to panchayats and pushing decentralization." So, none of the given options A, B, C
and D is correct.

7. C
As mentioned in the 3rd line of the 2nd paragraph, only (A) is the correct reason for limited impact of
anti-poverty programmes.

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8. B
4th paragraph tells us that implementation of anti-poverty strategies should be the fundamental role of
the state.
9. B
As mentioned in the 3rd line from the top of the last paragraph, with higher accountability and
transparency, India's own resources and systems will be helpful to diminish poverty.

10. E
implications: significance (something that can be inferred). So, "significance" should be the synonym of

“Now that” describes a situation that is true and allows for the possibility of something else to
When I was young, I admired clever people, now that I am old, I admire kind people.

The US has a moral obligation of not abandoning war-torn areas unless there’s stability and
peace in those regions

13. (3)
“Even if ” is used to describe a situation that is true, no matter what the facts are. It’s similar to
The situation is such that we are bound to incur nature’s wrath even if we start adopting strict
control measures henceforth.

“Otherwise” is used to offer an alternative situation. It’s very similar to “or ” and “or else.”

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She has to check her son’s extravagance otherwise he might turn out to be the proverbial
‘prodigal son’.

2nd point is a result of 1st point. So, appropriate option is ‘so that’
Everyone now knows that the debate on education had been postponed so that the government
can discuss the latest crisis.

The Government seems serious with reference to the country’s relations with its neighbors.

The city people stayed fearlessly inspite of rumors of terrorist attack in the area.

correct form of sentence is no + alternative/choice/option +but +to V1
In the view of financial crisis the company does not have any choice but to close down the

correct form of sentence is no + alternative/choice/option +but +to V1
Hardly I stepped out of my house when I saw some policeman coming towards my house.

20. (1)
Not only do children have fewer chances of surviving, they also lack educational opportunities.

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Directions (1-10): In the questions given below a few sentences are given which are grammatically
correct and meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way
without changing the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly from the options to form a
correct, coherent sentence.


(A) While Moody’s had struck a largely upbeat tone in its upgrade note last year
(B) Students in a first-floor lecture hall
(C) Students were stunned and amused to see a bewildered white cow with dark spots and medium horns
suddenly gallivanting inside their classroom, entering from one side and walking out of the door on the
other side.
(D) Moody’s had mentioned three risks which could move the rating down—increase in external
vulnerability, a “material deterioration” in fiscal metrics and slide in banking health.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Both A-D and B-C
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only A-C
(e) None of these.


(A) Swiping credit cards do not cost any processing charges

(B) Some data points were posted on NSDP with delays
(C) they were made available on other (Indian) government websites on a timely basis.
(D) Taking a loan against them can involve processing charges of up to 3%.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Only A-D
(c) Both A-D and B-C
(d) Only A-B
(e) None of these.

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(A) There are so many permutations and combinations at times

(B) The treatment of derivatives is different
(C) Nifty jumped Easter week on hopes of a shorter corona lockdown
(D) Capital gains for different types of assets that bugs in the software are inevitable in the first instance.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Both A-C and B-C
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only A-D
(e) None of these.


(A) To a question regarding Trump’s soft repeated threat of pulling out of the World Trade Organisation,
Modi responded in Hindi saying he and Trump should be allowed to get on with their talks and that
reporters would be informed
(B) The two leaders had anything to say.
(C) Cops swung into action
(D) a passer-by called up UP 100 and informed them about the tragedy.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Only C-D
(c) Only B-C
(d) Both A-B and C-D
(e) None of these.

(A) India’s stock markets were turbo-charged
(B) Jenn Kaiser, a spokesperson of the company said the guidelines curbing free speech were introduced
(C) the past year witnessed a rise in the cases of incivility on Google’s internal platforms.
(D) Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman unveiled an economic revival plan last Friday.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Only B-C
(c) Only A-D
(d) Only A-D and B-C
(e) None of these.

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(A) The advancement of new technology allows the reader to experience things that may occur in the
(B) There are no entry fees or ticket counters
(C) Here at the western limits of the Himalaya
(D) The things are happening right now; or from the perspective of a person living in the future.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Both A-C and B-C
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only A-D
(e) None of these.

(A) Indian start-ups continue to see strong capital inflows
(B) macroeconomic headwinds, including a slump in consumer demand.
(C) It is not the paying spectator at the stadium who keeps the sport alive
(D) Those munching on chips and nuts on their sofas back home lounging before a television set
(a) Only B-D
(b) Only A-B
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only A-B and C-D
(e) None of these.

(A) Until now, homebuyers who prefer modern apartments over independent houses or builder floors
and are willing to move out of Delhi head out to the National Capital Region (NCR),
(B) Fintech deal volumes in India crossed China for the first time
(C) The trend may change with the launch of new high-rise projects.
(D) While the rise in deal value and volume may be marginal
(a) Only A-C
(b) Both A-C and B-C
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only B-D
(e) None of these.

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(A) while excess rainfall was recorded across eight sub-divisions
(B) Earlier analyst expected higher borrowing to fund stimulus
(C) the government avoided large fiscal stimulus
(D) Rainfall is deficient in seven remaining sub-divisions
(a) Only B-D
(b)Only A-C
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only A-D and B-C
(e) None of these.

Q10. YET
(A) To Modi’s credit, interference by the US has been rebuffed in no uncertain terms.
(B) More than 10 million young people enter the job market every year in India.
(C) The Governor Shaktikanta Das led RBI Central Board
(D) The board to approve the ₹28,000 crore interim dividend.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Only A-C
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only C-D
(e) None of these.


1. (b)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (d)

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5. (d)
6. (d)
7. (b)
8. (a)
9. (d)
10. (d)

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1. (b)
Sol. Combinations (A)-(D) and (B)-(C) can successfully frame grammatically correct and contextually
meaningful sentence using the connector “NEVERTHELESS” which means” in spite of that;
notwithstanding; all the same”. Therefore the sentences thus formed using the combinations A-D and B-
C respectively are:
“Students in a first-floor lecture hall nevertheless were stunned and amused to see a bewildered white
cow with dark spots and medium horns suddenly gallivanting inside their classroom, entering from one
side and walking out of the door on the other side”.
“While Moody’s had struck a largely upbeat tone in its upgrade note last year, it had nevertheless
mentioned three risks which could move the rating down—increase in external vulnerability, a “material
deterioration” in fiscal metrics and slide in banking health”.

2. (c)
Sol. Combinations (A)-(D) and (B)-(C) can successfully frame grammatically correct and contextually
meaningful sentence using the connector “ALTHOUGH” which means” in spite of that; even though.”.
Therefore the sentences thus formed using the combinations A-D and B-C respectively are:
“Although, swiping credit cards do not cost any processing charges, taking a loan against them can involve
processing charges of up to 3%”.
“Although some data points were posted on NSDP with delays, they were made available on other (Indian)
government websites on a timely basis”.

3. (d)
Sol. Statements (A) and (D) can together form a grammatically correct and coherent sentence without
altering the context of the sentence using the connector “In the case of” which means “Regarding, in the
matter of, in that instance”. Therefore, the sentence thus formed is
“There are so many permutations and combinations at times, as in the case of capital gains for different
types of assets, that bugs in the software are inevitable in the first instance”
4. (d)
Sol. Combinations (A)-(B) and (C)-(D) can successfully frame grammatically correct and contextually
meaningful sentence using the connector “As soon as” which means ”something will happen immediately
after something else has happened”. Therefore the sentences thus formed using the combinations A-B
and C-D respectively are:

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Cops swung into action as soon as a passer-by called up UP 100 and informed them about the tragedy.
To a question regarding Trump’s soft repeated threat of pulling out of the World Trade Organisation, Modi
responded in Hindi saying he and Trump should be allowed to get on with their talks and that reporters
would be informed as soon as the two leaders had anything to say.

5. (d)
Sol. Combinations (A)-(D) and (B)-(C) can successfully frame grammatically correct and contextually
meaningful sentence using the connector “AFTER” which means “in the time following (an event or
another period of time).” Therefore the sentences thus formed using the combinations A-D and B-C
respectively are:
India’s stock markets were turbo-charged after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman unveiled an
economic revival plan last Friday.
Jenn Kaiser, a spokesperson of the company said the guidelines curbing free speech were introduced after
the past year witnessed a rise in the cases of incivility on Google’s internal platforms.
6. (d)
Sol. Statements (A) and (D) can together form a grammatically correct and coherent sentence without
altering the context of the sentence using the connector “AS….IF” which means “as would be the case if”.
Therefore, the sentence thus formed is
“The advancement of new technology allows the reader to experience things that may occur in the future
as if they are happening right now; or from the perspective of a person living in the future”.
7. (b)
Sol. Combination (A)-(B) can successfully frame grammatically correct and contextually meaningful
sentence using the connector “DESPITE” which means “without being affected by; in spite of. “Therefore
the sentence thus formed using the combinations A-B is:
Indian startups continue to see strong capital inflows despite macroeconomic headwinds, including a
slump in consumer demand.
8. (a)
Sol. Statements (A) and (C) can together form a grammatically correct and coherent sentence without
altering the context of the sentence using the connector “BUT” which means “used to introduce a
phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.” Therefore, the sentence thus
formed is:
Until now, homebuyers who prefer modern apartments over independent houses or builder floors and are
willing to move out of Delhi head out to the National Capital Region (NCR), but that trend may change
with the launch of new high-rise projects.

9. (d)
Sol. Combinations (A)-(D) and (B)-(C) can successfully frame grammatically correct and contextually

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

meaningful sentence using the connector “HOWEVER” which means “used to introduce a statement
that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.” Therefore the
sentences thus formed using the combinations A-D and B-C respectively are:
“While excess rainfall was recorded across eight sub-divisions however, it has been deficient in seven
remaining sub-divisions.
“Earlier analyst expected higher borrowing to fund stimulus however, the government avoided the large
fiscal stimulus”

10. (d)
Sol. Statements (C) and (D) can together form a grammatically correct and coherent sentence without
altering the context of the sentence using the connector “YET” which means “still; even”. Therefore, the
sentence thus formed is, “The Governor Shakitkanta Das led RBI central board is yet to approve the
₹28,000 crore interim dividend.”

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-4): In the questions given below a few sentences are given which are grammatically
correct and meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way
without changing the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly from the options to form a
correct, coherent sentence.

(A) In any way, the market is now waiting for a clear (visible) COVID-19 curve flattening
(B) Some open-ended funds have closed fresh inflows
(C) Studies show that universal BCG vaccination policy in Asian countries
(D) Speculators can’t enter them.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Both A-C and B-D
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only A-B
(e) None of these.
(A) the rise in deal value and volume may be marginal
(B) Environmentalists fear the move will hasten the destruction of forests that are home to orangutans,
sun bears and long-nosed monkeys
(C) Both investors and developers are now going beyond just buying or building assets
(D) Increasing pollution already on the rise from coal mining and palm oil industries making the
environment problems worse.
(a) Only B-D
(b) Both A-C and B-C
(c) Only B-C
(d) Only A-B
(e) None of these.

(A) Aditi Nayar, the principal economist at Icra India, said the transfer of surplus from RBI
(B) if the season ends with a normal monsoon.
(C) I have nominated myself as the Ambassador of Kashmir
(D) I will fight the case for freedom of Kashmir till the very end
(a) Only C-D
(b) Both A-C and B-C
(c) Only B-C

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(d) Only A-B
(e) None of these.
(A) India, through all its flaws, has always demonstrated that employment is about efficiency, requirement
and common sense
(B) According to Oyo’s Ritesh Agarwal, getting Softbank on the cap table is meaningful in terms of capital
(C) about crowding our times with other humans who deserve the reasonable joys of purpose and feeling
(D) A handful of developers have launched upmarket high-rise apartment projects
(a) Only B-D
(b) Both A-C and B-C
(c) Only A-C
(d) Only A-B
(e) None of these.
Directions (5-10): In the question given below two statements are given. Connect them by choosing
the word given in options in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning

5. I. He is old and unpopular.

II. He has at best only two years of political life ahead of him.
a. Despite of
b. unless
b. furthermore
d. since
e. while
6. I. Benefits please like flowers.
II. They are fresh.
a. even if
b. rightly
c. in addition
d. wherever
e. while
7. I. Man is always more than he can know of himself.
II. His accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.
a. whenever
b. likely
c. even though

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d. consequently
e. hardly
8. I. Foreign businesses shall invest here.
II. They get a business-friendly domestic market
a. furthermore
b. provided
c. otherwise
d. If and then
e. consequently
9. I. Mother hustled the children off to school.
II. They should be late.
a. lest
b. whenever
c. unless
d. although
e. until
10. (I) Ram’s parents knew that he was addicted to gambling.
(II) They could not do anything to reform him.
a) But
b) Unless
c) Therefore
d) Until
e) So


1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (a)
4. (c)
5. (c)
6. (e)
8. (b)

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1. (a)
Sol. Combination (B)-(D) can successfully frame grammatically correct and contextually meaningful
sentence using the connector “Hence” which means “as an inference from this fact; for this reason;
therefore:” “Therefore the sentence thus formed using the combinations B-D is:
Some open-ended funds have closed fresh inflows hence, speculators can’t enter them.

2. (a)
Sol. Statements (B) and (D) can together form a grammatically correct and coherent sentence without
altering the context of the sentence using the connector “as well as” which means “and in addition; and
also. Therefore, the sentence thus formed is
Environmentalists fear the move will hasten the destruction of forests that are home to orangutans, sun
bears and long-nosed monkeys, as well as increasing pollution already on the rise from coal mining and
palm oil industries making the environment problems worse.

3. (a)
Sol. Statements (C) and (D) can together form a grammatically correct and coherent sentence without
altering the context of the sentence using the connector “and” which means “used to introduce an
additional comment or addition.” Therefore, the sentence thus formed is
I have nominated myself as the Ambassador of Kashmir and will fight the case for freedom of Kashmir till
the very end.

4. (c)
Sol. Statements (A) and (C) can together form a grammatically correct and coherent sentence without
altering the context of the sentence using the connector “not only-but also” which is used to present “two
related pieces of information”. Therefore, the sentence thus formed is
“India, through all its flaws, has always demonstrated that employment is not only about efficiency,
requirement and common sense but also about crowding our times with other humans who deserve the
reasonable joys of purpose and feeling useful”

5. (c)
He is old and unpopular, furthermore he has at best only two years of political life ahead of him.

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6. (e)
“While” expresses that something is happening at the same time as something else; two things
are happening at once.
Benefits please like flowers while they are fresh.

“Consequently” is very similar to “so” and “therefore.”
Man is always more than he can know of himself, consequently his accomplishments, time and
again, will come as a surprise to him.

8. (b)
Provided is a subordinating conjunction that presents a condition that must exist for something
else to happen.
Foreign businesses shall invest here, provided, they get a business-friendly domestic market

The term “lest” is generally used to imply “in case” or “for fear that ” . It is always followed by
Mother hustled the children off to school lest they should be late.

Ram’s parents knew that he was addicted to gambling but they could not do anything to reform

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the questions given below few sentences are given which are grammatically correct
and meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose your answer accordingly
from the options to form a correct, coherent sentence.


(A) The appointment of two auditors on specific instructions from the Wadhawans was a contravention
of the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act.

(B) The Bharat Hotels group has been on IT department’s radar for having substantial undisclosed
foreign assets.

(C) It indicated that the whole fraud was planned well in advance by the Wadhawans and the PMC Bank

(D) The Kalasa Banduri project aims to provide drinking water to three north Karnataka districts by
diverting water from the river.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Only A-C

e. None of these


(A) Economic status and educational attainment is not a buffer.

(B) Prahlada grew up in an atmosphere that was strongly antagonistic to his belief in Lord Vishnu.

(C) His father had an inborn tendency to have enmity to Vishnu.

(D) India’s interest lies in expanding relations with other regional powers.

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a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

e. None of these


(A) The order will be effective across all the educational institutional of the department.

(B) The Supreme Court ordered the Centre to prepare a comprehensive scheme to wean small and
marginal farmers away from stubble burning.

(C) In Tier-II and Tier-III cities, the working class has ample time to go back home during lunch hours.

(D) In other parts of Asia, People hardly get any time to eat out in a pattern of time every day.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

e. None of these


(A) The Congress and the Shiv Sena made 152 and 89 complaints respectively alleging malfunctioning of
EVMs in Maharashtra.

(B) Iyer launched one over long off to get a six and that settled it for the over.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) An hour-long server problem with IndiGo’s booking system led to flight delays and overcrowding at
airport terminals.

(D) 120 other complaints pertaining to EVMs were reported about malfunctioning of VVPAT machines
and mismatch in printed slips and the votes cast.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

e. None of these


(A) Several villagers also reached the office of the Puri Collector to air their grievances.

(B) Employment generation has been dismally low reaching an all time high.

(C) The government is making feeble protestations to the low generation of employment.

(D) It may not be preposterous to suggest that even the polls to the Lok Sabha should be scattered, with
one-fifth of the sears going to the polls every year.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

e. None of these


(A) It was expected that growth would leap from second quarter to touch an elusive eight-percent mark.

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(B) A Supreme Court bench did not allow the plea of Vikas who had sought parole for four weeks on the
grounds that it was his constitutional right.

(C) The real concern in this growth rate might just be the best that the economy will achieve after the
disruption caused by demonetisation.

(D) The perilous use of Manja remains pervasive, endangering human lives and making a mockery of the
multiple bans on its manufacture and sale.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Only A-C

e. None of these


(A) The CBI had lodged a complaint against an officer to demand a bribe of Rs 150000.

(B) Brazil has been a close multilateral partner in Indian foreign policy.

(C) The builder was asked to pay a bribe for permitting him to construct a building.

(D) It is an ambitious endeavor for someone whose day begins at 5 am with an unvarying routine.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

e. None of these


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(A) The daily wager was caught red-handed while accepting part payment of bribe from the builder
during a trap.

(B) Our persistent tendency in our key strategies to mainstream AYUSH medicine has been to regard
that the problem lies simply in there being ‘less’ of AYUSH.

(C) The implications of joining RCEP on the regional integration front and for Mr. Modi’s ‘Act East’ policy
were acute.

(D) The Junior Engineer was also caught when he came to meet the bribe acceptor.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

e. None of these


(A) It took six herpetologists working across States and countries to determine that a tree frog found
commonly in urban habitats of West Bengal was a new brand species.

(B) The Central Statistics Office proposes to replace the gross domestic product (GDP) series of 2011-12
base year with a new set of National Accounts using the 201718 as the base year.

(C) The new consumer expenditure survey and the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) results become

(D) The elected government at the Centre is supposed to represent the will and support the people of all
times and not just on the day of election.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

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e. None of these


(A) The opposition parties went to the polls with tired faces and old slogans.

(B) They had known well how to manipulate with emotional tactics.

(C) With pollution rising in cities, farmers are seeking government support to get over the environmental

(D) The intricacies of government formation in Maharashtra should not push rain-hit farmers towards
existential crisis.

a. Only C-D

b. Only B-C

c. Only A-B

d. Both A-C and B-D

e. None of these


1. (d)

2. (b)

3. (a)

4. (e)

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5. (b)

6. (d)


8. (e)

9. (b)

10. (c)

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1. (d)


We use “Not only – But also” to write about two events happening simultaneously giving more
importance to the clause after “but also”. Sentence A and C when combined form a message that
appointment of two auditors was on instructions of the accused “the Wadhawans” to be fraud. The
sentence formed is “Not only the appointment of two auditors on specific instructions from the
Wadhawans was a contravention of the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, but also it indicated that
the whole fraud was planned well in advance by the Wadhawans and the PMC Bank officials.” Option D
– Only A-C is the answer.

2. (b)


We use “since” to express a reason for an action. The reason for Prahlada to grow up in antagonism to
his belief in Lord Vishnu is well written in sentence B. The sentence formed is “Since his father had an
inborn tendency to have enmity to Vishnu, Prahlada grew up in an atmosphere that was strongly
antagonistic to his belief in Lord Vishnu.” Option B – Only B-C is the answer.

3. (a)


We use “in contrast to” to put two or more sentences in opposition to each other. The Sentence C and D
show difference between the eating habits of people in Tier II, Tier III cities and other parts of Asia. The
sentence formed is “In contrast to the working class in Tier-II and Tier-III cities which has ample time to
go back home during lunch hours, in other parts of Asia, people hardly get any time to eat out in a
pattern of time every day.” Option A – Only C-D is the answer.

4. (e)


We use “In addition to” to add information or to add about another action in the sentence. Sentence A
shows about the complaints made by the Congress and the Shiv Sena for malfunctioning of EVMs in
Maharashtra. Adding to it, sentence D shows that there were 120 more complaints regarding

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malfunctioning of other machines. The sentence formed is “In addition to the fact that the Congress and
the Shiv Sena made 152 and 89 complaints respectively alleging malfunctioning of EVMs in Maharashtra,
120 other complaints pertaining to EVMs were reported about malfunctioning of VVPAT machines and
mismatch in printed slips and the votes cast.” There is no option showing the combination of A-D.
Therefore, Option E, none of these is the answer.

5. (b)


“Despite” is used to show a negative statement and a positive statement showing contrast to each other
or vice versa. Sentence B shows that the employment generation has been reaching very low and
Sentence C shows that even after this, the government is making weak efforts to cover it. The sentence
formed is “Despite that the employment generation has been dismally low reaching an all time high, the
government is making feeble protestations to the low generation of employment.” Option B – Only B-C
is the answer.

6. (d)


We use “However” to show contrast between two actions that one happened opposite to the other.
Sentence A shows that the growth would expect to touch an eight percent mark whereas Sentence B
shows that the real concern is to overcome the disruption caused by demonetisation. The sentence
formed is “It was expected that growth would leap from second quarter to touch an elusive eight-
percent mark, however the real concern in this growth rate might just be the best that the economy will
achieve after the disruption caused by demonetisation.” Option D – Only A-C is the answer.


We use “In lieu of” to write in place of some action or something. Sentences A and C when combined
show complaint registered against an officer for demanding bribe for a permission sought. The sentence
formed is “The CBI had lodged a complaint against an officer

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to demand a bribe of Rs 150000 in lieu of permitting him to construct a building.” The coherent pair of
statements is A and C. Only D option has Option A-C in it, but it also has B-D, which doesn’t make a
coherent and meaningful sentence. Therefore, Option E – None of these is the answer.

8. (e)


‘While’ is used to show an action happening at the same time of another action. Sentence A and D
when combined with while, show incidents of two officers getting caught for taking/asking bribery. The
sentence formed is “While the daily wager was caught red handed while accepting part payment of
bribe from the builder during a trap, the Junior Engineer was also caught when he came to meet the
bribe acceptor.” There is no option showing the combination of A-D. Therefore, Option E, none of these
is the answer.

9. (b)


We use “As soon as” to show an action that happened or is done immediately after completion of
another action. Sentence C shows the action that would be immediately

followed after the release of the new consumer expenditure survey and the Annual Survey of Industries.
The sentence formed is “As soon as the new consumer expenditure survey and the Annual Survey of
Industries (ASI) results become available, the Central Statistics Office proposes to replace the gross
domestic product (GDP) series of 2011-12 base year with a new set of National Accounts using the
2017-18 as the base year.” Option B – Only B-C is the answer.

10. (c)


We use “even when” to show an action happening even after there seem to be constraints for it to
happen. Sentence A shows that the opposition party was totally aware of not doing any show on polls
day still it went to do the same to draw the attention of people and

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manipulate them with emotional tactics, which is shown in sentence B. The sentence formed is “Even
when the opposition parties went to the polls with tired faces and old slogans, they had known well how
to manipulate with emotional tactics.” Option C – Only A-B is the answer.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the question given below two statements are given. Connect them by choosing the
word given in options in the best possible way without changing the intended meaning

(I) The fact that he worked hard,
(II) He still didn’t get success.
1) Moreover
2) Inspite of
3) Despite of
4) Until
5) If

2. (I) The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this month.

(II) It may only be temporary.
1) When
2) Likewise
3) Though
4) Still
5) Whether

3. (I) The guidelines, though in the foreign language, were so simple.

(II) We could follow all of them without any difficulty.
1) But
2) So far that
3) inspite of
4) That
5) Yet

(I) Such thoughts are reflected in disharmonious relationships,
(II) in failure to achieve one’s potential or the converse may be true.
1) when
2) but
3) provided to
4) and

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5) while

(I) Delhi’s lead is followed by much smaller towns,
(II) with populations of less than three million; places like Kochi, Jaipur, Patna and Indore.
1) still
2) but
3) so that
4) Instead
5) until
(I) such conditions it is only those with big city networks who have access to these better jobs, and those
who don’t must,
(II) of necessity, go to smaller towns.
1) whenever
2) beside
3) then
4) Under
5) wherever

(I) it has presence
(II) a deity is usually made of stone,
1) Though
2) after
3) about
4) whereas
5) before

(I) especially in their own languages because it ensures a better understanding of subjects
(II) of the important themes are to ensure that students have ready access to the right learning material,
1) Whereas
2) someone
3) Some
4) while
5) everyone

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(I) young learners really engage with their tablets and computers,
(II) which makes learning a very interactive process.
1) each
2) though
3) everyone
4) even
5) although

(I) complained of additional work getting dumped on them;
(II) still more narrated about long work hours and post 5pm meetings.
1) after
2) while
3) even though
4) A few
5) although


1. (2)
2. (3)
3. (4)
4. (4)
5. (4)
6. (4)
7. (1)
8. (3)
9. (4)
10. (4)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1. (2)
Inspite of the fact he worked hard, he still didn’t get success.

2. (3)
The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this month, though it may only be temporary.
3. (4)
The guidelines, though in the foreign language, were so simple that we could follow all of them without
any difficulty..
4. (4)
Explanation: Such thoughts are reflected in disharmonious relationships, and in failure to achieve one’s
potential or the converse may be true.
5. (4)
Explanation: Instead, Delhi’s lead is followed by much smaller towns, with populations of less than three
million; places like Kochi, Jaipur, Patna and Indore.

6. (4)
Explanation: Under such conditions it is only those with big city networks who have access to these
better jobs, and those who don’t must, of necessity, go to smaller towns.
7. (1)
Explanation: Though a deity is usually made of stone, it has presence.

8. (3)
Explanation: Some of the important themes are to ensure that students have ready access to the right
learning material, especially in their own languages because it ensures a better understanding of
9. (4)
Explanation: Even young learners really engage with their tablets and computers, which makes learning
a very interactive process.
10. (4)
Explanation: A few complained of additional work getting dumped on them; still more narrated about
long work hours and post 5pm meetings.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Directions (1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces.
Below each sentence there are five pair of words denoted by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same
sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q1. After --------------- the wrong glass cleaner on the window, the -------------------
on the pane made it look dirty.
(a) acquiring, obscurity
(b) use, murkiness
(c) using, opacity
(d) utilize, dark
(e) None of these

Q2. Because the -------------------- iron gates are massive in size, it takes a -------------
--- for them to open.
(a) wrought, while
(b) mold, time
(c) elaborated, length
(d) fashioned, schemes

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[Type text]
(e) None of these
Q3. After ----------------------- to pour the glaze over the ham, I realized I needed a
spoon to remove the ----------------- mixture from the bowl.
(a) attempt, thickness
(b) redundant, viscosity
(c) trying, hardness
(d) attempting, viscous
(e) None of these

Q4. The determination and --------------------- with which youth can work makes
them the most --------------- and capable citizens of the nation.
(a) energetic, efficient
(b) energy, valuable
(c) zenith, value
(d) triumph, mighty
(e) None of these
Q5. Providing quality education, employment opportunities and -----------------------
to the youth are key ------------- in achieving progress and development of the
(a) empowerment, factors
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
[Type text]
(b) empower, factor
(c) power, role
(d) powerful, rollers
(e) None of these
Q6. We as humans are powerful as we ------------- the power of knowledge to
empower other living beings and nature for our --------------------.
(a) using, goal
(b) require, counter
(c) use, benefit
(d) requiring, satiable
(e) None of these
Q7. If we use our time productively and -------------------- we can make the most of
the time ------------------- to us and succeed.
(a) devoted, constructively
(b) effective, availability
(c) effectively, available
(d) practically, loaded
(e) None of these

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

[Type text]
Q8. By ------------------ our time effectively, we can be punctual and do our
activities ------------------ stress.
(a) assign, but
(b) assigning, leaving
(c) manage, with
(d) managing, without
(e) None of these
Q9. If there is no discipline we cannot be -----------------, and we cannot succeed in
completing our tasks --------------------.
(a) punctual, efficiently
(b) timed, efficient
(c) set, due
(d) glued, durable
(e)None of these

Q10. A civil debate is ------------------- to be a discussion between two people or

parties who ------------ away from anger and irrationality.
(a) declared, have
(b) supposed, stay

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

[Type text]
(c) needed, hold
(d) regarded, walking
(e) None of these

1. (c)
2. (a)
3. (d)
5. (a)
6. (c)
7. (c)
8. (d)
9. (a)
10. (b)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

[Type text]
1. (c)
'Using' and 'opacity' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
2. (a)
'Wrought' and 'while' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

3. (d)
'Attempting' and 'viscous' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
'Energy' and 'valuable' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

5. (a)
'Empowerment' and 'factors' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. (c)
'Use' and 'benefit' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
7. (c)
'Effectively' and 'available' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
8. (d)
'Managing' and 'without' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
9. (a)
'Punctual' and 'efficiently' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
10. (b)
'Supposed' and 'stay' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces.
Below each sentence there are five pair of words denoted by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same
sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q1. Because mines are so deep ------------------ the Earth, they have poor natural
ventilation and fresh air rarely ---------------- far enough to clear the dust.
(a)into, driving
(b)in, going
(c)with, reach
(d)within, reaches
(e)None of these
Q2. If you want to have a ------------------- with someone, you will need to bring
facts and a civil ----------------- to the table.
(a)colour, loathe
(b)discuss, behaviour
(c)discussion, attitude

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(d)malice, nature
(e)None of these
Q3. The policeman was -------------------- that the crime was insoluble until he -------
----------- more evidence.
(a)convinced, received
(b)convincing, given
(c)ensure, gave
(d)censure, receiving
(e)None of these
Q4. ----------------- the summer months, the mosquitos are very conspicuous ---------
----- the water.
(a) along, fearsome
(b) during, near
(c) help, guide
(d) solve, resolve
(e) None of these

Q5. Anytime you ---------------- the windows in your house to let in outside air
you're increasing the ventilation -------------- your home.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(a)close, into
(b)leave, in
(c)open, inside
(d)bewilder, aside
(e)None of these

6. Pakistan ___________________ raises this bogey of nuclear escalation every

time it engages in some action in terms of ________________ terrorists across.
(a) repeatedly, sending
(b) exercised, budgeted
(c) constraints, struggles
(d) approached, motivational
(e) attract, considered

7. Attention needs to be ______________ to both cyclical and structural

dimensions of India’s present ____________________ slowdown
(a) infrastructure, functionality
(b) paid, economic
(c) sought, remote
(d) willing, sharing
(e) developed, funding

8. Private corporate and public sectors were the _________________ sectors,

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

financing their deficits from the ____________________ savings of the household
(a) proven, altered
(b) premium, stiffed
(c) deficit, surplus
(d) steering, operational
(e) enable, lever

9.Another area that needs ____________________ attention is the financial

system, which must be __________________ to lend more.
(a) hassles, removal
(b) arrangement, profitability
(c) lost, simplify
(d) immediate, activated
(e) mixed, average

10. Policymakers were clearly under __________________ to do something to

allay the fears of foreign investors, so the _________________ of SEBI’s move is
no surprise.
(a) sober, sorority
(b) synchronization, timid
(c) options, prioritize
(d) demonetization, luckily
(e) pressure, timing

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1. (d)
2. (c)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (c)
6. (a)
7. (b)
8. (c)
9. (d)
10. (e)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1. (d)
'Within' and 'reaches' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
2. (c)
'Discussion' and 'attitude' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

3. (a)
'Convinced' and 'received' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

4. (b)
'During' and 'near' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
5. (c)
'Open' and 'inside' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. (a)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (a). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (a).

7. (b)
Sol.The correct answer choice is option (b). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (b).

8. (c)
Sol.The correct answer choice is option (c). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (c).

9. (d)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (d). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (d).
10. (e)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (e). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (e).

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces.
Below each sentence there are five pair of words denoted by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same
sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q1. Because mines are so deep ------------------ the Earth, they have poor natural
ventilation and fresh air rarely ---------------- far enough to clear the dust.
(a)into, driving
(b)in, going
(c)with, reach
(d)within, reaches
(e)None of these
Q2. If you want to have a ------------------- with someone, you will need to bring
facts and a civil ----------------- to the table.
(a)colour, loathe
(b)discuss, behaviour
(c)discussion, attitude

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(d)malice, nature
(e)None of these
Q3. The policeman was -------------------- that the crime was insoluble until he -------
----------- more evidence.
(a)convinced, received
(b)convincing, given
(c)ensure, gave
(d)censure, receiving
(e)None of these
Q4. ----------------- the summer months, the mosquitos are very conspicuous ---------
----- the water.
(a) along, fearsome
(b) during, near
(c) help, guide
(d) solve, resolve
(e) None of these

Q5. Anytime you ---------------- the windows in your house to let in outside air
you're increasing the ventilation -------------- your home.

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(a)close, into
(b)leave, in
(c)open, inside
(d)bewilder, aside
(e)None of these

6. Pakistan ___________________ raises this bogey of nuclear escalation every

time it engages in some action in terms of ________________ terrorists across.
(a) repeatedly, sending
(b) exercised, budgeted
(c) constraints, struggles
(d) approached, motivational
(e) attract, considered

7. Attention needs to be ______________ to both cyclical and structural

dimensions of India’s present ____________________ slowdown
(a) infrastructure, functionality
(b) paid, economic
(c) sought, remote
(d) willing, sharing
(e) developed, funding

8. Private corporate and public sectors were the _________________ sectors,

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

financing their deficits from the ____________________ savings of the household
(a) proven, altered
(b) premium, stiffed
(c) deficit, surplus
(d) steering, operational
(e) enable, lever

9.Another area that needs ____________________ attention is the financial

system, which must be __________________ to lend more.
(a) hassles, removal
(b) arrangement, profitability
(c) lost, simplify
(d) immediate, activated
(e) mixed, average

10. Policymakers were clearly under __________________ to do something to

allay the fears of foreign investors, so the _________________ of SEBI’s move is
no surprise.
(a) sober, sorority
(b) synchronization, timid
(c) options, prioritize
(d) demonetization, luckily
(e) pressure, timing

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1. (d)
2. (c)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (c)
6. (a)
7. (b)
8. (c)
9. (d)
10. (e)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1. (d)
'Within' and 'reaches' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
2. (c)
'Discussion' and 'attitude' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

3. (a)
'Convinced' and 'received' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

4. (b)
'During' and 'near' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.
5. (c)
'Open' and 'inside' are the appropriate fits for the blanks.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. (a)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (a). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (a).

7. (b)
Sol.The correct answer choice is option (b). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (b).

8. (c)
Sol.The correct answer choice is option (c). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (c).

9. (d)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (d). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (d).
10. (e)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (e). All other options are contextually and
meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (e).

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below
each sentence there are five pair of words denoted by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Find out
which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence
to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. Wallenstein was followed in 1800 by Maria Stuart, a tragedy, which, in spite of its great
popularity in and outside of Germany, was felt by the ____________ to follow too closely the
methods of the ____________ "tragedy of common life" to maintain a high position among
Schiller's works.

A. critics……….lachrymose

B. cliques……..mournful

C. frugal……….. optimistic

D. thrifty…….apathy

E. trenchant………callous

2. But the _________ between the king and the marchioness of Verneuil appears to have been
very displeasing to Auvergne, and in 1601 he engaged in the conspiracy formed by the dukes of

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Savoy, Biron and Bouillon, one of the objects of which was to force Henry to ____________ his
wife and marry the marchioness.

A. convoluted……………acknowledge

B. connexion………repudiate

C. stolid………….renounce

D. potency………..effete

E. inebriation……….quaff

3. But, at the last moment, the dread of another Muscovite invasion made them more
___________ and, at a Polish diet held at Warsaw from November 1563 to June 1564, which the
Lithuanians attended, the question of an absolute union was _______________ debated.

A. propitiate………..rarefy

B. benevolent……..turpitude

C. dispassionately…..badger

D. pliable………….ardently

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E. impassively…….fervently

4.. This investigation was first published in 1824 and in ___________ and difficult form, and
afterwards (1826) more elaborately and _____________ in the first volume of Crelle's Journal.

A. vehemently………meek

B. sumptuously……..spectacularly

C. unpretentious……….thriftily

D. ornately…….. profligately

E. abstruse………extravagantly

5. "It is all very well for Rostov, whose father sends him ten thousand rubles at a time, to talk
about not wishing to ______________ to anybody and not be anyone's lackey, but I who have
nothing but my brains have to make a career and must not miss opportunities, but must
_________ myself of them!" he reflected.

A. cringe…….avail
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B. vigorously………reward

C. robustly……..energetically

D. lethargically………… sluggishly

E. disavow……….buoyant

6. This document, which created __________and confused the political problem with the
theological, was bound to __________ the quarrel between emperor and pope beyond all remedy.

A. abscond………dearth

B. chaos………… envenom

C. aberrant…….. contaminate

D. feign…….depredation

E. cadge………….ambrosial

7. There is no reason to suppose that the architects, Bonanno and William of Innsbruck,
______________ that the campanile should be built in an ______________ position; it would
appear to have assumed it while the work was still in progress.

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A. caprice…………fervid

B. disparaging……………..dissemble

C. intended………oblique

D. endemic…………sloping

E. banal…………….antediluvian

8. While the strife was at its _________, Hastings had sent an agent to England with a general
authority to place his ________________ in the hands of the Company under certain conditions.

A. headlong………. extant

B. breach………….guileless

C. engender………..assuage

D. fieriest………… resignation

E. slightest………….notice

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9. Prince Andrew answered all his questions _____________ but reasonably, and then said he
wanted a ________ placed under him as he was uncomfortable and in great pain.

A. cliques………..presaged

B. buoyant……..melancholy

C. inadvertent…….intentional

D. diminish………..augment

E. reluctantly……bolster

10. He supplied the momentum which was necessary to _______ the caution of Burghley and
Elizabeth; but it was probably fortunate that his ______________ counsels were generally
overruled by the circumspection of his sovereign.

A. antiquated……..docile

B. fecund…………………cautious

C. counteract……… headstrong

D. chthonic………… impetuous

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E. accede…………badger


1. A

2. B

3. D

4. E

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. D

9. E

10. B

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1. A

Answer: critics, lachrymose

Explanation: The clue words are “in spite” and „popularity” that show that blank should not
mean popularity; hence critics, which means a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of
something. In the second blank tragedy must be followed by something similar, hence
lachrymose and mournful, which mean optimistic, apathy and callous are eliminated.
Lachrymose means tearful or given to weeping or inducing tears; sad.

2. B

Answer: connexion, repudiate

Explanation: The clue words are “between the king and the marchioness” and “displeasing” that
show that blank should not mean apart or separate; hence connexion, which means a relationship
in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else. In the second blank
“marry the marchioness” must be followed by something similar, hence repudiate and renounce,
which mean acknowledge, effete and quaff are eliminated. Repudiate means refuse to accept;

3. D

Answer: pliable, ardently

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Explanation: The clue words are “dread” and “invasion” that show that blank should not mean
rigid; hence pliable, which means easily bent; flexible. In the second blank “question” and
“debate” must be followed by something similar, hence ardently and fervently, which mean
rarefy, turpitude and badger are eliminated. Ardently means very enthusiastically or

4. E

Answer: abstruse, extravagantly

Explanation: The clue word is “difficult” that show that blank should not mean simple; hence
abstruse, which means difficult to understand; obscure. In the second blank elaborately must be
followed by something similar, hence extravagantly and profligately, which mean meek,
spectacularly and thriftily are eliminated. Extravagantly means with a lack of restraint in
spending money or using resources.

5. A

Answer: cringe, avail

Explanation: The clue words are “not wishing” and “anyone's lackey” that show that blank
should not mean confident; hence cringe, which means an act of cringing. In the second blank
“not miss opportunities” must be followed by something similar, hence avail and reward, which
mean energetically, sluggishly and buoyant are eliminated. Avail means use or take advantage of
(an opportunity or available resource).

6. B

Answer: chaos, envenom

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Explanation: The clue word is “confused” that show that blank should not mean order; hence
chaos, which means in a state of complete confusion and disorder. In the second blank quarrel
must be followed by something similar, hence envenom and contaminate, which mean dearth,
depredation and ambrosial are eliminated. Envenom means put poison on or into; make

7. C

Answer: intended, oblique

Explanation: The clue words are “no reason” and „to suppose” that show that blank should not
mean inadvertent; hence intended, which means planned or meant. In the second blank the
position of campanile needs to be described, hence oblique and sloping, which mean fervid,
dissemble and antediluvian are eliminated. Oblique means not expressed or done in a direct way.

8. D

Answer: fieriest, resignation

Explanation: The clue word is “strife” that show that blank should not mean mildest; hence
fieriest, which means consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly. In the second blank
“strife”, “to place” and “in the hands” must be followed by something similar, hence resignation
and notice, which mean extant, guileless and assuage are eliminated. Resignation means an act of
resigning from a job or office.

9. E

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Answer: reluctantly, bolster

Explanation: The clue word is “reasonably” that show that blank should not mean willingly;
hence reluctantly, which means in an unwilling and hesitant way. In the second blank
“uncomfortable” and “pain” must be followed by something similar, hence bolster and augment,
which mean presaged, melancholy and intentional are eliminated. Bolster means a part on a
vehicle or tool providing structural support or reducing friction.

10. B

Answer: counteract, headstrong

Explanation: The clue words are “caution” and „necessary” that show that blank should not mean
ignore; hence counteract, which means act against (something) in order to reduce its force or
neutralize it. In the second blank “counsels were generally overruled”must be followed by
something similar, hence headstrong and impetuous, which mean docile, cautious and badger are
eliminated. Headstrong means energetically willful and determined.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence
there are five pair of words denoted by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Find out which pair of words can be
filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully

1. In internal affairs he wished to undo what his mother had done, but his ____________, incoherent
efforts in that direction merely _______________ the administrative mechanism without producing
any tangible results.

A. impulsive…….dislocated

B. twitchy………..perturbed

C. cautious……..restored

D. composed…….agitated

E. restrained………..inhibited

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2. In United retaliation for the supposed sympathy of Canadians with the South in this struggle the
victorious north took steps to ___________ in 1866 the reciprocity treaty of 1814, which had
______________ such great advantages on both countries.

A. retrieved………..repossessed

B. abrogate………conferred

C. counterfeit……… conversed

D. Enfranchise……. Hamper

E. Remuneration……..Talisman

3. Years from now, when he was comfortably ______________ in his Ouray, Colorado bed and
breakfast, he'd often look back on this day as the __________ point in his life, but for now it was only
the start of yet another five work days.

A. exposed……… entrance

B. mutating……...metamorphosing

C. ensconced…… turning

D. remission…probity

E. abhor…..thaw

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4. Napoleon therefore stayed his hand and proceeded to __________ forward the organization,
almost the creation, of an army, with which he could ____________ the coalition.

A. erudite……….impudent

B. intrepid…….maverick

C. procrastinate………. mollify

D. hasten………….confront

E. feral……………..antagonize

5. While the autopsy questioned the day-old curious knife ________ in his backside, it was assumed
and _____________ he'd stupidly sat on a very sharp object.

A. abjure…………brusque

B. quaint………..staid

C. straight……....explicit

D. relaxed………… couched

E. wound…………. implicit

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6. Undoubtedly the very ___________ and ennui which presume to have __________ the variety and
the joys of life are as old as Adam.

A. tedium………. exhausted

B. excitement………..reformed

C. abjure…………pooped

D. brusque…….approbation

E. assiduous…..cogent

7. The people came to subsist almost entirely on potatoes and herrings; and in 1846, when the
potato ______________ began its ravages, nearly universal ___________ ensued embracing, over
the islands generally, 70% of the inhabitants.

A. demure…..penury

B. blight………destitution

C. purification…………prosperity

D. effulgent……coterminous

E. enervate…………conducive

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8. With all his breadth and liberality of mind Bodine was a __________ believer in witchcraft, the
virtues of numbers and the power of the stars, and in 1580 he published the Demonomanie des
sorciers, a work which shows that he was not _________ from the prejudices of the age.

A. relent…………dissident

B. shrewd……..necessitated

C. credulous……..exempt

D. realm………..excuse

E. milch…………..vindicate

9. Rain and snow are copious, and dense fogs __________ the coast in summer; consequently the
mountains are well ___________ with timber and the meadows with grass, except in the tundra’s of
the north.

A. expose……..disparaged

B. felicity……irate

C. sordid…….remiss

D. enshroud…………..clad

E. precedent………….arrayed

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10. Before yet any woodchuck or squirrel had run across the road, or the sun had got above the shrub
oaks, while all the dew was on, though the farmers ____________ me against it--I would advise you
to do all your work if possible while the dew is on--I began to level the ranks of __________ weeds in
my bean-field and throw dust upon their heads.

A. prodigal……… acrid

B. pungent…………wanton

C. rancorous……..ignoble

D. inundate……….conceited

E. warned………. haughty


1. A

2. B

3. C


5. E

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6. A

7. B

8. C

9. D

10. E

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1. A

Answer: impulsive, dislocated

Explanation: The clue words are “incoherent” and “efforts” that show that blank should not mean
thoughtful; hence impulsive, which means acting or done without forethought. In the second
blank the direction that is passed needs a word to show its effect on administrative mechanism
and has a meaning as put out of place, hence dislocated and perturbed, which mean restored,
agitated and inhibited are eliminated. Dislocated means disturb the normal position.

2. B

Answer: abrogate, conferred

Explanation: The clue words are “supposed sympathy” and “struggle” that show that blank should
not mean prolong; hence abrogate, which means repeal or do away with. In the second blank the
treaty needs to be awarded and must be followed by something similar, hence conferred and
conversed, which mean repossessed, Hamper and Talisman are eliminated. Conferred means have
discussions; exchange opinions.

3. C

Answer: ensconced, turning

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Explanation: The clue words are “comfortably” and „Colorado bed and breakfast” that show that
blank should not mean uncomfortable; hence ensconced, which means establish or settle
(someone) in a comfortable, safe place. In the second blank “look back” and “point in his life”
must be followed by something similar, hence turning and metamorphosing, which mean
entrance, probity and thaw are eliminated. Turning means the action or skill of using a lathe.


Answer: hasten, confront.

Explanation: The clue words are “proceeded” and „forward” that show that blank should not
mean lagging behind; hence hasten, which means be quick to do something. In the second blank
“creation, of an army” and “coalition” must be followed by something similar, hence confront
and antagonize, which mean impudent, maverick and mollify are eliminated. Confront means
come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.

5. E

Answer: wound, implicit

Explanation: The clue words are “autopsy”, “questioned” and “knife” that show that blank should
not mean unwound; hence wound, which means an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow,
or other impact, typically one in which the skin is cut or broken. In the second blank assumed
must be followed by something similar, hence implicit and couched, which mean brusque, staid
and explicit are eliminated. Implicit means suggested though not directly expressed.


Answer: tedium, exhausted

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Explanation: The clue word is “ennui” that show that blank should not mean enthusiasm; hence
tedium, which means the state or quality of being tedious. In the second blank ennui must be
followed by something similar, hence exhausted and reformed, which mean pooped, approbation
and cogent are eliminated. Exhausted means very tired or completely used up.

7. B

Answer: blight, destitution

Explanation: The clue words are “subsist” and „ravages” that show that blank should not mean
blessing or health; hence blight, which means a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such
as mildews, rusts, and smuts. In the second blank ensued embracing must be followed by
something similar, hence destitution and penury, which mean prosperity, coterminous and
conducive are eliminated. Destitution means poverty so extreme that one lacks the means to
provide for oneself.

8. C

Answer: credulous, exempt

Explanation: The clue words are “breadth” and “liberality” that show that blank should not mean
smart; hence credulous, which means having or showing too great a readiness to believe things. In
the second blank “published”, “shows that he was not” must be followed by something similar,

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hence exempt and excuse, which mean dissident, necessitated and vindicate are eliminated.
Exempt means free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.

9. D

Answer: enshroud, clad

Explanation: The clue words are “copious” and “dense fogs” that show that blank should not
mean depiction; hence enshroud, which means envelop completely and hide from view. In the
second blank “mountains” and “with timber and the meadows with grass” must be followed by
something similar, hence clad and arrayed, which mean disparaged, irate and remiss are
eliminated. Clad means covered with cladding, clothed.

10. E

Answer: warned, haughty

Explanation: The clue word is “advise” that show that blank should not mean protection; hence
warned, which means give someone cautionary advice about their actions or conduct. In the
second blank “level” and “weeds” must be followed by something similar as weed needs
adjective to show how it was, hence haughty and conceited, which mean acrid, wanton and
ignoble are eliminated. Haughty means arrogantly superior and disdainful.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

A. The financial year 2019 has been a relatively forgettable year for the auto industry,

B. Overall sale of automobiles in the country has grown by just 5 per cent in comparison.

C. Especially in the second half of the year when sales went into a tailspin.

D. The distress is significantly more in the passenger vehicle segment,

E. Where sales have now declined in eight of the last nine months.

F. The slowdown in demand has resulted in large inventory forcing manufacturers to resort to
production cuts.

Q1. Which of the following should be the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q2. Which of the following should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) E
(e) F

Q3. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) A
(e) E
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Q4. Which of the following should be the last sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) C

Q5. Which of the following should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) F
(e) C

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

A. Who are now reeling from a combination of erratic rainfall, falling commodity prices and government
policy missteps.

B. India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, came to power in
2014 promising economic development,

C. Especially for the long-beleaguered farm sector.

D. But its tenure has been unfavorable for many of the country's 100 million farmers

E. Instead, farm productivity has continued falling, growth in farm incomes slowed to a 14-year low in
2018, and rural wages have stagnated.

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F. In 2015, the BJP government launched a plan to double farming income by 2020.

Q6. Which of the following should be the first sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q7. Which of the following should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) C
(c) B
(d) E
(e) F

Q8. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) A
(e) E

Q9. Which of the following should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) C

Q10. Which of the following should be the last sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) F
(e) E

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S1. Ans.(d)
S2. Ans.(c)
S3. Ans.(c)
S4. Ans.(a)
S5. Ans.(e)
S6. Ans.(a)
S7. Ans.(a)
S8. Ans.(d)
S9. Ans.(e)
S10. Ans.(e)

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S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. The correct sequence is ACBDEF. A is the first sentence because the year in discussion is
mentioned here. Since the year was forgettable and in C it is written “especially in the second half it”,
therefore, C is the second sentence. B is the third sentence because overall sale is being discussed
which was first discussed in C. D is the fourth statement because it specifies the segment which faced
greater distress and thus is continuing the discussion. A comma at the end of D and “where” at the start
of E confirms it as fifth statement. F is the last sentence because it mentions the consequences.

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct sequence is ACBDEF. A is the first sentence because the year in discussion is
mentioned here. Since the year was forgettable and in C it is written “especially in the second half it”,
therefore, C is the second sentence. B is the third sentence because overall sale is being discussed
which was first discussed in C. D is the fourth statement because it specifies the segment which faced
greater distress and thus is continuing the discussion. A comma at the end of D and “where” at the start
of E confirms it as fifth statement. F is the last sentence because it mentions the consequences.

S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. The correct sequence is ACBDEF. A is the first sentence because the year in discussion is
mentioned here. Since the year was forgettable and in C it is written “especially in the second half it”,
therefore, C is the second sentence. B is the third sentence because overall sale is being discussed
which was first discussed in C. D is the fourth statement because it specifies the segment which faced
greater distress and thus is continuing the discussion. A comma at the end of D and “where” at the start
of E confirms it as fifth statement. F is the last sentence because it mentions the consequences.

S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct sequence is ACBDEF. A is the first sentence because the year in discussion is
mentioned here. Since the year was forgettable and in C it is written “especially in the second half it”,
therefore, C is the second sentence. B is the third sentence because overall sale is being discussed
which was first discussed in C. D is the fourth statement because it specifies the segment which faced
greater distress and thus is continuing the discussion. A comma at the end of D and “where” at the start
of E confirms it as fifth statement. F is the last sentence because it mentions the consequences.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

S5. Ans.(e)
The correct sequence is ACBDEF. A is the first sentence because the year in discussion is mentioned
here. Since the year was forgettable and in C it is written “especially in the second half it”, therefore, C is
the second sentence. B is the third sentence because overall sale is being discussed which was first
discussed in C. D is the fourth statement because it specifies the segment which faced greater distress
and thus is continuing the discussion. A comma at the end of D and “where” at the start of E confirms it
as fifth statement. F is the last sentence because it mentions the consequences.

S6. Ans.(a)

Sol. The correct sequence is BCDAFE. B is the 1st statement because it forms the base of the paragraph
which is BJP’s tenure. C is in the continuation of B and introduces the sub topic of the paragraph which is
farming sector. D is the 3rd sentence because here it is mentioning how the tenure is unfruitful for
farmers which was mentioned in C. ‘Who’ in A refers to farmers in D. F-E are the last two sentences
because here it is illustrated how a scheme by BJP could not do any wonders.

S7. Ans.(a)

The correct sequence is BCDAFE. B is the 1st statement because it forms the base of the paragraph which
is BJP’s tenure. C is in the continuation of B and introduces the sub topic of the paragraph which is
farming sector. D is the 3rd sentence because here it is mentioning how the tenure is unfruitful for
farmers which was mentioned in C. ‘Who’ in A refers to farmers in D. F-E are the last two sentences
because here it is illustrated how a scheme by BJP could not do any wonders.

S8. Ans.(d)

The correct sequence is BCDAFE. B is the 1st statement because it forms the base of the paragraph which
is BJP’s tenure. C is in the continuation of B and introduces the sub topic of the paragraph which is
farming sector. D is the 3rd sentence because here it is mentioning how the tenure is unfruitful for

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

farmers which was mentioned in C. ‘Who’ in A refers to farmers in D. F-E are the last two sentences
because here it is illustrated how a scheme by BJP could not do any wonders.

S9. Ans.(e)

The correct sequence is BCDAFE. B is the 1st statement because it forms the base of the paragraph which
is BJP’s tenure. C is in the continuation of B and introduces the sub topic of the paragraph which is
farming sector. D is the 3rd sentence because here it is mentioning how the tenure is unfruitful for
farmers which was mentioned in C. ‘Who’ in A refers to farmers in D. F-E are the last two sentences
because here it is illustrated how a scheme by BJP could not do any wonders.

S10. Ans.(e)

The correct sequence is BCDAFE. B is the 1st statement because it forms the base of the paragraph which
is BJP’s tenure. C is in the continuation of B and introduces the sub topic of the paragraph which is
farming sector. D is the 3rd sentence because here it is mentioning how the tenure is unfruitful for
farmers which was mentioned in C. ‘Who’ in A refers to farmers in D. F-E are the last two sentences
because here it is illustrated how a scheme by BJP could not do any wonders.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

A. To gain economic independence through livelihood training workshops.

B. Trade-based skill training workshops carried out at Nand Ghars have impacted women from the
remotest part of the country enabling them to earn their own livelihood.

C. Nand Ghars are state-of-the-art modern Anganwadis built across rural India with a holistic approach
to child welfare and skill development for women.

D. To break through the traditional norms and empower women in rural India is an ongoing endeavor.

E. Brings a ray of hope to rural India by providing education, nutrition, and healthcare to thousands of
rural children and empowering women

F. Project Nand Ghar, spearheaded by Vedanta Group, a globally diversified natural resources company,

Q1. Which of the following should be the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q2. Which of the following should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) E
(e) F

Q3. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) A
(e) E

Q4. Which of the following should be the last sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) C

Q5. Which of the following should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) F
(e) C

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

A. The private sector is already helping to shape a cleaner, more productive future.

B. Blended finance — a mix of public and private investment — is also ramping up.

C. For example, the African Development Bank recently invested $25m in a renewable energy equity
fund that plans to add 533 megawatts of electricity across sub-Saharan Africa.

D. This initial public investment is expected to attract private investors to commit a further $60m to
$75m, potentially tripling the level of investment.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

E. to transition quickly to low-carbon, resilient economies.

F. African countries need both domestic and external investment, public and private,

Q6. Which of the following should be the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q7. Which of the following should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) E
(e) F

Q8. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) A
(e) E

Q9. Which of the following should be the last sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) B
(e) C

Q10. Which of the following should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) F

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(e) E

S1. Ans.(e)
S2. Ans.(d)
S3. Ans.(d)
S4. Ans.(d)
S5. Ans.(d)
S6. Ans.(e)
S7. Ans.(a)
S8. Ans.(a)
S9. Ans.(c)
S10. Ans.(e)

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S1. Ans.(e)

The correct sequence is DFEACB. D-F in sequence are the first two sentences because the reason for
launching the project is mentioned in D and Project itself is introduced in F. E is the third because it
defines what it does. A is the 4th sentence because it is in continuation of E. C-B are the last two
sentences as what the project further does is further elaborated here and B concludes the paragraph.

S2. Ans.(d)

The correct sequence is DFEACB. D-F in sequence are the first two sentences because the reason for
launching the project is mentioned in D and Project itself is introduced in F. E is the third because it
defines what it does. A is the 4th sentence because it is in continuation of E. C-B are the last two
sentences as what the project further does is further elaborated here and B concludes the paragraph.

S3. Ans.(d)

The correct sequence is DFEACB. D-F in sequence are the first two sentences because the reason for
launching the project is mentioned in D and Project itself is introduced in F. E is the third because it
defines what it does. A is the 4th sentence because it is in continuation of E. C-B are the last two
sentences as what the project further does is further elaborated here and B concludes the paragraph.

S4. Ans.(d)

The correct sequence is DFEACB. D-F in sequence are the first two sentences because the reason for
launching the project is mentioned in D and Project itself is introduced in F. E is the third because it
defines what it does. A is the 4th sentence because it is in continuation of E. C-B are the last two
sentences as what the project further does is further elaborated here and B concludes the paragraph.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

S5. Ans.(d)

The correct sequence is DFEACB. D-F in sequence are the first two sentences because the reason for
launching the project is mentioned in D and Project itself is introduced in F. E is the third because it
defines what it does. A is the 4th sentence because it is in continuation of E. C-B are the last two
sentences as what the project further does is further elaborated here and B concludes the paragraph.

S6. Ans.(e)


The correct sequence is FEABCD. F is the 1st sentence because it introduces the subject of discussion. E is
the 2nd because of “to” which is giving reason for why African countries need both domestic and
external investment. A is the 3rd sentence because it is then talking about the investment which was
mentioned in F. B continues the same and is hence 4th. C-D then give the example of these

S7. Ans.(a)

Sol. The correct sequence is FEABCD. F is the 1st sentence because it introduces the subject of
discussion. E is the 2nd because of “to” which is giving reason for why African countries need both
domestic and external investment. A is the 3rd sentence because it is then talking about the investment
which was mentioned in F. B continues the same and is hence 4th. C-D then give the example of these

S8. Ans.(a)

Sol. The correct sequence is FEABCD. F is the 1st sentence because it introduces the subject of
discussion. E is the 2nd because of “to” which is giving reason for why African countries need both
domestic and external investment. A is the 3rd sentence because it is then talking about the investment
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
which was mentioned in F. B continues the same and is hence 4th. C-D then give the example of these

S9. Ans.(c)

Sol. The correct sequence is FEABCD. F is the 1st sentence because it introduces the subject of
discussion. E is the 2nd because of “to” which is giving reason for why African countries need both
domestic and external investment. A is the 3rd sentence because it is then talking about the investment
which was mentioned in F. B continues the same and is hence 4th. C-D then give the example of these

S10. Ans.(e)

Sol. The correct sequence is FEABCD. F is the 1st sentence because it introduces the subject of
discussion. E is the 2nd because of “to” which is giving reason for why African countries need both
domestic and external investment. A is the 3rd sentence because it is then talking about the investment
which was mentioned in F. B continues the same and is hence 4th. C-D then give the example of these

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

A. Researchers took human copies of the MCPH1 gene,

B. Which is believed to play an important role in our brain development, and introduced it into monkey
embryos by means of a virus that carried the gene.

C. Of the 11 transgenic macaque monkeys they generated, six died.

D. The five survivors went through a series of tests, including MRI brain scans and memory tests.

E. In a study published last month in Beijing’s National Science Review journal,

F. It turned out they didn’t have bigger brains than a control group of macaques, but they did perform
better on short-term memory tasks.

Q1. Which of the following should be the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q2. Which of the following should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) E
(e) F
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Q3. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) C
(e) E

Q4. Which of the following should be the last sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
(d) B
(e) C

Q5. Which of the following should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) F
(e) C

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

A. Resulting in almost 100 districts (or around 5%) having a mayor replaced in the middle of their term.

B. In Peru, district mayors and members of their council can be removed from office in the middle of
their term through a referendum.

C. In the 2010-14 municipal term, there were recall referendums in more than 20% of districts,

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

D. This is a widely used accountability mechanism and more than 5,000 elected officials have been
challenged since 1997.

E. Recall referendums are a direct democracy institution that allows voters to hold politicians
accountable outside the regular election terms.

F. This accountability mechanism is used around the world in countries

Q6. Which of the following should be the first sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) A
(d) E
(e) C

Q7. Which of the following should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) C
(c) B
(d) E
(e) F

Q8. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) F
(c) D
(d) A
(e) E

Q9. Which of the following should be the second sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) A
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(d) B
(e) C

Q10. Which of the following should be the last sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) F
(e) E


S1. Ans.(a)

S2. Ans.(c)

S3. Ans.(d)

S4. Ans.(a)

S5. Ans.(b)

S6. Ans.(d)

S7. Ans.(c)

S8. Ans.(c)

S9. Ans.(a)

S10. Ans.(b)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


S1. Ans.(a)


The correct sequence is EABCDF. E is the 1st sentence because of the word “study” which forms the basis
of the further discussion. A is the 2nd sentence because then it elaborates what was done in research.
“Which” in B is for MCPH1 gene, hence it is 3rd. C-D are the next two because it gives information about
the number of monkeys on which the tests were carried out and the survivors. F then tells the reason
why 5 survived.

S2. Ans.(c)

Sol. The correct sequence is EABCDF. E is the 1st sentence because of the word “study” which forms the
basis of the further discussion. A is the 2nd sentence because then it elaborates what was done in
research. “Which” in B is for MCPH1 gene, hence it is 3rd. C-D are the next two because it gives
information about the number of monkeys on which the tests were carried out and the survivors. F then
tells the reason why 5 survived.

S3. Ans.(d)

Sol. The correct sequence is EABCDF. E is the 1st sentence because of the word “study” which forms the
basis of the further discussion. A is the 2nd sentence because then it elaborates what was done in
research. “Which” in B is for MCPH1 gene, hence it is 3rd. C-D are the next two because it gives

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

information about the number of monkeys on which the tests were carried out and the survivors. F then
tells the reason why 5 survived.

S4. Ans.(a)

Sol. The correct sequence is EABCDF. E is the 1st sentence because of the word “study” which forms the
basis of the further discussion. A is the 2nd sentence because then it elaborates what was done in
research. “Which” in B is for MCPH1 gene, hence it is 3rd. C-D are the next two because it gives
information about the number of monkeys on which the tests were carried out and the survivors. F then
tells the reason why 5 survived.

S5. Ans.(b)

Sol. The correct sequence is EABCDF. E is the 1st sentence because of the word “study” which forms the
basis of the further discussion. A is the 2nd sentence because then it elaborates what was done in
research. “Which” in B is for MCPH1 gene, hence it is 3rd. C-D are the next two because it gives
information about the number of monkeys on which the tests were carried out and the survivors. F then
tells the reason why 5 survived.

S6. Ans.(d)


The correct sequence is EFBDCA. E is the 1st sentence because it introduces the topic which is recall
referendum and what it does. F then talks about this mechanism being used in many countries hence is
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
continuing the discussion. B is the 3d because it then introduces the object of discussion which is Peru.
D is 4th because after it mentions how widespread this mechanism is in Peru which is further continued
in C-A.

S7. Ans.(c)

Sol. The correct sequence is EFBDCA. E is the 1st sentence because it introduces the topic which is recall
referendum and what it does. F then talks about this mechanism being used in many countries hence is
continuing the discussion. B is the 3d because it then introduces the object of discussion which is Peru.
D is 4th because after it mentions how widespread this mechanism is in Peru which is further continued
in C-A.

S8. Ans.(c)

Sol. The correct sequence is EFBDCA. E is the 1st sentence because it introduces the topic which is recall
referendum and what it does. F then talks about this mechanism being used in many countries hence is
continuing the discussion. B is the 3d because it then introduces the object of discussion which is Peru.
D is 4th because after it mentions how widespread this mechanism is in Peru which is further continued
in C-A.

S9. Ans.(a)

Sol. The correct sequence is EFBDCA. E is the 1st sentence because it introduces the topic which is recall
referendum and what it does. F then talks about this mechanism being used in many countries hence is
continuing the discussion. B is the 3d because it then introduces the object of discussion which is Peru.
D is 4th because after it mentions how widespread this mechanism is in Peru which is further continued
in C-A.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

S10. Ans.(b)

Sol. The correct sequence is EFBDCA. E is the 1st sentence because it introduces the topic which is recall
referendum and what it does. F then talks about this mechanism being used in many countries hence is
continuing the discussion. B is the 3d because it then introduces the object of discussion which is Peru.
D is 4th because after it mentions how widespread this mechanism is in Peru which is further continued
in C-A.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Passage:(1-10) In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each, five
words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the
appropriate word/ phrase in each case.

Once upon a time, Amarasakti ruled the city-state of Mahilaropyam in the south of
India. He had three witless sons who became a matter of endless (1) for him. (2) that
his sons had no interest in learning, the king summoned his ministers and said. “You
know I am not happy with my sons. According to men of learning, an unborn son is
better than a son who is a (3). A son who is stupid will bring dishonour to his father.
How can I make my sons fit to be my (4)? I turn to you for advice.”

One of the ministers (5) the name of Vishnu Sharman, a great scholar enjoying
the (6) of hundreds of his disciples. “He is the most (7) person to tutor your children.
Entrust them to his care and very soon you will see the change.”
The king summoned Vishnu Sharman and pleaded with him “Oh, venerable scholar,
take pity on me and please train my sons. Turn them into great scholars and I will
be (8) to you all my life.” Vishnu Sharman said, “Oh, king, count six months from
today. If I do not make your children great scholars, you can ask me to change
my (9).”

The king immediately called his sons and handed them over to the care of the learned
man. Sharman took them to his monastery where he (10) teaching them. Keeping his
word, he finished the task the king entrusted to him in six months. Thus, the king,
now, had scholars for sons.


(A) aching
(B) worry
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(C) joy
(D) enjoyment
(E) hazard


(A) Fact
(B) Belief
(C) Since
(D) Realizing
(E) Being
(A) stupid
(B) brilliant
(C) fool
(D) uneducated
(E) scholar


(A) self
(B) places
(C) successors
(D) level
(E) siblings

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


(A) suggested
(B) requested
(C) called
(D) pointed
(E) said


(A) teachings
(B) master
(C) glamour
(D) rights
(E) respect


(A) competent
(B) complacent
(C) easy
(D) actual
(E) skill
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(A) happy
(B) oblige
(C) beside
(D) indebted
(E) disciple


(A) importance
(B) name
(C) clothes
(D) location
(E) life


(A) embark
(B) mustered
(C) begun
(D) decided
(E) started


1. B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. D

3. C
4. C
5. A
6. E
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. B
'Worry' is the correct answer as the king was upset because his three witless sons were
not interested in learning. 'Pity' does not fit in logically because no one showed
sympathy towards the king. Hence, option (2) is the correct answer.

2. D
'Realizing' is the correct answer because the king became aware of the fact that his
sons had no interest in learning. No other option fits in logically. Hence, option (4) is
the correct answer.

3. C
The only option that is grammatically and logically appropriate is 'fool'. 'Stupid'
would have been correct if the blank was not preceded by 'a'. Hence, option (3) is the
correct answer.
4. C
'Successor' means someone who succeeds another person. In the given context, the
sons would succeed to the throne of the king. Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.

5. A
'Suggested' is the correct answer because one of the ministers gave a suggestion that
Vishnu Sharman was a great scholar and deserves to be chosen as a tutor for the sons.
Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
6. E
Only 'respect' is the correct answer because disciples admire their teacher for his
valuable teachings. In the given context, respect is used as an expression of deference.
Hence, option (5) is the correct answer.

7. A
'Competent' is the correct answer because Vishnu Sharman was considered to have
enough skill and knowledge to turn the king's sons into great scholars. Hence, option
(1) is the correct answer.

8. D
'Indebted' is the correct answer because the king will be grateful to Vishnu Sharman
for turning his sons into great scholars. Hence, option (4) is the correct answer.

9. B
Only 'name' is the correct answer since the sentence suggests that something related to
Vishnu Sharman would be changed. No other option fits in logically. Hence, option
(2) is the correct answer.

10. E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

The only option that is grammatically and logically appropriate is 'started' because
Vishnu Sharman took the sons to his monastery to teach them. Hence, option (5) is the
correct answer.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are given below the passage, and against each, five words
are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word
in each case.

The ‘Fool of the Year’ contest was (1) to all the courtiers of king Krishnadeva Raya.
All of them looked forward to the event as the winner would (2) a handsome prize of
5000 gold coins. The trouble was that Raman (3) won the contest. One year the other
courtiers decided that he must be kept out of it and (4) his servant to lock him in his
room to prevent him from reaching the palace in time for the event. Consequently,
Raman reached the palace (5) the contest was over. Just as the (6) of the winner was
about to be announced the king noticed Raman. Seeing him come in, the king asked
him why he was so late. Raman told him he was in need of a hundred gold coins and
had been engaged in trying to (7) the amount.

‘‘If you had participated in the contest, you might have won the prize money and your
problem would have been solved,’’ said the king. ‘‘You’ve behaved very foolishly,
Raman.’’ ‘‘Sir! That means I am a fool,’’ said Raman. ‘‘You’re the greatest fool I’ve
ever seen!’’ said the king. ‘‘In that case all the others here are (8) than me. That
means I have won the contest!’’ said Raman. The king realized that he had (9) a slip
but he was too proud to acknowledge it. To the chagrin of the other courtiers, the
king (10) Raman the winner of the ‘Fool of the Year’ contest !


(A) closed
(B) easy
(C) open
(D) lost
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(E) winning


(A) find
(B) give
(C) see
(D) receive
(E) show


(A) never
(B) tried
(C) totally
(D) easy
(E) always


(A) bribed
(B) ask
(C) complained
(D) raised
(E) confessed

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(A) later
(B) soon
(C) after
(D) completely
(E) not


(A) face
(B) contest
(C) contestant
(D) name
(E) age


(A) look
(B) collects
(C) finding
(D) counting
(E) raise


Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) foolish
(B) happier
(C) wiser
(D) sad
(E) taller

(A) falled
(B) showed
(C) found
(D) made
(E) created


(A) declared
(B) announce
(C) said
(D) told
(E) called

1. C
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. D
7. E
8. C
9. D
10. A

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. C
Open' is the correct answer because the contest was not restricted to a particular group
of courtiers. All the courtiers participated in the contest. Hence, option (3) is the
correct answer.

2. D
Receive' is the correct answer because a winner gets a prize. He does not find, see,
give or show a prize. Hence, option (4) is the correct answer.

3. E
Always' is the most suitable answer because the next line of the paragraph tells us that
the courtiers decide to keep him out of the competition. Hence, option (5) is the
correct answer.

4. A
‘Bribed' is the most suitable answer because a servant will not lock his master just
because someone has asked him to. Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.
5. C

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

‘After' is the appropriate answer because the contest was over when Raman reached
the palace. Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.

6. D
In the given context, 'name' is the correct answer since the sentence suggests that
something related to the winner was announced. Hence, option (4) is the correct

7. E
‘Raise' is the most suitable usage because it means to collect. In the given context,
Raman was engaged in trying to collect 100 gold coins. Hence, option (5) is the
correct answer.

8. C
‘Wiser' is the correct usage because Raman is comparing other courtiers with himself
and is suggesting that he is the foolish of all. Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.

9. D

‘Made' is the correct answer. ‘make a slip' means to make a mistake. Hence, option
(4) is the correct answer.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

10. A
Declared' is the correct answer because the king publicly announced the name of the
winner. Had option (2) been ‘announced', it would have been correct. Hence, option
(1) is the correct answer.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has
been numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each, five
words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the
appropriate word in each case.

After his able Prime Minister's death, the king wanted one of the late Prime
Minister’s three sons to take his place. The king wanted to choose the (1) among
them for the job. He (2) the three sons to be brought (3) him and set each of them
the (4) of filling a room using whatever(5) they could so that there was (6) space
left even for an ant. The (7) sons set to work. The eldest (8) filling his room with
garbage which was easy to acquire. The second son was pleased and filled the
room with cotton but the youngest remained silent and thought for a while. At the
(9) time the king visited each room. The first two rooms were full but there was
space for more to fit. When the king entered the third room, the last son lit a candle
so the room was full of light. The king was (10) and appointed him the Prime


(A) wisest
(B) learned
(C) one
(D) intelligence
(E) favourite

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) notifies
(B) summon
(C) command
(D) ordered
(E) called


(A) with
(B) for
(C) front
(D) towards
(E) before


(A) chance
(B) task
(C) opportunity
(D) option
(E) request


Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) reason
(B) experiment
(C) means
(D) wealth
(E) purpose


(A) no
(B) more
(C) any
(D) even
(E) not


(A) quarrelsome
(B) worthless
(C) lazy
(D) three
(E) disappointed

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(A) busily
(B) occupied
(C) began
(D) start
(E) son


(A) expelled
(B) hurried
(C) declare
(D) fix
(E) appointed


(A) entertained
(B) pleased
(C) satisfy
(D) disturbed
(E) offended


1. A
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
2. D
3. E
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. E
10. B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. A
Wisest' is the correct answer because a comparison is being made among the three

2. D
'Ordered' is the correct answer as it means 'to command to come to a specified
3. E
The correct word to be used along with 'brought' is 'before'.
4. B
'Task' is the correct answer. Only a task can be set to someone.

5. C
Means’ is the correct answer as it means ‘in any possible manner or with any
possible resources’. The king gives the three sons a task to fill a room using any
means or possible ways.

6. A

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

'No' is the correct answer as it is used as an adjective, which means 'not any'. If the
room is filled, there cannot be 'more' or 'any' place for the ant. The word 'even'
cannot be used twice in the sentence.
7. D
Three’ is the correct answer, which denotes the number of sons.

8. C
The only option that is logically and grammatically correct is 'began'.

9. E
‘Appointed’ is the correct answer as it means ‘to decide the time or place at which
something will happen’.

10. B
‘Pleased’ is the correct answer as the king was happy with the last son because his
idea was different and unique. The king liked his idea of illuminating the room
with candle light.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words
are suggested. Select the one that fits the bank appropriately.

Do migrants, especially those from within the European Union, get a __(1)__ deal in
Britain than they would elsewhere in the EU? And do they therefore __(2)__ a
disproportionate burden on UK taxpayers? The answer to the first Question is yes, at
least compared with some countries, because of the __(3)__ of the UK benefit system.
But despite this, the answer to the second is a __(4)__ no. When Ian Duncan Smith
describes the inflow of EU nationals to claim benefits as a crisis", the only rational
reaction is: Crisis? What crisis?"

The UK benefit system is __(5)__ relatively friendly to migrants from within the EU.
Migrants from outside generally have to pass a no recourse to public funds" test, and
of course __(6)__migrants and foreign students are pretty unlikely to end up on
benefits. But migrants from within the EU, once they are habitually resident", have to
be __(7)__similarly to UK citizens. And given that our benefit system, for those of
working age, is now mostly means-tested “ that is, based on income and residence,
not __(8)__ “ that means EU citizens do better here than they would in some other
countries, such as Germany, that have more contributory systems.

Of course, it's not quite as simple as that. The UK has far from the
most __(9)__ social security system in Europe, both in terms of benefit levels and
overall spending. In France, for example, unemployment benefits are considerably
higher for most people than they are in the UK, while contribution conditions are, if
anything, somewhat weaker; a French teacher or banker losing their job in London
might well be__(10)__ how little they would be entitled to here.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


(A) stagnant
(B) better
(C) amazing
(D) worst
(E) well


(A) impose
(B) pose
(C) juxtapose
(D) exaggerate
(E) withdrawal


(A) quantity
(B) probability
(C) culture
(D) nature
(E) stature


(A) umpteen
(B) definitive

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) vicinity
(D) priority
(E) regulative


(A) impact
(B) impede
(C) indeed
(D) might
(E) whenever


(A) skilled
(B) fail
(C) mighty
(D) pride
(E) deep


(A) treat
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) greet
(C) regulate
(D) hold
(E) treated


(A) contributions
(B) prompted
(C) cultured
(D) obstinacy
(E) abstinence


(A) help
(B) generous
(C) culture
(D) tall
(E) hold


(A) stun
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) shocked
(C) ridiculous
(D) show
(E) blunt


1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. E
8. A
9. B
10. B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. B
'Deal' cannot be 'stagnant', 'or well'. 'Amazing' is incorrect because of the use of the
preposition 'a' before the blank. 'Worst' is incorrect because it will not fit in the blank
in this form. Had it been worse, it might have been correct.

2. A
We are looking for a word to be used as a verb for the 'disproportionate burden'.
Hence, the best word which fits the blank is "impose".

3. D
'Nature' is the correct option. 'Quantity', 'probability', 'culture' and 'stature'are
inappropriate according to the idea the passage wants to convey.

4. B
The only option that fits in the meaning of the word id 'definitive'.
5. C
'Indeed' is the only correct option, as the rest of the options cannot complete the
sentence appropriately.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. A
Going by the implication of the sentence, we are talking about the impact of migrants,
and 'skilled' fits the blank perfectly.
7. E
We are looking for a word in the simple past tense. Only "treated" is the correct word.

8. A
"Contributions" is the only word which completes the sentence in a meaningful

9. B
The blank requires an adjective to describe UK's social security system. "Generous"
fits the context better than the rest of the words.
10. B
The blank requires a word to describe the expression of the French. Going by the
context of the passage, "shocked" is the best word, and is also in the right form.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words
are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word
in each case.

In an upper class drawing room in Mumbai, a dozen or so (1) the city's intelligentsia
is (2) on the dregs of what was a live-wire party an hour ago. Poets, editors, writers,
filmmakers, all card-carrying members of the rich and powerful, not at this late hour,
on their ninth drink, are(3) in what Indians are best known to do: media-bashing,
armchair criticism and name-calling.

Inevitably the talk turns to Tehelka, and its managing director and editor-in-chief,
Tarun Tejpal, and the party quickly degenerates into an orgy of guilt and shame & that
peculiar habit of the Indian intelligentsia : passing the buck, with every one present
attacking his neighbour for not supporting Tejpal more. It is a trait Tejpal is (4) with
and has been telling me about in the weeks preceding this interview. "Often at parties
when someone (5) me 'great job, carry on what you are doing', and showers with me
staggering praise, staggering love, staggering (6)I just smile and let it pass as I don't
want to score a brownie point and say, 'and what about you boss, what will you do ?"

This lightly-tossed sentence with the slightest hint of a dark chuckle is the only time I
have seen Tejpal allow for bitterness, though I have been (7) him for weeks for sings
of it. Because, for a man who has been the victim of the most (8) government witch-
hunts in recent years, Tejpal is astonishingly devoid of (9) You expect him to rage, to
spew fire, to heap scorn and anger at his enemies, and instead, what you encounter, is
a man in whose eyes you see only compassion and a weary understanding of the
nature of the beast.

The abiding irony in all this is that unlike his armchair supporters in the middle class,
who rave and rant on his behalf, but do nothing else, Tejpal displays forbearance."The
fact that I am essentially a literary animal and that my entire sensibility has been
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
shaped by literature has helped. I'm not a black-and-white person, I'm a (10) who
understands the greys", he says to me at a coffee shop, over tea.


(A) in
(B) of
(C) into
(D) off
(E) from


(A) feed
(B) feeds
(C) fed
(D) feeding
(E) feeded


(A) mixing
(B) lending
(C) scaring
(D) indulging
(E) pushing

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


(A) ordinary
(B) familiar
(C) strange
(D) free
(E) rutine

(A) bold
(B) said
(C) ask
(D) say
(E) tells


(A) Meander
(B) contempt
(C) apathy
(D) jealousy
(E) admiration

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


(A) lure
(B) teasing
(C) baiting
(D) harassing
(E) matching


(A) gentle
(B) vicious
(C) virtuous
(D) good
(E) Philosophical


(A) forbearance
(B) anger
(C) wrath
(D) forgiveness
(E) gale


Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) boy
(B) guy
(C) youth
(D) humble
(E) egoistic

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. E
6. E
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. B
The correct preposition should be "of" because the sentence intends to mean a dozen
members of the city's intelligentsia.

2. D
The present continuous tense should be used because the action is still continuing.

3. D
The poets, editors, writers, filmmakers are discussing and hence, the present
continuous tense should be used. Hence, "indulging."

4. B
Options other than (2) are out of scope. Mr. Tejpal can only be "familiar" with a
particular trait.

5. E
Options other than (5) are grammatically incorrect. Option (1) is out of scope.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. E

"Praise", "love" and "admiration" are synonymous and so, option (5) is the answer.

7. D
"Matching" and "Baiting" do not make any sense in the context of the sentence.
"Lure" is grammatically incorrect since the verb should be in the gerundial form.
"Teasing" and "Harassing" are close but the latter is the answer since, it is more
8. B
The word that fits into the blank space should have a negative connotation according
to the context of the sentence. Thus, options (1), (3) (5) and (4) are out. The author
certainly intends to say that the government witch hunting was horrific - aptly
reflected in the word "vicious."

9. B
Options (1), (4) and (5) are out of scope because the context of the sentence hints at a
negative emotion. "Wrath" and "anger" are close but "wrath" is extreme anger.
Furthermore, the author uses a couple of synonyms of "anger" such as "rage", "heap
scorn and anger", etc.
10. B
Tejpal is obviously not a boy. So, option (1) is out. He is not a youth either. So, option
(3) is out as well. "humble" is out of scope.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Directions (1-10): In each of the questions given below four words are given in
bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The
sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that
should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace
each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option (e) as your

Q1. The intertwined (1) that the Congress encounters (2) are
deeply problems (3) with the socio-cultural and religious (4)milieu of Indian
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q2. The diaspora (1) in the U.S. is of pre-eminent strategic (2) given its
increasing political heft (3) and the centrality of the U.S. in
India’s significance (4) architecture.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q3. Debates (1) are meant to be conducted opinions (2) and in

the ensuing (3) discussion, mistakes are acknowledged
and fearlessly (4)changed.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q4. The two leaders deepen (1) opportunities to discussed (2)

mutually beneficial (3) energy cooperation and trade (4) ties.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q5. Amidst (1) an aggregate demand slowdown (2), indicators of the

consumer deterioration (3) saw sharp economy (4) last month, after having
remained in the red zone since February 2019.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 3-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q6. A strong revival (1) in investments and weaknesses (2) could help
India navigate (3)her way out of both domestic and external exports (4).
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q7. Indian budget carrier SpiceJet Ltd. shipping (1) to sell shares in
its logistics (2)business in an initial public offering(3), as the rise of e-
commerce, drives demand for fast plans (4)across the region.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q8. India and the US failed to announce (1) a limited trade(2) deal in New
York during the meeting of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald
Trump, due to still package (3)differences over the prevailing (4).
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 3-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q9. While most nations (1) tend to view their land and forests through the
narrow economic (2) of short-term prism (3) gain, climate science data show
that they play a larger environmental(4) role.
(a) 1-4
(b) 2-3
(c) 3-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q10. US products (1) the bar very high for market access (2)in India,
covering a whole lot of tariff reductions (3)for American raised (4).
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

1. (b)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. (d)

3. (d)

4. (a)

5. (c)
6. (d)
7. (c)

8. (c)

9. (b)

10. (c)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. (b)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (b).
The problems that the Congress encounters are deeply intertwined with the
socio-cultural and religious milieu of Indian polity.

2. (d)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (d).
The diaspora in the U.S. is of pre-eminent significance given its increasing
political heft and the centrality of the U.S. in India’s strategic architecture.

3. (d)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (d).
Debates are meant to be conducted fearlessly and in the ensuing discussion,
mistakes are acknowledged and opinions changed.

4. (a)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (a).
. The two leaders discussed opportunities to deepen mutually beneficial energy
cooperation and trade ties.

5. (c)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (c).
Amidst an aggregate demand slowdown , indicators of the consumer economy
saw sharp deterioration last month, after having remained in the red zone since
February 2019.

6. (d)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (d).
A strong revival in investments and exports could help India navigate her way
out of both domestic and external weaknesses.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
7. (c)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (c).
Indian budget carrier SpiceJet Ltd. plans to sell shares in its logistics business in
an initial public offering, as the rise of e-commerce drives demand for fast
shipping across the region.

8. (c)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (c).
India and the US failed to announce a limited trade deal in New York during the
meeting of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump, due to
still prevailing differences over the package.

9. (b)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (b).
While most nations tend to view their land and forests through the narrow prism
of short-term economic gain, climate science data show that they play a larger
environmental role.

10. (c)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (c).
US raised the bar very high for market access in India, covering a whole lot of
tariff reductions for American products.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In each of the questions given below four words are given in
bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The
sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that
should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace
each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option (e) as your

Q1. With an increased variability (1) of monsoons and reeling (2) depleting
groundwater tables, large parts of India are rapidly (3) underwater stress(4).
(a) 1-2
(b) 2-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q2. Facebook-owned instant (1) messaging app WhatsApp has

begun rolling (2)out a feature for Android users to let them apps (3) their
status stories directly on Facebook Story and other share (4).
(a) 3-4
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q3. With 75 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices expected (1) to be in place
by 2025, the world is at the cusp (2) of change (3) a technology that
will experiencing (4) the way live today.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(a) 1-2
(b) 2-3
(c) 2-4
(d) 3-4
(e) None of these.

Q4. Gender inequality (1) in digital technology (2) is even more access (3).
Women are less likely to have internet alarming (4) than men, and this gap is
(a) 1-2
(b) 3-4
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q5. Economics is probably one notable(1) exception, where models and

techniques proven (2) higher mathematics have employing (3) to be
highly fruitful(4).
(a) 2-3
(b) 1-4
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Q6. By the end of the 19th hopeful (1), keeping the

mountains politically(2) quiet and socially peaceful(3) was both a desirable
aim and a century (4) description.
(a) 2-3
(b) 1-4
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Q7. In India, the massive(1) expansion of the national unprecedented
(2) allows for commodification(3) of mountain in ways that are economy
(a) 2-3
(b) 1-4
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Q8. Pledges (1) of carbon dioxide continue(2) to rise, and current

country concentrations (3) would not stem this increase(4) even by 2030.
(a) 2-3
(b) 1-4
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Q9. Not all areas of sciences(1) are able to construct mathematical (2) or
models that have the level of theories (3) rigor that theories
of physics(4) enjoy.
(a) 2-3
(b) 1-4
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Q10. Since the stable (1) of capital flows in 1991, India has always faced a
current account deficit (2) but inflows of capital have allowed (3) the country
to have a liberalisation (4) balance of payments (BoP)

(a) 2-3
(b) 1-4
(c) 2-4
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these


1. (b)
2. (a)
3. (d)
4. (b)
5. (a)
6. (b)
7. (c)
8. (d)
9. (a)
10. (b)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. (b)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (b).
With an increased variability of monsoons and rapidly depleting groundwater
tables, large parts of India are reeling underwater stress.

2. (a)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (a).
Facebook-owned instant messaging app WhatsApp has begun rolling out a
feature for Android users to let them share their status stories directly on
Facebook Story and other apps.

3. (d)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (d).
With 75 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices expected to be in place by 2025,
the world is at the cusp of experiencing a technology that will change the way
live today.

4. (b)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (b).
Gender inequality in digital technology is even more alarming .Women are less
likely to have internet access than men, and this gap is widening.

5. (a)
Sol. Here, 2-3 i.e, ‘proven-employing’ is the correct combination of words which
will replace each other to make the sentence grammatically and contextually
correct. The sentence thus formed is,
‘Economics is probably one notable exception, where models and techniques
employing higher mathematics have proven to be highly fruitful.

6. (b)
Sol. Here, 1-4 i.e, ‘hopeful-century’ is the correct combination of words which
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
will replace each other to make the sentence grammatically and contextually
correct. The sentence thus formed is,
‘By the end of the 19th century, keeping the mountains politically quiet and
socially peaceful was both a desirable aim and a hopeful description.’

7. (c)
Sol. Here, 2-4 i.e, ‘unprecedented-economy’ is the correct combination of words
which will replace each other to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct. The sentence thus formed is,
‘In India, the massive expansion of the national economy allows for
commodification of mountain in ways that are unprecedented.’

8. (d)
Sol. Here, 1-3 i.e, ‘pledges-concentrations’ is the correct combination of words
which will replace each other to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct. The sentence thus formed is,
‘Concentrations of carbon dioxide continue to rise, and current country pledges
would not stem this increase even by 2030.’

9. (a)
Sol. Here, 2-3 i.e, ‘mathematical-theories’ is the correct combination of words
which will replace each other to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct. The sentence thus formed is,
‘Not all areas of sciences are able to construct theories or models that have the
level of mathematical rigor that theories of physics enjoy.’

10. (b)

Sol. 1-4 needs to interchanges in order to make the sentence grammatically

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Directions (1-10): In each of the questions given below four words are given in
bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The
sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that
should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace
each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option (e) as your

Q1. Thousands of protesters marched (1) to the American consulate (2) in

Hong Kong to show freedoms (3) for a bill being considered by Congress that
could result in sanctions against officials who suppress support (4) in the
Chinese territory.
(a) 1-3
(b) 2-4
(c) 1-4
(d) 3-4
(e) None of these.

Q2. The internet of things (IOT) is a started (1) name for a big idea. It holds
that, despite all the changes the computer (2) revolution has
already wrought (3); it is only just getting clumsy (4).
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Q3. The CIA handling (1) one of its most highly placed intelligence
(2) sources from the Kremlin in 2017, according to press reports, in part
because of concerns (3) that the new Trump administration was careless
in removed (4) sensitive material.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-4
(c) 2-4
(d) 3-4
(e) None of these.

Q4. Businesses will get efficiency (1), as information about the ephemeral
(2) world that used to be physical (3) and uncertain becomes concrete
and analysable (4).
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-3
(e) None of these

Q5. Connected cows can have their eating habits (1) and vital signs tracked
(2) in real-time, which means they produce (3) more milk and require
(4) less medicine when they fall ill.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q6. The logic of data-driven process (1) which do better as they collect
and businesses (2) more information will replicate (3) the market dynamics
that have seen the rise of giant platform (4) companies on the internet.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q7. For war (1) America and the Taliban had been haggling (2) over
an agreement (3) to end their 18-year months (4) in Afghanistan.
(a) 1-2
(b) 1-3
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-4
(e) None of these.

Q8. In Europe, the nature of contracts (1) between exacerbate (2) buyers of
medicines and manufacturers bulk (3) the difficulties caused by breakdowns
(a) 1-2
(b) 2-3
(c) 1-4
(d) 2-4
(e) None of these.

Q9. The benefits (A) amendments to the Employees’ Provident Fund Act
may pave (B) the way to extend provident fund proposed (C) to many
workers who have so far been outside (D) the net.
(a) A-D
(b) B-C
(c) Both A-B and C-D
(d) A-C
(e) No replacement required

Q10. Until the oil disruption (A), some strings (B) of fiscal purse loosening
(C) could have been easily considered as inflation (D) had been low.
(a) A-D
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(b) B-C
(c) Both A-B and A-D
(d) A-C
(e) No replacement required


1. (d)

2. (c)

3. (b)

4. (d)

5. (e)

6. (a)

7. (d)
8. (b)

9. (d)
10. (b)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In each of the questions given below four words are given in
bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The
sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words that
should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and
contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that replace
each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option (e) as your

Q1. On electric mobility, the charging (A) in India is endlessly (B) circling
around debate (C) technology and charging infrastructure (D).
(a) A-D
(b) B-C
(c) Both A-B and A-D
(d) A-C
(e) No replacement required

Q2. This time it is not only about measuring (A) your carbon footprint
(B), it is also about calculating (C) your water footprint, given increasing
strain (D) on water resources.
(a) A-D
(b) B-C
(c) Both A-B and B-D
(d) A-C
(e) No replacement required

Q3. The US also today seeks maritime and ambitions (A) cooperation with
both India and Vietnam, to region (B) Chinese power and territorial economic
(C) in the Indo-Pacific counter (D).
(a) A-D
(b) B-C
(c) Both A-C and B-D
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(d) A-C
(e) No replacement required

Q4. Reports government (1) that given Mr. Gantz’s openness (2) to work
with other parties, Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin may be inclined (3) to
invite him first to form a indicate (4).
(a) 1-4
(b) 2-3
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Q5. Eastern Europe’s ecologically (1)diverse wildflower provide (2)and old-

growth forests meadows (3)near-perfect conditions for bison and other
scarce species(4).
(a) 1-4
(b) 2-3
(c) 2-4
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Q6. There is addiction (1) evidence on the harm of nicotine ample (2)— the
reason that it is only approved (3)under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act for use
only in nicotine gums (4)and patches.
(a) 1-4
(b) 2-3
(c) 1-2
(d) 1-3
(e) None of these

Q7. Albert Einstein’s discovery (1)of gravity has been invoked (2)as a
successful example for achieving thinking (3)unattainable goals through “out-
of-the-box” seemingly(4).
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(a) 1-3
(b) 2-4
(c) 2-3
(d) 3-4
(e) None of these

Q8. Iran shot (1)down an American drone alleging (2)that it had violated
Iranian air space, taking tensions(3) to the brink of a direct conflict (4)with
the U.S.
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Q9. In the last week of July this year, 11 Himalayan environmental (1)of
India met in Dehradun demanding a “green bonus(2)”, or a payment
for States (3) services they provide to the nation(4).
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) Only 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Q10. Yoga in its integrate (1)Indian form is a levels (2)system whose

function is to original(3)personality at all holistic(4) of existence.
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. (d)

2. (e)

3. (c)
4. (a)

5. (b)

6. (c)

7. (d)

8. (e)

9. (b)
10. (b)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In each of the questions given below four words are given
in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The
sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words
that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically
and contextually correct. Find the correct combination of the words that
replace each other. If the sentence is correct as it is then select option (e) as
your choice.

1. The razzmatazz for toilet construction/ODF certification has overshadowed (1) the fact that
the essence (2) of universal water and sanitation coverage is derived (3) from the right to
life, guaranteed (4) by Article 21 of the Constitution.

(a) 1-4 and 2-3

(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 3-4
(e) None of these

2. Union minister M.J. Akbar newspapers (1) to take legal action against several
women journalists (2) who had accused (3) him of sexual harassment at two threatened
(4) where he had been editor.

(a) 1-4 and 2-3

(b) Only 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Q3. The attempt to impose (1)Hindi on the entire country by the literally(2) in 1965 had led to
parts of the country Congress (3)burning, with instances of self-immolation in erstwhile(4) Madras
(a) 1-3
(b) 2-4
(c) 2-3

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(d) 3-4
(e) None of these

Q4. As the British Empire disintegrated (1)under the pressure of colonies seeking passionate(2),
almost every one of them was headed (3)by someone who was a independence(4) reader and
(a) 1-3
(b) 2-4
(c) 2-3
(d) 3-4
(e) None of these

Q5. The shield (1)that Kashmiri politicians used the State’s special status to argument (2)their
corruption and nepotism is disingenuous(3), as these problems are endemic (4)to Indian politics.
(a) 1-3
(b) 2-4
(c) 2-3
(d) 1-2
(e) None of these

Q6. As per accessories (1)submitted to Parliament imported (2)this year, e-cigarettes and figures
(3)valued at about $1,91,780 were earlier (4)to India between 2016 and 2019.
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Q7. Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s unite (1)last week that Hindi can statement(2) the country
once again parties (3)sharp disapproval from political evoked(4), especially in south India.
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Q8. In an ideals (1)phase of history, India had the ruler Ashoka of the Maurya dynasty trying(2) to
unify the peoples (3)of his far-flung kingdom through extraordinary(4).
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Q9. Some young slums (1)vat one of our IITs recently identify (2)machine learning techniques
to employed (3)the skills that determine wages in five large researchers(4) of Bengaluru.
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these

Q10. The moves to silence and marginalizing (1)Kashmir’s senior-most politician politicians(2) a
dangerous tactic of humiliate(3) the moderate, mainstream betrays(4).
(a) 1-4 and 2-3
(b) 2-4 and 1-3
(c) 1-2 and 3-4
(d) Only 1-4
(e) None of these


1. (e)
2. (d)
3. (c)
4. (b)
5. (d)
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
6. (b)
7. (c)
8. (d)
9. (a)
10. (b)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words
are suggested. Select the one that fits the blank appropriately.

Bhargav's mission is to __1___ awareness on the harmful effects of _2__processed

foods. While he promises to __3___ our consciousness, he also promises a lot of fun.
His company Friends Learn has conceptualized and __4___ its second game Fooya (a
game on Facebook), through which he plans to educate people about the calories in
food items they consume often. This method, he says, is 'learnification through
gamification'. Bhargav promises it is a very simple concept. We have tried to __5___
important aspects of macro economics in Fooya."To stay alive, the players are
required to throw specific food items to __6___ enemies and dodge unhealthy food
items that come their way. This way, the players subconsciously learn about food
items and the ___7___ they can do to their health. As the players try to destroy the
enemies by making them fatter and stay alive by consuming healthier foods, they
understand the __8___ of eating a hamburger along with a fully whipped shake and

I couldn't resist asking Bhargav, a native of Chennai and alumnus of College of

Engineering, Guindy, if he thought it fit to ___9___ on obesity when more Indians die
of malnutrition than overeating. As the cities get bigger and the population of urban
poor increases, they consume cheap food to save money. And cheap food, as we
know, is unhealthy."
Recently, Bhargav and his team conducted a painting competition for all ages, on
health and general well-being. I couldn't really ___10___ the overwhelming response
for the event. We had to quickly conduct an impromptu under-12 event," says
Bhargav. Flying back to the U.S., Bhargav hopes people find learning through gaming

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


(A) create
(B) flow
(C) prove
(D) prevented
(E) presume


(A) consume
(B) resuming
(C) consuming
(D) assuming
(E) recalling


(A) rise
(B) fries
(C) raise
(D) produced
(E) fiddle

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) reduced
(B) produced
(C) blundered
(D) clobbered
(E) meddled


(A) kill
(B) pride
(C) less
(D) incorporate
(E) flounder


(A) destroy
(B) dispute
(C) decipher
(D) fudge
(E) conflict


Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) hurl
(B) furl
(C) laid
(D) demolish
(E) harm


(A) impact
(B) run
(C) dealt
(D) time
(E) burn


(A) tired
(B) focus
(C) built
(D) trial
(E) fire

10. Choose the option 10

(A) bold
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) believe
(C) dry
(D) fly
(E) cry


1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. E
8. A
9. B
10. B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. A
'Awareness' is created.
2. C
Food is consumed. The correct form of the word is 'consuming'.

3. C
Conscious is raised.
4. B
The blank will take a word that means or suggests creating something. Thus, the
correct word to be used here is 'produced'.

5. D
By reading the sentence, we understand that we are talking about including important
aspects. Thus, 'incorporate' is the correct answer.

6. A
If we look at the options, only 'destroy' fits the blank well, because here, we want a
verb depicting an action against enemies.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

7. E
In this sentence, we are talking about unhealthy foods and the damage they can cause
to the body. And the only word which can replace damage is 'harm'.

8. A
Here, the author wants to talk about the effect of eating unhealthy foods. Thus, the
best option would be 'impact', which is also the correct option.
9. B

The context requires the blank to be filled up something to the effect of concentrate.
Hence, (2) is the correct option.

10. B
This blank points out to the surprised response of Bhargav at the overwhelming
response. Therefore, 'believe' is the correct word.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each, five words
are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word
in each case.

One day my son called me after his exams. I could make out from his voice that he
was (1). "The exam did not go so well. It was not that I did not know but I made a
careless mistake." I tried to (2) him by saying, "Don't worry, you will do better next
time." He was not pleased to hear my words. "You don't realise how competitive it is
here and how difficult it is to (3)anything."

A few days later I got another call from him. "A (4) thing happened", he said. "When I
got my paper I saw that I had (5) marks for the Question I had Answered incorrectly.
My friends (6)me to keep quiet as the Professor must have made a mistake. But you
taught me the value of honesty so I emailed him saying I did not (7) the marks." His
reply was more surprising. "It was(8)," he said. "My interaction with you throughout
the year (9) me that you knew how to solve the problem. That is the reason I gave you
those marks." I was happier about my son's (10) than his marks.


(A) bother
(B) sad
(C) unwell
(D) distress
(E) confused


Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) pity
(B) forgive
(C) console
(D) cheer
(E) sympathies


(A) strive
(B) triumph
(C) succeed
(D) want
(E) achieve


(A) thrilled
(B) routine
(C) disastrous
(D) funny
(E) different


(A) assigned
(B) awarded
(C) obtain
(D) received
(E) given
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) suggest
(B) advised
(C) warn
(D) made
(E) recommended


(A) deserve
(B) qualify
(C) need
(D) receive
(E) justify

(A) knowing
(B) mistaken
(C) oversight
(D) deliberate
(E) intend


(A) persuaded
(B) merited
(C) convinced
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(D) prove
(E) informed


(A) value
(B) moral
(C) truth
(D) honesty
(E) potential

1. B
2. C
3. E
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


1. B
The latter part of the sentence states that the son's exam did not go well, he was 'sad'
because of a careless mistake he had made. Options (3) and (5) do not fit in with the
context of the passage because the passage does not state anything about the son being
sick/unwell or confused about something.

2. C

'Console' is the correct answer as it means to alleviate the grief. This is evident from
the latter part of the sentence. 'Don't worry' is the key phrase here. 'Cheer' has to be
followed by 'up'. It would have been correct had the phrase been 'him up by saying'.

3. E
The correct verb to be used here is 'achieve', which means to attain a desired aim or

4. D
The correct adjective to be used here is 'funny' because he had got marks for the
Question he had Answered incorrectly.

5. D
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
The correct word to be used here is 'received' as it means 'to get or be given
something'. The word 'given' is inappropriate in the given context because the son had
attempted/ written the paper so he cannot assign/ give marks to himself. 'Obtain'
would have been correct had it been in the past tense. 'Assigned' and 'awarded' are
incorrect since 'been' has been omitted after 'had'.

6. B
'Advised' is the correct answer as it means 'to give an opinion or suggestion to
someone about what should be done'.

7. A
'Deserve', which means 'to be worthy of', is the correct answer as he was given marks
for the Question he had Answered incorrectly.

8. D
The correct adjective to be used here is 'deliberate'. The adjective 'mistaken' does not
fit in the given context, as the professor knew that he was knowingly marking the
incorrect answer as correct.

9. C
Convinced’ is the correct answer as it means ‘to cause someone to believe that
something is true’.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

10. D
The correct noun to be used here is 'honesty'.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words
are suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word
in each case.

Most of us are (1) of open conflict and avoid it if we can. And there is a (2) to
expressing and working through conflict. If the working through involves harsh words
and name-calling people feel deeply hurt and relationships can be(3), some times
permanently. Some group members may be afraid that if they really (4) their anger,
they may go out of control and become violent. These fears can be very (5) and based
on experience. So why take the risk? Why not avoid conflict at all costs? Conflict is
rather like a disease, therefore (6) is best. That means attending to areas where(7) may
occur before they become an issue. If you have not (8) a conflict happening, your next
choice is to treat it early, or hope that it goes away. If it goes away over time, fine. If
it (9), then you will still have to handle (treat) it and it is likely to be more (10).


(A) scared
(B) careful
(C) reckless
(D) aware
(E) worry

(A) challenge
(B) measure
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(C) principle
(D) chance
(E) risk


(A) established
(B) maligned
(C) damaged
(D) rebuilt
(E) involved


(A) sublimate
(B) express
(C) minimize
(D) regulate
(E) control


(A) baseless
(B) imaginary
(C) exaggerative
(D) real
(E) national

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


(A) cure
(B) diagnosis
(C) prescription
(D) prevention
(E) medicine


(A) harmony
(B) discomfiture
(C) distortion
(D) consensus
(E) statement

(A) expressed
(B) prevented
(C) induced
(D) seen
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(E) perverted


(A) doesn't
(B) won't
(C) don't
(D) not
(E) hasn't

(A) credible
(B) serious
(C) fraudulent
(D) urgent
(E) skilled


1. A
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. B
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
9. A
10. B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1. A
2. E
Anything is risky if it has dire consequences. Similarly, there is a 'risk' in getting
involved in an open conflict as it is followed by serious consequences. Hence, option
(5) is the correct answer.
3. C
Option (3) is correct. Open conflicts can damage relationships because as a result of
conflict, 'people feel deeply hurt'.

4. B
Option (2) is correct because only if anger is 'expressed', people can 'go out of control'
and 'become violent'.

5. D
Option (4) is correct. The fear of open conflict can be very 'real' because the statement
states that these fears are based on experience. Any knowledge that is based on
experience is real.
6. D
Option (4) is correct because a open-conflict is being compared to a disease and the
age-old phrase 'prevention is better than cure' originated in this context. So, just like
you should take precautions to prevent being attacked by a disease, similarly you

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

should avoid any kind of open-conflict. The next statement also talks about attending
to areas that you think can fester bitterness and become an issue.
7. B
Option (2) is correct. A person can rise to confront you if he is feeling uncomfortable
with something you have said or done. So you should attend to areas you presume
'discomfiture' may occur.
8. B
Option (2) is the correct answer because you will be required to treat a conflict only if
you have not prevented the conflict from happening beforehand.

9. A
Option (1) is the correct answer because it is in simple present tense, just like the first
part of the statement 'if it goes away..', and therefore adheres to the rule of tenses.
Options (2), (3), (4) and (5) are grammatically incorrect in the given context.

10. B
Option (2) is the correct answer because the pronoun 'it' in the statement refers to
open-conflict, which can become serious if it doesn't go away with time.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-6): Read the following passage carefully and answer the Questions
given below it. Certain words are given in bold in the passage to help you locate them
while answering some of the Questions.

It is difficult to compare countries because various factors such as size, culture, history,
geography, natural endowments, geopolitics and internal polity comes in to play. There
are some goals which can be achieved by smaller countries; but sometimes smaller
countries find it difficult to embark upon certain big technological plans even if they
have the funds, because the size of the domestic market is too small. If we consider the
bigger countries, the closest comparison to India is China, though there are many
crucial differences.

The Chinese vision is to prepare the country for entry into the ranks of mid-level
developed nations by the middle of the twenty-first century. Acceleration of the nation’s
economic growth and social development by relying on advances in science and
technology is pivotal in this.

Documents describing the Chinese vision state that science and technology constitute
premier productive forces and represent a great revolutionary power that can propel
economic and social development. It is interesting to note that the main lessons the
Chinese have drawn from their past performance is their failure to promote science and
technology as strategic tools for empowerment. They also point to the absence of
mechanisms and motivations in their economic activity to promote dependence on
science and technology. Similarly, they hold that their scientific and technological efforts
were not oriented towards economic growth. As a consequence, they conclude, a large
number of scientific and technological achievements were not converted into productive
forces as they were too far removed from China’s immediate economic and social
needs. The Chinese vision is therefore aimed at exploiting state-of-art
science and technology to enhance the nation’s overall power and strength, to
improve the people’s living standards, to focus on resolving problems encountered in
large-scale industrial and agricultural production and to effectively control and
alleviate pressures brought on by population, resource and the environment. By the
year 2000, China had aimed at bringing the main industrial sectors up to the
developed countries in the 1970s or 80s and by 2020 to the
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
level they would have attained by the early twenty-first century. The aim is to bridge the
overall gap with the advanced world. There is a special emphasis on research and
development of high technologies that would find defense applications. Some of these
technologies are critical for improving the features of key conventional weapons. Some
technologies are meant for enhancing future military capabilities. Other efforts are aimed
at maintaining the momentum to develop capabilities for cutting-edge defense
technologies. They call for unremitting efforts in this regard with the aim of maintaining
effective self-defense and nuclear deterrent capabilities and to enable parity in defense,
science and technology with the advanced world.

1. Comparison between two countries becomes difficult because

(A) the countries differ in their internal political systems.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(B)each country has its own culture and natural resources which differ from those of
(C) the countries with homogeneous backgrounds are many in number.

(A) Only (A) and (B)

(B) Only (B)
(C)Only (A)
(D) All the three (A), (B) and (C)
(E) None of these

2. What according to the Chinese vision can boost socio-economic development?

(A) Science and Technology

(B) Minds united with revolutionary powers
(C)Premier productive forces
(D) A vision which propels development
(E) None of these

3. Which of the following have the Chinese identified as their pitfall(s) from their past?
(A) Lack of orientation of Science and Technology towards economic growth.
(B)Lack of mechanisms in their economic activities to promote use of Science and
(C) Neglect of Science and Technology as a strategic measure for empowerment.

(A) Only (A) and (B)

(B) Only (B) and (C)
(C)Only (A) and (C)
(D) All the three (A), (B) and (C)
(E) None of these
4. The scientific and technological accomplishments of China could

(A) remain dysfunctional.

(B) be transformed into productive forces.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(C)be utilized for motivating people.
(D) be promoted through political will.
(E) None of these

5. What according to the passage is the gap in terms of number of years between the
targeted developments in China and in other developed countries?

(A) 5-10 years

(B) 20-30 years
(C)40-50 years

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(D) More than 50 years
(E) Less than 5 years

6. Which of the following is the essence of the contents of the passage?

(A) Enormous population of the country can be positively utilised for developments.
(B) Scientific and Technological principles may not necessarily be instrumental in
economic growth.
(C)Harmonious development of a country can take place even in the absence of
technology up- gradation.
(D) Economic growth needs to be driven by science and technology.
(E) Countries should not be compared with each other


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1. A
Answer: A
Option (A) is correct because both (A) and (B) are mentioned in the first paragraph. (C) is
incorrect because it is opposed to the facts given in the passage. The passage states that it is
difficult to compare countries because each is different from the other in many respects while
'C' mentions that the homogeneity of the countries will make it difficult to compare them.

2. A
Option (1) is the correct answer. Refer to last line of the second paragraph "Acceleration
advances in science and technology is pivotal in this." All the other options do not have any
mention in the passage.

3. D
Option (4) is the correct answer because the passage contains reference to all (A), (B) and (C) in
the third paragraph of the passage.

4. B
Option (2) is the correct answer because the third paragraph of the passage states that in the
past, “a large number of scientific and technological developments were not converted into
productive forces", the pitfall they aim to overcome in their future endeavors to develop
through scientific and technological efforts.

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5. B

The passage states that in the past China had intended to 'bring the main industrial sectors up
to the technological levels achieved by the developed countries in the 1970s and 80s' by year
2000 and 'by 2020 to the level they would have attained by the early twenty first century';
suggesting that gap in terms of number of years between the targeted developments in China
and in other developed countries is 20 to 30 years. Therefore, option (2) is the correct answer.

6. D
Options (1), (2), (3) have no reference in the passage. Option (5) is incorrect because the
passage does not state that 'the countries should not be compared with each other' but that 'it
is difficult to compare various countries'; which also is not the essence of the contents of the
passage because other than the first paragraph the entire passage focuses on china, its
economic and social development through science and technology. Therefore, option (4) is

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Direction (1-6): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Picture yourself as a big shot from an unpopular country – leader of an oil-rich bit of the Middle East,
say, or a tycoon from a grungy bit of the former Communist world. You wish your family could shop,
invest, socialise and study in the richest and nicest parts of the world (and flee there if needs be). But
you don't deserve it and won't earn it: you will not stop torture, allow criticism, obey the law, or keep
your fingers out of the public purse.
Luckily, respectability is on sale. You just have to know how to buy it. The place to start is London.
Among its advantages are strict libel laws, which mean nosy journalists risk long, costly legal battles. And
helpful banks, law firms, accountants and public relations people abound.
Laws on money-laundering have irritating requirements about scrutiny of new customers. This used to
be merely an exercise in ticking boxes, but has got a bit tougher. Still, a well-connected and
unscrupulous bankers will be your best friend, for a fee. You cut him in on some lucrative transactions
with your country or company. In return he will pilot you through the first stages, arming you with a
lawyer (to scare rivals and critics) and an accountant (to keep your books opaque but legal).
Next comes a virtuous circle of socialising and do-gooding. Start with the cash-strapped upper reaches
of the cultural world; a big art gallery, an opera house, or something to do with young musicians.
Donations there will get you known and liked. Or try funding a prize at UNESCO or some other
international do-gooding outfit. Support causes involving war veterans or sick children. Sponsorship of
sport works too.
Send your children to posh English schools. Shower hospitality on their friends; they will be important
one day. But invite the parents too; they are influential now. A discreet payment will tempt hard up
celebrities to come to your parties. Minor royals are an even bigger draw. British for choice, but
continental will do. Even sensible people go weak at the knees at the thought of meeting a princeling,
however charmless or dim-witted.
Armed with social and cultural clout, you can approach money-hungry academia and think-tanks. A good
combination is a Washington D.C. think-tank and a London-based university (Oxford and Cambridge,
being richer, are also choosier about whom they take money from). The package deal should involve a
centre (perhaps with a professional chair) and a suitable title; it should include words like global,
sustainable, strategic and ethical.
You are now in a position to approach politics. Most rich countries make it hard (or illegal) for foreigners
to give money to politicians or parties. But you can oil the wheels. A non-executive directorship can be a
mind-changing experience. Invite retired politicians and officials for lucrative speaking engagements and
consultancy work; word will soon get around and the soon-to-retire will bear your interests in mind.
Even better, set up an advisory council stuffed with influential foreigners. You need tell them nothing
about what you do. Nor do you have to heed their advice.
Your progress from villain to hero will not always go smoothy, especially if you have to start killing your
opponents. But when the alarm is raised, your allies will rally to your defence. A tame academic can
write an opinion piece; a newspaper grateful for your advertising will publish it. Your fans can always say
that someone else is much worse and that you are at least a reforming, if not fully reformed, character.

Which of the following statements about the credentials of the person being addressed CANNOT be
inferred from the passage?
A. The person being addressed is unscrupulous and opportunistic.
B. The person being addressed leads an opulent lifestyle.
C. The person being addressed is welcome in elite social circles.
D. The person being addressed does not have altruism as an agenda.
E . None of these

2. In the passage, the phrase "respectability is on sale" refers to

A Integrity being irrelevant to one's acceptability in high society

B Respectability being available to tyrants at the right price.
C London being a convenient choice to launch oneself into genteel society.
D Media publicity being available to the highest bidder
E None of these.

3. What does the author mean by "include words like global, sustainable, strategic and ethical"?

A. The person being addressed must ensure that the catchphrases of the times are used to best effect.
B. The person being addressed must show genuine interest in contemporary issues.
C. The person being addressed must fund scholarships that promote world peace and prosperity.
D. The person being addressed must ensure that the scholars wooed do play to the gallery.
E. None of these.

4. Which of the following is a reason for the author to suggest London as the “place to start”?

A. The money hungry academia in London-based universities can help in projecting a philanthropic
B. The minor British Royals are more likely to attend parties in London than in other cities.
C. One's dubious dealings in London will probably not come to light because of the strict libel laws there.
D. All of the above.
E. None of these.

5. In this passage, the author has focussed on how a big shot from an unpopular country.......

A. can become a political leader in a rich country.

B. can gain acceptance, for his family and himself, in the better parts of the developed world.
C. can keep earning money through unethical means without tarnishing his reputation.
D. can get rid of all his opponents without losing his social, political and cultural clout.
E. None of these.

6. The idiom “oil the wheels” in the penultimate paragraph can be best replaced by which of the
following phrases/idioms?
A. pour oil on troubled waters
B. oil someone's palm
C. keep your fingers out of the public purse
D. grease the wheel that squeaks
E. bet that the wheel of fortune comes a full circle


1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. B
1. C
Option A: The author talks about a "big shoot from an unpopular country-leader of an oil rich bit of the
Middle East, say, or a tycoon from a grungy bit of the former Communist world." Then he continues
with, “you don't deserve it and won't earn it.... out of the public purse". We can infer from this that the
author believes that the addressed is unscrupulous and opportunistic (because he states that the big
shot does not deserve a life in the richest and nicest part of the world).
Option B: Since the author is talking about a big shot we can infer that he leads an opulent lifestyle.
Option C: From the first and second paragraph, we can understand that the big shot to buy
respectability. We can infer from this that the author is most probably not welcomed in elite social
circles. Therefore, this is the correct answer.
Option D: Consider the statements "Next comes a virtuous circle of socializing and do-gooding",
"Donation there will get you known and killed". From the tone of the author, we can infer that the
addressed is not concerned about altruism.
Hence, the correct answer is option C. It must be pointed out that the use of present tense from the
middle of the third para to the penultimate para does not indicate how things are in the present, but
what could hypothetically be. (Let's take the situation as it could be.)

2. B


The phrase means that dubious tycoons can buy foreign respectability by ingratiating themselves into
influential social circles with the help of their ill-gotten wealth.
Option A: While we can infer from the passage that in integrity is irrelevant for one's acceptability in
high society, the phrase in the question does not refer to one's integrity.
Option B: The given phrase means that big shots can buy respectability. Therefore we can say that
respectability is available to tyrants at the right price.
Option C: The author does not refer to London in particular when he says that "Respectability is one
Option D; While media does play a part for a big shot to buy respectability, the phrase does not imply
Hence, the correct is option B.

3. A


The said words (global, sustainable, strategic and ethical) are catchy platitudes that assure academic
Option A: The addressed wants to use these catchphrases (which are popular) to gain recognition in elite
circles. Hence, this is the correct answer.
Option B: The author does not suggest that the addressed should show genuine interest in
contemporary issues, he only suggests that the addressed should choose a subject which is sound
Option C: The author does not specify any subjects that the addresses should focus on.
Option D: The addressed is not interested in 'playing to the gallery' (winning popularity with the
common man) but gaining recognition in elite circles. Hence, this is not the correct answer.
Therefor the correct answer is option A.

4. C


The author mention that London is the "place to start" because London provides some advantages for
anyone trying for respectability. The advantages that London provide for a big shot starting out are the
"strict libel laws" and the "helpful banks, law firms accountants..."
Option A: The author mentions the money hungry academia in London based universities but the
addressed does not have to start the process in London to get their help.
Option B: The author advocates inviting British royals but does not talk about their preference for
attending parties in London.
Option C: The strict libel laws are one of reasons why the author suggests London as the place to start.
The strict libel laws mean that "nosy journalist risk long, costly legal battles."
Hence, the answer is option C.

5. B


The author mentions at the beginning of the passage that the big shot from the unpopular country
wishes his family "could shop, invest, socialize and study in the richest and nicest parts of the world".
Option A: The author outlines a plan for the big shot to become respectable. One of the steps in this
plan is to become a politician. However, this is only a means to an end and not the end in itself.
Option B: The author mentions that this big shot (the addressee) wants to provide a better (and
respectable) life for his family (shop, invest, socialize and study in the richest and nicest part in the
Option C: The author does not provide ways for earning money without tarnishing the addressee's
reputation. He in fact, provides ways in which the big shot can spend his money to buy respectability.
Option D: This is also a means to an end as this is not the primary question that is being answered in the
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

6. B


Most rich countries make it hard (or illegal) for foreigners to give money to politicians or parties. But you
can oil the wheels. A non-executive directorship can be a mind changing experience. The idiom "oil the
wheels" means to make it easier for something to happen.
A: Pour oil on troubled waters means to do or say something in order to make people stop arguing and
become calmer. (A) is not the meaning of the idiom "oil the wheels".
2: "oil someone's palm or hand" means to do something or to give someone money in exchange for a
favor; also, bribe someone. This would come closest to the idiom "oil the wheels" in the penultimate
paragraph. Hence, (B) is the answer.
3: "Keep your fingers out of the public purse" appears in the first paragraph of the passage. It means not
to divert or siphon off or utilize public money for your own benefit. (C) is not the meaning of the idiom
"oil the wheels".
4: "Squeaky wheel the gets the grease" is inapplicable in the given context. It means that the loudest
complaints get the most attention. (D) is not correct.
5: "The wheel has come full circle" is an idiom that means that the situation or circumstance has
returned to its original or a similar state. (E) is not the answer.
Directions (1-5 ): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions based on the passage.

Still getting used to the routine, the new mattresses, exertion, food, multiple clocks;
body, metabolic and alarm, I am woken up a persistent static noise. This feels new, jamais-vu.
Like a child pulling at mothers dress to get her attention. For the child it is the most crucial and
center of the whole universe moment. I wake up, giving in to the hum, this riveting buzz. The
crescendo gains momentum and volume, gradually, as I approach source of the sound.

The elusive African rain, finally. Close to two weeks in Africa and I would mostly wake up to
ubiquitous signs of nature’s last night’s frolic dance everywhere, the dew on the picket fence,
damp tree barks or moist earth. It will be the scenery after the show. The green trees, blue sky
and red earth would be sparkling clean, like a pair of spectacles just wiped with muslin. I am
eager to catch the Charleston African rains that I hear so much about. Telepathically so, the
rains know I want to be an audience. Right in the middle of nowhere they need a witness to
their magnificence. I noiselessly shuffle out, so as not to disturb their meditative performance.
As I open the door, the gust of wind makes me breathless. The intense fragrance of petrichor
floods my pores. I embrace it like it is life itself.

The green is luminescent. The red earth has transformed into countless rivulets hurrying
towards the tributary, Sangha. Congo is the second largest river in Africa, after Nile. The rivulets
are like school children getting late to the morning prayer-assembly as the bell strikes. The
thunder sends a shock-wave under my skin, as if I am earth-ing myself. It is bigger than me,
than all of us standing here under the season’s first African showers that drench us. Try as much
to look it in the eye, it still rattles everyone with surprise. The sun sets in an hour and a half
from now, but it is already dark. Clouds are in the porch, in tree branches, floating over the
river and cruising away in the sky. Like unexpected swarm of moths. It is only a few days later
that the word spreads and the full might of this evening is comprehended. The 50-feet high
trees that are now coal-black are a testimony to what they withstood that night. Lightning has
turned them into electrocuted corpses. ‘Hell hath no fury, like nature scorned’.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

The incredible surround sound fails even the sharpest technicians. Replicating this will be
written-off as surreal. It is a deafening mix of thunder, lightning, and wind; rains hitting,
smashing and swaying everything in sight. The village that is usually overtaken by chirps, croaks
and screeches is quite in front of this overpowering tango of nature. I wonder where all those
creatures will sleep tonight. The silence of nature’s inhabitants amplifies the awe of this

The river Sangha that speeds to The Congo river everyday has decided to stop and swell
instead. This butter-paper, soft-light luminescence makes everything visible and blurry at the
same time. The intermittent photography flashes of lightning are alternated by rumble rising
from the ground. The rains continue till November I hear. The wooden houses are made one
level up on wooden beams, now I know why. The river sinks all islands and enters the mainland,
in width and height. Multiple times in vain I try to compete with nature in attempting to record
the audio and visuals of this magnificent display. I get it right only once. The sound is somewhat
similar to that of stone shattering a glass wall. The fracturing echoes last much longer,
ricocheting in the virgin forest. The trees take a breather from all this swaying. This rumble in
the sky makes me sick in the stomach now. It is unusual for me, riveting rains. The flamboyance
of nature is humbling. The African rains have a witness.

Q1. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A) The author was on the banks of Congo river

B) The author is British
C) The passage speaks of sounds of African rain
D) The rains continues since November
E) The rivulets led to Sangha river through the tributary Congo

Q2. According to the passage which of the following is true regarding Congo river?

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A) Congo is the second largest river in Africa
B) Sangha is a tributary of Congo river
C) Congo is not a tributary to Nile river
D) Sangha decided to swell this monsoon
E) All of the above

Q3. Why does the author use the term “surreal”?

A) The sound of the rain was a deafening mix of thunder, lightning, and wind and is
difficult to replicate.
B) Because the author had a TV at home which produced same sounds of a rainy night
C) As the author sensed something inspiring about the sound
D) As the author felt The incredible surround sound match the sharpest technicians
E) None of the above

Q4. The author is likely to agree with which of the following statements?

A) The author had spent there for over a month now

B) The author was not so keen for the Charleston African rains initially
C) The author had decided to stay there forever after the experience
D) The incredible surround sound of rain and thunder fails even the sharpest
E) The author found the flamboyance of nature arrogant

Q5. Which of the following best describes the scenery after the “show”?

A) The green is luminescent. The red earth has transformed into countless rivulets
hurrying towards the tributary, Sangha.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

B) Getting used to the routine, the new mattresses, exertion, food, multiple clocks;
body, metabolic and alarm, I am woken up a persistent static noise.
C) Clouds are in the porch, in tree branches, floating over the river and cruising away in
the sky. Like unexpected swarm of moths
D) The green trees, blue sky and red earth would be sparkling clean, like a pair of
spectacles just wiped with muslin.
E) All of the above


1. C

2. E

3. A

4. D

5. D

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1. C

Explanation- Answer C is the correct option as the author states the encounter to be while
witnessing the Charleston African rains. Option A is wrong as the writer was at the banks of
Sangha river. Option B is eliminated as the passage nowhere hints at it. Option D is incorrect as
the rain continues till November, in accordance to the passage. Option E is wrong as Sangha
river is a tributary of Congo.

2. E

Explanation- Option A and C are true as made clear by the author stating,” Congo is the second
largest river in Africa, after Nile” Option B and D too are implied or mentioned in the passage
making option E as the best suited answer

3. A

Explanation- Option A is correct .Option B is wrong as the author did not mean that any
television could get close to the real sound she was witnessing.

4. D

Explanation- Answer D is right as the author mentions the surreal sound of the weather
surpassing any modern day technology. Option A is incorrect as the author had ust spent to
close to two weeks there. Option B is wrong as the author was eager right from the start.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Option C is eliminated as the passage nowhere mentions of any such plans. Option E is incorrect
as the author on the contrary mentions The flamboyance of nature is humbling.

5. D

Explanation- OptionD is right as the author writes while explaining about the colorful view the
nature will provide once the hard hitting rains takes a rest, being referred to as the rain. All
other options are describing nature from other point in times and hence not the right choice.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-5 ): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions based on the passage.

Still getting used to the routine, the new mattresses, exertion, food, multiple clocks;
body, metabolic and alarm, I am woken up a persistent static noise. This feels new, jamais-vu.
Like a child pulling at mothers dress to get her attention. For the child it is the most crucial and
center of the whole universe moment. I wake up, giving in to the hum, this riveting buzz. The
crescendo gains momentum and volume, gradually, as I approach source of the sound.

The elusive African rain, finally. Close to two weeks in Africa and I would mostly wake up to
ubiquitous signs of nature’s last night’s frolic dance everywhere, the dew on the picket fence,
damp tree barks or moist earth. It will be the scenery after the show. The green trees, blue sky
and red earth would be sparkling clean, like a pair of spectacles just wiped with muslin. I am
eager to catch the Charleston African rains that I hear so much about. Telepathically so, the
rains know I want to be an audience. Right in the middle of nowhere they need a witness to
their magnificence. I noiselessly shuffle out, so as not to disturb their meditative performance.
As I open the door, the gust of wind makes me breathless. The intense fragrance of petrichor
floods my pores. I embrace it like it is life itself.

The green is luminescent. The red earth has transformed into countless rivulets hurrying
towards the tributary, Sangha. Congo is the second largest river in Africa, after Nile. The rivulets
are like school children getting late to the morning prayer-assembly as the bell strikes. The
thunder sends a shock-wave under my skin, as if I am earth-ing myself. It is bigger than me,
than all of us standing here under the season’s first African showers that drench us. Try as much
to look it in the eye, it still rattles everyone with surprise. The sun sets in an hour and a half
from now, but it is already dark. Clouds are in the porch, in tree branches, floating over the
river and cruising away in the sky. Like unexpected swarm of moths. It is only a few days later
that the word spreads and the full might of this evening is comprehended. The 50-feet high
trees that are now coal-black are a testimony to what they withstood that night. Lightning has
turned them into electrocuted corpses. ‘Hell hath no fury, like nature scorned’.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

The incredible surround sound fails even the sharpest technicians. Replicating this will be
written-off as surreal. It is a deafening mix of thunder, lightning, and wind; rains hitting,
smashing and swaying everything in sight. The village that is usually overtaken by chirps, croaks
and screeches is quite in front of this overpowering tango of nature. I wonder where all those
creatures will sleep tonight. The silence of nature’s inhabitants amplifies the awe of this

The river Sangha that speeds to The Congo river everyday has decided to stop and swell
instead. This butter-paper, soft-light luminescence makes everything visible and blurry at the
same time. The intermittent photography flashes of lightning are alternated by rumble rising
from the ground. The rains continue till November I hear. The wooden houses are made one
level up on wooden beams, now I know why. The river sinks all islands and enters the mainland,
in width and height. Multiple times in vain I try to compete with nature in attempting to record
the audio and visuals of this magnificent display. I get it right only once. The sound is somewhat
similar to that of stone shattering a glass wall. The fracturing echoes last much longer,
ricocheting in the virgin forest. The trees take a breather from all this swaying. This rumble in
the sky makes me sick in the stomach now. It is unusual for me, riveting rains. The flamboyance
of nature is humbling. The African rains have a witness.

Q1. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A) The author was on the banks of Congo river

B) The author is British
C) The passage speaks of sounds of African rain
D) The rains continues since November
E) The rivulets led to Sangha river through the tributary Congo

Q2. According to the passage which of the following is true regarding Congo river?

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

A) Congo is the second largest river in Africa
B) Sangha is a tributary of Congo river
C) Congo is not a tributary to Nile river
D) Sangha decided to swell this monsoon
E) All of the above

Q3. Why does the author use the term “surreal”?

A) The sound of the rain was a deafening mix of thunder, lightning, and wind and is
difficult to replicate.
B) Because the author had a TV at home which produced same sounds of a rainy night
C) As the author sensed something inspiring about the sound
D) As the author felt The incredible surround sound match the sharpest technicians
E) None of the above

Q4. The author is likely to agree with which of the following statements?

A) The author had spent there for over a month now

B) The author was not so keen for the Charleston African rains initially
C) The author had decided to stay there forever after the experience
D) The incredible surround sound of rain and thunder fails even the sharpest
E) The author found the flamboyance of nature arrogant

Q5. Which of the following best describes the scenery after the “show”?

A) The green is luminescent. The red earth has transformed into countless rivulets
hurrying towards the tributary, Sangha.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

B) Getting used to the routine, the new mattresses, exertion, food, multiple clocks;
body, metabolic and alarm, I am woken up a persistent static noise.
C) Clouds are in the porch, in tree branches, floating over the river and cruising away in
the sky. Like unexpected swarm of moths
D) The green trees, blue sky and red earth would be sparkling clean, like a pair of
spectacles just wiped with muslin.
E) All of the above


1. C

2. E

3. A

4. D

5. D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the Questions given below
it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering
some of the Questions.

Once a rich merchant presented a beautiful cat to the Emperor of China. Eventually, the
emperor became fond of the animal and took it with him wherever he went. Everywhere,
people kept asking the emperor, what was the cat named and everyone was surprised, when
told that it had no name. As time progressed, the emperor realised that the cat should have a
name. Thus he decided to find a suitable name for his pet. He called his ministers, the seven
wisest men in his empire and commanded them to find a suitable name within seven days. The
ministers were warned that if they did not succeed in finding a name by the end of seven days,
they would be punished. Also, the minister whose suggestion would be accepted would
received hundred gold pieces.

The ministers did a lot of research on names that would suit the emperor's favourite pet. At the
end of this period, they was summoned to the place again, and asked for their suggestions. The
youngest of the group thought he had found the perfect name. TIGER he announced proudly,
your majesty, as we all know tigers are powerful animal, it will be the best name for your pet
cat Good name, said the emperor, after a moment's reflection. The tiger is not only a noble and
powerful beast but it is also known as the cat's cousin, added the emperor.

Noble, perhaps, said the second minister, but it is not as powerful as the dragon. Can a tiger
soar into the sky? No but a dragon can! I think DRAGON would be a more suitable name for the
cat. As the emperor was contemplating the name DRAGON, the third minister said, Clouds can
go higher than dragons. A cloud is more powerful than a dragon. let's call it CLOUD. Let's not be
hasty•, advised the fourth wise man Cloud may fly high but they are ushed around by winds.
Winds are more powerful than clouds. WIND would be the most appropriate name for a great
emperor's pet.• The emperor was still not satisfied with the suggestions. WIND? said the
emperor doubtfully. Isn't there anything better? The fifth wise man took this opportunity to
give his suggestion. BRICK WALL he exclaimed. Why should I name my cat BRICK WALL? Well
BRICK WALL, is not a bad name. But isn't it a bit long?• I have a shorter name,• said the sixth
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minister, RAT. Everyone started laughing at his suggestion. So you suggest that I must call my
cat RAT? The sixth minister replied, Yes, Your Majesty, a rat can eat through a brick wall, which
makes it more powerful than the wall, more powerful than the wind, more powerful than all
the suggestions given to you. I get your point, interrupted the emperor, but can you call a cat,

Indeed you can't piped up the seventh wise man who was the eldest among all seven. A cat is a
cat. How can one call cat RAT? Also if a rat is more powerful than the other the cat is even more
so because it is mightier than the rat. The emperor was impressed with the seventh minister's
suggestion and decided to accept it. So the royal pet remained nameless in a way because from
then on it was simply called CAT. But the minister who suggested this name was rewarded as

1. Why did people get surprised wherever the emperor went?

(A) Because the emperor had a nameless cat.

(B) Because the emperor took his cat wherever he went.
(C) Because the emperor took his cat wherever he went.
(D) Because the emperor got a cat as a present.
(E) None of these

2. Why did the emperor not want to name his cat BRICK WALL?

(A) He did not like brick walls.

(B) Brick walls are rough and hard but cats are not.
(C) BRICK WALL is a very long name.
(D) He already had a pet called BRICK WALL.
(E) He felt BRICK WALL was a very funny name.

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3. Why was the cat named CAT at last?
A. The seventh minister proved that a cat was greater than all the other names that were
B. The emperor was impressed with the seventh minister's suggestion.
C. It was a unique name and the emperor had never heard.

(A) All A, B and C

(B) Only A
(C) Only B
(D) Only C
(E) Both A and B

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Dragon can blow the clouds away.
B. Winds can blow the clouds away.
C. Brick walls can stop the winds.

(A) Both A and B

(B) Both B and C
(C) Only A
(D) Only B
(E) Only C

5. What reason did the first minister give for his suggestion?

(A) Tigers are powerful creatures.

(B) Tigers are the most dangerous of all creatures.
(C) Tigers resemble cats.
(D) Tiger sounds royal and majestic.
(E) Tiger sounds better than any other name.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in the meaning to the word/group of
words printed in bold as used in the passage.

(A) Presented
(B) Unaware
(C) Appalled
(D) Astonished
(E) Disgusted

7. Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in the meaning to the word/group of
words printed in bold as used in the passage.

(A) Announced
(B) Cried
(C) Said
(D) Quoted
(E) Quoted out

8. Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in the meaning to the word/group of
words printed in bold as used in the passage.

(A) Image
(B) Sign
(C) Hesitation
(D) Introspection
(E) Picture

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

9. Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of
words printed in bold as used in the passage.

(A) Passed
(B) Failed
(C) Repeated
(D) Stopped
(E) Waited

10. Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of
words printed in bold as used in the passage.

(A) Dragged
(B) Met
(C) Rejected
(D) Reached
(E) Dismissed


1. (A)
2. (C)
3. (E)
4. (B)
6. (D)
7. (A)
8. (D)
9. (D)
10. (E)
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
1. (A)
Answer: A
Read the third sentence of the first paragraph.

2. (C)
Answer: C
Refer to the sentence, "But isn't it a bit long?"

3. (E)
Answer: E
Read the last paragraph.

4. (B)
Answer: B
Refer to the third and fourth paragraphs for the answer.
Answer: A
Refer to the sentence, "He announced proudly, "As we all know, tigers are powerful animals.""
(second paragraph)

6. (D)
Answer: D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

7. A
Answer: A

8. (D)
Answer: D

9. (D)
Answer: D

10. (E)
Answer: E

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Directions (1-5): Read the passage given below and answer the questions based on the

In the 1830s, Charles Darwin sent a breathless letter from South America to his mentor John
Henslow, of his recent forays in the high passes and plateaus of the Andes. (He had a
longstanding love of geology – as a budding scientist he'd spend days with hammer in hand,
breaking open rock specimens and pondering thehistories of peculiar landscapes.) In the letter,
he describes a scene full of “wedges of variously coloured rocks... in every possible shape and
formation.” Visions of this likely lodged in his mind. A few years later, in 1838, puzzling over the
birth of new species, he was seized by an image different and stranger than natural selection.
He wrote in his notebook of “a hundred thousand wedges trying [to] force every kind of
adapted structure into the gaps in the economy of Nature, or rather forming gaps by thrusting
out weaker ones.” In his vision, space was tight.
Over the next 20 years, as he wrestled his theory of evolution into shape, Darwin returned to
the idea of wedges regularly. In the metaphor's fullest treatment, written in an unpublished
precursor to The Origin of Species, he describes species as “packed closely together and ...
driven in by incessant blows,” as though they were wedges being struck again and again by a
mallet. The wedges, he wrote, were of varying shapes and the shocks from each blow traveled
across the field in all directions.
The wedges-as-species comparison made it as far as Darwin's first edition of The Origin of
Species, published in 1859. But at some point soon after Darwin abruptly removed it, and it
never appeared again. Today, a century and a half later, Darwin's eerie metaphor of a vast and
wedge-filled landscape, pounded by the blows of an unseen hammerer, is (almost) all but
forgotten. He never explained why he dropped it, but one possible reason is that he doubted
people would like it. To those with no interest in rocks, such a metaphor would have seemed
bleak and alien: An invisible hammer drives one wedge down, then another, with no obvious
rationale. Charles Darwin gave us both kinds of metaphors, big winners and total flops. It's
nature as whack-a-mole, with humans as just another mole being whacked into – and perhaps
one day out of –existence. One modern scholar describes the idea as “grotesque” and even
“shockingly sadistic.” To Darwin's readers,imagining the history of life in such violent and
mechanical terms might have been at least unpalatable, and at most unbearable.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Whatever his reasons for abandoning the wedges, it was likely not a rash decision. Darwin did
not take metaphors lightly. He honed them, defended them, and held on to them tightly,
defying detractors. Several of his contemporaries, for instance, were displeased with “natural
selection.” His one-time rival turned comrade-in-arms, Alfred Russell Wallace, was particularly
critical. In a letter to Darwin, sent after publication of the Origin, Wallace argued – no doubt
with a wink – that the metaphor was not well “adapted” to convey his theory of evolution to
the public. He was concerned that the word “selection” encouraged readers to view nature as a
forward-looking, intelligent designer that was shaping the evolutionary course of life.
Wallace, it turns out, was astute in his reading of Darwin's language. According to Darwin
biographer Janet Browne, Darwin often seemed to imagine nature as an “all-seeing farmer in
the sky,” a benevolent overseer that selects, scrutinizes, and rejects. As Wallace saw it, the
problem with this rosy view is that, strictly speaking, it's wrong. There is no nice, celestial
farmer – just a struggle for existence, with winners and losers.
Over the objections of Wallace and others, Darwin clung to “natural selection” even as he
discarded the wedges. Perhaps he sensed the power of his “all-seeing farmer” and, in doing so,
intuited something deep about human psychology. People are deeply familiar with the logic of
purposeful design, and research has shown that they like to view the world through this lens.
When faced with hard-to-explain phenomena, they invoke higher powers or hidden plans –
concepts like God, fate, and karma all speak to this impulse. The idea of nature as a selecting
agency plays to our biases to brilliant effect.

1. All of the following are implications of the sentence “In Darwin's vision, space was tight.”
mentioned in the last sentence of the first paragraph EXCEPT?

A If one species wedged its way in, weaker ones had to pop out.
B Those species that fit well withstood the jostling and remained in place, while those that
didn't would eventually be ejected.
C Nature rejected the earlier species when a new species evolved.
D There is limited space for various species to survive.
E None of these.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. How was Darwin's concept of “Natural Selection" viewed by his contemporary Alfred

A Wallace viewed nature as a forward looking intelligent designer.

B Wallace likened nature to an all-seeing farmer in the sky – a benevolent overseer that selects
and rejects.
C Darwin and his contemporaries including Wallace recognized natural selection as a metaphor
for evolution.
D Wallace was of the opinion that natural selection involved trials of life with some species
emerging as successful or champions and others as disadvantaged or defeated.
E None of these

3. In The Origin Of Species, Charles Darwin described species as “packed closely together and
driven in by incessant blows” as though they were wedges being struck again and again by a
mallet. Why did Darwin drop the “wedges-as-species” metaphor from his later publications?

A. Darwin took metaphors lightly and in a rash decision decided to eliminate the use of the
metaphor in his later works.
B. Darwin usually defended his metaphors and held on to them tightly, defying detractors but
he ultimately gave in after his comrade Alfred Wallace and biographer Janet Browne displayed
their criticism for the metaphor.
C. Darwin doubted that people would favour the metaphor which sounded eerie and remote to
D. Darwin thought that the metaphor was far-fetched, grotesque and shockingly sadistic.
E None of these

4. Why do people tend to believe in Darwin's theory of natural selection even though the idea
of “nature as an all-seeing farmer in the sky” seems untenable?

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A People consider Darwin to be a great scientist.
B People were not familiar with the idea of different species living together in harmony and
were impressed with Darwin's theory.
C People may not have liked the idea of comparing a species with wedges and believed in
Darwin when he abandoned the wedges-as-species metaphor.
D People find it easier to associate natural selection with familiar concepts of a super-human
presence and this helps them relate to difficult-to-understand phenomena.
E None of these.

5. Which of the following ideas has been described by a modern scholar as “grotesque” and
even “shockingly sadistic” in the passage?

A Humans might one day be out of existence.

B “wedges of variously coloured rocks ...... in every possible shape and formation”
C The history of human life is associated with a lot of violence.
D Nature as an “all-seeing farmer in the sky” and as a “selecting agency”.
E None of these.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions(1-10): In the following passage there are words highlighted in bold, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are suggested,
one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. If the word
highlighted in bold does not require any replacement, choose (e) as your answer.

In a complex, chaotic world, living a virtuous, equitable (1) life is a challenge. Despite this, many
people are apparently immersed (2) in doing good and are trying to lead meaningful plan (3). They
are doing charity, are dutiful towards their families and jobs, are creating (4) integrity in their day-
to-day dealings, adhering to truth and doing all that comes within the ambit (5) of an ideal life. The
question is: At a deeper level, are all ‘right’ acts justifiably right? The Quran circulate (6), “Your
actions will be judged by your intentions.” Charity, which is not the consequence (7) of compassion,
is ostensibly good. But he who checks (8) others for acquiring name and fame for himself, will not
be capturing(9) credits for his good(10) karma


(a) account.



(d) upright

(e) No improvement required





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(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required


(a) recognizing




(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required

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(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required


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(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800







6. (b)


8. (c)



Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage and answer the following questions based on the
given passage.

The maiden budget of Nirmala Sitharaman has many interesting features, but it does not have a defining
central theme. There were expectations of a big growth push through either tax cuts or large
expenditure programmes even if it meant a rise in the fiscal deficit. But the Finance Minister has chosen
to be fiscally conservative, opting to play the long-term game, though it could lead to pain in the short
term. The only indulgence she has permitted herself is a big ₹70,000 crore capital infusion in banks that
will, it is hoped, spur lending to growth sectors in the economy. Also, quite notably, the budget has
sought to address the problems that have plagued the non-banking finance companies space over the
last few months and the consequent credit freeze and loss of confidence in the market. Ms. Sitharaman
has comprehensively addressed the important issues of liquidity, solvency and poor governance in the
NBFC sector. She has made available a liquidity window of ₹1 lakh crore to public sector banks through
the Reserve Bank of India to buy pooled assets of NBFCs and offered a one-time credit guarantee for first
loss of up to 10%. To enable better supervision of the sector, housing finance companies, which have
been the main villains of the piece, will come under the RBI’s regulatory ambit. A long-standing demand
of NBFCs for equitable treatment with banks in the matter of taxing interest receivable on bad loans has
been conceded. They will not need to maintain a Debenture Redemption Reserve on public placements
that was leading to locking-up of funds, which is their raw material for business. These are important
reform measures for NBFCs. More interesting is the move towards reviving development financial
institutions. The big problem faced by NBFC financing infrastructure is the lack of long-term funding
sources to match their lending tenure. This pushed them into borrowing short-term funds to lend to
long-term projects, leading to asset-liability mismatches. The proposal to set up a committee to study
the issue, including the experience with development finance institutions, is welcome.

There are several reform measures that have been announced, but the most interesting is the reiteration
of the government’s commitment to strategic disinvestment and the declaration that it is willing to allow
its stake to fall below 51% in non-financial PSUs. Start-ups can heave a sigh of relief as the angel tax is
practically off the table. The government seems to be moving towards a single identity card for citizens
in the form of Aadhaar, which will now be interchangeable with the PAN card. Taxpayers who do not
have a PAN card can file returns quoting their Aadhaar number, which effectively can be a substitute for
PAN in all transactions. Another reform measure is the introduction of faceless e-assessment of tax
returns taken up for scrutiny. This will eliminate the scope for rent-seeking by officers as there will be
no interface between assessee and official. In fact, the assessee will not even know the identity of the
officer scrutinising the return. This is an absolutely welcome measure but needs to be closely watched
for implementation. The corporate sector has got a minor sop with the turnover limit for the 25% tax
bracket being raised to ₹400 crore per annum from ₹250 crore. The expectation was that this would be
extended to all companies irrespective of size. It appears that the government wants to wait for the
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
finalisation of the Direct Taxes Code, which is being examined by a committee. Real estate companies
may have reason to cheer as the generous tax concession for affordable housing may create demand,
especially in the smaller metros.

The ‘nudge theory’ of economist Richard Thaler, mentioned extensively in the Economic Survey 2018-19
presented in Parliament on Thursday, has been put to use by the Finance Minister to push forward two
of this government’s pet themes — increasing digitalisation of money and promoting electric mobility.
On the first, there will now be a 2% tax deducted at source when withdrawals from bank accounts
exceed ₹1 crore in a year. This is a commendable measure, but it could lead to genuine problems for
businesses such as construction and real estate that are forced to deal in cash for wage payments. Of
course, the TDS can be set off against their overall tax liability. The second, and more interesting
‘nudge’, is towards electric vehicles where those taking loans to buy one will get a tax deduction of up to
₹1.5 lakh on the interest paid by them. But the fact is that there are not too many electric vehicles in the
market now. And even for those that are there, the waiting period to deliver one is long. Besides, there is
no ecosystem, such as charging points, even in the major cities. The government’s hope seems to be that
this incentive will create a market for e-vehicles that will then lead to the development of the ecosystem.

Q1. What has been the new measure introduced with respect to filing income tax returns?

(a) Government will ensure that large corporates do not game the system
(b) revised prudential framework for filing of online income tax returns
(c) makes inter-creditor agreements mandatory and provides for a majority decision to prevail.
(d) ITR can be filed through Aadhaar cards
(e) None of these

Q2. Why has the proposal of 2% TDS on withdrawals above 1 crore not much appreciated?

(a) iquidity risks arising out of other risks like currency risk and interest rate risk will increase.
(b) The assets and liabilities will no longer be monitored based on the time buckets they fall in.
(c)It might create problems for businesses which have to deal in cash for payments to wage labours.
(d) Investors will not have a choice in terms of the kind of investment they are exposed to
(e) None of these

Q3. What has been the usual issue faced by the NBFCs for which a committee has been suggested under
the Union Budget?

(a) They are selling their non-core assets, and securitising retail assets to banks in order to raise funds
(b) Major NBFCs are facing an acute liquidity crunch since last year.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(c) Mutual funds and private equity companies have become large credit dispensers
(d) The funding sources of NBFCs are not of the similar duration as of their lending duration.
(e) With close to 70% of assets in the state-owned banking system, where tenured bankers have little or
nil incentive to pursue resolution, the likelihood of higher provisioning acting as a disincentive is

Q4. What were the expectations from Finance Minister’s maiden budget?

(a) The government will have the legislative remit to construct a concrete track to insolvency courts for
(b) The conventional approach to the regulation and supervision of NBFCs
(c) A big growth push either through tax cuts or large expenditure programmes.
(d) Provide for ground rules for finalisation and implementation of the resolution process
(e) None of these

Q5. How has the government tried to resolve the supervision issues faced by the NBFC sector?

(a) Setting up the IBC process and framework

(b) NBFCs will have to submit a weekly report to the RBI on defaults by borrowers
(c) The RBI would continue to monitor the activity and performance of NBFCs
(d) Housing finance companies will come under the ambit of RBI
(e) None of these

Q6. How is faceless e-assessment considered a better way for scrutinizing tax returns?

(a) It will improve internal controls which can ensure adherence to policies and procedures.
(b) It will eliminate any interface between assessee and official thus avoiding establishment of any
wrong connection with the officer scrutinizing the returns.
(c) It will keep intra group transactions and exposures under special supervision.
(d) It will help in stress testing which must be inculcated as an important exercise in the overall
governance and risk management culture.
(e) None of these

Q7. How is the issue of liquidity addressed in the budget?

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(a) aid in the resolution of a larger universe of soured loans, especially those festering in NBFC portfolios
(b) One-time credit guarantee for first loss upto 10%
(c) Liquidity window of 1 lakh crore to PSBs through RBI to buy pooled assets of NBFCs.
(d) Both (b) & (c)
(e) All (a), (b), (c)

Q8. How has the government tried to bring NBFCs at par with banks?

(a)Giving lenders a breather from the one-day default rule whereby they had to draw up an RP for
implementation within 180 days of the first default
(b) Quashed the revised framework for resolution of stressed assets
(c) Harmonization of rules across different regulators and easing and deepening of digital payments
(d) To avoid locking-up of NBFC’s funds, they will no longer be required to maintain Debenture
Redemption Reserve.
(e) All lenders have to enter into an inter-creditor agreement (ICA) for the resolution of stressed assets
during the review period
Q9. Which of the following words is most similar to “GENUINE”, as highlighted in the above passage?

(a) crass
(b) fecund
(c) felicitous
(d) comely
(e) bona fide

Q10. Choose the word opposite to “LIABILITY”, as highlighted in the above passage?

(a) charlatan
(b) trepidation
(c) adulation
(d) indemnity
(e) predilection


S1. Ans. (d)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
S2. Ans. (c)
S3. Ans. (d)
S4. Ans. (c)
S5. Ans. (d)
S6. Ans. (b)
S7. Ans. (d)
S8. Ans. (d)
S9. Ans. (e)
S10. Ans.(d)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions: In the following passage there are words highlighted in bold, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are
suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. If
the word highlighted in bold does not require any replacement, choose (e) as your answer.

The Indian economic model has been a bit of a paradox. India has sometimes impinged (1) the
successful economies of East Asia in terms of high domestic savings, close integration with the
global economy and macroeconomic fidelity (2). And it has sometimes resembled the volatile
countries of Latin America in terms of weak domestic savings, macroeconomic instability and
growing oligarchic power. This column had earlier analysis (3) that rising inequality could mean
successive governments would have strong incentives to honor (4)fiscal spending in a bid to buy
social peace, taking India closer to the Latin American model. High domestic savings are
a/an cardinal (5) part of the story. The admiring (6) investment boom in the five years to 2008
was supported by a sharp rise in the domestic savings rate. The revival (7) in investment activity
after 2010 led to a current account crisis because domestic savings were relatively deliberate
(8). In other words, those magic moments of rapid economic intensification (9) plus
macroeconomic stability are possible only when the domestic savings rate is rising (10).






(e)No improvement required


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(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required




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(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800






(e)No improvement required






(e)No improvement required


Nimisha Bansal 9953592800











Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

or(STARTERS)from t
form asingl
esentencefrom t


)Thedov i

)&( i


umpadmi nist
edwi t
cism,chargesofhy pocr
om thei
dt oPalesti
owingaheadwi t
ha$50bi ll
oposaltoaidthePal est

sm, char
gesofhy pocr
isy…………………. .
ngcr i
onhasr eceiv
edwi t
cism ………………

)&( i


B)Wev iewmult

ncet hemul
mi l




oldNAFTA, t
edSt at

)&( i


arm sei

esseeanyr i




………. .

)&( i



resembled’ is the correct word to be replaced.

Impinged means have an effect, especially a negative one.



Stability’ is the correct word as this term is also used in following lines of the paragraph.

Fortitude means courage in pain or adversity.



‘argued’ is the correct word to be replaced.



‘boost’ is the correct word.



important’ best suits the purpose.


Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


splendid’ best suits the purpose which means magnificent, very impressive.



No improvement is required here.



‘sluggish’ is the most appropriate word.



‘growth’ is the correct word making the sentence meaningful.



No improvement is required here.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions (1-10): Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which
can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same
meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

Q1. (A) Mario Draghi has hinted to resort to rate cuts and bond purchases if inflation failed to rise
(B) A day after, Fed has taken a dovish stance.

(i) As the Fed has taken a dovish stance ……………….

(ii) The dovish stance of the Fed comes just ……………
(iii) Just a day after Mario Draghi ……………

(a) Only (ii)

(b) Only (iii)
(c) Both (ii) & (iii)
(d) Both (i) & (iii)
(e) All (i), (ii), (iii)

S1. Ans. (c)

Sol. Both the starters (ii) and (iii) can be used to connect the given set of two sentences to form a
meaningful statement. However, the first starter is incorrect as it would alter the meaning of the actual
sentence. The correct statements thus formed will be:
“​The dovish stance of the Fed comes just a day after Mario Draghi hinted that the ECB may resort to rate
cuts and bond purchases if inflation failed to rise.”
“​Just a day after Mario Draghi hinted to resort to rate cuts and bond purchases if inflation failed to rise, the
Fed has taken a dovish stance​.”

Q2. (A) Trump administration has received withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright
rejection from the intended beneficiaries on the issue of aid to Palestinians.
(B) It is still plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians.

(i) Despite withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy …………………..

(ii) In spite of withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy ……………….
(iii) Since Trump administration has received withering criticism ………………

(a) Only (iii)

(b) Only (i)
(c) Both (ii) & (iii)
(d) Both (i) & (ii)
(e) All (i), (ii), (iii)

S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. Both the starters (i) and (ii) can be used to connect the given set of two sentences to form a
meaningful statement. However, starter (iii) is incorrect as it would alter the meaning of the actual
sentence. The correct statements thus formed will be:
“​Despite withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright rejection from the intended beneficiaries,
the Trump administration is plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians.”
“​In spite of withering criticism, charges of hypocrisy and outright rejection from the intended beneficiaries,
the Trump administration is plowing ahead with a $50 billion economic proposal to aid the Palestinians​.”

Q3. (A) Millennials are still looking at apartments as opposed to single-family homes.
(B) We view multifamily housing as one of the more vulnerable parts of the construction industry right

(i) Ever since the multifamily housing ………….

(ii) Since, millennials are looking for multifamily housing ………….
(iii) Notwithstanding the fact that millennials are still……………..

(a) Both (i) & (ii)

(b) Only (i)
(c) Only (iii)
(d) Both (ii) & (iii)
(e) All (i), (ii), (iii)

S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. Only the third starter can be used to frame a logical and comprehensive sentence connecting both
the sentences given as the question. The other two starters are incorrect owing to their variable
meanings. The correct statement thus formed will be:
“Notwithstanding the fact that millennials are still looking at apartments as opposed to single-family
homes, we view multifamily housing as one of the more vulnerable parts of the construction industry right

Q4. (A) The United States and Mexico reached a breakthrough bilateral trade agreement
(B) The agreement replaced the decades-old NAFTA after Mexico agreed to concessions demanded by
the Donald Trump administration

(i) Under NAFTA, the United States and Mexico reached………….

(ii) Replacing the decades-old NAFTA, the United States and Mexico ……………..
(iii) The United States and Mexico reached a breakthrough ……………..

(a) Only (ii)

(b) Both (ii) & (iii)
(c) Only (iii)
(d) Both (i) & (iii)
(e) None of these

S4. Ans. (b)

Sol. Both the starters (ii) and (iii) can be used to connect the given set of two sentences to form a
meaningful statement. However, starter (i) is incorrect as it would alter the meaning of the actual
sentence. The correct statements thus formed will be:
“​The United States and Mexico reached a breakthrough bilateral trade agreement replacing the
decades-old NAFTA after Mexico agreed to concessions demanded by the Donald Trump administration​.”
“​Replacing the decades-old NAFTA, the United States and Mexico reached a breakthrough bilateral trade
agreement with Mexico agreeing to concessions demanded by the Donald Trump administration​”

Q5. (A) South Africa has debated contentious legislative proposals on land redistribution
(B) Few countries see any risk of Zimbabwe-style violent farm seizures of the 1990s in Africa’s most
industrialised country

(i) As South Africa debates contentious legislative ……………

(ii) Although South Africa has debated contentious …………..
(iii) Since few countries see any risk of Zimbabwe ………………

(a) Both (i) & (ii)

(b) Only (ii)
(c) Only (iii)
(d) Only (i)
(e) All (i), (ii), (iii)

S5. Ans. (a)

Sol. Both the starters (i) and (ii) can be used to connect the given set of two sentences to form a
meaningful statement. However, starter (iii) is incorrect as it would alter the meaning of the actual
sentence. The correct statements thus formed will be:
“​As South Africa debates contentious legislative proposals on land redistribution, few countries see any risk
of Zimbabwe-style violent farm seizures of the 1990s in Africa’s most industrialised country​.”
“​Although South Africa has debated contentious legislative proposals on land redistribution, yet few
countries see any risk of Zimbabwe-style violent farm seizures of the 1990s in Africa’s most industrialised

Q6. (A) Obstructing the transition to a carbon-neutral pathway and preserving the status quo is
(B) The reason is that the losses caused by weather events are proving severely detrimental to all

(i) The reason for transition to carbon-neutral ………..

(ii) Obstructing the transition to a carbon-neutral……….
(iii) Despite obstructing the transition to………………

(a) Only (i)

(b) Only (ii)
(c) Only (iii)
(d) Both (ii) & (iii)
(e) All (i), (ii), (iii)

S6. Ans. (b)

Sol. Only the second starter can be used to frame a logical and comprehensive sentence connecting both
the sentences given as the question. The other two starters are incorrect owing to their variable
meanings. The correct statement thus formed will be:
“​Obstructing the transition to a carbon-neutral pathway and preserving the status quo is short-sighted, the
reason is that the losses caused by weather events are proving severely detrimental to all economies.​ “
Directions (1-10): In the following questions two columns are given containing three
sentences/phrases each. In the first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second
column the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or
may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically
and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the
sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and
contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after
combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of these” as your answer.

Q1. Column (1)

(A) Cyclone Fani has left a trail of destruction across a large part of coastal Odisha,
(B) The priority in Odisha is to restore electricity and telecommunications,
(C) Public health interventions are paramount to avoid
Column (2)
(D) will be keenly followed at the UN Disaster Risk Reduction conference convening on May 13 in
(E) but its management has emerged as a global example of how timely weather alerts, preparedness
and informed public participation can dramatically reduce loss of life.
(F) have received funding from the World Bank in cyclone risk mitigation efforts since 2011.

(a) A-E
(b) B-D and A-F
(c) C-E and B-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

S1. Ans. (a)

Q2. Column (1)

(A) Marx was not like other philosophers who interpreted
(B) They applied dialectics to the study of human society and
(C) Marx and Friedrich Engels laid the formulations for the
Column (2)
(D) has been raising several ideological and political questions in order to save the Republic of India
(E) the world in various ways; he made it a point to change it.
(F) is ironical that several ideological questions are being raised over the relevance of the Left and its
future in India.

(a) B-D and C-E

(b) A-D and C-F
(c) A-E
(d) C-E
(e) None of these

S2. Ans. (c)

Q3. Column (1)

(A) What was missed in this entire debate was
(B) It was not a news article and
(C) The reflective pieces sometimes tend to draw parallels between an event and
Column (2)
(D) the simple fact that the article was a soft feature; it was a personal and emotional response to a
certain discovery.
(E) it did not try to peddle religiosity or pseudoscience.
(F) argued for a humanistic temper as he felt the argument for a scientific temper forecloses the space
for criticism of criticisms.

(a) B-E
(b) A-D and B-E
(c) A-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

S3. Ans. (b)

Q4. Column (1)

(A) Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Sunday accused Prime Minister
(B) She said the alliance was “not just for the present but also for the future”
(C) Ms. Mayawati pitched the unity among the alliance partners,
Column (2)
(D) was headed for an economic slowdown, and accused the Modi government of leaving the economy in
dire straits with a “lack of economic vision”.
(E)​ ​were aplenty with even regulators having “morphed into controllers”.
(F) reflects that the country is headed for a slowdown and it has revised the GDP growth figures for this
quarter (January-April) to just 6.5%

(a) A-D
(b) B-E
(c) C-F
(d) A-E
(e) None of these

S4. Ans. (e)

Q5. Column (1)
(A) The persistent efforts of India, with the express support of France, the U.K. and the U.S.,
(B) The UNSC said: “Masood Azhar was listed on 1 May 2019
(C) The immediate impact of the listing would subject Azhar to
Column (2)
(D) the direct or indirect supply, sale and transfer from their territories
(E) shows that India’s foreign policy decisions depict more of a continuity than a change.
(F) and the acquiescence of China, culminated in the designation of Masood Azhar as a global terrorist by
the UN Security Council.

(a) A-D
(b) B-E
(c) C-D
(d) A-F
(e) None of these

S5. Ans. (d)

Q6. Column (1)
(A) Military experts say that possessing the highly difficult capability
(B) Critics have not stopped worrying about the potential harm
(C) Mission Shakti, as it is called, has earned India a place
Column (2)
(D) in counterspace is thus surveillance and espionage.
(E) be to capture or disable a rival’s space assets in orbit.
(F) that floating debris may cause to other satellites around that band in the sky.

(a) A-D and B-E

(b) B-F
(c) C-E and B-F
(d) A-D and C-E
(e) None of these

S6. Ans. (b)

Q7. Column (1)

(A) The second concerned domestic politics in the
(B) And the fourth concerned strategy: leveraging China’s new-found economic heft for political
objectives in Asia, Africa, Europe,
(C) The first objective concerned domestic economics: exporting surplus industrial capacity and

Column (2)
(D) to slow-moving democratic bureaucracies and tedious lending institutions.
(E) into question as Chinese debt, especially that held by state-owned enterprises, mounts.
(F) cash reserves overseas to keep China’s economy humming, its industrial output flowing, and its
employment levels high.

(a) A-E and B-D

(b) C-E and B-F
(c) C-F
(d) A-D
(e) None of these

S7. Ans. (c)

Q8. Column (1)
(A) Among the words that have infiltrated the vocabulary of
(B) In an ethos where words and meanings are mutating fast,
(C) The debate whether the right to work is fundamental or not will
Column (2)
(D) common sense during the recent past, none is as egregious as ‘aspiration’.
(E) provides a financial cover to the young for remarkably long periods.
(F) quarrel with this usage, its hold in academic institutions persists.

(a) A-D
(b) B-D and A-E
(c) B-F
(d) C-D
(e) None of these

S8. Ans. (a)

Q9. Column (1)

(A) To discuss the interests of developing and least developed countries in global trade,
(B) The U.S. has refused a reduction in subsidies and also pulled back on its commitment to
(C) Despite the earlier outcomes of the ministerial meetings,
Column (2)
(D) to bring mutual accord, mainly on the timelines, to implement policies as an outcome of talks.
(E) this informal meet will also focus on the accusation by the U.S. that these economies benefit from
exemptions meant for the poorer nations.
(F) as an international organisation mainly to overcome tussles over trade interests.

(a) A-E
(b) A-D
(c) B-E
(d) C-F
(e) None of these

S9. Ans. (a)

Q10. Column (1)
(A) A few soldiers broke ranks with the military and joined him,
(B) Since then, the U.S. has imposed sanctions on top Venezuelan government officials and
(C) Governance has broken down, with state institutions at
Column (2)
(D) along with tens of thousands of protesters who battled for two days with police and government
(E) on the path of confrontation, Venezuela will be in permanent crisis.
(F) Mr. Maduro lacks legitimacy is accepted, the military’s support is pivotal if they want to remove him
by force.

(a) B-F and C-E

(b) B-E and C-F
(c) A-D
(d) A-E
(e) None of these

S10. Ans. (c)

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph
and then answer the questions given below.

(A) The role of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), the regulator for CAs in India, was made
peripheral by the operationalization of NAFRA after the Punjab National Bank fraud.

(B) They are also considering various structural changes in the regulatory framework.

(C) The audit regulator in the UK, the Financial Reporting Council, which is akin to the recently set up National
Financial Reporting Authority, or NAFRA, in India, is likely to be replaced by an authority accountable directly
to the UK Parliament.

(D) Similarly, it is not going to be possible for the judiciary to be totally independent of the executive, just as it
is not also meant to be the handmaiden of the executive.

(F) Unfortunately, these and other measures taken in the past have failed to stop accounting and auditing

(E) Regulators are debating measures such as banning these beleaguered firms and amputating the non-audit
services rendered by them.

(G) Recent high-profile corporate collapses/frauds of the likes of Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services
(IL&FS) in India and of Carillion and BHS in the UK have shaken the Big Four auditors.

Q1. Considering statement (C) “The audit regulator in the UK, the Financial Reporting Council, which is akin
to the recently set up National Financial Reporting Authority, or NAFRA, in India, is likely to be replaced by
an authority accountable directly to the UK Parliament.” as the FOURTH sentence of the rearranged
paragraph, then which among the following fails to become the part of the coherent paragraph?

(a) E
(b) B
(c) D
(d) C
(e) None of these.

Q2. Considering statement (C) “The audit regulator in the UK, the Financial Reporting Council, which is akin
to the recently set up National Financial Reporting Authority, or NAFRA, in India, is likely to be replaced by
an authority accountable directly to the UK Parliament.” as the FOURTH sentence of the rearranged
paragraph, then from the given options, which of the following can fit the above passage after rearrangement
to make a coherent and meaningful paragraph?

(a) It is also antithetical to the common-sense Indian concept that often we have to operate in areas of grey.

(b) This is because; governments and regulators worldwide have shied away from addressing the underlying
malaise that compromises the independence of auditors.

(c) The concept of independence has to be informed by the overall purpose for which an institution is created;
in this case, delivering justice.

(d) While some of these accusations may be politically motivated, some others may not be.
(e) None of the above.

Q3. Considering statement (C) “The audit regulator in the UK, the Financial Reporting Council, which is akin
to the recently set up National Financial Reporting Authority, or NAFRA, in India, is likely to be replaced by
an authority accountable directly to the UK Parliament.” as the FOURTH sentence of the rearranged
paragraph, then from the given options, which of the following would be the first sentence after

(a) E
(b) A
(c) F
(d) G
(e) None of these.

Q4. Considering statement (C) “The audit regulator in the UK, the Financial Reporting Council, which is akin
to the recently set up National Financial Reporting Authority, or NAFRA, in India, is likely to be replaced by
an authority accountable directly to the UK Parliament.” as the FOURTH sentence of the rearranged
paragraph, then from the given options, among the following pairs which one of them is formed with two
consecutive statements after the rearrangement?

(a) FG
(b) AD
(c) CD
(d) GE
(e) None of these.

Q5. Considering statement (C) “The audit regulator in the UK, the Financial Reporting Council, which is akin
to the recently set up National Financial Reporting Authority, or NAFRA, in India, is likely to be replaced by
an authority accountable directly to the UK Parliament.” as the FOURTH sentence of the rearranged
paragraph, then from the given options, which of the following would be the penultimate sentence after

(a) G
(b) A
(c) F
(d) B
(e) None of these.


S1. Ans. (D)

Sol. Reading through the lines given one can infer that the theme of the passage that will be formed will be
about the regulators. The statement (D) fails to be the part of the passage thus formed as it is talking about
the judiciary. So, option (D) will be the correct answer choice.
S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. The last line of the passage formed talks about the failure of the measures. And the reason is mentioned in
the statement (b). All other statements are irrelevant as per the theme of the passage formed after
rearrangement. So, correct answer choice is option (b).

S3. Ans. (d)

Sol. Going through the lines given one can infer that the theme of the passage that will be formed will be
about the regulators. The statements (C), (F) and (D) can’t be the first statement. Similarly (E) is talking about
some firms which are mentioned in (G). And going through the lines, (G) mentioned these firms. So, (G) can be
the first statement. Then, (G) will be followed by (E). In, (E) some measures are talked about and these
measures are also mentioned in (B). So, (B) will be following (E). (C) is given as the fourth statement. (A) will be
the next statement as NAFRA mentioned in (C) is also mentioned in (A). Last statement will be (F) as (F)
contains the reason why the measures above failed. The statement (D) fails to be the part of the passage thus
formed as it is talking about the judiciary. The passage formed follows the arrangement GEBCAF. Hence,
option (d) is correct answer choice.

S4. Ans. (d)

Sol. Going through the lines given one can infer that the theme of the passage that will be formed will be
about the regulators. The statements (C), (F) and (D) can’t be the first statement. Similarly (E) is talking about
some firms which are mentioned in (G). And going through the lines, (G) mentioned these firms. So, (G) can be
the first statement. Then, (G) will be followed by (E). In, (E) some measures are talked about and these
measures are also mentioned in (B). So, (B) will be following (E). (C) is given as the fourth statement. (A) will be
the next statement as NAFRA mentioned in (C) is also mentioned in (A). Last statement will be (F) as (F)
contains the reason why the measures above failed. The statement (D) fails to be the part of the passage thus
formed as it is talking about the judiciary. The passage formed follows the arrangement GEBCAF. Hence,
option (d) is correct answer choice.

S5. Ans. (b)

Sol. Going through the lines given one can infer that the theme of the passage that will be formed will be
about the regulators. The statements (C), (F) and (D) can’t be the first statement. Similarly (E) is talking about
some firms which are mentioned in (G). And going through the lines, (G) mentioned these firms. So, (G) can be
the first statement. Then, (G) will be followed by (E). In, (E) some measures are talked about and these
measures are also mentioned in (B). So, (B) will be following (E). (C) is given as the fourth statement. (A) will be
the next statement as NAFRA mentioned in (C) is also mentioned in (A). Last statement will be (F) as (F)
contains the reason why the measures above failed. The statement (D) fails to be the part of the passage thus
formed as it is talking about the judiciary. The passage formed follows the arrangement GEBCAF. Hence,
option (b) is correct answer choice.
Directions- Read the following passage and answer the questions as directed.
What do elections have to do with democracy? There seems to be a strong belief that a democratic
society is (A)………………… by its elections. The principle of one person, one vote (with some
conditions) is seen as a defining principle of democracy. This principle has become so dominant that it
has successfully reduced the idea of democracy (B)………………………………………... . (C) As a
consequence, participation in democracy, instead of being a dynamic and continuous process,
has been reduced to one act of voting, that too once in a few years.

(D) By reducing character to this singular act, we have managed to build a society that
is fundamentally undemocratic in democracy. Many have commented on the fact that
the parties which speak for democracy have little democratic (E)ethos within them. All
the political parties are dominated by families or friends or, as is often the case now,
business partners. Nepotism and exclusion are the basic working principles of our political
parties. The latest drama in Karnataka manifests well all the problems of our democracy.

(F) But what can democracy be other than enabling elections? To understand this, we have to
first understand the …………………. of voting. What do we do when we cast our vote for one
person or the other? Today when voting has become a business transaction where the voters
are ‘compensated’ for their votes, what does voting really mean? And what does it
The process of voting is extremely important. But its importance is not because it is about choice. Very
often, we tend to mistake democracy with choice — the ability to choose between different candidates.
The significance of democracy does not lie in the act of voting somebody to power but only in the way
that (G)…………………………………………………. Elections are a means of making sure that those
who have power are accountable in some way and that they exercise that power in a democratic manner.
The focus on elections as a sign of democracy is a classic instance of the means overtaking the ends. (H)
Elections are only a means towards the goal of controlling those who wield power, but instead
they have became the end in themselves.
(I)Thus, the essence of democracy is not really about the freedom to choose or the freedom
to exert choice. Rather, it is primarily about how the elected wields power. The incorrect association
of democracy with choice has even led to the absurd claim that the free-market economy reflects
democracy. (J) What has happened in India is that given the emphasis on choice as
being equivelent to democracy, we end up choosing people who then govern most undemocratically.

Q1. Which of the following words given in the options should come at the place marked
as (A) in the above paragraph to make it grammatically correct and meaningful. Also, the
word should fill in the blanks given in the two sentences given below to make them
contextually correct and meaningful.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(I) He had never in his life seen a horizon so cleanly………………, a pencil line
drawn without a breath of haze.
(II) He ……………….. almost every principle that governed commercial transactions
in such a manner that his successors had to only apply the rules he had laid

(a) conduct

(b) holding

(c) defined

(d) define

(e) exaggeration

Q2. Which of the following phrases should fill the blank in (B) to make it contextually
correct and meaningful?

(a) to a ritual of cast votes

(b) too a ritual of casting votes
(c) to a ritual of casting votes
(d) to an ritual of casting votes
(e) to a ritual of casting voting

Q3. In the passage given, a sentence (C) is given in BOLD. There may or may not be an
error in one part of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your
answer. If there is no error then choose option (E) as your answer.

(a) As a consequence, participation in democracy,

(b) instead of being a dynamic and continuous process,

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(c)has been reduced to one act of voting,

(d)that too once in a few years.

(e)No Error

Q4. The sentence given in (D) has four words given in BOLD. Amongst the given BOLD
words which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually
correct and meaningful.

(a) character-managed
(b) managed-fundamentally
(c) fundamentally-democracy
(d) democracy-character
(e) No change required

Q5. A word is given in bold in (E). Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the
word given in bold in (E). If no such word is their, choose option (E) as your answer.

(a) physical

(b) spirit

(c) guide

(d) mental

(e) None of the above

Q6. In the passage given, a paragraph (F) is given in BOLD with two blanks.
Corresponding to the paragraph two columns are given with three words in each column.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Which combination of words from the two columns will perfectly fit into the blanks to
make the paragraph contextually correct and meaningful.

(a) A-D

(b) B-D and C-D

(c) B-D, C-D, B-F and C-F

(d) A-E

(e) B-E and B-F

Q7. Which of the following phrases should fill the blank in (G) to make it contextually
correct and meaningful?

(a) power is exercise by those elected

(b) power is exercised by them elected
(c) power is exercised by those elect
(d) power is exercised by those elected
(e) power is exercising by those elected

Q8. In the passage given, a sentence (H) is given in BOLD. There may or may not be an
error in one part of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your
answer. If there in no error then choose option (e) as your answer.

(a) Elections are only a means towards

(b) the goal of controlling those who
(c) wield power, but instead they have
(d) became the end in themselves.
(e) No Error

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Q9. The sentence given in (I) has four words given in BOLD. Amongst the given BOLD
words which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually
correct and meaningful.

(a) essence-exert
(b) exert-primarily
(c) primarily-wields
(d) essence-wields
(e) No change required

Q10. The sentence given in (J) has four words given in BOLD. Amongst the given BOLD
words one may or may not be wrongly spelt. Choose the word that has a wrong spelling
as your answer. If all words are correctly spelt, choose option (e) as your answer.

(a) happened
(b) emphasis
(c) equivalent
(d) undemocratically
(e) No Error


1. C 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. E

6. D 7. D 8. D 9. E 10. C

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Directions- Read the following passage and answer the questions as directed.

What do elections have to do with democracy? There seems to be a strong belief that a democratic
society is (A)………………… by its elections. The principle of one person, one vote (with some conditions) is
seen as a defining principle of democracy. This principle has become so dominant that it has successfully
reduced the idea of democracy (B)………………………………………... . (C) As a consequence, participation in
democracy, instead of being a dynamic and continuous process, has been reduced to one act of voting,
that too once in a few years.

(D) By reducing character to this singular act, we have managed to build a society that is fundamentally
undemocratic in democracy. Many have commented on the fact that the parties which speak for
democracy have little democratic (E)ethos within them. All the political parties are dominated by
families or friends or, as is often the case now, business partners. Nepotism and exclusion are the basic
working principles of our political parties. The latest drama in Karnataka manifests well all the problems
of our democracy.

(F) But what can democracy be other than enabling elections? To understand this, we have to first
understand the …………………. of voting. What do we do when we cast our vote for one person or the
other? Today when voting has become a business transaction where the voters are ‘compensated’ for
their votes, what does voting really mean? And what does it actually………………..?

The process of voting is extremely important. But its importance is not because it is about choice. Very
often, we tend to mistake democracy with choice — the ability to choose between different candidates.
The significance of democracy does not lie in the act of voting somebody to power but only in the way
that (G)…………………………………………………. Elections are a means of making sure that those who have
power are accountable in some way and that they exercise that power in a democratic manner. The
focus on elections as a sign of democracy is a classic instance of the means overtaking the ends. (H)
Elections are only a means towards the goal of controlling those who wield power, but instead they
have became the end in themselves.

(I)Thus, the essence of democracy is not really about the freedom to choose or the freedom to exert
choice. Rather, it is primarily about how the elected wields power. The incorrect association of

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

democracy with choice has even led to the absurd claim that the free-market economy reflects
democracy. (J) What has happened in India is that given the emphasis on choice as being equivelent to
democracy, we end up choosing people who then govern most undemocratically.

Q1. Which of the following words given in the options should come at the place marked as (A) in the
above paragraph to make it grammatically correct and meaningful. Also, the word should fill in the
blanks given in the two sentences given below to make them contextually correct and meaningful.

(I) He had never in his life seen a horizon so cleanly………………, a pencil line drawn without a breath of

(II) He ……………….. almost every principle that governed commercial transactions in such a manner that
his successors had to only apply the rules he had laid down.







'Defined' is grammatically and contextually correct for all the blanks.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Q2. Which of the following phrases should fill the blank in (B) to make it contextually correct and

to a ritual of cast votes

too a ritual of casting votes

to a ritual of casting votes

to an ritual of casting votes

to a ritual of casting voting


"to a ritual of casting votes" is grammatically and contextually correct.

Q3. In the passage given, a sentence (C) is given in BOLD. There may or may not be an error in one part
of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your answer. If there is no error then choose
option (E) as your answer.

As a consequence, participation in democracy,

instead of being a dynamic and continuous process,

has been reduced to one act of voting,

that too once in a few years.

No Error


No Error

Q4. The sentence given in (D) has four words given in BOLD. Amongst the given BOLD words which of
the following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful.




Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


No change required


"democracy-character" should replace each other to make the sentence grammatically correct and

Q5. A word is given in bold in (E). Choose the word which is similar in meaning to the word given in bold
in (E). If no such word is their, choose option (E) as your answer.





None of the above


Ethos: the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its attitudes and

Q6. In the passage given, a paragraph (F) is given in BOLD with two blanks. Corresponding to the
paragraph two columns are given with three words in each column. Which combination of words from
the two columns will perfectly fit into the blanks to make the paragraph contextually correct and


B-D and C-D

B-D, C-D, B-F and C-F

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800


B-E and B-F


A-E is the correct combination of words for both the blanks to make the paragraph correct and

Q7. Which of the following phrases should fill the blank in (G) to make it contextually correct and

power is exercise by those elected

power is exercised by them elected

power is exercised by those elect

power is exercised by those elected

power is exercising by those elected


"power is exercised by those elected" is grammatically correct and meaningful.

Q8. In the passage given, a sentence (H) is given in BOLD. There may or may not be an error in one part
of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your answer. If there in no error then choose
option (e) as your answer.

Elections are only a means towards

the goal of controlling those who

wield power, but instead they have

became the end in themselves.

No Error


Error is in the part in option (d). Use 'become' in place of 'became'.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Q9. The sentence given in (I) has four words given in BOLD. Amongst the given BOLD words which of the
following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful.





No change required


No change required

Q20. The sentence given in (J) has four words given in BOLD. Amongst the given BOLD words one may or
may not be wrongly spelt. Choose the word that has a wrong spelling as your answer. If all words are
correctly spelt, choose option (e) as your answer.





No Error


The correct spelling is 'equivalent'.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona PDF 47

Read the following passage carefully and answer the Questions given below it. Certain
words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some
of the Questions.

A large number of branches of banks have been set up in the villages. The main purpose of
setting up these banks is to develop the habit of saving among the villagers and also to give
loans to farmers for boosting production in one way or the other. So far banks had been
concentrated in the bigger cities and Indian villagers had no faith in them. The new banks
also intend to re-channel bank credit-from the big industries to the small sectors. With the
intention of promoting rural banking, regional rural banks were established. These aligned
the local field with the rural problems. These banks are not to replace the other credit-
giving bodies but to supplement them.
The Steering Committee of the Regional Rural Banks considered some structural changes.
First of all they gave thought to the staffing spectrum, then to effective coordination among
banks - rural cooperatives and commercial, and the possibility of bringing credit within the
access of weaker sections. They wanted to recruit staff for the rural banks at lower salaries.
But this type of discrimination would have been unfruitful. So it was given up.
A problem with regard to the rural banks is the creditworthiness of the poor. The Indian
farmers are so poor that they cannot pay back their loans. The rural Indian surveys make it
quite clear that practically rural farmers have no creditworthiness. Their socio-economic
mobility is almost zero. That is why banks fear that their credit will never be paid back.
Another difficulty for the rural banks is that loans cannot be processed so easily. Processing
loans also entails heavy expenditure. This was also going to affect their financial position.
Still the establishment of the rural banks was decided because the social advantages were
more important than the commercial consideration.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Rural banks definitely encourage savings. No doubt the villagers do not have to pay income
tax and they get many other concessions, yet their saving is not significant. Despite all the
hurdles, the rural banking system will boost up the economy of villages, and thereby the
economy of the country.

1.Which of the following is/are the purpose/s of setting up banks in rural areas?
(A) Replacing other credit-giving bodies
(B) Giving loans to farmers
(C) Increasing the amount of savings of villagers.

(A) Only (B)

(B) Only (A) and (B)
(C) Only (B) and (C)
(D) Only (A)
(E) All (A), (B) and (C)

2. The structural changes made by the Steering Committee were in respect of

(A) staffing, coordinating and providing access to weaker sections
(B) building smaller buildings to house the banks
(C) investing very little in terms of infrastructure required to start a bank
(D) discriminating between urban bank staff and rural bank staff
(E) None of these
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3. Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate title for the passage?
(A) Regional Rural Banks
(B) The Rural Consumer
(C) Microfinance In Rural India
(D) Characteristics Of Indian Villages
(E) Banking Concepts In India

4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

(A) Processing of loans by rural banks is difficult
(B) Staff of the rural banks is paid a lower salary as compared to urban banks
(C) Rural banks may not make as much profit as their urban counterparts
(D) Processing of loans by banks is not cheap
(E) Rural farmers are, many a time, unable to pay back the loans they avail

5. Which of the following is one of the benefits of living in the village, as mentioned in the
(A) People living in the villages enjoy a higher income than their urban counterparts
(B) People living in villages do not have to pay income tax and they also get other
(C) People living in villages have a better quality of life
(D) Villages are self-sufficient; hence they do not need outside help for any activity
(E) People living in villages are rarely in need of a loan

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Direction: Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which
can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the
same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences.

(I)Akshita has been consistently working
hard to crack IAS exam.
(II)The result proves her intelligence
and constant effort.
(i)Since Akshita has….
(ii)Akshita’s result proves….
(iii)Although Akshita was………
(a)Only (i)
(b)Only (ii)
(c)Only (iii)
(d)All of the above
(e)None of these

Q7. (I)Do not make the food too much spicy.

(II)It irritates children’s delicate stomach.

(i)Making food too……..

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(ii)Since Children have….
(iii)Irritating children’s…..
(a)Only (ii)
(b)Both (i) and (ii)
(c)Only (iii)
(d)Both (i) and (iii)
(e)None of these

Q8. (I)The announcer advised applicants to self-attest their documents.

(II)It was mandatory for those applying to get a passport.
(i)Applicants were advised…..
(ii)Since self-attested documents…….
(iii)Because self-attested documents………
(a)Only (i)
(b)Only (ii)
(c)Only (iii)
(d)All of the above
(e)None of these

Q9. (I)Sunita’s body is not immune anymore according to the doctor.

(II)Her body is vulnerable to any disease.
(i)Since her body is vulnerable to…….
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(ii)Sunita’s loss of immunity makes………
(iii)Because of loss of immunity…….
(a)Only (i)
(b)Only (ii)
(c)Only (iii)
(d)Both (ii) and (iii)
(e)None of these

10. (I)He would take up the issue with

his lawyer.
(II)His order was delivered by a
Muslim man.

(i)Since he did not want……

(ii)Because his order was……
(iii)Getting his order……..

(a)Only (i)
(b)Only (ii)
(c)Both (ii) & (iii)
(d)Only (iii)
(e)None of these
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1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B
6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C

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Drona PDF 48

In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given
below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each case.
Once upon a time, Amarasakti ruled the city-state of Mahilaropyam in the south of India. He had three
witless sons who became a matter of endless (1) for him. (2) that his sons had no interest in learning, the
king summoned his ministers and said. “You know I am not happy with my sons. According to men of
learning, an unborn son is better than a son who is a (3). A son who is stupid will bring dishonour to his
father. How can I make my sons fit to be my (4)? I turn to you for advice.”
One of the ministers (5) the name of Vishnu Sharman, a great scholar enjoying the (6) of hundreds of his
disciples. “He is the most (7) person to tutor your children. Entrust them to his care and very soon you will
see the change.”
The king summoned Vishnu Sharman and pleaded with him “Oh, venerable scholar, take pity on me and
please train my sons. Turn them into great scholars and I will be (8) to you all my life.” Vishnu Sharman
said, “Oh, king, count six months from today. If I do not make your children great scholars, you can ask me
to change my (9).”
The king immediately called his sons and handed them over to the care of the learned man. Sharman took
them to his monastery where he (10) teaching them. Keeping his word, he finished the task the king
entrusted to him in six months. Thus, the king, now, had scholars for sons.

1. Choose the option 1

(A) ache
(B) worry
(C) joy
(D) pity
(E) hazard

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. Choose the option 2
(A) Fact
(B) Belief
(C) Since
(D) Realizing
(E) Being

3. Choose the option 3

(A) stupid
(B) brilliant
(C) fool
(D) uneducated
(E) scholar

4. Choose the option 4

(A) self
(B) places
(C) successors
(D) level
(E) siblings

5. Choose the option 5

(A) suggested
(B) requested

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) called
(D) pointed
(E) said

6. Choose the option 6

(A) teachings
(B) attendance
(C) glamour
(D) rights
(E) respect

7. Choose the option 7

(A) competent
(B) right
(C) easy
(D) actual
(E) skill

8. Choose the option 8

(A) happy
(B) oblige
(C) beside
(D) indebted
(E) disciple

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

9. Choose the option 9
(A) importance
(B) name
(C) clothes
(D) location
(E) life

10. Choose the option 10

(A) embark
(B) mustered
(C) begun
(D) decided
(E) started

Answers :

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A

6.E 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona PDF 48 Solution

In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given
below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each case.
Once upon a time, Amarasakti ruled the city-state of Mahilaropyam in the south of India. He had three
witless sons who became a matter of endless (1) for him. (2) that his sons had no interest in learning, the
king summoned his ministers and said. “You know I am not happy with my sons. According to men of
learning, an unborn son is better than a son who is a (3). A son who is stupid will bring dishonour to his
father. How can I make my sons fit to be my (4)? I turn to you for advice.”

One of the ministers (5) the name of Vishnu Sharman, a great scholar enjoying the (6) of hundreds of his
disciples. “He is the most (7) person to tutor your children. Entrust them to his care and very soon you will
see the change.”
The king summoned Vishnu Sharman and pleaded with him “Oh, venerable scholar, take pity on me and
please train my sons. Turn them into great scholars and I will be (8) to you all my life.” Vishnu Sharman
said, “Oh, king, count six months from today. If I do not make your children great scholars, you can ask me
to change my (9).”

The king immediately called his sons and handed them over to the care of the learned man. Sharman took
them to his monastery where he (10) teaching them. Keeping his word, he finished the task the king
entrusted to him in six months. Thus, the king, now, had scholars for sons.

1. Choose the option 1

(A) ache
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) worry
(C) joy
(D) pity
(E) hazard
Answer: B
'Worry' is the correct answer as the king was upset because his three witless sons were not interested in
learning. 'Pity' does not fit in logically because no one showed sympathy towards the king. Hence, option
(2) is the correct answer.

2. Choose the option 2

(A) Fact
(B) Belief
(C) Since
(D) Realizing
(E) Being

Answer: D
'Realizing' is the correct answer because the king became aware of the fact that his sons had no interest in
learning. No other option fits in logically. Hence, option (4) is the correct answer.

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3. Choose the option 3

(A) stupid
(B) brilliant
(C) fool
(D) uneducated
(E) scholar

Answer: C
The only option that is grammatically and logically appropriate is 'fool'. 'Stupid' would have been correct if
the blank was not preceded by 'a'. Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.

4. Choose the option 4

(A) self
(B) places
(C) successors
(D) level
(E) siblings

Answer: C

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'Successor' means someone who succeeds another person. In the given context, the sons would succeed to
the throne of the king. Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.

5. Choose the option 5

(A) suggested
(B) requested
(C) called
(D) pointed
(E) said

Answer: A
'Suggested' is the correct answer because one of the ministers gave a suggestion that Vishnu Sharman was
a great scholar and deserves to be chosen as a tutor for the sons. Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.

6. Choose the option 6

(A) teachings
(B) attendance
(C) glamour
(D) rights
(E) respect

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Answer: E
Only 'respect' is the correct answer because disciples admire their teacher for his valuable teachings. In the
given context, respect is used as an expression of deference. Hence, option (5) is the correct answer.

7. Choose the option 7

(A) competent
(B) right
(C) easy
(D) actual
(E) skill

Answer: A
'Competent' is the correct answer because Vishnu Sharman was considered to have enough skill and
knowledge to turn the king's sons into great scholars. Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.

8. Choose the option 8

(A) happy
(B) oblige

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(C) beside
(D) indebted
(E) disciple

Answer: D
'Indebted' is the correct answer because the king will be grateful to Vishnu Sharman for turning his sons
into great scholars. Hence, option (4) is the correct answer.

9. Choose the option 9

(A) importance
(B) name
(C) clothes
(D) location
(E) life

Answer: B
Only 'name' is the correct answer since the sentence suggests that something related to Vishnu Sharman
would be changed. No other option fits in logically. Hence, option (2) is the correct answer.

10. Choose the option 10

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(A) embark
(B) mustered
(C) begun
(D) decided
(E) started

Answer: E
The only option that is grammatically and logically appropriate is 'started' because Vishnu Sharman took
the sons to his monastery to teach them. Hence, option (5) is the correct answer.

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Drona PDF 49

In each Question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as
(1), (2),(3) and (4). One of these four boldly printed words may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate
in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The
number of that word is your answer. If all the boldly printed words are correctly spelt and also
appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5), i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer
1. In order to curtale (1) the substantial (2) export of iron ore recently (3) the government has imposed (4)
an export tax. / All correct (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

2. Several (1) mediam (2) and small sized (3) companies successfully survived (4) the global financial crisis
of 2008. / All correct (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

3. One of the tangible (1) benefits (2) of appearing (3) for a loan under this scheme is the interest rate
concessions (4). / All correct (5)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

4. With effect (1) from April, non-banking finance companies with good performances (2) may be granted
(3) licences to convert (4) into banks. / All correct (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

5. In 2009, the largest (1) remittances (2) sent to India were from oversees (3) Indians living (4) in North
America. / All correct (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Rearrange the following sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph
and then answer the Questions given below them.

A. The farmer called his neighbor’s and asked them to help him put mud into the well but the mule
thought that he was calling the neighbor’s to help him get out of the well.
B. A farmer wanted to get rid of his old mule and buy a new one but the mule always came back wherever
the farmer left him.
C. He walked away from his cruel master and never returned.
D. One day the mule fell into a well and the farmer thought, Why not bury it there so that I don't have to
worry about getting rid of it?•
E. The mule started shaking off all the mud that fell on him and kept climbing on the heap of mud as it fell
into the well; soon he was on top of the mud he and he easily got out of the well.
F. When they started putting mud in the well the mule realized his master's plan and started thinking of
ways to save himself.

6. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) D
(B) B
(C) A
(D) F
(E) E

7. Which of the following should the FOURTH sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) F

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) B
(D) C
(E) D

8. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence in the rearrangement?
(A) B
(B) E
(C) C
(D) A
(E) D

9. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) D
(B) A
(C) C
(D) B
(E) F

10. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence in the rearrangement?
(A) B
(B) F
(C) E
(D) D
(E) A

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1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C
6.E 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona PDF 49 Solution

In each Question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are
numbered as (1), (2),(3) and (4). One of these four boldly printed words may be either wrongly
spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt
or inappropriate, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the boldly printed words
are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5), i.e. 'All
Correct', as your answer

1. In order to curtale (1) the substantial (2) export of iron ore recently (3) the government has
imposed (4) an export tax. / All correct (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: A

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

The correct spelling is 'curtail'.

2. Several (1) mediam (2) and small sized (3) companies successfully survived (4) the global
financial crisis of 2008. / All correct (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: B
The correct spelling is 'medium'.

3. One of the tangible (1) benefits (2) of appearing (3) for a loan under this scheme is the
interest rate concessions (4). / All correct (5)

(A) 1

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: C
The correct word should be 'applying.'

4. With effect (1) from April, non-banking finance companies with good performances (2) may
be granted (3) licences to convert (4) into banks. / All correct (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5
Answer: B
Performance' should be in the singular form.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

5. In 2009, the largest (1) remittances (2) sent to India were from oversees (3) Indians living (4)
in North America. / All correct (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: C
The correct spelling is 'overseas'.

Rearrange the following sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in proper sequence to form a meaningful
paragraph and then answer the Questions given below them.

A. The farmer called his neighbor’s and asked them to help him put mud into the well but the
mule thought that he was calling the neighbor’s to help him get out of the well.
B. A farmer wanted to get rid of his old mule and buy a new one but the mule always came back
wherever the farmer left him.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

C. He walked away from his cruel master and never returned.
D. One day the mule fell into a well and the farmer thought, Why not bury it there so that I
don't have to worry about getting rid of it?•
E. The mule started shaking off all the mud that fell on him and kept climbing on the heap of
mud as it fell into the well; soon he was on top of the mud he and he easily got out of the well.
F. When they started putting mud in the well the mule realized his master's plan and started
thinking of ways to save himself.

6. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) D
(B) B
(C) A
(D) F
(E) E

Answer: E
The correct sequence of the sentences should be BDAFEC.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

7. Which of the following should the FOURTH sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) F
(C) B
(D) C
(E) D

Answer: B
The correct sequence of the sentences should be BDAFEC.

8. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) B
(B) E
(C) C
(D) A
(E) D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Answer: C
The correct sequence of the sentences should be BDAFEC.

9. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) D
(B) A
(C) C
(D) B
(E) F

Answer: D
The correct sequence of the sentences should be BDAFEC.

10. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence in the rearrangement?

(A) B
(B) F

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(C) E
(D) D
(E) A

Answer: D
The correct sequence of the sentences should be BDAFEC.

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Drona pdf 50

Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the
phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is
already correct, mark (5), i.e. 'No correction required', as the answer.
1. Good life, according to many people, is to making more and more money.
(A) is making
(B) is made
(C) are made
(D) are making
(E) No correction required

2. Lift the handset only after paid a one rupee coin.

(A) paying a one-rupee coin
(B) you pay one-rupee coin
(C) pay one-rupee coin
(D) you paid one-rupee coin
(E) No correction required

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

3. What matter does most is the quality and not the quantity.
(A) What does matter
(B) What does it matter
(C) That matters
(D) What matters
(E) No correction required

4. Not knowing the language and had no friends in the country, he found it impossible to
get a job.
(A) has no
(B) with having
(C) with having not
(D) having no
(E) No correction required

5. With the introduction of the new system, the number of candidates who resort to unfair
means is decreasing year after year.
(A) resorting to
(B) to resort to
(C) resorted to
(D) to resorting
(E) No correction required

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

In each of the following Questions, Check the underlined part of phrase and suggest the
best option for improvement.
6. Gore was vice-president of the United States, while earlier his father has been a senator
(A) while earlier his father has been
(B) where his father earlier is
(C) just as earlier his father had been
(D) as his earlier father has been
(E) his father earlier being

7. Animal Rescue is a non-profit organization that tries to find lost pets and that returns
them to their owners.
(A) to find lost pets and that returns them
(B) to find lost pets and return them
(C) to find lost pets for return
(D) at finding lost pets so as to return them
(E) finding lost pets and that returns them

8. The intense humidity emphasized the fact it was, which the records show, the hottest
day Ottawa had ever had.
(A) it was, which the records show
(B) it was, and it is the records that show it,
(C) of it being, as the records show,
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(D) that the day was, as the records show,
(E) shown in the records, that it was

9. The mayor regretted that Hurricane Bradley had affected the metropolitan area so much
more dramatically than meteorologists had expected may occur.
(A) had expected may occur
(B) had expected
(C) expected the occurrence of
(D) expected may occur
(E) expected

10. Two disabled children, one with crutches and the other one with a wheelchair, enters
the class on Monday.
(A) the other one with a wheelchair, enters
(B) the other one a wheelchair, enters
(C) the other with a wheelchair, enters
(D) the other with a wheelchair, enter
(E) one with a wheelchair, enters

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1.A 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.E
6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 50 solution

Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should
replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If
the sentence is already correct, mark (5), i.e. 'No correction required', as the

1. Good life, according to many people, is to making more and more money.

(A) is making
(B) is made
(C) are made
(D) are making
(E) No correction required

Answer: A
'To' is not required.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. Lift the handset only after paid a one rupee coin.

(A) paying a one-rupee coin

(B) you pay one-rupee coin
(C) pay one-rupee coin
(D) you paid one-rupee coin
(E) No correction required

Answer: A
The gerundial form of the verb should be used.

3. What matter does most is the quality and not the quantity.

(A) What does matter

(B) What does it matter
(C) That matters

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(D) What matters
(E) No correction required

Answer: D
'Matters' itself is a verb.

4. Not knowing the language and had no friends in the country, he found it
impossible to get a job.

(A) has no
(B) with having
(C) with having not
(D) having no
(E) No correction required

Answer: D
'Having no friends' is appropriate.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

5. With the introduction of the new system, the number of candidates who resort
to unfair means is decreasing year after year.

(A) resorting to
(B) to resort to
(C) resorted to
(D) to resorting
(E) No correction required

Answer: E
The sentence is grammatically correct.

In each of the following Questions, Check the underlined part of phrase and
suggest the best option for improvement.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

6. Gore was vice-president of the United States, while earlier his father has been
a senator

(A) while earlier his father has been

(B) where his father earlier is
(C) just as earlier his father had been
(D) as his earlier father has been
(E) his father earlier being

Answer: C
If the first part of the sentence is in the past tense, then what happened earlier
should be in the past perfect tense. That eliminates A, B, D and E. Choice C is the
correct answer.

7. Animal Rescue is a non-profit organization that tries to find lost pets and that
returns them to their owners.

(A) to find lost pets and that returns them

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(B) to find lost pets and return them
(C) to find lost pets for return
(D) at finding lost pets so as to return them
(E) finding lost pets and that returns them

Answer: B
This Question deals with parallel structure. The parallel elements herein are: tries
to find and tries to return. Even if the entire phrase is not repeated, parallel
structure is still maintained by preserving the form. The only choices which use
'return' are B, C and D. Choice C, however, does not make it clear that it is the
organization itself which returns the lost pets. In this way there is a slight change
in the meaning of the original sentence. D uses the incorrect idiomatic expression
'tries at finding', instead of 'tries to find'. Choice B is the correct answer.

8. The intense humidity emphasized the fact it was, which the records show, the
hottest day Ottawa had ever had.

(A) it was, which the records show

(B) it was, and it is the records that show it,

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) of it being, as the records show,
(D) that the day was, as the records show,
(E) shown in the records, that it was

Answer: D
Because you have the word 'emphasized', you also need to use the word 'that'.
That leaves choices D and E as possible answers. D has a better order of words
than E has. You are not so much emphasizing a fact shown in the records as
emphasizing the fact that it was the hottest day on record. Choice D is the correct

9. The mayor regretted that Hurricane Bradley had affected the metropolitan area
so much more dramatically than meteorologists had expected may occur.

(A) had expected may occur

(B) had expected
(C) expected the occurrence of
(D) expected may occur
(E) expected

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Answer: B

The first thing you must decide is whether to use the simple past or the past
perfect. The expectations of the meteorologists occurred before the hurricane
affected the metropolitan area. Therefore the past perfect should be used.
Eliminate C, D and E. B is shorter and simpler than A. Therefore B is the correct

10. Two disabled children, one with crutches and the other one with a wheelchair,
enters the class on Monday.

(A) the other one with a wheelchair, enters

(B) the other one a wheelchair, enters
(C) the other with a wheelchair, enters
(D) the other with a wheelchair, enter
(E) one with a wheelchair, enters

Answer: D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

This is a very simple Question involving subject/verb agreement. Should it be 'two
children enter' or 'two children enter'? They enter (plural). That eliminates
choices A, C and E. Choice B implies that one of the children is a wheelchair.
Choice D is the correct answer.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 51
The Questions in this section are based on a single passage. The Questions are to be
Answered on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Kindly note that more
than one of the choices may conceivably answer some of the Questions. However, you are
to choose the most appropriate answer, that is, the response that most accurately and
completely answers the Question.
Controlling the Internet censorship plays a role in everything that is portrayed on the
Internet. However, due to its size and rapid growth, it has become almost impossible to
control the Internet. In 1989, the World Wide Web was developed. This new technology
enabled Internet users to exchange information on a global scale. With no restrictions on
what information could be shared, the Internet has become home to an assortment of web
sites consisting of topics that are shunned from the mainstream media. For example,
literature that was banned from high schools and colleges for content that contained
sexually explicit, anti-religious or immoral material has been made available through
websites, such as Banned Books On-Line. Over the last couple of decades, governments
have struggled to regulate the content of the Internet. For example, in 1996 the Congress of
the United States passed the Communications Decency Act, which made it a crime to
transmit indecent material over the Internet. Materials such as child-pornography were
deemed offensive and thus distributors must be prosecuted.
To help catch Internet content violators, organizations such as the Internet Police• were
created. The Internet Police, help to regulate the Internet by reporting illegal websites,
pressuring governments to apply relevant legislation, blocking illegal material and reporting
attempts by people to access child pornography. Many Internet users, industry experts and
civil liberties groups were against the Communications Decency Act. Websites such as The
Electronic Frontier Foundation, were created to uphold the rights to free digital expression
against political and legal threats. Anti-censorship followers feel that the government's
actions are infringing on their freedom of speech. When taken to the Supreme Court in

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1997, the court was forced to abolish the Act because it was unconstitutional. Internet
censorship can sometimes vary depending on the country. For example, in communist
countries such as China, western ideologies conveyed on the Internet are seen as harmful
to the solidarity of the Chinese government. As such, all emails leaving and entering the
country are screened and edited by government officials. But, sometimes messages are
even deleted if they are seen as being harmful to national interests. Recently, the Chinese
government tried to develop its own China World Web in order to censor any unwanted
western messages.
The Internet is more like the everyday world, with all of its promises and problems, than a
reflection of academia or an island village. While it's become a tremendous tool for
commerce and information, it has also become a home to thieves, terrorists and vandals.
The Internet conceals malicious users. The remote nature of the Internet also creates a
false sense of security. Many users log on in blissful ignorance, believing they're okay
because they can't see or feel any threats. Even after learning that their workstations or
websites have been broken into multiple times, many fail to understand the threats lurking
on the other end of the wire. Systems are routinely attacked by multiple vectors, worms
carried in by e-mails, bandwidth consumed by floods of bogus traffic, and workstation CPUs
hijacked through some unpatched vulnerability.
1.The above excerpt appears to have been taken from:
(A) an encyclopedia
(B) a diary
(C) an essay
(D) a novel
(E) a play

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. Why does the author believe that it is almost impossible to control the Internet?
(A) It is associated with technology.
(B) Its present size and rapid tendency to expand.
(C) Millions of users are using it.
(D) Very few people understand the ill-effects of this technology.
(E) Internet is difficult to be controlled because of viruses null

3. Why does the author give the Chinese government's example?

(A) The author wants to show that different governments may follow different measures in
order to censor the Internet.
(B) The author specifically gives a communist country's example in order to show their bias
towards western ideologies.
(C) The author tries to explain that the people of China do not feel that their freedom of
expression is endangered by these steps taken by their government.
(D) The author just provides additional information on the issue in order to maintain the
reader's interest.
(E) The author wants to project China as a superpower.

4. Which of the following statements best expresses the author's opinion about Internet
(A) The author is of the view that only specific content on the Internet should be censored.
(B) The author believes that governments should not infringe upon the right to freedom of
expression of the public.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(C) The author does not take a definitive stand and suggests that there are advantages as
well as disadvantages of this technology.
(D) The author suggests that governments should not intervene in this issue at all.
(E) The author believes that common people should keep a tab on the Internet.

5. According to the passage, which of the following is not included in the positive
evaluations made by the author about the Internet?
(A) Internet enables us to exchange information on a global scale.
(B) Internet has given a huge boost to commerce.
(C) Internet provides space to a number of web sites.
(D) Internet is available round-the-clock.
(E) Nowadays, Internet is available even in the Antarctica.

6. What is the meaning of the word 'lurking'?

(A) Roaming
(B) Revealing
(C) Crawling
(D) Slinking
(E) Doubtful

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

7. Why does the author feel that the Internet has become 'a home for thieves'?
(A) The Internet provides space for one to conceal his identity.
(B) A number of crimes are committed due to a lack of screening process of the information
(C) The user-friendliness of the Internet encourages users to commit criminal acts.
(D) The governments are unable to restrict cyber crimes.
(E) It is easy to rob banks through Internet.

8. Which of the following statements best expresses the author's opinion regarding the
Internet being similar to 'the everyday world'?
(A) There are a number of things which are uncontrollable by human beings in the real
world similarly it is the case with the Internet.
(B) The real world provides us the opportunity to explore and this same opportunity is
available to an internet user.
(C) The Internet, just like the real world, presents both the advantages and the
disadvantages to us.
(D) The Internet, just like the real world, has only given us disadvantages and more issues
which need to be resolved.
(E) Internet often reflects sociological conditions.

9. The author's point regarding the restrictions on the Internet can be best reinstated by
which of the following statements?

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) The Internet is remote in nature but can be accessed around the world.
(B) The Internet has given a sense of security to its users due to the various restrictions
placed on them.
(C) The Internet does not restrict the various viruses and spams at all.
(D) The Internet has given space to material which was considered immoral or anti-religious
and did not find acceptance from any other source.
(E) The Internet can be controlled from anywhere in the world.

10. According to the passage, which of the following is a disadvantage faced by an Internet
(A) The sense of comfort established by the internet prevents the user from identifying the
dangers that are lurking around him.
(B) The amount of information available can easily confuse the user and lead to information
(C) All the sources of information available on the internet are not reliable and user-
(D) The Internet provides a sense of security to the user which encour
(E) None of these

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D

6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 51 solution
The Questions in this section are based on a single passage. The Questions are to be
Answered on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Kindly note that more
than one of the choices may conceivably answer some of the Questions. However, you are
to choose the most appropriate answer, that is, the response that most accurately and
completely answers the Question.

Controlling the Internet censorship plays a role in everything that is portrayed on the
Internet. However, due to its size and rapid growth, it has become almost impossible to
control the Internet. In 1989, the World Wide Web was developed. This new technology
enabled Internet users to exchange information on a global scale. With no restrictions on
what information could be shared, the Internet has become home to an assortment of web
sites consisting of topics that are shunned from the mainstream media. For example,
literature that was banned from high schools and colleges for content that contained
sexually explicit, anti-religious or immoral material has been made available through
websites, such as Banned Books On-Line. Over the last couple of decades, governments
have struggled to regulate the content of the Internet. For example, in 1996 the Congress of
the United States passed the Communications Decency Act, which made it a crime to
transmit indecent material over the Internet. Materials such as child-pornography were
deemed offensive and thus distributors must be prosecuted.

To help catch Internet content violators, organizations such as the Internet Police• were
created. The Internet Police, help to regulate the Internet by reporting illegal websites,
pressuring governments to apply relevant legislation, blocking illegal material and reporting
attempts by people to access child pornography. Many Internet users, industry experts and
civil liberties groups were against the Communications Decency Act. Websites such as The

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Electronic Frontier Foundation, were created to uphold the rights to free digital expression
against political and legal threats. Anti-censorship followers feel that the government's
actions are infringing on their freedom of speech. When taken to the Supreme Court in
1997, the court was forced to abolish the Act because it was unconstitutional. Internet
censorship can sometimes vary depending on the country. For example, in communist
countries such as China, western ideologies conveyed on the Internet are seen as harmful
to the solidarity of the Chinese government. As such, all emails leaving and entering the
country are screened and edited by government officials. But, sometimes messages are
even deleted if they are seen as being harmful to national interests. Recently, the Chinese
government tried to develop its own China World Web in order to censor any unwanted
western messages.

The Internet is more like the everyday world, with all of its promises and problems, than a
reflection of academia or an island village. While it's become a tremendous tool for
commerce and information, it has also become a home to thieves, terrorists and vandals.
The Internet conceals malicious users. The remote nature of the Internet also creates a
false sense of security. Many users log on in blissful ignorance, believing they're okay
because they can't see or feel any threats. Even after learning that their workstations or
websites have been broken into multiple times, many fail to understand the threats lurking
on the other end of the wire. Systems are routinely attacked by multiple vectors, worms
carried in by e-mails, bandwidth consumed by floods of bogus traffic, and workstation CPUs
hijacked through some unpatched vulnerability.

1.The above excerpt appears to have been taken from:

(A) an encyclopedia
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) a diary
(C) an essay
(D) a novel
(E) a play

Answer: C
An encyclopedia is a comprehensive summary of information from either all branches of
knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge. The given passage does not give a
comprehensive summary of information. Option (2) is negated because a diary would have
personal information while option (4) is negated because it is not a work of fiction. The
passage could be an excerpt from an essay as it provides a detailed description of a
particular topic, i.e. 'Controlling the Internet'.

2. Why does the author believe that it is almost impossible to control the Internet?

(A) It is associated with technology.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(B) Its present size and rapid tendency to expand.
(C) Millions of users are using it.
(D) Very few people understand the ill-effects of this technology.
(E) Internet is difficult to be controlled because of viruses null

Answer: B
The second line of the passage clearly states that controlling the Internet has become
impossible because of its size and rapid growth.

3. Why does the author give the Chinese government's example?

(A) The author wants to show that different governments may follow different measures in
order to censor the Internet.
(B) The author specifically gives a communist country's example in order to show their bias
towards western ideologies.
(C) The author tries to explain that the people of China do not feel that their freedom of
expression is endangered by these steps taken by their government.
(D) The author just provides additional information on the issue in order to maintain the
reader's interest.
(E) The author wants to project China as a superpower.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Answer: A
Refer to the line, Internet censorship can sometimes vary depending on the country. This
supports option (1). Option (2) is negated because the main point is not the 'bias towards
western ideologies'. Options (3) and (4) are irrelevant.

4. Which of the following statements best expresses the author's opinion about Internet

(A) The author is of the view that only specific content on the Internet should be censored.
(B) The author believes that governments should not infringe upon the right to freedom of
expression of the public.
(C) The author does not take a definitive stand and suggests that there are advantages as
well as disadvantages of this technology.
(D) The author suggests that governments should not intervene in this issue at all.
(E) The author believes that common people should keep a tab on the Internet.

Answer: C
It is clear from the passage that the author has not given his own opinion and has merely
stated the facts and opinion of third parties. The author has suggested the advantages and
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
disadvantages of the internet in the last paragraph of the passage. So, options (1), (2) and
(4) can be negated.

5. According to the passage, which of the following is not included in the positive
evaluations made by the author about the Internet?

(A) Internet enables us to exchange information on a global scale.

(B) Internet has given a huge boost to commerce.
(C) Internet provides space to a number of web sites.
(D) Internet is available round-the-clock.
(E) Nowadays, Internet is available even in the Antarctica.

Answer: D
Options (1) and (3) are mentioned in the first paragraph while option (2) is mentioned in
the third paragraph.

6. What is the meaning of the word 'lurking'?

(A) Roaming
(B) Revealing
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(C) Crawling
(D) Slinking
(E) Doubtful

Answer: D
'Lurking' refers to waiting in a secret place especially in order to do something wrong or
harmful. 'Slinking', which means to move in a way that does not attract attention especially
because you are embarrassed, afraid or doing something wrong, is a synonym of the word
in Question.

7. Why does the author feel that the Internet has become 'a home for thieves'?

(A) The Internet provides space for one to conceal his identity.
(B) A number of crimes are committed due to a lack of screening process of the information
(C) The user-friendliness of the Internet encourages users to commit criminal acts.
(D) The governments are unable to restrict cyber crimes.
(E) It is easy to rob banks through Internet.

Answer: A

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

The third paragraph states that the Internet conceals malicious users and thus, it has
become a home to thieves, terrorists and vandals. Options (2), (3) and (4) are not supported
by the passage.

8. Which of the following statements best expresses the author's opinion regarding the
Internet being similar to 'the everyday world'?

(A) There are a number of things which are uncontrollable by human beings in the real
world similarly it is the case with the Internet.
(B) The real world provides us the opportunity to explore and this same opportunity is
available to an internet user.
(C) The Internet, just like the real world, presents both the advantages and the
disadvantages to us.
(D) The Internet, just like the real world, has only given us disadvantages and more issues
which need to be resolved.
(E) Internet often reflects sociological conditions.

Answer: C
The first line of the third paragraph clearly states that the Internet is like the everyday
world with all of its promises and problems.

9. The author's point regarding the restrictions on the Internet can be best reinstated by
which of the following statements?
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(A) The Internet is remote in nature but can be accessed around the world.
(B) The Internet has given a sense of security to its users due to the various restrictions
placed on them.
(C) The Internet does not restrict the various viruses and spams at all.
(D) The Internet has given space to material which was considered immoral or anti-religious
and did not find acceptance from any other source.
(E) The Internet can be controlled from anywhere in the world.

Answer: D
Options (1) and (3) are not supported by the passage while option (2) is in negation of the
passage. Option (4) is the correct answer because the passage states that the Internet
contains material that is banned from the mainstream media due to the lack of restrictions
on the Internet.

10. According to the passage, which of the following is a disadvantage faced by an Internet

(A) The sense of comfort established by the internet prevents the user from identifying the
dangers that are lurking around him.
(B) The amount of information available can easily confuse the user and lead to information

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) All the sources of information available on the internet are not reliable and user-
(D) The Internet provides a sense of security to the user which encour
(E) None of these

Answer: A

Option (2) is negated because the passage does not talk of information overload. Option (3)
is ruled out because the passage does not talk of sources of information available on the
Internet. Option (4) is negated because the passage does not suggest that the false sense of
security provided by the Internet encourages misconduct. Option (1) is the correct answer
because the passage clearly states that the false sense of security leads the users to believe
that they do not face any threats.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 52

Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase given in
bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No
correction is required’, mark (5) as the answer.
1. As Anuj was familiar with the road to Neeraj’s house, he lead the way.
(A) led the way
(B) led away
(C) leading ways
(D) lead ways
(E) No correction required

2. Although Sharad was new to the field of painting, he give it a go.

(A) gave goes
(B) gives his go
(C) gave it a go
(D) giving it goes
(E) No correction required

3. The performance of the band on New Year’s Eve was out of worlds.
(A) out of the worldly
(B) outing of worlds
(C) out from the world
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(D) out of the world
(E) No correction required

4. Parents are changing with the times and are friendlier and more open to their children’s views.
(A) changed timings
(B) changed to the time
(C) changing times
(D) change with time
(E) No correction required

5. Many people do not like to switch at one brand to another.

(A) switched in
(B) switches at
(C) switch from
(D) switching on
(E) No correction required

Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options.
6. The lion sprang ____ Mr. Robertson and knocked him _____
(A) at, down
(B) upon, up
(C) above, till

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(D) in, on
(E) till, about.

7. Sheela is always _______ about showing up for her tutorials because she believes that _____ is a
sign of irresponsibility.
(A) Sound, illiterate
(B) conscious, commotion
(C) chaos, fast
(D) late, early
(E) punctual, tardiness

8. Sincerity is an ______ part of one's success ____ life.

(A) initial, for
(B) immediate, till
(C) insightful, above
(D) integral, in
(E) inimical, towards

9. The most important factor in today's social context is the ____ of social security measures which
have been initiated ____ the government.
(A) allowance, to
(B) emergence, by
(C) abolition, for
(D) facilitate, on

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(E) introduce, till

10. Millions of dollars have been ____ on welfare measures and yet, most of them are _____ the purview
of the people of this region.
(A) credited, for
(B) allowed, allocated
(C) documented, well
(D) spent, outside
(E) earned, inside

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. C
6. A 7. E 8. D 9. B 10. D

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase given in
bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No
correction is required’, mark (5) as the answer.

1. As Anuj was familiar with the road to Neeraj’s house, he lead the way.

(A) led the way

(B) led away
(C) leading ways
(D) lead ways
(E) No correction required

Answer: A
The phrase ‘lead the way’ should be replaced by the phrase ‘led the way’ because the sentence talks of
the past. The phrase means ‘to go first in order to show the route’.

2. Although Sharad was new to the field of painting, he give it a go.

(A) gave goes

(B) gives his go
(C) gave it a go

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(D) giving it goes
(E) No correction required

Answer: C
The phrase ‘give it a go’ should be replaced by the phrase ‘gave it a go’ because the sentence talks of
the past. The phrase means ‘to try’.

3. The performance of the band on New Year’s Eve was out of worlds.

(A) out of the worldly

(B) outing of worlds
(C) out from the world
(D) out of the world
(E) No correction required

Answer: D
The correct phrase is ‘out of the world’, which means ‘extraordinary’ or ‘superb’.

4. Parents are changing with the times and are friendlier and more open to their children’s views.

(A) changed timings

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) changed to the time
(C) changing times
(D) change with time
(E) No correction required

Answer: E
The sentence is grammatically correct.

5. Many people do not like to switch at one brand to another.

(A) switched in
(B) switches at
(C) switch from
(D) switching on
(E) No correction required

Answer: C
‘Switch at’ should be replaced by ‘switch from’ to make the sentence grammatically correct. The
correct structure is ‘from one to another’.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options.

6. The lion sprang ____ Mr. Robertson and knocked him _____

(A) at, down

(B) upon, up
(C) above, till
(D) in, on
(E) till, about.

Answer: A
'At' and 'down' are the correct prepositions.

7. Sheela is always _______ about showing up for her tutorials because she believes that _____ is a sign
of irresponsibility.

(A) Sound, illiterate

(B) conscious, commotion
(C) chaos, fast
(D) late, early
(E) punctual, tardiness

Answer: E
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
'Punctual' and 'tardiness' convey a meaning. 'Tardiness' refers to the quality of being late.

8. Sincerity is an ______ part of one's success ____ life.

(A) initial, for

(B) immediate, till
(C) insightful, above
(D) integral, in
(E) inimical, towards

Answer: D
Integral' and 'in' are making sense in the context of the passage.

9. The most important factor in today's social context is the ____ of social security measures which
have been initiated ____ the government.

(A) allowance, to
(B) emergence, by
(C) abolition, for
(D) facilitate, on
(E) introduce, till
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Answer: B
'Emergence' and 'by' are making sense in the context of the passage.

10. Millions of dollars have been ____ on welfare measures and yet, most of them are _____ the
purview of the people of this region.

(A) credited, for

(B) allowed, allocated
(C) documented, well
(D) spent, outside
(E) earned, inside

Answer: D
'Spent' and 'outside' are the only words that fit the blanks correctly.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 53

Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (Q, (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence
to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the Questions given below them.

(A) It is better to be worn out than rusted was his reply.

(B) He could only study at home late at night.
(C) I learnt a very important lesson from a young fisher boy called Javed.
(D) One day, I asked him how he managed to remain so optimistic.
(E) Javed went to school every day and when he came home he had to help his mother
to sell crabs.
(F) He always seemed happy and enthusiastic despite these long hours.

1. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

3. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) D
(D) E
(E) F

4. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

5. Which of the following will be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the
answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
6. The company's decision to issue (1)/ bonus shares clearly indicates (2)/ the
management's confident (3)/ about the future. (4)/ No error (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

7. RBI is in favor (1)/ of amending currently (2)/ policies governing operations of (3)/
foreign banks in India. (4)/ No error (5)

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

8. These recently upgraded branch offices (1)/ have been fully computerised (2)/ and are
connected to headquarters (3)/ to ensure proper monitoring. (4)/ No error (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

9. The rise in prices of food items is (1)/ likely the cause of inflation (2)/ to exceed eight
per cent (3)/ during the next quarter. (4)/ No error (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

10. Many people believe that (1)/ the nationalization of banks in (2)/the 1960s have
protected India (3)/ from the current financial crisis. (4)/ No error (5)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answers :
1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 53 solution

Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (Q, (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence
to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the Questions given below them.

(A) It is better to be worn out than rusted was his reply.

(B) He could only study at home late at night.
(C) I learnt a very important lesson from a young fisher boy called Javed.
(D) One day, I asked him how he managed to remain so optimistic.
(E) Javed went to school every day and when he came home he had to help his mother
to sell crabs.
(F) He always seemed happy and enthusiastic despite these long hours.

1. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Answer: C
The correct sequence of the sentences would be CEBFDA.

2. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Answer: E
The correct sequence of the sentences would be CEBFDA.

3. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) B
(C) D
(D) E
(E) F

Answer: B
The correct sequence of the sentences would be CEBFDA.

4. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Answer: D
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
The correct sequence of the sentences would be CEBFDA.

5. Which of the following will be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Answer: A
The correct sequence of the sentences would be CEBFDA.

Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the
answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

6. The company's decision to issue (1)/ bonus shares clearly indicates (2)/ the
management's confident (3)/ about the future. (4)/ No error (5)
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: C
It should be 'management's confidence'.

7. RBI is in favor (1)/ of amending currently (2)/ policies governing operations of (3)/
foreign banks in India. (4)/ No error (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

It should be 'the current' policies.

8. These recently upgraded branch offices (1)/ have been fully computerised (2)/ and are
connected to headquarters (3)/ to ensure proper monitoring. (4)/ No error (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: C
The article 'the' is missing before the headquarters.

9. The rise in prices of food items is (1)/ likely the cause of inflation (2)/ to exceed eight
per cent (3)/ during the next quarter. (4)/ No error (5)

(A) 1

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: B
It should be 'likely to cause inflation'.

10. Many people believe that (1)/ the nationalization of banks in (2)/the 1960s have
protected India (3)/ from the current financial crisis. (4)/ No error (5)

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Answer: C
'Nationalization of banks' is singular and hence, singular verb 'has' will be used.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 54
Read the following passage and answer the Questions based on the passage.
Late in "A Suitable Boy," Vikram Seth's fictional panorama of early 1950s India, the difficult
but decent politician Mahesh Kapoor receives advice from an underling: "We should think
above divisions, splits, cliques! ... This is India ... the country where faction was invented
before the zero. If even the heart is divided into four parts can you expect us Indians to
divide ourselves into less than 400?"
This statement, equal parts plea and diagnosis, only begins to describe the challenge
confronting modern-day India. As Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Indian leader of the Muslim
League, said ruefully in a 1940 speech, seven years before he founded Pakistan: "The
Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs and
literature. They neither intermarry, nor inter-dine together, and indeed they belong to two
different civilizations." To say that India is driven by myriad factions and castes and, more
fundamentally, divided between two religions is to describe a particularly vicious curse.
One of the achievements of Ramachandra Guha's deeply felt new history is that the author
remains acutely aware of both the truths and falsehoods contained in Jinnah's remark. A
visitor to the world's second most populous country can, without much effort, witness
nasty and sectarian politicking in New Delhi or Mumbai. And the consequences - vicious
religious rioting, scars on both India's landscape and her people - are all too visible. Yet
Hindus and Muslims do dine in one another's homes, and they play on the same cricket
teams. Guha's central aim is to register these discordant notes, and for the most part he
succeeds admirably.
"India After Gandhi" begins with the British, who after years of resisting Indian self-
government on the grounds that the country was both too mature ("much too old to learn
that business," Kipling remarked) and too young ("they are still infants," one colonialist
said), abruptly quit the subcontinent in 1947. Gandhi was murdered less than six months
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
later by a Hindu extremist, and millions were uprooted during the partition of India and
Pakistan, many of them killed in religious violence. The new Indian state faced the dual
challenges of integrating its remaining Muslim population and appeasing its Hindu majority.
Much of what was accomplished in the next 15 years was due to the popularity and will of
India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Despite enormous obstacles within his own
Congress Party, Nehru set out to ensure more rights for women and the downtrodden.
Guha expertly traces Nehru's leadership in the writing of India's Constitution, where
legislators overcame potentially fatal disagreements over issues like what language the
document would appear in. The finished product, which Guha refers to as a liberal,
humanist credo, not only protected numerous basic rights but also provided reservations
for "untouchables."
Some scholars, Sunil Khilnani among them, have argued that by identifying caste as an
organizing principle in Indian society, Nehru and his allies inadvertently laid the groundwork
for a more schismatic political culture, greater discrimination against Muslims and
eventually, the success of the Hindu right. Guha, who is perceptive about both the
hardships faced by Muslims over the past 60 years and the caste-based conflicts that
endure to this day, disappointingly declines to address these charges. Rather, he implies
that Nehru did the best he could under the circumstances to prevent further split. His
success with the Constitution, as well as his support for bills that raised the status of Hindu
women and altered unfair property laws, are just some of the ways in which he had a
positive impact on India's young democracy. Guha paints a convincing portrait of Nehru's
good political sense (if never really giving us much insight into his personality).
1.What is Ramachandra Guha's aim while he mentions Muhammad Ali Jinnah's statement?
(A) To register the validity of Muhammad Ali Jinnah's statements.
(B) To bring out the contradictory notions about Hindus and Muslims that they are stuck in
a vicious cycle.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) To portray Nehru's good political sense and efforts towards the formation of our
(D) To show that India is divided between two opposite religions- Hindu and Muslim.
(E) To discuss the economic problems of India.

2. Why does the author mention "A Suitable Boy" in the beginning of the passage?
(A) To catch the attention of the reader.
(B) To show India's fictional panorama.
(C) To show the challenges of modern day India.
(D) To make one learn that one should think above divisions.
(E) To emphasise Indian writings in English.

3. The author would most agree to which of the following?

(A) The British considered India mature enough to handle two different religious
(B) Nehru failed in writing the Indian constitution.
(C) India, during its independence, never faced challenges of appeasing its Hindu majority.
(D) The accomplishment of India after its independence was mainly because of Nehru.
(E) India can never become a superpower.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

4. The passage could be an extract from:
(A) An article on famous Indian authors
(B) A book review of Ramchandra Guha's book.
(C) A newspaper article about Hindu and Muslim.
(D) A scholarly article.
(E) A school magazine

5. What does the word "Schismatic" mean according to the paragraph?

(A) Heterodox
(B) Orthodox
(C) Mainstream
(D) Conformist
(E) Conventional

6. What is the tone of the author?

(A) Analytical
(B) Descriptive
(C) Laudatory
(D) Sanguine
(E) Pessimistic

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

7. According to the passage
(A) amchandra Guha was aware of both truth and falsehoods contained in Jinnah's remark.
(B) Ramchandra Guha wrote 'A Suitable Boy'
(C) The British played an important part in shaping India's future.
(D) Nehru did not pay heed to the rights of women while drafting the Constitution.
(E) Ramchandra Guha had wanted to become an author instead of a critic.

8. According to the passage, on what grounds did the British resist Indian self government?
(A) By calling them as young as infants
(B) By calling them too mature to learn anything
(C) By calling them ineffective.
(D) By calling them young and mature both.
(E) By calling them reluctant.

9. Which of the following doesn't hint to the popularity and will of Jawahar Lal Nehru?
(A) Nehru ensured more rights for women.
(B) Nehru provided reservation for the untouchables.
(C) Nehru helped overcome the disagreement over the language of the constitution
(D) Nehru eradicated the obstacles within Congress.
(E) Nehru guaranteed rights for physically handicapped people.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

10. Which of the following can be a suitable title of the passage?
(A) Nehru and Jinnah
(B) Hindus and Muslims
(C) Ramchandra Guha and his book
(D) Indian independence struggle
(E) Jinnah's patriotism

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A
6. A 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. C

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 54 solution
Read the following passage and answer the Questions based on the passage.

Late in "A Suitable Boy," Vikram Seth's fictional panorama of early 1950s India, the difficult
but decent politician Mahesh Kapoor receives advice from an underling: "We should think
above divisions, splits, cliques! ... This is India ... the country where faction was invented
before the zero. If even the heart is divided into four parts can you expect us Indians to
divide ourselves into less than 400?"

This statement, equal parts plea and diagnosis, only begins to describe the challenge
confronting modern-day India. As Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Indian leader of the Muslim
League, said ruefully in a 1940 speech, seven years before he founded Pakistan: "The
Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs and
literature. They neither intermarry, nor inter-dine together, and indeed they belong to two
different civilizations." To say that India is driven by myriad factions and castes and, more
fundamentally, divided between two religions is to describe a particularly vicious curse.

One of the achievements of Ramachandra Guha's deeply felt new history is that the author
remains acutely aware of both the truths and falsehoods contained in Jinnah's remark. A
visitor to the world's second most populous country can, without much effort, witness
nasty and sectarian politicking in New Delhi or Mumbai. And the consequences - vicious
religious rioting, scars on both India's landscape and her people - are all too visible. Yet
Hindus and Muslims do dine in one another's homes, and they play on the same cricket
teams. Guha's central aim is to register these discordant notes, and for the most part he
succeeds admirably.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

"India After Gandhi" begins with the British, who after years of resisting Indian self-
government on the grounds that the country was both too mature ("much too old to learn
that business," Kipling remarked) and too young ("they are still infants," one colonialist
said), abruptly quit the subcontinent in 1947. Gandhi was murdered less than six months
later by a Hindu extremist, and millions were uprooted during the partition of India and
Pakistan, many of them killed in religious violence. The new Indian state faced the dual
challenges of integrating its remaining Muslim population and appeasing its Hindu majority.

Much of what was accomplished in the next 15 years was due to the popularity and will of
India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Despite enormous obstacles within his own
Congress Party, Nehru set out to ensure more rights for women and the downtrodden.
Guha expertly traces Nehru's leadership in the writing of India's Constitution, where
legislators overcame potentially fatal disagreements over issues like what language the
document would appear in. The finished product, which Guha refers to as a liberal,
humanist credo, not only protected numerous basic rights but also provided reservations
for "untouchables."

Some scholars, Sunil Khilnani among them, have argued that by identifying caste as an
organizing principle in Indian society, Nehru and his allies inadvertently laid the groundwork
for a more schismatic political culture, greater discrimination against Muslims and
eventually, the success of the Hindu right. Guha, who is perceptive about both the
hardships faced by Muslims over the past 60 years and the caste-based conflicts that
endure to this day, disappointingly declines to address these charges. Rather, he implies
that Nehru did the best he could under the circumstances to prevent further split. His
success with the Constitution, as well as his support for bills that raised the status of Hindu
women and altered unfair property laws, are just some of the ways in which he had a
positive impact on India's young democracy. Guha paints a convincing portrait of Nehru's
good political sense (if never really giving us much insight into his personality).
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
1.What is Ramachandra Guha's aim while he mentions Muhammad Ali Jinnah's statement?

(A) To register the validity of Muhammad Ali Jinnah's statements.

(B) To bring out the contradictory notions about Hindus and Muslims that they are stuck in
a vicious cycle.
(C) To portray Nehru's good political sense and efforts towards the formation of our
(D) To show that India is divided between two opposite religions- Hindu and Muslim.
(E) To discuss the economic problems of India.

Answer: B
Even a man of Jinnah's calibre had rigid ideas about Hindus and Muslims. See paragraph 3
last sentence.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. Why does the author mention "A Suitable Boy" in the beginning of the passage?

(A) To catch the attention of the reader.

(B) To show India's fictional panorama.
(C) To show the challenges of modern day India.
(D) To make one learn that one should think above divisions.
(E) To emphasise Indian writings in English.

Answer: C
The extract from 'A Suitable Boy' leads to the second paragraph defining the challenge
confronting modern-day India which is furthermore defined in the entire passage. Thus,
making option "c" as the correct answer.

3. The author would most agree to which of the following?

(A) The British considered India mature enough to handle two different religious
(B) Nehru failed in writing the Indian constitution.
(C) India, during its independence, never faced challenges of appeasing its Hindu majority.
(D) The accomplishment of India after its independence was mainly because of Nehru.
(E) India can never become a superpower.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Answer: D
Refer to the fifth paragraph for the answer.

4. The passage could be an extract from:

(A) An article on famous Indian authors

(B) A book review of Ramchandra Guha's book.
(C) A newspaper article about Hindu and Muslim.
(D) A scholarly article.
(E) A school magazine

Answer: B
See paragraph 3, sentence 1.

5. What does the word "Schismatic" mean according to the paragraph?

(A) Heterodox
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(B) Orthodox
(C) Mainstream
(D) Conformist
(E) Conventional

Answer: A
Split into many divisions.

6. What is the tone of the author?

(A) Analytical
(B) Descriptive
(C) Laudatory
(D) Sanguine
(E) Pessimistic

Answer: A
The entire passage is an analysis.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

7. According to the passage

(A) amchandra Guha was aware of both truth and falsehoods contained in Jinnah's remark.
(B) Ramchandra Guha wrote 'A Suitable Boy'
(C) The British played an important part in shaping India's future.
(D) Nehru did not pay heed to the rights of women while drafting the Constitution.
(E) Ramchandra Guha had wanted to become an author instead of a critic.
Answer: A
Paragraph 3, sentence 1.

8. According to the passage, on what grounds did the British resist Indian self government?

(A) By calling them as young as infants

(B) By calling them too mature to learn anything
(C) By calling them ineffective.
(D) By calling them young and mature both.
(E) By calling them reluctant.

Answer: D
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Refer to paragraph 4.

9. Which of the following doesn't hint to the popularity and will of Jawahar Lal Nehru?

(A) Nehru ensured more rights for women.

(B) Nehru provided reservation for the untouchables.
(C) Nehru helped overcome the disagreement over the language of the constitution
(D) Nehru eradicated the obstacles within Congress.
(E) Nehru guaranteed rights for physically handicapped people.

Answer: D
Paragraph 5 refers to the obstacles.

10. Which of the following can be a suitable title of the passage?

(A) Nehru and Jinnah

(B) Hindus and Muslims
(C) Ramchandra Guha and his book
(D) Indian independence struggle
(E) Jinnah's patriotism
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Answer: C
Only option (3) covers the entire passage. The other options are incorrect.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 55
Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the Questions given below them.

(A) Thus they teach us that no matter how insignificant you think you are, you can
accomplish extraordinary things.
(B) During the course of its life it was struck by lightning fourteen times.
(C) But one day it was attacked by an army of beetles.
(D) The tree stood at the foot of the Himalayas for over four hundred years.
(E) The tiny insects ate their way through the tree and destroyed it.
(F) It even survived innumerable storms and avalanches.

1. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

2. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) B
(B) C
(C) D
(D) E
(E) F

3. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?

(A) B
(B) C
(C) D
(D) E
(E) F

4. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

5. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each statement should replace the
phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is
correct as it is given and 'No correction is required', mark (5) as the answer.
6. Many students waits anxiously at the college gate to know their results.
(A) student waited anxiously
(B) students waiting anxiously
(C) students waited anxiously
(D) students waited anxious
(E) No correction required

7. Through a fortuitous circumstance Rakhi met her childhood friend on the bus in which
she was travelling.
(A) she was travelled
(B) she did travel
(C) she has travelling
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
(D) she were travelling
(E) No correction required

8. The opposition party has alleged that the prices of essential commodities are soaring like
never before on the last three decades.
(A) before on the next
(B) before in the last
(C) before at the last
(D) previously in the next
(E) No correction required

9. The salaries and the perks of the employees in this institution are not in according with
the rest of the industry.
(A) are not in accordance
(B) is not in accordance
(C) are not according
(D) is not on accordance
(E) No correction required

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

10. The soldiers deployed in the town were instructed to exercising restraint and handle
the situation peacefully.
(A) was instructed to exercising
(B) were instructed for exercise
(C) were instructed to exercise
(D) was instructing to exercising
(E) No Correction required

Answers :
1. D 2. A 3. E 4. E 5. A
6. C 7. E 8. B 9. A 10. C

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 55 solution
Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to
form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the Questions given below them.

(A) Thus they teach us that no matter how insignificant you think you are, you can
accomplish extraordinary things.
(B) During the course of its life it was struck by lightning fourteen times.
(C) But one day it was attacked by an army of beetles.
(D) The tree stood at the foot of the Himalayas for over four hundred years.
(E) The tiny insects ate their way through the tree and destroyed it.
(F) It even survived innumerable storms and avalanches.

1. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Answer: D
The correct sequence of the sentences is DBFCEA.

2. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?

(A) B
(B) C
(C) D
(D) E
(E) F

Answer: A

The correct sequence of the sentences is DBFCEA.

3. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) B
(B) C
(C) D
(D) E
(E) F

Answer: E
The correct sequence of the sentences is DBFCEA.

4. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Answer: E
The correct sequence of the sentences is DBFCEA.
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
5. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Answer: A
The correct sequence of the sentences is DBFCEA.

Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each statement should replace the
phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is
correct as it is given and 'No correction is required', mark (5) as the answer.

6. Many students waits anxiously at the college gate to know their results.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(A) student waited anxiously
(B) students waiting anxiously
(C) students waited anxiously
(D) students waited anxious
(E) No correction required

Answer: C
The verb should be in the past tense.

7. Through a fortuitous circumstance Rakhi met her childhood friend on the bus in which
she was travelling.

(A) she was travelled

(B) she did travel
(C) she has travelling
(D) she were travelling
(E) No correction required

Answer: E

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

The sentence is grammatically correct.

8. The opposition party has alleged that the prices of essential commodities are soaring like
never before on the last three decades.

(A) before on the next

(B) before in the last
(C) before at the last
(D) previously in the next
(E) No correction required

Answer: B
'In' is the correct preposition.

9. The salaries and the perks of the employees in this institution are not in according with
the rest of the industry.

(A) are not in accordance

(B) is not in accordance

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

(C) are not according
(D) is not on accordance
(E) No correction required

Answer: A
'Accordance' is the correct form.

10. The soldiers deployed in the town were instructed to exercising restraint and handle the
situation peacefully.

(A) was instructed to exercising

(B) were instructed for exercise
(C) were instructed to exercise
(D) was instructing to exercising
(E) No Correction required

Answer: C
'Exercise' should be in the infinitive form.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 56

In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested.
Select the one that fits the bank appropriately.
Do migrants, especially those from within the European Union, get a __(1)__ deal in
Britain than they would elsewhere in the EU? And do they therefore __(2)__ a
disproportionate burden on UK taxpayers? The answer to the first Question is yes, at
least compared with some countries, because of the __(3)__ of the UK benefit
system. But despite this, the answer to the second is a __(4)__ no. When Ian Duncan
Smith describes the inflow of EU nationals to claim benefits as a crisis", the only
rational reaction is: Crisis? What crisis?"
The UK benefit system is __(5)__ relatively friendly to migrants from within the EU.
Migrants from outside generally have to pass a no recourse to public funds" test, and
of course __(6)__migrants and foreign students are pretty unlikely to end up on
benefits. But migrants from within the EU, once they are habitually resident", have to
be __(7)__similarly to UK citizens. And given that our benefit system, for those of
working age, is now mostly means-tested “ that is, based on income and residence,
not __(8)__ “ that means EU citizens do better here than they would in some other
countries, such as Germany, that have more contributory systems.
Of course, it's not quite as simple as that. The UK has far from the most __(9)__ social
security system in Europe, both in terms of benefit levels and overall spending. In
France, for example, unemployment benefits are considerably higher for most people

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

than they are in the UK, while contribution conditions are, if anything, somewhat
weaker; a French teacher or banker losing their job in London might well be__(10)__
how little they would be entitled to here.
1. Choose the option 1
(A) stagnant
(B) better
(C) amazing
(D) worst
(E) well

2. Choose the option 2

(A) impose
(B) pose
(C) juxtapose
(D) exaggerate
(E) withdrawal

3. Choose the option 3

(A) quantity
(B) probability
(C) culture
(D) nature
(E) stature

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

4. Choose the option 4
(A) umpteen
(B) definitive
(C) vicinity
(D) priority
(E) regulative

5. Choose the option 5

(A) impact
(B) impede
(C) indeed
(D) might
(E) whenever

6. Choose the option 6

(A) skilled
(B) fail
(C) mighty
(D) pride
(E) deep

7. Choose the option 7

(A) treat
(B) greet
(C) regulate
(D) hold
(E) treated

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

8. Choose the option 8
(A) contributions
(B) prompted
(C) cultured
(D) obstinacy
(E) abstinence

9. Choose the option 9

(A) help
(B) generous
(C) culture
(D) tall
(E) hold

10. Choose the option 10

(A) stun
(B) shocked
(C) ridiculous
(D) show
(E) blunt

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

1.B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5.C
6.A 7. E 8. A 9. B 10. B

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

Drona pdf 56 solution

In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested.
Select the one that fits the bank appropriately.
Do migrants, especially those from within the European Union, get a __(1)__ deal in
Britain than they would elsewhere in the EU? And do they therefore __(2)__ a
disproportionate burden on UK taxpayers? The answer to the first Question is yes, at
least compared with some countries, because of the __(3)__ of the UK benefit
system. But despite this, the answer to the second is a __(4)__ no. When Ian Duncan
Smith describes the inflow of EU nationals to claim benefits as a crisis", the only
rational reaction is: Crisis? What crisis?"

The UK benefit system is __(5)__ relatively friendly to migrants from within the EU.
Migrants from outside generally have to pass a no recourse to public funds" test, and
of course __(6)__migrants and foreign students are pretty unlikely to end up on
benefits. But migrants from within the EU, once they are habitually resident", have to
be __(7)__similarly to UK citizens. And given that our benefit system, for those of
working age, is now mostly means-tested “ that is, based on income and residence,
not __(8)__ “ that means EU citizens do better here than they would in some other
countries, such as Germany, that have more contributory systems.

Of course, it's not quite as simple as that. The UK has far from the most __(9)__ social
security system in Europe, both in terms of benefit levels and overall spending. In
France, for example, unemployment benefits are considerably higher for most people
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
than they are in the UK, while contribution conditions are, if anything, somewhat
weaker; a French teacher or banker losing their job in London might well be__(10)__
how little they would be entitled to here.

1. Choose the option 1

(A) stagnant
(B) better
(C) amazing
(D) worst
(E) well

Answer: B
'Deal' cannot be 'stagnant', 'or well'. 'Amazing' is incorrect because of the use of the
preposition 'a' before the blank. 'Worst' is incorrect because it will not fit in the blank
in this form. Had it been worse, it might have been correct.

2. Choose the option 2

(A) impose
(B) pose
(C) juxtapose
(D) exaggerate
(E) withdrawal

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Answer: A
We are looking for a word to be used as a verb for the 'disproportionate burden'.
Hence, the best word which fits the blank is "impose".

3. Choose the option 3

(A) quantity
(B) probability
(C) culture
(D) nature
(E) stature

Answer: D
'Nature' is the correct option. 'Quantity', 'probability', 'culture' and 'stature'are
inappropriate according to the idea the passage wants to convey.

4. Choose the option 4

(A) umpteen
(B) definitive
(C) vicinity
(D) priority
(E) regulative

Answer: B
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The only option that fits in the meaning of the word id 'definitive'.

5. Choose the option 5

(A) impact
(B) impede
(C) indeed
(D) might
(E) whenever

Answer: C
'Indeed' is the only correct option, as the rest of the options cannot complete the
sentence appropriately.

6. Choose the option 6

(A) skilled
(B) fail
(C) mighty
(D) pride
(E) deep

Answer: A
Going by the implication of the sentence, we are talking about the impact of
migrants, and 'skilled' fits the blank perfectly.
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7. Choose the option 7

(A) treat
(B) greet
(C) regulate
(D) hold
(E) treated

Answer: E
We are looking for a word in the simple past tense. Only "treated" is the correct

8. Choose the option 8

(A) contributions
(B) prompted
(C) cultured
(D) obstinacy
(E) abstinence

Answer: A
"Contributions" is the only word which completes the sentence in a meaningful

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9. Choose the option 9

(A) help
(B) generous
(C) culture
(D) tall
(E) hold

Answer: B
The blank requires an adjective to describe UK's social security system. "Generous"
fits the context better than the rest of the words.

10. Choose the option 10

(A) stun
(B) shocked
(C) ridiculous
(D) show
(E) blunt

Answer: B
The blank requires a word to describe the expression of the French. Going by the
context of the passage, "shocked" is the best word, and is also in the right form.

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Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
Drona pdf 57

The passage given below is followed by a set of Questions. Choose the best answer to
each Question.

In the dojo of the origami purist, there are only two rules: The folder may use just
one sheet of square paper, and the paper cannot be cut or torn in any way. Following
these rules to make a figure like a peace crane, with four basic features a head, a tail,
and two wings is relatively easy, and organist’s traditionally proceeded by trial and
error, unfolding and refolding a piece of paper until it started to resemble, say, a
swan. For hundreds of years, origami's most complex patterns topped out at 20

These days patterns requiring more than 100 steps are common. Some of that
competitive acceleration is due to Lang, who transformed the art by writing a
computer program that can generate the blueprint for ultra-complex origami
sculptures. Even with digital assistance, figuring out the sequence of folds that will
create a beetle and all its ornaments is a mathematical problem of staggering
complexity. Still, the reigning champion of intricate origami is a 23-year-old Japanese
savant named Satoshi Kamiya. Unaided by software, he recently produced what is
considered the pinnacle of the field, an eight-inch-tall Eastern dragon with eyes,
teeth, a curly tongue, sinuous whiskers, a barbed tail, and a thousand overlapping
scales. The folding alone took 40 hours, spread out over several months.

It's like an extreme sport, says Tom Hull, a mathematician at Merrimack College in
Massachusetts, and longtime origami enthusiast. The escalation in difficulty has
grown so severe that Origami USA has been forced to add a new difficulty rating to
the four (simple, low intermediate, high intermediate, and complex) it has

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

traditionally used. People showing up to the complex sessions were getting blown to
smithereens, Hull explains. So now there's a new category super complex.

At its core, origami consists of just two folds, mountain and valley. A mountain fold is
what you get if you crease a piece of paper so that it stands up like a pup tent. A
valley fold is the same thing turned upside down. Valley folding each corner of a
square so that they meet in the center creates something that looks a bit like a
cheese blintz and is therefore known as a blintz fold. Beyond these two basic folds,
the grammar of origami proliferates rapidly. It's possible to blintz a petal fold, or
double blintz it. Likewise, combining a series of squash and petal folds yields a frog
base one of the four traditional bases (called kite, fish, bird, and frog) from which
many traditional origami animals are fashioned.

All the parts of a base are linked together and can't be altered without affecting the
rest of the paper, so that's the part you have to calculate just right, Lang says. A base
with four flaps is relatively easy to make. Each flap is formed from one of the corners
of the square. Making a base with 17 flaps of the right size and in the right places
what you'd need to create Lang's flying rhinoceros beetle is exponentially more
difficult. Figuring out how to make good legs was all people did for years, Tom Hull
says. Doing a six legged beetle was a big, big deal.•

Lang resisted the challenge for a while. He spent most of the past two decades
working as a laser physicist first at Caltech, then later for private firms in Silicon
Valley and devoted his off-hours to origami. By 2002, his interest in origami won out.
He quit his job and began folding paper for a living. Since then, he has created
everything from a ruby-throated hummingbird to a full-scale human (commissioned
for a German trade show). The jobs are sometimes banal there's a lot of demand for
cardboard fast-food containers that change shape but every now and then Lang gets
tapped for a more challenging project. He has been asked to simulate the folds of a
car's air bag when packed into a steering column and to design a telescope lens that
Nimisha Bansal 9953592800
could be, shot into space, packed into a nine-foot cylinder and then unfurled to the
size of a football field. He also recently consulted on the development of an origami-
inspired medical implant, which he can't talk about other than to say that it was big,
permanent, and what keeps the person alive. Origami also turns out to be useful for
biological problems, such as determining how proteins fold in the body be, shot into
space, packed into a nine-foot cylinder and then unfurled to the size of a football
field. He also recently consulted on the development of an origami-inspired medical
implant, which he can't talk about other than to say that it was big, permanent, and
what keeps the person alive. Origami also turns out to be useful for biological
problems, such as determining how proteins fold in the body.

Over the past 15 years, Lang has been perfecting a program he wrote called Tree
Maker, which can render a stick-figure sketch into a crease pattern the web of lines
that would be left if a finished piece of origami were unfolded and then smoothed.
The software converts the sketch into a set of equations that calculate how the
appendages of a complex animal form, like a deer, should be distributed on the
paper in a way that ensures they will neatly emerge during folding without leaving
excess paper or creating areas so wadded up that they can't be folded.

Calculating this, as mathematicians like to say when facing a daunting challenge, is

not trivial. Fold a square piece of paper diagonally, then fold it in half, and the result
will be a small isosceles triangle. Switch the order of those folds in half first, then
diagonally and you end up with a squashed pentagon. The more folds a pattern has,
the harder the problem of finding a folding sequence becomes. For one of his Tree
Maker-guided designs a life-size, anatomically correct Maine lobster Lang was able to
generate the crease pattern on the computer in just a few hours. Figuring out how to
fold the 120-step pattern on a sheet of paper about 20 Inches Square took him
almost two years.

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

The mind-set to do advanced design is fragile, Lang says soberly. You have to hold all
these complex surfaces in your mind and figure out how they interact. If you're
pushing the edge of the envelope on something like this, you need total
concentration. Sometimes you'll have 5, 10, 20 creases, and you have to make them
all happen at once. You need to develop an intuition about it.•

To perfect their folding technique, Lang notes, rookies must also attend to details like
not creasing folds too sharply. Do that and your piece will end up looking tatty. Plus,
if there's a point where a lot of those creases come together, the paper can burst. It
just puts too much strain on the fibers."

1. Which of the following is NOT a point made by the author while discussing the
rules of the origami purist?

(A) Just one sheet of handmade paper may be used.

(B) The paper cannot be cut in any way.
(C) The piece cannot be ripped.
(D) The folder may use only one sheet of square paper.
(E) None of these

2. The author alludes to the Japanese scholar to bring out that:

(A) origami is a complex process.

(B) he is the reigning champion of origami.
(C) it is possible to reach the heights in the field of origami without using a software.
(D) folding is a cumbersome task.
(E) All of the above

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3. Which of the following is NOT true of the new patterns?

(A) The patterns require more than 100 steps.

(B) A computer can generate complex sculptures.
(C) The most complex ones top 20 steps.
(D) The patterns have the complexity of mathematical problems.
(E) All are true

4. Which of these is NOT true about origami when compared to an extreme sport?

(A) The escalation in difficulty has grown severe.

(B) Mathematicians are origami aficionados.
(C) There is a new super complex category.
(D) A new difficulty rating has been added to the existing ones.
(E) All are true

5. Which of the following is NOT true of origami folds?

(A) Squash and petal folds yield a kite base.

(B) The basic fold of origami are mountain and valley.
(C) It's possible to blintz a petal fold.
(D) The mountain fold stands up like a pup tent.
(E) None is true

6. Which of these is an aspect affecting the rest of the paper?

(A) The four flaps

(B) The six-legged beetle
(C) The flying rhinoceros beetle
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(D) All the parts of the base
(E) The mountain fold

7. Which of the following is NOT an example of a challenging assignment?

(A) Cardboard fast-food containers that change shape

(B) Simulating the folds of a car's air bag
(C) Designing a telescope lens that could be shot into space
(D) Development of an origami-inspired medical implant
(E) All are examples of challenging assignments

8. Which of these is NOT factored into the Tree Maker design?

(A) It provides a set of wadded up areas.

(B) It can render a stick-figure sketch into a crease pattern.
(C) It converts the sketch into a set of equations.
(D) It calculates the distribution of the appendages of a complex animal form.
(E) None of the above

9. The author refers to the Maine lobster to highlight the fact:

(A) that crease patterns can be generated in a few hours.

(B) that a square piece can result in an isosceles triangle.
(C) that the lobster was anatomically correct.
(D) that more folds in a pattern makes the folding sequence harder.
(E) that more the folds, easier it is to make a folding sequence.

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10. Which of the following is NOT required for 'pushing the edge of the envelope'?

(A) Total concentration

(B) All the creases have to occur at one go
(C) Hold all the simple surfaces in the mind
(D) Develop an intuition
(E) None is required

1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A
6.D 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.C

Nimisha Bansal 9953592800

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