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The most famous prehistoric shark, Carcharocles megalodon, nicknamed megalodon or megatooth.

Megalodon was a kind of shark that lived millions of years ago. It is now extinct. It is thought to be the largest
shark, as well as the largest fish, that ever lived. The word megalodon means “giant tooth.”

Scientists think megalodon lived from 23 million years ago to about 2.6 million years ago. Megalodon fossils have
been found along the coastlines of all continents except Antarctica.

Paleontologists estimate the humongous shark needed to devour 2,500 pounds of food a day. That’s like you having
to eat 3,300 cans of tuna every day.

It is possible that megalodon was the largest marine predator that has ever lived. It ate fish, whales, seals, and other
marine prey. Adult megalodons most likely did not have any predators.

Younger megalodons may have been the prey of larger sharks, such as hammerhead sharks.

Megalodon is thought to have produced live young, not laid eggs. Evidence suggests that megalodon young were
kept in nurseries to protect them from other sharks.

Interesting Facts About Megalodon:

• Megalodon Grew Up to 60 Feet Long

• Megalodon Liked to Munch on Giant Whales
• Megalodon Had the Most Powerful Bite of Any Creature That Ever Lived
• Megalodon's Teeth Were Over Seven Inches Long
• Megalodon's Closest Living Relative Is the Great White Shark
• Megalodon Was Much Bigger Than the Biggest Marine Reptiles
• Megalodon had a bite force at least three times stronger than T. Rex.
• No One Knows Why Megalodon Went Extinct

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