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We use superlatives to show ONE SYLLABLE

the greatest degree of a Cold cold + est = the coldest

quality or quantity among Big big + est = the biggest
three or more people or
Beautiful the most beautiful
Expensive the most expensive IRREGULARS
Good The best
ENDING –Y Bad The worst
Happy the happiest Far The farthest
SMALL BIG BIGGEST Funny the funniest

Aylin is I am He is We are
_________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
( hardworking) student ( tall ) student ( good ) ( successful ) team in
in the class. in the class. player in Turkey.
the team.

Kenan is My mother is My parents are Sevgi is

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
( handsome ) ( lovely ) people in my ( understanding ) ( funny )
boy in the life. parents girl in
classroom. I have our class.

Ağrı Mountain is Kızılırmak is İstanbul is Asia is

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
( high ) mountain in ( long ) river in Turkey. ( crowded ) city in ( big ) continent of the
Turkey. Turkey. world.

My teacher is Kerem is Our horse is My car is

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
( helpful ) ( lazy ) student in the ( fast ) horse in the ( new ) car in the park.
teacher in class. town.
the school.

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