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Running head: Graphics Instructional Materials

Graphics Instructional Materials

Shanice Harris

Student ID: 007643040

Program Mentor: Christine Hanni

Assessment Code: TDT1

1 June 2022
Graphics Instructional Materials


The purpose of my original collection of graphics is to show my target audience what a

peanut butter and jelly sandwich looks like so they know what they will be making. My

original photographs showcase a real-time peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My scanned

image depicts how peanut butter and jelly sandwich can be an analogy for kindness. My

image created from the Apple Paintbrush program hopes to elicit a positive response about

the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My outside source picture helps to identify the main

tool that is used in making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Target Audience

The target audience for my graphics collection is anyone who wants to learn how to make a

peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My target audience is also anyone who simply enjoys peanut

butter and jelly sandwiches or cooking in general. My target audience is appropriate for my

graphics collection because my chosen graphics are beneficial to anyone interested in peanut

butter and jelly sandwiches.

Image Processes

1. Original Digital Photograph:

a. Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

b. Get your phone and open the Camera application (app) on it.

c. Find an appropriate background and take a picture of a peanut butter and jelly

sandwich with your phone.

d. Open Email, enter the email address for the recipient and sender, enter an email

subject, attach the photograph to the email, and click the send button.
e. Once it appears in your inbox, access the email, and download the image to your

chosen destination.

2. Resizing Original Digital Photograph:

a. Search for a free image resizing website using Google Search (My directions are

based on

b. Once the website loads, click the ‘Upload an Image’ button and locate your

original peanut butter and jelly sandwich photo.

c. Once it loads onto the website, scroll down to ‘4. Resize your image’ and enter

desired proportions.

d. Scroll down the page a bit more and click the ‘Resize Image’ button.

e. Once that loads, click the blue hyperlink ‘Download Image’ to access your

resized peanut butter and jelly sandwich photo file.

3. Cropping Original Digital Photograph:

a. Open the Gallery app on your phone and tap on your original peanut butter and

jelly sandwich photo.

b. Tap the edit button at the bottom of your screen and then tap the crop button.

c. Adjust the cropping square to your liking by moving the top and bottom lines up

and down and the left and right lines side to side.

d. Tap the Save button to access your cropped peanut butter and jelly sandwich

photo file.

4. Original Digital Photograph Filter:

a. Open the Gallery app on your phone and tap on your cropped peanut butter and

jelly sandwich photo.

b. Tap the edit button at the bottom of your screen and then tap the filters button.

c. Browse the different filters by tapping on each one until you find one that you


d. Tap the Save button to access your improved peanut butter and jelly sandwich

photo file.

5. Image Scan:

a. Find an image that you can scan using your printer (My directions are based on

my HP printer).

b. Lift the printer cover and place the image face down.

c. Open the HP Easy Scan app on your computer and click the Scan button in the

upper right corner.

d. Once finished, click the Send button at the bottom right corner and then click


e. Save the scanned image to your chosen destination.

6. Image Scan Resizing:

a. Using, click the ‘Upload an Image’ button and locate your

scanned image.

b. Once it loads onto the website, scroll down to ‘4. Resize your image’ and enter

desired proportions.

c. Scroll down the page a bit more and click the ‘Resize Image’ button.

d. Once that loads, click the blue hyperlink ‘Download Image’ to access your

resized peanut butter and jelly sandwich photo file.

7. Graphics Painting Program (I used the Apple Paintbrush app):

a. Open the Paintbrush app on your computer.

b. Use the paintbrush tool to draw your desired shape for 2 pieces of bread. They can

be drawn side-by-side or layered (I chose side-by-side for simplicity since I

cannot draw).

c. Use the paintbrush tool to draw 1 loopy square on each piece of bread.

d. Use the Fill tool to color the 2 pieces of bread brown, 1 loopy square a tan or light

orange, and the other loopy square purple.

e. I also chose to draw eyes, smiles, and hands on my 2 pieces of bread.

f. At the top of your computer screen, click File and then Save As.

g. Name your peanut butter and jelly sandwich drawing and save it as a JPEG to

your chosen destination.

8. Graphics Painting Program Image Resizing:

a. Using, click the ‘Upload an Image’ button and locate your

scanned image.

b. Once it loads onto the website, scroll down to ‘4. Resize your image’ and enter

desired proportions.

c. Scroll down the page a bit more and click the ‘Resize Image’ button.

d. Once that loads, click the blue hyperlink ‘Download Image’ to access your

resized peanut butter and jelly sandwich photo file.

9. Outside Source Image:

a. Open your Internet search browser (I used Google Chrome).

b. Type ‘peanut butter and jelly sandwich’ in the text box and click the Search

c. Click Images at the top right corner of the web page.

d. Click on your chosen image.

e. When it pops up on the right side of the web page, right-click on it and select

‘Save Image As’.

f. Name your peanut butter and jelly sandwich image and save it as a JPEG to your

chosen destination.

Ngo, Hope. (16 June 2020). “The Untold Truth of The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich”.

Retrieved on June 2, 2022 from

the-peanut-butter-and-jelly-sandwich/ (2015-2022.). Retrieved on June 2, 2022 from

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