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Poultry are domesticated birds kept by humans for their eggs, meat and feathers. The poultry
sector offers the quickest returns to investment outlays in livestock enterprise by virtue of its
short gestation period, high feed conversion ratio alongside being one of the cheapest,
commonest and best sources of animal protein in the country. The entry of private investors into
poultry production in the late 1960s to early 1970s marked the onset of indigenous commercial
poultry industry. It then spread from the west to the eastern region and parts of the Northern
region with the west especially witnessing tremendous growth. it's meat and eggs provide high
quality protein.
 Food supply
Poultry production over the years has made significant impact in the area of food supply to the
Nigerian citizens. For example, poultry meat and eggs are the source of high quality protein,
vitamins and minerals. These poultry products can be used to prepare or cook different food for
consumption, these foods produced from poultry products can come in form of chicken chips,
and rolls, egg salad etc.
 Industrial supply
Poultry products are used for industrial purpose, such as medical and pharmaceutical purposes.
For instance, vaccine is produced from poultry product such as eggs, again those parts of eggs
that are not good for food are used to fertilize the soil as plant nutrients and that also serves as
animal feeds. The white part of egg is used for cloth dyeing and book binding. Printer’s ink and
leather tanning are also products from white egg. Whereas, soap, shampoo and paint are
produced from egg yolk. Poultry feathers are good source of mattress, and pillow, and insulating
 Income generation
Poultry production has been a source of income generation to many Nigerians who have engaged
in poultry farming. A good number of youths and women have earned income from rearing
poultry and selling poultry products. One does not need large startup capital to embark on
poultry production, and this agricultural sub-sector is made attractive to Nigerian youths with the
availability of modern technology facilities, which has help encouraged commercial production
of poultry products.
 Employment opportunities
Poultry production has played enormous role in creating employment opportunity for Nigerians.
Some however, have embarked on selling poultry products only, and this opportunity is serving
as a source of employment for Nigerians. Unemployed Nigerian youths have as of today, gained
full employment through poultry production.
 Diseases and dead of birds
Poultry farmers in Nigeria have encountered serious challenges in poultry production. For the
most part, these challenges have brought about low productivity in poultry production in Nigeria.
A good number of Nigerians have been discouraged from poultry production, given frequent
dead of birds recorded in recent times, coupled with birds’ diseases. This challenge has forced
poultry farmers to sell the products at low prices without considering making profits.
 Lack of funds
In most cases, lack of collateral to collect loans from commercial banks has been another
challenge staring at poultry farmers and production of poultry products in Nigeria. Hence, an
inadequate fund to purchase birds feeds has lead to decrease in poultry production in Nigeria.
 Inadequate supply of protein for consumption
Poultry products are major source of protein for human consumption, but unfortunately, the
supply of these nutrients from poultry production does not meet the demand of protein
consumption, occasioned by high cost of animal feeds. This challenge has been one of the
problems facing poultry production in Nigeria. The success of poultry production is hampered by
this challenge hence, has lead to insufficient supply of nutrients.
 Lack of information is a poultry farming system
This problem is as bad as the first point. If you want to succeed in life in any business or in
anything at all, you need the right information about that thing.
Some people just rush into poultry farming system without the proper information, while some
got information from the wrong source.
Getting the right information will help you in all area of your farm and you will get the reward
on time.

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