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Project communication is defined as a process to communicate information related to a project

to achieve the desired goal. It can include communication between leaders to team members
or between team members.


It is described as a plan which defines the communication of crucial information throughout the
project. In this plan, it is decided how and what information is to be delivered at which duration
of time.


Well, According to PMBOK Guide the various Project Communication Methods are :-

 Interactive Communications
 Push Communications
 Pull Communications


Interactive Communications
It can be defined as a type of communication in which information flows in both/multiple
directions. General examples of this type of communication are group meetings, video
conferences, calls, etc. In interactive communication, ideas are shared among the group by a
manager to team members, team members to a manager, or in between members. This type of
communication generally keeps ongoing throughout the project and typically informal.
 This way of communicating is the fastest way to communicate as it is done in real time.

 It can be used to get more ideas.

 Chances of getting misinterpreted are pretty less.
 It is better way to share information or explaining things to stakeholders about the

 Sometimes when this communication is done through media platform, it has a
probability of misunderstanding of things.
 Quite difficult to note body language of facial expression or tone of speaking during
this communication.
 Keeping record of these type of communication is quite difficult.

Push Communications
This type of communication can be defined as a one-way type. Generally, this type of
communication is done to send information to the intended receivers. Some of the examples of
push communications are e-mails, memos, letters, reports, or voicemails. It is more of a formal
type of communication and can require a specific format in some cases.

 It generally has a record.
 Typically done in writing format except voicemails.
 No face-to-face interaction is required.
 Quite successful while sending large piece of information.

 Not successful if fast reply is required.
 No confirmation of receiver getting/viewing the message.
 Message is need to be composed.

Pull Communications
This can be described as a type of communication where information/message is openly
available for a huge audience. It is posting informational things that might be useful for the
project on an open platform accessible to all. Examples can be websites, wikis, bulletin boards
e-learning sites, shared network drives, etc.

It is neither formal nor informal type.

 No interaction between sender and receiver is required.
 Can be accessible to everyone and at any time.
 If receiver does not look for this information then mostly it does not affect project.
 Could be beneficial for project.


 Sometimes receiver could be unaware of message posted.


1. At the start of a project, to discuss plans meetings are held where all members are present
and everyone provides their thoughts/ideas. In this case, push communication will not
work as new strategies are to make which require different opinions. Hence, in this case,
interactive communication is preferred over other types.

2. Let’s say we have a problem with the software during a project, in this case, push
communication like writing emails to the IT department will not solve the problem
immediately as receiving a message cannot be determined. So, in this case, also calling or
direct messaging the required person should be done which is a form of interactive

3. Looking at another scenario, if records have to be submitted to the managers regarding the
project then calling will not be acceptable. A report should be submitted formally with an
email to keep a record. In this, push communication is preferred over interactive
communication. Even in the case of a large amount of information being forwarded to a
limited set of stakeholders, the Push Communication method is preferred over others.

4. In another case, if a piece of general information is to be provided to each member of the

group that can be used for better performance, then mailing every person or calling each
individual will be quite difficult. Hence, information could be uploaded on the portal or
bulletin board for easy access to everyone. In this case, pull-type of communication is
preferred both interactive.

1. Communication Methods. (n.d.).

2. Monnappa, A. (2021, March 2). Project Management Series: Interactive Vs Push Vs Pull
Communication: Simplilearn.
3. PPT provided in Class

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