Functional Specification - Document Overview: Document Required Information Comments

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Custom Development Design Specification

Functional Specification - Document Overview

Development Request

Required Comments Information

Section 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Section 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 Section 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Section 4 Request Details Approval History Change History Business Background Business Drivers General Requirements Functional Specification All Enhancements Workflow Conversions Reporting Requirements Forms Data Requirement This section can be used to specify any data requirement for any RICEF(W) object. Testing Unit Test String Test (If Required for Functional Acceptance)

Functional Specification

Section 5 5.1 5.2

June 12, 2011

Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Section 1

Functional Specification - Administration

Request Details
Sub-Process ID: Functional Specification File Name: Functional Specification Description: Business Process Team: Verification of Earnings Report - VOE Report to display the total earnings per employee in the past 3 years Payroll/ Personnel Administration

Approval History
Document Status: D Date Created: Process Team Member: Approved By Process Lead Approved By PMO Accepted By Development Lead Received by Developer:

Status Key: P D A

In Progress Draft Complete Approved Telephone: Date Approved: Date Approved: Date Received: Date Received:

Change History
Date Modified 07/20/2009 Modified By XXXx Initial Draft Brief Description of Change

June 12, 2011

Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Section 2

Development Request - Business Background

Business Background Description

Purpose of this document is to create a custom program for a new report Verification of Earnings. A similar report was available in the 4.6C system.

Business Driver
This report is required by the HR to check the gross earnings per an employee during the past 3 years. It is one of the required reports for the business.

General Requirements
Risks Priority
{Enter a priority for the development according to the following criteria. Enter a description of why this priority has been assigned.} High Critical part of a process, we cannot go-live without it Medium Important parts of a process, Impact functionality, but not go-live Low Supports a process; it will save time and effort Nice to have, if theres time} Priority High Medium Low X

Impacted Software Packages

{List the software packages impacted by this development object} Software Package SAP ECC HCM PA SAP Portal N/A


Change Management Considerations

This report is similar to a legacy report from 4.6C and has no impact.

{This section can be used for any comments that may help with the understanding of the business requirements for this development.}

Related Documents
Please refer to the program Z_VOE_REPORT in the 4.6C for some reference.

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Section 3
Baseline Reference Requirements

Functional Specification

General Requirements
{Indicate all the functional requirements and deliverables that would support this functional design.}

This program should have following capabilities

1. The fields on selection screen should be Employee Badge: Allow for multiple/range selections. Application Server (Radio button): Presentation Server (Radio button) name, if need be.

2. For the application server field, default the path as /appl/data/pyrl/VOE.txt. But should accept any other file 3. The program has an input file on the selection screen and the format of input file is as attached.
Inpput File.xls

4. 5. 6.

The output should be as attached in the mapping sheet below. The output should be displayed on screen. The report should be displayed in ascending oder of the Year. Apart from the below output file, Please display the current P0008-BETRG value on the file for each employee.

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

7. Logic:

Processing Logic: Please refer below content.

1. First get the user ID of the person running the program. 2. For the pernr entered in the selection screen read the infotype 0008 using the LDB and display the record only if the read is successful for that infotype. If it is not successful after this check, please skip the processing for this PERNR. 3. If the PERNR entered on the selection screen is not available in the input file display an error saying Personnel Number not found in the input file. 4. The transaction code must be ZHRR028.

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Type of Custom Development

A custom report with a new RICEF needs to be created.. The RICEF ID is HRR028.

Overview Diagram External Systems, Files, Other Infrastructure

{Describe the external systems considered in the functional design. For example, the AP system resides on an IBM MVS system using DB2.}


{Indicate the security required to execute the process: extractions, transactions, file write, etc.}

Data Volume Peak Volume: Average Volume: Dependencies / Touch-points Process Dependencies
{Indicate any process dependencies that would support the functional design.}

Development Dependencies
{Portal, EDI, Interfaces, Workflow, Conversions, Security, User Exits, Screen Exits, Custom Transactions, Forms}

Data Dependencies
{Indicate the master or transactional data dependencies for this development object.}

Technical / Tool Dependencies

{Indicate the implementation of any tool or technical infrastructure that will influence effect this process.}

Screen Flow Overview / iView Flow Overview
{Indicate the screen flow sequence in an overview diagram.}

Screen Details Screen / iView Details

{Describe the screen processing details.}

Screen Layout / IView Layout

{Indicate the field layout for each screen.}

Screen Fields / iView Fields

{For each screen layout, describe the fields for those screens.}
Field Title Type Size Characteristics SAP Source Field

Legend Type: A Alpha only, N Numeric, C Alphanumeric, X Check box, R Radio Button, D Date Legend Characteristics: M Mandatory, O Optional, D Display only

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Field Validation
{Indicate necessary field validations.}

Group Validation
{If needed, indicate validations that would apply to a group of screen fields or the validation of one field would be dependent on the inputs of other screen fields.}

Push Button / Menu Option / Other Screen Controls

{Indicate menu options and screen controls.}

Help Functions / Links

{Indicate the necessary help functions for each screen field.}

Search Functions
{Indicate the necessary search functions for each screen field.}

Workflow (Workflow Requirements)

Work Flow Overview Work Flow Route Work Flow Route Exceptions User Action/Notification Work Flow Criteria Transaction Codes : Z_VOE Relevant Documents

Data Cleansing Requirement Mapping Performance Requirement Selection Screen Manual Steps Required for Data Extract Manual Steps Required for Data Load
List of manual steps or procedure to be executed for data load. This section is required in case of manual conversion.

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Exception Handling Rules Validation scenarios and test cases

Please mention verification and validation scenarios for data extract and data load process

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Reporting Requirements
General Report Information
Please select from the following: New Report: List any Standard Business Content that exists for this report. Title: Technical Name: Are these requirements based on an existing report? Title: Technical Name:

Current Report:

Report Name: <enter a suggested Business name>

{Please refer to section 3.1.5 Frequency where scheduling requirements for both Analytical and Operational Reporting are specified}

Report Medium: {How do you want users to see/access your report?}

On-line (Source system) Internet/Intranet Hard copy E-mail Text File Excel File Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Report Volume: {How many lines, on an average, are on the report?} Type/Number of Users
{What type of users and how many in each type expected?}
User Type Executive Info Consumer Power User This user will predominantly ... View predefined and static reports. KPIs and Dashboards. ... Navigate within reports, do slicing and dicing at a summary level. ... developers of reports and queries, OLAP analysis, Planning and simulation, data mining, etc.

Number of Internal Users Executive Info Consumers Power Users ________ ________ ________

Number of External Users Customer: Supplier: Legal: _______ _______ _______

Other (Please Specify) ______________________________________________________________________

Report Properties
{Examples of report properties are shown below. You may include more as needed}
Report Properties Property Description

Report type (i.e. Tabular, bar graph, pie chart, combined ) Report composition: (i.e. list, comparison ) Alignment (current or historical) Time Frame needed (Current and Prior year, 12 rolling months ) Decimal places (0.0, 0.00 ) Percentages (Format) (0.0%, 0.00% ) Unit of measure required (lb., inches )
June 12, 2011 Design Specifications Page 9

Custom Development Design Specification

Report Properties

Property Description

Scaling (i.e. figures shown in thousands ) Currency type required ($, CAN$ ) Alerts needed (Only send report if sales < $10,000 ) client (needed to run report in source system)

Report / Sources of Data

Source System SAP Functional Area SAP Tables

Filters (Characteristics)
Technical Name of Characteristics that are used as a filter Characteristic Description Object Source Technical Names Data Source Technical Names Individual values, intervals, hierarchy nodes or variables that the report will be limited to

Selection Criteria
Technical Object Name Prompt Description Mandatory (M) or Optional (O) Range (R) or Value (V)

Columns / Key Figures

Seq Num 1 2 Technical Column Name Column Description Object Source Technical Names Data Source Technical Names Calculation or restriction required? Format (D4.2, A24..)

Calculations / Formulas (Columns)

Seq Num 1 2 Calculated Field Description Required Calculation and Source Fields Format (D4.2, A24..)

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Rows / Master Data / Characteristics

Seq Nu m Row Technical Name Data Source Technical Names Key & Description, Key Only, or Description Only Limit to: specific value or variable option Attribute Technical Name Navigation (N) / Display (D)

Row Description

Object Source Technical Names

1 2

Drill Down Levels (Free Characteristics)

Technical Name of Characteristics that are available for drilldown Characteristic Description Object Source Technical Names Data Source Technical Names Key & Description, Key Only, or Description Only Limit to: specific value or variable option

Report Layout Comments Additional Contacts / Subject Matter Experts

Contact Telephone Comment

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Form Layout Overview Form Output Requirements Form Standards Recipients / Requirements

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Section 4

Data Requirements and Mapping

{If applicable, this section is to be completed at high level by the Process Teams with assistance from the Development Team}

Logical Data Elements

{EDI, Interfaces, Workflow, Conversions, Operational Reporting, Forms}

Logical Data Groups / Formats

{EDI, Interfaces, Workflow, Conversions, Operational Reports, Forms}

Input Formats
{Describe the input format: IDoc Name, EDI Transaction, Standard Load Program, LSMW. If it is a custom input, include file definition.}

Output Formats
{Describe the output format: IDoc, EDI Transaction. If it is a custom output, include a file definition.}

Mapping Specifications
{EDI, Interfaces, Workflow, Conversions}

Data Mapping and Transformation

Source Data Element Data Type Size Transformation Target Data Element Data Type Size

Mapping document for conversion program. Please fill the attached mapping template for conversion program

Data Processing Requirements Sorting / Merging / Grouping Requirements Calculation / Formulas / Summarization Selection Criteria

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Field Title




Wild Cards?

Range Required? {N}

Source Field Name {KNA1NAME1}

Criteria Validation

{Customer Name}





Legend Type: A Alpha only, N Numeric, C Alphanumeric, X Checkbox, R Radio Button, D


Variants Highlighting and Special Formatting

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Design Specifications

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Custom Development Design Specification

Section 5


{This section is to be used by the Process and Application Development teams.}

5.1 Unit Testing

Environment / Configuration


Data Requirements
Data Object Required for Unit Testing Type (Master data, Transaction Data, Historical Data) Description of Testing Dependency to Business Requirement

Business Requirement Tested


Unit Test Plan / Expected Results / Actual Results

Business Requirement Tested

Unit Test Description

Application Component Tested


Test Type (Negative, Positive)

Master Data Sample

Transaction Data Sample

Historical Data Sample

Expected Results

Actual Results


Unit Test Follow-up Required

Follow Up Action Item

Assigned to


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Design Specifications

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