HSC Topic 1: Operations (Level 2) : Students Learn About

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Topic 1: Operations (Level 2)

Students learn about:

R__________ of operations management

• S____________ role of operations m_______________ – cost l________________,
good/service d_______________________
• goods and/or services in different i_____________________
• i_______________________ with other k___________ business functions

O__________________ p___________________
• I______________
– transformed resources (m_____________, i__________________, customers)
– transforming resources (h______________ resources, f_______________)
• T__________________ processes
– the influence of v_____________, v_____________, v_____________ in demand and
v_____________ (customer c_______________)
– s_________________ and s____________________ – Gantt c____________, critical path
– t___________________, task design and p________________ layout
– m___________________, control and i___________________
• O______________
– C_______________ service
– W______________

• g_______________, t______________, q______________ expectations, c__________-based
competition, g________________ policies, l____________ regulation, e_________________
• c________________ s____________ r___________________
– the difference between l____________ c______________ and e_________ responsibility
– e___________________ sustainability and s_________________ responsibility

O________________ s____________________
• performance o_________________ – q____________, s______________,
d________________, f_________________, c_______________________, cost
• n_________ product or service design and d__________________
• s_____________ c_____________ management – l___________, e-commerce, global sourcing
• outsourcing – a________________ and d_______________________
• technology – l____________ edge, e____________________
• inventory management – a________________ and d_______________________of holding
stock, ____________ (last-in-first-out), _____________ (first-in-first-out), ______ (just-in-time)
• q_______________ management
– c_______________
– assurance
– i________________
• overcoming r________________ to change – f_______________ costs, purchasing n______
e________________, redundancy payments, r______________, reorganising p_________
layout, i________________
• g______________ factors – global sourcing, economies of s____________, scanning and
learning, r_______________ and development

Content - Students learn to:

examine contemporary business issues to:

• discuss the b___________ between c_________ and q____________ in operations strategy

• examine the i______________ of g________________ on operations s_______________
• identify the b_____________ of g_________________ p_______________ that affect operations
• e____________ why corporate social responsibility is a k_______ c_____________ in operations

investigate aspects of business using hypothetical situations and actual business case studies to:

• describe the f___________ of operations management for businesses in a t__________++ industry

• assess the r_______________ between operations and the o_____________ key business functions in
two actual businesses
• explain how operations s___________ can help a business s___________ its c_______________
• r________________ possible operations strategies for one hypothetical business

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