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NAME: ____________________________________________________ SCORE: ________________
GRADE/SECTION: Grade VI – St. Augustine DATE: _________________
ADVISER: Ms. Juddie Mynn J. Barba

I. Read and analyze the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. These are tiny plants that contain a few cells for reproduction. They are light and
easily dispersed by the wind.
a. spores b. liverworts c. ferns
2. It is sometimes called as horned liverworts which are usually found in damp, shady
and rocky surroundings.
a. mosses b. hornworts c. ferns
3. It is a root – like structure found in mosses.
a. rhizoid b. gametes c. leaves
4. Other term for nonliving things found in an ecosystem which includes the various
landforms and the climate?
a. biotic b. abiotic c. environment
5. These are living things that shape the ecosystem such as plants and animals.
a. biotic b. abiotic c. forest
6. These are the tallest trees in the tropical rainforest.
a. forest floor b. lower canopy c. emergent trees
7. It is composed of trees that grow from 60 to 130 feet. This is where most of the
animals live.
a. forest floor b. upper canopy c. emergent
8. Trees in this level grow up to 60 feet in height. This level consists of small plants,
shrubs and trees.
a. lower canopy b. forest floor c. emergent
9. It receives so little light and is completely shaded.
a. forest floor b. emergent c. canopy
10. These are colorful marine habitats which are also known as the “rainforest of the
a. sea b. coral reefs c. swamps
11. Coral reefs take ________ to develop and grow.
a. days b. months c. years
12. What is the name of the largest coral reef found in Australia?
a. Great Barrier Reef b. atoll c. fringing
13. It is the close relationship between two species that benefits both of the species.
a. symbiotic relationship b. canopy c. environment
14. It is a group of communities of both living and nonliving things that are
a. marine b. terrestrial c. ecosystem

15. It is a non-flowering plant that produce cones.

a. phloem b. xylem c. gymnosperms

16. Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts are the most common as _______plants.
a. spore-bearing b. flowering c. seeds growing

17. The intermediate sexual phase in the life cycle of plants.

a. Club moss b. gametophytes c. liverworts

18. A very old group of plants that appeared long before the first flowering plants
a. Horsetails b. gumamela c. ferns

19. It is a seedling that has a long and greenish-brown color that are attached to the
branches of mangroves.
a. droppers b. seed c. pneumatophores

20. It is the mature phase in the life cycle of plants.

a. thallus b. sporophyte c. fronds

21. A green shoot seen in liverworts and algae.

a. thallus b. sporophyte c. fronds

22. The leaves of ferns are known as _____.

a. thallus b. sporophyte c. fronds

23. A non-flowering plant that may take 15 years to complete its reproduction stage.
a. Ferns b. club mosses c. thallus

24. They have a flattened thallus with tiny palm-like stalks bearing male and female
sex organs.
a. Hornworts b. liverworts c. moss

25. The cell that detaches from its parent’s plant and grows into a new plant is the
a. sporangium b. gemmae c. rhizoid
26. It is a woody, palm-like plants that grow up to one meter in height; usually found
in tropical and warm regions.
a. cycads b. ginkgo’s c. gnetophytes

27. A seed-bearing plant that are distributed widely from moist, tropical surroundings
to very arid desserts.
a. cycads b. ginkgo’s c. gnetophytes

28. It is the smaller leaf-like structures of a seed cone.

a. pollination b. bracts c. meosis

29. It is characterized by its resident life, environment, and climate.

a. Ecosystem b. rainforest c. biome

30. This is the species of corals that build the reefs.

a. hard corals b. soft corals c. polyp

II. A. What are the layers of the rainforest?

1. emergent
2. upper canopy
3. understory
4. forest floor

B. What are the three (3) lower form of Spore-bearing plants?

5. fungi
6. algae
7. bacteria
C. What are the three (3) higher form of Spore-bearing plants?
8. ferns
9. club mosses
10. horsetails

Prepared by:
Ms. Juddie Mynn J. Barba
Grade VI - St. Augustine, Adviser

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