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Rules of Differentiation Learner's Module in Basic Calculus Quarter 3 e Module 5 e Weeks 5 and 6 tong = See cose $e) =D Foxh) FOO Nino E. Martinez Developer Department of Education + Cordillera Administrative Region NAME: GRADE AND SECTION: TEACHER: SCORE: @ What’s In Review: To understand the lessons in this module, you need to recall the Four-Step Process in finding the derivative of a function. Finding the derivative by the Four-Step Process Example 1: Find the derivative of f(x) = x? + 2x Solution: Step 1. F(x +x) = (x + Ax)? + 20x + Ax) Step2. f(x +Ax) — f(x) = (wt Av)? + 2(x t Ay) - (x? +22) =x? + 2xAx + (Ax)? + 2x + 2Ax— 2? — 2x = 2xhx + (Ax)? + 2Ax f(x+ Av —f@) _ Ax@x+Ax+2) Step 3. =e = Step 4. in, EDL fim Q@x + x +2) = 2x +2 Therefore, f"(x) =2x+2. m Using the derivative to find the slope at a point Example 2: Find f'(x) for f(x) = x° , and use the result to find the slope of the graph of f at the point (2,8). Solution: fave £@) _ grey 1s “a +3x?(Ax) + dean + (ax)3 = 3 dx[3x? + 3x(Ax) + Fax Bx = Bx? + 3x(Ax) + (Ax)? we have “4 aa) fet Av) — f%) ax f'@) = kim, = fim, 3x? + 32(4n) + (Ary? = 3x" ‘Therefore, at the point (2,8), the slope is f"(2) = 3x7 = 3(2)? =e Remark: Remember that the derivative f"(x) gives us a formula for finding the slope of the tangent line at the point (x,/(2)) on the graph of f. This was illustrated in the previous example. What’s New In calculus, you will be asked to do two things: differentiate and integrate. In this lesson, you are going to learn differentiation. Integration will come later. But before we get about the business of learning how to take derivatives, however, here is a brief note about notation. Read this! NOTATION There are several different notations for derivatives in calculus. We will use two different types interchangeably throughout this lesson, so get used to them now. We'll refer to functions in three different ways: f(x),u,and y. For example, we might write: f(x) = x*, g(x) = x*, h(x) = x*, or we might use: VX. We will also use notations like: u=sinx and v =cosx. Usually, we pick the notation that causes the least confusion. The derivatives of the functions will use notation that depends on the function. In other words: Function | First Derivative | Second Derivative f(x) £@ f'@) g(x) g(x) g(x) + or & a y yore y" @) or Some mathematics books refer to a derivative using either D, or f,. We're not going to use either of them in this module. ( : What Is It You leamed how to find a derivative using the limit definition of the derivative, a process that is very time-consuming and sometimes involves a lot of complex algebra. Fortunately, there are shortcuts to taking derivatives, so you will never have to use the definition again. These rules permit us to calculate the derivative without the direct use of limits. LESSON 5.1. BASIC DIFFERENTIATION RULES Rule 1: The Constant Rule If f(x) =c where c is a constant, then /"(x) = 0. The derivative of a constant is equal to zero. Examples: Differentiate each of the following functions Lf(x)=2 3.g(x) = 20 Solution: Solution: f@)=0" g@=08 2. A(x) = -V7 4y=-4 Solution: Solution: No)=08 y=0m Rule 2: The Power Rule 3 Ify =x", then ara nx", where nis a rational number. Examples: Find the derivative of each of the following: Ll ya8 Qua 3. fax Solution: Solution: Solution: f@) f'@) = 3)" “a 3 =<" =-S" In some cases, the laws of exponents must be used to rewrite an expression before applying the power rule. Check the next example. 4. Find f’(x) where f(x) =3 We first write f(x) = 3 =x7? before we apply the Power Rule. 3 wehave f'(x) = (-3)x** = ~317* or — 5 Rule 3: The Constant Multiple Rule If f(x) = k A(@), where k is a constant, then f’(x) =k h'(x). Examples: Find the derivative of each of the following functions 1. fx) = 3x8 3. h(x) =—-v5x ‘Solution: Solution: F(a) = 3x3 h@w) = -V5x f'@=3 [Ee @) = —V5[x"4] = 2x" =e Rule 4: The Sum Rule If f(x) = g(x) + h(x) where g and h are differentiable functions, then f@=9'@)t+h'@) Examples: Differentiate the following functions: Ly=3x-2x+5 2. y=(Bx?+5)(x-1) 3. f(x) = 4x4 10x" 6x +5 Solution: ley =3x?- 2x45 y 5 by p bey ates Be ROW GOTEO = 3(2x")— 2) +0 =3(2x) 2x9 x21 =6x-2 # 2. y= (3x? + 5)(e-1) We can rewrite y = (3x7 +5)(t—1) as y =3x?—3x?+5x—5 (recall multiplication of binomials) Poy 3. Spe}-3- Spits: Sed 415) = 3[3+x2-!] —3[2-22-4] + 5x4] -0 =9x7-6x+5 3. f(@) = 4x4 + 10x" - 6x +5 r=4-4e5+10-2e)-6 £0+46 = 4[4x*"4] + 10[3x9-*] — 6[x*-4] +0. = 16x? +30x?-6 = Rule 5: The Product Rule ‘The derivative of the product of two differentiable functions f(x) and g(x) is given by d ge fa] = f@)9'@) + 9s") In words, this says that “the derivative of a product of two functions is the first function times the derivative of the second function plus the second function times the derivative of the first function.” Examples: Find the derivative of each of the following functions: ley = 8 +2x)(2x- 1) Solution: We differentiate these functions using two methods: The Product Rule or finding first the product then differentiate. Method 1 (Using the Product Rule) y= +2x)(2x-)) dy d d Gyn = Ot Tee 1 + Rx NZ Ix + 2] = (x3 + 2x)(2) + (2x - Gx? +2) = 2x3 + 4x + 6x3 — 3x7 + 4x -2 = 8x3 — 3x? + 8x—-2 Method 2. (Finding the Product then differentiate) y= (x8 + 2x)(2x- 1) ys 2xt— x3 +49? -2 dy = a(ayxtt — 3(1)x 8 + 42) ax ax = 8x3 — 3x? + 8x—-2 2. y=(+x")a-1) Solution: a d = a _ _ -1 = 14x) -D+@-YDe+x') ) dy ax = (tx) +@-DC1-x = (4) 4@-DEr) Slt¢xtixt+x 1 xetl =ltGoo 8 3. f(x) = (2x? - 3)(x? + 4x) Solution: FQ) = x? = aor +4y) + Bx? + wtoxe -3) = (2x? —3)(3-2-x? 8 44 ext) + Bx? + Ax)(2-2-x? 4) = (2x? — 3)(6x + 4) + Bx? + 4x) (4x) = (12x? + 8x? — 18x — 12) + (12x? + 16x?) = 24x39 + 24x? -18x-12 4. fx) = Vx(vVx +3) Solution: We can write f(x) = Vx(Vi+3) as f(x) = x3(x2 +3) 1 1 1 sstoise 2x6 3x8 x3 Rule 6: The Quotient Rule The derivative of the quotient of two differentiable functions f(x) and g(x) is given by: 4 [FG] _ g@OF'@) -f@)9'@~) elo@ or 978 As with the Product Rule, it is helpful to memorize a verbal statement of the Quotient Rule. That is, “The derivative of a quotient is equal to the denominator times the derivative of the numerator minus the numerator times the derivative of the denominator all divided by the square of the denominator.” Examples: Find the derivative of each of the following functions 2x+3 LO) =a Solution: @?- Her +3)-@rt LG? -5) £@= = = 5 oF — 5) _ =2x?~6x—-10 =2Q? + 3x45) “Gas Gao Solution: __ 8x — 6 — 20x? + 15x + 10x — 15x +10 ~ (@— 5x) =10x? + 8x +4 = . Gas Solution: 7 x? +4x43 . 1 Rewrite y as y= - since y¥ = x7 xz 1doa 2 d AE? +4e43)— OF +4043) aE () x(x +4) — (@? + 4x +3) (G# = x LESSON 5.2. THE CHAIN RULE ‘The most important rule in this lesson (and sometimes the most difficult one) is called the Chain Rule. It's used when you're given composite functions—that is, a function inside of another function. A composite function is usually written as: f[g(x)].For example: If f(x) od and = g(x) =v3x, then fla@) = When finding the derivative of a composite function, we take the derivative of the “outside” function, with the inside function g considered as the variable, leaving the inside function alone. Then, we multiply this by the derivative of the “inside” function, with respect to its variable x. Another way to write the Chain Rule is like this: dq (x) If y=f{g(x)] , then y! Ao wee sel (ee Examples: Find the derivative of each of the following functions 1. y= Gx? + 3x)* Solution: d = 5(5x3+ ax) [5x3 + 3x] = 5(Sx* + 3x)*[5(3)x?- +3] = SGx4 + 3x)4(15x? + 3) We just dealt with the derivative of something to the fifth power, like this: @ y= , 2250) where g =5x3+3x dg ‘Then we multiplied by the derivative of g: (5x3 + 3x) Note: Always do it this way. The process has several successive steps, like peeling away the layers of an onion until you reach the center. yave— Solution: Rewrite y=Vx?—4x as y= (x3—4x)? then 2 = n 2 y" 1 =a? — 4x) 73x21 — 4] -4x) 3x7 -4 ~~. 2Vx3 = 4x ‘Again, we took the derivative of the outside function, leaving the inside function alone. Then we multiplied by the derivative of the inside. = ie = 4x)33x2 —4) or ax+1)* Bye 77) Solution: dy a(t) Ai) de x= 2x) de = 2x! 2x41? [@?- 29-6 x4 1)- rt DA [e— 2x) Gj =a) (x? — 2x)? _ (22) (x? = 2x)(2) — 2x + DCx -2) =) eee Does it look complicated? That's because we used the Chain Rule and the Quotient Rule. You can simplify this further, if necessary. Ll IN 5.3. DIFFERENTIATING TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS DERIVATIVES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS Before starting this lesson, you might need to review the trigonometric functions. In particular it is important to remember that when we talk about the function f defined for all real numbers x by fx) = sinx it is understood that sinx means the sine of the angle whose radian measure is x. A similar convention holds for the other trigonometric functions cos,tan, cse,sec and cot. TABLE OF DERIVATIVES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS d Fling) = cosx Fp losex) = — esx cotx & (c0sx) =~ si & (seex) = secxtal $ (osx) = —sinx 4 (eecx) = secxtanx dx dx 4 tanx) = sec? d =- gy ltana) = sectx cota) = — esex These differentiation formulas show that each trigonometric function is differentiable at every number in its domain. Examples: Find the derivative of each of the following functions 1. y = sin(Sx) 2. y =sec(x?) Solution: ‘Solution: dy _ a = sec(x?) tan(x2) — [(x2 Bez g, GY Bye = SeeGe?) tan(x?) Ue?) = cos(5x) « (5) = sec(x*) tan(x?)(2x) = 5cos(5) = = 2xsec(x’) tan(x*) = 3. y =x? cosx 4.y =sinx —2tanx Solution: Solution: dy dy a + aq, oa qyleosx] + cos x [x3] et cosx— 2 tanx ae ?(— sin x) + cosx (2x) = cosx—2sec?x = ae x? sinx + 2xcosx m S.y = cscxcotx Solution: a ¢ ¢ the Product Rul Gy = sex Gy leot x] + cotxFrlesex] use the Product Rule = esex(— esc” x) + cot x(— ese x cotx) =—csc?x—csexcot*x m x?tanx . 6.y= use the Quotient and Product Rule secr Solution: dy _secxfb[x?tanz] —x*tanx dE [sec] (secx)* Elan) + tanxZ | ax? tne [secx] Sec? x sec x[x2(sec? x) + tan x(22)] — x®tanx(secx tan x)] TO gee?x x? sec? x + 2x tanx secx — x tan? xsecx sec?x secx[x? sec? x + 2x tanx — x? tan? x] rr x?(sec? x — tan* x) + 2x tanx since sec?x —tan?x=1 LESSON 5.4 DIFFERENTIATING NATURAL EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS ‘THE DERIVATIVE OF THE NATURAL EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION Ifu is a differentiable function of x, then d oxjaex ce 1. Fle l=e 27le Examples: Differentiate each of the following functions Ly =e Solution: To use the Chain Rule, we let u = 2x. Then we have y = e%, so dy _dy du du de du dx * a dy dx 2x4? 2y=e Solution: 2d cee [ext] wa 2x tat =e "(24 2x] factor out 2 = 2Ax- De 4 sin Sx 5.y Solution: (use the Product Rule) 1] vee “fan se] + sin sx Lf yf se® E jsinsx] + sinx Ze 4 d ax) (cos 5x) 7 [Sx] + sin Sele] F[—4x] ~* (cos 5x)(5) + sin 5x[e“**](—4) *(5.cos Sx —4sin 5x) = GENERAL DIFFERENTITION RULES For u and v, differentiable functions of x: Constant Multiple Rule: Sum or Difference Rule: Product Rule: Quotient Rule: DERIVATIVES OF ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS Constant Rule: Power Rule: =I[c=0 xt) nxt d =z qelat DERIVATIVES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS uw [sin u] = cosu—= ay lsinu) dx ta du ten y] = sec? = ag land ae 4 tsecxl tanuZt —[secx] = secu tan u—— dx dx 4 ssa) =—sinx tt gy leosul = —sinx=- 4 otu = ese? ut ay leotul = ese? uE 4 scx) cotu tt =l[escu] = —escu cotu— dx dx DERIVATIVES OF NATURAL EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS 4 ox gel uy) au alae

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