Week 4

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The Derivative Learner's Module in Basic Calculus Quarter 3 e Module 4 (Week 4) GERTRUDES D. BAGANO d Developer Department of Education * Cordillera Administrative Region NAME:. GRADE AND SECTION TEACHER: SCORE Chapter 4. The Derivative What’s In in your previous Math subjects, you have discussed slope of a line. Apply what you have ‘eamed in the activity. Use any sheet of paper for your solutions and final answers. A. Find the slope of the given two points. 1. (2,4) and (1,2) 2. (5,1) and (-1,4) B. Identify the slope (m) and y- intercept (b) of the following linear functions. Ly = 3x-2 2 y= 4x —5 in chapter 3, you have discussed continuity of a function. To recall these concepts, do the ‘ollowing: Use any sheet of paper for your solutions and final answers. ‘Show whether the following is continuous at the given c. 4. f@) =2x?- 3x 2 os [tt lifzs3 3. @= {ior rite s3 eee LRT CREED) if This section discusses the tangent line to the graph of a function and the definition of the derivative. Derivative is a function that tells you the slope of the line tangent to the curve at any point. Recall ‘Tangent line is a line that touches a curve at only one point. ‘The slope of a line is the ratio of the amount that y increases as x increases. In other words, the slope of the line is the ratio between the change in y and the change in x which is known as the “—<. In notation, m = 22—2+. Furthermore, if the line rises to the right, Tun mot itis slope is positive. Consider the curve of a function f(x) in figure 1. Figure 1. The curve of f(x) Line 1, line 2, and line 3 are all tangent lines to the curve at point P, Q, and R respectively. The slopes of the tangent lines at a point tell us the derivative of the function f(x). However, how can we know the slope of the line if we only know one point for sure on each tangent line? Recall that we need two points to find the slope. If we have a straight-line graph which is a graph of a linear function, we would know the slope everywhere because we could pick two points and use the slope formula, get the slope and it would be the same everywhere. The function in figure 1 is curved and the slope is changing everywhere. Line 1 has a 0 slope since it is a horizontal line, line 2 rises to the right so its slope is positive, and line 3 has a negative slope since it rises to the right. How then can we know the slope if it is always changing, and we only know one point for sure on each tangent line? Consider figure 2. Figure 2. Relationship between the secant line to a curve and the tangent line to the curve at a given point. We can see from figure 2 that as point P gets close to point Q, the secant line gets close to the tangent line. This tells us that we can use the secant line to estimate the slope of the tangent line to the curve at point Q. 2 (xh. 1(% +n} Figure 3. Slope of a tangent ine at a point through the secant line PQ. Find the slope of the secant line PQ (mpg) to the curve at points P and Q. To do this, use slope formula, m = a We let P (x, f(x) )the first point and Q (x +h, f(x + h)) the second point. The slope is solved as follows: m= 4 Yo = F(x th) m,, — neo h _ 94+6h+h?—4-(9-4) = kim ———_—— nso h mo = lim6 +h) 6+0 Thus, the tangent line at (3, 5) is 6. The equation of the tangent line is solved as follows: y-y=m(e—x%) where yp=5, my =3, m= 6 y-5=6(x-3) y-5=6r—18 y=6x—-1845 y= 6x—13 Figure 6. Graph of y = x” — 4 and the tangent line at (3, 5) Definition of the Normal Line to a Graph The normal line to a graph at a given point is the line perpendicular to the tangent line at that point. Recall that the slopes of two lines perpendicular to each other are negative reciprocals. Say for example, the slope of line 1s a, then slope of the line perpendicular to line éis ~ 2. Example 3. Find the equation of the normal line to the graph of the function in example 1. Solution: Example 3. Find the equation of the normal line to the graph of the function in example 1. Solutio The equation in example 1 is y = x? .The slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function at (2,4) is 4, thus the slope of the normal line to the graph of the function at (2, 4) is 3. The equation of the normal line is solved as follows: y- N= mM x) neh mah ma 4 + 2 y-4=-3@-2 1 1 Figure 7. Tangent and Normal Line tothe graph of y = x? at (2, 4) Example 4. Find the equation of the normal line to the graph of f(x) = x? — 1 at the point (2,3). Solution: a. Find the slope of the tangent line to graph of the function at point (2,3). _ yy £O+N- FO) me) = fim] ——— m(2) = jim f@+h)-f@ h (@+hy-1- (2-1) =E h 4+4ht+h?-1-(4-1) im =lim@ +h n+) =4+0 =4 ‘Thus, the tangent line at (2,3) is 4. b. Find the slope of the normal ine at point (2,3). The slope of the tangent line at (2,3) is 4. Hence the slope of the normal at same point is— + ©. Find the equation of the normal line using the point slope form ,y — yy =m (x— x4) 1 =3, =2, - Be x m 7 3=-2(r-2 y—3=—G@- 2) set YORE GRAT 1 1 3 ya-gxt gt =-3y42 y= gts Thus, the equation of the normal line is y = — ax Example 5. Find the derivative of f(x) = 3+2x Solution: Use the defintion of a derivative of a function: x +h x) F@) = him Let h)= Se = Tim E22CHG #29 mo _ (3 +2x+ 2h) — (3 + 2x) =lim sae = tim 2 Se = lim2 ho =2 Thus, f’(x) = 2 Example 6. Find the derivative of f(x) = +. We may solve the derivative step by step as follows: i. Evaluate f(x + h) — f(x) i Evaluate L2*Y=/0) ii, Evalaute Jim £2+#-19 mk Solution: ko f@+h)-s@) 4 4 “xth X _4Ax— 4+ h) “XG RY 4x = 4x - 4h “x(x h) ii. Flcth)- fx) xG+h) hh _ 4 =x@ +h) fGeth)~f (x) h iii. Evalaute lim hoo a4 = EG _ —4 ~ x(x +0) —4 oF Thus, f"(x) = 72 +h) +1-[7@2) +1] mooteeeseaeees 144+7h-14 h tim ZH moh yg? 7 Thus, f'(2) =7 Alternative Solution: Use the formula, ro= f@= i. f= f= f'Q= f'Q=7 im! © L © abl (7) +1) The use of the symbol /’ for the derivative of the function f was introduced by the French mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736 -1813) in the 18° century. This notation emphasizes that the function f is derived from the function f and its value at x is P(x). The symbol 22 as a notation for the derivative was first used by the German mathematician Gottfied Withelm Letbniz (1646-1716). In the 17° century Leibniz and Iseac Newton (1642 -1727), working independently, introduced almost simultaneously the derivative. is a symbol for derivative and should not be thought of as a ratio. As a matter of fact, can be considered as an operator (a symbol for the operation of computing the derivative), and when we write &, it means © (y), that is, the derivative of y with respect to x. \ = Leta, the cewus7 Example 8. Find 2 ity = Vr Solution: dy _ mL +h -f@ & = jinZA =O fing ~ti Vath- Ve lim —j i = lim SE ER aT SR ces RAE lim cane a mac (cesnyes eH) “ac ‘etn? las 1 “eet hy + Va@ee D+ V2 1 - YOe+ OF + REO + a F = lim aso Pe ea Sa eee uy This lesson discusses and shows proof that if a function is differentiable then it is continuous. Differentiation is the process of computing the derivative of a function. It is the operation of deriving a function f’ from a function f. A function is said to be differentiable if its derivative exists for every x- value in its domain. Illustration 4. In example 6 in lesson 4.1, f(x) = # and fi = = The domain of f is any real numbers except 0, and /’(x) exists at every real number except 0. Thus, f is a differentiable function. Illustration 2. The domain of the function, f(x) = ¥Z is [0, «). From example 8 in lesson 44 @= ae Since f'(0) does not exist, f is not differentiable at 0. However, f is differentiable at every other value in its domain. Therefore, f is differentiable on the open interval (0, 0). Recall! Definition of a Function Continuous at a Number The function f is said to be continuous at the number c if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: () fF (c) exists; (i) lim @) exists; (ii) lim f@) exists = f (c) If one or more of these three conditions fails to hold at c, the function f is said to be discontinuous at ¢ Example 1: Let f be defined by lifx<-1 f@)= fits if-l1 a. Show that f is continuous at 1. b. Determine if f differentiable at 1. Solution: a. Use the definition of continuity at a point. i. To evaluate f(1), use the second piece (f(x) = 1— x?) of the function since this is where we can find x = 1. Thatis, f(@) = 1-1? fay= 0 ii, lim f@) = lim f@ Use the third piece since this is where x approaches 1 from the right. Use the first piece since this is where x approaches 1 from the left. =0 Since lim, f(x) = lim f(x), then lim f(x) = 0 ii, fa) = bm ses) The three conditions are satisfied, thus, f(x) is continuous at x = 1. b. Use the formula, fo= lint 2-FO f(x) is a piece- wise function so the idea of a one-sided limit is useful. £@ f'Q) = lim 2 ime x Use the third piece. GDH) clin = lima + 1) =1+1 =2 £G)-f0) =lim Use the first piece. = lim SDD ey a = lime + D alt =141 2 + Since tim — Zand tim 4 — 2, then dim SO xolt axel fae fe Thus f'(1) = 2. The function f is differentiable at 2. Keep in mind: 1. The function {(x) is differentiable at x = 1. 2. The function f(x) is continuous atx = 1. Example 2. Consider the function f(x) = 4 a. Is f(x) continuous at x = 0? b. Is f(2) differentiable at x = 0? Solution: a. sf(0) = + undefined The first condition is not satisfied, thus, f(x) is not continuous at x = b. From example 6 in lesson 4.1 f'(x) = = . To determine whether f(x) is differntiable at x = 0, evaluate f'(0). We get, f'(0) = = which is undefined. This tells us that f(x) is not differentiable atx = 0. Keep in Mind: 4. The function f(x) is not continuous at x 2. The function f(x) is not differentiable at x = Example 3. Consider the function, y = VX. We let y be equal to g(x). So, g(x) a. Is the function continuous at x = 0? b. Is the function differentiable atx = 0? Solution: a. i.g(0)= WO =0 il tim V¥= 0 iii.g(0)= lim Vx The three conditions are satisfied; thus, (x) is continuous at x = 0. i B~ or g(x) = b. From example 8 in lesson 4.1, 2 = sor g(x) =a So g'(0) = Te which in undefined. Thus, g(x) is not differentiable at x = 0. Keep in Mind: 1. The function g(x) is continuous at x = 0. 2. the function g(x) is not differentiable at x = 0. Remarks From example 1, the function f(x) is continuous and differentiable at x = 1 From example 2, the function f(x) is not continuous and not differentiable at r=0. . From example 3, the function g(x) is continuous at x = 0 but not differentiable at x = 0. . These three examples have led us to the following conclusions: a. Ifthe function f is differentiable atx = c, then f is continuous atx = c. . If the function f is not continuous at x = c, then f is not differentiable at x=e. . If the function f is continuous at x = c, itdoes not always mean that f is differentiable at x = c. |. If the function f(x) is not differentiable at x = c, it does not always mean that f(x) is not continuous at x = c. The theorem below tells us further that differentiability implies continuity. Theorem Ifa function f is differentiable at c, then f is continuous at c.

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