11 - Unit 3 - Smart Time - No Key

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Moments in life + READING

1. Adventure (n)  /ədˈventʃə/ ⇨ Challenger (n)
⇨ Adventurous (a) ⇨ Challenging (a)
2. Reflect (v) /rɪˈflekt/ ⇨ Challenged (a)
⇨ Reflection (n) ⇨ Unchallenged (a) accepted/ believed w.o
⇨ Reflective (a) challenges
⇨ Reflector (n) ⇨ Unchallengeable(a) definitely true & can’t be
3. to hit the road/trail = begin a journey questioned
4. expedition (n) /ˌekspəˈdɪʃən/  14. Free-froze-frozen (v)
⇨ to go on/ make/ set off an expedition ⇨ Freezer (n) /ˈfriːzə/
5. be in search of sth = look for sth ⇨ Freezing (a)
6. experience (n/v) ⇨ Antifreeze (n)  /ˈæntɪfriːz/ chất chống đông
⇨ (in)experienced (a) 15. Frostbite (n) /ˈfrɒstbaɪt/
⇨ (in)experience (n) 16. Meanwhile (adv) /ˈmiːnwaɪl/ =whilst
7. Temperature (n) /ˈtemprətʃə/ 17. Achieve (v) /əˈtʃiːv/ 
⇨ Temperate (a)  /ˈtempərət/ ⇨ Achievable (a) =feasible = attainable
8. Brave (a) /breɪv/ ⇨ Achievement (n) =accomplishment (n)
⇨ Bravery (n)
9. Explore (v)  /ɪkˈsplɔ:/ ⇨ Achievement (C.n)
⇨ Explorer (n) Feelings (Vocabulary plus)
⇨ Exploration (n) 18. Enthuse (v) /ɪnˈθjuːz/
⇨ Exploratory (a) /ɪkˈsplɒrətəri/ ⇨ be enthused by/with something
⇨ unexplored (a) ⇨ Enthusiast (n) /ɪnˈθjuːziæst/
10. pole (n) /pəʊl/ ⇨ Enthusiasm (n)
⇨ polar (a) ⇨ (un)enthusiastic (a)
⇨ polarize (v) ⇨ enthusiastic about (doing) sth
11. prepare (v) /prɪˈpeə/ for sth ⇨ (un)enthusiastically (adv)
⇨ preparation (n) /ˌprepəˈreɪʃən/  19. Inspire (v) /ɪnˈspaɪə/
⇨ be in preparation for sth ⇨ (un)inspiring (a)
⇨ (un)prepared (a) ⇨ Inspiration (n) /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/
⇨ Preparedness (n) = willingness to do sth ⇨ Get/draw/take/derive inspiration from sth
12. Store (v) /stɔː/ ⇨ Inspirational (a) /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃənəl/
⇨ Storage (n) /ˈstɔːrɪdʒ/ 20. Satisfy (v) /ˈsætəsfaɪ/
⇨ Be in storage ⇨ (dis)satisfaction (n)
13. Challenge (n) /ˈtʃæləndʒ/  ⇨ (un)satisfactory (a)

⇨ (dis)satisfied (a) ⇨ Pride oneself on sth
⇨ Be (dis)satisfied with sth 23. Drop sb a line
⇨ Satisfying (a) 24. Welcome (v)  /ˈwelkəm/ 
21. Exhaust (v) /ɪɡˈzɔːst/ ⇨ (un)welcome (a)
⇨ Exhausted (a) ⇨ Welcoming (a)
⇨ Exhausting (a) 25. (in)formal (a) /ˈfɔːməl /
⇨ Exhaustive (a) thorough and complete ⇨ (in)formality (n)
⇨ (in)exhaustible (a) (not) used up ⇨ (in)formalize (v)
⇨ Exhaustion (n) /ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən/ ⇨ (in)formally (adv)
22. Proud (a) of sth = ⇨ Semi-formal (a)
⇨ Pride (n/v)
⇨ Take pride in sth

1. A experience B attractions C adventures D specialty

2. A tourism B expedition C landscape D polar
3. A ordinary B extreme C temperature D storage
4. A abandoned B arrival C destination D achievement
5. A explorer B anxious C anxiety D prepared
6. A inexperienced B mission C voyage D seaside
7. A caravan B protective C suppliers D exhausted
8. A excitement B disappointed C amazement D exhaustible
9. A satisfied B inspired C participate D reserve
10. A volunteer B voluntary C antifreeze D temperate


11. A abroad B explore C polar D storage

12. A dissatisfied B impressed C raised D inspired
13. A experiences B duties C responsibilities D maples
14. A existence B exhaustible C exploration D exhausted
15. A contain B produce C frostbite D conditions

Questions 1-4 (reflect)
1. Can you see your …………………………….in the glass?
2. Sulphur dioxide particles in the atmosphere act as ……………….and bounce some of the sun's rays
back into space.
3. It's important to wear special ……………………………clothing when riding a bike.
4. She could see her face ………………………… in the car’s windshield.
Questions 6-8 (experience)
5. The …………………………of the teaching staff has taken its toll on student test scores.
6. She's too young and …………………………….to go abroad on her own.
Questions 9 -13 (explore)
7. We spent a week ……………………………. the Oregon coastline.
8. They are a time of……………………………., assertion, and challenge, and often of confusion,
contradictions, and trauma.
9. For enthusiastic cave ……………………………. it is a second home.
10. The study looks at a relatively …………………………area of human relationships.
Questions 14-15 (adventure)
11. I'm not very ……………………………when it comes to trying new food.
12. He always used to tell us about his …………………………….at sea.
Questions 16-17 (pole)
13. As our climate warms up, the ……………………………ice caps will begin to melt.
14. Player salaries are similarly being ………………………………
Questions 18-19 (ordinary)
15. This is not the price at which the CD is ……………………………. sold.
16. Gorgeous! The view from up here is …………………………….
Questions 20-21 (famous)
17. This area is ……………………………. for drugs and prostitution.
18. She shot to ……………………………. as a result of her victory in the Olympics.
Questions 22-23 (far)
19. We have decided to take no ……………………………. action.
Questions 24-25 (anxious)
20. She waited ……………………………. by the phone.
21. There is considerable ……………………………among staff about job losses.
Questions 26-30 (enthuse)
22. The exhibition will be of interest to classic car owners and other motoring………………………….
23. The owners were certainly …………………………….by the offer.
24. He's still really …………………………. about his new job.
25. The audience applauded …………………, and she came back on stage to take another bow.
26. I left university fired with …………………………. for work.
Questions 31-34 (prepare)
27. Business training is a good …………………………. for any career.
28. Military………………………….is important to prevent war.
29. The team was well …………………………. and focused on the issues.
30. Sadly, most people find themselves totally …………………………. financially and the consequences of
that can be disastrous.
Questions 36-40 (challenge)
31. The company still faces some ………………………….
32. She couldn’t let a statement like that go ……………………………...
33. Amelia had to ski against strong ………………. winds while dragging a heavy sledge with supplies.
34. She camped in a supermarket storage ……………………. before her expedition to the South Pole.
35. All I had in the freezer was a couple of……………………………pizzas.
36. When the ground is frozen, walking on it for extended periods of time can cause …………………. (frost)
37. As we climbed the final few metres, we felt a sense of ……………………………...
38. Not enough attention is given to the low ……………………………. in the class.
39. Before you set your targets, make sure that they are ……………………………...
40. …………………………….. by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.
41. King was a great orator and an ……………………………leader.
42. He gave an ……………………………talk on overcoming obstacles in life.
43. Have you …………………………. all the requirements for the general degree?

44. ‘I’ve passed all my exams,’ he announced with ……………………………...
45. Working with children with special needs can be a ………………. and rewarding experience.
46. People should not accept …………………………products. They should complain.
47. If you’re not completely…………………………., you can get your money back.
48. We hope to attract customers who are ……………………………with their present health insurance.
49. She was emotionally …………………………., and the strain was beginning to affect her job.
50. I had to drive nine hours without a break - it was ………………………….
51. Scientists are working to create a fuel that would be cheap, clean, and ………………………….
52. Don't work too hard and drive yourself to ……………………….
53. Come and see us whenever you're in town - you're always ……………
54. She gave everyone a …………………………. smile.
55. There is always some degree of …………………………when one speaks to a stranger.
56. I was offered the job after an …………………………. interview in the staff canteen.
57. Final arrangements for the takeover have yet to be………………………….

Put the correct tenses of verbs into the blanks

1. Where .................. your daughter ....................................... (spend) winter holiday this year?
2. Why ....................................... you ....................................... (sell) your car last month?
3. What time ....................................... they ....................................... (open) ‘Biedronka’ on Sundays?
4. My sister ....................................... (get) married next month.
5. What ....................................... Jim ....................................... (watch) at the moment?
6. ....................................... you ever ....................................... (drink) tea with milk?
7. It’s a really fascinating story. I’m sure you ....................................... (like) it.
8. I am so tired. I think I....................................... (go) to bed.
9. Dogs ....................................... (not fly).
10. I don’t think she .................. (understand) the native speaker, she .................. (not speak) English.
11. My son ....................... (never, try) seafood, so I am sure he ....................................... (like) sushi.
12. While we ................... (play) hockey last night, my son ....................................... (break) his leg.
13. Can I speak to Mrs. White? No, she ............ (go) out. She ........................ (call) you back when she
comes back.
14. Jenny ....................................... (sleep) badly last night.
15. I ....................................... (buy) the tickets for the match. Would you like to come with me?
16. ....................................... we .......................................(have) a lunch at a new bistro tomorrow?
17. When I arrived home, she ....................................... (make) dinner.
18. The police ...................... (catch) him while he ....................................... (run) out of the bank.
19. When ....................................... they ....................................... (move) out of the house?
20. How many cups of coffee ....................................... you ....................................... (have) today?
21. Look! It ....................................... (rain) soon.
22. I ................ (lie) on the beach when it suddenly .......................................(start) to rain.
23. ‘I can’t move that table’. ‘I ....................................... (help) you.
24. ‘Would you like some tea?’ ‘No, thank you, I ....................................... (already, drink) two cups.
25. ....................................... you ....................................... (see) a dentist soon?
26. ‘What time ....................................... (play) football tomorrow?’
27. ‘Do you have any plans for the weekend?’. ‘Yes, we ....................................... (celebrate) our wedding
28. ....................................... you ....................................... (pay) the rent yet? No, not yet, but I
....................................... (do) it tomorrow, I promise.
29. I promise I ................................ (tell) you everything when she............................ (leave) the room.
How long ............................................. (she/have) this car?


The present perfect tense 🡨🡪 The past simple

S+ started/ began/ commenced/ … + V-ing + time

⇨ S + have/ has + started/ began/ commenced/ + V3/ V-ed + since/ for + time.
⇨ S + have/ has + started/ began/ commenced/ + been + Ving + since/ for + time
1. My father started washing his car in the morning. (SINCE)
⇨ My father
2. Tom has been drinking milk since he was thirteen. (WHEN)
⇨ Tom
3. Andy has been collecting stamps since he was a kid. (WHEN)
⇨ Andy
4. It has been ten years since my father bought this house. (AGO)
⇨ My father
5. She started planting roses at half past seven. (SINCE)
⇨ She
6. My sister began to learn English when she was six years old.
⇨ My sister has

S + last + V2/ed + time [when S+ V2/ed] [in July] [on 3rd Nov] [3 years ago]

The last time + S + V2/ed was [when S+ V2/ed], [in + July] [on 3rd Nov] [3 years ago]

⇨ S + haven’t/ hasn’t + V3/ed since [S + V2/ed], [July] [3rd Nov]/ for [3 years].
⇨ It is/ has been + time [3 months] since + S + V2/ed.
7. The last time we went to Ho Chi Minh City was in 2009.
⇨ We have
⇨ We last
8. He last wrote to her mother in February. (NOT)
⇨ He
9. It’s nearly twenty years since my father saw my uncle.
⇨ My father last
⇨ The last time
⇨ My father has
10. It is years since we decorated the room.
⇨ We haven’t
11. I left Japan for Vietnam ten years ago.

⇨ It

When did + S + start/ begin/ stop + V-ing?

⇨ How long ago + did + S + start/ begin/ stop + V-ing?

⇨ How long is it/ has it been since S + started/ began/ stopped + V-ing?
⇨ How long has/have + S + (been +Ving)/ (V3/ed)?
12. How long have you been playing the guitar?
⇨ When ?
13. When did you buy this apartment?
⇨ How long has
⇨ How long have
⇨ How long ago
14. Emma finished ironing the clothes a few minutes ago. (JUST)
⇨ Emma
15. It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo. (AGO)
⇨ I
16. Siestas bought this car nearly 10 years ago. (OWNED)
⇨ Siestas
17. He died 3 years ago. (DEAD)
⇨ He
18. Kenny has been abroad for three years. (MOVED)
⇨ Kenny
19. Tom has run this restaurant for three years. (SET)
⇨ Tom
20. When I was younger, I used to go climbing more than I do now.
⇨ Now
21. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
⇨ Much
22. The science librarian is more helpful than the history librarian.
⇨ The history librarian is
23. People believe that the wanted man is living in New York.
⇨ The wanted man
24. Please don't touch the things on display.
⇨ Would you mind ?

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
1. Suddenly it began to rain torrentially, so all the summer hikers got drenched all over.

A very tired B completely wet C refreshed D cleansed
2. The overall aim of the book is to bridge the gap between theory and practice, particularly in language
A increase the understanding B reduce the difference
C minimize the limitations D construct a bridge
3. The graduation is sad, because the time we studied together has come to an end.
A succeeded B. begun C.finished D. changed
4. After her parents' death, her chief inheritance was an old Bible, which she read and valued.
A. pursuit B. possession C. mistrust D. misery
5. They need to cut back on eating a lot of salt and sugary foods. They're not good for their health.
A. reduce B. begin C. speed up D. carry out
6. I only have time to tell you the main idea of it, not the details.
A. story B. gist C. list D. start
7. Wildlife on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless urgent action is taken.
A. vanishing B. damaging C. polluting D. destroying
8. Under the major's able leadership, the soldiers found safety.
A guidance B. intensity C.flagship D. ability
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
9. It you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner.
A earn B. count C.waste D. replace
10. The tendency to develop cancer, even in high-risk individuals, can be decreased by increasing the
amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet.
A consuming B. growing C. lessening D. stopping
11. With butterflies in my stomach, he waited for his job interview.
A nervously B. patiently C. happily D. courageously
12. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus.
A. large quantity B. small quantity C. excess D. sufficiency
13. I think that the local authority should prohibit and fine heavily anyone catching fish in this lake.
A. allow B. discourage C. recognize D. agree
14. Drivers are advised to get enough petrol because filling stations are few and far between on the highway.
A easy to find B difficult to access C unlikely to happen D impossible to reach
15. Animal communication is not a straightforward subject. It's complicated because animals communicate
differently with each other.
A impossible to express B. difficult to understand C. easy to interpret D. interesting to study

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