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I. Put the correct forms of words into the blank.
1. Many of the country's toughest ________________ are held in this prison. (CRIME)
2. The law has _________________ prostitution but not got rid of it. (CRIME)
3. The following programme contains scenes that may be _________________ to some viewers.
4. The building work is creating constant noise, dust and _________________. (DISTURB)
5. Police are hunting a masked _________________ who snatched £15 000 from a post office. (ROB)
6. There has been a spate of _________________ in the area recently. (ROB)
7. These _________________activities landed him in jail several times. (LEGAL)
8. You need a lawyer to explain all the _________________of the contracts. (LEGAL)
9. The drug can be sold _________________ in some states. (LEGAL)
10. Police are blaming _________________ for the spate of fires in the Greenfields housing estate.
11. It is the fourth time the shop has been targeted by _________________. (THIEF)
12. Police are investigating the _________________ of computers from the company's offices. (THIEF)
13. Everyone is hoping for a _________________ end to the conflict. (SPEED)
14. Experts are dismissing claims that the painting is a _________________. (FORGE)
15. He was the _________________of a painting sold as a Rembrandt.(FORGE)
16. He spent thousands on security cameras and alarms to deter _________________. (SHOPLIFT)
17. She was found guilty on three charges of _________________ the speed limit. (EXCEED)
18. He was clever, handsome, and _________________ rich.(EXCEED)
19. He stated that, in his opinion, this was a _________________ bad decision. (MONUMENT)
20. The glass has been specially treated to stop _________________ from smashing it. (VANDALIZE)
21. Police condemned the damage as an act of mindless _________________. (VANDALIZE)
22. The sign on the fence said ‘No _________________’. (TRESPASS)
23. I didn't think our meeting was _________________—he must have known I would be there.
24. She was the most _________________of the four children. (ACCIDENT)
25. As I turned around, I ________________ hit him in the face. (ACCIDENT)
26. The flames spread to all parts of the house within minutes of ignition. (IGINTE)
27. _________________for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment. (PROSECUTE)
28. The _________________ rose to give the opening address. (PROSECUTE)
29. No one believed her wild _________________against her husband. (ACCUSE)
30. He demanded the right to face his _________________ at a public hearing. (ACCUSE)
31. The youth was charged with three counts of _________________. (BURGLAR)
32. We were _________________ while we were away last Sunday. (BURGLAR)
33.  He pointed an _________________ finger in her direction. (ACCUSE)
34. The government remains _________________ to protecting Green Belt areas. (COMMIT)
35. The company has shown a _________________ to diversity over the years. (COMMIT)
36. Economic reform is likely to dominate today's meeting of the party's central committee. (COMMIT)
37. She was _________________to do 30 hours of community service. (SENTENCE)
38. The lawyer says that his client was acting _________________. (INNOCENT)
39. Her most _________________ habit was eating with her mouth open. (ANNOY)

40. _________________, my phone had run out of charge. (ANNOY)
41.  He was beginning to get very _________________ with me about my carelessness. (ANNOY)
42. Much to our _________________, they decided not to come after all. (ANNOY)
43. A team of around 30 _________________ and uniformed officers have been working on the case.
44. The police are looking for a black car with German _________________ plates. (REGISTER)
45. The newspaper's editorial standards have sunk to the level of tabloid _________________.
46. She's an investigative _________________with a French newspaper. (JOURNAL)
47. The stars were used for _________________ in the desert. (NAVIGATE)
48. This free, easily _________________ tool is another online way to connect employers with job seekers.
49. Many diplomats attended a _________________review to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.
50. An increasing number of migrants are turning to _________________for help. (SMUGGLE)
51. She's making a _________________ mess of things. (DREAD)
52. At home, we play with three _________________and three midfielders. (ATTACK)
53. He took a deep breath, _________________ trying to keep calm. (DESPERATE)

II. Put the correct forms of verbs into the blank.

1. A: _________________ (you/meet) Tom at the party last night?
B: No, he _________________ (already/ go) home when I _________________ (arrive) at the party.
2. I had difficulty _________________ (find) way to solve the situation. There is nothing you can do about
this situation, so it’s no use _________________ (worry) about it.
3. I congratulated Ann on _________________ (pass) the exam. She spent a lot of time _____________
4. Did you accuse Nigel of _________________ (break) a plate? Well, I saw him _________________
(knock) it off the table with his elbow.
5. It was raining hard, but by the time the class _________________ (be) over, the rain ____________
6. When I saw that Mike was having trouble, I _________________ (help) him. He _________________
(be) very appreciative.
7. We were driving along the road when we _________________ (see) a car which _________________
(break) down, so we _________________ (stop) to see if we could help.
8. Look! We aren’t allowed _________________ (park) here. The car needs _________________ (park)
on the right position.
9. I came here _________________ (see) Janet. She must have forgotten I was coming. It seems rather
careless of her _________________ (forget)
10. You say you need some advice? – Yes I’m sorry _________________ (bother) you, but I don’t know
who _________________ (ask).
11. We _________________ (arrive) at work in the morning and _________________ (call) the police.
12. Yesterday, I _________________ (go) to my daughter’s dance recital. I _________________
(be/never) to a dance recital before. I _________________ (not/ like) dancing lessons when I
_________________ (be) a child.

13. When Martin _________________ (arrive) home, Ann _________________ (talk) to someone on the
14. I’m annoyed about _________________ (be) late. – Well, I told you _________________ (set) in good
time, didn’t I?
15. She would like him _________________ (wear) a tie because they are going to a concert.
16. It (be) _________________ cold when we _________________ (leave) that house that day, and a
light snow _________________ (fall).
17. I _________________ (call) Roger at nine last night, but he (not/be) _________________ at home. He
_________________ (study) at the library.
18. I was late. The teacher _________________ (already/ give) a quiz when I _________________ (get)
to class.
19. When I _________________ (open) the cupboard door, a pile of books _________________ (fall) out.
20. Listen! I _________________ (think) someone _________________ (knock) at the door.
21. We _________________ (not/know) why Sarah is upset, but she _________________ (not/speak) to
us for ages.
22. The earth _________________ (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
23. Why _________________ (you/stare) at me? I suppose you _________________ (not/see) a woman
on a motorbike.
24. How many times _________________ (you/see) him since he went to Edinburgh?
25. Thank for the invitation, but I _________________ (visit) Nha Trang tomorrow.
26. The train (leave) _________________ the station at 6 o’clock.
27. Trevor and Laura _________________ (not/go) for a picnic tomorrow. They _________________
(clean) the house. They always _________________ (do) it on Sunday.
28. Police found the woman _________________ (lie) dead on the floor.
29. I don’t mind _________________ (shout) at by him. He threatened _________________ (sack) me
last week but he apologized very politely later.
30. The house was very quiet when I _________________ (get) home. Everybody _________________
(go) to bed.
31. The apartment was hot when I got home, so I _________________ (turn) on the air conditioner.
32. We had arranged _________________ (meet) in my office so that he could _________________
(check) the documents.
33. We found it very difficult _________________ (work) with Gemma. She keeps forgetting
_________________ (pass) on important message, and she won’t let anybody _________________
34. Thank you for _________________ (invite) me to come and see you next month. I’m already excited
about _________________ (see) you again.
35. I planned _________________ (visit) my parents last week, but they suggested _________________
(postpone) the visit for a week because they hadn’t finished _________________ (decorate) the spare
36. The orator stopped _________________ (talk). He felt thirsty so he stopped _________________
(have) a drink.
37. I _________________ _(see) Sue in town yesterday but she _________________ (not/see) me. She
_________________ (look) the other way.
38. I _________________ (feel) a little better after I (take) _________________ the medicine.

39. Are you going to have a rest now after _________________ (do) all the cleaning? – No, I’ve got some
letters _________________ (write)
40. I’ m sorry _________________ (keep) you _________________ _(wait). But I’m really afraid
_________________ (go) out in the rain.

III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. disturb B. burglar C. accuse D. disturbance
2. A. robber B. arson C. shoplift D. prosecute
3. A. crime B. criminal C. commit D. innocent
4. A. register B. witness C. siren D. journalist
5. A. attack B. cannibal C. drag D. annoy
6. A. pizza B. snap C. swallow D. accuse
7. A. chase B. arrest C. brake D. statement
8. A. swallow B. shadow C. blow D. growl
9. A. trespass B. sentence C. innocent D. registration
10. A. witness B. prosecution C. detect D. illegal

IV. Choose the word which is differently stressed from the rest.
1. A. register B. annoyance C. detective D. hysterical
2. A. smuggle B. desperate C. criminal D. attacker
3. A. harpoon B. paralyze C. naval D. burglary
4. A. innocent B. sentence C. commitment D. criminal
5. A. prosecute B. prosecutor C. ignite D. accident
6. A. trespass B. vandal C. monumental D. shoplifting
7. A. exceeding B. vandalize C. stealer D. legal
8. A. legally B. burglar C. robbery D. disturbing
9. A. disturbance B. burglarize C. illegal D. ignite
10. A. accusation B. annoyance C. detection D. paralysis

V. Rewrite sentences without changing its meaning.

1. It was such an expensive house that nobody could buy it.
⇨ The house was so
⇨ Such
⇨ So
2. The food was so good that we ate all of it.
⇨ It was
⇨ Such
⇨ So
3. The patient was too weak to get up.
⇨ The patient was not
4. This room is too dark for me to study.
⇨ This room is so
5. This room is too small for us to hold the meeting.

⇨ This room isn’t .
6. The test was so difficult that we couldn’t do it.
⇨ The test was not
7. The map is so old that I can’t read it.
⇨ The map is too
8. He spoke so fast that we couldn’t hear him well.
⇨ He didn’t
9. “It’s not a good idea to indulge the children so much”, Mr. Hoang said.
⇨ Mr. Hoang objected
10. Trong said to me, “I’m very grateful to you for your enthusiasm.”
⇨ Trong thanked
11. “Don’t go to the mountain in this season. It’s very cold”, said a local person.
⇨ A local person prevented
12. “It was really kind of you to help me.” Mary said to me.
⇨ Mary thanked me
13. “I’ll drive you to the airport.” John said to Linda.
⇨ John insisted
14. “You have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Jim said to you.
⇨ Jim congratulated me
15. “It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner. Thank you”, Miss White said to Peter.
⇨ Miss White thanked
16. “Don’t play with the matches!” I said to Jack.
⇨ I warned
17. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier”, Margaret said to you.
⇨ Margaret apologized
18. “I have always wanted to be a pilot”, Paul said to you.
⇨ Paul has always dreamed of
19. “You didn’t do what I said”, the mother said to her son.
⇨ The mother accused
20. “Did you study hard for the exam?”
⇨ She asked
22. “You can’t run out of the garden,” Ms. Kelly said to the children.
⇨ Ms. Kelly prevented the children
23. “Are you the new manager, Daisy? Congratulations!” said Bill.
⇨ Bill congratulated
24. “Please give me some more money, Mum.” Daisy said.
⇨ Daisy insisted on her mother
25. “Shall we go for a swim now?”.
⇨ She suggested
26. “I know I’m wrong,” he said.
⇨ He admitted
27. “I didn’t say that,” Lan said.
⇨ Lan denied
28. “If only I had told him the true!
⇨ Jane regrets
29. “I haven’t finished the assignment yet. I’m really sorry”.
⇨ The boy apologized
30. “It’s you who took my bag,” said the man to the boy.
⇨ The man accused
31. No, no. I really must sit for the test.”
⇨ She insisted on
32. “What I always want is to become a doctor,” she said.
⇨ She dreamt
33. “I can’t let you use the mobile phone,” his mother said.
⇨ His mother prevented
34. “It’s really nice of you to visit me,” she said to him.
⇨ She thanked
35. “I feel like going to America soon.”
⇨ She looked forward to
36. When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road. (use participle)

37. As I don’t have a credit card, I found it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone. (use participle)

38. Keith spent a lot of time filling in job application forms because he was unemployed. (use participle)

39. Because I was walking quickly, I soon caught up with her. (use participle)

40. The house was built of wood, so it was clearly a fire risk. (use participle)

41. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.
⇨ No sooner
42. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
⇨ Hardly
43. As soon as he went into the bank, one of the robbers attacked him.
⇨ No sooner .
44. She fell asleep as soon as she lay down.
⇨ Scarcely .
45. As soon as he stepped into the bathroom, the cell phone rang.
⇨ Barely

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