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IELTS Writing Evaluation 


Candidate ID:​ 891150

Completion date:​ 2020-4-16

Examiner Name:​ Kate T

Estimated Band Scores 

Band Descriptors  Task 1  Task 2 

(Task Achievement) 
7  7 
(Coherence and Cohesion) 
7  7 
(Lexical Resource) 
7  7 
(Grammatical Range Accuracy) 
6  6 
6.5  6.5 

Task 1 

(TA) Task Achievement  

You have generally answered this well, but for higher marks, try to compare and
contrast all 3 groups in each year, instead of separating them (you did the first year
well but do the same for the other years). Also, don´t forget any details at all.

(CC) Coherence and Cohesion  

Logically  organises  information  and  ideas.  There  is  clear  progression  throughout. 
Uses  a  range  of  cohesive  devices  appropriately,  although  there  may  be  some 
under use. 

(LR) Lexical Resource 

Uses  a  sufficient  range  of  vocabulary  to  allow  some  flexibility  and  precision.  The 
candidate  uses  some less common lexical items with some awareness of style and 
collocation. There may be some occasional errors in word choice or spelling. 

(GRA) Grammatical Range and Accuracy 

Some  complex  sentences  are  used  and  a  variety  of  tenses  and  structures,  with 
some mistakes. 

Task 2
(TA) Task Achievement   

You  have  good  points  here  but  ensure  you  state  very  clearly  at  the  end  of  the 
introduction  what  you  will  do  in  your  essay  and  summarize  everything  in  the 

(CC) Coherence and Cohesion  

Paragraphing  is  fine  and  you  logically  organize  information  and  ideas.  There  is 
clear progression throughout. Uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately  

(LR) Lexical Resource 

Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision. The 
candidate uses some less common lexical items with some awareness of style and 
collocation. There may be some occasional errors in word choice or spelling. 

(GRA) Grammatical Range and Accuracy 

Some complex sentences are used and a variety of tenses, but not always 


​ .5​ (but this could be a bit higher) 

In Conclusion: 
Your  English  is  good  and  you  have  good  points  too,  but  be  careful 
with  grammatical  mistakes  and  also  ensure  you  state  exactly  what 
you  will  do  in  your  essay  and  then  summarize  everything  in  the 
conclusion too.  

Best of luck, Kate 

The scores and feedback are provided by real examiners and are an estimate of your current level. They cannot be used as an official
test result and can not be used for immigration or study abroad purposes.
IELTS is a registered trademark of the University of Cambridge, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. This site and its owners are not
affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Percentage of UK people who consumed daily recommended amount of fruit and

vegetable in 2002, 2006 and 2010.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

The bar chart shows the rate of UK people that ingested the daily-suggested portion Deleted: rate

of healthy food (fruit and vegetables) in the years 2002, 2006 and 2010
Deleted: ’
Deleted: trend
Overall, all populations experienced an upward trend from 2002 to 2006 while
Deleted: in the year
those rates experienced a downward trend in the final year. The female rate of
Deleted: Wwomen’s
consumption was the highest in the three years, followed by the men’s consumption Deleted: W
and the lowest was the children’s percentage. Deleted: higher

The women’s rate of healthy food consumption was 25% in the first year (2002) Deleted: n

being 3% higher than the men’s rate and more than twice that of children´s Deleted: percentage

Comment [1]: always give exact

consumption. Then, it rose to 32 percent in 2006. By the last year, the rate had figures too
decreased slightly, reaching a percentage of 26%. Concerning the male trend, it Deleted: it

presented a rate of 22% in the beginning of the period. By the next year the trend Deleted: men

Deleted: it
had increased 4%, as the female trend did, and finally it fell somewhat, to 24%, by Deleted: 3

Deleted: women
the end of the period.
Deleted: gently until
The children’s rate showed a similar behavior as the adult female and male trends,
Deleted: in
marking 11% in the first year. Likewise, as other percentages this one grew steadily
Deleted: C
in the year 2006, reaching 18% of consumption. Finally, in the year 2010 it Deleted: women and men
experienced a modest decrease, to 16%, being the smallest compared to the other Deleted: s

percentages. Comment [2]: always give all data

Deleted: it rate

Comment [3]: good but it is better to

(216 words) compare and contrast all groups in all
years, instead of separating them and
doing each individually. Say, as you
did, what all are in the first year, then
what all are in the second year and

then changes by last year for all
Deleted: rates.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What
are the changes occurring? Do you think these changes are positive or negative?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Deleted: past

Deleted: ,

Deleted: its
In the last few years families have changed their typical conformation and therefore
Deleted: ve
family roles have as well. Is clear that the common family’s structure has changed
Deleted: for the
since many years ago, due to women wanting to demonstrate that they are useful to
Deleted: it is
society, and this has been seen in a positive way by society members, which has Deleted: as
encouraged us to reach for an equal and fair community. In this essay I will be Deleted: view for

looking at the main changes that have taken place and will then discuss why I Deleted: the

believe they are positive. Deleted: ing

Comment [4]: good but you also must

clearly state what you are going to do in
Evidently, women’s roles have altered completely in the last 50 years. Equal your essay (both questions)
Deleted: switched
conditions for men and women are the principle reason why women are playing a
Deleted: at least
more remarkable role nowadays. Today, it is more common to see women holding Deleted: s
important jobs, such as being a company boss manager, or having political roles Deleted: i

(e.g. mayors, senators, and so on) and other crucial roles. Likewise, it is happening Deleted: n

Deleted: at different
in homes as well, where women are playing the role as head of family, meaning they Deleted: are

have all family responsibilities. This happens sometimes, as men in most cases are Deleted: leading along with

Deleted: , this because considering

absent or prefer to live a different lifestyle from the original concept of the family. .
For example, recently a woman was elected as Bogota’s mayor, the first woman in Deleted: the
the Colombian political history to reach this position. This was considered as a great Deleted: red

unprecedented occurrence, not just for the city,but for the country and the continent Deleted: out of

as well. Deleted: conception

Deleted: the

Deleted: politic
Women’s new roles are seen positively within classical society, as many women’s
Deleted: it
foundations and diverse social organizations promote equal conditions for both Deleted: as a
women and men in multiple social positions and roles. It has brought about the Deleted: perspective view
chance for women to be involved in the typical male jobs, such as car and bus Deleted: the

driving, the building and construction industry, and other jobs considered just for Deleted: this due to m

men. For instance, it is very common to now see women driving big buses and Deleted: the

Deleted: ve
trucks, which are typical activities for “brave” men.
Deleted: generated that

Deleted: can
In conclusion, women are at the front of a new world vision where they have many Deleted: to
more opportunities to demonstrate that they have the same or better skills and Deleted: en
abilities than men do, making a more just planet for everyone where labor and Deleted: function

home conditions be the same for both men and women. Deleted: es

Deleted: in

Deleted: ate
(353 words)
Deleted: ,

Deleted: in

Deleted: t

Deleted: the

Deleted: ice

Comment [5]: good but summarize all

your points here too
Deleted: either

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