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ishant chawla

how will you generate lead for the new tshirt brand. explain in
detail with sales funnel and funds need for brand awareness and
lead generation. location is pan India.

Lets first talk about the Brand name and about the company
products -:
1. Brand Name – fit stich
2. Brand Products – Primary products for now will be fitness
3. Target Market – Pan India

Here comes the first question , How will you generate leads for
the new tshirt brand?

1. Define Your Audience

Before you get started with lead generation, you need to first define an
audience for your brand. This is because you need to ensure that all of your
marketing efforts bear fruit. If you don’t target the right people, they may
not respond well to your marketing. This can harm your lead generation
2. Blog Regularly

To earn the trust of your customers, you need to ensure that you blog
regularly and create high-quality content. The content should be engaging
and it should have some variety to keep things fresh.

You can create how-tos, expert round-ups, and even a special blog series to
engage your readers. It is only when people trust your brand that they will
be willing to give away their information. Lead generation tactics such as
this one can be implemented by every brand , no matter how big.

3. Use Social Media

Social media has become an important platform for marketing. You simply
cannot afford to ignore social media as a brand. It gives you the
opportunity to connect to billions of users and get your brand in front of

For this reason, there are loads of social media lead generation tactics out
there. Try repurposing your old content and sharing it on social media or
sharing links to your landing page.

4. Landing Page Optimization

A landing page is the page where visitors are prompted to give their
information to you. This is why you need to optimize this page to get the
best results possible. You need to be clear in your goal about what you
expect from your landing page.
The first step to optimizing your landing page should be to optimize your
headline. It appears in bold and is large in size so you need to make sure it
is powerful. It should catch people’s attention and make them want to give
you their information. Try keeping it short and concise.

5. Encourage Reviews

Online reviews are an extremely important tool for building trust in your
business. According to BrightLocal, as many as 97% of people search for
local businesses online.

6. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a great way to generate leads and boost revenue.

You can collaborate with popular social media icons and get them to
review your products. When their followers see them endorsing your brand,
they may be prompted to purchase from your brand too.

10. Run Contests

You can run contests to not only generate buzz about your brand but also to
generate leads. Such lead generation tactics can get people to easily give up
their information. This is mainly because people love freebies.

11. Affiliate Marketing

To boost your lead generation even further, you could implement affiliate
marketing. You can have affiliates send traffic to your landing page from
their own websites. In return, you can give them a commission based on
the number of leads or sales they generate.

Final Thoughts

Lead generation may seem like an uphill task but it is essential if you want
to drive revenue. If you can implement these lead generation tactics well,
you’ll be well on your way to getting higher revenue. In the end, it all
comes down to how efficiently you can get users to give you their

So above were some methods to generate leads.

Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is the advertising strategy that a business will implement to sell its product

or service. The marketing plan will help determine who the target market is, how best to

reach them, at what price point the product or service should be sold, and how the company
will measure its efforts.

Organic Marketing plan

What is Organic Marketing? Organic marketing is a digital marketing strategy that generates

traffic to your website in a natural way as opposed to using paid advertising tactics. Organic

marketing is a long-term strategy with the goal of improving brand awareness.

Paid marketing plan

Paid marketing, also known as digital advertising, refers to any strategy in which a brand

targets potential customers based on their interests, intent or previous interactions with the


Paid campaigns can utilize one or more digital channels, including search engine results

pages (SERPs), social media platforms and websites. In addition to the display

advertisements you’ve likely seen in SERPs and web pages, paid marketing can also take the

shape of sponsored social posts and guest blogs.

Features of product, benefits and USP

1. Features of the product

 Anti-Bacterial Properties. Modern workout wear boasts of this special feature which
has revolutionized the fitness sphere. ...
 Thermoregulation. ...
 Compression. ...
 Moisture-wicking. ...
 Stretchable.

2. Benefits of the product

 Provide Support. ...
 Offer Breathability. ...
 Reduce Muscle Soreness. ...
 Enhance Recovery. ...
 Improve Flexibility. ...
 Provide Comfort. ...
 Stay Dry. ...
 Improved Performance.

3. USP of the product

 Tough and Durable


Name of the company – Fit Stich

High quality materials. Unique and exclusive clothing pieces. Experienced sales staff. Loyal,
returning customers.

unusual or unnecessary costs, unknown designers or lack of presence in a particular region.

 Digital Marketing for Fashion: Work with Influencers. ...
 Focus on Events All Year Round. ...
 Engage with Your Audience. ...

 War of Prices
 Competition
 Covid – 19 pandemic

Sales Funnel
A sales funnel is the marketing term for the journey potential customers go through on the
way to purchase. There are several steps to a sales funnel, usually known as the top, middle,
and bottom of the funnel, although these steps may vary depending on a company's sales
Why is the sales funnel important?

A sales funnel helps you understand what potential customers are thinking and doing at each
stage of the purchasing journey. These insights allow you to invest in the right marketing
activities and channels, create the most relevant messaging during each stage and turn more
prospects into paying customers.

What are the sales funnel stages?

From the moment prospects hear about your product or service until the
moment they make a purchase (or don’t), they pass through different
stages of your sales funnel. That journey through your funnel may change
from one prospect to another, but in the end, they’ll evaluate it based on
their interest level. They’ll think about the problem they’re trying to solve
and conduct competitive research to make sure your offering is the best

In general, there are four main stages:

Stage 1: Awareness

The first of the sales funnel stages is called the “awareness” level, because it's where people
first become aware of your product or service. They may hear about you from your
advertising, social media, even word of mouth.

How and why those people move down the sales funnel depends on your own sales and
marketing ability, of course. The leads in the middle and lower sales funnel stages are those
that you want to pay the most attention to, because they've moved beyond awareness to

An example of the awareness stage would be a prospect learning about your company for the
first time. Perhaps they clicked on one of your ads, read your blog, found your website via a
Google search, or heard a colleague talking about your product or service.

Stage 2: Interest

Once prospects have learned about your brand, they’ll evaluate it based on their interest level.
They’ll think about the problem they’re trying to solve and conduct competitive research to
make sure your offering is the best solution.
Stage 3: Decision

Armed with information about your company, prospects will dig deeper into your pricing and
packaging options. Sales pages, webinars, and calls are helpful in this stage to help sway
prospects to make a purchase.

Stage 4: Action

All your work comes down to this stage: whether the prospect makes a purchase or not. If
they didn’t, the deal isn’t lost forever. You can create nurture campaigns to make sure you
stay top of mind.

With respect to our Company that is a fit Stich which is fitness clothing Brand we can build a
sales funnel, that is mentioned below -:

1. Build a landing page

A landing page will most likely be the first time prospects learn about your company. If they
click on an ad, sign up for a webinar, or download an ebook, they’ll go to a landing page.
That page should clearly communicate that our company is a fitness clothing brand and what
products do we have to offer to our customer. And, most importantly, make sure the landing
page has a form for prospects to enter their information — you want to capture their email
address so you can continue to communicate with them.

2. Offer something of value

Here’s the part where you have to give something to your prospects in exchange for their
email address. A lead magnet, like an ebook or whitepaper, is an effective way to offer
something of value on your landing page

3. Start nurturing

At this point, our prospects will move from the Awareness stage into the Interest stage. And,
because we have all their email addresses from the landing page, we can create an email
nurture series to share educational content about our offering.

4. upsell

As prospects move into the Decision stage, we can offer anything that can
nudge them into the direction of a purchasing decision. 

Like special Discounts for our first customers

5. Keep it going

In the Action phase, we’ll either land new customers or hear why prospects aren’t interested
in purchasing. Either way, keep the communication going. For new customers, focus on
product education, engagement, and retention. For prospects who didn’t make a purchase,
build a new nurture series to check in with them every few months.

It will be more like a feedback


Every marketing plan today includes a digital strategy. This is because marketing goals

usually put a focus on how the business can reach more potential customers, retain existing
customers, and increase sales. And today, your customers are online. Digital marketing has
become one of the most effective ways to communicate because you can connect with your
customers in their preferred channels.

But the broad range of digital marketing options can make it overwhelming to know where to
focus. Organizations that want to set themselves apart in the market understand that
effectively reaching and engaging with potential customers matters most. This means using
creative ways to connect with the right people in the right place and delivering a compelling
message that helps them decide if a product might meet their needs.

A digital marketing plan is a document that defines what you want to accomplish within a
given time frame so you can meet a set of business objectives. When creating a digital
marketing plan, it is important to remember that marketing is still about communicating the
benefits of your product or service in a way that resonates with customers. So your plan
should focus on the marketing tactics that will help your company engage your target
audience with a cohesive experience.

Components of a digital marketing plan


involves bidding and buying relevant ad units on third-party sites, such as display ads on
blogs, forums, and other relevant websites. Types of ads include images, text, pop-ups,
banners, and video. Retargeting is an important aspect of online advertising. Retargeting
requires code that adds an anonymous browser cookie to track new visitors to your site. Then,
as that visitor goes to other sites, you can serve them ads for your product or service. This
focuses your advertising efforts on people who have already shown interest in your company.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is an important strategy for attracting potential customers. Publishing a

regular cadence of high-quality, relevant content online will help establish thought
leadership. It can educate target customers about the problems your product can help them
resolve, as well as boost SEO rankings. Content can include blog posts, case studies,
whitepapers, and other materials that provide value to your target audience. These digital
content assets can then be used to acquire customers through organic and paid efforts.

Email Marketing

Email is a direct marketing method that involves sending promotional messages to a

segmented group of prospects or customers. Email marketing continues to be an effective
approach for sending personalized messages that target customers’ needs and interests. It is
most popular for e-commerce business as a way of staying top of mind for consumers.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is the promotion of products or services specifically via mobile phones and
devices. This includes mobile advertising through text messages or advertising in
downloaded apps. However, a comprehensive mobile marketing approach also includes
optimizing websites, landing pages, emails, and content for an optimal experience on mobile

Paid search

Paid search increases search engine visibility by allowing companies to bid for certain
keywords and purchase advertising space in the search engine results. Ads are only shown to
users who are actively searching for the keywords you have selected. There are two main
types of paid search advertising — pay per click (PPC) and cost per mille (CPM). With PPC,
you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. With CPM, you pay based on the number of
impressions. Google Adwords is the most widely used paid search advertising platform;
however, other search engines like Bing also have paid programs.

Programmatic search

Programmatic advertising is an automated way of bidding for digital advertising. Each time
someone visits a web page, profile data is used to auction the ad impression to competing
advertisers. Programmatic advertising provides greater control over what sites your
advertisements are displayed on and who is seeing them so you can better target your

Reputation Marketing

Reputation marketing focuses on gathering and promoting positive online reviews. Reading
online reviews can influence customer buying decisions and is an important component of
your overall brand and product reputation. An online reputation marketing strategy
encourages customers to leave positive reviews on sites where potential customers search for
reviews. Many of these review sites also offer native advertising that allows companies to
place ads on competitor profiles.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) focuses on improving organic traffic to your website. SEO
activities encompass technical and creative tactics to improve rankings and increase
awareness in search engines. The most widely used search engines include Google, Bing, and
Yahoo. Digital marketing managers focus on optimizing levers — such as keywords,
crosslinks, backlinks, and original content — to maintain a strong ranking.

Social Media Marketing

is a key component of digital marketing. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,

Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and even YouTube provide digital marketing managers with
paid opportunities to reach and interact with potential customers. Digital marketing
campaigns often combine organic efforts with sponsored content and paid advertising
promotions on key social media channels to reach a larger audience and increase brand lift.

Video Marketing

Video marketing enables companies to connect with customers in a more visually engaging
and interactive way. You can showcase product launches, events, and special announcements,
as well as provide educational content and testimonies. YouTube and Vimeo are the most
commonly used platforms for sharing and advertising videos. Pre-roll ads (which are shown
for the first 5–10 seconds before a video) are another way digital marketing managers can
reach audiences on video platforms.

Web Analytics

Analytics allow marketing managers to track online user activity. Capturing and analyzing
this data is foundational to digital marketing because it gives companies insights into online
customer behavior and their preferences. The most widely used tool for analyzing website
traffic is Google Analytics, however other tools include Adobe Analytics, Coremetrics, Crazy
Egg, and more.


Webinars are virtual events that allow companies to interact with potential and existing
customers no matter where they are located. Webinars are an effective way to present
relevant content — such as a product demonstration or seminar — to a targeted audience in
real time. Engaging directly with your audience in this way gives your company an
opportunity to demonstrate deep subject matter expertise. Many companies leverage attendee
lists in other marketing programs (email and retargeting advertisements) to generate new
leads and strengthen existing relationships.

So above were the Components of Digital Marketing

How to create a digital marketing plan

Digital marketing methods provide a wide variety of ways for marketing managers to engage
potential customers. However, it is important to invest in the channels and media that help
you acquire, grow, and retain customers.

The following questions can help marketing teams understand the right digital activities to
What are your Business and Marketing goals ?

Fit stich is basicially a Fitness clothing brand and our business goal is to increase the sales
over Pan India through brand awareness and the above components of Digital marketing can
help our business to grow and increase our product sales.

What is your Digital marketing Budget ?

if we can only ship 100 orders a day, then accordingly decide how much we wish to spend on
advertising. As the old saying goes, never keep all your eggs in one basket, therefore, spread
your budget across multiple channels to identify which ones work for you. After three
months, take a stock of which platforms give you the best ROI, and you can shift your
budgets accordingly. So for now

Budget – 10 Lakhs

Budget Allocation and Platforms

70% - google ads

20% - SEO Search Engine Optimization

10% - Social Media Marketing


Google is where people search for what to do, where to go and what to buy. Your ad can
appear on Google at the very moment someone is looking for products or services like yours.

Whether they’re on desktop or mobile, a well-timed ad can turn people into valuable

Grow online sales, bookings or mailing list signups with online ads that direct people to your

Increase customer calls with ads that feature your phone number and a click-to-call button.
Get more customers in the door with business ads that help people find your company on the

Set a budget that works for your business

Google ads give you control over your advertising budget. Set a monthly budget cap, and
never go over it. Plus, you can pause or adjust your spend anytime.

The above mentioned photo is the overview of Google ads

So the above mentioned were the procedures to use google ads according to the budget we
can get approx. click on our ads .
Now that you know a little about the different types of online marketing tactics, it’s time to
learn the basics on creating the strategy.
From personas to the right tools, there are plenty of big and little things that can help or
hinder your digital marketing strategy’s success. Here’s the foundational work you need to
make sure your strategy works well, including our favourite tools and software.

Step 1: Create a Customer Persona

digital marketers collected qualitative and quantitative information about the target
audience that included age, gender, occupation, interests, and location. The
definition of the potential customer has been taken to another level recently,
with buyer personas taking over. Now, the most effective marketing strategies are
incomplete without them.
Buyer personas are a term used to describe the ideal customer that can be defined
by surveying and contacting the pre-defined target group. To define your own
buyer persona, you can make use of online tools like

SO our customers will be fitness freaks providing them clothing for both male and female
Age – 18-30
Location – Pan India

Step 2: Identify Your Goals and Tools

Every professional marketer knows how important this stage is. Without goals, the
strategy simply will not work, so defining them is your main task. Make sure that
the goals you developed are suitable, and make them measurable.
So our goal is market reach and brand awareness with the help of google ads we
can measure our advertisement campaign like no. of visitors, click per ads and
finally sales generated from those ads which can help us to interpret the ad
Step 3: Focus on Blogging

Creating high-quality content is important for any digital marketing strategy.

Blogging is one way to create quality content for a site and expand your content
marketing strategy. This key aspect of the strategy performs some critical
functions, including bringing more traffic to your website, reinforcing social media
presence, positioning against other companies, and ranking all those long-tail
search queries and keywords.

Blogging about fitness related post regularly

Step 4:  Evaluate Existing Digital Marketing Channels

Analyze the digital assets and channels that you are already using, including
website, blog content, social media account, word-of-mouth, native advertising,
Google Adwords, paid advertising, and so on. Ask yourself: how effective were
they and how can they be used next year?
It is okay if your future digital marketing strategy process does not incorporate all
of these elements, but it sure should use those that were the most effective in the
previous year. For example, if a landing page you recently created has been
effective in generating leads, use it again but improve it as much as possible. The
same applies to other assets and channels.

Step 5: Automate Marketing

Marketing automation is huge, and it’s only getting better with new technology and
software. Today’s leading marketing automation platforms can do wonders for
your digital marketing strategy, making it easy for you to automate activities such
as content marketing, email marketing, lead generation, and more. Plus, it’s easy to
find marketing automation platforms that are integrated with your company’s sales
CRM, which improves the entire sales process. 

Step 6: Make it Easy for Customers to Reach You

Online business is all about connecting with potential customers, so traffic on your
website should be high to ensure positive outcomes. Your digital marketing
strategy therefore should ensure that your leads and visitors are not exerting
unnecessary effort to connect with you. Engaging with your customers is
invaluable for your business and by using relevant keywords we can make it
convenient for the customers to reach us.

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