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Review on Smart Practices and Technologies for Climate Resilient Agriculture

Article  in  International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences · June 2018

DOI: 10.20546/ijcmas.2018.706.355

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4 authors, including:

Mohan Kumar Krishnappa Malalu Hanumanthappa

Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Pampore, Jammu and Kashmir, … University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga


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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 06 (2018)
Journal homepage:

Review Article

Review on Smart Practices and Technologies for

Climate Resilient Agriculture

K. Mohan Kumar1*, M. Hanumanthappa2, Narayan S. Mavarkar1 and S. Marimuthu3

Department of Agronomy, UAHS, Shivamogga – 577204, Karnataka, India
College of Horticulture, Mudigere, Karnataka, India
Department of Agronomy, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding author


Climate change has become an important area of concern to ensure food and nutritional
security for growing population. In India, significant negative impacts have been implied
with medium-term (2010-2039) climate change, predicted to reduce yields by 4.5 to 9 %,
Keywords depending on the magnitude and distribution of warming. In the context of climate change
and variability, farmers need to adapt quickly to enhance their resilience to increasing
threats of climatic variability such as droughts, floods and other extreme climatic events.
Climate Resilient
Concentrated efforts are required for mitigation and adaptation to reduce the vulnerability
Climate change of agriculture to the adverse impacts of climate change and making it more resilient. As
most of our farmers are marginal their adaptive capacity is limited, and hence,
Article Info economically viable and culturally acceptable adaptation techniques need to be developed
and implemented. Over the years, an array of practices and technologies have been
22 May 2018
developed by researchers towards fostering stability in agricultural production against the
Available Online: onslaught of seasonal variations. Adoption of such resilient practices and technologies by
10 June 2018 farmers appears to be more a necessity than an option. Practices revolving around efficient
resource-use, safeguards environment, and sustaining long-term development of
agriculture assume greater importance. On-farm demonstration of site-specific
technologies will go a long way in enabling farmers cope with current climate variability.

Introduction in agricultural sector has a multiplier effect on

the economy of the country.
Agriculture is crucial for food, nutritional and
livelihood security of India. It engages almost The Indian agriculture has a significant
two-third of the workforce in gainful progress in recent years. However, currently it
employment and accounts for a significant is facing the challenges of stagnating net sown
share in India`s GDP. Several industries area, deteriorating land quality, reducing per
depend on agricultural production for their capita land availability and growing climate
requirement of raw materials. Due to its close change. The problem is highly challenging
linkages with other economic sectors, growth because 80% of our farmers are small

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

(cultivating 1-2 hectares land) and marginal combination of higher average annual
(cultivating up to 1 hectares land) with poor temperatures and water stress (excess or
coping capacity. The farms are diverse, deficit) can have serious implications for crop
heterogeneous and unorganized. Indian production in the tropics. The frequency of
agriculture, almost 60% of its net cultivated occurrence of extreme weather events such as
area as rainfed, is exposed to stresses arising tropical cyclones and heat waves is on the rise
from climatic variability and climate change. (NATCOM, 2004; IPCC, 2007) and
India has the unenviable problem of ensuring compounds the adverse effects on agriculture.
food security for the projected most populous
country in 2050 with one of the largest Climate change threats to Indian
malnourished populations. Agriculture

Climate change pertains to increase in Climate change impacts on agriculture are

atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide being witnessed all over the world, but
(CO) and global warming. Present day countries like India are more vulnerable in
atmospheric CO2 level hovers around 397 ppm view of the huge population dependent on
which is a significant increase over the pre- agriculture, excessive pressure on natural
industrial level of 280 ppm. It is anticipated resources and poor coping mechanisms. The
that the concentration level will double by the warming trend in India over the past 100 years
end of this century (IPCC, 2007). A has indicated on increase of 0.60°C. The
consequence of increased greenhouse gas projected impacts are likely to further
(GHG) emissions is the entrapment of heat aggravate field fluctuations of many crops
within the earth's atmosphere leading to an thus impacting food security.
alarming rate of global warming. Global
average increase in mean annual temperatures There are already evidences of negative
is estimated at 0.8°C till now. An increasing impacts on yield of wheat and paddy in parts
rate of warming has taken place across of India due to increased temperature, water
sampling areas spread across the globe over stress and reduction in number of rainy days.
the last 25 years. For example 11 of the 12 Significant negative impacts have been
warmest years on record have occurred in the projected with medium-term (2010-2039)
1996-2005 period (IPCC, 2007). Global mean climate change, eg. Yield reduction by 4.5 to
temperatures are likely to witness significant 9%, depending on the magnitude and
increase towards the end of this century. distribution of warming.
Between seasons, warming in the rainy season
will be less pronounced than in the winter Since agriculture makes up roughly 15% of
months in India (IMD, 2010). Another climate India's GDP, a 4.5 to 9.0% negative impact on
change feature significantly influencing agro production implies cost of climate change to
ecosystems is the change in seasonal rainfall be roughly at 1.5% of GDP per year.
patterns. Increased frequency in occurrence of Enhancing agricultural productivity, therefore,
extreme weather events such as cyclones, heat is critical for ensuring food and nutritional
wave, cold wave, frost and hail storm over security for all, particularly the resource poor
short periods exert adverse influence on crop small and marginal farmers who would be
performance. affected most. In the absence of planned
adaptation, the consequences of long- term
Rainfall is predicted to be highly erratic with climate change could be severe on the
fewer rainy days but with greater intensity. A livelihood security of the poor.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

Challenges before us events. Some practices that help adapt to

climate change in Indian agriculture are soil
Land is shrinking but population is increasing. organic carbon build up, in-situ moisture
We need to feed that population with this land, conservation, residue incorporation instead of
which would be affected by flood or drought. burning, water harvesting and recycling for
supplemental irrigation, growing drought and
So farmers need to intelligently adapt to the flood tolerant varieties, water saving
changing climate in order to sustain crop technologies, location specific agronomic and
yields and farm income. Enhancing resilience nutrient management, improved livestock feed
of agriculture to climate risk is of paramount and feeding methods. Institutional
importance for protecting livelihoods of small interventions promote collective action and
and marginal farmers. Traditionally, build resilience among communities. Capacity
technology transfer in agriculture has aimed at building by extensive participatory
enhancing farm productivity. However, in the demonstrations of location specific
context of climate change and variability, agricultural practices helps farmers gain
farmers need to adapt quickly to enhance their access to knowledge and provides confidence
resilience to increasing threats of climatic to cope with adverse weather conditions. In
variability such as droughts, floods and other this project, an effort is made to marshall all
extreme climatic events. Over the years, an available farm technologies that have
array of practices and technologies have been adaptation potential and demonstrate them in
developed by researchers towards fostering farmers' fields in most vulnerable districts of
stability in agricultural production against the the country through a participatory approach.
onslaught of seasonal variations. Adoption of
such resilient practices and technologies by Climate Resilience – An essential option
farmers appears to be more a necessity than an
option. Therefore, a reorientation in In the field of ecology, resilience means
technology transfer approach is necessary. building the capacity of a system to withstand
Efficiency in resource-use, environmental and shocks and to rebuild and respond to change,
social safeguards, sustainability and long-term including unanticipated change
development of agriculture assume greater
importance. Climate resilience is the capacity of an
individual, community, or institution to
Necessity to adapt to climatic vulnerability dynamically and effectively respond to
shifting climate impact circumstances while
Planned adaptation is essential to increase the continuing to function at an acceptable level.
resilience of agricultural production to climate Simply put, it is the ability to survive and
change. Several improved agricultural recover from the effects of climate change. It
practices evolved over time for diverse agro- includes the ability to understand potential
ecological regions in India have potential to impacts and to take appropriate action before,
enhance climate change adaptation, if during, and after a particular consequence to
deployed prudently. Management practices minimize negative effects and maintain the
that increase agricultural production under ability to respond to changing conditions.
adverse climatic conditions also tend to
support climate change adaptation because Historically, the term adaptation has been
they increase resilience and reduce yield used to describe the individual actions
variability under variable climate and extreme required to respond to climate change. The

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change impacts, and in many cases the cumulative
defines adaptation as an adjustment in natural effect of impacts is unknown, the process of
or human systems in response to actual or planning brings learning, builds skills, and
expected climatic stimuli or their effects, an helps to create resilience.
adjustment that moderates harm or exploits
beneficial opportunities. We believe that Diversity and decentralization of planning,
resilience is a more accurate, positive, and response, and recovery activities. A diversity
comprehensive term, describing the dynamic, of options has greater potential to match the
systemic transformation that is needed to particular scenario of impacts that occurs,
respond to the consequences of climate while decentralization allows for parts of the
change, especially future impacts that are system to continue operations even if other
difficult to predict. parts of the system are down.

Elements of Resilience Plans for failure so that break-downs happen

gracefully, not catastrophically—for example,
Climate change resilience requires the when flood gates break, they do so in a way
following elements: that channels floodwaters to uninhabited
floods zones, perhaps damaging property, but
Flexibility at an individual, organizational, and protecting human lives. Accepting that the
systemic level, with each level able to respond unpredictability and uncertainty of climate
and contribute to each situation, and to risks and responses will ultimately lead to
respond to shifting and unpredictable failure of some element of the system allows
circumstances. for failure-planning. In some cases returning
to a pre-existing state will not be possible or
A multi-faceted skill set, including abilities will not be appropriate. Incremental failures
that enable thorough preparation, such as and planning for failures will allow for real-
comprehensiveness and detail-orientation; time response and revision and will limit
survival, such as quick decision-making and social, environmental, and economic costs.
resourcefulness; or rapid recovery, such as
innovation and diligence. Total system failure limits response options
and results in greater suffering.
Redundancy of processes, capacities, and
response pathways within an institution, Technological approaches towards climate
community, or system, to allow for partial resilient agriculture
failure within a system or institution without
complete collapse. Building resilience in soil

Collaborative multi-sector approaches to Adapted cultivars and cropping systems

planning, execution, and recovery, since no
one sector has a monopoly on a particular Rainwater harvesting and recycling
impact and thus understanding the overlaps
and gaps between sectors is critical. Water saving technologies

Planning and foresight to prepare for Farm machinery (custom hiring) centers
identified impacts and risks. While it is
impossible to plan for every possible set of Crop contingency plans

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

Weather based agro advisories Land shaping – contour cultivation, land

configuration, etc.
Weather based agro advisories
Cover vegetation in pastures and also avoid
Village Climate Risk Management Committee over grazing.
Building resilience in soil
Wind break & Shelter belts
Soil health is the key property that determines
the resilience of crop production under Strip cropping
changing climate. A number of interventions
are made to build soil carbon, control soil loss Tillage management
due to erosion and enhance water holding
capacity of soils, all of which build resilience Soil disturbance should be minimum. Use of
in soil. more soil tilling implement causes erosion.

Mandatory soil testing is done in all villages to Tillage without adequate crop residue
ensure balanced use of chemical fertilizers. retention on the soil surface can lead to soil
Improved methods of fertilizer application, erosion by both wind and water leading to soil
matching with crop requirement to reduce degradation. So go for reduced tillage i.e.,
nitrous oxide emission. conservation agriculture.

Building soil carbon Improved method of fertilizer application

Even there is more sources like organic Fertilizer application should be done after
manure addition, green manuring, brown mandatory soil testing. Some of the recent
manuring, crop rotation or intercropping with development is fertilizer application includes
legume sequester carbon, biochar has a unique
property to sequester more carbon which is SSNM and Leaf color chart for rice
highlighted below. Slow release fertilizer (coated urea)
Deep placement of urea
Biochar is a fine-grained, carbon-rich, porous Fertigation
product remaining after plant biomass has INM
been subjected to thermo-chemical conversion
process (pyrolysis) at low temperatures Adapted cultivars and cropping systems
(~350–600°C) in an environment with little or
no oxygen (Amonette and Joseph, 2009). Farmers in the villages traditionally grow local
varieties of different crops resulting in poor
Avoid bare soil crop productivity due to heat, droughts or
floods. Hence, improved, early duration
Removal of soil particles from the parent body drought, heat and flood tolerant varieties are
and its transportation should be avoided, as it introduced for achieving optimum yields
conserves soil fertility of that locality. So despite climatic stresses. This varietal shift
practice the following measures to conserve was carefully promoted by encouraging
land degradation. village level seed production and linking

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

farmer’s decision-making to weather based Inter-plot or micro plot water harvesting

agro advisories and contingency planning.
In this case water is harvested in the passage
Selection of Variety or furrows between the plots when rainfall is
comparatively more. Runoff from the sloping
Select an improved, short duration varieties area supplements rainfall for raising crop on
according to the region, season, soils etc. with level land.
good yielding potential. For example use
MDU-2 rice for low temperature condition. In farm ponds and reservoirs

Section of a cropping sequence Surface runoff from small watersheds is stored

in farm ponds for utilization as supplemental
In a sequence, if the first crop is shallow or lifesaving irrigation. Suitable lining
rooted then the second crop should be deep material for pond beds and anti-evaporants
rooted and vice versa. should be found out and used.

Inclusion of legume is must Recycling

Avoid burning of crop residue in field, go for The water store in the farm ponds are recycled
sowing using residual moisture. and used for raising second crop in dry spells.
The field is watered using rain guns, sprinkler,
Crop diversification drips etc. as the water use efficiency is high
among them.
A farm with continuous monocropping will
check the potential of that farm. So to make a Water saving technologies
farm dynamic and healthy, it has high
diversity of plants and animals (above and Since climate variability manifests in terms of
below ground). deficit or excess water, major emphasis was
laid on introduction of water saving
Rainwater harvesting and recycling technologies like direct seeded rice, zero
tillage and other resource conservation
Rainwater harvesting and recycling through practices, which also reduce GHG emissions
farm ponds, restoration of old rainwater besides saving of water.
harvesting structures in dryland / rainfed
areas, percolation ponds for recharging of Direct seeded rice
open wells, bore wells and injection wells for Drum seeded rice
recharging ground water are taken up for
enhancing farm level water storage. Zero tillage

Inter-row water harvesting Micro irrigation

The crop sown in narrow strips between wide Improved planting measure like BBF, FIRB,
intervals that are ridged as artificial miniature etc.
watersheds. Usage of crop residues as mulch,
application of coir pith enhance the water Land configuration like tied ridges, tied
holding capacity of the soil. furrows which arrest water.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

Challenges before us

Particular 2030 2050

Land (M.ha) 141.3 131.3
Population (Crores) 137 166
Food need (M.T) 289 347

Building soil carbon

Factor Impact Source

Cation exchange capacity 50 % increase Glaser et al., 2002
Fertilizer use efficiency 10 -30 % increase Gaunt and Cowie, 2009
Soil moisture retention Up to 18 % increase Tryon, 1948
Crop productivity 20 % increase Lehman and Rondon, 2006
Methane Emission 100 % decrease Rondon et al., 2005
Nitrous oxide emission 50 % decrease Yanai et al., 2007
Biological nitrogen fixation 50 – 72 % increase Lehman and Rondon, 2006

Weather based agro advisories

Farm mechanization Community managed custom hiring centers

are setup in each village to access farm
This is an important intervention to deal with machinery for timely sowing/planting.
variable climate like delay in monsoon, Machines used for common resilient practices
inadequate rains needing replanting of crops. include:

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

Chisel plough and para plough help is Community pond

opening furrows which conserves rain water.
Renovation of community ponds by local
Bund former and channel former help in people under MNREGS helps in raising
taking up immediate planting/sowing ground water level, aids in bringing more area
under cultivation etc.
Laser leveler help in increasing nutrient and
water use efficiency. Pulse panchayat

Direct seeder and drum seeder help in sowing In Pudukottai under MSSRF, the farmers of
at labour scarce time. one panchayat clubbed together to form a
federation with the aim to combat protein
To use immediate rain we can opt for hunger and adapting to drought. They took
transplanters resolution to maximum area under pulse. This
aided in pulse sufficiency of that panchayat.
Harvesters help in quick harvest of crop
because of forecast of rain at maturity of crop. Livestock and fishery interventions

Intercultivators give hands in labour shortage Use of community lands for fodder
time production during droughts/floods, improved
fodder/feed storage methods, feed
Crop contingency plans supplements, micronutrient use to enhance
adaptation to heat stress, preventive
To cope with climate variability, vaccination, improved shelters for reducing
ICAR/CRIDA has developed district level heat/cold stress in livestock, management of
contingency plans for our country at district fish ponds/tanks during water scarcity and
level. Operationalization of these plans during excess water are some key interventions in
aberrant monsoon years through the district/ livestock/fishery sector.
block level extension staff helps farmers cope
with climate variability. Weather based agro advisories
Some of the plans include
Automatic weather stations at KVK
Seed village & Community nursery experimental farms and mini-weather
observatories in project villages are
All the inputs needed for raising crop from established to record real time weather
seed to seed production in a selected village / parameters such as rainfall, temperature and
panchayat is given. With the help of extension wind speed etc. both to issue customized agro
staffs agro advisories, package of practices advisories and improve weather literacy
are given. After seed production, that seed is among farmers.
collected and distributed to the farmers at the
time of seed crisis. Institutional interventions

Seedlings are raised by a community of Institutional interventions either by

people to prevent land, time and availability strengthening the existing ones or initiating
of seedlings on time. For example using new ones relating to seed bank, fodder bank,
portrays for vegetable seedling. commodity groups, custom hiring centre,

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(6): 3021-3031

collective marketing, introduction of weather liaison with gram panchayat and local elected
index based insurance and climate literacy representatives and maintain all financial
through a village level weather station are transactions under the project. Millions of
introduced to ensure effective adoption of all hungry and starving individuals hill have
other interventions and promote community hope. We have their hopes vested in us.
ownership of the entire programme. Despite our serious challenges, we still have
hope. We need all support to elevate
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goals and the triple win of enhanced
Provides access to small and marginal farmers agricultural productivity and incomes, climate
to costly farm machinery resilience and carbon sequestration. It is vital
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How to cite this article:

Mohan Kumar K., M. Hanumanthappa, Narayan S. Mavarkar and Marimuthu S. 2018. Review
on Smart Practices and Technologies for Climate Resilient Agriculture.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(06): 3021-3031. doi:


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