Environmental Awreness and Protection

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Environmental Education
refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environment function and particularly,
how human beings can manage their behaviour and ecosystems in order to live sustainably
Is a learning process that increases people’s knowledge & awareness about the environment and
associated challenges, develops the necessary skills & expertise to address the challenges &
fosters attitudes, motivations & commitments to make informed decisions & take responsible
Environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues,
engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals
develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and
responsible decisions.
Environmental education helps students understand how their decisions and actions change the
environment, strengthens knowledge and skills needed to address complex environmental issues,
and ways we can take action to keep our environment strong and sustainable for the future.

What is environmental awareness?

Environmental Awareness is about being aware of the environment.
This refers to all flowers and animals and includes all marine and wildlife.
The planet is currently facing an increasing number of environmental challenges, which include
climate change, global warming, droughts, water scarcity, floods, and pollution.


Republic Act No. 9512 or RA 9512

National Environmental Awareness & Education Act of 2008

Republic Act No. 9003 or RA 9003

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

Republic Act No. 9275 or RA 9275

Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004

Republic Act No. 8749 or RA 8749

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

Republic Act No. 9147 or RA 9147

Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act

Republic Act No. 9175 or RA 9175

Chainsaw Act of 2002

Here are some ways in which you can take control of your future,
and protect our environment and ecosystems:

1. Start Your Own Initiative or

Volunteer With Environmental Organizations
2. Reduce/Recycle Paper
3. Recycle More Often
4. Save Resources
5. Buy Sustainable Products
6. Decrease Meat & Dairy Consumption
7. Only Buy What You Need

Environmental Awareness Campaign

Environmental awareness campaigns refer to organizing and educating the general public about the
importance of understanding our environment's vulnerability and protecting it. Promoting
environmental awareness is an effective way to become an environmentalist and create a better
tomorrow for our children

What is the purpose of environmental campaigns?

Their campaigns are about conservation, preservation and sustainability. People need to understand that
natural resources are limited and needs to be consumed efficiently.

Our environment faces several problems, and many of these seem to be worsening with time, bringing us
into a time of a true environmental crisis. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to raise
awareness of the existence of these issues, as well as what can be done to reduce their negative impact.
Some of the key issues are:

1) Pollution

Pollution of the air, water and soil caused by toxins such as plastics, heavy metals and nitrates, caused by
factors such as toxins and gases released by factories, combustion of fossil fuels, acid rain, oil spill and
industrial waste.

2) Global warming

The emission of greenhouse gases due to human activity causes global warming, which in turn causes an
increase in temperature that then leads to rising sea levels, melting of polar ice caps, flash floods and

3) Overpopulation

We are facing a shortage of resources such as food, water and fuel to sustain the rising global population,
particularly in developing countries. Intensive agriculture attempting to lessen the problem actually leads
to more damage through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides.

4) Waste disposal

An excessive amount of waste is produced and dumped in the oceans. Nuclear waste is particularly
dangerous, as well as plastics and electronic waste.

5) Ocean acidification

The increase in the production of carbon dioxide by humans causes the oceans’ acidity to rise, which has a
negative impact on marine life.

6) Loss of biodiversity

Species and habitats are becoming extinct due to human activity. This causes an imbalance in natural
processes like pollination and poses a threat to ecosystems – coral reef destruction is particularly affected.

7) Deforestation

Loss of trees in order to make space for residential, industrial or commercial projects means that less
oxygen is produced, and temperature and rainfall are affected.

8) Ozone layer depletion

Pollution caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the air creates a hole in the ozone layer, which protects
the earth from harmful UV radiation.

9) Acid rain

Pollutants in the atmosphere such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides cause acid rain, which has
negative consequences for humans, wildlife and aquatic species.

10) Public health issues

Lack of clean water is one of the leading environmental problems currently. Pollutants in the air also
cause issues such as respiratory disease and cardiovascular disease.

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