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Ans Introduction

“Power is the chance that one performer within a social connection will be in a
position to carry out his own will despite resistance”.

In 1959, social psychologists John French and Bertram Raven researched power
bases and classified them into five types they are as follows: legitimate, reward,
coercive, expert, and referent. These power bases still figure conspicuously in
organizations. It is also important to understand power supports leadership and
leadership helps exercise power. The subordinates must consent to be led,
understanding the sources of power and their effective use is a must for those in
managerial ranks. It helps the managers to meet the goal of the organization and
complete various important tasks.

Legitimate power:- According to my opinion first comes the legitimate power, as it

gives the authority or legal power over the other people and also helps an individual
to exercise his power to its full capacity. The legitimate power often comes with great
struggle and hard work and hence it is often respected by most of the subordinates in
the organization. Army commanders, government officials, teachers, managers, and
heads of state all derive power from the position. Managers can encounter
confrontation, though, if requests are arrogantly made or seem outside a manager's
purview, Legitimate power is also called position power. The position of the chair is
important not the person. The power belongs to the capacity of the chair and hence
who owns it will be the authority of using the power.

Reward:- Then I would like to rank Reward in 2nd place, as Compliance also is likely
when a manager correctly exerts reward power. Reward power derives from holding
valid authority, which then entitles a manager to give out paid holidays, sponsored
hotel stays, job assignments, promotions, and other performance incentives.
Rewards play a great factor in increasing the trust of the employee and boosting the
confidence of the employee. some of the other types of rewards are intangible like
public recognition, a name in the hall of fame, etc. Rewards should be given out
bestowing to what the recipient values and should only be used when earned. A
manager must use fair means to declare giving awards and thus he must be eligible
to access the candidate in the right manner

Coercive:- Then I consider Coercive power 3rd in the list as it forces an individual
through punishment. Workers or staff agree to a boss's command to avoid the
consequences of noncompliance, consequences such as losing jobs, losing out on
promotions, being given undesirable assignments, or being fired. losing jobs is one of
the most important factors where workers don’t argue and agree to any punishment
they are bestowed upon. Using unfair means of coercive power inspires resistance,
corrodes workplace morale, and distances workers from management, it also
decreases the faith in the organization. Coercive power is best used as a deterrent
punishment. Firing someone for a sexual offense against female employees, Mainly
such types of power are exercised in the army or top business organizations where
there is no scope for error. Organisation also has to keep their reputation high and
hence they have to take strict action against such culprit
Expert:- The in number 4th place I would consider Expert power as it exerts influence
over those who want expertise. Expert power is significant since anyone can acquire
it. Through regular hard work and training, one can be an expert in any skill. Expert
power may come from having a set of skills or abilities such as the know-how to
operate machinery. It may be exerted by those holding knowledge of situations,
processes, or people. This knowledge can then be used to make better judgments
and other individuals also obey such judgment. Information power is also a type of
expert power in that it involves holding information about any system or code. The
power to access information, hold it or share it or trade it gives those with information
power an edge over other those who need the information. People often with expert
power are from a certain field and are only regarded in that field. They are bounded
by their expertise.

Referent: - And at last place, I would consider Referent power influences others by
inspiring esteem. The esteem might arise through personal charm or common
associations. Like expert power, anyone can get referent power. Referent power are
can be developed by various methods such as learning new things or skills, reading a
lot about personality, etc. Sometimes charisma is separated from referent power as a
distinct case power source that only a few can master. Either way, the personal
esteem people inspire can cause subordinates to not only comply with requests but
to bind to them personally.


Thus power has its importance in the current business dynamics, it must be also
understood that powerful people often experience many difficulties in life which give a
brief idea about the challenges one faces to remain in power. Power also influences
the individual who beholds it both mentally and physically. Hence one must
understand the power.

2 Ans. Introduction
Personality plays a crucial role in determining whether an individual is capable of
executing organizational behaviors or not. It helps in determining the interpersonal
skills of the individual. In many organizations, skill test such as personality skill test is
also included to examine the candidate's thinking according to the requirement of the
job, in which personality plays a crucial role. Railway boards, army selections boards,
and UPSC are some of the government-based jobs that take personality tests of each
candidate to qualify for the test.
In organizational behaviors it is important to study as an individual with leadership
and interpersonal skills can lead better and able to work better in teams, thus can
work and organize things better.
1. Goal Orientation: Goal orientation or desire to achieve high is a personality
trait that varies among different types of people and can be used to predict
certain behavior. The people with very high achievement desire, strive to perform
things in a much better way. They want to sense the feeling of success or failure
is due to their actions and that they are responsible for it. People such as these
do not tend to perform easy tasks where there is no challenge or tasks that
involve a very high amount of risk or the failure rate is more. These people like to
do moderately difficult things so that they can have a sense of achievement and
on the other hand the failure rate is also not very high. Or in other words,
achievers will like to do things, where the outcome is directly related to their
efforts and chances of success are high. The high achievers will do better in-
game and sports, in management, and in sales where there is moderate
difficulty, rapid performance feedback, and a direct relationship between effort
and reward.
2. Self Esteem refers to the feeling of like or dislike for oneself. A person with
great self-esteem does not break his promise and tends to keep his morale high
during difficult times. This trait changes from person to person as people differ in
the degree to which they like or dislike each other. The research on self-esteem
gives some fascinating insights into organizational behavior. Self-esteem is
directly related to the potential for success. High self-esteem people think that
they own the ability they need to flourish at work. Persons with high self-esteem
will take more risks in job choices. They are more likely to choose unusual jobs
than people with low self-esteem. Low self-esteem people are generally
depressed, and blame others for their failures which makes the situation even
worse for them. High-esteem people are high performers and whereas people
with low esteem contribute to poor performance which in turn reinforces low self-
3 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): The personality theory proposed by Carl
Jung identified the way people preferred to observe their environment. Almost
Twenty years later, Briggs and Myers introduced Myers – Briggs type indicator,
a personality test that measures each of the traits in Carl Jung’s model. MBTI is
in fact, one of the most widely used and trusted personality tests. It deals with
how people emphasize their attention against an extrovert or introvert and collect
information by sensing or intuition and process similar thinking or sense and then
finally directs themselves to the other world judging or perceiving. MBTI then
combines the four classifications into various personality types.
4. Risk Taking: The tendency of people to assume risks or avoid risks varies from
person to person depending upon the willingness of the people to take chances.
This human trait affects the decision-making ability of a manager. Some people
are very conscious, while others are impulsive. An impulsive person is a high-
risk-taking manager, he will make rapid decisions and consider less information
in making their choices than a very conscious and low risk-taking manager. The
research shows that the decision correctness is generally the same in both
groups. Research has concluded that managers in organizations are risk
aversive, but still, there is ambiguity on this point. Some jobs specifically demand
high risk-taking person e.g.commander of any army leading on the battlefield.
Because in this job effective performance and fast decisions are required. while
on the other side, some jobs had proven to be a major obstacle for example the
job of a bank accountant who performs auditing activities. This job should be
taken up by, someone, with a low risk-taking nature.
5 Introversion and Extroversion: These two terms are generally related to the
interpersonal behavior of an individual and his sociability. Extroverts are
expressive and sociable people while introverts are shy and quiet. It has been
seen that introverts and extroverts people have different career likings and
require different organizational settings to maximize performance. Extroverts are
more suitable for positions that require considerable communication with others
that is why managerial spots are subjugated by extroverts. Thus, conclude that
being an extrovert is a managerial trait. On the other hand, introverted people are
more likely to excel in places where they require thought and analytical skills. An
extreme introvert works best alone in a small and quiet office without external
disruption or influence.
From the above-mentioned personality traits, it has become clear that understanding
personality is of immense help in the selection of the right category of people for
different types of jobs. Analysis of an individual’s personality reveals his strong and
weak traits. A person may be unfit for one job but may be fit for another because job
requirements may be different, Understanding the personality will also help in making
the training programs for the personnel in the organization.
3(a)Ans. From the given mentioned scenario it was brought out that Ms. Riya is young and
focused and has all the qualities to run the company in the capacity of a CEO. However,
she could not get the advantage of her teams to implement her ideas for the growth of
the company because of the organization's pitfall commonly known as a change in
Change in leadership: - It is a common type of organizational pitfall. It is experienced
due to a change in leadership as said in the above situation. it can be challenging when
the leader of an organization changes and passes on the set of duties to a new
member. The people who are acquainted with the old leader may resist this change.
This type of change is difficult to understand as the people working with old leaders
adapt themselves to the preferences of the old leaders, which cannot be changed
easily. The new leader must take this as a development process and must give time to
his subordinates to cope u with the change. The new leader must attempt to win the
trust of people by showing gratitude and faith in the work of his employees.
Ms. Riya has to Handle resistance with patience, motivate her employees and gain their
trust along with building a strong support team to run the company. She also may have
to manage the conflicts in the company with the board members for change of
leadership and had to deal with it through her conscious. At her early stage, she may
get some set back which can be taken as positive feedback to overcome upon hard
work, and Dealing with setbacks requires strength which she can gain from family and

From the above, I conclude that Ms. Riya should win the trust of her employees and
gain their confidence to work smoothly in the company. Also, she should build a strong
team to help her cope with new challenges as a CEO.

3 (b)Ans. Intelligence can be defined as the ability of an individual to act purposefully, think
rationally and cope effectively with changes around him/her Emotional intelligence are
the organized response that typically arises in response to an event, internal, or
external, which bears positive and negative meaning for an individual. Intelligence can
be defined as the ability of an individual to act purposefully, think rationally, and cope
effectively with changes around him/her.
Emotional intelligence is an individual’s ability to identify, understand, and manage
emotions to relieve stress and communicate with other individuals, and overcome
challenges and conflicts. In modern corporate culture, the stress becomes a part of daily
culture and time-bound activities create more pressure and reduces the health of an
individual to overcome such things I would suggest regular breaks from monotonous
work and team-building exercises such as picnic, badminton, and various other sports
can be offered in the office premises to encourage for employees to find themselves
relieved from stress.
To overcome such a situation, emotional intelligence may help to re-organize emotions
and helps to improve thoughts and behavior. It will also help in understanding the social
complexities of the workplace. It gives added advantages to the leaders in the
competitive market. It will help her to create more effective interaction sessions with her
Emotional intelligence in leadership creates resonant leadership. they empathize with
employees who struggle with a personal crisis. Resonate leaders attempt to create
harmony in a group and motivate employees in unfavorable situations.
Thus emotional intelligence plays an important part in the daily life and also influences
the decision making capability of individuals thus it should be practiced to inculcate
more such type of habits in a CEO, and it must be taught in the schools to help students
cope with pressure in the institution and also when they work in the bigger institution
they can work under pressure without any stress.

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