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Exercise 16.

Reflection Task 16 (Individual Task)

Name: Renalyn Caube Recilla Date Submitted;__________

Course/Section: BEED-2B Score: _________________

Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the first human rights declaration adopted by the United Nations?

Answer : The Universal Declaration

2. When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted?

Answer : On 10 December 1948 during its 183rd plenary meeting.

3. Where was the Universal Declaration adopted?

Answer: The Declaration was adopted by the UN General Assembly in Paris.

4. Who were the key contributors to the drafting of the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights?

Answer : Members of the Commission who contributed significantly to the creation of the
Declaration included Canadian John Peters Humphrey of the United Nations Secretariat, Eleanor
Roosevelt of the United States (who chaired the Drafting Committee), René Cassin of France,
Charles Malik of Lebanon, P. C. Chang of Republic of China, and Hansa Jivraj Mehta of India
among others.

5. How many articles does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights contain?

Answer :30 articles

6. When is Human Rights Day observed?

Answer : Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December

7. What is the International Bill of Human Rights?

Answer : The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the five core human rights treaties
of the United Nations that function to advance the fundamental freedoms and to protect the basic
human rights of all people.

8. How many countries are members of the Commission on Human Rights?

Answer : There are 47 members.

9. Which United Nations council selects the members of the Commission on Human Rights and
on what basis?

Answer : The Economic and Social Council, according to regional geographical distribution.

10. Where does the United Nations Commission on Human Rights meet and for how long?

Answer : In Geneva for six weeks each year.

11.How many women have chaired the annual sessions of the United Nations Commission on
Human Rights since its first meeting in 1947? Who are they?

Answer : Three. Eleanor Roosevelt (USA), Princess Ashraf Pahlavi (Iran) and Purificaci 髇
Quisumbing (Philippines).

12. Which office in the United Nations is responsible for dealing with human rights questions on
a daily basis?

Answer : The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, formerly known as
the Centre for Human Rights.

13. When was the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights established? How many
High Commissioners have there been so far?

Answer : The office was established by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 December
1993. So far there are only 2 commissioners.

14. Which human rights bodies can hear individual complaints of human rights violations?

Answer : The Human Rights Committee that monitors the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and the Committee
on Torture.

15. How many human rights treaty bodies are there?

Answer : There are ten human rights treaty bodies composed of independent experts of
recognized competence in human rights, who are nominated and elected for fixed renewable
terms of four years by State parties.

16. What are the six international human rights treaties monitored by the treaty bodies?
Answer : Treaty bodies are:

•Human Rights Committee (HRC)

•Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)

•Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)

•Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

•Committee Against Torture (CAT)

•Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

17 .Which mechanisms were devised by the United Nations to monitor human rights violations?

Answer : Under the UN framework, the non-treaty-based mechanisms are referred to as 'charter-
based' mechanisms, which include the Human Rights Council 1503 procedure, the Universal
Peer Review and 'special procedures'.

18. What are special rapporteurs and what do they do?

Answer : The functions of Special Rapporteurs include responding to individual complaints,

conducting studies, providing advice on technical cooperation and undertaking country visits to
assess specific human rights situations.

19. To whom does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights apply?

Answer : To each individual, regardless of gender, race, religion or cultural background.

20. Why is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights important to you?

Answer: Universal Declaration of Human rights is important because it is the protection for the
people to have a freedoms and rights no one can take away from them.

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