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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of City Schools
Masbate City





Erika Nicole L. Billones

Riza C. Mabato

Monica Shane V. Marcaida

John Mark S. Condeza

Mrs. Sheena A. Ramirez

Research Adviser

We have taken effort in this project, however. It would not have been possible with

out the kind and support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like

to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

We thank our God for providing us with everything that we required in completing

this project. We highly grateful to the Teacher in Charge Mrs. Sheena B. Ramirez for her

guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing neccesary information regarding

the project and also for her untiring support in completing the project.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents for their kind cooperation

and encouragement which helped us in the completion of this study.

Researchers would like also to give thanks and appreciation to our classmates in

developing the project and to the people who have willingly helped us out with their


Distance learning is the new normal way of studying by all students amidst this pandemic.

Through this kind of studying lot of students were suffering from this new normal set up

and find difficulty in learning, it also affects mental health because of pressure and stress

because they’re going to catch up with deadlines rather than learning. Students are now

relying on internet sources for their modules. Online classes are no easier than classes

offered in the traditional classroom setting and, in some cases, it can even be more difficult.

There are several reasons for this that affects the social relationship among the students

because of distance learning. Online learning is more on self-motivation which certainly

the most effective option for students to pursue their studies, and it is also the best way to

keep safe in the battle of this pandemic even the social relationship of students was affected.

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………...



Table of Contents………………………………………………………………….



Background of the Study…………………………………………………………...1

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………..1-2

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………….2

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………..2-3


Background of the Study

Online learning and teaching are the new education norm approach that everyone follows

due to the sudden transitioning because of the pandemic. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,

an immense impact on the educational system in the Philippines is evident. Various

downfalls of most parts in the modality of teaching and learning shed light (United Nations,

2020). At this point of risk, several concerns from the citizens arise as the class opening

was decided to push through. Also, knowing that this situation puts society in a state of

vulnerability. With the transition, this also puts socialization and physical interaction

among teachers and learners inadequately acknowledged in a distance learning

environment (Lesniak & Hodes, 2000); hence shows an effect on the social relationship of

students. In today’s era of covid-19 pandemic many students are missing out on the chance

to learn and graduate due to lack of adequate socialization with their colleagues and

teachers. There may be modalities to choose from, but it is still not enough for students to

focus on their students to focus on their studies without formal communication.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know what is the Effects of Distance Learning to social relationship of

Grade 11 students of MNCHS school year 2020-2021. Specifically, it attempts to answer

the following questions.

1. How do respondents describe a healthy social relationship?

2. What are the effects of healthy social relationship?


3. In this time of pandemic, how does it affect the social relationship of the students?

4. What solution can be given to maintain healthy social relationship even in the time of


Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Grade 11 SHS Students of Masbate National Comprehensive

High School S.Y. 2020-2021. The researchers will choose seventy-five (75) of Grade 11

students of senior high school of Masbate National Comprehensive High School under

the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) to participate in this study. The purpose of these

research is to collect accurate information with regards to the effect of distance learning

for three-month time. This study will provide the effects of distance learning to the

participants. This study will be conducted through messenger. The method to be used will

be case study.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will provide insights on what are the effects of

distance learning to social relationship of grade 11 students of Masbate National

Comprehensive High School. The study will find out how the students address the effects

of distance learning to their social relationship among the grade 11 students.

To the students, the findings of this study will help them understand that due to

distance learning limited interaction among their classmates will develop less self-

confidence with regards to social relationship. The study will help them to be aware that

even without face to face learning their social relationship will not be affected because they

can still communicate through social media.

To the parents, the results will inform them that distance learning affects the

social relationship of their children among their classmates or schoolmates in grade 11.

This would also help them to have an idea of how their children regain their social

relationship among their classmates.

To the teachers, the result will guide them on what to do with their grade 11

students to overcome the effects of distance learning to social relationship. The study will

provide them insights on how they can regain the social relationship of their students when

face to face learning came back.

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