TEACHER Interview Questions

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Dear 3rd and 4th year teacher-students







1. Knowledge of learning area or subject

 This one is unique to individual but very important because every educator must have
knowledge to the subject your applied for. But I will much focus from no 2 to 6

2. Knowledge of assessment techniques and application thereafter.

 Assessment is an important tool to measure the understanding of the learners.

 As a teacher; I will apply different forms of assessment such as:

 Baseline assessment – I will use this one at the beginning of the year To determine the
intellectual ability of the learners This will help me on how l should plan my lessons.

 Diagnostic assessment – I will use this from at the beginning of the lessons It will help
me to establish if my learners are understand process place If they are not following me
properly, l can then switch to another method of teaching.

 Formative assessment – This on takes place during the course of teaching and learning
process It will give me an idea on how the learners understand my presentation If they
are not following me properly, I can then switch to another method of teaching.

 Summative assessment – This one takes place at the end of the year I will use this one
to determine the progression of my learners.

 All the assessment l will apply can be formal these are assessments that are recorded
such as tests; examinations; assignments and more.

 They are also informal - these are those that are not recorded such as class works; home
works and more.

 In my assessment l will use tools techniques such as checklists; rubrics; worksheet;

questions and memorandum and more.

 I will use all these forms of assessment continuously.

 I will make sure that l integrates them in order to be more efficient in my lesson’s

3. Classroom Management.

 This is where l will spend most of my time with learners.

 In order to manage my classroom well; I will use the skills such as planning; organizing;
leading and control.

 Planning
 I will sure that l prepare my lessons properly before l present them in the classroom.
 This includes all the researches; teaching aids; and all other learning materials.  All
this be based on the policy document which will serve as my guideline.

 Organizing
 Before l present my lessons, I will make sure that my classroom is neatly and properly
 My class will be conducive to teaching and learning environment.
 All the table and chairs are arranged in an OBE and NCS style.
 I will be able to move around the class while presenting my lessons.
 All the pictures and charts will be pasted neatly on the walls of the classroom.

 Leading
 As a good teacher I will lead by example.
 Learners like to copy our lifestyle as their role models.
 I will dress properly when I come to work.
 I will also be punctual as we all know that time management is an important factor.  For
me to tell learners all these things, I will have to apply them myself.

 Control
 I together with the learners will draw rules and regulations to be followed in the classroom.
 I will ensure that they are practical and relevant to the policy of the school.
 I will facilitate the process of nominating the class representative.
 Preferably a boy and a girl for gender purpose.
 They will assist in monitoring the class in the absence of teachers and representing
 I will create a reading corner inside the classroom.
 The fast learner will be busy reading in the corner while I’m busy with slow learners.


 These are all the activities that are involved in the managing of the school.

 As an educator I expect myself to perform administrative activities and duties.

 I will create portfolio file for all my learning areas (subjects).

 This portfolio will include:

Departmental syllabus.
Work schedule
Class list for marks.
Lesson plans
Subject policy
And many more.

 I will also assist learners to create their own portfolio files.

 This will help them to keep their work safe.

 With my good knowledge and understanding of the recent administration system, our
school will set good example in this aspect.

 I will assist in admission register by writing down the details of new learners who have
been admitted in our school.

 As a class teacher I will also handle the daily attendance register on a daily basis.

 This will help me identify learners who have been absent in the particular days.

 I will help with the summary register if I will be requested by the SMT.

 I will also help with the quarterly and annual returns if also requested by SMT.

 I will always adhere to the deadlines.


 Communication is the best way of conveying a message to the next person.

 There are two types of communication which are verbal and non-verbal communication

 Colleagues
 I will communicate with my colleagues verbally during staff meeting.
 I will use plain language.
 I will also phone them since I will be having their phone numbers.
 I will communicate with them non-verbally with the use of notice boards.
 I will exchange e-mails with them.
 Will also use communication book.
 I will also create circulars.
 In case of emergency, I will use media resources such as Radio and newspapers to
convey message with them.

 Learners.
 I will communicate with my learners verbally when I present lesson in the classroom.
 I will also make announcement during morning devotions if I will be given the permission
by the SMT.
 I will communicate with them non-verbally by means of putting notices on the notice
 I will also use signs to indicate directions such as toilets, water tap, principal office and
many more.
 When I mark their task I will write messages to tell them what they should do.  I will also
communicate with them through progression report.

 Parents.
 I will communicate with verbally during general meetings.
 I will communicate with them non-verbally through their children progression report.
 I will also share the performance of their children with them.  When conveying short
message, I will send them letters.

6. Interaction with stake holders.

 No man is an island.

 For the efficient and effective running of the school, I will have to work hand in hand with
anyone involved in the process of running the school.

 colleagues
 I will treat them just like my own family.  I will be loyal to them and supportive.

 I will also attend funeral’s in their families.  I will also encourage team work.
 I will help out when some of my colleagues’ fail to make it to work.
 In case where I slip out and do something bad to my colleague’s I will apologize and ask
for forgiveness.
 The same will apply when someone do the same to me, I will forgive him or her.
 I am willing to share ideas with my colleagues.
 I will encourage more relationship by eating together, organizing staff trips, participating
in stokvels, organizing tea group and more.

 School Management Team (SMT).

 This unit is composed by senior members of the staff.
 As a junior teacher, they are going to be my mentors.
 I will be loyal to this unit.
 I will obey all their instructions as long as they are going to be relevant to the policy of the

 School Governing Body (SGB).

 I will interact with them through the teacher component in the SGB.
 I will obey all their instructions as long as they are going to be relevant to the policy of
the school.

 Department of Education.
 The department always engage us by sending circulars.
 I will read all the circulars and obey the instructions.
 When they request me to attend workshops, I will attend.

By Thabelo C. Madula

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