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Journal of Human Hypertension (2000) 14, Suppl 1, S73–S86

 2000 Macmillan Publishers Ltd All rights reserved 0950-9240/00 $15.00

Clinical pharmacokinetics of angiotensin II

(AT1) receptor blockers in hypertension
ZH Israili
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) represent a new The variation in the molecular structure of the ARBs
class of effective and well tolerated orally active antihy- results in differences in the binding affinity to the recep-
pertensive agents. Recent clinical trials have shown the tor and pharmacokinetic profiles. The differences
added benefits of ARBs in hypertensive patients observed in lipid solubility, absorption/distribution,
(reduction in left ventricular hypertrophy, improvement plasma protein binding, bioavailability, biotransform-
in diastolic function, decrease in ventricular arrhyth- ation, plasma half-life, and systemic elimination influ-
mias, reduction in microalbuminuria, and improvement ence the time of onset, duration of action, and efficacy
in renal function), and cardioprotective effect in patients of the ARBs. On the basis of the daily mg dose, the anti-
with heart failure. Several large long-term studies are in hypertensive potency of the ARBs follows the
progress to assess the beneficial effects of ARBs on sequence: candesartan cilexetil ⬎ telmisartan ⯝ losar-
cardiac hypertrophy, renal function, and cardiovascular tan ⬎ irbesartan ⯝ valsartan ⬎ eprosartan.
and cerebrovascular morbidity and mortality in hyper- After oral administration, the ARBs are rapidly
tensive patients with or without diabetes mellitus, and absorbed (time for peak plasma levels ⴝ 0.5– 4 h) but
the value of these drugs in patients with heart disease they have a wide range of bioavailability (from a low of
and diabetic nephropathy. 13% for eprosartan to a high of 60–80% for irbesartan);
The ARBs specifically block the interaction of angiot- food does not influence the bioavailability, except for
ensin II at the AT1 receptor, thereby relaxing smooth valsartan (a reduction of 40–50%) and eprosartan
muscle, increasing salt and water excretion, reducing (increase). A limited dose-peak plasma levels/areas
plasma volume, and decreasing cellular hypertrophy. under the plasma level-time curve proportionality is
These agents exert their blood pressure-lowering effect observed for some of the ARBs. Most of these drugs
mainly by reducing peripheral vascular resistance usu- have high plasma protein binding (95–100%); irbesartan
ally without a rise in heart rate. Most of the commercially has the lowest binding among the group (90%). The ste-
available ARBs control blood pressure for 24 h after ady-state volumes of distribution vary from a low of 9 L
once daily dosing. Sustained efficacy of blood pressure (candesartan) to a high of 500 L (telmisartan). Plasma
control, without any evidence of tachyphylaxis, has elimination half-life is short for candesartan cilexetil and
been demonstrated after long-term administration (3 losartan (1– 4 h), intermediate for eprosartan and valsar-
years) of some of the ARBs. The efficacy of ARBs is tan (5–10 h), and longer for candesartan, irbesartan and
similar to that of thiazide diuretics, beta-blockers, angi- telmisartan (11–38 h); the active metabolite of losartan
otensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or calcium chan- has a longer half-life than for the parent drug. The drugs
nel blockers in patients with similar degree of hyperten- and their active metabolites do not accumulate to a sig-
sion. Higher daily doses, dietary salt restriction, and nificant extent after repeated dosing, except for telmis-
concomitant diuretic or ACE inhibitor administration artan (100%). Most of the orally administered dose of
amplify the antihypertensive effect of ARBs. The ARBs ARBs is excreted via bile into the faeces; from 2%
have a low incidence of adverse effects (headache, (telmisartan) to 33% (candesartan) of the oral dose is
upper respiratory infection, back pain, muscle cramps, excreted in the urine. In most cases, changes in pharma-
fatigue and dizziness), even in the elderly patients. After cokinetic parameters due to aging, mild to moderate
the approval of losartan, five other ARBs (candesartan renal disease and heart failure do not require dosage
cilexetil, eprosartan, irbesartan, telmisartan, and modification; dosage has to be individualised for epros-
valsartan) and three combinations with hydrochlorothia- artan, losartan, telmisartan and valsartan in patients
zide (irbesartan, losartan and valsartan) have been with hepatic disease. In general, pharmacokinetic drug–
approved as antihypertensive agents, and some 28 com- drug interactions are rare, with the exception of combi-
pounds are in various stages of development. nation of digoxin and telmisartan.
The ARBs are non-peptide compounds with varied The ARBs are an important treatment option for
structures; some (candesartan, losartan, irbesartan, and hypertension, being relatively safe and efficacious. The
valsartan) have a common tetrazolo-biphenyl structure. beneficial effects of the ARB therapy go beyond blood
Except for irbesartan, all active ARBs have a carboxylic pressure control. They may prove to have beneficial
acid group. Candesartan cilexetil is a prodrug, while los- haemodynamic and neurohormonal effects in heart fail-
artan has a metabolite (EXP3174) which is more active ure and provide renoprotection in diabetic nephropathy.
than the parent drug. No other metabolites of ARBs con- Journal of Human Hypertension (2000) 14, Suppl 1, S73–
tribute significantly to the antihypertensive effect. S86.

Keywords: angiotensin receptor blockers; candesartan; eprosartan; irbesartan; losartan; telmisartan; valsartan; pharmacoki-

Correspondence: Dr Zafar H Israili, Department of Medicine,
Emory University School of Medicine, GMB, 69 Butler Street, Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) represent a
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA new class of effective and well tolerated orally
Clinical pharmacokinetics of ARBs in hypertension
ZH Israili

active antihypertensive drugs1–15 that inhibit the effect on blood pressure response to ARBs.2–15,42,52,63
renin-angiotensin system by selectively blocking the The ARBs do not alter the circadian rhythm of blood
AT1 subtype of angiotensin II receptor.1,16,17 A num- pressure.24,31,34,40,53,62 Therapy with the ARBs does
ber of studies have demonstrated the efficacy of not cause first dose (excessive) hypotension or sig-
ARBs (used as monotherapeutic agents or in combi- nificant orthostatic hypotension.2–15,27,49,50,59,60 Cess-
nation with other antihypertensive drugs) in the ation of treatment with ARBs causes no rebound
treatment of hypertension.1–15,18–63 Initial studies hypertension.2–15,59
indicate that ARBs, either alone or in combination ARB therapy does not have any effect on heart rate
with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi- and cardiac output or electrocardiographic data.2–
tors, are also useful in the management of heart fail- The ARBs do not impair cere-
ure.64–75 Several large, long-term studies are in pro- brovascular regulation, and may even improve cog-
gress (Table 1) to assess the beneficial effects of nitive function. Treatment with the ARBs does not
ARBs on cardiac hypertrophy, renal function, and result in clinically significant alterations in labora-
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity and tory measurements of serum chemistry, haema-
mortality in hypertensive patients with or without tology and urinalysis.2–15,19,23,39,44,50,59,62,81 The ARBs
diabetes mellitus, and the value of these drugs in do not impair glucose or lipid metabolism.2–15,19,81–
patients with heart failure, acute myocardial infarc- These drugs have no adverse effect on renal func-
tion, and diabetic nephropathy. tion.2–15,36,39,45,84–89 As a result of favourable safety
profile, discontinuation rate with ARBs is low. In a
study, it was shown that ARBs had the highest 1-
Angiotensin receptor blockers as antihypertensive
year compliance rate among five major classes of
antihypertensive drugs.90
As antihypertensive agents, the ARBs are as effec- The benefits of ARB therapy of hypertension go
tive as ACE inhibitors, thiazide diuretics, beta- beyond the reduction in blood pressure. The
blockers or calcium channel blockers, often with a additional advantages of ARB therapy include: (1)
better tolerability profile.2–15,21,25,29,35,43,60 The ARBs reduction in left ventricular hypertrophy;5,22,48,91–95
are effective and relatively safe in the elderly hyper- (2) improvement in diastolic function;96 (3) decrease
tensives,2–15,42,52,63 and in patients with isolated sys- in ventricular arrhythmias;97 (4) reduction in the
tolic hypertension.76 The antihypertensive efficacy abnormal QT dispersion;98 (5) improvement in
of ARBs is enhanced when combined with diuretics, endothelial dysfunction;99 (6) improvement in large
ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, beta- artery compliance;95 (7) reduction in microalbumin-
blockers, or alpha-blockers.2–15,37,52,54,55,57 In combi- uria;29,35,45,89,100,101 (8) preservation of or improve-
nation with other classes of antihypertensive drugs, ment in renal function;36,39,45,84–89 except in patients
the ARBs are also efficacious in the treatment of with severe congestive heart failure or renal artery
JNC-VI Stage III (severe) hypertension.77–80 In gen- stenosis; (9) increase in insulin sensitivity;102,103 and
eral, the blood pressure lowering efficacy of ARB (10) decrease in serum uric acid levels (by only
monotherapy is lower in black than in white hyper- losartan);104–106 hyperuricaemia is associated with
tensives.14,15 However, addition of a diuretic to the increased risk for stroke and heart attack in hyper-
therapeutic regimen abolishes the ethnic difference tensive patients.107
in blood pressure control.14,15,79
Commercially available angiotensin receptor
Advantages of angiotensin receptor blocker blockers
therapy in hypertension
After the introduction of the prototype drug, losar-
Most of the ARBs control blood pressure for 24 h tan, six more ARBs were approved for treatment of
after once daily dosing.2–15,19,21,24,25,31–33,36– hypertension (Table 2); of these, tasosartan (Verdia)
Sustained efficacy has been was withdrawn by the pharmaceutical company due
shown with long-term therapy with ARBs, with no to liver enzyme elevation. The available ARBs and
tachyphylaxis.36–38,42,47,48,50 Age or gender have no their combinations (with hydrochlorothiazide) are

Table 1 Large scale ongoing clinical trials of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)

Trial ARB CV Diseasea Trial ARB CV Diseasea

ABCD-2V Valsartan HTN/DN CHARM Candesartanc HF

ELITEb Losartan HF ELITE II Losartan HF
IDNT Irbesartan DN IRMC Irbesartan
RAAS Losartan HF/LVD RENAAL Losartan DN
RESOLVDb Candesartanc HF/LVD SCOPE Candesartanc HTN
SILVER Irbesartan HTN/LVH SPICE Candesartanc HTN
STRETCH Candesartanc HF TEES Telmisartan HTN
ValHeFT Valsartan HF VALIANT Valsartan AMI
VALUE Valsartan HTN VLIGb Valsartan HTN

Cardiovascular (CV) diseases in patients: hypertension (HTN), heart failure (HF), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), left ventricular
dysfunction (LVD), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), diabetic nephropathy, (DN); bpartial results have been published; ccilexetil.

Journal of Human Hypertension

Clinical pharmacokinetics of ARBs in hypertension
ZH Israili

Table 2 Angiotensin receptor blockers approved for the treat- S75

plasma half-life (t.), biotransformation and systemic
ment of hypertension elimination) of the ARBs. These differences result in
variations in the time of onset, duration of action,
Candesartan cilexetil (Atacand, Kenzen, TCV-116);
candesartan, CV-11974) and efficacy of the individual ARBs.
Eprosartan (Teveten, SK&F 108566); eprosartan mesylate
(SK&F 108566J) Mechanism of blood pressure lowering action of
Irbesartan (Avapro, Aprovel, SR 47436, BMS-186295);
[Avalide] angiotensin receptor blockers
Losartan potassium (Cozaar, Tenserpil, Cormac, DuP 753, The ARBs interfere with the renin-angiotensin-
MK-954, L-694, 491); [Hyzaar, New Hyzaar]
Telmisartan (Micardis, BIBR 277 SE, BIBRO277 SE)
aldosterone system by selectively blocking the bind-
Valsartan (Diovan, Nisis, Tareg, CGP 48933); [Diovan HCT] ing of angiotensin II to its receptor subtype 1
(AT1),1,16,17 causing an insurmountable inhibition,
Tasosartan (Verdia, ANA-756; WAY-ANA-756) was approved, thereby inhibiting the main physiological effects of
but has been withdrawn due to adverse effects. angiotensin II. The blockade of angiotensin receptor
AT1 results in relaxation of smooth muscles,
increase in salt and water excretion, reduction in
Table 3 Angiotensin receptors blockers available for the treat- plasma volume, and decrease in cellular hypertro-
ment of hypertension phy. The antihypertensive effect of ARBs is mainly
due to the reduction in peripheral vascular resist-
Atacand, Astra AB (candesartan cilexetil) Kenzen ance.
Avapro, Sanofi/Bristol-Myers Squibb (irbesartan) Aprovel
Cozaar, DuPont-Merck (losartan potassium salt) Tenserpil,
Cormac Doses and potencies of angiotensin receptor
Diovan, Novartis/Ciba-Geigy (valsartan) Nisis, Tareg blockers used in the treatment of hypertension
Micardis, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
(telmisartan) The ARBs vary in potency and duration of action.
Teveten, Smith Kline Beecham (eprosartan) The recommended starting and maintenance dos-
ages of these drugs for the treatment of high blood
Combinations with hydrochlorothiazide pressure are given in Table 5. Lower initial doses
Avalide, Sanofi/Bristol-Myers Squibb (irbesartan) are recommended in volume- and/or salt-depleted
Diovan HCT, Novartis/Ciba-Geigy (valsartan) patients, and in patients with severe renal or hepatic
Hyzaar, New Hyzaar DuPont-Merck (losartan)
disease for some ARBs.
The antihypertensive potency of the ARBs, based
upon the starting dose in milligrams follows the
listed in Table 3. At least 28 compounds are cur- sequence:
rently under investigation as potential ARBs candesartan cilexetil ⬎ telmisartan ⯝ losartan ⬎
(Table 4). irbesartan ⯝ valsartan ⬎ eprosartan.
If the dose is expressed in millimoles, the potency
The structures of angiotensin receptor blockers order follows the sequence:
The ARBs are non-peptide compounds with varied candesartan cilexetil ⬎ telmisartan ⬎ losartan ⬎
structures (Figure 1). There are some structural simi- valsartan ⬎ irbesartan ⬎ eprosartan.
larities among the ARBs: (a) candesartan, irbesartan, Although, most of the ARBs control blood press-
losartan, and valsartan have a common tetrazolo- ure for 24 h after single daily doses, some patients
biphenyl structure; (b) candesartan and telmisartan may require twice daily dosing. Often, a diuretic
have a common benzimidazole group; (c) with the may be added for increased efficacy; combination
exception of irbesartan, all active ARBs have a free with drugs from other classes of antihypertensive
carboxylic acid group. The structure of eprosartan is agents also increase the efficacy of ARBs in con-
distinct from other ARBs. trolling blood pressure (see above).
The variation in the molecular structure of the
ARBs results in differences in lipid solubility, bind-
ing affinity to AT1 receptor (giving rise to differences Pharmacodynamic characteristics of angiotensin
in potency), and pharmacokinetic profile (rate and receptor blockers
extent of absorption, distribution, oral bioavail- Candesartan cilexetil is a prodrug which is bioactiv-
ability, effect of food on absorption, protein binding, ated in the body to candesartan.14,15 A dose-depen-

Table 4 Compounds under investigation as potential angiotensin receptor blockers

1. Abitasartan (Tisartan) 7. BAY 10–6734 14. E4177 22. SB 203220

2. Elisartan 8. BIBS 39 15. GR117289 C 23. TA606
3. Fonsartan (HR 720) 9. BIBS 222 16. KR31080 24. TAK-536
4. Forasartan (SC-52458) 10. BMS-183920 17. KRH-594 25. TH-142177
5. Milfasartan 11. CGP 48369 18. L-158,809 26. UP269-6
6. Saprisartan (GR 138950C) 12. CS-866 19. L-163,017 27. XR510
13. DuP 532 (L-694,492) 20. LRB081 28. YM358
21. MK-966

Journal of Human Hypertension

Clinical pharmacokinetics of ARBs in hypertension
ZH Israili


Figure 1 Structures of angiotensin receptor blockers.

Table 5 Recommended doses of angiotensin receptor blockers in ship is found after repeated dosing, irrespective of
hypertensive patientsa age, weight, or gender of the patient.12,14 The
trough/peak ratios of blood pressure are in the range
Angiotensin Total daily dose Dosage
receptor adjustment of 0.7–1.0.12,30,49,62 The antihypertensive effect is
blocker well maintained for 24 h after 8–16 mg daily dose of
Initialb Maintenancec
mg mMol (mg) candesartan cilexetil;12,14,15,20,31,53,62 peak efficacy of
antihypertensive effect is reached in 4 –6 weeks of
Candesartand 16 0.026 8–32 No1,2,3 daily dosing.12,14,15
Eprosartan 400 0.707 400–1200 No1,2 Yes3 The basic structure of eprosartan is different from
Irbesartan 150 0.350 75–300 No1,2,2s,3 other ARBs (Figure 1). The drug does not require
Losartan 50 0.108 25–100 No1,2 Yes3 metabolic activation.11,56 Maximum blood pressure
Telmisartan 40 0.078 40–80 No1,2 Yes3
Valsartan 80 0.176 80–320 No1,2,3 lowering effect occurs in 4 –6 h after the oral dose;11
Yes2s,3s blood pressure may not be controlled for the full
24 h with once daily dosing. Eprosartan has no dose-
Patients: 1 = elderly; 2 = with mild to moderate renal impair- response relationship in the therapeutic dose
ment; 3 = with mild to moderate liver disease; s = with severe range.11 Peak efficacy of blood pressure lowering
disease. effect is reached in 4 –6 weeks.
Lower initial doses in volume- and/or salt depleted patients.
Twice-a-day doses may be needed in some patients. Irbesartan does not require metabolic acti-
cilexetil. vation.6,10,14,15,27 The drug exhibits nearly linear
dose-response (blood pressure lowering) relation-
ship for 50–300 mg dose.6,10,23,27,32,46 After oral dos-
dent (blood pressure lowering) response has been ing, maximum blood pressure lowering effect occurs
observed for 4 –32 mg dose.5,12,14,15,30,49 Maximum at 3–6 h.6,14,15 Peak efficacy of blood pressure lower-
antihypertensive effect occurs at 4 –6 h after an oral ing effect is reached in 4 –8 weeks.6,10,14,15 Irbesartan
dose.14,53 A trough plasma level-response relation- is effective in hypertensive patients, irrespective of

Journal of Human Hypertension

Clinical pharmacokinetics of ARBs in hypertension
ZH Israili

age or gender.14,15 Long-term blood pressure control side effects are not dose related.2–15 First dose hypo-
can be achieved (in many patients) with monother- tension is uncommon (except in salt- and/or
apy, since trough/peak ratio of blood pressure is in volume-depleted patients). Cough, the main adverse
the range of 0.7–1.0.6,14,15,27,32 There is no difference effect of ACE inhibitors,111 occurs much less
in the efficacy of irbesartan between the morning frequently with ARB therapy, and angioneurotic
dose and the evening dose. oedema is relatively rare.112–116
Most of the antihypertensive action and the long
duration of action of losartan is due to its active Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of angiotensin
metabolite EXP3174, which is 10– 40 times more receptor blockers
potent than losartan.2,3,9,14,15 The time for maximum
Candesartan cilexetil: Candesartan cilexetil, an
effect (4–6 h) coincides with the time for peak
inactive racemic prodrug, is rapidly and completely
plasma level (Tmax) of the metabolite.2 Although,
metabolised (by ester hydrolysis) in the gastrointes-
dose-response relationship is observed for the 40–
tinal tract to the active achiral candesartan.12,14,15
120 mg dose of losartan or plasma level-response
The absolute bioavailability of candesartan (Table
relationship for the metabolite in blocking the
6a) is about 15%.14,15,109 Food with high fat content
pressor effect of exogenous angiotensin II in normo-
does not have any effect on its absorption or
tensive subjects,108 no such relationship exists for
bioavailability.14,15 Plasma levels of candesartan are
the blood pressure lowering effect in hypertensive
proportional to the dose and peak at 2–5 h after the
patients.14,15 The minimum dose of losartan to pro-
dose of candesartan cilexetil.12,14,109 Candesartan is
duce significant day-long blood pressure control in
highly bound to plasma proteins (⬎99%).14,15 The
hypertensive patients is 50 mg; larger doses are no
apparent volume of distribution (Vd) of candesartan
more efficacious.3,26 A daily dose of 100 mg of losar-
is quite small (9 L).14,15 Total plasma clearance (ClT)
tan may have a slightly higher response rate or
of candesartan is 26 mL/min, and its plasma elimin-
longer duration of action.59 Peak efficacy of blood
ation t. is approximately 9 h (range = 6–
pressure lowering effect is reached in 3–6
13 h).12,14,15,109,117 The dose-pharmacokinetic
weeks.4,14,15 The antihypertensive response to losar-
relationship is linear for candesartan cilexetil for
tan is independent of age or gender.14,15 In some
doses of 8–32 mg.12,14,15 A nonsignificant accumu-
patients once daily dosing may not be sufficient to
lation (up to 20%) is observed (Table 6b) after
control blood pressure, although, the reported
repeated dosing.14,15,109 The drug does not distribute
trough/peak ratio of blood pressure is in the range
into red blood cells to an appreciable extent.14,15
of 0.5–0.9.
Candesartan is not metabolised by the cytochrome
Telmisartan is inherently active.13,15 The blood
P450 system, but is de-ethylated and glucuronidated
pressure lowering effect of the drug is related to the
to a small extent.14,15,117 After an oral dose, candesar-
dose (20–80 mg).15,58 However, doubling of dose
tan is excreted (Table 7) mainly unchanged in faeces
(from 40 mg to 80 mg) does not result in additional
(via bile) and in urine (26–33%);14,15,20 a minor inac-
blood pressure reduction.60 Telmisartan has a rapid
tive metabolite formed by de-ethylation is also
onset of action (0.5–1.0 h),13,15 and maximum blood
pressure effect occurs at 4 –6 h after the oral
dose.13,15 Once daily doses of 40–80 mg provide 24- Eprosartan: After oral administration, eprosartan
h blood pressure control.13,15,40,52,60 The trough/peak is fairly rapidly absorbed (Tmax = 1–3 h), but its
ratio of blood pressure is in the range of 0.7–1.0,15 bioavailability (Table 6a) is low (about 13%) due to
although, plasma trough/peak level ratio is 0.1–0.25. incomplete absorption.11,118,119 High fat food
Peak efficacy of blood pressure lowering effect is increases bioavailability [increase in peak plasma
reached in 1– 4 weeks.15 The antihypertensive effect levels (Cmax) by 80% and in the area under the
of telmisartan is unaffected by the age or gender of plasma level-time curve (AUC) by 55%], but slows
the patient.15 its absorption, possibly by prolonging residence
Valsartan does not require metabolic acti- time in the gastrointestinal tract;11,118,120,121 these
vation.8,14,15 The trough/peak ratio of blood pressure changes do not require dosage adjustment in the
is in the range of 0.6–0.7.15 Once daily dosing of val- fasting state.11 The dose-Cmax and dose-AUC
sartan is usually sufficient to control blood pressure relationships for single doses in the range of 100–
for 24 h.14,15,25 The peak efficacy of blood pressure 800 mg of eprosartan, are less than proportional due
lowering effect is reached in 4 –6 weeks.14,15 to saturation of absorption.122 Eprosartan is highly
Maximum efficacy of valsartan is achieved at 80 mg bound to plasma proteins (98%),11,120,123 and has a
dose, although, 160 mg dose may have a higher over- small steady-state Vd (13 L).11,118 It has a low sys-
all response rate.59 temic ClT (Table 6b; 130 mL/min).89 The terminal t.
of orally administered eprosartan is 5–9 h (about 2 h
Adverse effects of angiotensin receptor blockers after intravenous administration).11,118–120 The drug
does not accumulate after repeated dosing.124 Epros-
The ARBs have a low incidence of adverse effects,2– artan is metabolised to a small extent, by enzymes
even in the eld- other than cytochrome P450.125 Most of the oral dose
erly.29,42,52,63 The adverse effect profile is often simi- is excreted unchanged in the faeces (Table
lar to that of placebo. Some of the adverse effects 7).11,118,120,125
include, headache, dizziness, non-specific pain,
upper respiratory tract infection, viral infection, Irbesartan: After an oral dose, irbesartan is rapidly
asthenia/fatigue, sinusitis, and diarrhoea.2–15 The and completely absorbed.6,14,15,32,41,126 The absolute

Journal of Human Hypertension

Clinical pharmacokinetics of ARBs in hypertension
ZH Israili

S78 Table 6 Pharmacokinetic parameters of angiotensin receptor blockers

(a) Tmax Bioav. Effect of food Protein Vd (L) T. (h)

(h) (%) bindinga

Candesartan cilexetil 15 No 99.5 3– 4

CandesartanM 2–5 99.5 9 6–13
Eprosartan 1–3 13 ↑ Cmax/AUC 98.0 13 5–9
Irbesrartan 1.3–3 60–80 No 90.0 53–93 11–18
Losartan 1–1.5 29– 43 ↓ Cmax 98.7 28– 47 1–3
EXP3174M 3–6 99.8 10–12 5–10
Telmisartan 0.5–1 30–60 Min 99.5 500 21–38
Valsartan 2– 4 10–35 ↓ Cmax/AUC 95.0 17 6–10

(b) Dose (mg) Cmax (ng/mL) AUC0–⬀ ( Clearance (mL/min) Accumb (%)

CandesartanM 12P 100 1000 26 20

Eprosartan 350 1250 5050 130 no
Irbesartan 150 3300 16600 167 15
Losartan 50 250 420 600 no
EXP3174M 50P 220 1330 50 no
Telmisartan 80 280 1970 ⬎800 100
Valsartan 80 2000 6480 37 20

M = active metabolite; Min = minimum; aprotein binding (%) mainly to albumin; bafter repeated dosing; P = parent drug.

Table 7 Elimination of angiotensin receptor blockers (as % of potent than losartan) is responsible for most of its
oral dose) pharmacological activity (see above),2,3,14,15,133 and
long duration of action.2,3,133 After oral adminis-
Angiotensin Faecal Renal Metabolism
receptor blockers tration, losartan is rapidly absorbed, and undergoes
substantial first-pass metabolism by cytochrome
Candesartan 67 33 Min P450 enzymes.14,15,135 The Tmax (Table 6a) of losartan
Eprosartan 90 10 Min and EXP3174 are 1–1.3 h and 3–6 h, respect-
Irbesartan 80 20 9 ively.14,15,132–134 Systemic bioavailability of losartan
Losartan 65 35 14a is 33% (range = 29– 43%).132–134 About 14% of an
Telmisartan 98 2 15
Valsartan 80 20 20 oral or intravenous dose of losartan is converted to
EXP3174.14,15,133,134 The Cmax and AUC of losartan
Metabolised to the active compound EXP3174. and EXP3174 are linearly related to the dose of los-
Min = minimum. artan (25–200 mg).18 The Cmax AUC of EXP3174 is
two to four times higher than for losartan.18,132–134
bioavailability is in the range of 60–80% (Table Food delays the absorption of losartan and lowers
6a).14,15,32,126,127 Food does not influence neither the its Cmax, but the AUC of losartan or EXP3174 are not
absorption nor bioavailability of the significantly altered.14,15,132 Losartan and EXP3174
drug.6,14,15,32,126,127 Peak plasma levels of irbesartan are highly bound (Table 6a) to plasma proteins
are achieved at 1.3–3 h after oral dos- (98.7% and 99.8%, respectively), primarily to albu-
ing.6,32,41,61,110,126–129 Irbesartan displays linear dose- min.14,15,135 The apparent Vd of losartan and
related pharmacokinetics over the dose range of 50– EXP3174 is in the range of 28– 47 L and 10–12 L,
600 mg.6,14,15,110 The drug is 90% bound, mainly to respectively.14,15,133,134 The ClT of losartan and
albumin (binding to alpha 1-acid glycoprotein = EXP3174 is about 600 mL/min and 50 mL/min,
22%).6,14,15 Steady-state plasma levels are reached in respectively (Table 6b).14,15,133,134 Plasma elimin-
3 days after daily dosing, and no clinically ation t. of losartan and EXP3174 ranges from 1–3 h
important accumulation (⬍20%) occurs (Table and 5–10 h, respectively.14,15,133,134,136–138 No sig-
6b).6,14,15,110,129 The Vd of irbesartan is between 53 L nificant accumulation of losartan or EXP3174 occurs
and 93 L, and it has a ClT of 157–177 mL/min (Table after repeated dosing.133
6b).14,15,126 Irbesartan has a long plasma elimination Losartan is oxidized by cytochromes CYP2C9 and
t. (11–18 h).6,14,15,32,41,61,110,126–128 CYP3A4 to the active carboxylic acid metabolite
The hepatic extraction ratio of irbesartan is low EXP3174.14,15,136,138,139 In addition, hydroxylation
(0.2),126 and the drug is partially metabolised (6% of and glucuronidation result in several metabolites
the dose) by oxidation (by cytochrome CYP2C9) and which are much less active than losartan.14,15,139
glucuronidation to form eight inactive metab- Faecal excretion accounts for about 65% of the oral
olites.14,15,130 The metabolites account for only 9% dose (Table 7) and 50% of the intravenous dose of
of the circulating drug, 5–10% in urine and 6% in losartan; the remainder is excreted in urine.14,15 Bili-
faeces.14,15,131 Most of the administered dose (80%) ary route contributes significantly to the total elim-
is excreted in faeces via bile (Table 7), and the ination of losartan and EXP3174. In the urine, 4 –
remainder in urine.6,14,15,126 5% of the dose is present as losartan and 6–8% as
Losartan: Losartan is pharmacologically active, but Telmisartan: The drug is rapidly absorbed (Tmax =
its major metabolite EXP3174 (10– 40 times more 0.5–1 h)13,15,58,140 following oral administration.

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Telmisartan has an absolute bioavailability of 43% to moderate hepatic disease, the changes in the
(range 30–60%; Table 6a).13,15,140 Food has minimal pharmacokinetics are minor.14,15,109,117 No dosage
effect on the bioavailability of telmisartan.13,15 It is adjustment is needed in mild to moderate renal or
highly bound (⬎99%) to plasma proteins.13,15,141 hepatic disease.14,15,117
Telmisartan has a very high Vd (approximately The elderly have about two-fold higher Cmax and
500 L).15 Plasma elimination t. of telmisartan is AUC (for both total and unbound eprosartan in
about 24 h (range 21–38 h), and ClT is ⬎800 mL/min plasma) compared to young (most likely due to
(Table 6b).13,15,58,142 The pharmacokinetics of telmis- increased bioavailability of the drug in the
artan are nonlinear over the dose range of 20– elderly);149 the Tmax is also higher (by 2.5 h) in the
160 mg, with greater than proportional increases in elderly.119,149 However, no initial dosage adjustment
plasma levels with increasing doses.15 Upon is necessary in the elderly.119,149 Hypertension has
repeated dosing, telmisartan accumulates in plasma no effect on the pharmacokinetics of eprosartan.119
(150–200%).15 The drug is not metabolised by cyto- In subjects with severe renal impairment, higher
chrome P450 system,13,15,143 and almost all of the Cmax (by 35%) and AUC (by 55%) are found, and a
oral dose is excreted unchanged in faeces (Table 7), decrease in ClT by 95%,119,120 however, dosage
mainly by the biliary route.13,15,143 A small amount adjustment is not necessary in patients with renal
of a glucuronide (11%) of telmisartan is found in impairment.119,120 Hepatic disease causes an
the circulation.15 increase in AUC (40%),123 and it is recommended to
individualise the dose of eprosartan, based on toler-
Valsartan: When given as a capsule, 19–23% of the ability and response, in patients with liver dis-
dose of valsartan is absorbed.8,14,15,144,145 Oral ease.123
bioavailability (Table 6a) is about 19% (range 10– Ethnic differences have been noted in the pharma-
35%) if given as a capsule, but 39–51% if given as cokinetic parameters of irbesartan: compared to
a solution.8,14,15,145,146 The Tmax of valsartan is 2– 4 h Whites, Blacks have a higher AUC (25%; NS, P =
after the administration of a capsule;8,14,15 the 0.11), Cmax, and plasma trough levels, and t. (20%)
absorption is more rapid if the drug is given as a of irbesartan.14,15,151 The elderly patients have higher
solution (Tmax = 1 h).145 Food decreases Cmax by 50% AUC (20– 43%) and Cmax (50%) of the drug than
and AUC by 40%.14,15 The Cmax and AUC increase young patients, but the t. is not changed.14,15,150 The
linearly with increasing dose (range 80–320 mg).8 renal clearance of irbesartan is decreased in elderly
Protein binding of valsartan is high (94 –97%, females.150 However, these changes are not clini-
mainly to albumin),14,15,147 and its Vd is 17 L.14,15,145 cally significant and no dosage adjustment is rec-
The ClT of valsartan is 37 mL/min (Table 6b), and ommended based on ethnicity, gender or
plasma elimination t. is in the range of 6– age.6,14,15,27,32,150 Mild-to-moderate renal insuf-
10 h.14,15,144–146,148 The drug does not accumulate sig- ficiency does not influence the pharmacokinetics of
nificantly (⬍20%) after repeated dosing.8,14,15 irbesartan,14,15,27,152,153 and significant drug accumu-
Valsartan is eliminated mainly by biliary lation does not occur.153 Irbesartan is not cleared by
excretion as unchanged drug in faeces (Table 7; 80– haemodialysis.14,15,153 Based on pharmacokinetic
85%).8,14,15,148 Urinary excretion (mainly unchanged data, the starting dose need not be adjusted in sub-
drug) accounts for 7%, 13% and 29% of the dose jects with mild-to-severe renal impairment or in
given as a capsule, as a solution or intravenously, patients undergoing haemodialysis.14,15,152,153 How-
respectively.145,148 Valsartan is not metabolised by ever, dose adjustment may be necessary in volume-
the cytochrome P450 enzymes,14,15 but is converted or salt-depleted patients.153 No significant differ-
to inactive compounds (15–20% of the dose),14,15,145 ences were found in the pharmacokinetic para-
with only 9% in the circulation.146,148 meters of irbesartan in patients with hepatic insuf-
ficiency and healthy subjects,61,152 hence, no dosage
adjustment is necessary in these patients.14,15,61,152
Pharmacokinetics of angiotensin receptor blockers
Aging does not influence the pharmacokinetics of
in special populations (Table 8)
losartan.14,15 Rare cases of poor metabolisers of losar-
No gender differences are observed in the pharmaco- tan (who convert only 1% of the dose of losartan to
kinetic parameters of candesartan,12,14,15 eprosar- EXP3174) have been have been reported.14,15,154 In
tan,11,149 EXP3174,14,15 irbesartan,6,14,15,32,41,150 and these individuals, plasma EXP3174 levels are very
valsartan.14,15 But, female subjects were found to low and the t. is long.155 The pharmacokinetics of
have twice as high Cmax for losartan14,15 and telmisar- losartan or its active metabolite EXP3174 in patients
tan15 as in males; the AUC of telmisartan is also with heart failure are similar to those in healthy sub-
higher (250%) in females than in males.15 However, jects, and hence no dosage adjustment is needed in
these differences do not require adjustment of doses these patients.133 In patients with severe renal dis-
in female patients.15 ease, the AUC and t. of losartan increase by 50%;
Elderly patients have higher AUC and Cmax of can- but these parameters are not affected for
desartan (by 50% and 80%, respectively), compared EXP3174.14,15 Renal excretion of both losartan and
to young subjects, however, no initial dosage adjust- EXP3174 decrease significantly.137 Neither losartan
ment has been recommended based on age.12,14,15 In nor EXP3174 are removed by haemodialysis.14,15 No
mild to moderate renal insufficiency, higher serum dosage adjustment is needed in patients with renal
levels of the drug are observed, and in severe dis- impairment, unless they are also volume-
ease, Cmax and AUC are increased two-fold.14,15 The depleted.9,14,15 The pharmacokinetics of losartan are
drug is not removed by haemodialysis.14,15 In mild altered in hepatic disease. In patients with mild to

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S80 Table 8 Pharmacokinetics of angiotensin receptor blockers in special populations

Angiotensin Tmax Cmax AUC Clearance Accuma

receptor blockers

Candesartan cilexetil ↑ 50%1 ↑ 80%1 No1

↑ ↑ ↓2s
nc3 100%2s 100%2s nc3 ↓3s 20%3
nc3 nc3
Eprosartan ↑1 ↑ 100%1 ↑ 100%1
nc2s ↑2s ↑ 55%2s ↓ 95%2s No2s
↑3 ↑ 40%3 Yes3
Irbesartan ↓1 ↑ 50%1 ↑ 40%1 ↓1 No1
nc2,2s,3 nc2,2s,3 nc2,2s,3 nc2,2s,3 No2,2s,3
Losartan nc1,2,4 nc1,2,4 nc1,2,4 nc1,2,4
↑2s ↑2s ↓2s
↑ 500%3 ↓ 50%3
Telmisartan nc1,2 nc1,2 nc1,2 No1,2
↑ 100%3 ↑ 100%3 ↓3
Valsartan ↑ 70%3 ↓1
nc2 nc2 nc2 No2
↑3 ↑3 ↑ 100%3 ↓3

After repeated dosing; nc = no change.
Patients: 1 = elderly; 2 = with mild to moderate renal impairment; 3 = with mild to moderate liver disease; 4 = with heart failure; s =
with severe disease.

moderate liver cirrhosis, plasma levels of losartan Interactions of angiotensin receptor blockers with
and EXP3174 are five- and 1.7-fold higher, respect- other drugs (Table 9)
ively, than in normal controls.14,15 Compared to nor-
mal subjects, patients with liver disease have a two- No significant drug interactions occur when candes-
fold higher oral bioavailability and 50% lower ClT artan cilexetil is co-administered with glyburide,
of losartan.14,15 Based upon pharmacokinetic data, a nifedipine, digoxin, warfarin, hydrochlorothiazide,
lower starting dose of losartan is recommended in oral contraceptives.14,15 Since candesartan is not
patients with hepatic impairment.14,15 metabolised by the cytochrome P450 system and it
The pharmacokinetic parameters of telmisartan do has no effect on these enzymes, inhibitors and
not change with age, hence, adjustment of doses of inducers of the P450 enzymes are not expected to
telmisartan are not needed in the elderly interact with candesartan.14,15
patients.13,15 Mild to moderate renal insufficiency Eprosartan has no clinically significant effect on
does not influence pharmacokinetics of telmisar- the pharmacokinetics of digoxin157 or the coagu-
tan.13,15 The drug is not removed by haemo- lation parameters of warfarin.158 Similarly, eprosar-
dialysis.15 In patients with hepatic disease, plasma tan has no effect on glucose profile in non-insulin-
concentrations increase as a result of increased dependent diabetic patients stabilized on glybur-
bioavailability.15 Telmisartan should be avoided or ide.159 Hence, no dosage adjustment of warfarin,
used with caution in patients with severe renal digoxin or glyburide is necessary if co-administered
impairment, renal artery stenosis, impaired hepatic with eprosartan.
function, severe congestive heart failure, and in vol- Since eprosartan is not metabolised by cyto-
ume- and/or salt-depleted patients, since doses chrome P450 system, it has a low potential for inter-
lower than 40 mg are not available.13,15 action with drugs which inhibit or are substrates for
Valsartan pharmacokinetics is altered in the eld- this enzyme system.11 For example, fluconazole124
erly patients; the AUC increases by 70% and t. is or ranitidine160 do not have a significant effect on
prolonged by 35%,8,14,15 however, no dosage adjust- the pharmacokinetics of eprosartan.
ment is necessary.8,14,15 The pharmacokinetics of Administration of hydrochlorothiazide to hyper-
valsartan is not related to the degree of renal impair- tensive patients14,15,128 or nifedipine to normal vol-
ment, hence no dosage adjustment is recommended unteers14,15,161 has no effect on the pharmacokinetics
for mild to moderate renal insufficiency.8,14,15 How- of irbesartan. Irbesartan does not alter the pharmaco-
ever, pharmacokinetic data are not available to make dynamics or pharmacokinetics of warfarin,14,15,162 or
recommendations in patients with severe renal digoxin.14,15,27 hence no dosage adjustment of warfa-
impairment. The drug is not removed by haemo- rin or digoxin is necessary.27 Fluconazole, at a dose
dialysis.14,15 In patients with mild to moderate hep- of 200 mg/day, significantly increases the AUC
atic disease, a two-fold increase in AUC is observed (63%) and Cmax (19%) of irbesartan without affecting
and the t. is prolonged,14,15,156 but, no dosage adjust- the Tmax;129 dosage adjustment may be needed if the
ment is needed in such patients.14,15 No pharmacoki- two drugs are co-prescribed.
netic data are available in patients with severe hep- Losartan does not alter the pharmacokinetics of
atic diseases. digoxin163 or pharmacokinetics and pharmacodyn-

Journal of Human Hypertension

Clinical pharmacokinetics of ARBs in hypertension
ZH Israili

Table 9 Drug interactions with angiotensin receptor blockers S81

Other DRUG:→ Warfarina Digoxina Glyburidea HCTZb Phenobarbitalb Cimetidineb Ketoconazoleb

receptor blocker ↓ Pk Act PK Act PK Act PK Act PK Act PK Act PK Act

Candesartan no no no no no ↑
Eprosartan no no no no no no ↑
Irbesartan no no no no ↑ no no
Losartan no no no no no ↑ min no min no no no
Telmisartan min no yes ↑ no ↑
Valsartan no no no no no no ↑ yes no yes no

Effect of ARB on the drug; beffect of the drug on ARB; min, minimum; PK: pharmacokinetic interaction; Act, effect on activity;
HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide.

amics of warfarin,164 hence, no dosage adjustment of There are no pharmacokinetic interactions of val-
digoxin or warfarin are needed. There is no clini- sartan with amlodipine, atenolol, digoxin, furose-
cally significant pharmacokinetic interaction mide, glyburide, hydrochlorothiazide, indome-
between losartan and hydrochlorothiazide in hyper- thacin and warfarin.14,15,174 Cimetidine increases the
tensive patients.165 Cmax of valsartan (due to enhanced absorption) by
Inhibitors of drugs metabolised by the cytochrome 51%, but the increase has no clinical significance;
P450 system have variable effects on the pharmacok- valsartan has no effect on the pharmacokinetics of
inetics of losartan. For example, erythromycin,136 cimetidine.14,15,144
ketoconazole,166 or fluvastatin167 do not have any
significant effect on the steady-state pharmacokinet-
Pharmacokinetic differences among the
ics of losartan and EXP3174. Cimetidine does not
angiotensin receptor blockers
cause a significant change in the pharmacokinetics
(18% increase in AUC) or pharmacodynamics of los- (1) Most of the antihypertensive activity of candesar-
artan.168 On the other hand, grapefruit juice (an tan cilexetil and losartan is due to the metabolites,
inhibitor of dug metabolism) increases the AUC of while eprosartan, irbesartan, telmisartan and valsar-
losartan (by 14%), and decreases the AUC of tan are inherently active. (2) The systemic bioavail-
EXP3174 (by 19%),169 while fluconazole, decrease ability varies widely among the ARBs, from a low
the conversion of losartan to EXP-3174.124,170 of 10% for valsartan to as high as 80% for irbesartan.
Among the inducers of drug metabolism, pheno- (3) Food alters the bioavailability of only eprosartan
barbital171 has minimal effect on the pharmacokinet- and valsartan, and not that of other ARBs. (4)
ics (20% increase in the AUC) of losartan or Despite high plasma protein binding of ARBs, their
EXP3174. However, both rifampin and phenytoin Vd vary widely, from 9 L (candesartan) to 500 L
alter the pharmacokinetics of losartan. Rifampin (telmisartan). (5) There is a large variation in plasma
increases the clearance of both losartan and elimination t. of ARBs: shortest for candesartan
EXP3174 (decrease in AUC and t., and increase in cilexetil and losartan (1– 4 h) and longest for telmis-
oral ClT).136 Phenytoin increases the AUC of losartan artan (21–38 h). (5) Only candesartan and eprosartan
by 66% and decreases the ClT by 32% (due to com- are not metabolised to a significant extent. (6) Only
petitive inhibition of metabolism of losartan to eprosartan and telmisartan do not display dose
EXP3174); it also decreases the AUC of the metab- related pharmacokinetics. (7) Gender differences
olite by 64% (by simultaneous induction of the exist in the pharmacokinetics of only irbesartan, los-
metabolism of EXP3174);172 the t. of losartan is not artan and telmisartan. (8) The pharmacokinetics of
altered. only irbesartan, losartan and telmisartan are not alt-
Thus, pharmacokinetic interactions of losartan ered in renal disease. (9) The pharmacokinetics of
with certain inducers and inhibitors of cytochrome only candesartan and irbesartan are not altered in
P450 enzymes may be clinically significant. hepatic disease. (10) The only clinically important
There are no clinically significant drug interact- pharmacokinetic drug–drug interaction requiring
ions of telmisartan with warfarin, acetaminophen, dosage adjustments is for the telmisartan-digoxin
amlodipine, glibenclamide, ibuprofen and hydro- combination.
chlorothiazide.13,15 Warfarin has no effect on the
pharmacokinetic parameters of telmisartan.13,15,173
Telmisartan reduces the trough plasma levels of
warfarin, but without affecting coagulation para- The angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) rep-
meters.13,15,173 Since telmisartan causes variable resent a relatively new class of effective and well
increases in serum digoxin levels, digoxin levels tolerated, orally active antihypertensive agents. The
should be monitored in patients taking this drug beneficial effects of therapy with the ARBs go
combination.15 As telmisartan is not metabolised by beyond blood pressure control. Although, the ARBs
cytochrome P450 enzymes and it has no effect on share the same mechanism of action, their pharmac-
the activities of cytochrome P450 enzymes, it is not odynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles vary from
expected to interact with drugs metabolised by compound to compound. The ARBs may prove to
these enzymes.15 have beneficial haemodynamic and neurohormonal

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