Americun Ceramic Society: Journal

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VOL. 36, NO.


Americun Ceramic Society

Relation Between Bond and the Surface Physics

of Masonry Units
The Detroit Edison Company, Detroit, Michigan

While the author and his colleagues were doing The author believes that what has been found indicates
research work with mortars, it was noticed that bond weaknesses in certain finishes of masonry units and that
many brick had high capillarity on rough or these weaknesses should be recognized by both manufacturers
sanded surfaces and little or none on others. and users.
This led to bond tests during which it became
evident that there was a relation between the 1. Introduction
kind of surface on a unit and the amount of bond. EAKING masonry walls have plagued the building industry
Further experiments with chimneys or wells.
showed that (1) leakage and extent of dye pene-
tration coincided closely with the previous labora-
L and building owners for many years. Considerable re-
search work has been done and many papers and reports
have been published. Many things have been found that
tory bond tests, ( 2 ) there was excellent bond and affect the permeability of walls.
practically no dye penetration with smooth brick, About one year ago, while working with technicians of the
which had little or no capillarity, (3) bond de- Huron Portland Cement Company, on mortars, we stumbled
creased and dye penetration increased according on something that caused us to initiate a series of experiments
to the surface, and (4) a s the capillarity of the which had astonishing results. As so often happens, the most
surface increased, the bond decreased. It be- significant data found were not at all what we set out to try to
came apparent that while there are differences in determine.
mortars in respect to bond, these differences are Our attention was attracted to something that has not been
rather small when compared with the effect considered heretofore. Although we do not by any means
caused by the surfaces of masonry units. wish to create the impression that it is the cause of all leaks,
there appears to be little doubt but that it has in many cases
contributed materially to leakage in masonry. We believe
Foreword that we have found that the surface physics, i.e., the surface
This paper is the result of more than a year of research on texture of masonry units, affects bond and therefore leakage.
the part of the author and his colleagues. The findings We have never been afraid to use matts, rugs, or sand-finish
shown are those that they obtained. With other units brick because it was believed that a rough surface gave a bet-
and different conditions, the results might have differed. The ter bond. Our experiments, however, have caused us to ques-
significant thing is that the observations always appear to tion this belief.
point in the same direction. Individual results may not be We have taken an active interest in the problem of wall
too important, but trends call for thoughtful consideration. leakage for more than twenty years and have conducted many
Some of the things observed in this work bothered the au- experiments during this time. On several occasions brick
thor as much as they will the brick manufacturers and dealers. chimneys, or wells, were built of both common brick of high
If, however, what have been found in this research project absorption and smooth shale brick of about 791, absorption.
are facts, and all who have gone through the experiments step These chimneys were built with mortars of different lime con-
by step have no reason to doubt them, they must be faced. tent. The smooth shale brick gave practically leakproof
walls; common brick, however, permitted leaks, but it was
found that by using more lime, fewer leaks occurred. It is
Presented at the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting, The American emphasized that leakproof walls could be achieved with
Ceramic Society, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 29, 1952 (Structural Clay smooth brick. We have had little trouble with leaks, the cause
Products Division, No. 6). Received September 15, 1952.
The author is the architect for The Detroit Edison Company of which could not be definitely traced, but have used smooth
and is a member of the American Institute of Architects. brick in most cases.
106 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Thornton Vol. 36, No. 4
Thirty-seven brick of different makes and finishes were
stood on end in a large flat pan with the water “ 8 in. deep;
the water surface line was marked on each specimen. At the
end of 15 minutes, the distance the water had risen on each
face was marked on the brick.
Brick whose finish had direction, e.g., vertically scored
brick, were also placed in the water on one side. This showed
clearly that the rise could he practically nil one way but very
great in the other.
The surtace finish of the brick affected the capillary action.
3 1 5
Here, in using the terni “capillarity,” we are talking about the
finish of the brick that causes the water to move along its sur-
Fig. 1 . Differential pressure (water in inches) b e t w e e n exterior face.
a n d interior of building. It has been considered that a brick whose suction rate is
less than 20 gm., according to the forniula’

W’ - IV
s = ~ A x 30
A few years ago a bad case of leaking walls arosc in one of
our buildings wherc a sand-finish facebrick had been used.
Instruments were placed on the walls and up to 0.7 in. of water S = suction rate (gm./min.).
differential pressure between the interior and exterior of the W = weight of unit before partial immersion (gm.).
W’ = weight of unit after partial immersion for 1 minute (gin ).
wall was found a t certain times. The arrows in Fig. 1 indi- A = net cross-sectionalarea of surface of unit immersed (sq. in. 1.
cate the direction and velocity of wind, the average for the
day, and the maximum. The temperatures and barometric does not need wetting. Our experiments have shown that
pressures are also shown. The top curve is the west wall; the this may not always be true, that surface capillary action
lower curve, the north. Note that April 2 and 4 showed high must also be considered, that certain brick with a suction rate
difTerentia1pressure. When the .walls were opened, the work- a5 low as 1.8 gm. but with high surface capillary action may
nianship was reported as good, but it is suspected that this need wetting or the use of better mortar than we now employ.
covercd full joints only. At the time, the leaks were attri- The tests showed a wide range of suction rates (from 0.9Fi to
buted to the abnormal suction and to the fact that there was 106.1 gm.); only four, however, were above the 20-gm. limit.
probably poor bond between the mortar and the salt-glazed These tests indicated that we must look elsewhere for the
ends of the brick tile used for interior finish. It appears now cauSe of poor bond.
that the sand finish of the brick caused much of the trouble.
During the difficult time with this building, the masonry 111. Surface Capillarity Experiments
foreman suggested that the sanded brick might be causing the Figures 2 to 7, inclusive, show the results obtained by set-
trouble. We arc embarrassed that we did not follow his lead ting the various brick in “8 in. of water and recording the sur-
a t that time. face rise on the brick in 15 minutes. Note in each the dif-
I n another case o€ bad leakage (not one of our buildings), a ference of the rise on the back and on the face.
sand-finish brick was used. The mortar appeared to be poor Figure 2 shows the capillary action on rug-finish brick.
and had a high capillary action. It now seems probable that Kugs are scored and then rerolled and come in many degrees
the sand finish of the brick may have caused less bond than of roughness. The rerolling causes undercuts. Note that on
there would have been otherwise. Mortar taken from the the smooth backs, the water does not rise, but on the face the
wall showed that the surface next to the brick had the glazed rise is related to the roughness of the texture. Continuous
smoothness typical of no bond. roughness pulls up the water; smooth spots stop it. When
In both cases the brick themselves were hard-burned shale the brick are placed on the bed, the water rises badly, often
h i c k with the proper amount of suction for good bond (a covering the whole face and going up over the top. Note
brick we have used for many years in the smooth finish with that sample No. 20 has a suction rate of 10.53 gm. whereas
little difficulty). sample No. 30 has a suction rate of 1.84 gm. only; No. 30,
Two other cases have come to our attention: (1) a smooth however, has higher capillarity.
brick where there was no leakage and (2) a rug brick that Figure 3 shows matt-texture brick; some are very rough
leaked badly. and others are nearly smooth. Where the cuts contact each
other, the water rises rapidly; if the cuts are few and do not
II. A Discovery connect, the smooth sections act as dams.
The author was called in on some experiments that thc Figure 4 shows the results on smooth and semismooth fin-
Huron Portland Cement Company wished to make. Some ishes. Samples Nos. 1, 2, 19, and 26 show little or no rise.
chimneys built of an Ohio rug shale brick leaked badly with The semismooth samples, Nos. 13 and 25, show little rise ex-
different mortars, contrary to our previous experiments with cept on sanded areas and around rough punchings.
Ohio shale brick. The workmanship was of the best in both Vertically scored brick (Fig. 5) show little rise except on
cases. While observing these chimneys, we noted that the rough areas. The smooth sections between the scores act as
water in the chimneys climbed up the inner surface and over dams. When the brick are placed on the bed, it is a different
the top. When dye was used in the water and the walls were story. The rise is determined by the roughness of the scores;
torn down, little bond was found for 11/2 in. from the face. some brick show small rise and others show high capillarity.
The water evidently had been drawn from the mortar before Figure ci shows the rise on common brick. The suction
bond had been obtained. rate is high (106.1 gm. in one brick), but the surface capillary
In searching for the cause, we first asked ourselves what the action is relatively low. The whole brick, of course, absorbs
difference was hetween these chimneys and those formerly water, i.e., the water goes in as it rises; the brick therefore
tested. The difference appeared to be only in the finish of the shows less rise than it would otherwise.
brick. When samples of the shale brick were placed in ‘/2 in.
of water, the water climbed rapidly up the rug face but did not
rise on the smooth back. We decided to go into the problem
1 H. C. Plummer, Brick and Tile Engineering. Structural
further and test a number of brick with different surface Clay Products Institute, Washington, D. C., 1950, p. 86; Cernm.
treatments. Abstracts. 1951, May. p. 85g.
April 1953 Bond and Surface Physics of Masonry Units 107

Figs. 2-7. Capillarity tests on various types of brick.

The results of a most interesting experiment are shown in

Fig. 7, our sand-mold and sand-finish specimens. Numbers 4
and 5 are sand-mold brick; the rise occurs on all sides and is
very high. The rise on all the others is high on the sanded
faces, but the suction rate is not high.
Figure 8 is a composite of the capillary action and the suc-
tion rate of 35 brick and indicates that there is no relation be-
tween the two. It also shows that the surface finish of the
brick governs the capillary action.
IV. Bond Tests
Up to this time we had thought that when good bond in
Fig. 8. Composite chart showing relation of capillarity and suction.
head joints was not achieved, the capillary action of the ma-
sonry unit and also of the mortar would help water through
the wall. We had surniised by observation on the job that
the voids on the brick were not filled; to determine, therefore, lowed to set for 4 hours. The test was made with much bet-
how far this went, differently finished brick were laid and al- ter workmanship than i s usually found on the job.
108 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Thornton Vol. 36, No. 4
100 100 100 100
90 90 90 90
80 80 00 80
70 70 c] 0
E 70 70
60 60%-
0 5 g 60 60
6 50 50 Ez
El= 2
I 50 50

40 40 $g d 40 40 *
. . . . . .. .
30 'z 30 30
T :
... .
20 20
10 SANDED. 10 x

0 0
s 10 10

(Al 0 0
Fig. 10. Comparison of bond after 4 hours and after 4 days. Mor-
100 100 tar, 1 :1:6.

90 90
80 80 Sand-mold brick showed very poor bond. The brick
70 70 fell away from the head and bed joints without disturbing the
mortar and practically no mortar adhered to the brick. The
60 60 8 bond on semimatt-texture brick was rather poor. Mortar
g 50 50

did not fill all voids and did not bond to the rough areas.
Mortar did not bond or fill all the voids of matt-texiure
40 40 brick. The bond on vertically scored brick was fair. The
30 30 mortar adhered to the smooth surfaces between the scores.
Some scores were not filled. Mortar bonded to the entire
20 . . .. .. .. .. .. .
.2 20 head joint of smooth-surfaced brick, covering the end of the
10 10 brick completely. This appeared to bear out the permeability
tests with chimneys, which showed that tighter walls were ob-
0 0 tained with smooth brick.
Although we appeared to have found a reason for certain
100 100 masonry leakage, we were much concerned, for we liked to use
the kind of brick finishes that did not show up well. The ex-
90 90 periments were continued, therefore, in an effort to find what
80 80 could be done so that other than smooth brick could be used
with good results.
70 70 The next experiment was conducted to determine the effect
60 60 of waterproofing on capillary action and bond. The heads of
2 50 50 E the brick were treated with waterproofing and the brick were
allowed to dry. Both a silicone and a wax-base product were
40 40 used and a comparison was made between the waterproofings
and between the treated and untreated surfaces. The treated
30 30
ends were tested for capillary action and it was found that
. . . . . -33
20 this treatment stopped the action entirely on all finishes.
The brick were then tested for bond as before. The treated
10 10
half of each brick end showed a much better bond than the un-
0 0 treated half. There was little or no difference between water-
fCl proofed ends, both showing good bond. This was very notice-
Fig. 9. Bond tests on ( A ) dry and waterproofed brick; (B) dry and able on the sand-finish brick; the treated halves showed a
soaked brick; and ( C ) dry and moistened brick. Mortar, 1:1:6;
t y p e 4 lime.
i%Y0bond and the untreated halves showed 15 to 35% bond.
When the brick were tapped lightly, the sand-mold brick
came away from the bed-joint mortar cleanly, not bringing
any mortar with them. Even the frogs in several brick were
The mortar used for this experiment was a 1: 1: 6 mix, using left perfectly in the mortar bed joint, no mortar being picked
Portland cement, a pressure-hydrated t y p e 3 lime, and pit up. The mortar used was a 1:1:6 mix. Figure 9 ( A )
sand (mortar sand) conforming to A.S.T.M. specifications. shows the comparison. Bond appears to have increased on
A 1/2-in. bed of mortar was laid and a smooth-surfaced brick all surfaces tested, but it is more prominent on sanded and
was embedded in i t ; thcrcri-fter mortar was placed on the end sand-mold brick. The percentages were taken visually and
oi each brick with a trowel and precautions were taken to therefore of course are approximate.
make sure that the end was covered completely with a t least Although the suction tests indicated that under presently
3/4 in. of mortar. The brick was then embedded in the bed accepted standards the brick that we were concerned about
mortar and pushed against the adjoining brick so that the did not require wetting, we proceeded with tests in which the
mortar at the head joint squeezed out enough to leave a 3/8-in. brick were (1) wetted by dipping in water and (2) simply
joint. This procedure was followed with each brick to make dampened.
sure that each head joint was properly filled. After 4 hours Figure 9 ( B ) compares dry brick and brick soaked for 1
each brick was knocked loose with a hammer and tapped un- minute. The mortar was 1:1:6 as before.
til the mortar fell away from the brick. The end faces were Soaking brick does not help bond much except in some cases
then inspected. of sanded and sand-mold brick, where it helps a great deal.
April 1958 Bond and Surface Physics of Masonry Units 109
Table 1. Surface Capillarity from Mortar Joints

Shows moisture (%) drawn from mortar joint in which brick is set.
Readings taken with Kaydel moisture tester using black scale.
Distance from mortar (in.)
’/a ‘/a ‘/z a/, 1 11/4

Brick No. 4 (Sand-Mold)

15 inin. 8 2 0
30 niin. 15 3 0
45 inin. 8 2 0
1 hr. 4 1 0
1 hr. 30 min. 2 0
2 hr. 2 0
2 hr. 30 inin. 0
Brick No. 4 (Sand-Mold)
15 niin. 10 8 9 10 0
30 niin. 10 10 15 17 18 0
45 niin. 7 7 10 17 18 0
I hr. 6 6 7 10 8 0
1 hr. 30 niin. 5 4 0 Fig. 1 1. Bond tests. l e f t column shows bond with dry brick; right column,
2 hr. 4 1 0 moist brick. Third column for brick No. 33 shows that soaking gives better
2 hr. 30 niin. 1 0 bond. Horizontal lines show better bond on buttered head.

Brick No. 5 (Sand-Mold)

15 niin. 13 4 2 0
30 niin. 6 3 3 2 2 0
45 inin. 5 3 3 2 2 0
1 hr. 5 3 3 2 1 0 Further ex~erimentswere then conducted on drv and moist
1 hr. 30 inin. 5 3 3 2 1 0 brick. Figuie I1 indicates the extent of bond. The left
2 hr. column shows bond with dry brick; the right column shows
2 hr. 30 inin.
3 hr. bond with moist brick. Note that the percentage of bond is in
many cases decidedly different on the buttered end than on the
Brick No. 7 (Vcrtically Scored) backup end. The buttered end really gets two shoves and the
15 I n i n . 15 11 7 3 0 mortar is possibly a little wetter. If a long bed of mortar is
45 niin. 6 2 0
1 hr. 15 min. 3 1 0 laid, it will be found that the bed-joint bond is much better on
1 hr. 45 inin. 0 the first brick laid than on the last. With matt-texture brick,
Brick No. 9 (Sand-Finish) the mortar is often buttered against the grain and the voids
are filled. The upper line, in some cases, shows the difference
15 min. 17 9 5 3 0
30 min. 12 8 5 3 2 0 in bond of the two ends. We, however, take the poor bond,
45 inin. 12 6 5 3 2 0 as a wall is no better than its poorest joint. It was also noted
1 hr. 9 5 4 1 0 that when a smooth-surfaced brick is laid next to a rough
1 hr. 30 mill. 6 4 3 1 0 brick, the mortar breaks away from the rough brick and
2 hr. 4 3 2 0
2 hr. 30 min. 2 I 0 sticks to the smooth.
3 hr. 2 0 Figure 11 shows that with smooth brick of low suction, a
good bond is obtained when the brick are laid dry; moistening
BI-ick No. 35 (Rug)
does not help and can reduce the bond.
15 inin. 5 4 4 0
30 niin. 9 9 6 0 The vertically scored brick are not helped by wetting.
45 min. 4 5 1 0 There is lack of bond only because the mortar does not get
1 hr. 5 4 3 0 into the scores. It is about the same with matt-texture brick.
1 hr. 30 inin. 6 5 5 1 0 A third column is shown with cinder brick No. 33, as soaking
2 hr. 6 5 3 2 0
2 hr. 30 niiii. 5 5 3 2 0 appears to give better bond than simply moistening.
Moistening helps a little on some rugs and, as with matts,
the wetting helps with certain kinds of roughness but not with
The results on sanded brick are astonishing; in the case of
the two sand-mold brick, moistening increases the bond to
Figurc 9 (C) shows the results of simply moistening the 95%. Practically all the rest show considerable improvement
brick. On sand-mold brick, the bond jumps from 15 and 25 by moistening, with one of the adverse to prove the rule.
to 95c%,. Most of the sanded brick show an improvement. In tests such as these, do not be misled by small percent-
Moistening docs not help the rug-texture brick. ages; too many factors can change them. Only trends should
T o dctcrmine the bond after setting for 4 days instead of for be studied.
4 hours, five brick were tested. We know, of course, that It has been shown that the mix used was 1: 1: 6. Nearly
bond docs increase a certain amount with age This experi- every test was made with 1: 1:6, 1 :2 : 8 (using t y p e 3 lime), a
nicnt (Fig. LO) and later tests showed that the 4-hour test niasonry cement (mixed 1:3), and a few other experimental
gave a good indication of bond. mixes. The results varied a few percentage on different brick
We next tricd to detennine what effect surface texture had but averaged very well. To determine the proper sand con-
on drawing water out ol a mortar joint, knowing, of course, tent, a Voss plastometer was used.
that if the water is drawn from the mortar, as in the case of a Note that the brick with the crosses under the number do
conimon brick of high suction, good bond is not achieved not show up well when dry, when damp, or when any type of
Table I shows rather clearly that some brick do draw water mortar is used.
out of joints as much as 1 in. and for a period of a t least 2 Color photographs were taken of several tests. As i t is im-
hours. It also shows that other brick are not very bad in this possible to reproduce them here in color, they are shown in
respect. Brick No. 4 shows rather well in one case and poorly black and white. They do not, however, show the results so
in anothcr. This brick varies considerably, as will be dis- clearly. In each of these pictures, note the end of the brick
cussed later. only.
110 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Thocnton Vol. 36, No. 4

Fig. 16. Brick No. 23, a matt-texture brick, was laid with l:l:6
mortar using regular lime that had not been soaked. The mix was
on the dry side, which often happens. The result is a poor bond.

Fig. 17. This matt, brick No. 31, was broken to show the difference
in bond between the buttered and backup ends.

Fig. 18. Brick No. 4 is a sand-mold brick. Brick 4-A is a well-

burned brick which sheds its sand better. The underburned brick
(4-B) does not shed its sand and poor bond results.

Brick No. 1, a smooth iron-spot brick, shows excellent bond

when laid either damp or dry (Fig. 12).
Brick No. 6, a vertically scored specimen, shows clearly
that the mortar does not get into the scores but has good bond
on smooth sections (Fig. 13).
Brick No. 7 , another vertically scored brick, shows consid-
erable difference in bond between the buttered and backup
Fig. 12. Brick No, 1, a smooth iron-spot. Brick 1 -A was laid damp; ends (Fig. 14).
1-B was laid dry. The bond is the same in both cases, excellent.
Brick No. 35, a rug-texture brick that showed bad leakage
in the chimney tests, indicates that the mortar does not get
Fig. 13. Brick No. 6,vertically scored. The mortar does not get into
the scores i f they are deep. into the voids. I t is better on these specimens than wss usu-
ally found (Fig. 15).
Fig. 14. Brick No. 7, vertically scored. The brick was broken to
Brick No. 2 3 in Fig. 16 was laid with 1: 1: 6 mortar using
show the difference in bond between the buttered and backup ends. regular lime that had not been soaked; the mix was a little on
the dry side, which 6ften happens, The mortar was too stiff
Fig. 15. Rug brick No. 35. Mortar does not fill the voids. to get into the voids. As a result, the bond is very poor.
April 1953 Bond and Surface Physics of Masonry Units 111

Fig. 22. Test chimneys or wells.

dampened. The dampened brick show better bond than the

wet mortar, but both of them are very much better than
when laid dry.
Brick No. 37, a sanded brick laid dry, shows extremely poor
bond (Fig. 20).

V. Bond in an Old Wall

A wall built in 1941 to enclose a transformer had to be torn
down recently. The brick were i~iadeof a mixture that siniu-
lated autumn shades and most of them were sanded. No mor-
tar clung to the ends of many of the brick removed, but some
of the smooth brick did have mortar on them. Several of the
brick are shown (Fig. 21), illustrating the lack of bond. Leak-
age of the wall could not be determined, as the wall was exposed
on both sides. When the brick were broken apart, it \was
found that there was no bond between the sanded face and the
mortar. A little of the sand was carried on the mortar. The
significant thing was that back 4 or 5 in. from the face, the
mortar was glazed, showing that there had never been any
bond. The back of the brick, which was smooth and was, of
course, laid with the same mortar, showed excellent bond.
Our results seemed to prove that the surface texture of ma-
sonry units affected bond to a great extent, but brickinen said:
“So what? How do we know that it affects leakage?” This,
indeed, was a fair question. By this time, our experiments
were well known and we were asked for assistance on many
Fig. 19. Brick No. 5, a sand-mold brick, was laid in four different ways: occasions. In this manner, we learned of several jobs that
5-A, a very wet mortar; 5-B (two brick), dampened; 5-C, 1 :2:8 mortar;
5-D, masonry cement mortar.
were causing difficulty. The brick in questionwere
._______ usually the kind that had showed up badly in our experiments.
Fig. 20.
To find out if bond had any relation to leakage, eight chim-
Sanded brick, No. 37, with practically no bond.
neys were built, using four different mortars and six different
Fig. 2 1 . A sanded brick from a 10-year-old wall. Practically no band is
exhibited. Left ond center brick booked to show both sides of mortar joint.
Note glazed surface and loose sand on mortar at right. Back of brick in VI. First Chimney Experiments
some wall with same mortar showed good bond. The chimneys were approximately 4 f t . square (Fig. 22) and
8 in. thick and were 6 courses high (4 different brick in each
chimney). There were no headers. All joints were full and
the best workmanship was used throughout. This was not an
average job but was the best that could be laid. The joints
nrick No. 31, a matt-texture brick, shows much better bond between the different panels were laid in calking coinpound
on the buttered end; the mortar does not fill the voids (Fig. so that water could not get from one panel to another. All
17). joints were concave-tooled; just before introducing the water,
Brick No. 4, a sand-mold brick laid dry, shows very poor the raked-out joint a t the concrete floor was well calked. The
bond on one brick and good bond on another; these brick mason remarked that he did not see how there would be a
vary considerably (Fig. 18). Note that the darker well- single leak. Only the tops of the walls were covered with tar-
burned brick shows up better. This will be mentioned later paper, so that rain could not enter from the top of the wall;
when describing how the sand conies off the darker brick the sides were exposed. All brick were laid dry, except brick
more easily. No. 14, a common brick of high suction, which was wetted be-
Brick No. 5 (a sand-mold brick) was laid in four different fore laying.
ways (Fig. 19) : 5-C, a 1: 2 :8 mortar; 5-D, a masonry cement At the end of 30 days, water was introduced into each chim-
mortar; >-A, a very wet mortar; and 5-B (two brick), ney and an accurate record of each leak was kept. Although
112 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Thornton Vol. 36, No. 4



c-5EEEI3i m r3EzlEx %
W c-5 EEE33 EEH3

c - 4 m m m I-
c-4 €E?€€€I
mm c-3 EEE%
c-imm m LEEESL L
Fig. 23


B9 c-2

c-l EE€n Ei€E€U l€E€ll EEEal

Fig. 26

C-6 C-6

2W c-5 2
I- I-
9 c-4 w c-4
0 &
c -3
3 3 c-3
3 8
c-2 c-2

c-l EE€3 EEEE3l EEEEII C-l€€€€€l liE€!Hl €EEm €€€El

C-6 C-6

% c-5 $ c-5
2 W
w c-4 w c-4
& >-
c-3 c -3
3 5a
= €€EEll
c-2 c-2

c-1- EliEEEa c-1 EEEB EEErl El€En EE€E3l

[Fig. 291 [Fig. 30)

Figs. 23-30. Charts showing leaks in elevations and dyed areas a t each course on the
plans. The lighter dyed areas are the bed joints; head joints are dark.
April 1953 Bond and Surface Physics of M a s o n r y Units 113
Table II. Chimney Tests
( 1 ) Leaks
Mortar No.
Brick NO. 1 2 3 4 Total 80

1 0 0 0 0 0 70
4 14 13 7 3 8 17 20 18 100 ? 60
5 12 12 20 10 54 a
14 11 12 13 5 41 -1 50
28 1 2 2 1 6 & 40
35 9 11 7 2 12 2 3 3 49
- - I - - - - - - LT
Total 24 47 16 29 22 52 24 36 250 I
3 20
(2) Avcrage Leaks z
Mortar No.
Brick IGJ. 1 2 3 4 Total
Fig. 32. Curve showing time interval before leaks appeared in
1 0 0 0 0 0
12.5 (W)19 50 chimneys.
5 12
13.5 ( B ) 1; (W)20 (B) 10 54
14 11 12 (W)13 (B) 5 41
28 (€3) 1 (W) 2 (W) (B) 1 6
35 (W) 10 4.5 (B) 3 24.5 MORTAR 900
NO 4
__ __ __ - ___
Total 47.5 35.5 54.5 38 175.5
B = lowest number of leaks.
W = highest number of leaks.

I 128 (35 114 ( 4 ( 5
t I I I 1
60 Fig. 33. Dyed areas for the six brick and four mortars
50 indicate that the brick varied much more than the
10 Brick No. 28 (Fig. 24) is a sanded brick. The result is pe-
0 culiar, as more leaks were expected. The reason has been
found and will be discussed later.
Fig. 31. Curves showing laboratory bond tests in Brick No. 35 is a rough rug (suction rate 9.26 gm., but es-
comparison with leaks in chimneys. pecially high capillary action in a vertical direction). The
water completely covered the face and went over one-third of
the top in 15 minutes. This brick test was repeated, so that
two figures are shown (Figs. 25 and 26).
Figure 27 is brick No. 14, a sand-mold common brick of high
thc i i i r ~ s ~thought
ii that thcrc ~7ouldbe no leaks, two men were suction. These brick were wet when laid.
kept busy recording tlicin. Oiily one chimney was tested a t a Figures 28 and 29 are brick No. 4, a sand-mold brick.
time 'I'lierc were 250 leaks in the eight chimneys, but there Figure 30 is brick No. 5 , another sand-mold brick, which
was not a singlc leak with any mortar with the No. 1 brick, a shows up badly. The leaks came so fitst on these that it was
siiiooth iron-spot brick. As a record, each leak was circled difficult to keep up with them.
with yellow paint and colored pictures were taken of each
chimney VII. Charts of First Experiments
A t 45 days, dyc was put in the water and the chimneys were Section 1 in Table I1 shows the total number of leaks. As
iillcd again. Thcrc were fewcr leaks this time, which showed some of the panels were repeated, Section 2 shows the averages
tlyat if a building could be submerged, the leakage would be for each brick. Figure 31 is a graph that compares the results
reduced materially. Water furthers the chemical reaction of the previous laboratory bond tests and the leak tests. The
and tcnds to produce better bond. curves show that the bond tests were fairly indicative of the
A few days after the dye test, the chimneys were torn down leaks.
and the dye pciietration a t every joint was recorded carefully. We wondered about the time it took water to get through
Uetailcd drawings made of each brick panel showed the 30-day an 8-in. wall. Figure 32 was drawn from the records and
ledks and the number of minutes elapsing before e ~ c leak h ap- shows the time element for these tests. In each ease, most of
peared; plans of each course showed the extent of dye pene- the leaks occur between 10 and 20 minutes, 15 to 20 being the
tration on each joint. peak for all but one of the brick. After 25 minutes, the num-
The following figures show the results (bed joints are light, ber dwindles.
head joints are dark). This shows the results from outdoor tests. Later indoor
Brick No. 1 (Fig. 23), a smooth iron-spot brick, shows no tests showed that penetration of the panels averages a much
leaks with any mortar and the extent of dye penetration is longer time.
negligible. The bed joints of course No. I are not considered The areas were figured for both head and bed joints and
in any panel. put into chart form (Fig. 33); this graph was then made
113 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Thornton Vol. 36, No. 4

x =Leaks 3000 1
=Area Stained I

- 2000

Fig. 35. Photograph showing the effect of wire brushing on capii-

lority of sand-mold brick No. 4. Brick A, wire-brushed; brick 8,

Fig. 34. Graph showing results of various tests on sanded and

sand-maid brick.

could be removed by wire brushing; after removal of the

sand the capillarity decreased and the bond increased.
We also found that when a sand-mold brick was baked in an
showing the total areas for the different brick and the four oven overnight at 300°F., a very fine powder dropped easily
niortars. Note that the brick are in almost the same order as from it. One brick was wire-brushed; the others were tested
the\. are in the leak graphs. Only brick No. 14 changes place as they came. The sand was fine (140-mesh). The two
with brick No. 4. Note brick No. 28, as the characteristics brick in Fig. 35 were as nearly the same color as could be
o r this brick will be discussed later. Figure 33 shows that found. Note that the capillarity of the wire-brushed speci-
there is considerably less difference in mortars than in brick. men A is low, whereas the capillarity of the untreated brick B
The action of sanded and sand-mold brick was peculiar, so is high. In bond tests better bond was obtained with the
we decided to plot the actions of eight of these kinds of wire-brushed brick. Scraping also acted the same as wire
brick. The action of brick No. 28 was especially peculiar. brushing.
Tlic data obtained from the bond, capillary, leak, and stained-
area tests are plotted in Fig. 34. Another quick test for capil- VIII. Second Chimney Experiments
larity was also tried, i.e., one drop of water was placed on the When the results of the outdoor chimney tests were tabu-
surface of each brick and the time in seconds for the reflection lated, we found, as is usual, that more information was needed.
to di\appear was noted. The amounts given here are the We decided, therefore, to build 15 more chimneys inside, for
averages of iiiany trials. Two seconds is about the average winter approached, using several other brick and a few other
for several brick, but with brick No. 28 the average is 33 mortars that showed promising possibilities in the laboratory.
second\. This, of course, should be a curve in the opposite Brick Nos. 35 and 4 and mortar No. 3 were reused in order to
direction from the capillarity tests and so i t proves to be. It relate these tests to the outdoor experiments.
also givcs one reason why brick No. 28 shows up well. Figures 36 to 44, inclusive, show the leaks and dyed areas in
Some brickinen believe that the chimney test is rather se- the second or indoor tests.
vere. 'This may be true, but we feel that we have made up In Fig. 36 brick No. 32, a vertically scored brick, has very
for it by the almoqt perfect workmanship. low leakage and dye penetration is not excessive, which backs
I t should also be noted, in the figures showing the extent of up our previous thought regarding this brick.
(lye penetration, that penetration of the dye is extensive in A sanded brick, No. 37 (Fig. 37), showed results contrary to
the fifth and sixth courses where the water pressure is low. laboratory tests; we therefore tried to find the reason. The
I t is to be expected, of courge, that the penetration would be brick used in the laboratory had ends and faces with high
more general lowcr where the pressure is high, but there is not capillarity and had poor bond, as shown in Fig. 20. The brick
so much increase as would be expected. delivered for the test showed high capillarity on the face but
We were attempting to get answers on bond by using low capillarity on the head. This will be discussed later.
different finishes. These tests gave the answers. It can be Figure 38 shows a reuse of brick No. 28, which showed up
said that rain would not penetrate these walls. Rain does well on the first test. The brick used, however, had been
penetrate walls in every section of the country-walls built handled very little and there was loose sand on them. Here
with what is considered to be good average workmanship. there are considerably more leaks and dyed areas.
The weaknesses found in certain surfaces can, we have reason Brick No. 10, a rug, in Fig. 39, indicates that all rugs are not
to believe, cause leakage. bad. The capillarity on the end is very low. On the side i t
Brick No. 28 still bothered us, so the brick were studied un- is rather high, but not nearly so bad as brick No. 35, which
der the microscope. There was really not much sand on the leaked consistently with all mortars. The drop test shows
brick, but the sand that was there had made the surface a mass that brick No. 10 is two to five times better on the head and
of cups, which did not promote capillary action. The first face.
bond test and capillarity tests showed about 2 in. of capil- Brick No. 30 in Fig. 40 is called a matt, but it is really a rough
lary rise and tjOyobond. Brick taken from the pile used for rug that shows considerable leakage. It shows high capil-
the chimneys showed better bond and a capillary rise of about larity both ways. The drop test shows an unusually bad
in. head. The dye penetration indicates that the head joints are
As brick No. 28 showed up well in the chimney test, it was very bad. Bed-joint dyed areas are small compared with the
chosen for use in one of our buildings. When we went to the heads.
job, we found that the brick were not the same as those we had Figure 41 shows brick No. 24, a sanded brick. Capillary
used in the laboratory. There was a great deal of sand on the action is high and the drop test shows face and head the same,
brick, which had come directly to the job. The brick were both poor.
tested in the laboratory ; they had a great deal more capillary
action and did not show as good bond. Much of the sand (Text continued on p. 118)
April 1953 Bond und Surface Physics of Mason?y Units 115


I _-- -.
PLANS ' I' I' I' I' I'
I ' P-FU ' I II "+Hl5+55da---

& c-4-

c-2 EE333-
c-1- €EE€H lizEE# lEE333 EEEEl l3333
1 Fig.36 I BRICK N0.32


c-1- €EEEl E E 3 3 m €3EEEI i2EE3i4

I Fig, 37 1 BRICK N0.37

C -6
c-5- lF7EHEI l!!EEEH
"Zi c-4E!EEEEl €!HEEH

(Fig. 381 (SANDED)

Figs. 36-38. leaks and dyed areas in the indoor chimney tests.
116 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Thornton Vol. 36, No. 4


ELEVATION C L - 1 0 ' c7[-
xcri1-rl 0 n






$I c-5
w c-4
$ c-2

C - l E E € H E€€€H EEEEE4 EEE€H E 3 3 3 H-fr=Ms

I Fig. 41 I BRICK N0.24

Figs. 39-41. leaks and dyed areas in the indoor chimney tests.
April 1953 Bond and Surface Physics of Masonry Uwits 117


C -6

$i c-5
w c-4
q c-2


r Fig. 42 I BRICK N 0 . 2 3

w c-4
$ c-3
!$ c-2

c-1- EEEB EEEE! €EE€lB EEEm E333I





biW c-5

5 c-3

1 Fig. 441 (SAND MOLD)

Figs. 42-44. leaks and dyed areas in the indoor chimney tests.
118 Journal of The American Ceramic Society-Thorntoit VOl. 36, No. 4
Table 111. Mortar Tests *I OUTDOORS #2 INDOORS

Water Plasticity Strength,

Mortar Retention Flow ( % of flow, 28days
No. (Ox,) (in.) 20 min.) (Ib./so. in.)

1 80.0 8.0 -7.2 100.0 1410

2 83.72 8 . 3 -7.6 100.0 700
3 80.00 8 . 3 -7.44 94.6 1412
4 82.97 8 . 0 -7.32 88.4 1363
5 82.78 8.119-7.41 87.6 1905
6 81 .OO 8 . 2 9 -7.45 91.6 1937
7 76.3 8.218-7.219 98.4 1648

Brick No. 23 in Fig. 42 is a matt that has medium-high

capillarity and is also poor in the drop test on face, head, and
bed. The back is good. Note that although there is only
one leak with mortar No. 3 , the dyed area is only a little less Mold
than some with a great many leaks. Fig. 45. Outdoor and indoor chimney leak tests rhow-
Figure 43 shows brick No. 35, the rug that showed up badly ing total and 30-minute leaks.
in the outdoor test and also in the laboratory tests. In the
drop test the head and face show badly but the back and bed
are good.
Figure 44 indicates what happened with brick No. 4, a
sand-mold brick, which has been mentioned several times.
This experiment was made with mortar No. 3, the difference
being that the first panel was laid with brick as they came.
The brick in panel No. 2 were wetted before laying; the brick
i n panels Nos. 3 and 4 were wire-brushed.
There are thirteen leaks with the untreated brick, none with
the wetted brick, and an average of I1/z for the wire-brushed
panels. The 3G-minute leak is not counted, as it was dis-
coloration only. The dyed areas do not show so startling a
difference as the leaks, but the drop is really very good. The
areas are as follows: untreated, 905 sq. in.; wetted, 31% sq.
in.; and brushed, 458 sq. in. average.

IX. The Mortars

\?re have been asked why more mortars were not tried. Fig. 46. Average leaks and dyed areas showing that they follow
More were tried. Many were tcsted in the laboratory and copillarity rather closely.
those used that werc considered best for the chimney tests.
To try out those that were used took more than one hundred
Laboratory tests of the seven mortars used in the chimneys
provided the data shown in Table 111. These tests were made Brick Nos. 23 and 24 acted queerly; the 30-minute leaks
with Ottawa sand. decrease but the dyed areas soar. We have not been able to
analyze this action as yet.
X. Charts of Results of All Tests In the outdoor and indoor panels, there was a distinct dif-
A large number of leaks did not appear for more than an ference with brick No. 4. This was to be expected, as brick
hour. As we were not greatly concerned with leaks after 30 No. 4 varies a great deal. We have reason to believe that the
minutes, we charted the averages (Fig. 45) for the different action of wind and sun on outdoor work increases the capillary
brick and mortars in 30 minutes in both the outdoor and in- action and reduces bond with some types of brick.
door tests. This did not change greatly the order of results Brick No. 4, a sand-mold brick, has bothered us exceedingly.
obtained in charting the total number of leaks. It acts so differently a t different times.
Figure 46 shows a composite of the averages of leaks with Chimneys were built using this brick, each having one panel
the different brick and mortars, i.e., they are all on the same dry, one wetted, and one brushed, as referred to previously.
basis. Figure 46 shows where each brick stands in both tests, Figure 47 shows how the brick in the indoor test compare us-
the kind of brick, and the approximate capillarity of the ing one mortar, No. 3.
brick. Note that the leaks follow the capillarity rather closely. Leaks and dyed areas on the dye charts do not always run
Some seem to be slightly off, but most cases can be ex- parallel. In many cases where one mortar shows more leaks
plained, for example brick No. 28. In the first test, most of than another, the dyed areas are more nearly the same, and
the sand was rubbed off (leakage was low). In test No. 2, often, although only a few leaks actually appear, there are
care was taken to use brick that had not been handled to any many potential leaks.
extent and there was roughly three times the leakage and four
times the dyed areas. Brick No. 37, a sanded brick, XI. A Theory of What Happens
showed up badly in laboratory tests. Here the brick furnished The tests with sanded and sand-mold brick show very little
were difierent; the ends of most of the brick were smooth. bond when the brick are laid dry, although the suction rate is
A sand sludge is rolled onto this type of brick. Evidently the well within the accepted limit. Only a pin-point contact
side rollers became dry while this run went through. The seems to be obtained.
drop test ordinarily showed 2 seconds on the face and head. On a sand-surfaced brick, the globular particles give several
These brick show 2 seconds on the face and 63 seconds on the times more surface area than there is on a smooth surface and
head. thus take up more water. Moistening the brick mayvelieve
April 1953 Bond and Surface Physics of hfasonry Units 119



t t t l t

Fig. 48. Diagram illustrating theory of how water is drawn from

mortar to surface of sanded brick.

Fig. 47. Leaks for various brick with mortar No. 3. We believe that ways should be found to remove all loose
Note brick No. 4, a sand-mold brick, untreated, wetted, sand from brick, whether it is as fine as I40-mesh, as is found
and wire-brushed. in some sand-mold brick, or coarse, as is used in others. There
is no bond where there is loose sand. Sand is used in many
places to prevent sticking. In cast metal work, sand is used
the surface tension and allow the mortar to penetrate the small in the molds. In the brick industry sand is used extensively
openings. It is also possible that loose sand is removed dur- to keep the brick from sticking together, yet we are all
ing thc wetting process. shocked to find that this same sand acts in the same way with
If the brick are laid dry and the mortar does not fill the mortar.
small voids, high capillary action takes place and water may We have determined definitely that some of these brick
be drawn from the mortar to the edge of the brick; the high show a better bond when the sand is wire-brushed from them.
capillary action on the face carries it along where i t will dry We are trying to develop a mortar that will be satisfactory to
rapidly. This can pull sufficient water from the mortar so use with other rough brick, but we have no hope of improving
that it does not bond as in the case of brick of high suction, the bond when loose sand is on the brick. This is up to the
which we have always considered should be wetted before brick industry. Brick Nos. 28 and 4 have just as fine an ap-
laying. pearance without the sand. It can be removed. There may
Figure 48 shows what niay take place theoretically and is be other things that will have to be done, but i t will be well
not offcred as fact. Brick of high suction draws the water worth the time and effort that we have put into this work if the
from the mortar into the brick and poor bond results. A brick industry will carry on in an attempt to eliminate loose
brick of low suction, but with more surface area, pulls the sand.
water from the mortar, and the pin-point contact leaves a path When a heavily sanded brick was laid, it was noted that
to the surface where the water spreads out on the face of the when the brick was tapped to straighten it, sand fell off in
brick ; as it dries, more moisture follows. The result is very quantities on the mortar projecting from the bed joint. This
little or no bond. Some observations we have made have led mortar is cut off with a trowel and is used on the next head
us to believc that cracks hctween brick and mortar, usually joint. The mortar thus used contains considerable sand that
blamed on shrinkage, are really cases of no bond in the first is not mixed in. This may r e d t in a poor bond, especially if
place. the mortar is used in a partial head joint.
One contractor remarked that lie always wetted sand-mold Sanded brick that lies around the yard goes through freezing
brick. He had found that masons laid more brick when the and thawing, is rained on, is handled several times, sheds a
brick were wet. The reason lie gave was that they had to tool great deal of sand, and gives better bond than brick that goes
the joints too quickly, which backs up our contention that the directly to the job with little handling. The use of tongs
moisture is drawn out of the joint too quickly. tends to leave more sand on brick.
We have been able to answer some questions that have
XII. Discussion of the Problem bothered us, i.e., why can we lay a good wall that is impervious
We srcm to have discovered another reason why some of the to moisture a t one time and have disastrous results with the
sand-mold brick show up so poorly in bond. The diflerence same brick and mortar on another job?
between the well-burned brick and the underburned brick is Bad leakage with rug brick first called our attention to the
tremendous. We have obtained better bond with the well- relation of surface physics to permeability. There is a con-
burned brick and have found that loose sand falls off much siderable difference in rug finishes and the capillary action
more easily. The underburned brick have greater suction. varies a great deal. In some cases the brick are deeply scored
None of brick No. 4 show more than 12.18 gm. suction, but and then rerolled, leaving deep undercut cavities. Even when
some of brick No. 5 show much more than 20 gm. the brick are shoved into place, these cavities apparently are
I n the case of brick No. 5, a sand-mold brick, we find that not filled. This should not cause leakage unless there is a
many are used near where they are made with little difficulty. continuity of voids, which does happen, especially when the
The answer to this seems to be that it is the custom in that head joint is not full. The capillary action then can help
locality to use a much wetter mortar than masons elsewhere make a path for the entrance of water. Many rugs also pull
will use. the water from the joint by capillary action.
It can now be seen how the weather can affect bond. On Matt-texture brick act somewhat the same. When the
damp days there may be enough moisture on certain brick to brick are laid dry, the crevices are not filled. Our observa-
cut down the capillary action. Dry, windy days will increase tions indicate that heavy matts are in somewhat the same
it. class as rough rugs.
The brick do vary, and it has been shown definitely that Although mortar does not fill the grooves of vertically
when they are clean, good bond is obtained; when there is scored brick, we are not concerned about leakage of head
sand, the bond is poor. joints from bond or capillary action with this class of brick.
120 Journal of T h e American Ceramic Society-Thornton Vol. 36, No. 4
Thc smooth sections between the ribs give perfect bond and previous findings. Each time there has been concentration on
the only chance for capillary action and poor bond is in a ver- why this happened and in most cases an explanation has been
tical direction from the horizontal joints. Capillary action is found. All through the investigation, the finger has pretty
the rcsult of continuous roughness in the crevices. consistently pointed in the same direction. Our work has not
The holes in brick have been blamed for leakage. Our ex- been approached with the idea of proving something; i t has
periments showed some interesting things in this regard. been to learn the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
There is little doubt but that when the brick are laid in the Our experiments have been restricted to the effect of the
wall and the holes are near the surface, water can be pulled surface physics of the masonry units on the bond with mortar.
into the holes and does find its way down and into the wall if We believe that a relationship has been found, The point
there is poor bond. We do not believe that this is a major where this weakness in bond affects leakage on the job requires
reason lor leakage, but we do feel that holes in brick should not further work. Workmanship and the wedther will affect
be ncar the face. If the holes are a t least 1 in. from the face, permeability, as we have known; its effect is just understood a
we do not believe, with our present knowledge, that holes in little better. Poor mortars or good mortars, improperly used,
brick contribute materially to leakage. Later experiments and over-sanding of mortar are some of the large factors in
have shown that although the holes are not a cause of leakage, leakage.
they aid materially in the distribution of water. We believe that leakage is the problem of all in the construc-
The mortar used with the sand-mold brick did not stick to tion industry-the architect, the contractor, and the manu-
the frogs. Nearly all frogs were completely covered with the facturer of both mortars and masonry units. The tendency
dye. It is an odd coincidence that with one common brick has always been t o blame i t on the other fellow. Each one
thc mortar stuck t o the frogs. The only explanation we have must try to correct the weaknesses in his field.
for this is that in wetting these brick, considerable water is
absorbed and, since the frog is on the bottom, some of that XIII. Conclusions
moisture is added to the mortar. Let us review what seems to be apparent from our research
It was noted that the backs of some brick were scored. The work to date:
scores make i t almost impossible to fill the joints completely, (1) Mortar does not get into the voids of rough brick, re-
when using a slushed-in mortar backup. Better results were gardlessaf whether the voids are large as in rugs or small as in
obtained when brick had smooth backs. sand-finish brick,
A few interesting things have been discovered about tooling. (2) Capillary action of some brick surfaces draws moisture
T%rickthat showed few leaks in the %in. wall showed several in from the mortar before perfect bond can take place.
a 4-in. wall. Here i t was found that the bond was good for (3) Loose or removable sand on any faces of brick raises
about in. back from the face; then, if dye penetrated, it capillarity and reduces bond considerably, regardless of
ran along back of the line. This has led us to believe whether the sand is coarse or very fine.
that possibly the tooling compressed the mortar and made i t (4) For rough brick a mortar is needed with a sufficiently
less pernieable a t that point, but that i t tended to lilt the brick high workability to fill the voids on the face of the brick and
enough to affect the bond back of the 1/2-in.line. Both the 4- sufficient water retention to nullify the surface capillarity.
in. wall and the 8-in. wall weie tooled after the six courses were We hope that it can be found.
laid, but it was more than twice as long a time before the tool- ( 5 ) In head joints the poorer joint is the backup joint.
ing was done in the %in. wall than in the 4-in. wall. The time I n bed joints i t is the contact with the brick above, i t . , the
element in tooling secins to have a great deal to do with the first contacts are the best, usually by a high percentage.
over a11 bond. Advocate spreading short bed joints.
It is usually stated that head joints are the cause of most (6) Time in tooling is important. Tooling too quickly
wall leaks. From these experiments it is evident that there is breaks the bond.
another reason why hcad joints usually give trouble. Al- (7) You should advocate wetting mortar boards or advise
though the top and bottom of the brick are not always per- using metal or treated wood boards. Keep the water in the
fectly sinc~oth,they are smoother, except in sand-mold brick, mortar as long as possible.
and therefore give better bond than the rough finish of the (8) Some brick of low suction require wetting to obtain
ends of brick. We have found, however, that high capillarity proper bond. Test the brick and do not be ashamed to advise
of the face can cause poor bond in bed joints. wetting.
It is not common practice, of course, to fill head joints com- We have not advised stopping the use of any certain finish
pletely. Even when masons try to do good work and fill although we believe that it is necessary to modify some fin-
head joints, a perfect job cannot be expected. Brick with ishes, such as rough and deeply undercut rugs, rough matts,
high capillary action in walls where the head joints are not and heavily sanded brick, and to eliminate loose sand on any
filled are almost sure to cause troublc. brick.
IIcre a word might be said about efflorescence. It is the We hope that the permeability of masonry walls can be
symptom of a disease. Moisture must get into a wall and reduced. If this can be done to any extent, it will aid the
then come out to produceit. Let us try tokeep moisture from entire construction industry.
getting in. This does not, however, pardon the use of materials
containing free salts. Acknowledgment
Our invcstigations seem to have shown that the surface In this research work we have been fortunate in receiving aid
physics of masonry units does affect the bond between mortar and advice from a large number of persons: Edward Kryk, who
has conducted most of the experiments, and others of our col-
and brick units. Some cluestions have been answered that leagues in our company; F. S. Long, who worked with Mr.
have bccn uncxplainable before. It is possible that some of you Kryk, J. A. Kauer, W. T. Young, who built the chimneys,
will feel that what we have done is not conclusive. We do not and A. C. Fowler, of the staff of the Huron Portland Cement
blanie you; we did not belicvc it ourselves at first. We were Company; A. E. Pavlish, of Kelley Island Lime & Transport
Company; H. C. Plummer, of the Structural Clay Products
a littlc frightened. We thought that we had a disease without Institute; P. V. Johnson, of the Structural Clay Products Re-
a cure. search Foundation; Douglas Parsons and J. W. McBurney of
During our work we have found that this kind of research the National Bureau of Standards; and several brick dealers
can never be finished, as there is so much to learn. Each and manufacturers who have cooperated to the fullest extent.
We are happy that Mr. Johnson is working on these prob-
experiment shows us that several more should be made. lems in his laboratory. He can do many things we have been
Several times results were achieved that did not agree with unable to do.

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