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Nohemi Guadalupe Reyes Zambrano

Miss. Mari Carmen Monday June 13th 2011

Carpeta de evidencia


Tuesday February 8th 2011 Theme: Vitamins. Vitamins are important for graving properly and keeping your body healthy. Just by eating good foot you can get all the vitamins you need. Vitamins are very delicate and can be destroyed easily so it is also important keep prepare the food in just the right way.

Friday February 11th 2011. Theme: Review

/verb to be

Present simple, past and future.

I Yo. You Tu, usted, ustedes. He El. She Ella. It Eso. We Nosotros. They Ellos. Present to be I am Yo soy, yo estoy You are Tu eres, usted es, ustedes son, tu estas, usted esta, ustedes estn. He is El es, el esta She is Ella es, ella esta. It is Eso es, eso esta. We are Nosotros somos, nosotros estamos. They are Ellos son, ellos estan. Past to be I was Yo era, yo estaba. You wereTu eras, usted era, ustedes eran, tu estabas, usted estaba, ustedes estaban. He was El era, el estaba. She was Ella era, ella estaba.

It was Eso era, eso etaba. We were Nosotros eramos, nosotros estbamos. They were Ellos eran, ellos estaban. Future to be I will be Yo sere, yo estare. You will be Tu seras, usted ser, ustedes estar, tu estaras, usted estar, ustedes estarn. He will be El esta, el estar. She will be Ella esta, ella estar. It will be Eso sera, eso estara. We will be Nosotros seremos, nosotros estaremos. They will be Ellos estar, ellos estarn.

Friday February 18th 2011. Theme: Was

/ were.

1. Brad was excited about his trip to New York. 2. Penn Station was very busy when they arrived. 3. His parents were at the department store. 4. It was dark in Central Park at night. 5. The clowns at the circus were very funny. Brad and his parents were in line to see the State of Liberty.

Tuesday February 22th 2011. Theme: Verb


It duscusst with my boyfriend. You finish your home work. She decides to do her homework. He enjoys going to school cecyte.

I am going to dance. He enjoys listening music. You are going to eat.

Tuesday march 1st 2011. Theme: Regular


Los verbos regulars son aquellos que terminan con la terminacin ed y tienen 3 sonidos t, d y ed. El sonido t se usa en las siguientes letras o consonantes p, k, s, f, g, c, gh, ch, sh. El sonido ed se usa en las siguientes dos consonantes t, d. El sonido d se usa en el resto de las consonantes.

t Helped Belonged Worked Looked Passed Financed Finished Focused Introduced Managed Modified Practiced Discussed Blocker Endorser

d Called Learned Lived Curued Fired Followed Handled Hired Identified Incurred Informer Inscribed Installed Involved Organized

ed Wanted Needed Created Lasted Founded Indicated Invested Investiged Posted Presented Prevented Disregarded Drived Consented Directed

Monday march 14th 2011. Theme: Have

/ has Present perfect.

I have Yo he You have Tu has, usted ha, ustedes han. He has El ha She has Ella ha It has Eso ha We have Nosotros hemos They have Ellos han.

You have walked. She has been in Mexico. You have walked. We have gotten a house. Tuesday march 22th 2011. Theme: Have

/ has Present perfect.

I have eat. We have worked in my house. She has collected in the marked. I have eat a banana.

Friday march 25th 2011. Pasado Cut slpt Pasado simple cut Sleep Pasado participio Cut Sleep

Friday April 1st 2011. Theme: Past


Sujeto + has/ have+ verbo participio + complemento.-presente perfecto. Sujeto + had+ verbo participio + complemento.-pasado perfecto. I have had a cat. I had a cat. You had continued a house. We had declared a war.

Monday April 4th 2011. Theme: Present

perfect continuous.

Sujeto + have/ has + been + verbo en presente + complement. I have been eating cookies Exercises: You have been buying in Wal-Mart. She has been a walking in the bed. They have been bringing the cars.

Friday April 8th 2011. Theme: Present

perfect / past perfect / present perfect progressive / past perfect progressive.

1. The farmer has brought aloof the food. Present perfect

2. The pigs have been eating corn lately. Present progressive 3. I had fed the chickens and the ducks when the farmer arrived. Past perfect 4. He has been brushing the horses for a long time. Present progressive 5. The pigs have been plating in the mud when in began to rain. Present progressive

6. The students have worked quietly all morning. Present perfect 7. The mail man had been delivering the mail man in the snowstorm. Past progressive 8. The teacher has been helping Robert learn a difficult poem. Present progressive Monday may 9th 2011. Present perfect 1. She has indicated the direction. 2. We have in stalled the bathroom. 3. I have protected a the princess 4. You have replaced the car. 5. He has worked more. Present perfect progressive 1. We have been looking for you all day. 2. He has been here waiting for you the last two minutes. 3. She has been asking for Jose you know him. 4. We have been in San Diego for the last 3 years. 5. He has been in your car didnt you see him. 6. He has been in the store looking for you. 7. We have been working Arizona to long. 8. He has been fixing her car alone. 9. We have been seeing you do all that work. 10. She has been doing her homework all day. Past perfect 1. I had used clothes. 2. She had transference the bicycle. 3. They had declared a war. 4. You had continued a house. 5. She had created my dress. Past perfect progressive 1. We had been here all day. 2. He had been doing all the work. 3. She had been driving for four hours. 4. He had been her car all day.

5. We had been asking for you. 6. We had been in the school all day. 7. She had been looking for her glasses. 8. He had been working. 9. We had been buying tools. 10. She had been answering phone calls all day.

Friday may 20th 2011.

Theme: Primer


If you study you will past the exam.- Si estudias, aprobaste el examen. El primer condicional es como una probabilidad. If + presente simple + complemento +, + will +verbo presente. If i have time, I will visit main parents. If it is warm tomorrow, we will go to the beach.

Monday may 23th 2011. Theme: Voz


La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado mas en participio del verbo principal. Sintaxis: sujeto + verbo to be + pasado participio + complemento. Example: 1. The pizza is eaten.. 2. I was given a book. 3. The cat is powered. 4. The ball is thrown. 5. The book is red. 6. The hamster is cherished. 7. The car is driven. 8. The candles are blown. 9. The film is regarded. 10. The nuts are eaten. 11. A letter is written by tom 12. The computer is used by John.

Monday may 30th 2011. Theme: Segundo condicional. Sintaxis: If + pasado simple + would + verbo principal. If I didnt want to go, I would tell you

Si no quisiera ir, te dira. If saw her, I would ask her out. Si la viera la invitara a salir. If they wont lottery. They wouldnt work any more. Si ellos ganaran la lotera, no trabajaran.

Theme: Tercer condicional. If + will + verbo presente. If + would + verbo pasado simple. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. If I were in Brazil, I would go to Rio de Janeiro. If I were you, I would buy that car. If the were my place, he wouldnt do this. If she had more time, she would travel more often.

Tuesday may 31th 2011. Theme: Wh

question who / whom.

Whoy whom son siempre pronombres (es decir le que le sigue un nombre), y se refieren siempre a personas. Example: Who are you? - Quin es usted? Whom were you remarks addressed? - A quien dirigirias tus comentarios? Whos Es el genitive de who puede funcionar como pronombre o como adjetivo. Whos are these bags? -De quien son estas bolsas? Whos basg are these? Which/ what Al contrario que who (m), which puede funcionar como adjetivo o como pronombre y puede referirse tanto a personas como objetos. Which actor do you mean? - A que actor te refieres? Which of the actors do you mean? - A cual de los actores te refieres?

Monday June 6th 2011 Theme: Question


Los questions tag son pequeas frases o preguntas que se colocan al final de una oracin afirmativa o negativa y que generalmente tienen como objetivo confirmar o negar el contenido de la frase misma. Es el equivalente al "verdad?" o "no?" en espaol. It's a beautiful day, isn't it? -Es un bonito da, verdad? Sintaxis: Verbo auxiliar + pronombre: Para formar la "question tags" utilizamos los verbos auxiliares (be, have, do, will, would, can could, etc.) y a continuacin el pronombre personal sujeto. Example: -Mary is at home, isn't she?Para formar las 'Question tags' siempre se utilizan verbos auxiliares: have, was, will etc. Ten cuidado con "do", "does" y "did", porque aunque no aparezcan en la frase afirmativa, hay que ponerlos en la "question tag" en negativo: She works on Saturday, doesn't she? - Trabaja los sbados, no? William will be here son, won't he? - William estar aqu pronto, no? You haven't got a car, have you? - No tienes coche, verdad? There was a lot of traffic, wasn't there? - Haba mucho trfico, verdad?

Tuesday June 7th 2011. Theme: Proposicion


By indica el ultimo momento de hora o fecha en que una accin ser finalizada, normalmente es similar al significado before. By se usa generalmente con tiempos futuros. I will have finishid my Project by Saturday. Debo terminar mi proyecto para el sabado They will be here by five chock pm.- Ellos estaran aqui para las 5 pm. They letter will be delivered by Friday.- La carta sera entregada antes de el viernes. Try to be there by thurday. trata de estar alli para el jueves.

Friday June 10th 2011. Theme: Might

/ May


Might / may Este verbo expresa probabilidad o posibilidad, se utiliza cuando queremos decir podra, quizs, puede que se pueda utilizar su forma pasada might prcticamente con el mismo significado aunque hay un mayor grado de posibilidad. He might be at home.- El podria estar en casa He may be at home.- El puede estar en casa Tambin es una manera de pedir permiso ms formal. En cambio may es informal pero es ms comn. May i make a call?- Puedo hacer una llamada? Forma negative: He may not he have?-El no puede estar aqu? Would 1. Would es otro de los verbos auxiliares modales para ofrecer o invitar. Would you like something to drink? - Quieres algo de beber? 2. Para decir una preferencia. I would like to be rich.- Me gustaria ser rico. 3. Se usa para formar condicional. If that car was cheaper i would buy it, - Si ese coche fuera barato lo compraria. Could Se usa para expresar una probabilidad o condicin y significa podra, puede, podr y pudiera. Sintaxis: Sujeto + could / have + pasado participio. I could have e ating that sndwich. Yo pude aber comido ese sandwich.

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