Assignment (Villamor)

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Name: Lady Mae L.

CN: 5322


Many universities and colleges worldwide suspended classroom teaching due to the
novel coronavirus pandemic and switched to online teaching. The epidemic of COVID-
19 has impacted education at all levels. Billions of students are affected by educational
institutions around the world that have either temporarily closed or imposed localized
restrictions. Many institutions throughout the world have postponed or canceled all
campus activities in order to reduce the number of people on campus and hence the
risk of virus transmission. However, due to financial and digital gap, many students are
unable to attend online learning due to a lack of either the resources or the devices.

The study's aim is to identify the impact of online learning on students' academic
performance in online classes during the pandemic. These impacts include the fact that
technology is not always efficient, that it is more difficult for students to absorb concepts
being taught, that online learning can lead to social disconnection, and that students
may not develop good communication. Aside that, students must have high-speed
internet access at home to participate in online learning, which can be extremely difficult
if it is not accessible. A student's internet connection may go down abruptly, preventing
them from sending in an assignment on time or causing them to miss class. The
student's education and grades suffer as a result of this.
According to (Rothstein 2004; Putnam 2015; Reardon 2011; García and Weiss
2017) The shutdown of schools, compounded by the associated public health and
economic crises, poses major challenges to our students and their teachers. Our public
education system was not built, nor prepared, to cope with a situation like this—we lack
the structures to sustain effective teaching and learning during the shutdown and to
provide the safety net supports that many children receive in school. While we do not
know the exact impacts, we do know that children’s academic performance is
deteriorating during the pandemic, along with their progress on other developmental
skills. We also know that, given the various ways in which the crisis has widened
existing socioeconomic disparities and how these disparities affect learning and
educational outcomes, educational inequities are growing. As a consequence, many of
the children who struggle the hardest to learn effectively and thrive in school under
normal circumstances are now finding it difficult, even impossible in some cases, to
receive effective instruction, and they are experiencing interruptions in their learning that
will need to be made up for.
Petrie (2020) stated that many students at home/living space have undergone
psychological and emotional distress and have been unable to engage productively.
As stated by (Sintema, 2020). The level of academic performance of the students is
likely to drop for the classes held for both year-end examination and internal
examination due to reduced contact hour for learners and lack of consultation with
teachers when facing difficulties in learning/understanding.

The main focus of this research is all about the achievement goal theory (AGT) is
commonly used to understand the student’s performance, and it is proposed by four
scholars Carole Ames, Carol Dweck, Martin Maehr, and John Nicholls in the late
1970s (Elliot, 2005). The aim of this theory is used to investigate the impact of online
class that influence students' academic performance and the academic progress of the
students. Students do better if they are aware of the elements that influence their
performance, according to this theory.

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